Tri-Color Times 2010-05

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Granger High School

Tri-Color Times an open forum for student opinion and expression

photo by: samantha harris

It’s May already! Dang, the last few classes of the year... Well, went by pretty quick, actually. May is the month where everyone starts to get excited about the warm weather. We start to see more things coming to life, becoming livelier, not just in people, but in nature too. On my weekly hike up Butterfeild Canyon, I spotted a lady bug on a rose bush. My first lady bug photo of the summer, enjoy. Have an amazing summer, Lancers!

region champs yanira bayardo


THE BOYS soccer team made it into the playoffs once again this season. If you didn’t go to the game vs. Cottonwood, you missed a big win this year. The boys beat the Cottonwood Colts with 2 goals made by Roman Cuenca (11) and Manuel Armugeto (12). With the win against Cottonwood (2-0), Granger ended up being the number one team this season with one loss and one tie. Daniel Mizero (12) said, “I feel fantastic!” when asked how he felt about being region champions. “The game against Cyprus didn’t really matter, no one took it serious. We did want to win, though!” They ended the game with a shutout and scored 4 goals against Cyprus. Mizero said that in and before a game he is, “hella nervous,” but soon after

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the whistle is blown he gets lost in the game and plays hard. Before the Weber game, his main goal was to help the team win, and also do anything the team needed him to do. “We got to get after it,” is what he said.. Weber came and played against the Lancers on our home field and the boys defeated Weber 1-0. The boys Granger Soccer Team had not won Region since 1997. Coach Opie said the win is, “Just awesome.” And it must feel awesome after working hard all season. Next year, the team will lose seven team members on offense. Opie encourages many people to try out next year. Each and every day, the boys keep getting more and more attention and it’s the good attention Granger needs.

PLENTY of students here at Granger High make the wise decision to take AP courses. Some put their all into their studies and have the guts to take the test. Others merely take the class and feel they aren’t knowledgeable enough to pass. Some question why they should even consider stressing themselves out with college-level courses when they are only in high school. These students don’t realize that taking AP classes and doing what is needed to do to prepare for the test is a great opportunity. Advanced Placement credits are recognized and accepted by 90% of 4-year colleges in the U.S. This would allow a college student to study abroad or move on to upperlevel classes, and save him/her a

considerable amount of money. Taking AP classes also looks good when it comes to college admissions. It exhibits that the students are mature and ready for college, as well as showing students’ motivation to challenge themselves academically. The skills and knowledge gained through taking an AP course will help prepare students for college. The early start on college-level work and improved study habits gives students a preview and head start on their college endeavors. AP classes are also beneficial with the information they offer. AP teachers are both dedicated to helping their students succeed, and thoroughly educated and experienced in their subjects. A combination of listening to the

lessons of these teachers and diligently studying the subjectmatter will guarantee both a passing score, and an opened mind with expanded knowledge. There are a variety of AP classes offered at Granger, such as English, statistics, calculus, biology, psychology, American Government, American History, and many more. So no matter what your strong points are, you are sure to find a class that suits you and your talents/interests. Ask counselors, AP teachers, or AP students if you have any questions concerning the classes, and be sure to talk to your counselors if you are interested in taking an AP course. It is definitely worth it to accept the challenge.

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Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

Dear Lancy

Do you have a problem or do you need advice? Let Lancy know. Just write to Lancy, place it in locker 931, and she may answer you in the Tri-Color-Times Right off the top of my head, I can think of six people that have told me one of their secrets. At least three were not family members or even close friends. Sometimes you just have to tell someone the secret you are hiding. It could be a religious leader or even a complete stranger. No matter whom it is you decide to tell, you still feel some level of relief. I’m giving you a chance now to relieve yourself of those secrets that are eating you up inside. No matter how embarrassing, cruel, or just downright funny they are, I want to know. Everyone has a secret, that is just a part of life, and trust me; you might think you’re alone, but you’re not.

“I finally finished my first book in just 1 day, it was a picture book, there was only 1 or 2 sentences per page. I’m so proud!” “When I am writing something for my English class and I’m not sure how to spell a word I check it on my phone first. “ “I wear gym close a lot so people think I’m athletic.” “I can’t Spell.” “I love Barbie princess movies! Some days I pretend you are Ken and I’m Barbie!”


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Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

in our opinion

“The Language of My World” Dalena Tran

“THE Language of My World” is an album by Macklemore released in 2005. To sum up the content of the album, it’s about Macklemore’s life experiences and his ideas on certain issues/ opinions, mainly surrounding the hip hop culture. It’s a slower pace album compared to contemporary rap music and contains impressive hooks. The production is highly appraisable with effective sampling; the beats are straight forward which makes it easier on the ears. There are a few songs where

your discretion is advised, like “Bush Song” and “Penis Song.” He mocks George W. Bush and the other is pretty self explanatory which makes the album in a lighter mood to add some humor to the album but can be offensive also. Other than that, the album is concrete. There isn’t a song that I skipped when listening to the album initially. There are a few flags for rap listeners who ideally like the rougher side of rap music; then I don’t recommend this album for you.

