By Wendy Culverwell
Photo by Wendy Culverwell Jenny Vollmer of Kennewick rents her swimming pool by the hour on Swimply, a company that connects pool owners with swimmers willing to pay a fee to rent them.
Pasco’s not-so-sleepy east side is getting yet another massive new development.
Richland’s Reach Museum emerges from pandemic leaner and stronger Tri-City homeowners take the plunge into pool rentals
So far, seven Tri-City pool owners have taken the plunge and listed theirs with Swim
One day during a long, hot summer, Laskin eyed his neighbor’s swimming pool. “I convinced the neighbor to let me use his pool for a fee,” Laskin said. “The lightbulb went off when the neighbor said ‘yes.’ ” That lightbulb led Laskin to start Swim ply, which connects owners of private swim ming pools with people who are willing to pay a fee to use them for a few hours. He realized how many other pools there were, many of which weren’t being used a lot.The new company, Swimply, has become the “Airbnb of swimming pools.”
“Except,” interjected Laskin, “Swimply rents out by the hour, while Airbnb is at least an overnight stay. Plus, normally people come to the pool from your community, rath er than come in from out of town.”
By Jeff Morrow for Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business Pasco’scomingdevelopmentbigtoeast
The Reach Museum survived the pan demic, increasing admissions beyond prepandemic levels, celebrating its eighth anni versary and looking to the future with hope for an expansion at its Richland facility over looking the Columbia River. “It’s really a milestone for us,” said Rosan na Sharpe, executive director. The museum was meeting its goals be fore the Covid-19 pandemic forced it to shut down.“Just after our fifth anniversary, we were trending upward in terms of our mission, growing our membership, our foundation support and engagement with the commu nity. Then everything kind of cut off at the knees, like many organizations; we were not unique. So, we had to really have an austere program.”TheReach Museum opened in 2014 and celebrates the natural and scientific history of the Mid-Columbia along with its people and cultures. It serves as the epicenter for tourism related to the Ice Age Floods and the Hanford Reach National Monument, for which it is named.Tosurvive with its doors closed for a full year, the Reach cut staff, reorganized those who remained and applied for and received $180,000 through the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) Act,
Tri-CitiesAreaJournalofBusiness 8524W.GageBlvd.,#A1-300 Kennewick,WA99336PAIDPRESORTEDSTANDARDU.S.POSTAGEPASCO,WAPERMITNO.8778 PLEASEDELIVERTOCURRENTOCCUPANT “There is communityscience-savvyincrediblyanhere.” -Michael Landry, director, LIGO Hanford Observatory Page A29 NOTEWORTHY August 2022 Volume 21 | Issue 8 Tourism Cities embrace space when the solar system comes to town Page A27 Focus STCU hits $5 billion, eyes more branches in the Tri-Cities Page A17 Real Estate & Construction Homebuilding slows in the Tri-Cities but demand goes on Page B1
The review process was pending when the Journal of Business went to press. Tarragon had not secured building permits. The project will occupy two parcels of un developed land totaling 111 acres. It is directly west of the Lakeview manufactured home park. One of the two Amazon warehouses is to the north; the other is kitty-corner across the street.Tarragon paid $5.2 million for the When Bunim Laskin was a kid in New Jersey, he was always looking for things to do.“I am the oldest of 12 kids,” he said. “And growing up, I never attended summer camp.”
By Robin Wojtanik for Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business
uTARRAGON, Page A4 uREACH, Page A36 uSWIMPLY, Page A32
Tarragon LLC, a Seattle development firm that builds industrial, residential, retail and mixed-use projects, submitted plans for an in dustrial complex with eight buildings totaling 2.1 million square feet on South Road 40 East, near Sacajawea State Park, to the city of Pasco. The combined size is roughly equal to the two Amazon warehouses being built next door and across the street. The industrial park’s future tenants could bring 1,500 employees to the neighborhood and add 7,250 new vehicle trips to local streets per day, with truck trips representing 17% of the total, according to a description of the proj ect in environmental review documents. The project could have a construction value of $273 million or more, based on the average cost of industrial development of $130 to $190 per square foot in the Seattle region in mid2022, as calculated by Rider Levett Bucknall, which tracks commercial construction costs. Ben Waiss, senior development manager and Tarragon’s lead contact, declined to com ment.The project is referred to as Pasco Road 40 Development in documents filed under the Washington State Environmental Protection Act, or SEPA. The city issued an environmen tal checklist regarding the project on Aug. 2 and indicated it is probable the project will not have a significant impact on the environment.


Teresa Musser and Jacqueline Musser Gering Linda and Rick Craig
“We always open at 8 o’clock sharp. People say we’re the most expensive in town, but we’re trying to make the most money for our clients first. We do really well,” Craig said. After it’s over, all unsold items are sort ed and taken to charities, thrift store dona tion centers or the dump accordingly. Craig Estate Sales charges 25% to 40% of the total sale in fees depending on size, condition, value of the estate and how much work is involved in cleaning and preparation.Craig’swife, Linda, a Realtor with EXP Realty - The Phipps Team, will represent the house if needed and orchestrate carpet cleaning and other basic tasks to prepare the home for sale, making it a full pack ageCraigdeal. started running estate sales as a side gig for a banker friend who was later promoted to the trust division of his insti tution. The company saw the estate sales as a conflict of interest, so Craig took over. “I had gone to a couple of other estate sales and it was horrible. If it was my grandma or dad, I would have been really upset. So, I decided to help senior citizens in the worst time in their lives,” Craig said. Business took off and the retired Ma rine made estate sales his full-time job.
Estate liquidation professionals help Tri-Citians clear out clutter
Not your grandma’s estate sale Musser Bros. Auctions and Real Estate decided to throw its hat into the estate liq uidation arena when, during the thick of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, a family friend was dealing with an estate. The house needed to be sold, but also colossal collections of baseball cards, tools and coins. The friend knew they were valuable but wasn’t sure how to proceed. “Scott (Musser has) been in the busi ness for 40-some years … but he’s never really dealt with the estate side of it be cause it’s a lot of pots and pans and small stuff,” said his wife, Teresa Musser. “But at the time, all the usual places to sell col lectibles were closed. We decided to just take it Theyon.”predicted they’d make $3,000 to $4,000 at auction for everything. It brought in $25,000. “There was something there,” Teresa said.She and her daughter, Jacqueline Muss er Gering, decided to develop the concept. And so, Musser’s newest brand, Estate Details, was born. How it works: The items in an estate are sorted, split into lots, photographed and uploaded to the Estate Details website. Anyone can browse the lots, create a free account and bid on items until the lots close.Estate Details also holds monthly con signment auctions where anyone can bring in items to auction. Some smaller estates are rolled into these. Additional marketing for listings is available for a cost. Overall cost for handling an entire es tate varies based on complexity. All items are also subject to a 15% buy er’s premium as well as sales tax. After winning an item, buyers sign up for a pickup slot and collect their items at either Musser Bros.’ Pasco office or the house where the estate is located. Ship ping is also available. Additional fees ap ply for items held beyond pickup day. “What makes us different than the tag sales is that, with us, we sell almost 100% of what’s there,” Jacqueline said. “Tag sales often get negotiated. At an auction, the price never goes down, it always goes up.”Of course, the caveat is that unless a reserve price has been set, which must be met for the item to sell, one runs the risk
By Laura Kostad
A3TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 Have unwanted stuff lying around? Perhaps a whole houseful? Tri-City estate liquidators can help, of fering a variety of selling formats includ ing traditional tag sales, auctions and di rectEstatepurchases.salesaren’t just for the elderly, or evenRickestates.Craig, owner of Craig Estate Sales, has been running in-home tag sales throughout the Columbia Basin for 28 years. In addition to the estates of people who have passed away or need to down size before moving into assisted living or a nursing home, many clients are simply moving out of state. “Mainly Hanford workers,” he said. “Nuclear families are like military fami lies: they come and go. They don’t know how long sometimes, so they’ll sell every thing and buy new when they get there be cause moving is so expensive.” Craig runs at least one sale per week. On Monday, he and his team arrive and beginTuesdaysorting.and Wednesday they orga nize the items and take pictures to post on Thursday on their website to advertise. Friday is the first day of the sale and ev erything is priced as marked. Saturday everything is half off and Sun day is make-an-offer.
for Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business Courtesy ET Estate Sales uESTATE SALES, Page A5

LifePoint Health, parent to Trios Health in Kennewick and Lourdes Health in Pasco, reports both hospitals continued their missions in twin 2021 community benefit reports.
LifePoint publishes Trios, Lourdes benefit reports
The Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business, a publication of TriComp Inc., is published monthly and delivered at no charge to identifiable businesses in Pasco, Richland, West Richland, Kennewick, Prosser and Benton City. Subscriptions are $27.10 per year, including tax, prepayment re quired, no refunds. Contents of this publication are the sole property of TriComp Inc. and can not be reproduced in any form without expressed written consent. expressed in do not necessarily reflect the of staff, other other nor do they imply endorsement by staff, columnists Every effort be to
assure information pub lished is correct; however, we are not liable for any errors or omissions made despite these efforts./tcajob/company/tcajob/tcajob SEPTEMBER Education | Training OCTOBER ConstructionFocusTaxesmagazine:+RealEstateinthe Tri-Cities – STAFF –– UPCOMING –509-737-8778 Mailing address: 8524 W. Gage Blvd., #A1-300 Kennewick, WA Melanie Hoefer Hair President / Founder 509-737-8778 ext. melanie@tcjournal.biz5 Kristina Lord Publisher 509-737-8778 ext. publisher@tcjournal.biz3 Wendy Culverwell Editor 509-737-8778 ext. editor@tcjournal.biz6 Tiffany Lundstrom Advertising Director 509-737-8778 ext. tiffany@tcjournal.biz2 Chad Utecht Advertising Account Manager 509-737-8778 ext. 1 Vanessa Guzmán Graphic Designer 509-737-8778 ext. 4 Teen Driver’s Education Adult Training Courses WA State License Testing Private Drives Register Now! Military/First Responder Discounts Multi-Student Discounts 509-737-4001 |
The Port of Pasco, for example, is cre ating two industrial parks to accommo date new and growing tenants as existing parks, such as Big Pasco, Pasco Process ing Center and elsewhere fill up. Darigold Inc. secured half of the 300acre Reimann Industrial Center near Highway 395 for its $500 million milk plant, which is expected to start con struction in early September. PIC395 or Pasco Industrial Center Highway 395, is a 55-acre park at a former farm, also off Highway 395 and has sold a site to Old Dominion, a trucking and logistics firm.
Photo by Wendy Culverwell Tarragon LLC, a Seattle development firm, has submitted development plans for Pasco Road 40 Development, a complex of eight industrial buildings totaling 2.1 million square feet across South Road 40 East from the Lakeview manufactured home park. The project has a potential development value of $273 million.
columnists or
or advertisers.
“There’s just a lot of demand for new industrial facilities. People are looking at Pasco because the land is available com pared to other areas,” said Randy Hayden, the port’s executive director. The port is not involved in the project. Karl Dye, president and CEO of the Tri-City Development Council, or TRI DEC, said the economic development agency fields a growing number of in quiries about expanding to the Tri-Cities. Half are looking for existing space, which makes an industrial park both needed and welcome. “You can never have too much indus trial space,” he said. Demand will only surge when Amazon Inc. opens its two warehouses, which will not only need inventory but will need ser vices and equipment to support the mas sive operations and their employees. When complete, Tarragon said build ings and pavement will cover about 90% of the plan includes buildings of vary ing sizes, a design that suggests Tarragon intends to cater to tenants both large and small. The largest will be 588,000 square feet and the smallest 63,600 square feet. Four small retention ponds face the railroad tracks, along with a 10-foot land scapeThebuffer.confluence of the Columbia and Snake rivers at Sacajawea State Park is about 2,750 feet from the southern prop erty line. The property is not within the Federal Emergency Management Agen cy’s 100-year flood plain. The application notes an archaeologi cal survey was carried out earlier in the year and identified one possible sensitive area to the north. The potential site is a trash scatter of glass, metal and ceramic fragments dating to the 1950s and is not recommended for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.
Trios Health welcomed new provid ers, expanded service lines and added 58 employees while investing more than $21.6 million in new construction, notably its new birth center, according to Jerry Dooley, interim CEO. The hospital donated more than $21.1 million in health services to those in need. It paid $95 million in salaries, wages and benefits to more than 925 employees and contributed more than $200,000 to professional development and training. The organization paid $13.2 million in local and state taxes. Lourdes Health also welcomed new providers and expanded its service lines, said Joanie White-Wagoner, CEO. It invested $2 million in capital updates, including new lab equipment, a new information system, supply chain automation and clinical equip mentLourdesupgrades.donated more than $12 million in services to those in need.Itpaid $57 million in salaries, wages and benefits to more than 650 employees and contributed more than $300,000 to professional development and training programs. The organization paid more than $7 million in local and state taxes. The two organizations supported community partners including the American Red Cross, Benton Franklin Fair and Rodeo, Boys & Girls Clubs of Benton and Franklin Counties, Chap laincy Health Care, Columbia Basin College, Grace Clinic and more. Benton sheriff’s office collects school supplies The Benton County Sheriff’s Of fice is accepting donations of new, unopened school supplies at its office after conducting Pack the Patrol Car events in Kennewick, Benton City and Prosser.Donations are accepted at the Ken newick Justice Center, 7122 W. Okano will be distributed in Finley, Whitstran and Paterson.
1350 N. Louisiana St., Suite E | Kennewick southern parcel, which borders BNSF Railway-owned tracts, in March. It is fi nalizing a deal to purchase the northern parcel from the city. Both are zoned for industrial use. The environmental review documents indicate Tarragon expects to begin con struction of the first phase in spring 2023, with completion set for later in the year, depending on how quickly space is oc cupied.Theproposal comes at a time when in dustrial space is in high demand, particu larly in Pasco.
guest columns and by advertis ers

A5TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 that items might not fetch the price one was hoping for. It all depends on the right buyers showing up to bid. This is true, too, of tag sales. “Some people don’t want it at their home,” Teresa pointed out as one advan tage to the online auction format. Estate sale flip Another option for people who don’t want to hold a sale at their house is to sim ply sell their entire estate or a selection of items to a single buyer. Liz Thompson, owner of ET Estate Sales in Kennewick, buys items, partial and whole estates, then resells the items in her retail shop at 422 E. Columbia Drive. The 18,000-square-foot store is open 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturdays. Thompson said her bread and butter is the fast-turning two to three truckloads of furniture she gets each week. But ET features a little bit of everything from an tiques to jewelry, housewares, collectibles and more, depending on what she and her team run across during the week. People with items to sell give Thompson a call. She then views items by appoint ment on Mondays and decides if she wants to make an offer. If her offer is accepted, her team comes with a truck Tuesday or Wednesday. Once the items are set up in the shop, photos of the new arrivals are taken and posted to ET’s Facebook for the public to preview.“What clients like about us is the priva cy part of not having people come through their house and they know exactly what (price) they’re getting,” she said. Thompson and her husband have been in business for 17 years, at their present location the past nine. She said her grandfather’s passion for collecting inspired her. “Collecting has always kind of been in my blood and then my husband collects antique marbles … When we first met, he had a jar of them on his table, and now we have this big store.” Thompson has an af finity for perfume bottles. She said the “matchmaking” of items to new owners is the best part of the job. “I get goosebumps sometimes.” When asked about the strangest items they’ve run across, Craig took the cake with a World War II 15 mm mortar round found in a trunk in the basement of a Rich land rental – pin in. Military personnel ar rived from Yakima to disarm it. Thompson’s favorite item was a press kit for John F. Kennedy’s 1963 visit to Hanford.Hidden cash is a real thing when it comes to Thompsonestates.and Craig have found $20,000 and $15,000, respectively, in fur niture pieces. They returned the money to the families. ESTATE SALES, From page A3 Caring Transitions of Greater Tri-Cities On-site sales & online auction Caringtransitionsgtc.com509-396-0554 Changing Places On-site sales & moving services Changingplaceswa.com509-987-6941 Craig Estate Sales On-site sales & real estate Craigestatesales.com509-539-3355 Equity Estate Sales & Liquidations On-site ET Estate Sales Purchaser &, Estate (MusserDetailsBros. Solution) Online auction – whole estate & Estatedetails.com509-581-2403consignment Three Rivers Estate Sales On-site sales & online auction through Estate Details 3riversestatesales.com509-438-9880 Tri-City estate sale services Liz Thompson

• Virtual PTAC Workshop Intro to Business Live Webinar: 9-10 a.m. Learn the fundamental elements of what makes a business successful, basics of business planning and the steps to take to turn an idea into a reality. Register SEPT. 10
AUG. 26
• Benton Franklin Fair & Rodeo Grand Parade: 10 a.m.-noon, downtown Kennewick. Call 509-2223749 or visit
• Conflict Resolution Training class: 1-4 p.m., RBC Wealth Management, 7139 W. Deschutes Ave, Suite 101, Kennewick. Explore default styles to approaching conflict, learn why it is important to have difficult conversations and discover best practices. Hosted by Growing Forward Services.
SEPT. 14
• Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce Meeting & Membership Luncheon, Congressional Update with Congressman Dan Newhouse: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center, 2525 N. 20th Ave., Pasco. Register at
• Benton Franklin Fair & Rodeo: 10 a.m.-11 p.m., 1500 S. Oak St., Kennewick. Go to bentonfranklinfair. com or call 509-222-3749.
• Columbia Basin Badger Club, “It’s Not Easy Being Green”: noon via Zoom. Hear four different viewpoints on the proposed Horse Heaven Hills wind power project. Register at columbiabasinbadgers. com. Cost is $5 for nonmembers.
AUG. 18
AUG. 24
• West Richland Chamber of Commerce Membership Luncheon: noon-1:30 p.m., The Mayfield Gathering Place, 331 S. 41st Ave., West Richland.
• Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce, Business After Hours - Water2Wine Cruises: 4-6 p.m., 660 Columbia Point Drive, Richland. Networking event for chamber members and their guests. Details at
• Craft Beer on the Columbia, 2-10 p.m., Columbia Park. 21+. Tickets: .
• Harvest Festival, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Flat Top Park, West Richland.
AUG. 16
• Tri-Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce luncheon: 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Pasco Red Lion Hotel, 2525 N. 20th Ave., Pasco. Speakers include staff from WorkSource Columbia Basin One Stop Career Center. Cost: $25 members, $35 nonmembers.
• Virtual PTAC Workshop PTAC/ SBDC Business Roundtable: 9-10 a.m. Open forum to learn from PTAC about government contracting and from business advisors with the Small Business Development Center about how to grow your business. Register at
• Virtual PTAC Workshop Laying the Groundwork: Basics of Government Contracting: 10-11 a.m. This class is for small business owners who are brand new to government procurement. Register at com/events.washingtonptac.ecenterdirect.
• Ask the Experts: Briefing on WA Cares Fund: 10:30 a.m. via zoom. Ben Veghte, director of the WA Cares Fund, about the new program and how it will affect your business and employees. Hosted by the Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce. Register at
AUG. 20
AUG. 23-27
AUG. 17

