Editor’s Note This year has been crazy. To say the very least! But it has been an eye opener! It has redefined what is important! Take time to be in the moment! Love those around you and work hard! We have always known our words have Power! But as our world shut down and closed up, we found out more and more the power of positivity and love! If we are true to ourselves and use our words wisely, we can create the world we dream of. A world of love and peace. A world better for the next generation. So, pick up your pen, open your mouth and share your story!
Teresa Hawley-Howard CEO of WOM Enterprises Publisher, Author and Writing Coach
Teresa Hawley Howard is a best-selling author, blogger, empowerment coach, and radio host. She lives in Murchison Texas with her husband Rickey. She is a mom and a Mimi. www.WOMEnterprises.com
Coming 2020
Tribute Magazine Celebrates
Angela Washington “When life gave me lemons, I perfected lemonade!”
I am a mother, a mentor and lover of life, this is Angela Washington. Although, I am so much more than the three preceding adjectives, these descriptions are the dominant parts of me. A mother of two adult children, I can say I learned the most about life from my daughter and son. They taught me that being a mother is so much more than being a provider, caregiver, and life example; it is learning to trust your child’s choice over what you think is best. I learned that it did not make me less of a mother to apologize for my mistake, it made me human.
Growing up in rural Fairfield, FL., my best friend was my fraternal grandfather, Oliver Washington. My church was the front yard of grass, and my congregation was my granddaddy, as I imitated the preacher countless times. Our time together was short lived because in 4th grade granddad died. This was the first time I felt anger. My best-friend died, the only person I knew loved me and listened to me is gone. People underestimate the loss of a grandparent to a grandchild. It can be extremely hard at first. The memories can resemble a piece of candy to bring a smile on an adult’s face.
The summer of 1976 was my breakout season, or at least I thought so. I moved from an, out-house and country roads to an apartment with inside plumbing and paved roads. Little did I know, changing my address is not necessary an upgrade. My grandmother never cursed, drank, smoked, and practiced being a good
Christian. My mom smoked weed, cigarettes, drank and practiced suicide more than once. I had the latest outfits and the latest heartbreaks. So often, I smiled, laughed but I was not happy. I wore my smile like I wore a blouse and pants. It was decades before many of my friends would know that I had to fight my mom’s boyfriend when she was in the hospital for a few days. It was decades before my friends would know my mom shoot herself, jumped from the 2nd floor and took a handful of pills, attempting suicide. Was I strong, dedicated or just trying to survive? I think it was a little of all three.
I made it through all the craziness to be a person that believed in hope, change and forgiveness. Talking to strangers would be easy because I could feel their pain as I shared mine. Talking about the unspoken family secrets would be the way I connected to women in domestic violence shelters. My pain would make me stronger. My pain would be the medicine for someone else. My pain would be the repeated theme in the majority of God blessed me to write. My pain would be the catalyst to the creation of Angel of Words; a company that embraces the broken educates the loss and praises with the thankful.
What would you like to spotlight? My business - Angel of Words Tell us about it.
Women and men who are looking for a way out of that dark room life has trapped them in, I help them find the door of light and opportunity. The young person that does not know how to process the anxiety they feel because of family situations, peer pressure or low self-esteem, Angel of Words, teaches them that poetry and art are ways to relieve stress and express what words cannot say. Art is an outlet that needs no explanation most times. When they do not want to talk about what hurts them, now. They can write about what will help them, later.
I recall in 2017, I met with a group of domestic violence survivors, at a private location with a security guard outside. It was eye-opening to be at this location and see the van they road in with dark tinted windows. Many, if not all, left with the clothes on their backs and their children clinging to their hands. They had to be protected from being recognized because their lives were at stake. My job was to give them hope, ease their anxiety, and prepare them for the tearful days ahead. I was prepared for that because I had already lived parts of their
stories. As I shared being a victim of incest as a child, they watched me closely. When my voice cracked and my eyes filled with tears, they felt my pain. Some even gasped as I talked about my mother being arrest for murder, after she protected herself when her boyfriend hit her in the head with a billiard ball and grabbed the shotgun to shoot her. Surely, many of them had been threated before they ran for their lives. They watched me so closely; I think they counted each breath I took. I hope they listened closely to the words of hope that concluded my conversation. I recited my first published poem, “You Can.� This inspirational poem encourages the reader to believe that the impossible is possible. In their case, living without getting hit is possible, being loved without being belittled is possible and having children health and emotionally happy is possible. As always, I open the floor for questions.
