Granger high school
Tri-Color Times An open forum for student opinion and expression
January 2016 LVIII-5
Granger’s 3-D art exhibit impresses musical patrons Resolutions By Arriya Khopha GRANGER High school offers a variety of classes for those who are looking to trying new things. Art comes in many different forms. One of the many different forms is ceramics. Ceramics is a class that teaches sculpting made from clay that is hardened by heat. There are many different learning levels to ceramics. Beginners use their hands to sculpt clay, while more advanced students are able to use a pottery wheel. The students of Ceramics 1 presented Granger with works of art displayed in the 3-D Art Exhibit. “Displaying student’s artwork is very helpful because it helps them gain confidence, shows what they have learned, and it’s very interesting to see the different things that are being created,” Ms. Heidinger said. Ms. Heidinger teaches in the
visual art department at Granger and has been teaching here since 2011. She had a student teacher from BYU that decided on creating an art show to display the student’s art. The students of Ceramics 1 were to create an abstract 3-D sculpture in the round. Abstract art is art that does not attempt to represent external reality, but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colors, and textures. A sculpture in the round means that a sculpture is interesting from every angle it is viewed: from all 360 degrees. Ms. Gallagher’s students began their artistic exploration in the 2-D realm by creating doodles that focused on balance, unity, texture, and movement. Using their doodles as inspiration, students formed wonderful works of art that were displayed in the exhibit.
“We began displaying our art during the school’s musical so that people could have something to look at while they were waiting to enter and during intermission and also so they wouldn’t get bored,” Ms. Heidinger said. “It was like our own musical,” she said. Ms. Heidinger loves to show off a student’s art because it’s something that the student has worked hard on and deserves to show off. The art was also displayed in the alumni room for other students passing by to view. The arts are very important because they are languages that all people speak that cut across racial, cultural, social, educational, and economic barriers and enhance cultural appreciation and awareness. They can be used to express feelings without words. The arts help children learn to say what cannot be said. Ceramics isn’t the only art class that Grang-
er offers. For example, classes like drawing, painting, photography, choir, and drama can also be taken. Granger High has a very strong arts program. Without the arts students would not be able to show their creativity. The arts can show students how to become expressive. Supporting the arts is important because art sparks creativity and innovation; it has a social impact, and can promote true prosperity. Having an art show for students can provide immediate feedback and opportunities for reflection. Other people with different points of view can observe their work and provide their opinions. If the opportunity of attending an art show ever occurs, take the time to attend and enjoy the world of art. There’s a whole other world outside of academics to appreciate, don’t limit the chances to see new things.
Ceramics students work hard on their sculptures as they apply 3-D techniques inspired by 2-D designs.
Ms. Oliver and the counselors provide top-quality service By Myranda Alcas MANY OF the faculty and students are, for the most part, familiar with the guidance counselors and their very important roles here at GHS. These wonderful people continue to keep each student on track to graduate but a lot of students might not use that to their advantage. Students sometimes don’t really understand or know what counselors do and don’t ever real-
Ms. Oliver works as a counselor.
ly make the effort to find out. This could be a colossal mistake as the counselors are there to keep the students on track, without too much stress or worry, to graduate. Even if someone is having other troubles or concerns they are always there to help with any questions someone might have. “I think the biggest misconception is that we are just the people who change their schedules,” Ms. Oliver said. “We do all of that of course, but we also work with them to prepare them for college, and even social and personal problems if they need.” The GHS counselors always have their hands full. They each have three hundred students or more. Granger counselors work very hard to interact with their student’s parents as well as their teachers.
Counselors are constantly talking with teachers, as this is just as important as working with students. “The counselors answer any questions I have about any of my students,” Ms. Kinsman said. “They probably do a lot more work than the students think.” Not many students go to their counselors for a lot, some maybe don’t ever go unless they are told or asked to go see them. “I think there would be more students on track for graduation and taking the right classes to get close to their goal if they checked in with the counselors more often,” Jose Bravo (12) said. Even outside of academics, they help a lot around the school. They are continuously out there with the students and all members of the Granger community. They help out with even simple,
small things like serving as unpaid class officer advisers or bringing in cookies for the school dances. They play a huge part in the school as a whole and keeping it together. Some of the counselors have been doing this for years, and they say they wouldn’t choose another job. They truly enjoy what they do and helping the students and families to succeed is what they love to do. “I’ve been here as a counselor for seven years, now. I absolutely think you have to have a love for kids and patience,” Oliver said. So to all Granger students who haven’t gone and seen the counselors or who have any questions at all, head down to the guidance counseling office. It’s time to get to know these helpful members of the GHS family.
By Christian Giles At GRANGER, many Lancers are planning some new goals for the upcoming year. Many students have short and long-term goals. Bryon Brinley (10) has two resolutions for 2016. “I want to support my family a little more. Second, I want to leave a mark in my life,” Brinley said. “I want to help my family because I feel like I haven’t done enough to support them, so they all deserve it.” It seems, as Brinley also wants something greater for himself. “I want to be known, I want to be like a person. I don’t want to be big, but I want to make a difference.” Brinley said. Gabrielle Morrill (12) is anticipating the next year and knows what she needs to do. “I want to prepare more for college and do better on homework assignments,” Morrill said. “In those areas I need work.” College is right around the corner for Morrill. “It’s a short term goal, considering school doesn’t last forever,” she said. Ibrahim Abdi (12) really cares about soccer and his education. “First, I want to continue with soccer and win the championship with my club. After that I want to graduate and go to college,” he said. He is aware of the challenges college presents, “I know it will be long and hard. But, I will probably get a mentor like my brother, to help me out,” Abdi said. Andre Yatta (11) only has one thing on his mind for 2016. “Staying in shape,” he said. Yatta knows the importance of good health and staying in shape for the future. “I want to live longer and be prosperous.” Yatta said. “It will take a long time and I know it will push me to my limits, but it will all be worth it at the end.” Yatta said. He has chosen a great resolution for 2016 and will not regret it if chooses to fulfill it. Ana Alvarado (10) has a resolution that many students have dealt with:“I want to stop being a procrastinator.” Alvarado said. “I chose this because it’s a very bad habit and I’m always procrastinating about things,” Alvarado said. She said herself that it will be “hard and difficult” to accomplish this resolution. “It’s going to be very hard for me, because I am always getting distracted and off topic,” Alvarado said.