Bottom line: Incentives and operating costs are deciding factors. For example, the WaferTech plant in Camas, Washington, built 25 years ago cost $1.2 billion. The Washington Legislature provided incentives, such as sales tax exemp tions for equipment. Even though there is room for additional capacity at the Camas site, the company’s parent, Tai wan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., invested $12 billion in a 5-nanometer chip facility in Phoenix. The new plant will mirror production at its Hsinchu, Taiwan, manufacturing hub.Intel, the world’s largest semiconduc tor producer, has four plants in Oregon, but also invested in Arizona. Its $7 billion plant in the Phoenix area
Summertime during an election year is a busy time, and not just for the candidates who are ringing doorbells, walking in parades and working the phones to rally support. It’s also a busy time for the Associa tion of Washington Business. For the last two months, our Govern ment Affairs team has coordinated and hosted dozens of candidate interviews for state legislative races throughout Washington. It’s a lot of work, but it’s one of the most important activities we do every two years on behalf of employers.That’sbecause even though news coverage tends to focus on national politics and the possibility of a “red wave” in Congress, what happens in Olympia is sometimes just as impor tant – or even more important – for the people who own or manage a business here in TheseWashington.candidateinterviews, which include local business owners in every community, give employers a chance to hear directly from the candidates and determine for themselves which have the best understanding of the issues that matter to them. And there are a lot of challenges facing employers right now, everything from spiraling inflation, persistent workforce challenges, ongoing supply chain disruption and concern over the possibility of a recession. Going into next year’s legislative session, it’s criti cally important that we May,startedtioneconomy.pionstoarefacingemployersunderstandcandidateselectwhowhatareandwhocommittedbeingchamfortheOurelecprocessbackinbefore the candidate interviews, when we announced early endorsements of 45 incumbent legislative candidates. These are lawmakers who have an 80% or higher vote record with our association, demonstrating their consistent support for a strong private sector. The process will conclude in Sep tember with another round of endorse ments based on the outcome of the candidate interviews we conducted over the summer. And sandwiched in between, AWB will host a debate between the candi dates for secretary of state. The debate will stream live on AWB’s website at 11 a.m. Aug. 17 and will feature the top two candidates who emerge from the Aug. 2 primary election. Veteran politi cal reporter Melissa Santos of Axios will serve as moderator.
Kris Johnson AssociationWashingtonofBusiness
The Northwest must reclaim its lost semiconductor edge
After-school jobs will soon help students graduate Employers can study up now for November elections
Don C. Brunell Business analyst GUEST COLUMN
High schoolers with an after-school job will be able to receive credits for their work starting next fall. We agree. They should get credit for their work experience along with their paycheck.Anystudent who can successfully manage their school coursework and a part-time job is learning valuable life skills – ones you typically can’t get in a classroom.Skillslearned on the job help teens to develop independence, responsibility and a healthy work ethic. They figure out how to better manage their time, overcome shyness and how to handle money. They’ll learn to fill out a job application and what to expect during an interview. Chris Reykdal, the state’s Superinten dent of Public Instruction, announced the plan in early August and said it supports students’ long-term success in the work force and in life. We agree with him. When these young people head out into the real world, their work experience will be attractive to future employers. We hear time and again from our business com munity how hard it is to find experienced, reliableOSPIworkers.estimates that nearly 30% of high school students in Washington hold down jobs. To earn a high school diploma, students must earn 17 credits in core subjects aligned with university admission require ments, complete a graduation pathway and meet personalized pathway requirements (three credits), and earn four elective credits – for a total of 24 credits. Job-related credits would count toward the elective requirement. Students 16 years and up – typically ju niors and seniors – would earn one credit for 360 hours worked, or 0.5 for 180 hours worked.Students will be allowed to earn up to four elective credits through work experience, and no more than two of those credits may be earned in a year. To get their credits, students will be required to complete a form and provide verification of employment to their school. The plan takes effect not this fall but next, during the 2023-24 school year. We applaud the move to give students an opportunity to earn high school credits for their outside-of-school jobs. It empow ers young adults and helps set them on the path to becoming responsible, self-sup porting adults and contributing members of our for work hours will encourage more teens to hone basic and critical job skills gained through work experience and, perhaps, a better apprecia tion for their school subjects too. By Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business
Surprisingly, recent U.S. presidents and congressional Democrats and Republicans agree America’s economic and national security hinge upon tiny, yet chips are the brains of modern electronics that oper ate our laptop computers, vehicles and smartphones. They permeate every sector of our lives, from farming and manufac turing to health care and public safety. They are embedded in our most ad vanced military equipment and weapons. Sophisticated semiconductors are so small they can fit on the tip of your finger.Our conundrum is the U.S. share of the worldwide chip manufacturing has declined to 12% from 37% in 1990, ac cording to the Semiconductor Industry Association.Notonlyhas the chip shortage dis rupted our economy but it has created a defense vulnerability since eight of every 10 cutting-edge semiconductors are pro duced in Asia, most notably Taiwan and South
global semiconductor leader in research, design and production by 2030. That has not gone unnoticed by our presidents as China flexes its military muscle.Forexample, former President Donald Trump imposed trade restrictions and introduced bipartisan measures to reduce the industry’s taxes and authorized a $25 billion increase in research and develop mentPresident(R&D).Joe Biden identifies semi conductors as ground zero in economic and strategic competition with China. The core problem is only 6% of the new global capacity is planned in the U.S. During the next decade, China is projected to add 40% and become the largest semiconductor location in the world, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS). That is the impetus behind a new accelerated push in Congress to add incentives which range from $76 billionto-$250Whenbillion.considering investment loca tions, CRS found the U.S. ranks high in factors, including protection of intellec tual property, skilled talent and coopera tion with existing facilities and ecosys tems, but the total costs are up to 50% higher than in China. Compared to Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore, we are nearly one-third higher.Costs are glaring issues for compa nies faced with spending billions. They are driving fabricators in our country to locate in Arizona, Texas and Ohio which offer lucrative incentives and lower costs. That trend is a reversal from 20 years ago when investors flocked to the Silicon Forest of the Portland-Vancou ver-Beaverton metropolitan area.

The northern giant hornet is an inva sive species from Asia that has been the target of eradication efforts in Washing ton state and British Columbia because of its potentially disastrous impact on bees and by extension, agriculture.
“Conditions have improved. All areas of the state, including the five watersheds specified in the drought, have received significantly above-normal precipitation. The outlook is much better than forecast back in May,” said Jeff Marti, drought coordinator for the state agency. Spring 2022 contrasted sharply with the prior year, when conditions were the second driest on record and an unprece dented heat “dome” smashed temperature records in late June.
High schoolers could soon earn credit for after-school jobs State schools Superintendent Chris Reykdal recently announced a plan to allow students ages 16+ to earn elective credits toward their high school diploma through paid work experience that is verified by their school. Nearly 30%, or 45,000–55,000, of Washington’s students are employed in high“Throughschool. work experience, students learn employability and leadership skills – skills like interpersonal com munication, personal finance, time management, taking direction, receiving critical feedback, and following through on commitments – that support their long-term success in the workforce and in life,” Reykdal said in a release. To earn a high school diploma in Washington, students must earn 17 credits in core subjects aligning with university admissions requirements, complete a graduation pathway and meet personalized pathway require ments, and earn four credits in elective subjects.Students could earn credits at a rate of one elective credit for 360 hours worked, or 0.5 elective credits for 180 hours worked. Students will be al lowed to earn up to four elective credits through work experience, and no more than two of those credits may be earned in a year. To earn elective credit for their work hours, students will be required to complete a request form and provide verification of employment to their school. Their school will be responsible for verifying employment, reaching out to employers to monitor student progress and for keeping students’ High School and Beyond Plans updated with their work experience. The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) will initiate rulemaking for this proposal. It aims to have the new program in place by the beginning of the 2023-24 school year. School districts will be required to report student participation and elective credit attainment via verified paid work experience to OSPI.
is up, running and expanding. Intel also announced two fabrication lines in Ohio costing $20 billion. Samsung built a $17 billion plant in Texas. Two decades ago, Washington and Oregon with their abundance of clean water, low-cost dependable electricity, and skilled, trained and well-educated workers, were the investment “hot spots” for semiconductor producers. Today, high costs and a shortage of suitable industrial sites hamper our states. The silver-lining is global manufactur ing capacity is expected to increase by half in the next decade. There will be opportunities to bring new facilities to the Pacific Northwest if we can whittle away at our competitive disadvantages. That will take a con certed, coordinated effort by our elected officials and community leaders.
Don C. Brunell is a business analyst, writer and columnist. He retired as president of the Association of Washington Business, the state’s oldest and largest business organization, and now lives in Vancouver. He can be contacted at
The decision came after the secondwettest May through June since 1895. Under Washington law, a drought can be declared when the water supply in an area is below 75% of normal. The lowest stream flow forecast in the state is for the Colville River, which was at 86% in July.
BRUNELL, From page A7 uBUSINESS BRIEFS Cool, wet spring ends Washington drought A cool, wet spring has officially ended drought conditions in central and Eastern Washington.ThestateDepartment of Ecology canceled its declaration on July 19, saying water supply conditions exceed expectations and no part of Washington is experiencing drought.
‘Murder’ hornets rebranded to sound less lethal The infamous bee-killing murder hornets that have gained a foothold in northwestern Washington have a new name.The invasive pest is now the “north ern giant hornet,” a term adopted by the Entomological Society of America for the species Vespa mandarinia. The state Department of Agriculture said it would use the less lethal name on its website and in printed materials.


By Karina Elias Spokane Journal of Business Chris Cargill
Kris Johnson is president of the Association of Washington Business, the state’s chamber of commerce and manufacturers association.
Newly formed Mountain States Policy Center hires WPC director
The director of the Washington Policy Center’s Eastern Washington office has announced he will step down in Septem ber to become the president and CEO of a new think tank organization, Mountain States Policy Center. Chris Cargill, 41, has been with Wash ington Policy Center for the past 13 years. His last day there will be Sept. 16. He begins work with Mountain West Policy Center the following Monday, Sept. 19. “I’ve been really impressed by the no tion of needing more free-market voices, not just in our area but in areas where you might think the free market doesn’t face any challenges, but indeed it really does,” CargillMountainsaid. States Policy Center will represent Eastern Washington, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming when it formally launches in October. He added that the or ganization isn’t being created to compete with other free market groups in the re gion but to supplement the work they do. Cargill will be the new organization’s only employee and will work under a 13-person board of directors. He says he plans to hire additional staff members as funding is However,raised.the organization will work initially with a five-person team of con tract researchers to provide analysis and content, Car gill“We’vesaid. raised over $300,000 in short-term and long-term contri butions from all over the region,” he says. Cargill, who lives in Liberty Lake, says he doesn’t have any plans to move, and the organization eventually will have of fices in Coeur d’Alene and Boise. Cargill was elected to the Liberty Lake City Council in January 2021 for a fouryear term, which he says won’t conflict with or impact his new position. One of the Mountain States Policy Center’s first projects will be to provide research and analysis regarding the Qual ity Education Act, a statewide initiative that will appear on Idaho ballots in No vember. If passed, the measure will in crease funding for K-12 public schools by $323 million a year. According to Reclaim Idaho, the grass roots organization supporting the ballot, the initiative proposes to restore corporate income tax rate to 8% and add 4.5% tax on income earned over $500,000 for mar ried couples and $250,000 for individu als.“We don’t believe that increasing the income tax is a good idea,” Cargill said. “The broader question is whether putting more money into K-12 improves out comes.”Hecontends that there are better solu tions, such as giving parents the freedom to send their children to the school of their choice.
Normally, this office wouldn’t be up for election now, but former Secretary of State Kim Wyman stepped down in November to take a job in the Biden ad ministration. Gov. Jay Inslee appointed Sen. Steve Hobbs to the position in De cember and Hobbs is now defending the seat in a special election that includes a total of eight candidates on the primary ballot.Hosting debates like this is nothing new for AWB. For 30-plus years, we have viewed our role as a convener of candidate debates – including governor, secretary of state, auditor, treasurer, public lands commissioner and super intendent of public instruction – as an important part of our mission to be a unifying voice economic prosperity throughout Washington. Politics is messy and not always fun, especially during this era of increasing polarization. And now, heading into the dog days of summer, the November elections may not be top of mind for small employers and entrepreneurs who are focused on keeping their business going and squeezing in a family trip before school starts. But employers would be wise to use some of their time to get to know the candidates and become better informed on the issues that affect their bottom line. Next year’s legislative session will be especially challenging, and we need lawmakers who will be champions for theForeconomy.moreinformation on AWB’s election resources for employers, go to
JOHNSON, From page A7

Nursing home group opposes Medicare ‘parity’ cuts
uBUSINESS BRIEFS By Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business
The Port of Pasco will pursue air ser vice to Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport after securing a $750,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Transpor tation.The Small Community Air Service Development grant will let the port guarantee revenue to prospective air lines willing to serve the Tri-Cities Air port. It is not a guarantee that an airline will step up, but it helps take the risk out of adding a route to an airline schedule. “This is the first step in the process,” said Buck Taft, airport director. “We will begin working on this opportunity immediately and hope to offer nonstop service to Dallas-Fort Worth, and be yond, as soon as possible.” Dallas-Fort Worth is a Top 10 desti nation for Tri-Citians but there has nev er been direct service to it or any other airport in Texas.
The American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living are protesting a proposed rule that would cut $330 million in Medicare funding for nurs ing homes through a 5% cut to payment rates.The AHCA/NCAL, which represents more than 14,000 nursing homes and as sisted living communities, released a state ment in support of letters signed by 22 U.S. senators and 18 U.S. representatives urging the Biden administration to reconsider the rule published by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The effort is led by U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, D-Montana, and U.S. Rep. J. Luis Correa, D-California.“TheCovid-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented workforce shortage and eco nomic crisis within the long-term and postacute care sector. Sixty percent of nursing homes say their workforce situation has worsened since January, and more than half say they cannot sustain their current operating pace for more than one year,” the association said in its letter of support.
The port credited Washington’s con gressional delegation for securing the funds.“Local airports spur a significant amount of economic development throughout our district and provide a steady source of income for our commu nities,” said U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse, who is running for reelection against Democrat Doug White. “This grant is a substantial federal investment that will help our community to continue to grow andThethrive.”airport previously secured a sim ilar grant to pursue direct service to Los Angeles International Airport, which is another popular destination for local travelers.Theairport recorded nearly 315,000 passengers in 2021, down from the re cord of 438,123, which was set in 2019, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic 2022 traffic is running 27% ahead of 2021. The Tri-Cities Airport is served by six airlines: United, Alaska, Delta, Ave lo, Aha and Collectively,Allegiant.theyprovide direct ser vice to 11 markets: Seattle, San Fran cisco, Burbank, Salt Lake City, Den ver, Minneapolis, Reno, Las Vegas and Phoenix-Mesa, with seasonal service to Los Angeles and San Diego. United announced it would offer a di rect connection to Chicago, but the plan was put on hold by the pandemic. Now, according to port officials, the aircraft United wanted to use is not fea sible due to a change in how the FAA calculates the average weight of pas sengers. United will have to use a larger aircraft, pushing back the timeframe to secure service “significantly.” Go to lands $750,000 to pursue Dallas route
A11TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 Energy Secretary Granholm visits Hanford in August U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm visited the Tri-Cities on Aug. 11-12 as part of a three-day trip to Wash ington that included stops at Sequim and NorthSheBend.wasaccompanied by U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Washington, and U.S. Reps. Derek Killmer and Kim Schrier, both of Washington. The trip was dedicated to “advancing clean energy deployment,” according to a press release issued by the U.S. Depart ment of Energy. The visit followed a tour of Oregon and was Granholm’s first visit to Washington. She spent Aug. 10 visiting a Pacific Northwest National Laboratory installa tion at Sequim; Aug. 11 in North Bend and at Pacific Northwest National Labora tory in Richland; and Aug. 12 touring the Hanford nuclear reservation. Granholm was scheduled to visit in February. The trip canceled because of the Russia-Ukraine War.
Tri-Cities Airport


Creating Opportunity and Enrichment for Young Adults on the Autistic Spectrum. The funeral industry can be slow to change.Butthat didn’t stop Einan’s at Sunset Fu neral Home in Richland from offering the alternatives customers were seeking. “The majority of people want custom ization, and they want unique options. The percentage of funeral homes that actually provide that is less than it should be,” said Holley Sowards, director of funeral opera tions at ManyEinan’s.people don’t want to go through a funeral home for their final arrangements, let alone step foot in one. As a result of the industry’s reluctance to provide modern and more personalized op tions, funeral services typically are split be tween lowest-cost on-your-own cremation handled through an online transaction and more traditional full-service celebrations of life, which have a higher price tag due to the manpower and resources required to put themButon.there’s an often-overlooked gray area in That’sbetween.where Einan’s newest business venture, CODA Alternative Cremation and Funeral, comes in. CODA aims to bridge the gap between the two extremes. The alternative funeral home provides curated burial and cremation packages that are more affordable and streamlined than traditional funeral homes. “We are uniquely positioned to be able to help anybody at any time under any circum stances under any budget,” Sowards said. Officials celebrated CODA’s launch with a July 14 grand opening. How it works Einan’s, located off the bypass highway in Richland, is a full-service funeral home, cemetery and event venue that’s been in business for more than 70 years.
Sowards, who has been the funeral direc tor at Einan’s for nine years, said it was dif ficult for the company to split its services apart into different categories. She said her team’s emphasis is on pro viding a healing environment to help fami lies through their grief journey after the loss of a loved one. “We’re more focused on value as op posed to price,” Sowards said. But the team saw a shift happening in the industry and realized it needed to diversify to accommodate more people in the com munity who can’t afford the full-service package for one reason or another. “Funeral homes were slow to adapt to what consumers were wanting,” she said. In 2018, Einan’s launched Compassion ate Cremation Society, a low-cost online cremation service, to its suite of offerings. “It’s the option for families with financial restraint – no extras, no frills, no nothing. It has become an option in the community for those facing those struggles,” Sowards said. The next step was establishing CODA as a way to cover the vast spectrum between Compassionate Cremation and Einan’s fullservice“CODApackage.isfor families in the community looking for a middle price point. They don’t want to go bare bones and either don’t trust or find unnerving the online transaction, but also don’t want to pay for the full service,” Sowards explained. Krista Williams, a lifelong Kennewick resident, said she wishes these options had been available when she lost her dad in 2014.Williams, then in her 20s, was left to navigate the situation and foot the unex pected“Somedaybill. when you have to do the fu neral arrangements for the most loved peo ple in your life, you will know why this is a better option. I 100% would have selected this, rather than having to go to the funeral home,” she said. Even choosing the “bare bones” crema tion options available at the time, Williams said she faced a several thousand-dollar bill that she didn’t have the money to pay for. But it’s not always necessarily that price prohibits customers from seeking the full Einan’s experience, Sowards said. More people want the freedom to customize their loved ones’ final arrangements to suit their vision.
A13TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 830 N. Columbia Center Blvd., Suite B2 - Kennewick (509) 579-4278 We archive and restore photos and film before they deteriorate. Visit for more SpectrumStudiosTCinformation.
Einan’s launches alternative funeral home to bridge gap in death care
Courtesy CODA Alternative Cremation and Funeral CODA Alternative Cremation and Funeral, located at 2909 S. Quillan St., Suite 104, in Kennewick, offers a modern, comfortable environment to explore streamlined, affordable, mid-range funeral arrangements. CODA, Page A15
By Laura Kostad for Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business

A14 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 Monica Allred Gracie Bartoldus Lori Baxter Joy MelindaMelodyMerriRyanHeatherChrystieBehenBillowBoyntonBrault,CFP®BuckBurchfieldBurchfield Travis Clifton Erica HarperSusanAprilSeanAriannaRobinJayDustinClontzClontzFreemanHallerHaroldHaselrigHulseJanneyJonesIll Kriss ShelleyKennedyKennedy, CFP® Wendy King-Hastings Jeff LaBeff Keri ShastaChadLaurieNicoleMandieLashbaughLeslieMcCalmantMcDonaldMcDonaldMeyers Ian CandieTerryAaronJoelSteveAmeliaBobbieCalvinSuzetteNapierNilesOckeyPrescottReamsRickettsRockwellRussellSligerSmith Tom TaraCarsonT.J.HarryEvanMcKenzieArdetteSteinertSykesThompsonTidballVanDykenWillinghamWillinghamWiswall TOGETHER, WE CAN END ALZHEIMER’SSUNDAY,DISEASEOCTOBER 9, 2022 Alzheimer's disease is a growing concern, impacting an ever-increasing number of families. The Edward Jones Strategic Alliance with the Alzheimer's Association® is one way the firm helps protect and preserve our clients' health, relationships, and financial goals. The relationship is focused on providing full-mission support to the Alzheimer's Association that broadens awareness, funds research and increases education opportunities to advance care and support for those families impacted by Alzheimer's disease. Together, we will positively impact society by building communities, advancing treatment and deepening knowledge to improve early detection. In July of 2020, Edward Jones announced the renewal of its $25 million, five-year strategic alliance with the Alzheimer's Association. Continuing the partnership that began in 2016, Edward Jones, its associates and clients have raised more than $25 million to date. The continued investment will enhance the Alzheimer's Association’s care and support programs, provide educational materials for Edward Jones clients and associates and fund critical Alzheimer’s research. while deaths from Alzheimer’s disease have INCRE A SED 145 % Between 2000 and 2019, deaths from hear t disease have DECRE A SEDMMO7.3%RETHAN6ILLIONAmericansarelivingwithAlzheimer’s Alzheimer’s and dementia deaths have 1increased6% during the COVID 19 ApandemicIn2022,lzheimer’s and other dementias will cost the nation $321 BILLION By 2050, these costs could rise as high as $1 TRILLION Join the Tri-Cities and Prosser Edward Jones team as they walk to end Alzheimer’s! Local Edward Jones Financial Advisors and Branch Office Administrators participating in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s Registration: 12:00 p.m. Ceremony: 1:00 p.m. Walk: 1:30 p.m. Join a Tri-Cities or Prosser Edward Jones team as they Walk to End Alzheimer’s! To join by walking and/or contributing visit,

2909 S. Quillan St., Suite 104, in Kennewick is near Walmart and Fairchild Cinemas. It doubles as an event space for up to 50 people to gather to remember their loved one. It’s definitely not a funeral home – the chic modern space could easily be mis taken for any other customer-facing pro fessional office. Eslinger said that’s inten tional.The deceased are not stored or handled there either – all of that occurs at Einan’s headquarters in Richland. So far, CODA has served 10 families. Planning ahead Helping families cope with a loved ones’ death continues to be Einan’s focus. “It’s the hardest job and the most chal lenging, but the most rewarding to help someone on their worst day,” Sowards said.Part of the process is helping guide them through all the choices in front of them.
“There’s something like 70 decisions to make when somebody dies,” Sowards said. “Our job as funeral professionals is to help get families outside the tornado so they can think and create meaningful cel ebrations of life.”
Sowards said that was the biggest chal lenge Einan’s faced in launching the differ ent businesses – “making sure the family knows what they’re getting and differenti ating the models.” Part of CODA Director Amy Eslinger’s job is to meet with families and get to know their needs and vision to ensure the service will meet their expectations. She said one common misconception is that CODA doesn’t offer graveside ser vices or a place to hold a celebration of life, but options for both are available, though there are CODA’slimitations.officeat
She said people frequently want to skip over grief and push past tough times. Some tell their families they don’t want a fuss to be made when they go. “We want to honor the wishes of the de ceased, but we want to also take care of the needs of the survivors because they need to grieve,” Sowards said. Sowards and Eslinger both emphasized the value of paying in advance for funeral services and the option to make payments over time, interest-free at Einan’s, CODA and Compassionate Cremation, so that both the deceased and their surviving fam ily members can make arrangements that best satisfy their needs and wishes. Though cemetery plots for cremated re mains can be paid for after death, “unfor tunately, in an immediate need situation, we aren’t able to offer payment plans,” for funeral arrangements, Sowards said. Williams said that’s what she wants to do. “It was so stressful having to try to make those decisions and think of the costs. I don’t want to put my kids through that,” she said. Search CODA Alternative Cremation and Funeral: 2909 S. Quillan St., Suite 104, Kennewick; 509-392-4644; codaalterna; 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday, closed Sundays. For a full explanation of Einan’s services, go to sunsetgardenstrici
CODA, From page A13