Only one lady asked a question. She wanted to know how she could learn to forgive her husband who had sexually and physically abused her and their children. My God, what a strong woman to ask this question in front of other women they saw her daily. They may overlook her being assaulted but judge her harshly for allowing her children to be abused. I opened my heart with words of honesty; therefore, this lady was honest too. I explained that forgiveness is not for the abuser but for the abused. Releasing the anger was really releasing guilt and shame. Forgiveness is not automatic for most; it takes counseling and hard work. We talked. We cried. We connected. A few months later, I was on a panel with other domestic violence speakers and saw most of the same ladies, again. This is the beauty of connection; people want you to come back.
Tell me something you have overcome or success you have achieved.
July 2018, I had a speaking event in Norcross, Georgia. During the same timeframe, I was taking my mother back to her hometown in Uvalde, GA. My mother had attempted suicide three times between 1977 and 2000. She had been on antidepressants and schizophrenic meds for decades, but we would have a breakthrough on this trip. My mother had never attended any of my events before. She sat still as I told the audience of her triple suicide attempts, her struggle with a self-defense acquittal, crack addiction and abusive relationships. I could tell by the faces of the attendees that thought she was deceased.
I closed my speech by informing the audience that with the right meds, therapy and a person that will not give up, a family can survive. I asked my mom to stand up so they could see she was a victor and not a victim. She seemed to struggle with a host of emotions, shame, shock, and acceptance. They gave her a standing
ovation. It was amazing! Later, mom was dancing. I could not believe it. Is this the same lady that constantly complained about back and legs pains? It cannot be her! A few more ladies share their suicide attempts and how their husbands and children were hurt, disappointed but supportive. As we road to her hometown, she said to my surprise, “That just how I felt.” I looked with a puzzled face. She followed up by saying, “Just like those ladies, no one understands why I did what I did and what I felt.” OK, I got it now. There was a breaking of the emotional dam. We talk opening about mental illness and emotional pain, now. We did not do that before. As a family, we became stronger that day and wiser.
What would you like to achieve in 2020?
Being a co-author of three books on mental health has been a great achievement, especially since each book address different aspects of mental illness, such as anxiety, domestic abuse, low self-esteem, post-partum depression, HIV, and sexual identity. My next goal is to reach children in secondary schools to teach them how poetry is therapeutic.
Poetry is an artistic expression of what a person feels, do not understand, and/or cannot change. So often, young people just cannot process what they feel or why the people closest to them do the things they do. Especially, during the pandemic, people are stressed, facing eviction, starvation, and domestic abuse. Stress exaggerates any pre-existing condition and leads to addictive behavior and health problems. Hopefully, before the end of the years, the schools will allow me to talk with their students and help them learn how to use poetry, or any art form to release stress and stay healthier.
Social Media Links angelawashington9555@instagram https://m.facebook.com/AngelaWashingtonAngelofWords amazon.com/author/angelawashington
Website and contact info https://www.angelofwords.com 678-614-1927
Dr. Kasthuri Henry, PhD, CTP, Six Sigma Black Belt “Let your soul enkindle another� I am driven by my mission of Building to Last and Ennobling for Success. My ability to understand the importance of first developing the being and then bringing that authentic self to all the doing makes me a sought-after member of Forbes Coaches Council. I am a compassionate human being who believes everyone should have the opportunity to fulfill their life purpose and live an authentic life fearlessly with the right to not be defined by a single story. I am an accomplished international finance and change management executive as well as a graduate school professor who trains organizations and coaches individuals across the world to grow with mindfulness demonstrating good governance to balance the interest of the individual, organization, and society for sustained mutual prosperity. I share my wisdom filled lessons to help others live an ennobled, empowered, and positive life by drawing from my life journey starting with a civil war to becoming a US CFO in my new book Ennobled for Success. A centered approach to solving life’s challenges is the theme of my weekly podcast Unleash your Inner Goldilocks: How to get it just right.
