Issue No. 4 Winter 2017
Focus on Your Goals Your Business and Your Purpose
Editor’s Note This issue we are helping you to FOCUS! Focus on your goals, your life, your business and your dreams! You are the author of your story. So, you get to choose! You set the pace. You make the decisions! You set the tone. You take all the chances!
So, take time today, and let’s FOCUS on what you want. Do you know? Do you have any idea? Are you on the right path? Are you headed in the right direction? Are you living your purpose? Are you following your heart? Are you doing what makes you happy? Or just what pays the bills?
Once you answer these questions and answer them honestly. You will be able to set goals, make plans, and start on your journey! Your life is up to you! Where you go and What you leave as a legacy is your decision! But you must learn to make the right decisions, to take action, and to move in the direction of your dreams and your desires! Choose to live your life on your terms! To make it your legacy. To own your truth and your choices! But remember you will also be responsible for the consequences! So choose carefully! But choose! Don’t let someone else dictate your life, your destiny and your dreams! You be the author of your life! Teresa Hawley-Howard CEO of WOM Enterprises Publisher, Author and Coach
Inside this issue: ShareYour Story
What is Sensitive Skin
Breaking The Code of Silence
Networking Business Card Tips
Positive Thinking is Good for your Health
You: An Awesome Creation
Learning to FOCUS in 2017
Teen Scene!
Book Reviews for Winter 2017
ISSN 2381– 4667 (print) ISSN 2381– 4675 (online)
SHARE YOUR STORY DISCOVER OUR SIMILIARITIES AND CELEBRATE OUR DIFFERENCES Teresa Hawley-Howard In the world we live in sharing our stories are more important than ever before in history. Throughout time storytelling has been important. The elders handed down tradition, folklore and legend to the next generation. It prepared them for life. It taught them lessons and how to handle life situations. But somewhere along the way this art form was lost. We no longer value this treasure. We no longer listen to stories in our busy fast paced life. This is the reason our society and world is in the current condition. When we share our stories we learn about each other. We learn the struggles and obstacles others have overcome. We are empowered and inspired by their words. We are touched by their honest and transparency! If we take the time to share our stories; we will change the world! We will discover the similarities in all people! We all love, we all cry, we all mourn, we all celebrate, we all bleed red! Once we realize our similarities; we can be more tolerable of our differences. We can learn from each other. We can appreciate the beauty in everyone. We can learn to celebrate what makes each of us unique and beautiful and not to hate or condemn. Every single person in the world has a story to share. Will you step out and be brave and share yours with the world?
Teresa Howard is a published author of several books. She has a foundation, Take Action with Teresa, which helps domestic violence survivors. Sharing her story of survival and triumph that will inspire and help other women to overcome any obstacles in their lives! All her books are available on her website
What Is Sensitive Skin? Many people complain of sensitive skin because they have burning or irritation when certain products are applied directly to their skin. Other times, there are no signs of outward irritation but a chief complaint of tightness or it just feels uncomfortable on contact. But there is much more to being diagnosed by a physician for true “sensitive skin.” Dermatologists are going to be looking for more evidence of “sensitive skin” by indicators on the dermis and the condition of the facial nerves. For the most part, there are three (3) tell-tale signs of medical sensitive skin. Skin reactions such as pustules, skin bumps, or skin erosion Very dry skin which doesn't properly protect nerve endings in the skin A tendency toward blushing and skin flushing
How Do I Know I Have It? There are several types of medical conditions that fall within the arena of sensitive skin. Eczema, Rosacea and Allergic Contact Dermatitis are the most common. A doctor will take what is called a complete medical history that will incorporate questions such as: When did it start, any family members with the same symptoms, and when does it occur, along with what may make it more pronounced. There is not a definitive test for some of these conditions due to the numerous causes. Some causes of sensitive include: Causes of sensitive skin reactions include: Skin disorders or allergic skin reactions such as eczema, rosacea, or allergic contact dermatitis Overly dry or injured skin that can no longer protect nerve endings, leading to skin reactions Excessive exposure to skin-damaging environmental factors such as sun and wind or excessive heat or cold Genetic factors, age, gender, and race differences in skin sensitivity are less well-defined but still may play a role in causing skin reactions. Diet. Alcohol, Gluten, Caffeine and other food ingredients are some of the leading causes of skin reactions, especially on the face.