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Tri-Color Times VOL. LVIII Issue 5
January 2016, page 2 ACADEMICS
Granger High School adds prizes to balance attendance fines
By Kailee Justesen GETTING 100% attendance with no tardies seems like a hard thing to do, but by putting in effort and trying, it will be that much more easier. Three students at Granger have received Google Chromebooks for having perfect attendance and no tardies for the whole quarter. There are ten prizes that can be won for 10th grade, 11th grade, and 12th grade. The prizes for each class are: three pairs of Granger socks, three Granger hoodies, three Granger yearbooks, and one Google Chromebook. As we all know, Granger has been struggling with many students getting to class on time or just getting to school in general. The administration has tried things before, like the tardy and absence policy, where each student gets ten free tardies, after that each tardy costs one dollar and each unexcused absence costs five dollars. The tardy and absence policy seemed to work for a while, and it still works to a certain extent. Unfortunately, there are still a large
number of students with multiple tardies and absences. The administration wants to decrease the number of tardies and absences to zero. In order for this to happen, they came up with a plan to reward those who have no tardies or absences for the whole quarter. “The inspiration for this is to reward those who are doing an excellent job, and to give everyone an opportunity to get a technical device,” Dr. Dunn said. The three students that received a Chromebook were very grateful. By winning this prize, it has shown that these Lancers’ hard work has really paid off. One of the lucky winners was Emely Perez (11). What helped Perez most to have no tardies or absences was to focus on school and being on time. “I just had to focus on school more, be on time, and not talking to friends before class,” she said. Another one of the winners was Sarah Roberts (12). “I have decided to use my Chromebook strictly for school only,” she said. Having a device for school only can be a great resource for getting
schoolwork done. The third Chromebook winner was Lenez Heart (10). “Before the Chromebook, I only had a tablet. I am going to use the Chromebook for schoolwork and YouTube,” she said. The administration is hoping that this policy will work out. “The goal is to realize that we are talking about attendance. We are rewarding those who put in effort to get 100% attendance,” Dr. Dunn said. Many Lancers were confused about how the new policy worked. Students were confused whether excused absences counted or not. “This quarter we decided that it would be 100% no absences or tardies. Next quarter we might change it,” Dr. Dunn said. The Granger administration is giving every student a chance to win a prize, and as they focus on attendance, they expect grades to improve, too. The administration is adding a positive rewards program to supplement the attendance policy as all Lancers concentrate on being thoughtful, enpowered, and connected.
By Azucena Magallanes TRUE LANCERS are thoughtful, empowered, and connected. When students at Granger High school achieve excellence, it’s influenced by their commitment to education. Students with the motivation to come to school each and every day demonstrate respect for not only their teacher, but for themselves by becoming engaged in their learning. “You’re receiving knowledge or the missing piece because you may be that one student saying, ‘Man, I am trying so hard to understand this,’ and then the next day you go in and listen to that one piece of instruction and go ‘oh my gosh, I got it!’ how empowering is that? That’s empowerment and that’s where that idea of knowledge is power becomes real. That sense of empowerment will continue as your knowledge becomes bigger and bigger by attending class,” said Ms. Alo, an assistant principal working to improve student engagement at Granger. “Many students disconnect
themselves from school because they feel as though ‘it’s too late.’ The less they attend, the more disconnected they become to their education. They improve when they hear, ‘Hey, you can still graduate. You just have to be committed to coming back and be consistent on changing certain habits,’ ” Ms. Alo said. Discouraged students should start by setting small goals of coming to school every day, talking to their teachers, turning in assignments, and having conversations with the teacher. A willingness to accomplish these goals allows for something amazing to happen as previously discouraged students realize that their teachers care about them. Students realize that their teacher will help them, and they realize that they are not alone, that’s connectedness. “Connectedness moves you to becoming committed to learning, but you have to make that connection to learning the material being taught,” said Ms. Alo. The clubs that unite students at
Granger High School are working towards great community service projects such as the clothes drive or the Hope Squad helping with suicide awareness. Through involvement at school, they are making a difference, which is thoughtfulness. Attending school and being a part of these activities is what builds thoughtfulness. Everyone has stories or hardships they have endure, but it’s important to push through and change some bad habits and commit to education. Then students will become thoughtful, empowered, and connected. Every student has the potential to become stellar students. Sydney Bell (11) cares about her education and this care is what she feel makes her thoughtful, “Showing that you are proud of your school is what makes someone who will be respected in the future. Your teachers care and are there every day, so you being there every day shows you care for your education. You are being thoughtful by showing up, teachers are dedicated to teaching you
Sarah Roberts is very excited to have won a Chromebook.
Lancers are thoughtful, empowered, and connected material that you will carry for the rest of your life,” said Bell. Bell has been rewarded and recognized for her perfect attendance. Emily Yardley (9) is passionate about her education and how perfect attendance has helped her in her success. She truly feels it has empowered her in many ways. “I am empowered by the ability to gain knowledge and life skills. If you go to school every day, you gain confidence and it reflects to your peers around you. I feel like I am empowered by being a positive influence to my two younger sisters. My going to school every day encourages them to go to school every day and that’s empowering. You should be here every day no matter what,” she said. “Your teachers just want a brighter future for you. It is important to go to class, even though you may think it’s boring, you need to make it fun. Teachers have told me, ‘You have to learn to have fun,’ that is so true,” Yard-
ley said. Yardley will continue these early positive habits she has created and continue to be committed to her education. Alex Wilson (10) has a huge commitment to Granger High School’s baseball team, and this sport has made Wilson more connected to his education and to perfect attendance. “I become more connected to my education because I have to make grades to play baseball, and to make grades, I have to understand what my teachers are teaching. It would be tough to make up missing assignments, especially when you miss the lesson we learned about, it’s harder to learn. When I am learning I am showing my teacher I am connected, and they help me when I am struggling with my work,” Wilson said. Wilson’s involvement in this sport has made him more connected and proud to be a Lancer. It has forced him to be committed to his education to continue doing the sport he loves, and that is what keeps him motivated.
Woodworking brings out creativity in students at Granger High By Francisco Gallardo WOODWORKING is a class that this class brings out creativity, expands imagination, and improves basic skills for everyday life. “I love this class, this class is something I look for forward to all day. I’m always eager to get started,” Cristian Mora (12) said. Mora is working on a toolbox that Mr. Catmull designed himself. Mora has done many projects in the shop from a simple pen to a wooden safe. “Mr. Catmull is an outstanding teacher, this class in general is so fun,” Oswaldo Sanchez (10) said, who is in Mr. Catmull’s third period class. Moving from Washington to Utah had a great impact on Sanchez, “I feel at home in the woodshop,” he said. Only being in Utah for about
four months, Sanchez explained how Mr. Catmull is not only his teacher; Sanchez also sees him as a good friend. Woodworking in general comes in handy. Want a dresser? Build it! Want new cabinets? Make them! Dedicated students can build anything out of wood. Patience is the key to accurate building. Rushing will only cause more mistakes and force a student to start all over, so it’s is better to be patient to make all the right cuts and measurements. “This class is so fun, I don’t know why more students aren’t in here, because these skills can help them through out their lives,” Nahum Gutierrez (10) said. He’s using new skills to go out of his comfort zone and build a safe out of wood.
This is Gutierrez’s first year in this class. “It can be hard at times, but I know Catmull will be there to help me and the rest of the class out,” Gutierrez said. Mr. Catmull spends hours of his personal time making videos to explain how to do these projects. The videos are crucial to building these projects, because they go through every detail and step. Many students are very attentive, and they can learn as they watch another student work. As this school year quickly comes to an end, Mr. Catmull decided to retire after next year. Hearing this news is very heartbreaking, knowing that one of the best teachers in the school will be leaving soon. Be sure to sign up for one of his classes during registration.