What would you like to spotlight? Your business? Your book? Your Event? I would like to spotlight my book “Ennobled for Success” and the transformational journey undertaken by layering in coaching, and other tools for those seeking a purposeful life in a noisy everchanging world.
Tell us about it. Ennobled for Success is a reminder never to let our circumstances and attitudes of others define us. Triumphant life journey of a young girl caught up in an island civil war of Sri Lanka to becoming a US CFO and then going on to live a life of purpose to be the change underpins the book. However, the purpose of the book is to help readers take a journey within and find themself and relate to that “inner being” in an authentic manner so as to courageously embrace one’s soul and live life to its fullest. Understanding (1) how gratitude helps rewire one’s brain chemistry to turn each roadblock into steppingstones and transform beyond circumstances, (2) how valuing kindness, compassion, and empathy instills leadership virtues for success, (3) how being able to see with ones heart and smile with ones’ eyes cultivates a climate to be ennobled by everyday heroes and ennoble fellow travelers of life, (4) how to build resilience to draw from within with the unwavering faith that all that is needed to succeed is already within us (5) how to make choices from centeredness to be mindful of the consequences to self and others, (7) how to live a life of meaning and cultivate a garden blossoming with authentic relationships to seek lasting peace and happiness, and much more are woven into a rich tapestry through storytelling and lessons learned. Every human interaction is an opportunity for our transformation. Our continued transformation is only hindered by our self-imposed limitations and blind spots. The process of getting ennobled to bring out our noble qualities helps us take flight towards our purpose while being anchored to our authentic self.
Tell me something you have overcome or success you have achieved. Being born a persecuted minority Tamil Hindu girl in a war ravaged island, becoming a refugee child in my motherland, having to disguise myself as a Muslim child to survive, leaving home and family around seventeen years of age to live, learn, and grow up alone in India while adjusting to different languages, culture, norms, and way of life or eventually making my way to the US and becoming a young CFO in my early thirties, being recognized as Finance Executive of the Year, leading M&A activities for Fortune 100 companies like Berkshire Hathaway, and teaching graduate school are what the world sees as success. To me, success is “Connecting with my BEING to purposefully channel my DOING” and “knowing that the light in my soul lights up my path daring me to shine on” is the true accomplishment. It is knowing what matters, and what is lasting. Then living an unapologetic life of gratitude wrapped in kindness, compassion, and empathy in a world that considers them human weakness is the mark of courageous triumph!
What would you like to achieve in 2021?
By delivering key notes, workshops, and coaching, I would like to help others find their purpose and transform to live their life purpose with courageous optimism and gratitude where their being is aligned and at peace with all they are doing.
Then bring forth additional books that a both thought provoking and transformative to shape the shared prosperity of our mutually dependent global society.
Tell me all of your social media links Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrKasHenry LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-kasthuri-henry-phd-mba-ctp-6-sigma-black-belt-2028b06/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrKasthuri Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/henrykasthuri/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtZZPdBCo_OTyccJLqEJc-A Website: https://kashenry.com/EnnobledForSuccess/ Email: kas@kashenry.com
Carmell Pelly “Life is always pushing, pulling, and carrying you. Pushing you to find your healing, pulling you to your purpose and carrying you to your destiny. Tests and trials are necessary to reveal the best within you.�
Carmell is a Podcaster, Author, Recovery Advocate, and Certified Recovery Coach. Passionate about helping women and men step into their power by finding their voice to be seen and heard, Carmell is an advocate for self-transformation and success with over 15 years of sobriety. What would you like to spotlight? Your business? Your book? Your Event? My Book!