Macklemore has incredible diction and he has the ability to get his message across efficiently. As a rap artist, he has a talent by invoking images and feelings of his own into the listener. Some songs that are highly recommended on the album are: “I Said Hey,” “City Don’t Sleep,” and “Contradiction.” ”Contradiction” is a song that deals a lot with what some people believe rap artists are about which are sex, drugs, and materialistic items and he wants to be a part of the culture, but he has his own beliefs and so he’s struggling to find balance. There is a decline in today’s rap listeners, so when listening to this album keep your mind open because this is not your ordinary hip hop album. I give the album four out of five stars. There are no featured guests, which means it’s just Macklemore throughout the album and it can become a bit tedious, but it could be that I’m just used to more featured artists on albums. After listening to the album if you find that you enjoyed it and would like to hear more, you can download his “The Vs. LP” with Ryan Lewis online for free (legally of course) where he samples the Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Killers, and Belrut.

high school diploma samantha candland

THOUGH I may be a slacker at times, I tend to think of myself as a good student. I am involved in several school organizations that require excess dedication, like debate, I took several college level courses, and I worked hard to achieve the 30+ high school credits I have. There are many people I know who, on the other hand, do not take education as seriously as others. They tend to slack off, procrastinate, and fail many, many classes, which typically leads to the student not receiving a high school diploma when their class graduates. Lucky for some of the Sally Slackers out there, Granite School District constructed a type of diploma in 2007 that only requires one to gain 24 credits to get. It is called the Granite District diploma, opposed to the Granger High School diploma. This means that, though all of you busy bees out there worked

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your butts off to graduate, and at the top of your class nonetheless, the Sally's of the school only had to work partially as hard to get a diploma and graduate. I am not too sure as to what Granite District was thinking when they passed this one, but it looks to me like all this is going to do is harm the slackers of high school. Not only does this happen to be unfair to all of those who have to get the full 27 credits to graduate, but it also pushes the idea that it is acceptable to possess half-hearted work ethics in their regular adult lives. Plenty of other people have agreed that, though it gets more people up and on with their posthigh school lives, it is not necessarily a good thing to ship the young adults out into the world without teaching them the proper ways to work in the real life situations. In a sense, it's kind of like rewarding someone for spitting on

everything you are supposed to uphold and believe in. Though the district claims to support the development of a higher education level, one that surpasses the 8th grade, within its thousands of attendees, it allows those who half of the time say "screw you" to get a diploma with hardly any questions asked. It's ridiculous. The kids that think they can live their lives as slackers instead of gaining significant real world tips are going to need a reality check quick, fast, and in a hurry. Rather than sliding by life with ease, they will soon learn that reality can play some harsh games and bite you in the butt if you are not careful or prepared, something high school should teach. One of these days someone is really going to get themselves screwed over by this type of diploma. Hopefully Granite District can keep that out of their conscience.

Remote Control Personality braquel buckley

WE HAVE all heard the saying, “You are what you eat,” and for the most part we understand what it means, even if we don’t exactly apply the meaning to our personal lives. We are able to see why we should avoid eating foods that will undoubtedly harm our bodies. This principle can also be applied to other aspects of life. Television, most people watch it on a regular basis and those who don’t probably have seen at least one show before. There is a television show for everyone these days. Broadcasting and network studios have done their best to supply the country with a variety of shows appealing to everyone from toddlers to senior citizens. I find reality television to be extremely entertaining. I watch everything from “The Biggest Loser,” to my new obsession, MTV’s “The Hills”. My obsession with this show has lead me to the realization that people have the tendency to become what they watch. I’m not saying that if you used to watch “Barney and Friends,” then you turned into a singing purple dinosaur at night. Watching “Spiderman” is not going to give you super powers or a girlfriend that looks like Kirsten Dunst. What I’m saying is that as human beings we are easily affected by what we see and we tend to follow patterns of the people or characters in the shows we watch on a regular basis.

It sounds insane right? Believe me, its legit. I have seen the proof in my own life. After deciding one day to take advantage of my DVR and recording all five seasons of “The Hills,” I began to notice that after watching the episodes there were changes in my personality and interactions with others. I went from being the laid back, non-confrontational girl to the girl who couldn’t stop snapping at anyone who may have said something to offend me. My own mother told me I should probably do something about my new attitude problem. Once I took a second to think about why I was so witchy I realized that I had allowed myself to be transformed into one of the drama queens that star on my favorite show. Don’t get me wrong, I love Lauren Conrad but the amount of drama in hers and the other stars lives is not healthy. Not all of the results of this idea are negative. The same principle applies when it comes to uplifting programming. I’ve noticed that my mood is much better when I watch a good old chick flick or some sort of family show. What we watch really does have the potential to impact the way we are presented to others. It’s up to us to decide whether or not we want to be the stuck up snob from Malibu. Unlike the stars of television, we are capable of deciding what kind of ratings we will receive.