Students have three more semesters to work with Mr. Catmull
January 2016, page 3 OPINION
Tri-Color Times VOL. LVIII Issue 5
Letters to the editor from Granger Lancers Letter to the editor I don’t really read the newspaper but [Kailee Justesen’s] article caught my eye and once I started reading it I couldn’t stop until I finished it. It hit me so hard that it made me cry. This article made me think about the way I’ve been treating people. It made me think about how all those times I saw Marcia I never thought that she was going through pain. It reminded me of the time I lost my grandpa. I was in California for spring break, when we came home my mom told me that my grandpa passed away in the hospital that morning we came back from California. I felt my world collapse when I heard about his death. I shut everyone out but they never gave up on me, I am truly blessed and grateful for everyone in my life. I loved this article, I’m glad I took the time to read it. Marcia was a really strong person for sharing her story with everyone. -Mireta Auseuga (10)
Letter to the editor We have some very smart students at this school that aren’t using their full potential. Bringing in a new class to Granger, video game design, is an amazing idea that will help those brilliant minds find something they would like to do. It brings a whole new career field to kids that have a passion for video games. I’m sure of a lot of people that will love this class. Video games are massively growing as a pass time in millions of homes across the world. To give our students here at Granger High the opportunity to design those games that are being played by millions, even billions, of people is an amazing step up for students to prepare for their future. The class is a great idea, and hopefully it stays with the school and produces some amazing designers. -Jaren Eccles (10)
Letter to the editor In my time as a student, I have had many teachers that have at many points in the year, required subs. All of these subs had varying ranges of understanding of the classes they are teaching. Although, some of these teachers are there to be a representative in the class. That is it, that is the only thing required of them. I’ve had many subs that put on a video, and fall asleep, almost completely ignoring the lesson plan set out by the teacher. However, I’ve had some other teachers where, even if they don’t get anything done, they do try to understand where we are at. It’s all a mental thing, if teachers want to sit at the desk and fall asleep, expect most the class to do similarly. Now, there is a mentality within students who walk in, see a sub, and think, “Oh, it must be a free day then,” and completely switch off their minds, rendering them incapable of wanting to learn. If the teacher puts forward effort, expect most of the students to do the same. It works both ways here, usually. -Alec Jordan (12)
Things to look forward to in the year to come
Opinion by Tina Huynh WITH 2015 passing right on by, it hopefully left us with memorable nights, everlasting friends, and better versions of ourselves than we started with at the beginning of the year. Whether 2015 was the “greatest year of your life” or not, 2016 is the chance to make it however you desire it to be. This new year will only be great if you make it just that: great. There are many things to look forward to in the year to come, including many movies coming to theatres near you. 2016 is the absolute supreme year for superhero movies. Mar-
vel and DC both have a copious number of movies lined up just waiting to be watched. If they’re as good as the trailers make them out to be, and they always are, then you will most likely be satisfied with the following year. The probability is small of finding someone who isn’t excited for Batman v. Superman, XMen: Apocalypse, Suicide Squad, or Civil War to finally be released. The madness will kickoff with Deadpool coming out February 10th and end with Doctor Strange on November 4th. Other than stellar superheroes, other motion pictures that are highly anticipated in 2016 are Al-
legiant, The Jungle Book, Finding Dory, and Moana, all in that order with a couple of more stimulating movies in between. There shouldn’t be a dull moment next year, for the amount of enjoyable movies being premiered is limitless. Other than movies, concerts are another good pastime that are making their way to Utah. Artists like G-Eazy, Rihanna, Twenty One Pilots, 5SOS, and plenty more are performing here in 2016. Bands and singers are going on tour more than ever to cities near us, so don’t miss out on your favorite one when they make their
College choice stresses out students
Opinion by Melissa Kiem COLLEGE, college, college. It’s all you ever hear about as a Senior in High School. College this. College that. We have college week, college day, college assemblies and presentations. It’s so overwhelming sometimes. I don’t think I’m ready. It’s quite stressful if you ask me. I don’t know what I have planned for myself, really not sure what I am doing with my life right now and it makes me feel so out of place from all my friends. Still not knowing what I want to be in the future makes it hard for me to choose a college to go to. Maybe, just maybe, I will major in something like nursing, I’ve taken a couple of college classes that gave me an opportunity to get my foot into the Nursing life. I took Certified Nursing Assisting, and an Emergency Medical class for student; which I really enjoyed so for now seems like the best option for me. Medical field. It’s really stressful to see students, peers knowing what col-
leges they want to attend, what dorms they will be getting, the courses they will take and what they will major in. They have their whole lives planned out, and I just can’t do it. I feel like this age is still too early to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life, what I want to be, I am still growing, still trying to find
it is so expensive and you will be drowning in debt. College tuition is insane, you can see some celebrities tossing your college tuition around like it’s nothing. College should be free. By the time I get to be what I want to be, I would be using the money I make from the career I was able to get from going to school, to pay my school back. After all this writing I thought about how I wanted to join the military, enlist into the Air Force. They have such great benefits and they even pay for your schooling. So by doing this, I wouldn’t go to college right out of high school and that is perfectly fine with me because I feel like I need like a seventy year long break from school. To me, college is your choice. It shouldn’t affect other people’s opinions how they see you. If you want to go to college, cool. If you don’t want to go to college, cool. If you want to wait several years, or start tomorrow, that is great for you. Do what you think is best. You only have one life, so live it how you want.
“They have their whole lives planned out, and I just can’t do it. I feel like this age is still too early to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life.” out who I am and what I love. I don’t want to be paying for courses that won’t benefit me in the future, what if I change my Major plans and I end up wanting to be a farmer and all of the nursing courses I took were all just for nothing? That’s insane. That’s expensive. I would just have to be stuck, doing something I don’t want to do. To top off how great college is,
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appearance. Movies and concerts can keep a person interested for as long as they need it to, but the events that will up rise are just as entertaining. As 2016 progresses, so will our seniors. One of the most talked about events is occurring on May 27: graduation day. Not only will the seniors be graduating this year, but some of us will be going off to college or starting our careers on our way to our official “adult” life. We’ll have the final walk through the hallways and never look back. Although a senior’s life might
start to sound complicated at the beginning, juniors will be taking the ACT, beginning their college race, and freshmen and sophomores will be considered Granger Lancers for a couple more years. 2016 promises to be a year full of successful students, goals that will be obtained, and adventures to be explored. There is always something to do to make your high school years memorable. There are football games to watch, basketball games to play, and people to meet in 2016. If you didn’t like how your 2015 turned out, make sure to make this year great, Lancers.
Tri-Color Times Staff Editor in Chief Kaitlin Cluff Copy Editor Tina Huynh Reporters Myranda Alcas Pablo Arellano Kimberly Armeta Julie Burgie Ashley Cartmell Miriam Ceballos Chastin Christiansen Kaitlin Cluff Salina Eaton Fancisco Gallardo Ashley Garcia Christian Giles Noah Herrera Tina Huynh Samuel Irakoze Jazelle Johns Kailee Justesen
Social Media Editor Skye Rouse Photo Editor Jazelle Johns Reporters Arriya Khopha Melissa Kiem Azucena Magallanes Jessie Martin Saira Meza Caleb Morgan Jelani Nelson Madisen Nelson Aislyne Olsen Tera Reynolds Hayley Rigby Lisandro Rivera Skye Rouse Emma Sanok Justin Thurman Jorge Vargas Taylor Wolfey
The Tri-Color Times serves as a student forum for student opinion and student expression. The views expressed herein reflect neither the opinions of Adviser John Carlisle and Granger High School, nor those of Granite School District. The Tri-Color Times invites and publishes letters to its editorial board; all letters will be edited for taste, length and legality.