Tell about it The inspiration behind Indulge Mocktails arose during the pandemic as I found myself confined within four walls, like most of the world, planted at home. The days became long, and I soon began to explore new ways to keep busy. The kitchen became a focal point as I immersed myself in creative cooking most of the time with my two sons, ages 4 and 21. In the pre-pandemic era, my days were spent speaking, podcasting, and traveling in pursuit of spreading awareness on empowerment among women and the esthetics of sobriety.
So, naturally, I had hesitation. I actively talk and campaign passionately about sobriety. Asking myself “Was a recipe book consisting of mocktails going to make sense?� I soon realized that this would be a perfect fit. Not only for those in sobriety, but this recipe book could be fun for everyone. This book is the kind of beauty that I have been fortunate to have created during this time at home. This is the beauty I want to share with you without compromising the values that I hold so dear.
Tell me something you have overcome or success you have achieved.
I am an advocate for self-transformation and success with over 15 years of sobriety.
What would you like to achieve in 2018? Balance! Social media links https://www.instagram.com/carmellpelly/ https://www.facebook.com/RecoveryLifestyles/ https://twitter.com/Carmell_Pelly Tell me your website and contact info CarmellPelly.com carmell@carmellpelly.com
Dr. Cheryl Lentz I am Dr. Cheryl Lentz, author, scholar, international keynote speaker, business owner, and university professor, known as The Academic Entrepreneur.
What inspired you to write your book? The challenge with doctoral level research is its length and in its complexity. Few will invest the time to dig deeper into a 300+ page academic study written within doctoral academic speak. Hence, much of this amazing research gets stuck in the hallowed halls of academia.
We offer a solution for doctoral scholars and business owners---we build this connection. Our passion is to get doctoral research off the coffee table and out of the hallowed halls of academia to reach a broader audience, particularly within the business community. Our goal with The Refractive ThinkerÂŽ series for doctoral scholars is to build a bridge to connect those who conduct academic research with the business owners in desperate need answers.
Our mission is to offer a premier publishing solution for doctoral scholars to publish their research in an easy to understand format to reach beyond the walls of academia into the business communities to provide answers to many of the questions business leaders ask.
The topic of social media in particular is fascinating as it is simply a way of using communication systems to achieve one’s goals. We all use systems to ensure that we
accomplish all that we intend to do. Why not learn more about how to create effective systems within social media to work smarter, not harder?
What do you want others to get out of your book?
This peer-reviewed publication offers readers insights and solutions to various challenges within the fascinating world of social media. Our hope is for you to find answers regarding these unique challenges managers and leaders face in finding effective strategies to change the world through communication and the use of the various social media platforms society depends on. Within these pages, scholars will offer insights regarding new and emerging trends in social media regarding cybersecurity considerations, marketing, social media addiction, consumer buying behavior, the impacts in higher education, the view through the lens of the entrepreneur, and the use of social media by Millennials as a strategic tool to act. Let these scholars help you find more effective ways forward.
Who is your audience?
Our primary audience includes student attending institutions of higher learning, and the faculty who teach them. The Refractive Thinker® series also appeals to business owners and leaders –specifically those in the world of social media who seek answers to the questions many doctoral scholars ask in their research. We are matchmakers—to connect those asking the questions with those who have found the answers.
Are you planning another book? Yes, our next book in the series will be The Refractive Thinker® Vol XX: Crisis Management: Effective Business Solutions for Emergency Situations with a publishing date of Spring 2021.
Where can we get your book?
Amazon.com, as well as Barnes and Noble.com; be sure to join us for our Book Signings, perhaps in the Spring of 2021. http://refractivethinker.com/authors/dr-cheryl-a-lentz/ https://twitter.com/DrCherylLentz https://www.facebook.com/Dr.Cheryl.Lentz email: drcheryllentz@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/drcheryllentz/ https://www.YouTube.com/DrCherylLentz www.DrCherylLentz.com
What is one thing you would tell others if they want to write? We cannot serve others if we dare not risk being vulnerable to share our message with the world. Too many of us listen to the voices in our heads and doubt our worthiness. Will my message be good enough? The answer is yes. The world is need of your message to lead them forward. Believe in yourself. The world is waiting.