What Can I Do At Home? Because many factors can impact the success of a home treatment plan, it is important to slowly introduce a therapy. Slow introduction would look something like this: Take a before picture prior to starting a new skin care regimen. If the skin care regimen is a multi-step process, introduce only one at a time over a 3648 hour time period. Make sure to discontinue any other products prior to introducing a new regimen as there could be chemical interactions between the two, and not necessarily the new product in itself. Less is best! Do not utilize a large amount of any product on your face. Because your skin is a large organ, and is very absorbent, a small amount will suffice, and this will also give your product more longevity and reduce your skin care costs! Remember your skin care needs change with the seasons too, and make sure you are noticing the signs and adapting for needs such as more or less moisture, especially important depending on your geographical location.
What Should I Look For In a Skin Care Product? Specific guidelines are lacking. But more “skin-friendly” products contain: Only a few ingredients Little or no fragrance If you have sensitive skin, avoid products containing: Antibacterial or deodorant ingredients Alcohol Because ingredients can negatively interact, it is important to choose a skin care line that has already been tested in its entirety on a controlled study group, such as Rodan + Fields Soothe Regimen for sensitive skin: In an independent U.S. clinical study of 30 participants, subjects with sensitive skin achieved the following results:
REDNESS: 56% reduction after five minutes* and 67% reduction after two weeks
PEELING: 80% reduction after five minutes* and 80% reduction after two weeks 9
DRYNESS: 79% reduction after five minutes* and 74% reduction after two weeks
Overall irritation due to dry, cracked or chapped skin: 78% after just five minutes* and 72% reduction after two weeks *Five minute results were using SOOTHE Sensitive Skin Treatment
Results may vary Results may vary depending on multiple factors: age, gender, skin type and condition, concomitant products used, health history, location, lifestyle and diet.
Rodan + Fields Skin Care Regimen
Are HypoAllergenic Products Safer? Hypoallergenic skin care products are not necessarily safer for sensitive skin. There are no federal standards governing manufacturers’ use of the term “hypoallergenic.” So it can mean whatever a particular company wants it to mean.
Final Thoughts: Always check with a dermatologist regarding your skin care needs, and to perform an annual skin cancer screening. Melanoma is no respecter of skin… it attacks everyone.
Aneisha LeMonier
BREAKING THE CODE OF SILENCE Breaking the code of silence to end this mindless violence, each day is a stepping stone, rocks are thrown, abuse has been made, but you must find your light of day and cast away the shade. You have the eyes that peer through the soul, we are women that roam. We are never in this alone. We are put on earth for an everlasting journey. We need to break the silence. The code of silence.. Everything we seem to say and do will never be enough. Some people in this world right now are having it tough, it could be you, it could be I. Listen to the doves and the innocent cries. We have had enough. We must make a world were justice shall be done, we must set our own setting sun. We are the ones to break this code of silence. We must end the violence. Each day people in every corner of the globe are being used and abused and cast aside. We must be the voices and shake our pride. We must save the beaten brides, the wives, the children the men, to all that is affected by the hands of hurt. They can hurt us no more. Like a dove free yourself and fly. Be the person you long to be. Run to your destiny and away from the darkness of your life. Run away and you can save your life. We are the voices, we are breaking the code of silence, again I beg of you, end this mindless violence. By Elizabeth Blade Twitter : @Moondance_81 Website : Facebook: ElizabethBladeWriter/
TERESA HAWLEY-HOWARD SPEAKING TOPICS Owing your truth—Not the one Someone told you.