Granger High School 3580 South 3600 West West Valley, UT 84119 (385) 646-5320
Tri-Color Times VOL. LVIII Issue 5
January 2016, page 4 STUDENT LIFE
These Lancers have an amazing job The story behind the art By Jelani Nelson THE VIVINT Smart Home Arena, formally known as Energy Solutions Arena, is a great employment opportunity for anyone 16 and older. The arena is where games are held for the Utah Jazz and events of any kind. The Utah Jazz owns the Vivint Smart Home Arena. “Whether it is an intimate gathering for a few or a celebration for thousands, Vivint Smart Home Arena has the services and amenities to make your next event extraordinary,” as stated on the website. Some Lancers at Granger
High work at the arena. They all work in different departments. Some work for concessions for Utah Jazz games or for concerts. Others work downstairs for catering for all of the clubs that receives a nice buffet dinner before the game. Working at the arena can be a whole lot of fun. “I enjoy my job as a cashier for concessions because sometimes the drunk people I serve can be really funny. The people I work with are really cool. Sometimes we mess around and throw ice at each other while we are on break,” Britney Evans (11) said.
Britney Evans is one of many hard-working, job-holding Lancers.
Every Utah Jazz game is mandatory for every employee to go into work. That is, for every employee that works in the building. The arena is a good place for high school students to work that isn’t fast food or retail. Working here also has a good pay rate. “Having this job doesn’t really affect my schooling. We don’t work every day and it’s in the afternoon. Although every Jazz game is mandatory, concessions employees can also work concerts or other events if they want to,” Evans said. “It’s worth the money.” Concessions isn’t the only cool place to work at the arena; there’s also the catering department. There are a few different catering clubs to work at: VIP Club, Champions Club, The 100’s Club, and Lexus Club. They are all on different floors. “I cater on the 6th floor for Jazz 100’s Club where all the rich people eat like Gail Miller and her husband,” Morgan Tagge (11) said, “I enjoy my job. I like the people working there and the environment.” Every department and club have really cool supervisors that help everyone get the job done. They are the bosses of the department or room, but the big bosses aren’t in the room. The supervisors report to big bosses on how hardworking each employee is.
By Skye Rouse MANY STUDENTS at Granger High have meaningful tattoos. Some students have these tattoos to keep something that is meaningful to them permanent for everyone to see. “I have six tattoos and my favorite one is probably the lyrics I have from my favorite band, Twenty-One Pilots,” Kyle Tolley (11) said. “Each tattoo I have has a different meaning to me; they all have something that I can relate with,” Tolley said. Some students have many small tattoos like Tolley, but some students only have one big tattoo with a powerful meaning. “I only have one tattoo that’s on my thigh and it’s of the Strange Music Productions,” Jacob Pearson (11) said. “I love strange music productions, it’s all I listen to really,” he said. “I had a great experience getting my tattoo and am excited to get more,” he said. Music is a powerful influence on people, and so do many actors and actresses. “I have six tattoos. My favorite tattoo is my most recent one of Edward Scissorhands; my favorite actor is Johnny Depp,” Shiloh Tolley (12) said. “I also really like my Sublime sun I have on my left shoulder because Sublime is one of my favorite bands, and I think everything about them is just amazing,” Tolley said. “I
think that tattoos are a great way to express myself,” he said. Some students even show their gratitude towards their family, friends, school, and hobbies with ink on their skin. “I think that tattoos are a way to show people who you really are,” Brian Romo (9) “I love when people ask me the story behind my tattoo and what it means, because it means so much to me. I think it’s another way to get know me on like a deeper level,” Romo said. “I have two tattoos. One is of my mom’s name and the other one is my initials,” he said. Some students get so passionate about something that they have planed it out since they were little. “My tattoo is of a Granger G with a Lancer through it. I got it because I’ve played for Granger since like forever,” Layne Larson (11) said. “I have been planning my tattoo since I was like six, and got it when I was sixteen, so it was planned for like almost ten years,” Larson said. “My dad came up with the design.” Many students at Granger who already have tattoos plan to get more tattoos because they love showing off their art. “I want to cover my whole body in tattoos because it didn’t hurt, and I love them. I just love the idea of them and everything else about them,” Larson said.
Learn about what goes into taking care of Granger’s landscaping By Jazelle Johns A LITTLE over two years ago Granger Lancers moved into a brand new school. Along with the new school, new and interesting landscaping was introduced to Lancers. Now, only a couple years later, there seems to be a decline in what once was beautiful landscape. Look past the fact that it’s now winter and plant life looks dead anyway now that the season has changed. “I think students should take back what it means to be a Lancer and take pride in the school,” Kolby Smith (11) said. Smith brought up a valid point that other Lancers seemed to agree with. Although the decline in the landscape’s vitality isn’t only Granger students’ fault, they do play a huge factor. “I feel like the plant life just
isn’t taken care of as well anymore. Plus, the kids don’t respect it,” Gillian Rosier (12) said. Back in the beginning, when the building was just beginning to be built, the co-administer leads representing Granger didn’t hold back. “For two and a half years, as a co-administer lead, I went to long meetings once a week. And I mean ‘looong,’ ” vice principal Gatti said. “In the end, we didn’t go cheap on anything and we still have minor projects that are being done.” Huskiez Landscaping is working on these little projects. Ironically, the owner, Zach, was a former Granger student who used to play baseball for the Lancers. Since the opening of the new school, some small changes have been noted. “After attending Granger for
two years, there are still new things I notice. For example, in the beginning we used to have woodchips out front, and now there are little red rocks,” Annie Turner (12) said. Some others have questioned this change and it was just another “minor project” that was needed. “Before, the woodchips were too light and used to fly around in the wind everywhere out front. So, we called Huskiez and asked what a better option would be, and they suggested the red rocks,” Dr. Gatti said. After all was said and done with the building and the doors were opened, Huskiez warrantied the entire landscape including all the plant life and such, for two years. They replaced anything that died and kept up on the maintenance. Now, two years have passed
Gillian wants students to appreciate the plants around Granger High. She thinks more should be done to care for them.
and the responsibility has been passed on to Granger. “Custodians and district maintenance take care of the upkeep of our plant life,” Dr. Gatti said. To make things more efficient a drip system was installed beneath the soil to water the plants. “This system is a bunch of teeny tubes that sweat water from underneath. If you move a few inches of top soil, you’d be able to feel the moisture,” he said. Lancers should come together and help with the upkeep of the school. “Our students should stop
littering and clean up after themselves,” Turner said. Another idea is directed towards all the service groups of Granger. “I know we have a lot of service groups, maybe they can help out by doing service projects for Granger focused on our landscaping,” Rosier said. There’s a lot of work put into maintaining Granger High’s landscape. It seems many Lancers agree students should come together and help out as much as possible to keep the school looking nice.
Kolby encourages Lancers to take pride in their school.