Dr. RJ Jackson Happiness starts in the mind! Hi! I am Dr. RJ Jackson. I am a board-certified orthodontist and a certified teen Life Coach. My mission is to create smiles on the outside and on the inside.
What would you like to spotlight? Your business? Your book? Your Event? My book, How to Train Your Superhero
Tell us about it. How to Train Your Superhero teaches our youth that they have to power to experience the one emotion that all of us desire, and that is happiness. Happiness starts with our thoughts.
Tell me something you have overcome or success you have achieved.
My best success has been creating smiles on the outside (as an orthodontist) and on the inside (as a life coach). What would you like to achieve in 2021? Impacting the lives of 10,000 teenagers.
Social media links Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SmileInOut Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Ateensperspective/ Instagram: instagram.com/drrjsmile/
Website and Contact info www.drrjjackson.com
Regina Mullen Hello my name is Regina Mullen and I am an empowerment coach. I have been coaching over 10 years... I enjoy what I do and I'm good at it. I do because I have overcome many Life Tragedies. I think my life tragedies have caused me to seek and learn methods. So, I now can empower help women be delivered from these circumstances that might have a self-defeated and depressed in life. So far, I have been able to help hundreds of women become self-confident live with very high self-esteem live their dreams and Any increase the monthly income by hundreds and thousands of dollars. When you know more you can do more, and when you enjoy You can do more and have more with ease, flow and clarity, and that's what I do when you are being coached by me.
I'm inspired by a lot of things. I am inspired by my family. I am inspired by the women that never give up. I am inspired by being a better me every day I missed, and by being a walking miracle. For all the things that I have overcame, I still believe in walking a path of unconditional love. That I’m a woman that walks the walk and talks the talk; thus, a beautiful person to be and I love that about me. I may spire to live my very best life and to leave a legacy of unconditional love.
I will leave as my legacy, generational wealth to my Children and grandchildren to be and to have Powerful, positive, and successful mindsets; that stand for Justice and continuously make improvements in their lives and in the lives of others also, and to have empowered over a million women to live their very best life.
Contact Info: EMAIL: PCGINA2000@YAHOO.COM PHONE: (225) 250 9557
Social Media Tips
Be true to your brand and your message
Have a Marketing budget for each month!
Share on all your social media
Be courteous and polite
Share your story and change the world!
Coming In December
Jennifer Stowell “Go to where the love is.” I am Jennifer Stowell is a entrepreneurial person who is driven to serve; I’ve served through a variety of community leadership endeavors such as Rotary International, and I’m someone who is very inspired by my loving family, especially my brother, who is a talented law enforcement professional.
What would you like to spotlight? Your business? Your book? Your Event? My Book - Driven To Serve Tell us about it. In recent years, the police have been under fire like we’ve never seen before. They have faced relentless riotous protests, threats of defunding and disarming, and even outright abolishment. Like any organization, our nation’s police departments are bound to have a few bad apples— but by far, the millions of men and women who serve in law enforcement do everything they can to set a good example.
Unfortunately, it is usually only those that transgress who receive mass media attention, while the heroic efforts of the majority go unnoticed. It is the express purpose of this book to shine a light on these unsung heroes. Here we put the spotlight on those who have given their lives to be the best police officer they can be. They are driven to serve. These are a few perspectives on what it takes to live life on the beat. This book will hopefully provide inspiration for the aspiring law enforcement industry professional as well as the seasoned officer. As for non-law enforcement, you will gain perspectives told in uncertain times.
Social Media links LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-stowell-mpa/ Website and contact info DriventoServeBook.com, Thefallenheroes.org, Jennifer@JenniferStowell.com
Jerry B. Bowden
“Life is like a Wish Sandwich. You are given a beginning and an end slice of life. The ingredients you choose to put into your life’s sandwich is entirely up to you. You always have choices.”
Jerry B. Bowden is an author, speaker, singer, and tech founder who overcame poverty, abuse, and addiction, to experience his days of glory as a professional singer, sharing the stage with the Temptations.