Gesa Credit Union is Washington’s second largest credit union with $5.1 billion in assets and nearly 275,000 members after its 2019 merger with Seattle-based Inspirus. HAPO Credit Union, also based in Richland, is the ninth largest, with $2.3 billion in assets and 200,000Whilemembers.creditunions cooperate and share best practices, Eckhardt scoffs at the idea their tax-free status confers an unfair ad vantage over for-profit banks. It is “farcical,” he said. “Banks have a substantial competitive advantage in terms of their capital struc ture. They can raise debt in a way credit unions cannot. They can raise equity in a way credit unions cannot,” he said. It cited Credit Union National Asso ciation research that indicates Washington households save an average of $181 in 2019 by banking at credit unions. Economic jitters Eckhardt said lending remained strong in the first half of 2022, even as inflation ary fears took hold and affected lending and consumer spending. STCU originated $500 million in new loans, a substantial gain on an annualized basis. Individual consumer loans, com mercial loans and some home equity loans remained strong, but mortgage lending is falling after the Federal Reserve complet ed four interest rate hikes. The interest rate for a conventional 30-year mortgage in Washington stood at 5.5% in late “RefinancesJuly.evaporated three months ago,” he said. He predicts new loans will dry up in August as interest hikes continue. The Consumer Price Index rose at an annualized rate of 9.1% in June, according to figures released in July by the U.S. Bu reau of Labor Statistics. The same pressures on interest rates are driving a reversal in deposits. STCU said deposits grew 22% in 2020 and 24% in 2021. That has tapered off as members spend more on food, fuel and housing, the biggest contributors to inflation. “We didn’t see members spend a lot of the stimulus. They saved it. But now they’re spending it.”
Ezra Eckhardt Name Hometown Assets
Calcoe Federal Credit Union Yakima $41 million
Gesa Credit Union Richland $5.1 billion
By Wendy Culverwell
State Highway Credit Union Union Gap $35 million Tri-Cities Community Federal Credit Union, aka Tri-CU Kennewick $67.6 million
Blue Mountain Credit Union College Place $50 million
Lower Valley Credit Union Sunnyside $128.4 million Numerica Credit Union Spokane Valley $3.5 billion
Source: National Credit Union Service Organization
Five years after it expanded into the TriCities, STCU reports it has hit important milestones on its way to becoming a $5 billion institution, making it Washington’s third largest credit union after Boeing Em ployees and Gesa. STCU, for Spokane Teachers Credit Union, has more than 250,000 members and 875 employees following its latest ex pansion, a deal with Banner Bank that con verted three branches in Stevens County and one in Hayden, Idaho, to the STCU brand.The Banner deal added 8,000 members and $200 million in total deposits. It follows a string of moves to expand the business that began in 2018, when STCU announced it was entering the TriCities. It was STCU’s first foray beyond its base within a 25-mile radius in the Spo kane-North Idaho area. It opened its Kennewick branch in 2018, its Richland one in 2019 and Pasco in 2020, which is the same year it opened a commercial banking office on Tucannon Street, near Gage Boulevard. It had about 2,500 local members when it moved to the Tri-Cities and now counts about 6,000 in the area. With the move, it extended its reach to 200 miles, a geography that extends from Wenatchee to Missoula. Why growth matters Ezra Eckhardt, STCU’s president and CEO, said it continues to search communi ties in that area to add to its list. It plans to break ground in 2023 on a branch in Moses Lake, where it has 3,000 members and a branch it acquired in 2020 in Coulee City. In Othello, where it leases space, it plans to build a new branch about two blocks Eckhardtaway.isn’t ruling out entering the Montana market to serve Missoula. The Tri-Cities could see two more loca tions. Eckhardt it probably will not happen for at least two years. STCU casts its growth as a way to build economies of scale while providing bank ing services to rural markets left behind as big banks consolidate in larger markets, closing or selling their far-flung branches. There are a few recent examples in the Tri-Cities: U.S. Bank closed its downtown Kennewick branch and cut Thursday hours at its Edison Street branch. Bank of Amer ica closed its downtown Pasco branch. Banner Bank and HomeStreet Bank have closed or sold local branches. While Tri-Citians have plenty of choic es, Eckhardt said it’s a pattern that can leave smaller communities across Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho without a local financial institution. “We know, there’s still people who live in those towns,” he said. “They need checking and savings and home refis and car loans.”
Credit unions with substantial Mid-Columbia operations
Mobile vs. branch He acknowl edged it is ex pensive to build new branches or remodel existing buildings – $3.5 million for the first Kennewick office – but physical branches are impor tant to customers and fit into its business model, he said. “Go to Othello and look at the line out the door, or to the main branch in Spokane on the first Monday or last Friday. We have lines out the door,” he said. STCU estimates 150,000 members use a branch at least once a month. He said 60% of STCU members have registered to use its mobile banking app and 40% use it. That runs somewhat behind national trends. In 2021, Forbes magazine reported that 76% of participants in its weekly con sumer confidence survey had used their primary bank’s mobile app within the past year.He’s proud of the STCU mobile app but said it’s important to offer customers choices.“Wewant to meet the members where they want to be met.”
Credit unions vs. banks Credit unions began as cooperatives based on common workplaces or geogra phy. A change in the law means most credit unions can serve just about anyone with a personal, professional or spiritual home in the state of Washington. The open-door policy has led to a long list of credit unions. Washington is home to 84 credit unions, including 49 that are chartered by the state, according to the state Department of Financial Institutions and the National Credit Union Service Or ganization.Theyrange in size from the massive Boeing Employees Credit Union (aka BECU), with $30.4 billion in assets and nearly 1.4 million members, to smaller op erators such as Tri-Cities Community Fed eral Credit Union in Kennewick, which operates as Richland-basedTri-CU.
Solarity Credit Union Yakima $823 million
Granco Federal Credit Union Ephrata $98 million HAPO Community Credit Union Richland $2.29 billion
STCU hits $5 billion, eyes more branches in the Tri-Cities

Beau Ruff WealthCornerstoneStrategies
Potential downsides A downside of a line of credit based on an investment account is the inher ent volatility of the asset. That is, though the investment ac count is easier to value because of the instantaneous pricing, it is also more volatile. The stock market and assets associated with the stock market tend to be more volatile than assets such as homes that are used to secure HE LOCs.And, because most lenders are will ing to lend according to the value of the account (at perhaps 65% of account as mentioned above), there exists the real possibility that in the event of a market downturn that the lender would require the borrower to add money to the investment account to preserve the value of the collateral. This cautionary note is particularly important to borrowers that borrow the maximum possible against the invest ment account. Of course, a borrower should always be cautious about borrowing money and offering collateral to a lender. However, a line of credit based on the equity in an investment account can be a compelling alternative to a HELOC for those seeking additional access to liquidity.
Though most Americans have at least a passing understanding of the ability to use the equity in a house to obtain a low-interest loan though a home equity line of credit (HELOC), there is a lesser-known option for obtaining quick line of credit financ ing that might offer more compelling benefits for some. The financing option is available to individuals or businesses that maintain a non-retirement investment account and may provide lower rates than com parable HELOCs with the potential for faster processing times. The key to getting a good interest rate on a loan comes down to the cer tainty that the lender will get repaid. Houses as collateral To provide certainty, the lender often requires collateral to secure payment. On a HELOC, the collateral is the house and the equity the borrower has in the house. But houses as collateral have some drawbacks for lenders. Customarily, an appraisal is required to validate the value of the house for the lender. This can cost hundreds of dollars and takes weeks to Additionally, order to evidence the existence of the collateral obliga tion, the lender often has to record documentation with the local county auditor’s office which likewise takes some time and costs money. Lastly, if the lender needs to seize the as set for lack of payment, the process can be time consuming and costly. accountsInvestment Some Ameri cans have an other asset that is ripe for use as collateral for a line of credit: a non-retirement invest ment account. Because of the nature of the asset, it can be a much swifter application process. Unlike a HELOC, no appraisal is necessary because the assets in an investment account are valued daily by the world markets. Unlike a HELOC, the lender need not record the security interest with any local county auditor’s office. For good or bad, if the lender needs to seize the asset for lack of payment, the process is likewise swifter and less costly for the lender. These advantages translate in many cases to cost savings for the consumer and the potential for a faster processing time. Like HELOCs, different companies offer a line of credit secured by the value of a non-retirement investment account. Typically, the interest rates are vari able and may change from month to month.Repayment options also are flex ible. The borrower can choose to pay interest-only on loans or can pay down principal as desired. When a person takes the loan, the lender is granted access to the invest ment account so that it can be used as collateral to secure payment on the loan. While the collateral (investment account) is secured similar to how a HELOC is secured by a home, the process doesn’t require filings with the county auditor’s office. Typically, a lender offers to loan in the range of about 65% of the value of the investment account. For those individuals that maintain investment accounts and have the account set up for a line of credit, the access to financing is quick and easy. Typically, online access allows the borrower to request funds and have those funds deposited in a linked bank account within a day or two. For some, it also might provide a comfortable source of liquidity in a pinch. Accordingly, it also could allow an individual to feel secure keeping a lower amount of liquidity in savings accounts.
Beau Ruff, a licensed attorney, is the director of planning at Cornerstone Wealth Strategies, a full-service independent investment management and financial planning firm in Kennewick.
Loans against investment accounts can offer compelling benefits

How do you keep your employees motivated? I believe that motiva tion comes from within. We provide competi tive wages, good work ing conditions and great benefits for our employ ees. As managers we can inspire employees toward self-motivation and should lead by example. Beyond that, workers need to find the drive within themselves to be motivated to do their best work and find success in their role. How did you decide to pursue the career that you are working in today? What was your first banking job? My first banking job was a teller position at the Stadium Branch office of How do you measure success in your workplace? Workplace success comes in many forms.Ofcourse, we like to generate a healthy profit but we also find success in adhering to our company values and providing a superior experience to our customers and employees.
If you had a magic wand, what would you change about your industry/field? I would use my magic wand to level the playing field in financial services and convince leaders in state and nation al government to require credit unions to pay their fair share of taxes. We have several major credit union competitors in our area that have a huge advantage through their tax-exempt status.Yakima Federal pays millions of dol lars in taxes every year while our credit union competitors pay zero. What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the first time? Remember where you came from. You cannot be successful alone and need to treat people with dignity and respect, whether they are a vendor, customer or employee. on our board: Peter Bans mer and Mike Gilmore.
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Number of employees you oversee: 130 employed by company with eight direct reports. Brief background of your organization: Established in 1905, Yakima Fed eral Savings and Loan Association is a Washington state-chartered savings bank and continues to operate as a traditional thrift. We provide a safe place for com munity members to deposit their money and in turn provide residential mortgage loans and support housing in the area. We have over $2 billion in assets and 10 locations ready to serve all residents of Benton, Franklin, Kittitas and Yakima counties. How did you land your current role? How long have you been in it? I started my Yakima Federal career as a teller in Through1981.theyears I was given increasingly more responsibility and in March 2016 was promoted by the board president and CEO. I am only the eighth managing officer in the 117-year history of Yakima Federal and its first female CEO. Why should the Tri-Cities care about your industry? The provision of financial services is important in everyday life and contrib utes to the financial health of the com munity.Consumers rely on easy access to their money and the availability of financing for major Community-basedpurchases.banksalso contrib ute to the local economy by providing employment and paying taxes. We are a major sponsor of many community events and a contributor to communitybased projects that improve the quality of life in our area. What is one characteristic that you believe every leader should possess? LeadersHumility.typically possess skills and attributes that identify them as leaders. Once you are in a leadership role, I be lieve you need to be humble, remember where you came from and give credit to those who contribute to your success. What is the biggest challenge facing managers today? Even though we seem to be mov ing beyond the Covid-19 pandemic, its impact will be felt for some time and will continue to challenge businesses in manyInflation,ways. supply chain disruption and a variety of issues around people management will challenge us for the immediateBusinessesfuture.will need to be creative to attract and retain employees. Beyond the pandemic, keeping up with technologi cal advances and cybersecurity need to be top of mind for business leaders.

FDIC clarifies what it covers. Hint: Not crypto Failures by cryptocurrency compa nies and other non-bank institutions are not covered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The agency took the unusual step of issuing a fact sheet clarifying what is and is not covered by FDIC deposit insurance after some crypto companies inaccurately represented that crypto products could be eligible for FDIC coverage.Themove puts banks on alert to police crypto companies they deal with to ensure customers are not misled. FDIC deposit insurance protects bank depositors for balances up to $250,000 when institutions it cov ers fail. No depositor has lost FDICinsured funds as a result of a bank failure since the FDIC was established to insure deposits in 1934 as a result of the Great Depression. FDIC insurance does not cover nondeposit products, which include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, securities, com modities and crypto assets. It does cover checking accounts, negotiated order of withdrawal (NOW accounts, savings accounts, money market accounts, certificates of de posits, cashier’s checks, money orders and some other items issued by insured banks.Goto Crypto. Bank and other accounts need beneficiaries The Washington Department of Retirement Services advises seniors to ensure all their financial accounts iden tify the beneficiaries who will inherit assets.The advisory covers both retirement services and other accounts. The agency notes that not all assets pass through a will. Accounts that are jointly owned, have a named benefi ciary, or are “payable upon death” typi cally supersede the terms of wills. Beneficiaries will receive assets after a death, so it is important to iden tify them for each financial account. Events such as marriage, divorce and children may require that beneficiaries be institutions to un derstand their rules and restrictions for designating and updating beneficiaries, and review accounts yearly to ensure the information is up to date. If the beneficiary is a child or some one with a disability, the retirement system advises working with a tax advisor or finance professional. Clients of the state retirement system can update beneficiaries to their ac counts online at
Do you have a personal mantra, phrase or quote you like to use? I try to live by the golden rule of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” and I often remind myself of something my mother used to tell me, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”
uBUSINESS BRIEFSANTONIO, From page A19 BANKING & INVESTMENTS Notcjournal.bizpaywallat
Best tip to relieve stress? Exercise. Stress is mostly a state of mind and I find that moving the body can provide relief. What’s your favorite book? I am always reading a book and my favorite changes from time to time. One impactful book I recently read is “Caste: The Origins of Our Discon tent.” I highly recommend this book to anyone open to learning more about racial divisions in American life.
What do you consider your leadership style to be? Collaborative. I believe it is impor tant to consider a variety of perspec tives and hear the ideas and opinions of others as major decisions are being made. How do you balance work and family life? I try to be fully present for both and attempt not to blur the lines between them. What do you like to do when you are not at work? I enjoy spending time with friends and family. I exercise most every day, am always reading a book and like to get outdoors to walk, hike or spend time in the garden. What’s your best time management strategy? I am most productive in the morn ing, and I try to tackle whatever is most urgent and important before lunch. I prioritize what needs my attention and use calendar reminders to keep track of due dates. I have learned to be selective about what I volunteer for and to be comfortable occasionally saying no.

Mario Martinez merges with L2 Wealth Management Mario Martinez, a Kennewick-based fi nancial advisor with Northwestern Mutual, has merged with L2 Wealth Management in Spokane Valley, an affiliated wealth management firm of Northwestern Mutual. Martinez will continue to serve Tri-City clients in MartinezKennewick.becamefamiliar with L2 Wealth Management partners Mark Lupton and Doug Lupton when he started his own practice in 2013. He joined Northwestern Mutual after a career with the Ephrata Police Department. “After I left the police department, I was looking for an opportunity where I could continue to help people in the Tri-Cities area,” he said. “Northwestern Mutual provided this path so continuing to operate as an advisor of Northwestern Mutual with L2 Wealth Management supports my goal to further serve my community.”
DFI announces return to on-site examinations Washington organizations regulated by the state Department of Financial Institu tions can look forward to meeting their examiners in person. The state agency said that as Covid-19 restrictions are lifted, its Consumer Services Examination Unit is returning to conducting some routine examinations on-site.DFI regulates state-chartered de pository institutions, which include banks, credit unions, savings banks, foreign bank branches and trust companies. Its reach includes non-depository insti tutions such as check cashers, consumer loan companies, escrow agents, money transmitters, mortgage brokers and loan originators and payday lenders, as well as the securities industry. Not all examinations are conducted onsite. In 2019, 77% were off-site. The examinations unit considers the company’s overall risk profile, the scope of the examination and the amount of busi ness the entity conducts in the state when deciding whether to conduct the exam at a company’s headquarters off-site. Companies quartered in Washington state do not incur travel expenses for examiners.Examiners will follow safety guidelines established in the Healthy Washington Roadmap to Recovery, which includes cur rent guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Go to
uBUSINESS BRIEFS BANKING & INVESTMENTS CUSTOM LABELED BOTTLED WATER Custom Labeled Water Bottles: • Are a useful promotional branding tool • Can promote your company, special events, coupons or seasonal offerings • Make a great attention-grabbing icebreaker when meeting with new clients and businesses • Can be used for private events like weddings or family reunions • Are available in two convenient sizes: 16.9oz and 10oz Paradise Bottled Water is a Columbia Industries enterprise. It joins Columbia Industries’ lineup of businesses that help fund our mission of supporting and empowering individuals with disabilities and other challenges. When you purchase products from Paradise Bottled Water, you’re helping support life-changing programs for individuals in need in our community. Taste the difference with Paradise Bottled Water! Your brand + our water = a winning marketing strategy! Graphic design services available! (509) paradisebottledwater.com792-3356 6202 W. Deschutes Ave. Kennewick
Numerica moves investment program to Cetera Numerica Credit Union is converting its investment program to the Cetera Financial Institutions (CFI) platform. Numerica, based in Spokane Valley, currently manages $200 million in invest ments and previously affiliated with CUSO Financial Services, a broker dealer that specializes in credit unions. Numerica said the move takes advan tages of Cetera’s investment services programs, tools and technology. “Cetera has a long-standing reputa tion for helping banks and credit unions offer innovative investment services and solutions,” said Carla Cicero, Numerica president and CEO. “We are confident that Cetera and Numerica coming together will bring even more value to our members.”
Cetera, based in San Diego, oversees about $353 billion in assets under admin istration and $122 billion in assets under management, as of Dec. 31, 2021. Numerica serves 165,000 members in central and Eastern Washington and north Idaho. Bank of Idaho seals HomeStreet branch deal Bank of Idaho has completed its acqui sition of five HomeStreet Bank locations, including one in Kennewick. The Idaho Falls-based bank announced plans to purchase the HomeStreet locations in May. The deal closed July 29. The for mer HomeStreet branches were converted to Bank of Idaho by Aug. 1. The deal included the HomeStreet branch on West Clearwater Avenue but not its commercial lending office near Colum bia Center mall. Bank of Idaho retained staff members at all five branches. Bank of Idaho said it pursued the deal because of the similarities between Idaho and Eastern Washington in terms of agriculture, local business and small-town sensibilities. With the expansion, Bank of Idaho operates 11 full-service locations and five mortgage offices. Go to

It has been a tough year for the market, battling the headwinds of record inflation, rising interest rates and Russia’s war in Ukraine. However, some portfolios may be more battered and bruised than others, depending on their investment selection. In times like these it pays to revisit the fundamentals and determine whether any adjustments need to be made to your financial plan.
an imperfect benchmark, but the di versification it brings is far better than Meta’s 45% decline.
Nicholas Haberling Community First Bank & HFG Trust
Speaking of Meta, the recent under performance of growth stocks (-20.8%) to value stocks (-12.4%) illustrates that price still matters when buying expen sive stocks (or baskets of stocks in the case of funds) relative to their earnings.
Diversification is key with exchangetraded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds being a safer space for individual inves tors.Individual securities such as Meta Platforms Inc. (which year-to-dateiscounts.investors’theupshouldInstagram)FacebookownsandnotmakethebulkofaverageacTheS&P500down17%and
A well-diversified portfolio is more than just equities though. Despite the U.S. bond market being down 4.7% this quarter, fixed income still plays a role by providing income and short-term liquidity in the portfolio.
There has also been talk over the past decade about the increased correlation between asset classes. Alternative as sets such as private lending or private equity may be an option to provide returns uncorrelated with the broader market.Lastly, when building a portfolio, it’s easy to forget things as mundane as fees. Even if you manage your own portfolio and don’t work with a finan cial advisor, fees still apply. A self-managed portfolio does not mean there are no fees associated with it as mutual funds and ETFs do have expense ratios (management fees). Forecast these outputs in your plan to gain a better sense of portfolio cost and performance. Planning Whether just getting started, nearing retirement, or already retired, every one’s financial plan is a little different. Financial plans are not a one-size-fitsall. For retirement income planning, it’s important to assess whether your sav ings supports your goals and the desired distribution rate. If you’re still working and in the wealth accumulation phase, then your savings rate and investment return ex pectations will give you an idea of what income you can expect in retirement. If you don’t like what you see, don’t fool yourself by playing around with investment return expectations, and instead, speak with a certified financial planner. Roth conversions There may also be opportunities for tax loss harvesting and Roth conver sions in a market downturn. Tax loss harvesting is a strategy to reduce capital gains taxes by selling some investments at a loss to offset stocks that were sold at aRothprofit.conversions allow you to con vert funds from an IRA (tax-deferred account) to a Roth (tax-free). The catch being that you must pay income taxes on the amount being converted from the IRA to the Roth. But this may be worth it since you can now pack more shares into the Roth conversion, for the same dollar amount, than you could in 2021 due to the market decline. No one can predict what the markets have in store for us next. American investors have had a great decade, but it’s natural to have quarters of negative returns. It is also natural to be uncom fortable with the uncertainty a market downturn can bring to your financial plan.Ifyou have any concerns about your financial plan, don’t hesitate to reach out to your advisor; that’s why they’re there. And if you don’t have a financial advisor, one of the nice things about financial planning, compared to the medical profession, is that most check ups are free.
It pays to revisit investing basics in uncertain market
Nicholas Haberling is a partnership advisor at Community First Bank & HFG Trust in Kennewick.
Investment selection