January 2016, page 5 STUDENT LIFE
Tri-Color Times VOL. LVIII Issue 5
Feeling safe is an increasing concern at Granger High School By Hayley Rigby SOME OF the students at Granger High School are not feeling so safe while at school, some feel that Granger doesn’t have very many gang problems, and some say that Granger is a safe place. “I think that Granger is somewhere that I can call a safe place, I feel like there aren’t many gang members here, I rarely see gang members here, but the ones I do see are pretty threatening,” Alton Phonepraseuth (10) said. Granger has had many problems with gang related issues in the past. This year has been pretty rocky and has had some issues. But still some of the students feel Granger is still a pretty safe school. “I feel like Granger is a safe school because we have some pretty great security here, and I don’t really see any gang members. We have rules that most of the students follow, which I feel helps make this school a better place,” Isis Oro (10) said. There are some students who
feel differently about how safe or unsafe Granger really is. There are students who find it to be less safe than others, and they find it hard to walk the halls without feeling like something bad might happen. “I feel like Granger is unsafe because the recent gang activity we have been having, things like we aren’t allowed to wear solid blue or red, I always feel like I have to watch what I say or something bad might happen,” Quinnton Draper (10) said. The students should feel comfortable at school and should be able to say whatever they want without feeling like they will be hurt if they say something wrong. The students have the right to feel comfortable while at school and in class. Some teachers feel like this school has changed a lot this year, there are some that say they are tired all these ‘little gang members’. Even though the students and teachers are tired of it, there really isn’t much that could be
done to stop them. There are very few things that the school and administration can do to stop these students from doing what they are doing. The teachers cannot force the students to do anything, which makes it hard to change the students for the better. “I feel like being at Granger is way different than any of the other schools I have been at. I know that other schools have more problems with gang activity,” Savanna Hoffman (9) said. “I personally feel like Granger is a pretty safe school,” Hoffman said. There are many ways that the students at Granger can help change this school for the better. Focusing on self-improvement is one of the first things the students must focus on. If these students see others changing, they might start to change themselves when they see others doing better. Granger is going to be starting something new that may help these students
for the better. Help Granger in making this a better place for everyone by reaching out to new
friends. In the end, it’s up to Lancers to make Granger safe.
Quinnton pretends to flex on Alton, as serious concerns about safety remain.
Music choices please students at Granger High School By Tera Reynolds MANY STUDENTS at Granger High School love music, and have different tastes, styles, and genres. “My family and friends have influenced me the most when it comes to my music,” Damion Robertson (10) said. “If the world did not have music, it would be boring and bland. Music helps me just chill out, get pumped up for a game and be stress-free,” he said. A lot of people do things while listening to music to help them concentrate “When having a bad day, I just play some music, and it makes me feel better,” Robertson said. “My favorite type of music is rap, my favorite rap artist would probably be Logic.” Some students at Granger High like some of the same music and some of them disagree with
what music is good and what is bad. “Listening to music and playing the drums is a good way to relax,” Dalin Merkel (10) said. “I love old school hip hop and rap. If I’m ever in a bad mood, I just put on some music and chill out,” he said. “I can not imagine life without music; music helps me be myself. I guess I would not be the same person I am today without music,” Merkel said. “I’m very thankful music is in my life, I want to learn how to play more instruments, but school is my first priority at the moment. I know I will for sure when I’m done with school,” Merkel said. Music is very inspirational to many people because people feel a connection to it emotionally. “I love playing the piano and the violin,” Megan Peterson (11) said. “I like alternative music and
School rules affect students
By Lisandro Rivera GRANGER policies have affected students in many different ways either good or bad. Students have so many reasons on why they are absent and tardy. In a way it is a good idea to get the students to come to school and at times it might affect them by all the fees they have to pay. If students would come to school, Granger would not have many policies. Students like Daniela Candia (9) don’t really think the school policies are a great idea. “I think it’s unnecessary because you might have a problem at home that makes you come late to class,” she said. They are not bad policies, but if there is something going on, it should at least be heard. Some students like the idea of the policies for the reason that it might make them want to come to school. “I think it’s a great idea; especially the fact that it motivates me to come to class and makes me be here on time. It’s great I love the idea,” Lidia Candia (9) said. The school policies are great
for having more students be in school than other years in the past, but not everyone will be able to pay off those school fees when maybe they didn’t mean to be late or absent for problems or reasons they have that don’t want to talk about. Students that were performing below expectations now are way up on being here because of those policies that Granger has, but is it worth it to motivate them to be here every day on time. “Personally I love the idea for making students pay. It motivates us to come earlier, and it shows that Granger cares, especially the fact they offer help after school to make up the fees,” Delia Candia (9) said. Students should try to make it on time more so they don’t worry about the fees but there should be something for the ones that can’t make it for whatever reason. The good thing is that Granger High administrators show that they care by putting these policies in place to make sure students get to school on time because Granger’s comminuty cares for the education of all students.
just a little of everything, I mix up my music a lot. Music keeps me happy and smiling, I listen to music when I’m bored, it gives me something to do and keeps me busy. Music makes everything more interesting and keeps me positive,” she said. Music can change emotions, so someone in a blue mood should put on a favorite song “I think it’s crazy how music can change how you’re feeling in seconds,” Peterson said. “Playing instruments is also amazing because it gives you a different perspective on music. Playing instruments is also hard but fun; I want to learn how to play even more instruments,” Peterson said. “Life without music would be boring and the world would be negative.” Music ranges from alternative to punk rock to screamo.
“I play drums, bass, violin, lot lately it’s on my playlist, and and guitar,” Tyler Talbot (12) I listen to it nonstop. North Lane said. “Life would be gray and is my favorite band,” he said dull without music. It helps with “Music helped me find who I am stress and helps me concentrate. I emotionally,” Talbot said. do most things while listening to music.” “I want to get better at playing instruments, and learn how to play cool songs. I really like hard-core rock music, but I listen to all music. I mix it up a bit,” Talbot said. “I’ve been listening to Megan Peterson plays violin and piano. North Lane a
Tri-Color Times VOL. LVIII Issue 5
January 2016, page 6 PROFILES
Abigail Kovash loves to play the Cello
By Miriam Ceballos CELLO is a wonderful instrument that has an elegant sound to it. Many people play the cello for fun, but some people love it even more. Abigail Kovash (11) has played the cello since she was in fifth grade. She got into classical music because she just heard it and fell in love with it. “I love classical music, but I will also listen to almost any kind of music,” Kovash said. She has played in front of audiences since she was in elementary school. She plans on going to other schools, but she would really like to go to either Berklee or UVU. She is an amazing cello player. Listeners can tell that when she’s playing, she gets lost in the music, even when she’s performing or just practicing. “I sometimes get lost in the music, and sometimes I don’t even know I’m doing it,” she said. She has played in music concerts here at Granger, and she wants to learn more not just about the cello but also about classical
music and orchestra. She also wants to improve her skills and be a better musician. The orchestras played amazingly and are all very talented kids. Many students can join that class, whether it’s for trying out new things or getting recommendations for college. Kovash’s teacher thinks she a great student but can also use improving in her playing. As for any other career there is always improving to do. She not only practices at school but also in her house where she can be as loud as she wants, but not too loud. She wants to study all the kinds of music. Berklee can help her reach the goals she’s looking to achieve. Berklee has an online school, which could help. Berklee has a lot to offer her. Which is why she is considering The Berklee College of music. UVU is also an amazing school that could offer a lot, too. They focus mainly on education, performance, and commercial
music. UVU’s “Music program is amazing; many students are graduating from their program. I’m thinking of going to Berklee in Boston or the UVU here in Utah. I haven’t yet applied, but I will.” she said. They performed in December where the orchestra had a Christmas concert and they played well. Playing an instrument is hard, and it takes a long time to get better at it. Also if anyone wants to take any orchestra classes, students would have to be patient and really try. Every student is different. If some students don’t play as good as others one night, remember most of them might have played longer than others. And also students need to learn how to read notes in order to be in any or-
chestra class. Orchestra is very unappreciated. Very few people care about how much hard work people put into it. Just like the Excaliburs, everyone in the orchestra has to
work together with perfect timing. Kovash is a very passionate musician, and she will do what it takes to become a better cello player.