the last lecture yanira bayardo

THE LAST night forum was teachers looked so different. The Tuesday, May 11. It was called, students at the night forum were The Last Lecture and it focused very surprised. on the teachers that are retiring Paskins and Doutre both have this year which are, Ms. Catten, been in the same office for about Ms. Doutre, Mr. Paur, Mr. Cox, 31 years. They both shed a couple Ms. Paskins, and Mr. Folster. The of tears when they talked about Lancer Action Team was each each other. They referred to each assigned a teacher to interview other best friends. Paur, who is for the slideshow. also retiring, plans to babysit his The slideshows focused on grandchildren. the lives the teachers had and had pictures of them growing up, before they became teachers at Granger. Some of the teachers tried not to cry during their short speeches. The slide shows showed pictures of them as teenagers and Ms. Doutre when they were in photo by: Samantha Harris high school. The

Volume LII, Issue 11

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Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

THE day is near; thousands of students in the month of June will be graduating from high school. Some thought the day would never come. Others have been anxiously waiting to shake their principal’s hand and actually switch their tassel to the left. Granger high’s graduation is more than a big deal. We go all out. Most students know graduation is on June 3rd, at the Huntsman Center on 1825 E South Campus Drive Front. Graduation will

samantha harris












To Temple Sq. & No. Salt Lake























































TRAX Stations


To Downtown SLC & So. Salt Lake





To I-80 & I-215

Created: May 13, 2010 File: highschoolgradjune2010.mxd (C) Commuter Services bowen.

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start at 4 on the dot. A common question asked, “Where does my family park?” After researching, UTA trax will be the most convenient way to get to the Huntsman center quick and stress-free. There will be a parking lot for people who aren’t planning on taking trax. Bring your change, they might charge. Milton Stewart from University of Utah’s Commute services recommends, “Any and all attendees should arrive early. Parking and traffic will be heavy and attendees need to be ready to walk from lots further away from Huntsman Center.” Students must be there and ready early. There are many other questions being asked about graduation week. Graduation practice will be on Wednesday June 2nd at 10am. Seniors will be receiving their refunds after practice. Sophomores and juniors will be getting their refunds on Friday June 4th at 9:30am. With graduation being so close, seniors have been wondering what to wear under their gown. Dalena Tran (12) said, “Boys should wear button up shirt and slacks, girls should wear a casual summer dress.” Do not forget the shoes. There are a ton of things that will be forgotten on graduation day. A little advice that might help you, remember the important things on your special day. Bobbie pins help so much with holding your cap on. Safety pins also assist you with your gown. Things that must not be forgotten should be written down on a list to be sure you don’t forget it. Thinking of graduation is hard for some students; it’s going to be an ecstatic moment. Some students will be tearing up. Jenny Hor (12) said, “I’m going to try and refrain myself from crying. But I don’t think that will happen. The tears will definitely be there.” A question asked during an interview “Who inspired you the most this year?” Yvette Gonzales’s name was brought up. She helped a lot of seniors out a great deal this year. She deserves big thanks. She’s a great person inside and out. Graduation day will be a chaotic mess for some students. Tina Darris (12) will know the feeling during her performance. Darris say’s, “I’ll be talking about everything I’ve gone through this year. This year was definitely the most fun, and very emotional.” High school graduation is very exciting and extremely emotional. That will never change. Hor also stated that, “Graduation is the day for everyone to feel on top of the world.” So start getting ready for the big day, because it’s right around the corner. Be there or be square, G-house. And remember leave your air horns and crazy screaming family at home. Keep it formal, yo.

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Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

The average texter Samantha Harris

FACT: Girls text twice as much as boys do. Why is that? Some students say that girls have more to say. Others say boys don’t text well. After talking to Aldin Alagic (11) he proved us wrong. Alagic stated, “I usually text 1,000 texts in two days and I am pretty good at texting.” “Over half of teens in the U.S send 50 or more texts a day,” stated. Ages that text the most are 14-17. But it’s not just teen’s texting; adults seem to text more often these days. Most adults know what text messaging means. If not, texting is a short message sent from cell phone to cell phone. Lately schools have been having problems with students using their cell phones

Marisol Florez Photo by: Samantha Harris during class. Mr. Carlisle has taken up to 3 in one week, but students start to learn not to text in his class after everyone starts to get their phones taken. Texting is a growing

communication tool used daily for teens, and it seems like it’s not going to stop showing up in the class room just yet. 75% of teens own a cell phone and 70% have text messaging. Sandra Lim (11) said, “It’s convenient to text.” Some students say it’s a lot easier to text instead of talk face to face. Many boys and girls are scared to talk face to face lately. Many are simply not interested in texting. Marisol Florez (12) said, “Girls get more interested in texts than boys.” Some girl student’s text boys more than girls, they say they’re more fun to text instead of girls. “Who do you usually text?” Cody Thorup (12) He said, “I text girls in general.” He also thinks girls text drama when they text each other. Some students don’t have the advantage of texting. Daysha Hunsaker (12) said, “I’d be very grateful if I got my phone back so I can text.” Some students have their phones connected to their hips 24/7. Other students don’t really care about their phone, and wouldn’t mind it gone at times. In the end, teens text more than ever these days, and nothing seems to be changing besides the rate in text messages.