The Tri-Cities’ beloved retired four-star general, Jim Mattis, has married for the first time. Huzzah! His wife, Christina Lomasney, is an entrepreneur-executive at Pacific North west National Laboratory. These newlyweds, whom I do not know personally, arguably have complex personal and financial lives and likely will have many financial matters yet to sort out.They’re no different from many other couples tying the knot. If I was their fiduciary financial advisor, here are some of the first steps I would suggest they – and most newly weds – would be money-wise to focus on after saying “I do.”
It’s also important to consider your state laws. Washington is one of nine community property states, which means that prop erty acquired during marriage is owned equally. This matters at death or divorce. For people with complex lives who might have out-of-state property, the law can get complicated so seek counsel. Taxes Couples have choices when it comes to taxes, married filing jointly (MFJ) or separatelyTypically,(MFS).MFJ offers more deductions than MFS and results in lower tax liability in most cases. MFS can make sense in certain situa tions, such as business owners attempting to qualify for a qualified business income deduction (QBI) or a student loan situa tion.You will want to check whether your new filing status and adjusted gross in come will affect your ability to contribute to tax-advantaged accounts.
It’s always good to talk to a tax pro – after all, what normal person really understands taxes? Get a tax projection for this year, and you might be pleasantly surprised by the additional tax perks getting married brings. Age gap Like a lot of couples, age differences can bring with it certain planning chal lenges regarding health care, your retire ment vision and income planning. It can be hard to map out a mutual retirement journey in terms of time and activities as well as coordinate when to start income streams like pensions or SocialThereSecurity.isagood chance the younger spouse will outlive the other, another important planning opportunity.
There can be advantages to an age gap as well. If your spouse is still working, clearly that means there is an additional stream of income, reducing the reliance on your investments. It also could mean continued company-sponsored health insurance, access to a portable long-term care program and other employer benefits. And if the spouse is at least 10 years younger and the only beneficiary of your IRA, the required distributions at 72, are reduced.Sooner or later, you will have to talk about death and dying. It is a hard con versation to have any day of the year, but you have to do it. This all ties back to the beginning, what is important to you? Talk about your wishes for your money, your family. What do you want your money to mean to your kids or others? When do you want to see that happen? Have a frank and open conversation about your end-of-life wishes and share that with other important family members. To make your wishes become real ity, you must finalize – yes, actually sign – documents with your estate planning attorney.It’salso a good time to review your beneficiary designations, life insurance policies and work benefits as you may want to add your new spouse to them.
Name change
What’s important to you? This is such an exciting time, the first days after getting married. As a new couple, I encourage you to have ongoing talks and dream a little about where your new life together might take you. Don’t hold back. If money was no object, what would you do with your time and energy as a couple? What people, causes, and activities are impor tant to you? Combined or separate finances? Do you plan on combining your finances, keeping them separate or some combination of both? How involved in each other’s financial lives do you plan to be? Oftentimes, there is a financially domi nant partner in a relationship. Will you have a family meeting to discuss money matters together, if so, how often? How will important decisions be made?Establishing healthy communication early on in a relationship can help put both of you at ease. When each person feels comfortable expressing their needs, feels listened to and respected, resentment is far less likely to build up. Do either of you have a suc cessful business, sizable inheri tance, or debts you would like to keep separate? If so, consider a prenuptial agree ment, which can still be done after saying “I do.”
Angie Furubotten-LaRosee is a certified financial planner, speaker, podcaster and founder of Avea Financial Planning LLC, a Richland firm offering fiduciary financial advice and investment management for a flat fee, specializing in retiring folks, especially from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
(509) Findclickitrvtricities.com545-0101yourdreamRVtoday! Home is where you park it. Money-wise advice for newlyweds tying the knot AngieLaRoseeFurubottenAveaPlanningFinancialLLC GUEST COLUMN BANKING & INVESTMENTS
Finally, if you or your spouse is plan ning on a name change, set a deadline and attempt to do that in one fell swoop, start ing with your driver’s license and Social Security card. There are many how-to checklists online as a guide. The best days are ahead There will be an adjustment period as you settle into your new lives together. Love can be fresh, shiny and new, and there’s nothing better! Here’s wishing a long and happy mar riage to those taking the plunge, including the general and his new wife.




Photo by Wendy Culverwell Trevor Macduff, a Richland science teacher and founder of Silas Education, is replicating the solar system at a regional scale, with planets orbiting around a model of the sun at the Reach Museum. Earth, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus have markers. Neptune is next.
Mid-Columbia is being transformed into an 80-mile scaled replica of the solar system, one planetary orbit at a time. The ambitious project promotes sci ence education and tourism by placing orbital markers representing each of the nine major planets (Pluto is included) in orbit around a 40-foot sculpture of the sun at the Reach Museum in Richland. It is no small thing. The scaled distance between the sun and Pluto is about 40 miles (and an av erage of 3.7 billion miles in reality.) At that scale, Pluto’s elliptical orbit passes near Sunnyside, Othello, White Bluffs, Prescott, Stanfield and Boardman.
Decades in making The Hanford Reach Solar System is the brainchild of Trevor Macduff, a Richland science teacher who began thinking about a regional model solar system during a professional development program more than 20 years ago. It began taking shape in 2011 when he was part of the Three Rivers HomeLink team building a STEM program. It was looking for big projects that would engage students. He laughs now, but at the time, he thought it would take two years to get the word out and get the project built. It took time, but he eventually found takers in Richland, which at the time was preparing to build the Reach Museum on a spot overlooking the Columbia River and Bateman Island at the Wye. Based on his scale, the sun would be at the Reach and Pluto would be at the White Bluffs Boat Launch. Setting the sun The sun, consisting of a pair of 40foot arches oriented north-south, was in stalled on the lawn with its own stage. It has proved a popular spot for weddings and other gatherings. It was even briefly a gathering place for homeless people dur ing the pandemic, until officials turned off the power.
Macduff gave a presentation at a Ro tary meeting and met Benton City Mayor Linda Lehman. She wanted to know how Benton City could participate. He told her about Uranus. She loved it, he recalled. Benton City’s revitalization agency dedicated the Uranus marker in 2021 –mid-pandemic – on a walking path near 14th Street. The installation includes a crowd-friendly patio and explanatory dis plays.Benton City residents leaned into the hard-a pronunciation with lots of winkwinkTherejokes.have been T-shirts and promo tional messages like “I saw Uranus in Benton City” and “Looking for Uranus? It’s in Benton City.” The Uranus marker is noted on Google Maps. Macduff credits the mayor with lead ing the way. The results exceeded his ex pectations.“Shejust embraced it,” he said. “I just appreciated the moxie of Benton City to just embrace it.” The planet’s orbit mostly passes through sparsely populated areas, but it does nip Finley to the east near Hover Park in unincorporated Benton County.
Cities embrace space when the solar system comes to town Wendy Culverwell
Once the sun was in place, Macduff be gan looking to install markers along the walking trails of Kennewick, Pasco and Richland. The paths extend away from the sun and are well traveled, making them accessible to visitors. Earth’s marker is about a mile away, near the Wye boat launch, in keeping with the scaled distance. Mars and Ve nus haven’t come into being, but there’s a marker for Jupiter at the north end of Richland’s Howard Amon Park and for Saturn at the USS Triton Sail Park, over looking the river in north Richland near the Port of Benton. He’s working to secure permission from the Army Corps of Engineers to in stall similar markers in Kennewick and Pasco, where the federal agency controls what can be installed along the water fronts.Benton City installed Uranus in 2021. Prosser expects to install Neptune by Sep tember.Macduff welcomes duplication. If West Richland wants a Saturn, that’s great. The planet’s orbit passes through Leo na Libby Middle School and near Yoke’s Fresh Market. Macduff is amenable to fudging locations slightly if it means put ting markers in spots where they can be visited and not in anonymous locations hidden in fields. “If you have 10 Jupiters or six Plutos, you get a flavor for what the orbits look like,” he said. Each orbital marker involves a basalt base with Corten steel arches and an ex planatory plaque in stainless steel. Sites are donated and it costs about $5,000 to install each marker. His students teamed up with artists to design sculptures representing each plan et. He asked his students to contemplate what sets each planet apart. He remem bers students drawing a blank for Earth, then settling on DNA, which was incor porated into the statue design. “It was pleasantly impressive to see all the great ideas,” he said. The pandemic slowed but did not halt the work. Macduff expected to start from the sun and work his way out with mark ers at intervals along the riverfront walk ways of Richland, Kennewick and Pasco. Leaning into Uranus He anticipated approaching Benton City, which is in the orbital path of the ice giant Uranus, with some dread. Uranus, for the Greek sky god Oura nos, is pronounced with a short “a,” sound, or Macduffyur-a-nus.spentenough time with mid dle schoolers to know it would inevitably get the long “a” treatment and be pro nounced like the body part, “your-anus.”

Photo by Wendy Culverwell An orbital marker depicting Saturn stands near the USS Triton Sail Park in north Richland. It is one of a growing number of planets orbiting a scale replica of the Sun at the Reach Museum.
A28 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 TOURISM Richland followed with three planets, funded through a grant, and supported by the parks department. Macduff credits Joe Schiessl, Richland’s then director of parks and public facilities, for suggesting the basalt/Corten metal marker design. A concrete marker would age, crack and become unsightly. Cracks in basalt pillars look perfectly natural. Steel rusts but the Corten arches weather to a pleas ing patina. Prosser taps Neptune Prosser was next to jump on the plan etary bandwagon, thanks to a business connection to Benton City. Dakota Renz, an insurance agent and member of the Leadership Prosser Class of 2022, learned about the solar system project through his involvement with the Benton City Chamber of Commerce. Leadership groups typically adopt a community project during their year to gether. Prosser’s current leadership class was tired of the pandemic restrictions. It wanted to leave an unusual and memora ble imprint on the community, Renz said. And so, Project Neptune, Prosser’s bid to host a marker for the solar system’s eighth planet, was born with Renz at the helm. He expects to share in the excite ment Benton City built around Uranus. “When we started to put it together in Prosser, there is just so much behind it. It promotes STEM education. Benton City brings in science classes, geocaching. It really is a tourism feature,” he said. Project Neptune has raised $12,000 to install the orbital marker on a site at the Prosser Wine and Food Village, the site supplied by the Port of Benton. Renz expects to complete construction by Sep tember.Justas Benton City embraced Uranus, Prosser has embraced Neptune, the God of the Sea. The marker and displays will eventually be surrounded by a proper Neptune-themed park. The city envisions a splash pad or even a lazy river. Finding places for rest of planets Macduff has big plans for the remain ing planets and the rest of the Mid-Co lumbia encircled by Pluto’s orbit.
SOLAR SYSTEM, From page A27
The Richland Players Theatre at The Parkway is contemplating a Jupiter mark er. Macduff has identified two spots for Mars in Kennewick, one at the Edison Street Boat Ramp and the other at Vista Field, the Port of Kennewick’s redevel opment project now ready to welcome builders.Thesolar network will be too vast to cover all the planets in a single day, but as more orbits are added, there will be more opportunities to build events and activi ties.A series of Jupiters could form the base for a bike route. A fun run from Earth to sun could illustrate the vastness of space. Running it in eight minutes or less is equivalent of traveling faster than the speed of light because it takes about 8 minutes and 20 seconds for actual light to travel the 93 million actual miles between sun and Earth. Labor of love The planet project has been a labor of love with key supporters along the way. As momentum picks up, Macduff is look ing to create a support network to help out. He is seeking help to update the web site, create an interactive map and with other tasks. He established Silas Education, a non profit, to push the project and eventually evolve into a professional development organization dedicated to uplifting and celebrating local teachers. It holds one of its first major events on Sept. 14, when it hosts a formal dinner for teachers with Richland astronaut Kayla Barron. Barron, like Macduff, is a Richland High School graduate and will spend the day visiting students around the area, in cluding in Macduff’s classroom at River’s Edge High School. Macduff hopes to make Silas a fulltime retirement job. For now, he’s pursu ing the solar system project as a side gig to his teaching job and his obligations to his large family and his church. “I love it, but I’m trying to build it into something more,” he said. Contact Macduff and make donations via PayPal at

The LIGO Hanford Observatory opens its much-anticipated visitor center to school children in September and to the public in October after a delay attributed to the Thepandemic.LIGO Exploration Center, or LExC, is a short walk from the LIGO Han ford Observatory, the gravitational wave observatory whose Nobel Prize-winning work it shares with visitors old and young.
Photo by Wendy Culverwell
All four will participate in the fourth observation run, expected to begin next March following upgrades at the LIGOs. Landry said a fifth observatory is envi sioned in India. The Livingston observatory has long been able to share its work because it has a science education center. LIGO Hanford welcomed visitors at the observatory it self. Doubling visitor capacity The state of Washington set aside $7.7 million for a proper STEM education cen ter in With2019.the addition, a team of educators and docents led by Amber Strunk can wel come up to 10,000 visitors a year, twice its prior“LExCcapacity.amplifies and focuses every thing,” Landry said. The interferometry network tested Al bert Einstein’s century-old prediction that gravitational waves exist. Einstein himself did not think they could be detected. By the mid-1950s, scientists were contem plating how evolving technology might register the miniscule waves that at least theoretically were passing through Earth from distant events. LExC’s features LExC features an early piece of equip ment that controversially did not detect gravity waves but pioneered the idea that they could be found. When the first wave was recorded first at Hanford and then Livingston, scientists raced to confirm the results were authentic and not the result of an accident or outside influence.Landry recalled securing every device that could be tampered with to prevent un planned tests or “injections,” deliberate or otherwise.LIGOalso records a constant stream of data about conditions on planet Earth, from storms to earthquakes, to avoid false readings. The last thing it wants, Landry said, is to announce a detection that could be attributed to a lightning strike. They knew they were on solid ground when a second wave rolled through on Christmas Eve, 2015. Subsequent detec tions were recorded on Jan. 4, 2017, and
Exploration center caters to science-savvy community Page A31
By Wendy Culverwell
The L-shaped observatory features four-kilometer arms extending from a control center on the Hanford site and along with a twin in Livingston, Louisi ana. The pair are part of a larger network that includes Italy’s Virgo observatory and Japan’s KAGRA. Private tours prove popular LExC has welcomed private groups, scientists and educators since construc tion wrapped up in late 2021 but its of ficial January opening was delayed by the Covid-19Michaelpandemic.Landry, LIGO Hanford’s di rector, said the popularity of the private tours proves there is interest in the re search occurring on a remote patch of the Hanford nuclear reservation. The observa tory and LExC are about five miles north of the Benton City junction on the Vantage Highway.“There is definitely an appetite for it. There is an incredibly science-savvy com munity here,” he said. Its professional de velopment program for educators draws visitors from across the nation and world. CalTech and the Massachusetts Insti tute of Technology, with funding from the National Science Foundation, set up LIGOs in 2015, with Virgo and KAGRA joining the effort in subsequent years. Virgo teamed with LIGO on the 2017 run and is credited with helping identify the location of a black hole collision. KAGRA joined in 2020 but because that year’s run was cut short by the pandemic it was not an active participant.
The LIGO Hanford Observatory, or LExC, opens to local students in September and to the public in October. LExC celebrates the Nobel Prize winning physics research conducted by the twin LIGO observatories at Hanford and Livingston, Louisiana, and with partners in Italy and Japan.


Aug. 14, 2017. It took 1.3 billion years for the grav ity waves emanating from colliding black stars to travel to Earth and jostle the LIGO lasers. Reaction was swift. The principals – Rainer Weiss of MIT and Caltech’s Barry Barish and Kip Thorne – shared the 2017 Nobel Prize for Physics.TheNobel committee allows only three copies of the medal, and mints them itself. One displayed in LExC’s lobby. Architect Terence “Tere” Thornhill de signed it to reflect the black hole collision it celebrates.DBRGrant Construction constructed theFrombuilding.above, a pair of unevenly sized circles merge, scaled to the size of the ac tual black holes. White, blue and one am ber light twinkle from the lobby ceiling, a nod to the stars. The roof includes a silo, representing the more typical telescopic observatory, where scientists watch rather than listen for clues about the universe. A pair of linked classrooms provide space for students and training. Waveshaped acoustic tiles cover the ceiling. Flooring reflects the sweep of the aurora borealis.Theexhibit hall has space for 50 handson and display exhibits. There are 15. Hands-on exhibits let visitors play with the notion of waves and gravity. Equipment highlights the staggering engineering that drove the three-andcounting observation runs, in 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2019-20. The observatory has pioneered laser and optical discoveries now being used in industry.Atits simplest, each observatory splits a laser beam along the two arms, bouncing it back and forth. Gravity waves register as slight variations in the time it takes to the main detector. That detector sits on an elaborate “table” suspended on gyro scopes to isolate it from movement. The ultra-isolated table could have practical applications. Landry noted that Italian authorities intend to place Mi chaelangelo’s David on a seismically-sta ble table to reduce the risk his weak ankle might give out, theoretically possible in a seismicLandry’ is seeking private and government funding to expand its offer ings. Highly sustainable building LExC has one promise to draw visitors. It is highly sustainable, built with energy and water savings in mind and a pollina tor garden informed by local tribes. Some of the more visible features include five charging stations for electric vehicles and concrete pipes that cover walkways. The pipes were left over from construction of the laser tunnels. LExC was built to sustainability stan dards of the U.S. Green Building Coun cil’s Leadership in Energy and Environ mental Design’s “silver” level, as required for state-funded projects. The LEED plaque will be displayed when the award is
LIGO, From page A29 TOURISM

Robertson said she and her family were going to have a busy summer. “And we put in this amazing pool,” she said. “I thought why not try the app? It was delayed a little with the cool weather we’ve had. But when the weather got hot we start ed renting the pool.” Vollmer was a bit hesitant about renting out her family’s pool to strangers when they first tried the app in July 2020, when Swim ply first came into the Tri-Cities. “I initially thought it would be weird. But everyone we’ve hosted has been great,” Vollmer said. “It’s been a really good expe rience. The benefits have far outweighed theRobertsoncosts.” agreed. “It has more than paid for the excess chlorine and replacement filter. It’s more than covered the money for those things,” Robertson said. Both Fullmer and Robertson have rules for their pools. Neither will allow more than 25 people at their pool for parties. There is no Dependinghorseplay. on any of the area’s hosts, barbecues, backyard swings and fire pits may be available with a pool rental. “When you have a pool, it makes it more affordable,” Vollmer said. “It pays for the chemicals, the heating, and the water you put in the pool.” And while Robertson and Vollmer are not looking to get rich through this venture, some pool hosts around the country are making over six figures. Laskin says that 70% of all bookings come from families. “It’s definitely families,” agreed Robert son, who had eight bookings this summer (with one repeat customer) and three more scheduled.“Birthday parties. Parents with kids defi nitely love the idea of coming to a pool for a large party. Only one group has been all adults, and they said they’d be coming back with their kids. So far, we’re averaging two pool bookings a week.”
Both Robertson and Vollmer have spous es and children, and they make sure they find time for the family to use the pool by blocking out dates just for themselves. Swimply employee Cassandra Sosa said there currently are 247 private swimming pools in Washington state rented out. For the week of July 25, Swimply’s gross booking value was $95,000 in Washington state, with almost 1,000 hours booked. Laskin said there are 25,000 swimming pool owners in the United State using Swimply.“I’vereally trusted Swimply with what they are doing,” Vollmer said. “It’s a real win-win for everybody.” Laskin hopes to replicate Swimply’s suc cess with tennis court, hot tub, indoor pool or music studio rentals. Go to
A32 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 ply.On the Swimply platform, people who own swimming pools rent the pools out to people by the hour. Laskin, 25, and his business partner went on Shark Tank a few years ago to raise $600,000 to get the business up and run ning.All the sharks turned Laskin down. But other people watched that show and were willing to dive in. “Six months later, we had $10 million from other investors,” said Laskin, who quit school after that. “The CEO of Airbnb invested in Potentialus.”guests use Swimply to browse through the available pools in their area, their amenities, prices, reviews and so forth. Once the host approves a request, the time is confirmed. The guest receives an email with the exact address, codes to au thorize access to the property, Wi-Fi infor mation, and any other information needed For pool owners, it’s just as easy: Once they’ve signed up with Swimply, they post pictures of the pool and backyard, pick an hourly price and set their pool rules. The pool owners then confirm the booking and get paid within 24 hours after the booking is complete.Laskin’steam works with the pool hosts to figure out the best hourly rate, so that it might be attractive for repeat customers. The advantage for pool hosts is that Swimply provides the hosts with a custom er base with the app and institutional sup port, including insurance. “It’s really user friendly,” said Jenny Vollmer, a Kennewick resident who listed her pool on InsuranceSwimply.isakeypart of the business. Swimply offers a $3 million property insurance package, and $1 million in liabil ity insurance through its partnership with Airbnb.Swimply takes a 15% booking fee Tri-City area pools
Vollmer said she averages one booking a week.“Our experience has mostly been kids’ birthday parties,” Vollmer said. “Although we recently had a 50th all-ladies birthday party.”Usually, the parties last from a minimum of two hours up to about five hours. Rates for the seven Tri-City pools vary from $20 to $85 an hour.
Swimply’s whole process has made a splash in the Tri-Cities. “Yes. Surprisingly yes,” said Melanie Robertson, a Kennewick pool owner who said she is happy with the service. “You never know what you’re going to get when you rent your private property.”