To Abigail, classical music is a story people can make.
This Lancer competes in roller derby
By Madisen Nelson BEING a roller derby athlete takes a whole lot of determination and training. “Roller derby is hard; you are on skates hitting people. You have to use a lot of strategies,” Joanie Hill (9) said. In order to be ready for their matches, they have to practice every Sunday for three hours to improve their skills. These girls practice at the Derby Depot in Salt Lake City. “You’re learning a sport and roller derby at the same time. It’s hard to find the right amount of practice, strategy, skating, and foot work,” Savanna Esquivel, Hill’s roller derby coach, said. These kids work really hard. “ROLLER derby is a unique demonstration of athletic women
playing both offense and defense simultaneously, dishing out hard hits and amazing agility with every lap. Beneath every entertaining name and flashy uniform is a woman who has learned to exhibit speed, balance, endurance, teamwork, and dedication,” as stated on the wasatchrollerderby. com website. There are a couple rules to roller derby. No throwing elbows, no swearing, and no tripping other skaters intentionally. Any of that can get the players in trouble. However, they may use hips and shoulders to push or block. “To win points, the jammers have to pass all of the players on the opposing team,” Hill said. A jammer is someone who has to line up behind pivots, and then
Joanie strikes a roller derby pose.
when she hears the second whistle, she takes off. A Jammer has a star on both sides of her helmet. “Brand new skaters start off with basics, stops, crossovers, and proper stance. They then move to advance, which is gaining speeds and ways to start. They also need to know strategies, things like learning when and what to do like performing defense then switching to offense. Working together is also a big thing we teach. I always want them to ask questions,” coach Esquivel said. There is more to roller derby than just the jammers. They have pivots that set the pace of the pack; they can even take the star from the jammers. They also have blockers. Blockers assist their own jammer. The blockers defend the opposing jammer with hard hits and hip checks. Hill and her team don’t just compete in Utah; they compete in other states, too. “We have already been to Colorado and Idaho. Such fancy places, I know. The next place we ago is Las Vegas in May,” she said. When competing, there is certain clothing to wear. “We wear our roller derby jerseys and black leggings, which are just black capris.” Hill said. Roller derby is a great opportunity to meet people and have lots of fun. “My favorite part of roller derby is meeting the new people because they are amazing,” she said. Any girls can join at The Derby Depot on 1415 S. 700 West, Salt Lake City, UT.
Catch this fiery film Review by Chastin Christiansen MOCKINGJAY Part II was a great movie. I really enjoyed the movie; it was very entertaining and really grabbed my attention right from the beginning. The way that they just dispose of a character, no matter how important you might have thought they were, is different than a lot of movies that I have seen. Just like all movies though, this one had its ups and its downs. What I really liked about this movie was how many different genres they incorporated into it. It had a bit of comedy, a bunch of action, some romance, and a few thrilling scenes. I wanted there to be more thrilling scenes. Another thing that I loved but also hated at the same time was how they could kill off any character at any time, without warning. You become attached to them, learning many of their backstories and then moments later they are killed or kidnapped or somehow removed from the film. I feel like they should have made it more dramatic by killing one of the main characters. While I did really enjoy the movie, there were some, but very few, letdowns. I don’t think that Josh Hutcherson, the actor who played Peeta, was a good choice. I feel like someone else could have really brought his character so much more entertaining features, and that sort of let me down. I felt as if it should have
been Gale Hawthorne. The war between Katniss and Snow was very entertaining, but also very cruel. I did not enjoy all of killing of the people in the districts from President Snow’s mortal traps. I enjoyed when President Snow thought that he had finally killed Katniss and her allies but then he spots her on one of his cameras. Some other highlights were how realistic so many of the scenes appeared to be. It shows in the final product just how much time was put into this movie, and it really paid off. I was also really impressed how they could make the actors and actresses look so sickly in some of the scenes. It really is awesome how far filming has come, being able to make such incredible sceneries and landscapes with nothing more than a camera and some computer programs. I really enjoyed the makeup on Katniss when they made her the Mockingjay, and their wardrobe was very immaculate. I loved how at the end of the movie there was finally peace and they where finally going to get to kill Snow, Katniss said she wanted to kill him. I loved when all the people rush up at the end This was such a great movie to see with friends and family. I think that many others should see it, and I think that starting with the very first movie is the best way to see all of these movies in the The Hunger Games series.
January 2016, page 7 SPORTS
Tri-Color Times VOL. LVIII Issue 5
Ben Garcia brings his best to Granger’s boys basketball team
By Noah Herrera “I REALLY enjoy being on the team and being around such good people,” Ben Garcia (10) said. “My experience being on this team has been great. I really enjoy every aspect of being here,” said Garcia. “Being on this team is nice because it has definitely kept me in check with keeping my grades up and taking responsibility more seriously,” Garcia said. Brendan Blank (10) friend and fellow teammate of Garcia spoke very highly of him. “Ben is a very good and fun person to be on the court with. When he comes on the court he helps to pick up the team and keep them going in bad situations,” Blank said. “In my opinion I honestly
think he is the hardest working player on and off the court. He is a great player and person to be around and I am very happy he is on our team.” Blank said. “The best part about being on the team is the constant motivation from your teammates. It really motivates me to try and do my best every day on and off the court,” Garcia said. “Basketball has definitely helped me to develop skills such as confidence and leadership skills.” “I think I would probably define myself as a role player coming off the bench. I like being able to come off the bench and help out my teammates any way I can,” Garcia said. “I have made very many good friendships and relationships with
my teammates and my coaches who help to motivate me every day,” Garcia said. “All of the coaches are really nice. They help to motivate us to do better and work harder every day. I think they are my biggest motivation,” Garcia said. Another friend and also fellow teammate of Garcia’s is Anel Alagic (10). “I think that Ben is probably the hardest working player on the team. He works harder than anyone on the floor and is a great teammate to have,” Alagic said. “He is also one of the nicest people I know. I would consider him one of my best friends and I feel that I can trust him with anything. Having that relationship I think can really help us on the
court. Ben is the one who brings the end goal,” Garcia said. energy to the team and does what Granger High Students should is needed to win,” Alagic said. get the chance to meet this amaz“I think the biggest thing bas- ing Lancer, and come support him ketball has helped me with is and the rest of the G-House basgrades. Being on this team re- ketball team. ally makes me strive to do well,” Garcia said. “It also helps to have encouragement from teammates and coaches all the time to do well.” “Being on this team has taught me so much. I’ve learned a lot about leadership and how to work well with people. We always have to communicate and be on the same page so Garcia describes the G-House basketballers. we can work towards