ANYONE planning on becoming a vegetarian any time soon? If so here’s your own little starter ideas. This is not going to be a settled, easy transition, so be prepared. What does it mean to be vegetarian? Mostly just not eating foods that have caused harm to any animal in any way. Vegetarians mainly just don’t eat meat or the animal flesh. Some people will not eat anything that was a part of an animal. They’re called vegans. They do it to be healthier as well. A vegan will not consume any animal product at all. Most vegans do not even drink soy milk because it’s part of a cow. Vegetarians on the other hand rather drink soy milk because it’s not all dairy. Lots of teenagers these days are becoming vegetarian. Ivette Aguilera (12) had to give something up for 40 days and choose to give up meat. “I tried to go back to, but couldn’t.” This is good because we are slowly eating chickens, cows,

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pigs, lambs, and other helpless animals into extinction. It is very hard for a person’s body to go back to eating meat if it hasn’t been digested in a long time. The people I spoke with said they’ve tried to go back to meat eating and just couldn’t do it. Lisa Valentine (11) has been a vegetarian since she was eight and a complete vegan since ninth grade. “I tried going back to being just vegetarian, but couldn’t do it,” she responded. For the most part you have to be a very strong person to change your eating habits. But if you can do it, it could help to save our planet and helpless creatures. To start out just eliminate one meat product at a time then slowly eliminate any other animal products in your diet plan. Like I said before, if you want to do this it’s not going to be easy at all, but worth it in the end. Try it out and see what you think. Samantha Harris (12) tried it and just couldn’t go without her chicken.


EVER wonder whose jersey is hanging in the sports hall of fame with the name Tahi? It is a former Granger high school student from the class of 1999. His name was Fahu Tahi and he was the running back for Granger. He was named Granger High School Most Valuable Player and he also set the state high school record for rushing touchdowns. A teacher once said, “Keep Fahu Tahi’s text book with his

signature, because one day he will be a star athlete.” When Mrs. Atkins (chemistry teacher) heard that from another teacher, she just laughed and gave the text book with his signature away. Ten years later, he is an NFL football player playing for the Minnesota Vikings. Atkins still remembers Tahi. “He had his moments of trouble making but still was a good student and got good grades.”

Fahu Tahi jersey Photo by: Samantha Harris

She remembers the year when Granger was doing so well and almost went to state in football because of Tahi. He had so much talent. That year Granger had so much school spirit. School got let out for one day, and students went to BYU to see Granger try to make it to state. Scott Zunkowski (12) started watching Tahi in the 90s when Tahi still played for Granger, and has continued to be a fan. He remembers how the game was played and how most of the players would hand the ball to Tahi. Last time he saw him was last summer. He got Tahi’s autograugh on his football and talked to him. Tahi said, “I came from a rough neighborhood and didn’t do very good in school. I regret not being close with my teachers and not taking the time to do well in school.” Great talent can come from Granger, and Tahi is just one example of that. Teens need to take the time to do well in school so they do not regret it in the future.

GRANGER’S GOT hygiene daysha hunsaker

GRANGER’S got good hygiene, true or false? Some surveys were conducted during advisory to find out. Out of ten classrooms asked, only one person said they thought it was gross or weird to not wear deodorant. Some people said they do believe it can cause cancer to the under arms, so some people choose not to wear deodorant. Who out there uses the restroom, and then goes back to whatever they were doing without washing up first? Many people think “ewww, who does that?” Believe it or not, over forty students at Granger have seen a fellow class mate use the restroom then leave in a hurry without washing their hands. Going “number two” in the restroom can cause harmful diseases such as e-coli to spread, via germs and feces left on hands or other objects. If people do not wash their hands when they are through, they could be spreading this very harmful disease to other innocent people. Locker room showers, do they actually get used these days? Not very much, but yes, they do get some usage. Only seven out of forty-five students asked admit to taking a shower at school. “If the guys would just wear their boxers or something while showering, I would shower here at school more,” said Pedro Santiago (11).

Many said they would shower smell of Axe by the boys locker after gym period, but there is not room. Contrary to popular belief, enough time to get ready before Axe is not an antiperspirant and the next class starts. should not be used that way. Students tend to have portable Alexis Johnson (12) said, “Take hand sanitizers all over their showers every day, boys. The Axe homes and or in their cars. What is not helping.” about yourself? Twenty-eight With all of this, the overall out of forty students do not carry statement would be that Granger hand sanitizer with them at all. is a clean school. Someone even shouted,”The use Most students do not mind of sanitizer is pointless unless showering at school. Wash your you wash your hands first.” hands more often, every time you It’s not completely pointless, eat, drool, play with babies, use but it doesn’t totally cleanse your the restroom or anything involving hands, either. Washing hands harmful germs, and it can increase first eliminates up to 60% of how sanitary Granger is. the germs on a person’s hands. Remain a clean school, Granger. The sanitizer gets rid of almost We are doing a good job so far. all of the remaining 40% of germs. On average, Granger students wash their h a n d s anywhere from four to ten times a day. It is hard to meet someone who has n e v e r gotten a Jorge Romero whiff of Photo by: Samantha Harris the over whelming

Volume LII, Issue 11


Ms. Judy’s photography

May 2010

Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

Volume LII, Issue 11

Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

May 2010

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Volume LII, Issue 11

Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

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Tribute to our Seniors DEJA HARMON (12) has done her fair share of slacking off in high school, but as her senior year approached she realized what her life would be like if she didn’t graduate. So she mustered up all her efforts to graduate by doing packets and citizenship makeup classes. “My boyfriend going here last year was a pretty big distraction because I would sluff school to be with him.” “My plans after high school are to hopefully go to college and become a nurse,” said Harmon about her aspirations. “My best advice to give high school students is to not sluff school because it’s stupid and you will regret it”.