Local hospitality has recovered by sales and wages, but not by jobs D. Patrick Jones WashingtonEasternUniversity GUEST COLUMN SalesRetailAccommodation Percent Benton & Franklin Counties - Accommodation Retail Sales (millions) Benton & Franklin Counties - Annual Growth Rate Washington State - Annual Growth Rate 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 $100$90$80$70$60$50$40$30$20$10$0 80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0%-10%-20%-30%-40%-50%-60% Courtesy Benton-Franklin Trends uJONES, Page A35 TOURISM
There are many reasons why wages in the industry have been so low: minimal entering skill requirements, the prevalence of part-time work, and up to recently, the relative abundance of work ers. The dramatic increase in earnings likely can be traced to a severe drop of applicants, bidding up hourly wages. It is also likely that hours worked per week climbed.Tobetter understand the relatively low wages of hospitality establishments in the greater Tri-Cities, it might be good to digest a few characteristics of its workforce.First,the ranks of its workers consist disproportionately of young people. Census data show that the average share of the entire local work force taken by youth (ages 14-24) over the past five years has been about one out of every sevenThe(14.4%).shareof the hospitality workforce held by very young workers over the same period has been nearly three times that share, at Inexperienced39%.workers typically don’t claim the same wages as those who have been in the workforce for years. Second, the local hospitality work force skews Hispanic, according to the Census.Over the past years, the share of Hispanic/Latino(a) workers in the local workforce has been about 28%. The share of Hispanics/Latino(as) in the hos pitality workforce: 31%. Language barriers and relatively low educational levels likely have contrib uted to a heavier weighting of this key population in hospitality services. It will be interesting to see whether the weight ing disappears over time. Third, the hospitality industry typi cally contends with high turnover. (This might be effect as well as cause.) Data for the most recent four quarters of available data (2020 Q2 - 2021 Q1) reveal the average turnover rate in a given quarter for all sectors in the local economy was 10%. Or, one out of every 10 workers changed jobs in the average 90-day period.Among all sectors, hospitality pro duced the highest rate: 16%, or one out of every six workers changed jobs. Con trast this rate to that of the local financeand-insurance sector, where quarterly turnover was a mere 6%. 2021 finished with local hospitality
From an economic perspective, mea suring tourism is a bit dicey. Outside of a national “experimental” account from the U.S. Department of Commerce, government statisticians don’t track a sector labeled “tourism.” That’s because economic activity related to tourism cuts across several established ones: accommodations, food and bever age, retail, transportation, and arts and entertainment.Spendingsurveys typically indicate that tourists drop their money in sectors listed in the above order. That is, tourists generate the highest percentage of rev enues for accommodations operators, but increasingly less so for the subsequent sectors.Ofcourse, this depends on the locale. Tourists make up a much larger share of sales of food and beverage establish ments, retail stores and the arts in Jack son Hole than they do in Spokane. Since Eastern Washington University doesn’t have access to a continuous survey of tourist spending in the greater Tri-Cities, the most obvious proxy con sists of activity in the first two on the list: accommodations and food-and-beverage establishments.Theirtotalsexaggerate the amount spent by tourists, as they encompass ac tivities not only by business travelers but by local residents. The latter effect might be slight for accommodations operators, but not for local restaurants, bars and cafes.Inthe face of these admittedly substantial caveats, when can be said about recent accommodations and food services in the two counties and thereby tourism activities? The “cleanest” measure comes from Benton-Franklin Trends data on accom modation retail sales. At about $85 mil lion in 2021, sales by local firms in the industry rebounded from the pandemic low of $50 million in 2020. The total, however, is still below the peak reached in 2019 of $92.7 million. A rebound in accommodations em ployment has been much more tepid. Total average employment in the two counties in 2021 was 889. That’s an improvement of a mere 52 workers from 2020. And the 2021 average was 165 lower (-23%) than the peak of 2019. Combining accommodations with eating drinkingandto form the 2021400approximately2019stillovertialbroughtrebound:atsector,hospitalitywearriveamorerobust2021substanimprovement2020,butofffromthepeak,downjobs,or4%.Incontrast,totalaver age employment in the two counties was down about 1% from the 2019 peak. Average annual earnings in hospitality services, however, tell a different story. They jumped by nearly one third (31%) between 2017 and 2021. Across all sectors, average annual earnings rose, but at a considerably slower pace, about 18%. Of course, average hospitality earn ings in 2017 were very low, at $18,570.

HydroplaneWorldSponsor: Plumbers & Steamfitters UA Local 598 and Signatory Contractors Vintage Legends Atomic Cup: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 112 and National Electrical Contrac tors Association H1 Unlimited Dash for Cash: Tri-City Water Follies Marketing Sponsor: Tri-Cities Visitor & Convention Bureau Tri-City CityHotel-MotelRegionalCommissionofRichland Volunteer T-Shirts: Apollo Mechanical Contractors Special Needs Viewing: Tri-Cities Sunrise Rotary Club Official Ticket Outlet: SafewayAlbertsons Official Kid’s Ticket Sponsor: Downtown DevelopmentPascoAuthority Official Kid’s Zone Sponsor: Inland Imaging Official Merchandiser: Atomic Screen Print & Embroidery Official Television Station: KNDU Official Radio Station: KONA 610 AM Official Malt Beverage: Columbia Distributing Official Soft Drink: Coca Cola The “Lagoon Saloon” & “Margarita Village” CG Public House and Catering Official Trophy Sponsor: Sandy’s Trophies Preferred Catering Services: CG Public House and Catering Castle Event Catering Official Equipment Provider: Pape’ Official Hotel: My Place Patrol Boat Sponsor: Ranch and Home Official RV Provider: Broadmoor RV First Aid Trios LourdesHealthMedical Center Kadlec Medical Center Official Pizza Sponsor: Papa John’s Corporate Sponsors: Apollo Mechanical Contractors ColumbiaABADAN Center Lampson International LLC Unlimited Heat Sponsors: ArizonaParrCO-EnergyLumberMobile Fleet Services The Truss Co. Airport Hospitality Sponsor: ATI A Special Thanks To: Ala Carts Golf Carts Basin Disposal, Inc. Ben Franklin Transit Bergstrom Aircraft Inc. Cat Rental Store City of Kennewick City of Pasco City of Richland CG Public House Clover Island Yacht Club Columbia Marine Center Columbia Basin College Columbia Park Golf Course Federal Aviation Administration Fowler Construction Ice Harbor Brewing Company Kay NOAAMcDonaldsLukesMetzCarpetNational Weather Service PacificOXARC Clinic Pasco Air Traffic Controllers Pasco Chamber of Commerce RAD RattlesnakeTowing Brewing Co. Ray Poland and Sons, Inc. Kennewick Red Apple Safety UnitedUnderTri-CityTri-CitiesTownStrattonSunbeltStarSierraSafeway,KleenInc.ElectricRentalsRentalsSurveySquareMediaAirportSignandBarricadeSeaAdventuresStatesCoastGuard Our sincere appreciation goes to the sponsors and partners who made the 2022 Tri-City Water Follies possible for our community! Don’t despair that summer’s winding down, there’s still plenty to do GUEST COLUMN Kim Shugart Visit Tri-Cities uSHUGART, Page A35 TOURISM
STR, a recog nized provider of tourism data, reports through the first six months of 2022, the Tri-Cities has experienced an increase of 5.7% in the number of hotel rooms sold compared to 2021, down only 1.5% com pared to pre-pandemic record levels. And the news gets better. Revenue exceeds pre-pandemic levels by 15.6%.
It’s hard to believe summer is wind ing down. The sun is setting just a little earlier, the start of the school year is right around the corner, and some are looking forward to cozy clothes and pumpkin spiced everything. But wait – there is still plenty of sum mer left to enjoy in the Tri-Cities. In fact, late summer and early fall is the perfect time to enjoy local tourism-based attrac tions after the crowds have thinned. The Tri-Cities continues to gain popu larity and has become a tourism desti nation that people from throughout the Pacific Northwest (and even the world) love to visit. The proof is in the numbers.
This is fantastic news for tourism-related businesses and attractions as demand for services in the Tri-Cities remains strong. Tourism is a critical component of maintaining and enhancing quality of life in the Tri-Cities for residents as well as visitors.Anenergized tourism program also supports a diverse, vibrant and prosper ous business community where smalland medium-sized business, such as restaurants and boutiques, flourish due to the financial support of visitor spending. In turn, employment opportunities are created.Tourism sustains more than 4,700 jobs in the Tri-City region, which will con tinue to grow with the addition of new attractions, restaurants and hotels. Additionally, visitor spending in 2021 resulted in $51 million in local and state sales tax revenue. The tax revenue gener ated by visitors helps fund municipal services, the maintenance of roadways and beautification of parks. Due to the contributions of the visitor economy, the burden of those expenses is reduced, pro viding property tax relief for Tri-Cities households. In short, when visitors spend money in our community it supports an enhanced quality of life that touches every single Tri-Citian. That’s the economic benefit of tour ism, but what about the recreational benefits of tourism for Tri-Citians? Fall activities begin in earnest as Sep tember gives way to October. Local farms open the gates and wel come the public to wander (sometimes a little aimlessly) through corn mazes and pumpkinMiddletonpatches.Farms in Pasco adds extra excitement to the fall harvest experience with pumpkin cannons, zip lines and more.Country Mercantile, famous for its farm fresh produce and chocolate fac tory, also has carnival rides, competitive activities and photo ops. Fall isn’t just about pumpkins, it’s also wine grape harvest here in the heart of Washington wine country. The Tri-Cities is surrounded by vineyards, which will be bustling with activity.Wineries frequently offer opportuni ties to learn about the harvest process and crafting the next vintage of worldclass Washington wine with the wine maker.Make the most of your tasting ex perience with the Heart of Washington Wine Country Pass that you can find on to explore outdoor recreation in the Tri-Cities. The weather is sunny and mild, perfect for enjoying any of the three rivers. Stand-up paddleboarding and kayak ing are popular in-water activities, but the rivers can be enjoyed just as much from the amazing trail systems along the river shore.
Columbia Cup Sponsor: HAPO Community Credit Union the River Air Show: HAPO Community Credit Union Prix

A35TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 sales above those of the pre-pandemic peak in 2019, thanks to food-and-bever ageHospitalityestablishments.sales this year should be higherEarningsyet. by its workers should con tinue their upward climb. Yet, job counts still might not match those of 2019. While sales headaches may be fading for these businesses, staff turnover still represents a challenge. Subsequent data will tell whether higher wages will bring down the high hospitality churn rate.
JONES, From page A33 SHUGART, From page A34 TOURISM
D. Patrick Jones is the executive director for Eastern Washington University’s Institute for Public Policy & Economic Analysis. Benton-Franklin Trends, the institute’s project, uses local, state and federal data to measure the local economic, educational and civic life of Benton and Franklin counties. Biking along the shoreline has long been a favorite pastime, but electric bikes add an extra spark to any riverside ride. Pedal (or coast) to the Sacagawea Heritage Trail, the 23-mile paved path the loops through all three cities. Plan for stops in Kennewick along the way, such as Bite at the Landing in Columbia Park, any one of the wineries and food trucks at the Columbia Gardens Urban Wine & Artisan Village, Cedars at Pier One, Ice Harbor Brewing Co. or the Crow’s Nest on Clover Island. Badger and Candy mountains are two of the Tri-Cities’ most popular hikes, and for good reason. Those who reach the summit are rewarded with sweeping vista views. But there are also trails in Chamna Natural Preserve that traverse through desert landscapes, tree caves and mead ows alongside the Yakima River. The Hanford Reach is one of the area’s most spectacular hikes with trails through the desert shrub-steppe, rising high above the Columbia River with views of the Manhattan Project National Historical Park.These are just a few ideas to encour age you to explore in your own backyard. Better yet, invite a group of out-of-town friends or family members to join you. For more ideas and suggested itinerar ies, check out Or drop by the Visit Tri-Cities Visitor Center, we would be happy to assist you in plan ning your Tri-Cities adventure.
Kim Shugart is senior vice president of Visit Tri-Cities. info@tcjournal.bizSendusyourbusinessnews.

SusanBond KellerKimBranhamEd ButcherAmy CalvertMatt
LucateroJasmin JenniferMast WilhelmChristaSasser SchienbeinBrian Since 1978, our locally owned and independent brokerage continues to proudly serve buyers and sellers of the Tri-Cities. Our Professional Brokers truly complement our solid reputation of exemplary services. These individuals have the drive and local knowledge that generate results. Call today! which made loans to help shuttered venues remain operational. Reach’s budget Its current annual budget is $689,000, compared to $890,000 prior to the pan demic.“We’re still being very conscientious about our spending,” Sharpe said. It main tains a $500,000 reserve. About a third of its current funding comes from a .033% sales tax levied on lo cal retail spending and directed to the Rich land Public Facilities District, which man ages the facility. The Reach tries to rely on the fund as little as possible, but it’s been useful during the“Luckily,crisis. the economy was still generat ing retail sales tax and our membership was holding steady. So even though we reduced our expenses, we still had income,” Sharpe said.The Reach tries not to rely solely on this fund and doesn’t have to draw from it. Its remaining budget ideally includes a third from The Reach Foundation, a non profit which raises money through annual events, grants, endowment contributions and other aid. It has provided $80,000 this year.The remaining third of the budget is from admissions, store sales and facility rentals. “Right now, we’re rebuilding our earned income, and at the same time the endow ment is underperforming because of the stock market, so we’re relying more on the fund. We tried to present and approve a sustainable budget. But there are still some unknowns out on recovery, so we’re still managing our resources very, very econom ically,” Sharpe said. Regional tourism on rise Sharpe said it will remain that way until there is more stability in predicting future tourism.About half of its visitors are from outside the“RegionalTri-Cities. tourism is on the rise. Gas prices are keeping people from flying plac es,” Sharpe said. “Many people are discov ering their own backyards. So, these folks may be from Oregon, Idaho or Montana, looking for three- or four-day vacations that areSharpeaffordable.”saidwhen river cruises are in op eration, between April and October, visitor numbers jump by half. Cruise passengers can board a bus, often at Howard Amon Park, and visit The Reach at 1943 Colum bia Park Trail in Richland. Or passengers can take a hop-on, hop-off tour and make multiple stops around the area. The museum invoices the cruise line for the visitors, most of whom stay about an hour.These visits have been affected by the lack of B Reactor National Historic Land mark tours running. Visitors would get an orientation at The Reach before heading out to the Manhattan Project National Histori calLimitedPark. tours resumed for 2022 and then paused again as the community spread of Covid-19 increased. Still, attendance ex ceeded its pre-pandemic admissions for the second quarter of 2022, with more than 27,000 visitors compared to 25,000 during the same period in 2019. The Reach puts a large effort into mak ing the museum accessible to all, trying to remove as many financial barriers as pos sible, while also presenting educational op portunities to students. “You can visit the Reach Museum with out necessarily coming here. Whether that’s through our online programs or through outreach. We have several contracts with local school districts that provide kids with three exposures each year while they’re in elementary school. Our educators go into the classrooms or rangers provide special ized content, and the kids do a field trip, say to McNary Wildlife Refuge,” Sharpe said.
The Reach Museum at 1943 Columbia Park Trail in Richland offers private event rentals. The museum overlooking the Columbia River opened in 2014 and celebrates the natural and scientific history of the Mid-Columbia along with its people and cultures.
REACH, From page A1 TOURISM uREACH, Page A37
It recently partnered with the Richland Public Library to offer museum passes that may be checked out, just like other library materials. Fifty-seven library patrons used this option the first month it was available. The Reach intends to start the same of fering at the Mid-Columbia Libraries, and it is also part of the Museums for All program, which provides free or reduced admission for those receiving food assistance benefits. Those with memberships to other muse ums worldwide also can visit The Reach at no extra expense as part of the Association of Science and Technology Centers recipro cal“We’reprogram.trying to build a consistent, ongo ing relationship with young people and their families over time,” Sharpe said. “We hope that folks become familiar and connected with their museum, and when they grow up and have kids, they want to share that with them also. The museum experience becomes generational. But that takes time, of course. And so, we hope we’re building
Courtesy Reach Museum

Future expansion plans Building for the future includes building out the museum further, if possible, to cre ate a temporary rotating gallery space. “We lack the ability to bring in a major show, say, from the Smithsonian. Or, if the Museum of Flight was doing a travel ling show, there’s nowhere in the Tri-Cities to accommodate it. We need about 3,000 square feet of museum exhibit space that meets security and environmental require ments.”Planners also would like a permanent ed ucational space with a dedicated classroom instead of the pop-up concept that’s been in use, plus outdoor restrooms to support more use of the grounds, including a covered area forTheevents.growth project is a concept, with some architectural drawings to accompany it and some private funders interested, but it’s not yet a committed plan. “Between existing legislation that allows us to collect sales tax, and other grants out there, we think we could do this,” Sharpe said. “With expansions also come higher operating costs. We need to be able to make sure we have a stainable budget for not only the expansion but keeping that operating for years to come.”
Part of budgeting for the future has in cluded shifting staff around. This included four layoffs in 2020 from 11 employees at the time the museum closed.Itreopened part time a year later. “We moved people to where the needs are and hope to keep building from that,” SharpeSomesaid.positions have been merged; oth ers contracted out. It employs six full time and two part time. All have reduced hours from pre-pandemic levels besides mainte nanceOneworkers.ofthose laid off was dedicated to event rentals, a job now absorbed by another staffer as they work to build bookings back up with reunions, proms, weddings and more. The Reach had four events booked in June and expected a busier August, but it’s still only booking about half of the private events it once did. Heading up the museum for five years and navigating it through the closure has Sharpe anxious to rebuild its momentum and see future plans come to fruition. She’s hoping community members will step up to serve on the board for the Reach Foundation.“Thereare a lot of new retirees out there who still want to connect with their com munity, and this is a great way to do that,” sheShesaid.expects strategic planning to get un derway again once Richland fills openings on its Public Facilities District board. In the meantime, Sharpe hopes the com munity will pay them a visit. “We know that locally, families and visi tors want to be able to get outside and also have a cultural experience. The museum has weathered the worst part of the storm and we’re doing a lot better than many of our colleagues. We are still in financial need, but we have a plan, and I think we will be here for many years to come.” Online at
supporters for the future through our educa tion programs.”
TOURISM REACH, From page A36


A39TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 Golf tournament supports Arts Center
Contact Babe Nyberg, baben@ or call 509551-1796. Tickets on sale for All Senior Picnic in Richland
Columbia Industries holds its annual Evening of Miracles gala fundraiser from 5:30-9 p.m. Oct. 20 at the Red Lion Hotel, Columbia Center, 1101 N. Columbia Center Blvd., Kennewick. The event raises money to support the nonprofit’s mission to empower people with disabilities and other barriers. Its programs provide employ ment services, training, respite service and help clients access housing, food benefits and more. The event is limited to 220 people.
BUSINESS BRIEFS TOURISM Mount St. Helens opens to campers on north side The Mount St. Helens Institute is host ing campers who want to visit the north side of the volcano at Base Camp Mount St. is above Coldwater Lake and offers views as well as serving as a launching point for visitors to explore the monument.Biking,hiking, kayaking and other recreation opportunities are nearby. Guests must bring their own equipment. The final edition of Base Camp will be held the weekend of Sept. 2. Cost is $240 for a tent site and one attendee or an RV site and one attendee. Additional attendees are $140. All ages are Craft Beer Fest coming to Columbia Park Tri-City Sunrise Rotary will hold its Craft Beer Festival from 2-10 p.m. Aug. 21 near the Veterans Memorial in Kennewick’s Columbia Park. More than 30 craft beers produced in the Northwest will be available along with yard games, a DJ, entertainment, photo booths, food and retail vendors. Tickets are $40, with attendance limited to those 21 and over. Proceeds support Rotary grants to nonprofits. The event is managed by the Sim mons family, which operates C.G. Public House and Catering, Bite at the Landing and Uncle Sam’s Saloon. Go to
Columbia Industries plans Evening of Miracles
The event is sponsored by the three cities and the Richland Seniors Asso ciation.
The 27th annual All Senior Picnic will be held from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sept. 15 at Howard Amon Park, 500 Amon Drive, in TicketsRichland.are$5and go on sale Aug. 15 at the Richland Community Cen ter, 500 Amon Drive, Pasco Parks & Recreation, 525 N. Third Ave., and the Southridge Sports & Events Complex, 2901 Southridge Blvd., Kennewick.
Sponsorship packages run from $1,000 for a table for eight to $20,000 for champion level sponsors, which includes two tables for a total of 16 guests.
The Arts Center Task Force is inau gurating a golf tournament to support plans to build a performing arts center. Par for the Arts starts at 8 a.m. Sept. 29 at the Columbia Point Golf Course in Richland. The fee is $125 for indi viduals and $500 for teams of four. Registration includes 18 holes, greens fees, range balls, a cart, swag bag and awards luncheon. Registration closes Sept. 20. Spon sorships are available as well. Go to