The girls basketball team is ready to do their best this season By Kaitlin Cluff LANCERS have always been proud of the amazing talent and dedication that rises up out of Granger High School. One team that never ceases to please the crowds is Granger’s Lady Lancer basketball team. This is the first year that Chancey Leatherwood (9) has played on the team. “At first I was confident and I just kept telling myself to try hard. Then I got discouraged and made myself nervous. At the end of tryouts, all I wanted to know was if I made the team,” Leatherwood said. The Lady Lancers work hard to make victories possible. They are a very close group of girls who honestly care about each other more than winning. “The most rewarding part is just being with the girls, and the atmosphere. The wins are just a bonus,” Lizzy Peterson (12) said. Basketball is not all fun and games. It is a lot of hard work and takes a lot of dedication. “The most challenging part
would be when you’re not playing your best and it can throw your teammates off their game as well,” Samra Mehmedovic (10) said. Along with challenges, come many rewards as well. Some that are more immediate like winning, and some that they earn over a long period of time. “The relationships that come from being on the team are the most rewarding part. If I hadn’t been on the basketball team, I wouldn’t have met the friends that I hold closest to my heart,” Kaylee Winters (12) said. Playing for Granger has inspired a lot of the girls to further their basketball careers throughout the rest of high school, and even college. “I’d like to play at Warren Wilson in North Carolina, or any college in Utah. I would be happy with whatever I got,” Peterson said. For some of the girls, tryouts were nerve wracking. Even some of the returners weren’t completely confident. They all knew
that they were going to have to do their best. “This year’s team has a lot of seniors. I was just thinking about how hard I had to push myself to show my worth as a player. I just thought I had to show the coaches the value that I could add to the team,” Winters said. Fans wonder why their favorite athlete was inspired to do what they love. Inspiration is what drives a lot of players to be as successful as they become. “I love basketball. I’ve been playing since I was young. It was just set in stone for me in junior high and elementary school that I wanted to play, and that I would do anything to play on my high school team. I aspire to play college basketball as well,” Mehmedovic said. No player is perfect right from the get go. Every athlete aspires to do better and achieve individualized goals. “I plan on trying out every year throughout the rest of high school. I hope to become better at ball handling and doing the plays
Lancer wrestlers take it to the mat By Caleb Morgan WRESTLING is known by many to be the hardest of the high school sports. Very seldom does the average Lancer really know what wrestling consists of: all the hours needed for practicing or the wide variety of different techniques and skills to be mastered to be a great wrestler. There’s also the intensity put forward by the athlete to train his mind for the mental game this seemingly simple three-minute round requires. It’s quite clear that there is no other sport as ferocious as wrestling. All other sports are lethargic in comparison to intense sport of wrestling. Donovan Fail (11) wrestles in the incredibly difficult 126 weight class. “Wrestling started out as something to try out, maybe it would be fun, something new to try, but now wrestling is my life. It’s a passion,” Fail said. He explained that he is always pushing himself to be a better wrestler by the way he practices physically on the mat and mentally off the mat. “I usually spend my spare time watching videos online to better myself to become a better wrestler,” he said. Dona-
van’s goal for this year is to place in state competition. Any truly successful wrestling team is one that has dedicated athletes who understand the only way to win is to train a lot and at a very difficult level of intensity. When it comes down to it, if a player isn’t training, his coach will make sure that he won’t be allowed to compete – that’s how important practicing should be to a team. Two years ago, Granger High school had just a few students competing, and now the team is currently forty strong and is dedicated to pushing each other for accomplishments Granger High school hasn’t seen in many years. Wrestling at Granger is no longer mediocre. It’s shocking the state into submission that the Lancers are back and packing a punch this season. A heavy weight wrestler for Granger High School is Sam Aiono (12). He wrestles in the 220 weight class as a heavyweight, and he knows what he is doing. Just last year at UVU, he nearly took state by a storm, but barely lost the final against Lehi’s Stringham. That’s the beauty of wrestling: it doesn’t matter if a
wrestler’s weight is 90 pounds or 200 pounds. If someone takes the time to practice hard and study the art of wrestling, he can pin and win. Mr. Clapier, the wrestling coach, is extremely confident in his wrestlers. “I would like to take ten wrestlers to state this year round, compared to the eight we had last year,” he said. It’s a realistic goal considering the number of students he now has on his team compared to a couple of years ago. Anyone curious about the history of Granger High School’s wrestling program should check with Mr. Ketchum because he used to coach wrestling at Granger back in the day. It’s great to see a powerful wrestlers once again fighting for Granger High. “They are now in region two for wrestling”. Being in region two will be difficult because it includes four of the top seven teams from last year. It isn’t going to be an easy task for the team, but knowing how dedicated the staff, and wrestlers are, Utah’s wrestling teams are in for one heck of fight from a stronger and fiercer Granger High School.
exactly how the coaches say,” Leatherwood said. Granger High School expects big things from the Lady Lancers. Lancers can’t wait to see how
well the girls do this season. Make sure to come out and support the Lady Lancers during the rest of their season. Go girl’s basketball.
This Lady Lancer is ready to leave it all on the court game after game.
Tri-Color Times VOL. LVIII Issue 5
January 2016, page 8 ENTERTAINMENT
Amazing movies come out in January
Review by Samuel Irakoze January is going to amazing if any Lancers are going to watch Ride Along 2. It comes out on January 15. If you’re thinking about it you should. I been watching trailers, and the movies are going to be amazing. If you like comedy, you should go see Ride Along 2. If you love action movies, this movie has action, too. If you seen the first one, then you should be really excited for the sequel. It’s about a cop who’s marrying his partner’s sister, and every mission they’re on he tries his hardest to prove to him that he can protect his sister if they get married. He’s always messing things up, not sticking to plans his partner made, he is always angry at something, and he never smiles. But they always get each other’s backs on a mission. Great movie -- go see it on January 15. 400 Days is sci-fi movie, which I’m going to see myself, because I
love sci-fi movies – they’re amazing. 400 Days is about the longterm effects of space travel to distant planets. Beyond that, they are going to run in unexpected challenges while on the mission. After they lose their communication with the outside world, they think that they are being tested. If you love sci-fi movie action, then this is your movie. I would love this movie because its space, and I love space movies. Coming this January 22, is Kung Fu Panda 3. Personally, this is one of my favorite movies. I loved the first one and the second. They’re not going to let me down. Kung Fu Panda 3 is about a warrior panda, and he has to learn how to stop being a warrior and become a teacher and teach the ways of kung fu. While his finding his ways, he meets his father, who he has never met before. His father invites him to come home see where he came from and to meet his family.
All his life, he has been wondering where he came from and who were his parents. He finally got his chance to find out, and there’s no way he was going to miss this opportunity. To make things difficult, there’s one bad guy that has been searching for the pandas that are left and he wants to kill every panda left on the planet. He wasn’t going to give up on them – their lives were on the line. He just got to know these guys, and he isn’t just going to lose them. He had to ask himself, how do you train a panda, he thought to himself how did he learn, of course with food. The guy is unstoppable, so there’s one thing Po has to do. He has to train the pandas teach them kung fu teach them the ways of a warrior. It wasn’t going to be easy, but he had to find a way to train them. He has to get them ready for the biggest battle of their lives.