Clarity—a Clear and Concise Plan for your life Empowerment—Choosing to Succeed-No Excuses! Finding your purpose and passion! Are you living your best Life? Change your Mindset—Change your Life Sharing your Story—you can write! Writing Heals your Soul—learning to journal to a better life
Teresa Hawley-Howard is a domestic violence survivor and an advocate. Her mission in life is to help other women find their voice and share their stories! She also wants to help them walk through their pain, limitations, and their own doubt to live the life they deserve. She knows their words, stories, scars, and their pain can inspire, heal and give hope to other woman. She is an empowerment/writing coach, speaker, #1 international best-selling author, radio host, and CASA volunteer. She is CEO of WOM Enterprises, Publishing Company! She is also Co-Founder of Tribute Magazine, spotlighting women. Founder of Women on A Mission, inspiring and uplifting women to live the life they desire. Radio Host of WOM Radio show, and host of Modern Day Woman Podcast and Changing the world one story at a time Podcast! Teresa’s goal is to help 10k women share their stories! Reach out and let Teresa help you share your story! “Your words have power. Your story is important. Sharing it can change lives!” --Teresa Hawley-Howard
Speak up and Take back your Power! Never let someone else be the author of your destiny! You write your story!
CONTACT ME TODAY! I would love to speak at your next event! 903-910-9635
He has made everything beautiful is His own time! Ecclesiastes 3:11
Networking Business Card Tips So I do a LOT of networking and one thing I found is the VARIETY of business cards/flyers/ handouts that I receive. My small purse does not handle a lot of it. Here a few (and I hope Helpful Tips): 1) Flyers/Brochures as business cards don't FLY (too big) 2) I like a PICTURE of you on it so I can't remember who you are (especially after receiving 30+ cards in a single day sometimes.) 3) Simple is BEST - let's "date" a little before you throw up on me 4) And this one is silly, but something I see way too often UPDATE your information. Old phone #'s and emails don't help you. 5) You can get INEXPENSIVE cards, The card is to offer your contact information for future discussion, not a full on advertisement. (Check out my post for Vistaprint; click and save!) 6) MOST IMPORTANT: Include the following: a) YOUR NAME - where I can see it (larger font size the better) b) YOUR PHONE NUMBER - again, current and place it where I can see it and not in tiny font please (I'm getting old) ;)
c) EMAIL - I've heard it recommended to use your own domain name (ie but if you can't afford that yet, try a FREE Gmail account (Google is connected to so much now so you end up having an account with them already anyways) **Also, Hotmail is "out" d) YOUR WEBSITE - I can't buy it, if I can't find it! e) YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA information to find you across the web. I network a LOT on the internet and it would be nice to find you there as well so I can share your business with my friends. f) And..... I like a PERSONAL PICTURE. One picture tells me 1000 things about you
I hope this post helps you. Please feel free to comment on what has helped YOU with your networking successes! Your New Friend, Teri KS
Teri King-Sylvester Viridian Energy Associate
Positive Thinking is Good for Your Health ~Health and Wellness~
The first thing that may come to your mind when you see the words or phrase “Health and Wellness” may be your physical appearance BUT there is SO much more to Health and Wellness than your physique! While your appearance is extremely an important fac-
tor in health and wellness, so is your MINDSET! Let’s discuss! Do you consider yourself to be a positive person or positive thinker? Do you always see the glass half empty or half full? Do you think in a realistic or optimistic manner? When unexpected obstacles or situations appear do you immediately become stressed or does anxiety kick in? Your thought process will determine the outcome you have in this thing we call LIFE! What is positive thinking actually?! Positive thinking means approaching life’s challenges with a positive outlook. It doesn’t necessarily mean avoiding bad situations; instead it
means seeing the best in bad people, understanding that the situation will not last always, and making a decision to view yourself and your abilities in a positive light. When you think positively, it reduces stress and reserves your youthful appearance! Why worry about something you cannot change? Will negative thinking help the situation? NO. You have to learn to take care of what you can and let God handle the rest as he sees fit. You have to be aware of the battles you aren’t equipped to fight and let it go! Positive thinking is linked to a wide range of health benefits. Just to name a few: Longer life span
Better stress management and time management Lower stress levels Lower chances of depression Increased physical well-being Increased resistance to common goals
Positive thinking tips that I have for you are to take a deep breath before addressing a situation or obstacle. When you take a deep breath, it allows you to calm yourself down and counteract the feelings of anger, yelling and screaming. Listen more than you speak allows you to digest the facts calmly and personally get a feel of where the conversation is headed before speaking. Pay attention to your inner self talk. What are you telling yourself? Are you already defeated by telling yourself you are? Self-development is a major factor in positive thinking. There are so many ways to personally develop yourself. One is by reading a book about success, finances, or any area you would like to improve on. Challenge yourself to read one book a month and to write down notes on how to apply what you read. Create a vision board that will allow you to visually see daily what your goals and dreams are and apply yourself to obtain them. Speak positive daily affirmations over your life. “I am a positive person.” “I will not get upset easily.” “I am my best self.” There is a saying that if you do something daily for 30 days it becomes a habit. Makes these positive activities a habit! Be your best self by thinking positively. When you think and speak positively, you will become what you say and do!