Corvettes on the Columbia benefits Make-A-Wish The 2022 Corvettes on the Columbia gathering will include a Cornhole Tour nament to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation.Thetournament starts is at 9 a.m. Sept. 10 at Columbia Park in Ken newick. The entry fee is $75 per team, with cash prizes for the top four finish ers. All profits benefit Make-A-Wish, which supports children with serious illnesses as well as their families. Corvettes on the Columbia, spon sored by the 3 Rivers Corvette Club and McCurley Integrity Dealerships, features a car show, food, play area for kids and live music. Lawn chairs and tents are
The Columbia Riverkeeper has created a virtual story map that breaks down some of the most dangerous pollutants and cleanup areas at Hanford to tell the story of the Hanford cleanup. The Riverkeeper, based in Portland, is a nonprofit advocate for river health. “Water’s Walk Through Hanford” tells the fictional story of “Raindrop,” a drop of water that falls on the Hanford site and runs into pollutants during its journey to theRaindropriver. learns about current and past cleanup efforts, touching on Hanford’s Waste Encapsulation Storage Facility, Tank Farms, the 100-N Area and the 100K Area.Thetour includes clickable boxes, vid eos and links to online resources that help highly the challenges Hanford faces and how important the cleanup is for the river and the plants, animals, fish and people that depend on it. It is available in English and Spanish. Go to
Serving the Tri-Cities for over 40 years. Christopher Kontogianis, MD, FAAOS Stephen Dechter, DO, FAAPMR Heather L. Phipps, DO, FAAOS, MBA / (509) 586-2828 uBUSINESS BRIEFS TOURISM
KIE unveils new work from Kennewick muralist KIE Supply unveiled its new mural in downtown Kennewick in early August. KIE commissioned the mural from local artist Heidi Elkington. It reflects on the important role the Columbia River played in the development of the TriCities and the Columbia Basin. The 100-by-20 mural is on the eastfacing wall of its building, 129 E. Columbia Drive, facing Columbia Gar dens Urban Wine & Artisan Village. The work features a dedication to the Kittson family, which has owned and operated KIE Supply in downtown Ken newick since 1955. Elkington is a popular local artist whose work is part of Gallery in the Alley in Richland’s Uptown Shopping Center. The city-supported initiative works with professional artists to paint murals in the alleyways.“Painting murals is my jam,” she told the Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business in February.
Columbia Riverkeeper virtual tour highlights Hanford impact

” His technique and trust earned Plati num Automotive hundreds of positive reviews on the shop’s website – an ad mirable feat in an industry where cus tomers are often skeptical of honest re pair“Wework.definitely try to make sure we de velop relationships with our customers,” Goetsch said. “Not only do they trust us, but they trust us enough to tell their friends and family, or somebody at the gas station. Most of our business comes from referrals and word of mouth.” Over the years, his business and role has expanded. He employs three fulltime technicians and expects to hire a couple more once the new shop opens. He’s proud of the low turnover with his team. “I don’t think I have an em ployee who’s been here less than three years,” he said. The new shop will be funded with a private commercial loan from Numerica that Goetsch secured shortly after his mom“Thedied.dream was always to have my auto repair shop gears up for expansion
Courtesy Platinum Automotive
After growing his business from a mobile shop run out of a Jeep, Nathan Goetsch looks forward to rolling up the doors at his new 5,600-square-foot auto motive repair building at 8504 W. Clear water Ave. in Kennewick. Goetsch, the sole owner and operator of Platinum Automotive, is taking the plunge to finance his own $1.3 million building with the same risk-taking spirit that led him to start his own business a decade ago. “I worked for a lot of people and a lot of different shops for a lot of years, and when I left the last job, I was like, ‘You know what? I’m going to do this myself or I’ll hate myself for the rest of my life for not trying.’ ” Goetsch started working out of his home garage, advertising on Craigslist and using his Jeep to perform mobile service.Hisshop is now a full-scale operation that does almost any kind of repair. His current location is at 532 S. Steptoe St., Suite“What110.we don’t do is fixed glass and body work,” he said. “Like windshields or anything glued into the car. Other wise, we do anything mechanical, plus wheels and tires.” Goetsch never expected this would be his profession, though he says he’s al ways been a “hands-on person.” He got into automotive work purely by happen stance.“Atthe start of high school, I was be ing lazy, and I wanted to do robotics. When I went to go do my electives, they said there was nothing available any more but automotive. And I was like, ‘I don’t want to work on cars.’ But within a couple months of being in that class, I figured out that’s what I wanted to do, or that’s what I enjoyed at least.”
While in school, he was part of a team at Kennewick’s Tri-Tech Skills Center that took first place in the state in a high school automotive competition spon sored by Ford. They competed nationally and placed in the top 50, Goetsch recalled. He dabbled in construction, but auto motive work is where his passion lies. “I got sucked into it because when you’re done with what you’re doing, you have a sense of completion. You know you have something you can look at and say, ‘I did that, and I did it right, and it works.’
By Robin Wojtanik for Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business
The Platinum Automotive team looks forward to moving into its new building at 8504 W. Clearwater Ave. in Kennewick in the coming months. From left, Nathan Goetsch, Tom Smith, Eric Muhlbeier and Aaron Swier. SHOP, Page A45 grows business from mobile shop to multi-bay garage

Guty Villa probably could have been content continuing his work as owner of G’s to Gent’s Barbershop in Kennewick. He’s happily been cutting hair and running the shop for seven years now. It’s a successful shop with plenty of cus tomers and barbers. He also has a great family. But something was missing: Boxing. “I love everything about boxing,” Villa said. “From the moment you put on the hand wraps, the gloves and the head gear, at that moment you’re a boxer. But boxing is more than beating each other up. You have to use your brain. You have to know why you think you’re throwing thisForpunch.”years, Villa and his longtime bud dies, Jose Limon and Orlando Retana, had talked of starting their own boxing gym.But it wasn’t until this past year that it actually changed from a dream to re ality.Villa has a client named Brandon Wilson, who for years was a linebacker and defensive lineman for the Tri-Cities Fever indoor football team. “Brandon said ‘I’d like to do some boxing,’ ” Villa said. “I told him about a year and a half ago I’d like to own a gym. So he gave me the space.” Wilson and his wife own a gym called Mission Accomplish Fitness, and the couple made room for Mano A Mano Boxing Club, which opened June 1 with its first class. It took Villa about 60 days to launch after doing all the paperwork and buying boxing gear, like bags and timers. Two months in, Villa says he feels their expectations have already been ex ceeded.“OnJune 1, we started with one class for 15 people, and we filled that one class up within two weeks,” he said. “We started our first class in June with no Villakids.”said they kept getting requests from parents to allow kids 8 years and older to “Now, July, we have two classes, and we started taking kids as young as 8 years old – which is the youngest you can have in the gym,” Villa said. The gym currently has 22 boxers of all ages and gender training in the gym. Classes are from 5-6:30 p.m. and 6:308 p.m. Monday through Friday. For now.
Photo by Jeff Morrow Jose Limon, left, and Guty Villa run Mana A Mano Boxing Club in Kennewick. It opened in June. A45
“Jose has a 9-to5 job. I have the barbershop,” Villa said. “I haven’t told him yet, but my goal for (Jose) is I’d like for him to be able to retire (and run the gym). He’s better than I am with the training.”Butthey both can do “Weit. had this dream for so long,” Villa said. “The only thing that has changed from day 1, when (the box ers) came in, was ‘Now, what are we going to do?’ Now we have a program set up. We like to develop on the fly. We evaluate the boxers, then set them up with a pro gram. Everyone is different.”Foradults 18 and older, it costs $175 a month to be a member. “Brandon gives them a key for 24hour access to MA Fitness,” Villa said. The cost for boxers under 18 is $150 a month. Because they’re underage, they can’t be in the gym unsupervised, so they don’t get a key. Villa and Limon (Retana is no longer with the gym) want to train boxers of all ages for tournaments, such as the Gold en Gloves. Recently, they took a group of boxers to a Yakima gym to spar with Friends realize dream to launch Mano A Mano Boxing Club Boxing club aims to transform lives one jab at a time
By Jeff Morrow for Tri-Cities Area of Business


• Don’t let someone get behind the wheel if they have been using alcohol, cannabis or other drugs.
Courtesy Robin Wojtanik Platinum Automotive, 532 S. Steptoe St., is moving to West Clearwater Avenue.
• Before celebrating plan a safe and sober ride home.
• If you are hosting, make sure to remind your guests to have a sober ride home or offer space for them to stay.
REPAIR SHOP, From page A42 BOXING, From page A43 (509) 1stprioritydetail.com531-3589 1stPriorityDetail SCHEDULE WEEKLY WASHES AT YOUR HOME OR OFFICE We Come to You!
But Mano A Mano has rules to box ing, Villa said. “When we train someone for a fight, there are two key things: Make sure the boxer is safe, and respect that you’re representing us,” he said. Whether it’s running a barbershop or a boxing gym, Villa said it’s all about customer service. “When I run the barber shop, I still get to meet so many people,” said the 31-year-old. “And similar in the way I can transform their look as a barber, boxing transforms them as a whole.” Now, with the barber shop, his fam ily, and the boxing gym, Villa’s days are non-stop. He wouldn’t have it any other way.“I love my life. It’s like I’m never go ing to work.”
#planahead #targetzero You can MAKE A DIFFERENCE in our community this fair season by committing to ALWAYS PLAN AHEAD. In WA it is our goal to have ZERO people in your household be involved in a serious or fatal CELEBRATEcrash.
• If you see an impaired driver, call 911.
Search Mano A Mano Boxing Club: 5601 W. Clearwater, Suite 107, in Ken newick; 509-607-8447; Facebook @ ManoAManoBoxing.
RESPONSIBLY, whether you are hosting, driving or riding.
TARGET ZERO CELEBRATE RESPONSIBLY ! own place. So, we’ve been trying to get toward that for a long time. When I got a little bit of an inheritance, it was the forcing scenario to try to do something with it.” A foundation has been poured and Nathan expects to open around the end of the year or beginning of 2023. Business is strong and the pandemic did nothing to slow that. “New vehicles are still almost impos sible to get a hold of, and it made old er vehicles worth way more than they should be, so it made sense for people to keep the vehicle they already had,” he Thesaid. new location will include six bays for repairs, but Goetsch hopes to keep the small-shop family atmosphere he has “Havingestablished.fewerguys means we may not be able to get as much done in a certain time frame, but everybody actu ally cares about what’s going on around here,” he said. Search Platinum Automotive: 532 S. Steptoe St., Suite 110, Kennewick; 509-410-4080; 8@platinumautomotiveservices.platinumautotech.comHours:a.m.-5p.m.weekdays. their“Weboxers.dowant to create professionals,” Villa said. “At least get them educated enough to get them to the next level. We’ve got some troubled kids. Boxing draws them. But it’s a place for them to open up in a way. They can get their ag gression out. Boxing teaches self-con trol and discipline.”
• Always wear your seat belt, it is your best defense against impaired drivers. Most adults in WA do not drive under the influence, yet over 50% of all WA fatal crashes are due to driving under the influence. THANK YOU for keeping our community safe this year and every year by celebrating responsibly. Remember WA State’s goal is TARGET ZERO.
• Offer to be a designated driver.

• Amentum donated $15,000 to the Pasco School District in support of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs for the 202223 school year. Amentum is the parent company of Washington River Protec tion Solutions and Central Plateau Cleanup Co.
• Junior Achievement in Southeast ern Washington has received $25,000 from Bechtel Group Foundation in support of its programs for students in the region. The grant will enable the nonprofit to deliver programs to K-12 students, teaching critical skills in financial literacy, career readiness and entrepreneurship. Bechtel has been supporting the local JA chapter for two decades. This most recent donation is part of Bechtel’s Building Future Leaders Grant, which has contributed $260,000 toward JA programs since 2012. Outside of this grant, the Bechtel foundation donated an additional $157,090, bringing the total financial support to JA of Southeastern Washing ton to $417,090 since 1997.
• John Bookwalter of Bookwalter Winery has been named honorary vint ner of the year by the Auction of Wash ington Wines. Since 1999, the group has honored leaders for their contribu tions to the Washington wine industry. Each year, nominations are made by members of the industry and consider ations include service, leadership and overall contribution to the Washington wine industry and their communities. The honorees represent the state’s more than 1,000 vintners.
• Mirage Pool ‘n’ Spa in Ken newick recently received recognition from for one of its local landscape pool creations that features a high-end hand-troweled Italian quartz/ resin sand. Mirage recently became an installer of pools because of their structural stability, ecofriendly building technology and reduced instal lationMiragetime.was founded in 2004 and is locally owned and operated. Chad Sim monds, part owner and general manag er has been building custom vinyl-lined swimming pools most of his life.
• Baker Boyer has designated $32,500 in pandemic giving to help support organizations in Walla Walla, Tri-Cities and Yakima. Five nonprofits, including Safe Harbor in the Tri-Cities, each received $6,500 to help with operational costs in the face of rising demands for services.
• Columbia Industries, a missionbased organization committed to supporting and empowering those with disabilities and other challenges, has received a $10,000 grant to support its Opportunity Kitchen food service training program. The Jacques Pépin Foundation, founded in 2016 by chef and author Jacques Pépin, supports free culinary and life skills training, through community-based organiza tions, that helps individuals detached from the workforce gain confidence, skills and employment in food service. Opportunity Kitchen offers a structured path out of underemployment to those with disabilities and those facing other employment barriers. Students in the program spend 12 weeks alongside an executive chef instructor as they cover a comprehensive curriculum to prepare them for food service, hospitality or catering employment.
• The Washington State Tree Fruit Association (WSTFA) donated air purifiers to the Catholic Charities of Central Washington and the Yakima Housing Authority for use in farm worker housing units. WSTFA bought the purifiers using a $20,000 grant from the Yakima Valley Resilience and Response Fund. This grant is the result of a funding partnership with the United Way of Central Washing ton, the Latino Community Fund and the Yakima Valley Community Fund. These air purifiers are FDA-approved to remove viruses, including Covid-19, from indoor air and provide farmwork er housing operators with another tool to ensure safe housing for the agricul tural workforce.
per month from January through July in seminars, trainings,a nd tours. The class was presented with opportunities to discuss issues with current busi nesses, social and political leaders. They also were tasked with a class project; this year’s class was work ing with SILAS Education to bring an orbital marker to Prosser (See story on page A27).
• The Cooperative Balloon Associ ates donated $510 to Mid-Columbia Meals on Wheels on behalf of Benton REA. Every day its hot air balloon was flown, a monetary contribution was made to a local charity on behalf of the sponsoring Touchstone Energy Cooperative. Benton REA employees nominated and voted to give Mid-Co lumbia Meals on Wheels the donation. Hundreds of people rode on the teth ered Touchstone Energy Cooperatives hot air balloon at the 85th Benton REA annual meeting on July 16.
• Gov. Jay Inslee has appointed Ken Roske of Pasco to the Criminal Justice Training Commission; Ed Lopez of Richland to the Washington Medi cal Commission; and Vijay Patel of Kennewick to the Washington Tourism Marketing Authority Board of Direc tors.
• Erik Berglund of Pasco finished first in the men’s division of the 2022 Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation World Elk Calling Championships. He gave up hunting more than a decade ago when his father died but was taken in and mentored years later by close bow hunting friends to begin again. He won all five of his matches to win the men’s division championship.
• The Prosser Leadership Class of 2022 graduated with eight participants Aug. 4 at Tirriddis Winery in Prosser. Graduates are: Chris Cisneros, Boys and Girls Club; Gabriel Crowell, Tirriddis Winery; Penny Gardner, Windermere Real Estate; Kevin Gil man, Prosser School District; Tom Glover, city of Prosser; Tricia Haw ley; Mallory Luther, Prosser Chamber of Commerce and Dakota Renz, Renz FarmersParticipantsInsurance.spent one five-hour day
• Numerica Credit Union distribut ed $20,000 in scholarships between 14 students through a pair of scholarship programs: the Continuing Education Scholarship for enrolled college stu dents and $tarting Off Right Scholar ship for graduating high school seniors.

• Alex Garza has been hired as a senior home loan officer for Numerica,BeforefinancialexperiencethanGarzaCreditNumericaUnion.hasmore10yearsofintheindustry.joininghewas a loan originator for Envoy Mortgage.
• Tim Schauer, shareholder and chair man of the board of MacKay Sposito, which has offices in Pasco, has transi tioned into a part-time role with the firm. As part of the firm’s multiyear leader ship transition plan, Schauer moved to emeritus status, where he will invest his time on land development projects and economic development advocacy. From this new role, he will continue to support and mentor MacKay Sposito’s land devel opment leadership, strengthening its next generation of land development profes sionals. The professional engineer served as president and CEO of MacKay Sposito from January 2010 to May 2020.
Ray Leist
• Ray Leist has joined Mor ton Buildings as a local HissurroundingTri-Citiescustomersandingconsultantsalesservresidentialcommercialintheandarea.newrole includes helping to meet the local demand for farm, equestrian and winery facilities, as well as home accessory structures such as garages, hobby shops and boat and recreational vehicle storage buildings. He has a construction background, including serving as a residential general contrac tor and Realtor and in construction sales. Morton Buildings is a national construc tion company and industry leader in post-frame construction, which involves a highly engineered wood-frame building system.•Six scientists from the U.S. Depart ment of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have been selected to join the Washington State Academy of Sciences.
ChackoRachel , a certi fied planner,financialjoins the team from fellow Zero Alpha Group affiliated firm, Carlson awhichManagement,Capitalinsheheldsimilarrolefor four years. She is responsible for assisting the advisory team in managing existing client relationships and supporting their development of new client relationships. Raised in Iowa, Chacko earned a doctor ate in music theory from the University of Colorado in 2010 and holds a doctorate of musical arts degree in flute performance and a postgraduate artist diploma from a European conservatory. Before her role with Carlson Capital Management, she was a tenured professor in the music department at Whitman College in Walla Walla. Lily McKei rnan joins the team with a bach elor of science in eleduation,2018.UniversityfromcomputerandmathematicsaminorinscienceWhitworthinAftergradshetravtoThailandwhere she taught high school computer science, e-commerce and English. Upon returning to the U.S., she earned a master in teaching degree and then moved to Seoul, South Korea, to teach elementary English.
• The city of Richland has named SchiesslJoseph as its new deputy city manager. He has worked for the city since August 2000. He began his career with Richland in the Planning Division as a redevelopment specialist. Most recently he has served as director of Parks & Public Facilities. He was promoted to that role in 2012 and served on the executive leadership team, overseeing nearly 140 employ ees who perform and operate park and facility maintenance, capital planning and construction, recreation planning, the park ranger program, the Richland Public Library and the Columbia Point Golf Course. He holds a bachelor of sci ence degree in environment science and regional planning from Washington State University and a master of Urban and Regional Planning from Eastern Washing ton University. He is a longtime resident of Richland. The city went through a nationwide recruitment effort for this position and four final candidates were interviewed and considered for the role.
• LS Networks, a fiber hasPacificprovideropticintheNorthwestappointed Randy Brogle, a seasoned withindustrycommunicationsteleleaderover25 years of experience, as chief executive officer of the company. In his role, Brogle will lead the company’s growth plans to invest in the buildout of its fiber network and support the delivery of high-capacity connectivity solutions to transform under served communities across the region. He most recently oversaw the global acquisi tion and construction of fiber networks to support the apps for Meta.
Joseph Schiessl Alex Garza
Randy Brogle
NETWORKING Shop online (509)2501itemsWebrutzmans.comathaveover30,000tochoosefrom.N.ColumbiaCenterBlvd.,Richland735-0300
• Lourdes Health has hired Dr. Carlos Alberto Matute Mandujano as a family medicine provider at Lourdes Internal Medicine & Primary Care Clinic. He attended medical school at Universidad Católica de Honduras (Catholic Univer sity of Honduras) and then completed his family medicine residency at Univer sity of North Dakota, Bismarck, and his geriatric medicine fellowship at Oregon Health and Science University- Portland, Oregon. He is fluent in English and Span ish. He is a member of Colegio Médico de Honduras (Honduras Medical College), board certified in family medicine and has certifications in advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) and Basic Life Sup port (BLS).
Deb Gracio, Harry Miley, Wendy Shaw, Wei-Jun Qian, Jie Xiao and Chongmin Wang join a group of scientists and engineers from across the state for their outstanding scientific and technical achievements as well as leader ship. Academy members provide expert scientific and engineering analysis to inform public policy-making and work to increase the role and visibility of science in Washington state. The PNNL scientists will join a 2022 class of new members composed of 25 newly-elected members and five new members from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine who live or work in Washington state. New members will be inducted at the 15th an nual members’ meeting on Sept. 15. Gracio is associate laboratory director of PNNL’s National Security Directorate. Miley is a senior scientist, laboratory fellow and a global leader in nuclear explosion detection and monitoring. Shaw is chief science and technology officer in PNNL’s Physical and Computa tional Sciences Directorate. Qian is a laboratory fellow in the Integrative Omics group in the Biological Sciences Division at PNNL and a bioana lytical chemist who joined the laboratory in 2002.Xiao, a materials scientist, is a world leader in electrochemical energy stor age. Her work spans fundamental science explorations as well as demonstrations and practical applications vital for a clean energyWangfuture.isamaterials scientist with the Environmental Transformations and Interactions group in the Environmental Molecular Sciences Division and the En vironmental Molecular Sciences Labora tory user program.
• Petersen Hastings recently hired two associate wealth advisors. Both are responsible for assisting the advisory team in managing existing client relationships and supporting their development of new client relationships.
• Simplicity by Hayden Homes has promoted Ryan Jennings to president. He succeeds Ken Brodeck, who an nounced his retirement after leading the company over the past 11 years. Brodeck will remain with the company through the transition before retiring later this year. Jennings has more than 17 years of man agement experience within both Hayden Homes and Simplicity by Hayden Homes, including project manager, senior project manager, regional director, operations director, and most recently, purchasing director. Dennis Murphy will remain CEO of both Hayden Homes and Simplicity by Hayden Homes.
Rachel Chacko
Lorie Orozco
Lily McKeirnan
• Yakima Val ley Farm Workers Clinic has hired Lorie Orozco as clinic BasinCenter,MiramarValley,iesclinicsoverseeingdirector,dentalinTri-CitandtheLowerincludingHealthColumbiaPediatricDentistry, Community Dental Clinic and Dentistry for Kids. She brings an extensive background in health care management from her tenure as the director of operations for Trios Medical Group and as a financial supervisor for Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital.