BELIEVE IT or not, but here at Granger we have a future rock star! Willie Clark (12) has been playing the guitar since he can remember, and plays a lot of other instruments including the guitar, drums, bass, and so on. “My dad and I are having a competition to see who can play the most instruments.” Here at Granger, Clark is currently taking 7 out of his 8 classes for music (the other is English). Clark is working at a record label company for young musical teens. “I one day want to be a musician, but a musician like ‘Kiss’ or ‘Hollywood Undead’ and how they wear masks. I want to wear a mask as well, so people will like me for the music I make and play, not for the way I look.” Clark believes that “If you have a dream, don’t let it go, and if you have a talent for music don’t give it up.”

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Deja Harmons Photo by: Jerilynn Aulaumea and Elsye Dubois

Willie Clark Photo by: Jerilynn Aulaumea and Elsye Dubois

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Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

THE VALEDICTORIAN is a senior who is graduating with a 4.0 GPA. Jenna Nelson (12) has worked hard in all of her classes throughout high school, and is now one of the valedictorian. Her inspiration to be a valedictorian was her best friend. “My best friend was the valedictorian last year, and so I wanted to be one, too. She always pushed me to get good grades.” Her parents were very excited for her to be the Valedictorian, and told her to push herself to do her best. So she did, and is now planning to go back east to the University of Pittsburg to study Statistics, and learn new things. Congratulations Jenna, your hard work has now paid off for you. Jenna Nelson Photo by: Alejandro Garza and Brittany Edwards

Maggie Ruiz Photo by: Alejandro Garza and Brittany Edwards

Samson Failfili Photo by: Jerilynn Aulaumea and Elsye Dubois

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WHEN people think of their future, they think of being a Doctor, a fireman, a nurse, or a famous actor. Well, when Maggie Ruiz (12) thinks of her future, she finds herself being a teacher. Ruiz has wanted to be a teacher for the past 7 years now. When she was in 5th grade, her teacher inspired her to be a teacher herself. “My 5th grade teacher was just so awesome, and fun, that I wanted to be like him. Also having sucky teachers has made me want to be a better teacher as well,” quoted Ruiz. Her favorite teacher now is Ms. Paskins, because “she is so driven, and has goals for herself.” Once Maggie graduates from Granger, her plan is to go to college at Salt Lake Community College. She hopes to one day teach Speech communication and English classes. Ruiz is a great and outgoing student who loves to teach and present to others, and will one day become a great teacher.

SAMSON FAIFILI (12) is one of the many to get a scholarship here at Granger. His scholarship was to the University of Utah for being a great athlete in football. His plans for after high school include college to major in psychology and being a counselor at a high school. “I want to be a counselor because it will be my way of giving back and helping out other students to be what they want to be.” Faifili’s hero is Michael Giles, who is a football player. “Giles inspired me to be the best that I can be, and he is an awesome football player.” “I like to play football because it’s fun, a great stress reliever because you get to hit kids without getting in trouble, and it builds character on and off the field,” said Faifili. “At Granger athletes are ‘Student Athletes’, because you are a student first. Football isn’t a long term thing, education is.”

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Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

What’s Your Label? alisha smith

PREPS are often seen as blondes with blue eyes and high-pitched voices, which is not exactly the case. The label prep is usually used for children that do well in school and act overly excited all the time. Preppy kids are actually very proud of what others say is wrong. “I’m just happy all the time. If that makes me prep, okay,” said Jessica Lund (10). Often referred to as snobs or rich kids, preps are originally from upper class families. No, this doesn’t make preps any better than anyone else, but that’s where the names originated. Most real preps wear light-colored clothing and less makeup than others and have a certain etiquette. Preps can also be referred to as the popular kids. They are seen as people who dress and act the same, and basically own the school. This isn’t exactly true; preps just have out-going personalities that make them the popular kids they are. A natural or young adult look

Jessica Lund Photo by: Jorge Romero

is preferred by this group of kids. Prep is more about a personality than looks. “I don’t try too hard to make myself look amazing,” said Yoseph Snounou (10). “My friends like me for me.” It’s a myth that preppy kids are about material possessions and physical appearances. The term preppy actually came from the upper class family ties. It is true, however, that most preppy kids are lovely to be around simply because of their personality. No one is too focused on making a certain look for themselves or anyone else. The clique that is opposite of prep is emo. Many kids say that the two groups don’t get along. The prep side says that emos are to depressed and try too hard. The emos say that preps are faking everything they do and say. Neither side is right or wrong, but just like straight edgers are against ravers, the emos are against the preps. Not everyone can get along. If you want to be prep, try Hollister or American Eagle for clothing and accessories. Try not to cover yourself up. Preps don’t care how you look, they just like you for you. The main idea is to be happy and have fun.