Keeke Daneille Carr
YOU: An Awesome Creation Self-Love, loving yourself, being kind to yourself, improving your selfesteem, gaining self-confidence… On a scale of 1-10, how much do you truly love yourself? I mean, really, even with your areas of development (those you are aware of and those you are still blind to)? By the end of this article, I wonder if you will have a different score... Who do you say you are? When you introduce yourself to someone you haven’t met before, who do you show up as? Who do you say you are? More importantly, who do you want others to see that you are? For me, the answer to these questions have changed dramatically over the past 9 years. I started off this period as a fiancé, friend, daughter, graduate and colleague working as an Accountant towards my final exams of my professional qualification. I had achieved so much both socially and professionally but something was definitely missing. My self-love was not 10/10. Love yourself first, then you know what you deserve. The level to which you love yourself is the level at which you will allow others to love you. I was often unsure of myself until I was a teenager then I became much more confident and some would say outspoken at times. I had learnt the rules of school and the establishments I frequented so felt comfortable in how I showed up in my world. Although confident, the value I placed on myself was unfortunately, way lower than what I do now. Although I achieved high grades, passed my driving test (second time) at the age of 17 and was a loyal sister, daughter & friend I was not used to being celebrated so I viewed all these things as ‘normal’ and myself lower than average. In the area of intimate relationships, I set my standards way too low (mostly from what I saw in films) so I accepted all kinds of nonsense and as a result of poor choices, I experienced lots of painful situations.
“What you focus on, you expand People are always talking about you; directly or indirectly, everyone has something to say. My question to you is: whose report do you believe? Once I had accepted my salvation and started reading what it is that God says I am and I believed it, my standards about how I will accept others treating me as changed dramatically. Just as importantly, my standard of treating other people has risen too. Because the truth that I believe about myself is also what God says about other people and yes…about you. I am God’s incredible work of art (Ephesians 2:10), I am God’s child (Galatians 3:26), I am Jesus’ friend (John 15:15), I am a whole new person with a whole new life (2 Corinthians 5:17), I am a place where God’s Spirit lives (1 Corinthians 6:19), I am created in God’s likeness (Ephesians 4:24) and I am greatly loved (Romans 5:8). If have you have a low score for your self-love then it is likely you do not know w ha t God sa y s a bou t y ou a nd/or y ou don ’t believe what God says about you. I invite you to explore this further. There are more resources available on my website: If you are unhappy or unsatisfied with the relationships you have with your family, friends even your spouse, it’s time to take a look at how much you love yourself on a scale of 1-10.