PACT Act includes
“There’s usually a slowdown in new construction in June to August,” Losey said.The slowdown in new construction isn’t slowing the larger residential market forThenow.inventory of homes for sale – new and old – is rising. It hasn’t reached the 1,200 the market warrants, but stood at 640 in early August, more than in the past years.For buyers, that means more choice. For sellers, there are fewer bidding wars.
Pasco is poised to build long-awaited animal shelter slows in the Tri-Cities but demand goes on
By Wendy Culverwell B2
Photo by Wendy Culverwell Construction workers frame a new home in a new subdivision in west Pasco. New home construction is down 27% in the Tri-Cities, but local officials aren’t worried. Wendy Culverwell
The city is Pasco is preparing to re place the aging building that houses TriCities Animal Shelter and Control Service on the city’s Columbia River waterfront. The city has submitted plans for a 10,000-square-foot facility for review under the State Environmental Protection Act or SEPA – years after it first collabo rated with the cities of Kennewick and Richland to build a new shelter. The $6 million project is jointly funded by all three, which signed off on the need for a replacement in 2016. At the time, the project was supposed to open as early as 2018.Later, construction was supposed to begin in 2020 but was delayed again while the program underwent a series of new managers and a redesign that added 2,000 square feet. The city identified completing the shel ter as a top priority in its 2021-22 budget. The program serves the cities of Ken newick, Pasco and Richland, with Pasco as leading partner and manager. It typically contacts with a third party to manage the program. It was forced to fire the most recent operator, Neo’s Nation Animal Founda tion, over allegations it mistreated the animals in its care and that its principals embezzled funds, including a $500,000 donation. The debacle triggered a series of criminal and civic actions. It has, to say the least, been a period of rapid change for animal control. Neo’s Nation succeeded Chicle Ani mal Foundation in 2021, which in turn took over in 2019 after Angela Zilar, the longtime manager and shelter champion, retired. The need for a new shelter pre dates all of it. During a 2016 tour, Zilar said water and sewer lines were difficult to access and a shell around the building created an environment that let rodents thrive. She could, she said, smell mice in the build ing, to the detriment of the health of the humans and animals inside. The Benton-Franklin Humane Society stepped in to care for the animals after the abrupt departure of Neo’s Nation. It be gan transitioning out of the role on July 15 and the city transitioned in. As of Aug. 5, Pasco is the sole operator. $36M VA
clinic in Tri-Cities Page B3 Townsquare Media closes $18.7M purchase of Cherry Creek broadcasting Page B6 August 2022 Volume 21 | Issue 8 | B1 REAL ESTATE CONSTRUCTION&
The Tri-City Association of Realtors reported 498 home sales in June – the most recent figures available – and an av erage sale price of $480,000. There were 470 home sales a year prior, at an average price of $418,000. Dave Retter of Retter & Co. Sotheby’s international Realty in Kennewick wel comes an increase in inventory and isn’t fretting about construction. More homes inject balance in the market and let buyers take time to choose the right one. People should love their homes, he said.And he’s comfortable builders will keep working, though perhaps at a slower pace.“The builders are going to continue to build. It’s hard to be a builder now with the pricing and supply chain,” he added. Losey said land availability is working against new construction. That helps ex plain why some cities have seen consis
Four interest rate hikes and a supply chain that adds months to the delivery for everything involved with homebuilding is curtailing new home construction in the Tri-Cities.Localhomebuilders secured permits for 768 homes in the first seven months of 2022, according to HBA research. That is down from the 1,055 issued in the same period in 2021 and from the six-year aver age of 908, or a drop of 27% compared to last year and 15% behind the recent aver age.The precipitous drop in new home starts is not solely the result of macro con ditions, according to Jeff Losey, executive director of Home Builders Association of the“ForTri-Cities.starters, it’s good to recognize that traditionally in the summer, that’s not the peak for new construction sales,” said Losey, explaining that families time new home purchases to the start of the school year, which begins around Labor Day in the Tri-Cities. That means signing con tracts months earlier.

• Naturalization
The city praised the Humane Society for its assistance and said it has taken steps to improve the operation, including partnering with veterinary hospitals and making it easier for the public to adopt animals by ensuring they are spayed or neutered before the adoption takes place. It advertised for a new animal control operator in June, with an Aug. 5 deadline to submit proposals. In the interim, it is ready to build a fa cility with capacity to house offices and up to 60 dogs and 90 cats at 1311 S. 18th Ave., near the existing animal shelter be hind the Pasco Youth Baseball Complex.
• I-130 Family Petitions & K-1 Fiancé Visas
Global Mobility (Corporate)
• Richland reported 211 compared to 236.•Pasco reported 154 compared to 263. • West Richland reported 80 compared to 187.•There were 45 permits for manu factured homes compared to 51 for the region.Losey said it takes time to create a buildable lot, meaning a site with streets and infrastructure such as water, sewer, cable and so forth. Pasco, with the biggest drop, is final izing its Urban Growth Area, which will bring in more land, he said. “Once all that buildable land is platted and lots are ready to go, there’s always a bit of a lag in trying to catch up. It was expected we should slow down,” he said.
• Dependent Visas Including Employment Authorization
Photo by Wendy Culverwell
• I-485 Adjustment of Status (Including 245i) • I-601 Waivers of Unlawful Presence Additional Areas of Focus
• Deferred Action for Early Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
The city still needs a building permit and other approvals before it can begin. It advertised for contractors in early Au gust.Construction will take place from No vember 2022 to August 2023, accord ing to an application submitted by Zach Ratkai, Pasco’s director of administrative and community services. The existing animal shelter, which is 70 years old, is notorious for dank con ditions and inadequate room for the ani mals that come into the facility. The new building will have offices and a fenced area for animals as well as a meet-and-greet area for animal adop tions. The site borders the Sacajawea Heritage Trail, where volunteers regu larly walk shelter dogs. Go to tent building and others recorded drops. Kennewick and Richland saw mod est dips in permit activity, while Pasco and West Richland saw significant ones. Manufactured home permits fell too.
The longer term impact of a decline in construction is harder to predict. The Tri-Cities has long been short of homes, whether new or existing. Even if lots become available, rising interest rates make home-buying a big ger challenge. The Federal Reserve is expected to continue raising the prime interest rate to curb inflation, but recent jobs news raises questions about whether it is needed. Locally, the Mid-Columbia workforce stood at 158,000 in June, nearly 5,000 more than in 2019, before the“So,pandemic.wedon’t know what it will look like over the next few quarters. We’ll need that before we can measure what 2023 is going to look like,” Losey said. He predicts cooling prices, fewer bid ding wars and less urgency to build. “You don’t want to get too far out over your skis,” he advised. Retter used a similar ski analogy. The developers his company represents aren’t going to put themselves at risk by overbuilding.Henotedthat the interest rate hikes occurred in a relatively short period. The last time that happened was the early 1980s.“So yes, we’re absorbing it. I don’t see that as the sky falling.” Kerwin Jensen, Richland’s director of community development services, con firmed new home construction is track ing only slightly behind 2021 levels. But he noted that economic development continues to drive job growth in the TriCities and that translates into a continu ing need for new homes and apartments. Jensen said buyers will adapt to rising interest rates. He paid what would seem like an unusually high interest rate to purchase his first home early in his ca reer. People adapt and do what they have to, he “Lifesaid.goes on. Even if there is a higher interest rate, there is a need for housing.”
• Public Access Files (PAFs) & Compliance Humanitarian Focus
• Treaty NAFTA (TN) Visas
• Changes of Status (COS) & Extension of Status (EOS)
• Humanitarian Reinstatement Family Unification
• Kennewick reported 137 single-fam ily homes through July 2022 compared to 143 in 2021.
Darcy Sherman, operations manager for Tri-Cities Animal Shelter and Control Service, plays with Quinto, an unchipped stray who is good with cats and ready for adoption, at the Pasco animal shelter. Pasco expects to break ground in November on new quarters for the animal control service.
• VAWA & U-Visas (for Victims of Crime)
HOMEBUILDING, From page B2 ANIMAL SHELTER, From page B2 Simplify your IT. Cybersecurity AdministrationNetworkContinuityBusinessManagedServicesWe’ll take IT from here! 509.554.9667 |

• Add Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Guam, American Samoa, and Johnston Atoll to locations recognized for Agent Orange exposure.
CRPC®, APMA® Financial Robert.Fix@ampf.comAdvisorFulcrumWealthManagement Group, a private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC Ameriprise Financial cannot guarantee future financial results. The Compass is a trademark of Ameriprise Financial, Inc. Investment advisory products and services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC, a registered investment adviser. Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC, Member FINRA and SIPC. © 2022 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved.
In addition to funding new clinics such as the one in Richland, the PACT Act will:
HBA seeks exhibitors for fall home show
Fortify finalizing Richland project, starting another Fortify Holdings, the Portland-area company transforming Tri-City hotels into microapartments, is moving to wrap up one Richland project and begin another.Thefirm removed most construction fencing at the former Best Western Plus, 1515 George Washington Way, in July and is finalizing details before it begins renting units to tenants. Hailey Leeming, spokeswoman, said Fortify is obtaining final signoffs for the units and working toward securing a certificate of occupancy for the property, which has been rebranded “The Frank lin.” It will begin accepting tenants once the city signs off, she said. Fortify paid $15 million for the former hotel in a deal that closed July 28, 2021. The hotel closed shortly afterward and was surrounded by fence for nearly a year. The company is preparing to begin converting another former hotel as well. STK Hosford South LLC, led by For tify founder Sean Keys, secured a permit to convert the former hotel at 615 Jadwin Ave. into a 103-unit studio apartment complex on Aug. 3. Cliff Thorn Con struction is the contractor for the $3.5 million project. STK Hosford paid $3.9 million for former Days Inn in September 2021.
Pasco slated for regional cop training center Washington Gov. Jay Inslee has proposed developing a regional training campus in Pasco for law enforcement as part of a statewide move to improve recruiting and training. All police officers in Washington are trained and certified by the Criminal Justice Training Commission. Entry-level officers must complete a 19-week Basic Law Enforcement Academy, currently at the campus in Burien near Sea-Tac Inter nationalInslee,Airport.flanked by law enforcement, including Pasco’s Chief Ken Roske, an nounced the regional campus plan in late July, saying it will address challenges for communities beyond commuting distance to the Seattle area. Roske said installing a branch in his city will improve recruiting efforts. Pasco has an existing police training center at First Avenue and Clark Street. “The regional academy concept will help us find talented officers and allow for local cultural influences that will bet ter reflect our communities,” Roske said.
The Department of Veterans Affairs will expand and update services in the Tri-Cities with funding from Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our PACT Act, aka the PACT Act. The controversial bill expands cov erage for veterans sickened by toxic pit waste while serving the military. The bill was initially blocked by Senate Re publicans but eventually passed. Presi dent Joe Biden signed it on Aug. 8. The clinic will reduce strain on the Walla Walla facility, according to U.S. Sen. Patty Murray, D-Washington, who included a provision for $36 mil lion for the Tri-Cities investment in the bill.The added funding will replace and expand services offered through the Richland Outpatient Clinic, 825 Jad win Ave., Suite 250. It was not clear if the clinic will remain at Jadwin or move somewhere else in the Tri-Cities. The expanded clinic will offer pri mary, specialty and mental health ser vices to local military veterans who have long complained about the chal lenge of traveling to the Jonathan M. Wainwright Memorial VA Medical Center in Walla Walla, according to Murray’s office. “I believe strongly that no veteran should be driving hours to get the care they’ve earned. Building a new VA clinic in the Tri-Cities is going to help reduce strain on the VA in Walla Wal la and really make a difference in the quality of care for our veterans right here in Central Washington,” she said in a press announcement about the TriCities clinic.
• Add 23 burn pit and toxic expo sure-related conditions to VA’s list of service presumptions, including hyper tension.•Expand presumptions related to Agent Orange exposure.
• Make it easier for veterans to be treated for toxic exposure.
The Home Builders Association of Tri-Cities is seeking exhibitors for its 2022 Fall Home show. The Oct. 7-9 event will be held at the HAPO Center in Pasco. Fees for the 10-by-10 exhibits are $500-$600, depending on location and or email heather@ for information.
Journal of Business uBUSINESS BRIEFS Patty
Ready to retire — when should you file for Social Security Income? Feel confident about your financial future. Comprehensive financial advice with a team approach. 509.987.1744 Robert
Murray will face Tiffany Smiley, a veteransadvocaterunningtion.generaltheRepublican,PascoinNovemberelecSmileyisasanforafter her husband, Scotty, was severely in jured by a suicide bomber while serv ing in SmileyIraq. tweeted support for the PACT Act in late July, calling the Re publican decision to block it “unneces sary partisan maneuvering.”
• Strengthen federal research on tox ic exposure.•Improve VA’s resources and train ing for toxic-exposed veterans and claims processing, workforce and fa cilities. Act includes $36M for new VA clinic in Tri-Cities
By Tri-Cities Area Murray Fix,
• Expand VA health care eligibility to more than 3.5 million toxic-exposed post-911 combat veterans.

The city of Prosser plans to ask voters on Nov. 8 to approve a 31-year bond not to exceed $16.8 million to pay for a new building to replace the city’s damaged police station and City Hall. A fire destroyed the buildings on May 8, 2021. City staff has since relocated to temporary offices: City Hall moved to 1002 Dudley Ave. and the police depart ment moved to 205 Hagarty Lane. The bond also would cover land acqui sition, design, construction, renovation and equipping the space. It would cost homeowners about $379.75 per year, or $31.65 per month, for the owner of a home assessed at $350,000, according to city officials.
The Reimann Industrial Center is being developed by the Port of Pasco to bring new manufacturing companies to the Port District. Darigold was the first business to purchase ground at Reimann and expects to break ground on Sept. 8 for its state-of-the art production facility. The final appropriations bill is not expected to be complete until after the November 2022 general election, where Murray is facing a reelection challenge from Tiffany Smiley, a Pasco Republican.
Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell steered the money to Pasco in the 2023 Senate Transportation Appro priations bill.
Richland McDougall’spermitsremodel
Pasco port lands funding for Darigold rail work
J. Bookwalter Winery bought the property for the second site for its Fable Craft Bar and Kitchen, which is part of the Fiction restaurant at the winery. The move will allow owner John Bookwalter to offer casual dining at the new location while focusing on transforming the original Fiction into a restaurant worthy of being nominated for a James Beard Foundation award.
The Prosser City Council voted to spend $1.6 million to buy six acres, owned by DenHoed Parkway LLC, east of the intersection of Wine Country Road and North River Road for the city complex.
Prosser to ask voters to approve bond for new City Hall
The Port of Pasco has secured $3.6 million in federal funding to help it build the last mile of rail needed for its Rei mann Industrial Center. The project supports Darigold’s expan sion in Pasco as well as additional users at Reimann.U.S.Sens.
The former R.F. McDougall’s Irish Pub & Eatery at the Richland Wye is being converted into a new location for Fable Craft Bar and Kitchen, part of the J. Bookwalter Winery family. The city of Richland authorized kitch en and restaurant demolition work valued at $250,000 to begin on the conversion in July. The building, 1705 Columbia Park Trail, was the longtime home to McDou gall’s, which closed in the pandemic and never reopened.

REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION 50 GUNNERS is a networking group of local, trusted industry leaders who provide outstanding services and quality products. 50GUNNERS.COM Action2 Awareness (509)action2awareness.comangeladryden@572-5383 Certified Life Coach Learn how to discover, create and become yourself. ANGELA DRYDENCruise Holidays vacationCruise(509)jimcareycruises.com628-9555andresortplanning. JIM CAREY PCL Financial Group (509) 301-6106 Purchase,NMLS#730808refinance and investment property mortgages. JAMES ATWOOD We Speack Medicare (509)mcpeaksteve280@gmail.com440-4765 I’m Licensed and Certified representing Medicare Insurance Plans. STEVE MCPEAK Mr. Electric Kennewick Full(509) Solar company. TROY WOODY Ideal Dentistry latesttreatmentsHigh-quality(509)idealdentistry.biz737-8700dentalwiththetechnology. AMY TRUSCOTT Superior Granite Countertops,(509)superiorgranite1@gmail.com491-1260tile,carpet & flooring installation. CALOS MARES – ADDITIONAL MEMBERS –Michael McKinney Riverside Collision Justin Dodd Dayco Heating and Air Jennie Oldham Kennewick Flower Shop Matt Sweezea Primerica Noe Madrigal A&A Roofing Mark Monteith AAA of Washington Kim Palmer Perfection Tire Tiffany Lundstrom Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business Frank Prior 1st Priority Detail Aaron Jorgensen Northwest Injury Clinics Robert Burges Burges Carpet Cleaning Jon Dickman Estherbrook Joe Klein McCurley Integrity Auto Dealerships Marcia Spry Aloha Garage Door Company Tim Rosenthal Perfection Glass Ken Hatcher AmericanA.I.M.M.Institute of Mind Mastery, LLC Elsie Leman UPS Store in Pasco Tim Mether Kestrel Home ServicesInspection Allyson Rawlings Rawlings Flooring America & Design Angelita Chavez CHUGH, LLP Victoria Yocom Victoria Lynn’s Andrew Ziegler Moon Security Emily McKee Brookdale Senior Living Debbie Helmersen Columbia Center Heights Executive Suites Lisa Goodwin Elijah Family Homes Debbie Thornington Home Town Lenders Zane Lane Smooth Moves Michael Thorn Cliff Thorn Construction Tonya Callies Windermere Group One Mike Duarte Paintmaster Services Inc. Dawn King Spectrum Reach Larry Duran Rudy’s Tree Service uBUSINESS BRIEFS
Summer’s Hub is at 6481 W. Skagit Ave. in Kennewick, near Chuck E. Cheese and Sportsman’s Warehouse. Downtown Kennewick to welcome Mexican restaurant Picante Mexican Taqueria recently announced plans to close its food truck and open a restaurant in downtown Kennewick.Picanteclosed its food truck doors on Aug. 12. It plans to open a restaurant at 20 S. Auburn St. in downtown Kennewick by October, it announced on Facebook. The building once was home to 4th Base Pizza and Wingz, Don Antonio’s Mexican Restaurant and O’Henry’s A Go Go. Chaplaincy Health closes Pasco thrift store Chaplaincy Health Care has closed its Repeat Boutique thrift store in Pasco.The nonprofit announced the move on July 18, saying it will be better able to serve its community at its one remaining store, which is in Richland. “We remain committed to our mis sion of providing great value and a great shopping experience for a great cause,” it said. The Pasco store closed following an online liquidation auction in late July. The Pasco boutique opened in a 10,000-square-foot space at Sandifur Crossing on Road 68 in mid-2020 after a three-month delay caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. At the time, Chaplaincy closed its shop in down town Kennewick, saying it was moving to Pasco.Repeat Boutique sells donated cloth ing, furniture and household goods and serves as a source of income to support Chaplaincy’s mission to care for termi nally ill residents in their homes and at its facility in Kennewick. The Richland Repeat Boutique is at 1331 George Washington Way in the Uptown Shopping Center. Store hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday to Satur day.Go to
Kennewick food truck hub is now open A 28-spot food truck hub with a 7,000-square-foot building that includes indoor and outdoor seating has opened just off Canal Drive in Kennewick. Brady’s Brats & Burgers anchors the hub. It’s the second location for the fast casual restaurant that first opened in Sandy,KC’sOregon.Biscuits and BBQ, Gray’s Wings & Things and Delicious Crepes & Waffles are among the food trucks that have announced plans on social media to join the hub, with more trucks expected to move in soon.