Sunshine Girl haunts reading list
Review by Jessie Martin THE HAUNTING of Sunshine Girl by Paige McKenzie is a series about a girl who moves into a house that is haunted. It started online, and now will be a trilogy of books. “I liked it very much,” Ms. Judy, one of the librarians, said. Ms. Judy likes ghost stories and this one captured her attention. “I love haunted houses it intrigues me. I liked that she could hear the little girl and that she could play games with her,” she said. Ms. Judy likes to think that people are having fun on the other side and not being tormented by their deaths. “I didn’t like that the mother was possessed; that troubled me a lot,” Ms. Judy said. She liked the mother’s character because she was nice and funny in the beginning. After she was possessed, she changed. “I didn’t see the mother getting possessed,” Ms. Judy said. She thought that the ending could mean that there are other books, and she was right. There will be two other books in this trilogy the second will come out March 1,
2016. “I just read another ghost story, The Appearance of Annie Vansinderen, it’s really good,” Ms. Judy said. Ms. Judy will be looking into the YouTube series. The main character Sunshine is quirky and loveable and no one can help but like Nolan’s nerdy personality. Even the little ghost girl is an interesting and likeable character. The book and the YouTube series are a little different. In the book, things happen a lot faster. She meets her friend Nolan and discovers her powers quickly. In the YouTube series, Sunshine Girl is actually Paige McKenzie and reveals that in season three, but in the book her name is actually Sunshine. Sunshine is something called a louiseach: a person that has power to interact with and help spirits move on. In the books, Sunshine finds out what she is in the first one, in the YouTube series, she finds out in season three. This book gets 3.84 out of 5 stars by reviews on the goodreads. com website and The Haunting of Sunshine Girl network channel
on You Tube has almost 375,000 subscribers. This series is similar to the series Shattered Souls by Mary Lindsey. In this book, the main character, Lenzi, finds out that she is a ‘speaker’ who is someone that spirits are drawn to, and someone that can help them move on and that can fight against the ones that turned dark. Also in both stories the main character has a protector, someone who protects them from harm and helps them move spirits on. In the end of the first book, Sunshine finally meets her mentor after saving her mother and friend from a water demon, thus leading readers to believe that the story is not over. The Haunting of Sunshine Girl will continue in a trilogy and the second book The Awakening of Sunshine Girl will be released March 1 2016. The Haunting of Sunshine Girl network on YouTube has ten seasons. For similar novels, check with Ms. Judy in the library. She loves a good ghost story, and she is always ready to reccomend a good one to read.
Adele turns 25
Review by Taylor Wolfley FOUR YEARS have passed since the famous singer Adele released her hit album, 21. This soulful singer has made a miraculous comeback with her new release, 25. Adele’s 25 hit the market, and it hit it hard by breaking records that have not been broken in years. The songs are soulful and tell their own stories. Adele has made a beautiful comeback. Fans have been ecstatic about this album. The album was released November 20, 2015. In the first day of its release, the album sold 1.49 million copies. In the first week it sold around 3.38 million copies. All of these sales are shattering records for the first time in years. This album is full of amazing songs. These tracks are bursting with beautiful lyrics from her signature genre: soul music. Many of her fans have been waiting for this album to be released for a long time. Adele’s first single from the album, “Hello” easily found its way into to the number one spot on the billboard and Twitter Trending 140 Chart. The album sold more copies in a month than Taylor Swift’s 1989 did in one year. The album itself has some of the best tracks she has ever released. Every song has its own unique message. Adele has always had stories, and the best way for her to tell them, is in her music. All of her tracks have their very own story to them, thus making every song personal to Adele herself. “My last record was a breakup record and if I had to label this one I would call it a make-up record. I’m making up with my-
self,” Adele stated on the adele. com website. Many people have always talked about how Adele only sings about herself, or how she sings about heartbreak and relationships. The album consists of beautiful songs that show Adele’s personality, about how she is feeling and what’s going on in her life. This album has been named just like her other albums, 21, and 19. She wrote the majority of the album while she was twenty-five years old. Adele was originally going to write this album about being a new mother, but she instead wrote 25, for the first album would have been “quite boring”. She felt as her last album had been a “breakup” album, and she wanted her new album to be more of a “makeup” album. Adele’s new music is definitely showing a new side of her. In this album she shows that she is no longer writing about the ex she wrote about in her last album 21. She is showing that she is moving on from her heartbreak. The album still has her soul music in it, but some new songs have a little more pizazz to them than her usual ones. One in particular, “Water Under the Bridge”, is a very upbeat song that can just put a smile on anyone’s face. Adele is going on tour in 2016. The tour dates in Northern America have been released on the website. If you are a fan of Adele, you may also like these artists: Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Katy Perry, Rihanna, and Justin Bieber. All of these artists have similar music styles to Adele. So if you need a little refresh, give these other artists a try.
For fantasy-loving Lancers, here’s a book worth reading
Review by Salina Eaton LEVEN Thumps and the Gateway to Foo, written by Obert Skye, is
an inspiring fantasy novel and book series with five books in total with the series. Leven Thumps is the fourteenyear-old protagonist of the story. He was brought into the world as an orphan, his mother having died while giving birth to him, which you discover in the first few pages of the first chapter. Leven is then taken in by some terrible hillbilly relatives and lives in a mobile home with his aunt and uncle for the most part of his life. With horribly hillbilly
substitutes for guardians, Leven never really enjoyed being with them. But that’s where the fun comes into play. Leven will discover a companion who will journey with him on his quest to find the gateway to Foo. Foo is the very magical place where dreams become reality, where people wander to find out that hey control the very dreams of man. Foo is where dreams reside and the reason that humanity can have dreams. Without it, both Foo and the human world will surely crumble in to chaos and ruin. That’s where Leven comes into the picture. He alone holds the key to the gateway and will be the savior of Foo. Or so he’s told. The antagonist of this story is an evil tyrant who only seeks his own rule and destruction of both Foo and the human world. You’ll learn his name as you read the
book. This merciless villain will stop at nothing to get what he desires. His ambitions are dark and cruel and as evil and blind as all hell could be. Although, he can’t quite get anywhere with Lev in the way along with the fact that he’s stuck in Foo and he wants a way out, fast. Leven can’t on any circumstance allow this villain to get to the gateway, for if he does, everything will be ruined. Good thing Leven has three other companions to help him on this journey to Foo. Leven fights through monster after monster, shadow after shadow, and everything else that the villain throws at him, but he remains steadfast and as confident as he can with the help of his friends. This book is an amazing way to get lost in a world of fantasy, danger, and excitement. The
reader will surely become engulfed by the adventures that each chapter brings. The reader will be enticed by every event and every plot twist. Though plot twists are spread out, it’s fun to read them as the story plays out. As you read this fantastic book, you’ll absolutely come to love the series, especially if you are a fantasy or sci-fi lover. As the stories in this book play out, they will hide good advice for the readers as they journey through life just as Leven journeys to find his destiny alongside three good friends. Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo is an amazing and inspiring book for young teens everywhere and I highly recommend that they read the entire series. I hope you enjoy the book, and make your own journey as well as helping friends along the way. And keep that smile.