all kinds of christians alisha smith

Christianity is one of the most common religions in the world. Here at Granger, the greater part of our school takes part in this faith. Christians believe in Jesus Christ, God’s son, and the New Testament. The main grouping of Christianity is Catholicism and Protestantism. Christians attend church regularly every Sunday as well as other days for activities. They believe in the teachings of the Bible. It’s said that Jesus died in Crucifixion for the people’s sins. He was then resurrected to open Heaven to those that believed in and trusted in Him. Christianity spread far and wide very quickly throughout the world, becoming very popular. Even today, Christians have a lot of popularity in religious groups. A few of the holidays we know and love are Christmas and Easter. These are both Christian holidays. Christmas is celebrated for the

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birth of Christ through the Virgin Mary. Mary was said to have been touched by God’s hand in order to bear his son, Jesus Christ, Easter is celebrated for the resurrection of Jesus. Christians and non-Christians celebrate these holidays. Some groups of Christians don’t celebrate Easter. Baptism is a ritual where a person is admitted membership to the Church. To be baptized is to be submerged fully or partially in water. Some believe that baptism is required to reach Salvation. Salvation is the belief that a higher power saves people in the afterlife. The literal meaning of the word is ‘to be saved.” Christians believe in sending out missionaries who have been given the right to preach their belief to others. Often, they are sent to other countries. Overall, Christians are big on helping those who cannot help themselves, like the poor and disadvantaged.

moving forward yasmine carrillo

WHAT are your plans after high many people do as they become school? As the school year comes nervous is stumble over their closer to its end, we are brought words. An employer wants a closer to summer. The summer person that is comfortable around isn’t only for fun and spending people, and calm and composed the whole day in the sun, but also in sticky situations. Another thing for getting ourselves ready for the that always helps is personality, year to come. Some of the senior the charming and morally sound class will be attending college, person that we all have inside of but many will not. Having the us. Any kind of employer wants summer free gives graduates a a person that is friendly, outgoing, chance to look around and start to see the world. One thing that will be essential for all these high school graduates is a job. Looking for a job in this economy is not only difficult, but also a timely event. It is not easy, but definitely not impossible. “Do research and find out what you are going to do. One thing that you should always do is dress appropriately for the job you are Mr Jenkel looking into,” said Photo by: Yasmine Carrillo Mr. Jenkel. One thing that many of us don’t do is try to find out information about the job. Knowing exactly what you and capable of working with others. are getting into is a good thing. “I would go in with a smile, So you get the call back and you are worried about the interview. act nice, be respectful, introduce What do you do? One thing that myself, and be me. Everyone loves

someone with good character,” said Andrew Marsden (12th). Your first job is not likely to be the dream job that you were expecting but everyone has to start somewhere. Many of the people we admire started out in a restaurant, or just babysitting. Martin Luther King Jr.’s first job was actually being a mail boy handing out the newspaper. “No one just does their job, everyone shares the responsibility. A person that can learn to do work alone and not be constantly told what they are expected to do is a person who belongs anywhere,” said Mr. Jenkel. An important thing to keep in mind is that going to school or additional training of some sort is critical. With this, you can learn to market yourself as having skills in many fields. It gives you an advantage. Kathy Willahan, the employment specialist for Granite, said,” There may not be a lot of jobs, but always are opportunities. Word of mouth, always be willing to work. Be very dependable.” An employer wants someone who can work the hours they need, and is willing to do the work the way they believe is right. Keeping all this in mind might ease the job hunt.

Can Teachers and Student get along? MANY HAVE wondered about the relationships between teachers and students. Why is it that most students go from class to class without even knowing their teachers first names? It seems like students shouldn’t have personal relationships with their teachers, but that is just the way things are. Are teachers thought to only have authoritative

Mrs. Moore and student Photo by: tany Samantha Harris

demeanors when teaching in a classroom? Students who like their teachers are more likely to learn and retain more information, it’s common sense. When students first walk into a classroom they are going to be in for a whole school year, they wonder if they’ll get a good teacher. But what makes a good

teacher? Is it when the teacher is nice to you and doesn’t jump to concussions when you don’t turn an assessment in, or is a good teacher one that does their job well by upgrading grades and always having end of term grades posted on time? A good teacher should be one that can do both. Teachers should not only be able to do the work necessary to get a paycheck at the end of a long day, but also interact and be accepting of their students. But of course it’s not as easy as it sounds. Teachers have lives too, and the stress can build up on them like any other person. If a teacher gets angry and yells at a student, maybe they’re just having a bad day. Many, however, have had a teacher who was angry or disapproving of what they do all the time. Though teachers and students at times can seem completely different, they’re not as different from us as one may think. Students and teachers can get along with each other; we may have different thoughts and sometimes may clash with each other, but in the end, if students expect teachers to be accepting of them, students should be accepting of teachers.