Donnamaree Daodu is a coach, speaker & author specialising in wealth and marriage. You can follow her on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
Learning to FOCUS in 2017! It’s a new year! A new chance to focus on your goals, your life, your business, your family and your purpose. Have you lost your focus? Have you been distracted? If so, it is okay! It is not the end. It is not over yet! You are still breathing so you still have time to refocus. It is like a picture if the first one take is blurry, out of focus or not what you wanted, you just take another shot. You realign, redefine, refocus and begin again! It is the same in your business. There are no mistakes, just lessons. What did you learn in 2016? What did you try? What worked? What didn’t? Do you know your goals? Do you know what you want? Where do you want to be in 2017? Once you begin to answer these questions, you will be able to focus on what you want to happen. List what 3 things you want to accomplish in your business? What do you want to accomplish in personal life? What are your dreams? What will it take to make it happen? What do you need to do now to start on this journey? Are you ready? Are you set up for success? If not, then let’s get started changing that. Take the time to write out your goals. Take time to focus on the steps it will take to make them happen. Do a vision board. Speak your dreams out loud. Get an accountability partner. Make 2017 the year you made it happen. The year that changed everything! Stop the procrastinating. Stop the excuses! Stop limiting yourself and your business! Choose to live your dreams. Choose to be all in! Choose to pull out all the stops! Choose to go for it! Choose you! When you finally decide to just do it, you will be amazed at how fast things will change! How fast doors will open! How fast your life will change! So let’s focus on all you will accomplish and achieve in 2017! Teresa Hawley Howard
Teen Scene! Dream Big! Welcome back to the Teen Scene! The spot for you the teenager and her caring adult! Last time was all about the first time back at school! How has the first few months been? Were you happy to be back? Who did you meet that was new? Remember I am always here to answer any questions, or support you in your difficult times. I invite you to reach out to me this goes for the caring adult too! If you are wanting help to empower your young girl in your life, then reach out because I can help! Don’t do it on your own! This month, let’s talk about year end goals. Or as I also like to call it, dreaming. Dreaming is so important to being an amazing young girl. As a young girl today dreams are what keep you motivated and moving forward. Many adults forget how to dream. This is because when those adults were your age other adults told them that those dreams are foolish, and even stupid. Those people who tell you that the dreams are foolish want to see you succeed, yet may be scared of how it will play out. Your parents for example may be afraid for you to not achieve your dreams, and want to protect you. Dreams are allowed to be big, to be scary even. The way for you to achieve that dream is to break it down into small goals. Say for example you have a dream to travel to Ireland and stay in a castle just like “Merida” from the Disney movie “Brave”. What is something you need to do to get started? Do you need to learn about Ireland? Do you need to look on the internet about castles? Speaking of a goal, some may see the word dream and goal as the same. Start to think. Do you have goals that you want to accomplish? How many goals can you have you may be asking? The sky is the limit! You can have as many dreams and goals as you wish! One of the secrets to having them come true is to share them with people. Never lose sight of the end dream. And once you reach the end of achieving that dream, continue onto another one! Always be thinking what’s the next step? Never give up and keep going!
Aime Hutton 403-830-9689 Empowerment Leader 3 Time International Best Selling Author/Compiler Transformational Speaker/Workshop Facilitator “Empowering tween and teen girls to believe in themselves, when they think no one does” 2015 Finalist at eWomenNetwork International 2015 Femtor Awards – Business Match Maker of the Year Category, Dallas Texas 2015 Finalist in the Association of Professional Coaches, Trainers, and Consultants (Courage to Change Award, and Speaker of the Year Award) ~ England 2015, and 2014 Finalist in the Damsels in Success Women Empowering Women National Awards (Overcome Challenges Award) ~ England 2013 International Ambassador of the Year for the Freedom & Empowerment Campaign ~ England
Book Reviews for Winter 2017 This Book is a beautiful testimony to love! It is elegantly written by Denise Polote Kelly. It is the amazing journey she encountered when her husband lost his battle with Stomach Cancer. All the proceeds from this book go to the Winston H. Kelly foundation for stomach cancer research. You can get this book is available on Amazon and on Barnes and Noble! Get your copy today and help support this wonderful cause!
This is a beautifully written anthology! All the authors in this book wrote unique and amazing stories! You will be inspired and encouraged by each of the chapters in this book! So be sure and get your copy and read each woman’s story! Available on Amazon!
Are you looking for a devotional to start off 2017, right? Then this is the book for you! Cheryl Polote-Williamson has done it again! Her insightful and encouraging words will help you to create the life you desire in 2017! You will definitely be inspired and uplifted by this 365-day devotional with journaling space for you! It is available on Amazon and on Barnes and Noble! 0So, get your copy today and watch your life change!
This book is a must read for all teenagers! It is the true testimonies of people and the choices they made as young adult. It tells the consequences that came from those choices! It gives young people a glimpse at the raw truth and outcome of decisions they are facing today! It is an amazing anthology compiled by Debreka Handy and is available on Amazon!
Sunday’s at 5:30 PM CST join host Katrina Lokko on DfW channel 47.2 or 27 if Verizon is your provider / Birmingham, AL & Northeast Mississippi 16.4. If you are not in any of those viewing areas, not to worry because you can watch online from anywhere in the world on any device at click watch live at the time the show is on.
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