What would you like to spotlight? Your business? Your book? Your Event? My book, ‘Wish Sandwich - A Black Man’s Journey From Ghetto To Glory’
Tell us about it.
Wish Sandwich is a 2020 novel by Jerry B. Bowden. The African-American title character retells adventures ranging from growing up in a Children’s Home in the Bronx, to escaping the violent streets of Brooklyn, to entering a war zone in Vietnam, to singing on stage with The Temptations; overcoming poverty, violence, and abandonment to experiencing enlightenment through higher education, and embracing true love. It is a non-stop action-adventure that will touch your heart and keep you guessing, while reinforcing the importance of keeping an open mind and choosing to fight for your dreams.
Tell me something you have overcome or success you have achieved.
I was the first in my family to achieve higher education, and the highlight of my singing career was when I got to sing on stage with the Temptations. What would you like to achieve in 2021?
I would like to speak to large groups of young people to inspire and motivate them to look at life and their future differently.
Social Media links Face book: https://www.facebook.com/jerrybbowden/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jerry-b-bowden-174a1770/ Website and Contact info https://jerrybbowden.com jerry@jerrybbowden.com
Shauna Cuch “Know thyself from within and you will discover the Creator in you.” Or “We quickly take on blame, shame and guilt, yet we resist our freedom to access love, light, and truth” Or ‘Shadows one job is to keep us from our love, our light, and our truth”
My name is Shauna Cuch. What would you like to spotlight? Your business? Your book? Your Event? My event called Relationship Alchemy Tell about it No matter how difficult your circumstances are in relationships, I can support you or your loved one in achieving emotional mastery that includes seven levels of listening to either heal the past or help simplify the process of uncoupling a toxic and painful relationship that is going nowhere before you invest in lawyers.
Tell me something you have overcome or success you have achieved. I came from a multi-generational polygamous culture of severe abuse, oppression, and shame for selfexpression, to a place of empowering men and women in any circumstance to heal and shift toxic dysfunctional relationships to self-mastery and emotional sovereignty.
What would you like to achieve in 2021? Have a greater impact in the world by sharing my message in front of thousands and on a Ted Talk. Also, to duplicate myself by training facilitators all over the world to do the work I do. Tell me all of your social media links Facebook is Journey into the Heart, Instagram is journeyintotheheart7 Tell us your website and contact info www.journeyintotheheart.net, shauna@journeyintotheheart.net 801 651 0539 Text first
Talia McFadden My name is Talia S. McFadden. I am 39 years born June 1981. I am happily married, a mother to a handsome 14-year-old son. I am the daughter to Bishop Tony & Sherian McFadden. I have 9 nieces and nephews whom I love with all my heart. I have 2 grandparents and so many loving aunts, uncles, and BFF’s.
What Inspires You?
My Inspiration is my God whom gives me the strength and gives me life. My son who I live for, and my nieces and nephews. What do want to leave as your legacy? My love for God, I was strong and accomplished so much at a young age. I want my son to be able to look up and be proud of his mother. Nothing can stop you but you! Contact info. Talia McFadden (631)575-0143 Email: mrstmaccdavis@gmail.com
In the world we live in sharing our stories are more important than ever before in history. Throughout time storytelling has been important. The elders handed down tradition, folklore and legend to the next generation. It prepared them for life. It taught them lessons and how to handle life situations. But somewhere along the way this art form was lost. We no longer value this treasure. We no longer listen to stories in our busy fast paced life. This is the reason our society and world are in the current condition. When we share our stories, we learn about each other. We learn the struggles and obstacles others have overcome. We are empowered and inspired by their words. We are touched by their honest and transparency! If we take the time to share our stories; we will change the world! We will discover the similarities in all people! We all love, we all cry, we all mourn, we all celebrate, we all bleed red! Once we realize our similarities; we can be more tolerable of our differences. We can learn from each other. We can appreciate the beauty in everyone. We can learn to celebrate what makes each of us unique and beautiful and not to hate or condemn. Every single person in the world has a story to share. Will you step out and be brave and share yours with the world?
Available on Amazon