Volume LII, Issue 11

11 Granger high school

pride festival and parade samantha Candland

EVERYBODY wants to feel loved and accepted, it is human nature. Luckily for some people, the Utah Pride Center, a place where the LGBT community can go for equality and fun located on 355 North 300 West, is going to be hosting its annual Utah Pride Festival on June 4-6 this year. The festival began in 1983, when it was more of a small, “secretive” gathering among very few people. Today, as the walls of persecution have been broken down, so have the barriers of shun and secrecy. The event now brings in approximately 20,000+ people, and as acceptance seems to rise, so does the number of attendees. This three-day event will consist of pride rallies, guest speakers, and a whole lot of lovin’ as LGBT people and supporters join together to face adversity. There will even be one of the most sought after events, the pride parade, on Sunday morning starting at 10:00 am. “I am so excited!” said Lina Hall (12). Along with Hall, there are hundreds of other kids at Granger who are looking forward to the equality festival, and frankly, so are several teachers. This is a time for

people to come together, without judgment, and embrace who they are and what they believe in. There is no cost to go and view the parade on Sunday morning, but if you would like to enter the festival itself afterward, tickets are just ten dollars. Inside the festival there are many booths ran by pro LGBT groups, food, and a several activities for people to enjoy. There is even a teens area where groups of adolescents gather, talk, and enjoy support from other LGBT teenagers. One does not have to be LGBT to attend. This is a gathering to show equality and support for anyone who needs it, and the doors to those who do will be open all weekend. If you would like to attend the festival, it will be located on Washington Square downtown. To actually enter the festival, you can go in on the side with State Street, the corner of 5th South & 2nd East, or the corner of 4th South & 2nd East. According to Colleen Carey (10), “This is a time of year when it really doesn’t matter who you are, because you are welcome no matter what. I like that.”

Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

equal sport teams yvonne huynh

TITLE 9 - “No person in the U.S. shall, on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal aid.” As everyone knows, Granger High School will be building a new and improved school, along with new fields. Debbie Olkelberry noticed a big contrast between the new baseball and softball field plans. The softball field will not include an outfield fence, covered area, or dugout. She also noticed a difference now in their fields. Baseball has a $14,000 clubhouse to store equipment, while softball has a small shed, which they initially have to share with tennis. The school district gives $2,000/ year for expenses. Ms. Clark said, “I feel that since they are going to rebuild the Granger High Softball field, they should build it with covered dugouts to protect the girls from the outdoor elements just as they would for the baseball dugouts.” Mr. Folster was one of Granger’s baseball coaches for 30 years. He said Title 9 has nothing to do with this at all. Previous and current boys put in hard work to raise

money for a better looking field. the new field. There has been talk about the Savohna Jacobus (11) said, baseball clubhouse being paid- “Softball season is the same time off by the school, but when the that baseball is. Do they think it’s new coach came he found a large fun for softball to stand in the amount unpaid for the building. dugouts and get rained/snowed The clubhouse was a big on?” fundraiser earned over the years. When asked about the field Mr. Folster’s son-in-law donated difference, Mr. Clark stated cement, while they did their own he was upset because people roofing, painting, and mixed make accusations about baseball cement. getting the finer things, but said The clubhouse would have they worked hard for that money. estimated around $40,000 dollars Trent Breeze (12), a member of if they didn’t contribute their own Granger’s baseball team, said, work and had someone else build “You get what you work for.” it. They advertised Home Depot Mr. Parker had a meeting with and made a banner which made our principal. Mr. Cox and he has around $1500. An 8-foot fence said that whatever the boys get was bought with that money, the girl will get the same. so fly balls wouldn’t be lost to Bangerter highway. “If the girls wanted an improved dugout like the guys then they should fundraise like we did,” said Mr. Folster. He also believes that current and former boys dedicated time to raise money for their field now, and Softball field should be replaced Photo by: Yvonne Huynh the same way with



Mayl 2010

Volume LII, Issue 11

Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

lastregan ten text barker I went around the school, and asked five students if I could look in their text message inbox. I copied the most recent ten messages from each person. Enjoy! I love food ah I’m hungry. Omg omg it works again! :) Do what? I’m so lost. I take it that you don’t like it. I’m playing Pokémon. Some nature show, it was cool! You weren’t in my room last night were you? What’s wrong with how you sleep? I love your belly. :) Because it’s false advertisement, lol there is no talent. I’m alive. No, you don’t annoy me. Eesh! Amen Sista! You have issues lol :) Twilight is nothing but a young girl’s choice between Bestiality and Necrophilia. Haha :). Rofl, you would think that wouldn’t you? I hate back pain, where’s the Massoos when you need one? lol 5 layer burrito for lunch! Taco Bell here we come! :) lol I need to change my playing ways. lol :) What’s on your mind? U coming? Are you smiling? You should be smiling :) Gaga Gaga XD Hold on, let me think. White power! :) Oh no! I have aids! :) You smell like a Punjabi! :) The sky is like cotton candy! lol inside joke! :) I’ll watch it and eat my sandwich lol Oh, I’ve never seen that one by them! And what movie would that be? I’m up. I’m going to make me a sandwich, oh yeah! :) I’ve been napping all day! Oh it’s fine, I’m so tired I need to wake up lol Oh wow, that’s kind of far. Oh dang, is it still raining? I’m sorry you made it back huh? True, very true! And I’m just laying down :) I’m so tired from my dance performance! Yeah, the stage lights made it hotter. I’m going to go home and play some video games! lol Xbox Live baby! :) I really need some coffee! Haha I know, Starbucks is way too expensive! It’s a complete rip-off go to McDonalds, their coffee is cheap :) So what if there is no Whipped cream on top! Bring your own whipped cream! Haha :) fine, be lame! ttyl :)

May 2010

Granger high school 12 The Karate Kid Melissa Reed

This movie is about Dre (Jaden Smith) who moves to a new city. Once the boys at his new school find out of his intense crush, Meiling, they embarrass him in front of the whole school and beat him up. The only person he feels he can talk to is the janitor Mr. Han (Jackie Chan). Finding out of Mr. Han’s Kung Fu abilities, Dre wants to learn, so that he can beat up the kids that humiliated him. Little does he know, that Mr. Han is teacher of serenity and maturity, not fighting and humiliating. As Dre prepares for the fight of his life, he is actually preparing skills for a much different fight then he had suspected. This movie is called “Karate kid”, not “kung-fu kid” for a reason. It is because Dre thinks and wants to learn karate, to help him beat others up, but eventually he is taught that karate is not the true way to stand up for himself. This trailer looks interesting, not only because the other Karate Kid movies were good and I’ve missed them, but also because it adds the new modern idea that maturity and words should be used over fighting and bullying.

This movie can relate to Granger students, because everyone has been bullied at some point and everyone feels like they want to do something about it. Everyone is capable of talking things out and resolving their problems without humiliating or fighting anyone. A down side to this movie is that a very similar plot has been used before. The director makes the movie unique, however, by adding the idea that martial arts are more about patience. Great moral values are not the only plus to see this movie. Jaden Smith (Son of Will Smith) is a great actor. Although only stared in two other movies (The Day the Earth Stood Still and The Pursuit of Happyness) Jaden has won best male child actor award in Pursuit of happiness 2006. Jackie Chan, starred in a huge quantity of movies including Forbidden Kingdom, Spy Next Door, The Medallion, all three Rush Hour movies, and much more. He is a very well known and great actor. Karate Kid shows in theatres on June 11th.

FREE MEAL! medina bajric

“FREE MEAL,” That’s what you hear when you enter Café Rio and someone has just filled up their punch card, a burrito enchilada style with lettuce, salsa, and guacamole. Thank you and have a nice day. Café Rio prepares all their food fresh! It’s pretty legit; you see everything right in front of you. From how they roll and stuff your burrito to where they hand you plate. Here’s a fun fact. Café Rio squeezes about 1000 limes a day.

Cafe Rio Photo by: Kenadee Hatch

Can you do that? I didn’t think so. The food is amazing! You get decent sized portions for what you pay for, and if you’re not diggin the burrito, they have salads too! The service is fast and there is enjoyable fun fiesta-like atmosphere. It’s overall a clean environment. Café Rio offers burritos, enchiladas, tacos, quesadillas, tostadas, salads and soups. McDonalds is no competition.

Tri-Color Times Staff Journalists


Medina Bajric

Samantha Harris

Regan Barker

Daysha Hunsaker

Yanira Bayarado

Yvonne Huynh

Yasmine Carrillo

Rosa Perez

Alan Castaneda

Melissa Reed

Brittany Edwards

Jorge Romero

Alejandro Garza

Alisha Smith

Editor Sam Candland

Editor Staff Braquel Buckley Whitney Hards

Photographers Samantha Harris Julie Hor

Advisor John Carlisle

The Tri-Color Times serves as a student forum for student opinion and student expression. The views expressed here in reflect neither the opinions of Advisor John Carlisle and Granger High School, nor those of Granite School District. The Tri-Color Times invites and publishes letters to its editorial board; all letters will be edited for taste, length and legality. Granger High 3690 South 3600 West West Valley, UT 84119 385 646-5320

They have a special for every single day, and lack no flavor in all of their tasty choices. Can you believe THIS is a fast food restaurant? Contrary to popular belief Costa Vida is NOTHING like Café Rio. So If you like mango in your salsa, have it your way.

who’s coming to town regan barker

5/28 Pajama Jam@ Saltair 6/1 Insane Clown Posse w/ Kottonmouth Kings @ Saltair 6/2 Lacuna Coil @ In The Venue 6/4 MGMT@ In the Venue 6/5 Korn @ Saltair 6/12 Country Throwdown 2010 @ USANA Amphitheatre 6/17 BrokeNCYDE @ Club Sound 6/17 She Wants Revenge @ Club Sound 6/17 The Aggrolites @ In The Venue 7/19 Kings of Leon@ USANA Amphitheatre 7/30 Tim McGraw@ USANA Amphitheatre

Volume LII, Issue 11

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