B6 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION Make their day special arrangements.educatorwithflower BACK SCHOOLTOBOUQUETS! 604509.582.5123W.Kennewick Ave. The second biggest radio deal so far in 2022 has reached the finish line. Only days after getting the green light from the Federal Communications Com mission, Townsquare Media closed its $18.7 million all-cash deal to buy Cherry CreekTheBroadcasting.dealincludes 34 stations in nine markets.Including the Tri-Cities, markets are in Wenatchee, Butte, Great Falls and Mis soula, Montana; Montrose, Colorado; Sierra Vista, Arizona; St. George-Cedar City, Utah; and Williston, North Dakota.
Townsquare Media closes $18.7M purchase of
broadcasting By Inside Radio uTOWNSQUARE, Page B7
First announced in late March, the deal wasn’t expected to close until third quar ter gives small and medium mar ket specialist Townsquare Media six sta tions in the Tri-City market. To comply with FCC ownership limits, Townsquare was required to place CHR 97.5 Kiss FM KOLW into the Allen Blum-led Tri-Cities Divestiture Trust for sale. Cherry Creek had earlier planned to also put regional Mexican La Super 92.5 KZHR Tri-Cities in the trust for sale, but that plan was scrapped. Instead, Cherry Creek plans to temporarily hold onto KZHR and reduce the amount of the deal Townsquare is paying to Cherry Creek by $80,000.Cherry Creek said it expects to sell KZHR by Sept. 30, suggesting it has al ready found a buyer for the station. In the meantime, Cherry Creek has signed a deal in which Townsquare will provide a variety of back-office services to the station including engineering, in formation technology, traffic, account ing, website operations and promotions for $2,500 a month plus another $2,825 a month in tower fees. The spinoffs required elsewhere have been less complicated. The deal will bring Townsquare Media to 356 stations in 74 markets. In announcing the purchase in March, Townsquare CEO Bill Wilson said it “represents an excellent opportunity to deploy our digital first local media strat egy across a broader footprint, bringing our national scale, strong digital platform, and resources to the local communities and local businesses in these markets, building upon the strong relationships these local teams have already built with their“Wecommunities.lookforward to accelerating the digital growth in these markets as we implement our flywheel of powerful and Cherry Creek

Detours planned at Van Giesen railroad crossing near bypass highway Drivers should expect a multi-day closure at the busy Van Giesen Street railroad crossing near the bypass high way beginning at noon Aug. 18. The Port of Benton plans to replace the railroad crossing, rail, ties, concrete crossing panels, and the road on both sides of the panels will be repaved. The project requires full closure of Van Giesen, with the crossing reopening for traffic at 6 a.m. Aug. 22. Detours around the area will be in place.The port has contracted with Rail works Track Systems for the project. Plans are in place to replace the crossing at Swift Boulevard and Sunset Gardens cemetery in September. Both rail crossing projects are fully funded by theForport.more information and a map of the detour routes, go to portofbenton. com/projects, or call 509-375-3060.
effective marketing and advertising (digital and radio) solutions and technol ogy platforms, in combination with our highly relevant, localized content on-air andWillonline.”&Emery and Wilkinson Barker Knauer served respectively as transac tion and FCC counsel to Townsquare in connection with the deal. Kalil & Co. was the exclusive broker for Cherry Creek.The deal was the largest radio trans action of 2022 until the sale price for Emmis Communications’ Indianapolis cluster was revealed. Urban One is pay ing $25 million to Emmis for several stations.
Paddleboard shop announces closure plans Northwest Paddleboarding announced plans to close its Richland store at the end of the season. The shop that rents and sells paddle boards will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. throughout August, with September hours potentially changing depending on the weather, the store announced on socialNorthwestmedia.
Paddleboarding is across from Howard Amon Park, at 710 George Washington Way, Suite E. “We have given this business and our community everything we have. We have sacrificed so much to make this dream a reality. There has been a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and sunburns. Sunrise to sunset every day, all summer long It’s not an easy business to run but we have done it successfully for a solid eight years. We are very proud of that. The best part is all of the amazing memories we made,” they said. Though the storefront is closing, Northwest Paddleboarding said it may continue operations in a different form next year. BRIEFS
TOWNSQUARE, From page B6

B8 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION Paid Advertising Flex Space Business Centers 1333 & 1339 Tapteal Drive, Richland GENERAL CONTRACTOR Thank you for choosing Dynamic Building Solutions! (509) 539-1102 Cont. Lic. # DYNAMBS11CG Congratulations Flex Space Business Center! “We are honored to have had the opportunity to work with you on this project.” (509) 713-1440 • Commercial | Industrial | Residential Matson Development LLC, led by brothers Tra vis Matson and Ben Matson, expects to complete a pair of flex space buildings in November near Columbia Center mall. The project includes 50,400 square feet at the corner of Tapteal Drive and Center Parkway, near the future extension of Center Parkway behind the mall at the Kennewick-Richland border. The buildings will offer 30 warehouse/office spaces ranging from 1,120 square feet to 2,800 square feet. Asking rents are $1,050 to $3,150 per unit, with flat fee monthly CAM charge. Only a one-year term is required. The building offers security cameras, climatecontrolled spaces, 20-plus-foot ceilings, 14-foot overhead doors, fire sprinklers, fully finished interiors and full insulation. The project joins Matson Development’s exist ing flex space business center on Jackrabbit Lane in Kennewick and another coming soon to Horn Rapids in HummelRichland.Construction and Development LLC is the general contractor. Matson Development designed the spaces. Harley Huston of Crown Property Management is the leasing agent. Call 509-735-0415 or visit for leasing details. Follow Flex Space Business Centers on Face book or Instagram for construction updates.

B9TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION Paid Advertising WIRING DESIGNED WITH YOU IN MIND Congratulations and thank you for choosing Superior Glass! (509) 586-6000 #SUPERGL876N7 Honesty and integrity in everything we do. #CA-SC-AF-P203MW Thank you for letting us be part of this project! Maximum fire protection through engineered fire sprinkler systems. (509) 783-9773 Commercial & Residential (509) www.ddtririvers.com627-0575 Lic. #DDTRIDT964MA Proud to be part of the team!

Columbia Basin College has completed a $35 million, student-funded recreation center that provides much needed space for sports, fitness and other activities. The 80,000-square-foot center has a 12,000-square-foot fitness center, two multi purpose classrooms, space for student athletes, esports and separate locker rooms for men’s bas ketball, women’s basketball, women’s volleyball, visitors and referees/coaches. It also boasts a performance court and a prac tice court, both suited for volleyball and basket ball.A separate multipurpose court can be used for pickleball and futsal. The performance court is named for Cheryl Holden, longtime women’s bas ketball coach and current vice president for stu dent services. Holden was admitted to the NWAC Hall of Fame in 2018 for her efforts to build the CC women’s basketball program. The building opened to students on May 31. Demolition of the old gym will be complete by September.Inaddition to serving CBC students, the center will serve as a resource to the Tri-City commu nity and recently won a bid to host the men’s and women’s NAWAC basketball tournaments for the next three years. RGU Architecture and Planning of Asotin was the design firm. Lydig Construction was the general contractor. Dave Hickman of the CBC Department of Enterprise Services oversaw construction on land already owned by the college. CBC students voted in 2018 to support the project by levying a fee of $50 per quarter.
Paid Advertising
B10 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION Columbia Basin College Student Recreation & Wellness Center 2600 N. 20th Ave., Pasco LydigCongratulationsConstruction! We are proud to provide services for CBC Student Recreation Center. | 509-747.3389 Lic. #MCKINCL942DW

B11TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION Paid Advertising (509) 783-6700 ADENMI*033BA 6200 W. Brinkley Road • Kennewick We are proud to be a part of this project! (509) 893-0750 Commercial SubcontractorConstruction&Supplier • Kalwall Translucent Panels • Composite Metal Wall Panels • Louvers & Sunshades • Window Replacement BUILDING OR REMODELING? Your building could be featured in an upcoming issue. CALL CHAD 509.737.8778,UTECHText.1

is $1,200 per month for a one-year lease.
Ave., near Chuck E. Cheese, offers indoor and outdoor seating as well as an outdoor stage for live performances. The
parking lot can be con verted into a market during the summer months.
B12 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION Paid Advertising GENERAL CONTRACTOR Summer’s Hub 6481 W. Skagit Ave., Kennewick Specializing in Commercial Framing (509) 531-7303 LIC# AMOSCCC961BK Thanks MH Const. and owner for choosing Amos Const. Design-Build services Commercial General Contractor Remodels/Tenant Improvements (509) 308-6489 WA# MHCONCI907R7OR#194331 Congratulations Summer’s Hub! Thank you for trusting MH Construction to build your new facility. Congratulations and thank you for choosing Superior Glass! (509) 586-6000 #SUPERGL876N7 Honesty and integrity in everything we do.
one-story building at 6481 W.
project, including land, is designed as a family-friendly destination.
Chris Corbin together with Kathleen and Jon Corbin Kennewick. 7,000-square-foot, Skagit 150-spot Brady’s Brats and Burgers is a tenant.The $5 million The rent The project on Aug. 1. Mike Holstein, owner of MH Chris Corbin with Knutzen
wrapped up
Engineering on the design. For leasing information, go to thehu or email thehubken
Con struction, oversaw construction.
have completed Sum mer’s Hub, a dining destination that can accommodate up to 28 food trucks in the heart of

B13TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION Paid Advertising BIGDSDC893DT We are proud to be on the construction team! #CA-SC-AF-P203MW Thank you for letting us be part of this project! Maximum fire protection through engineered fire sprinkler systems. (509) 783-9773 509-921-2260 | Thank you Adam and MH Construction team for selecting Continental Door. KNUTZEN IS PROUD TO BE A PART OF THIS PROJECT! Civil • Structural 509.222.0959 5401 Ridgeline Dr., Ste. 160 • Kennewick, WA 99338 Thank you MH Construction for the opportunity to be a part of your 509-735-3916team. Lic#RIGGLPI795MK 6508 W. Deschutes Ave. • Kennewick BUILDING OR REMODELING? Your building could be featured in an upcoming issue. CALL CHAD 509.737.8778,UTECHText.1

B14 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION Paid Advertising Badger ElementaMountainrySchool 1515 Elementary Way, Richland MountainonCongratulationsthenewBadgerElementary! • (509) 735-3801 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Since1975 COMMERCIAL ENTRYSTOREFRONTSALUMINUM&GLAZINGRESIDENTIALWINDOWSDOORS&SHOWERDOORS (509) 586-0454 304 E. COLUMBIA DRIVE, KENNEWICK OWNERS - LARRY, GLORIA & TONY WISE CONTRACTORSTRICII*218C8# The Richland School District will complete con struction of Badger Mountain Elementary School, a 65,000-square-foot building with 28 general education classrooms and three for special educa tion services, in time for the first day of school on Aug.The30.$26.8 million new school also has a library, music and art rooms, a gym, playground, kitchen and a multipurpose space used as both a cafeteria and for Designperformances.WestArchitects designed the building. Chervenell Construction was the general con tractor.The school, built on the site of a former build ing, was funded in part by the 2017 voter-approved bond that generated $99 million and paid for projects including the Fran Rish Stadium updates, Richland High Auditorium remodel, Hanford High field updates, a new Tapteal Elementary and the Jefferson Early Learning Center. The bond also paid for land purchases and the district’s new Teaching, Learning & Administra tive Center in West Richland.

B15TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION Paid Advertising (509) 783-6700 ADENMI*033BA 6200 W. Brinkley Road • Kennewick We are proud to be a part of this project! BIGDSDC893DT We are proud to be on the construction team! Creative Concrete Design, Inc. & Floor Polishing Systems Serving the Tri-Cities area for over 40 years creativeconcreteandpolishing.comCreative_Concrete@live.com509-727-2170Lic.#CREATCD026C6 Quality you can count on. (509) 893-0750 Commercial SubcontractorConstruction&Supplier • Kalwall Translucent Panels • Composite Metal Wall Panels • Louvers & Sunshades • Window Replacement FREE QUOTES (509) 528-4275 • Residential and commercial, interior and exterior paint • Texturizing, walls and ceiling • Pressure washing • Customized paint on cabinets and doors 5615 Topeka Dr., Proud to be part of the team! uBADGER MOUNTAIN ELEMENTARY, Page B16

B16 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 Design West Architects 509.783.2244 830 N. Columbia Center Blvd., Suite E • Kennewick RSDCongratulationsBadgerMountainElementary! WA LIC #FIRECSS12OR1 Call for all of your fire protection needs. 210 N. Perry St., Ste. B • Kennewick, WA (509) 374-5701 Congratulations Badger Mountain Elementary! 1865 Commercial Ave., Pasco We are proud to provide fire protection for this project. Design/Build Since 1974 www.frontierfenceinc.com509-545-1801 Thank you Chervenell Construction for allowing us to be part of this project. Paid Advertising BADGER MOUNTAIN ELEMENTARY, From page B15

Bankruptcies are filed under the following chapter headings: Chapter 7 — Straight Bankruptcy: debtor gives up non-exempt property and debt is discharged. Chapter 11 — Allows companies and individuals to restructure debts to repay them. Chapter 12 — Allows family farmers or fishermen to restructure finances to avoid liquidation for fore closure. Chapter 13 — Plan is devised by the individual to pay a percentage of debt based on ability to pay. All disposable income must be used to pay debts. Information provided by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Spokane.
CHAPTER 7 Timothy Raymond Burger & Rose Ranae Burger, 15203 N. Albro Road, Prosser. Justin Michael Hansen & Bobbie Jo Hansen, 6403 Robinson Drive, Pasco. Jennifer Marie Rada, 8112 Babine Drive, Pasco. Kari Ann Hagen, 7803 W. Deschutes Ave., #Y298, Kennewick. Bryce Douglas Osburn, 425 S. Olympia St #C102, Kennewick. Beatriz Rolon De Jesus, Box 5801, Pasco. Amber Jo Lytton, 701 Symons St., #102, Richland.
uTOP PROPERTIES BENTON COUNTY 2548 Rinas Road, Richland, 2,961-squarefoot home. Price: $706,000. Buyer: Richard R. Ochoa. Seller: New Tradition Homes Inc. 3811 Southlake Drive, West Richland, 3,061-square-foot home with detached garage. Price: $855,000. Buyer: Kristel & Adam Dirkes. Seller: Melissa Porcaro & John D. Haakenson. 470 Bradley Blvd., Richland, 1 acre of com mercial land. Price: $961,000. Buyer: SRA-CH I Richland LLC. Seller: Cedar and Sage Apart ments 1 LLC. 31, 47, 63, 110, 94, 78, 62, 46, 30, 79, 95, 14, 15 & 126, E. 22nd Place and 2139, 2167, 2195 S. Alder Place, Kennewick, home sites under 1 acre. Price: $2 million. Buyer: Pro Made Con struction. Seller: DDB LLC. 1650 Pisa Lane, Richland, 3,003-squarefoot home. Price: $1 million. Buyer: Todd N. & Kim Jones. Seller: Christopher E. & Megan A. Rivard. 3541 Nicholas Lane, West Richland, 1,574-square-foot home. Price: $734,000. Buyer: Daniel Martin & Ruthann Best. Seller: Dennis Sawby Construction LLC. 4250, 4272, 4466, 4498, 4524 & 4548 Cowlitz Blvd., Kennewick, home site ranging in size from 0.22 acres to 0.39 acres. Price: $908,000. Buyer: Inspiration Builders Inc. Seller: R C of Washington Inc. 13308 S. Grandview Lane, Kennewick, 2,699-square-foot home. Price: $775,000. Buyer: Kimberly Elaine & Stephen Eugene An derson. Seller: Aaron & Leann Anderson. 15822 S. Clear View Loop, Kennewick, 2,611-square-foot home with detached garage. Price: $805,000. Buyer: Blake & Kendra Haber man. Seller: Dennis J. & Tiffany M. Janikowski. 4497, 4481, 4465, 4449, 4433, 4417, 4488, 4472, 4456, 4440, 4424 & 4408 Starlit Lane, Richland, undeveloped land ranging in size from 0.31 acres to 0.61 acres. Price: $3.4 mil lion. Buyer: MWIC Badger LLC. Seller: Urban Range LLC. 3400 N. Tennessee Walker Ave., Richland, 1,938-square-foot home with detached garage on 2.5 acres. Price: $994,000. Buyer: Oscar & Michelle Cerda. Seller: Gordon J. & Mary L. Bradshaw. 3167 Mountain Quail Lane, Richland 3,058-square-foot home. Price: $712,000. Buyer: James & Andrea Nutt. Seller: Pahlisch Homes at Horn Rapids Limited Partnership. 29405 S. 959 PR SE, Kennewick, 3,090-square-foot home on 2.5 acres. Price: $775,000. Buyer: Stephen & Allyson Palm. Seller: Alvin & Mary Machiela. 2811 S. 38th Ave., Richland, 2,654-square-foot home on 2.5 acres. Price: $785,000. Buyer: Paul & Julianna Matiaco. Seller: Floridalia G. Gutierrez. 6514 Cyprus Loop, West Richland 3,266-square-foot home. Price: $720,000. Buyer: Nicholas Gregory Hughes & Kathryn Goetz. Seller: Waylon J. & Rachael S. Ducan. 3202 E. Lattin Road, West Richland, 3,400-square-foot home and pole build ing. Price: $725,000. Buyer: Aaron Galvan & Meghan Rhodes. Seller: Mark S. Hanneman. 1088, 1072 & 1056 Makah Court, 4435, 4333, 4315 & 4291 Cowlitz Blvd., Richland, home sites ranging in size from 0.19 acres to 0.27 acres. Price: $909,000. Buyer: Caliper LLC. Seller: R C of Washington Inc. 4247 Highview St., Richland, 2,994-squarefoot home. Price: $738,000. Buyer: Sean M. & Bethany A. Martin. Seller: Juanita Cottages LLC. 76602 E. Reata Road, Kennewick, 2,611-square-foot home with detached garage. Price: $860,000. Buyer: Todd & Jill McColloch. Seller: Bennie E. Dooley Jr. 3575 Orchard St., West Richland, 3,022-square-foot home. Price: $865,000. Buyer: Charles & Christy Nilsson. Seller: Dennis Sawby Construction LLC. 5439 S. Kent St., Kennewick, 2,332-squarefoot home. Price: $720,000. Buyer: Jennifer Nelson & Stevan T. Coon. Seller: Joseph Ed ward Spry & Mariana Ramona Oswalt-Spry. 419 Ventus St., Richland, 2,432-square-foot home. Price: $740,000. Buyer: John Overholt. Seller: Pahlisch Homes at Westcliffe Heights II LLC. 2316 Cottontail Lane, Richland, 1,764-squarefoot home. Price: $840,000. Buyer: Robert T. & Elizabeth C. Lindsay. Seller: Cory & Kaylie Nichole Williams. Property at South 50th Avenue and Norma Street, West Richland, 2.27 acres of commer cial land. Price: $900,000. Buyer: Green Plan Construction LLC. Seller: West Richland Group LLC. 1866 Jadwin Ave., Richland, 2,640-squarefoot commercial building on 4 acres. Price: $1.5 million. Buyer: Jadwin Spokane LLC. Seller: Washington Securities & Investment Corp. 2273 Legacy Lane, Richland, 2,390-squarefoot home. Price: $730,000. Buyer: Barbara & Christopher Roloff. Seller: Charlene & Kory Ellison. 75105 E. Grand Bluff Loop, Kennewick 4,092-square-foot home on 3 acres. Price: $1.7 million. Buyer: Chirstopher N. & Sarah M. Eerkes. Seller: David Earl & Vicki Palmer. 951, 963, 962, 950 Rieve Court, Richland, home site ranging in size from 0.37 acres to 0.48 acres. Price: $875,000. Buyer: Titan Homes LLC. Seller: Rieve Realty LLC. 104709 E. 1035 PR SE, Kennewick, 2,664-square-foot home with detached garage and pole building on 2.5 acres. Price: $750,000. Buyer: Charlene Beatrix & Kory Ellison. Seller: Nicholas E. Johnson & Jennifer D. Wade. 11935 Steeplechase Drive, Kennewick, 2,944-square-foot home with detached garage. Price: $1 million. Buyer: Steven & Sylvia Cerna. Seller: Prodigy Homes Inc. 2411 Steptoe St., Richland, 3,666-square-foot office building. Price: $1.2 million. Buyer: Co lumbia River Investing LLC. Seller: Pemberton Investments LLC. 464 Sundance Drive, Richland, 2,902-squarefoot home. Price: $820,000. Buyer: Sudeep Thapa. Seller: Tremaine J. & Linda K. Smith. 1256 Riesling St., Richland, 2,486-square-foot home. Price: $735,000. Buyer: Todd Sternfeld. Seller: Janelle L. McClory. 4181 Potlatch St., Richland, 2,483-square-foot home. Price: $715,000. Buyer: Jordan Leroy Tingey. Seller: Tanninen Custom Homes Inc. 890 Gage Blvd., Richland, 3,170-square-foot home. Price: $815,000. Buyer: Erick & Karen Garcia. Seller: Dustin & Karen Mahaffey. 66704 E. 99 PR SE, Kennewick, 2,920-squarefoot home with barn on 5 acres. Price: $1 million. Buyer: Ryan Hagins & Mariah Lavone. Seller: Tyler J. & Eva Tapani. 4505 S. Coulee Vista Drive, Kennewick, 3,126-square-foot home. Price: $730,000. Buyer: McKell W. & Janeene Larae Sanderson. Seller: Peter Mazzara. 5906 S. Ryanick Road, Kennewick, 4,842-square-foot home with detached garage. Price: $1 million. Buyer: David A. & Tanya M. Wheeler. Seller: Ronald J. & Bonnie J. Green. Property off North Hinzerling Road, 64 acres of irrigated ag land and dry pasture. Price: $806,000. Buyer: Golden Gate Hop Ranches Inc. Seller: Suhadolnik Properties LLC. 2800 Hawkstone Court, Richland, 2,446-square-foot home. Price: $770,000. Buyer: Thoams L. & Debra L. Folger. Seller: Tara Ann Scarborough. 1610 Verona Lane, Richland, 2,535-squarefoot home. Price: $895,000. Buyer: John C. & Julie A. McDonald. Seller: Mabel Yew & Patrick Short. 887 Waylon Drive, West Richland, 1,774-square-foot home. Price: $725,000. Buyer: Stanley John & Judy Camille Kophs. Seller: MS Properties LLC. 534 Lazio Way, Richland, 2,263-square-foot home. Price: $706,000. Buyer: Matthew M. Clark & Alison K. Nicol. Seller: Titan Homes LLC. 448 Piper St., Richland, 1,754-square-foot home. Price: $750,000. Buyer: Mark Alfaro & Jillian Finkbeiner. Seller: Vanguard LLC. 1208 Llandwood Ave., Richland, 2,801-square-foot home. Price: $742,000. Buyer: Lucas Reynolds. Seller: Catherine Ama lia Reynolds. 4204 W. 42nd Ave., Kennewick, 2,289-squarefoot home. Price: $940,000. Buyer: William Howard & Kaitlynn Caroline Cox. Seller: Paul & Darris Griffith. 2960 Clark Court, West Richland, 3,491-square-foot home on 2.5 acres. Price: $1.2 million. Buyer: Clinton Robert & Melinda Crandall. Seller: Kamaljit Singh. 100 N. Morain St., Kennewick, 26,890-squarefoot office building on 1.8 acres. Price: $2.8 mil lion. Buyer: Haidar Family I LLC. Seller: Lands West Investment. 7418 W. 22nd Place, Kennewick, 0.47-acre uPUBLIC RECORD, Page B18 E. Hillsboro St., Pasco, WA 545-8420

B18 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 home site. Price: $824,000. Buyer: Michael J. & Tina M. Moran Jr. Seller: P & R Construction LLC. 2595 Rinas Road, Richland, 2,986-square-foot home. Price: $797,000. Buyer: Bridgett & Aaron Clare. Seller: New Tradition Homes Inc. 15014 S. Grandview Lane, Kennewick, 2,747-square-foot home. Price: $730,000. Buyer: Tanner Rye & Alysha Marie Johnson. Seller: Daniel M. & Ruthann D. Best. 415 Delta St., Richland, 2,547-square-foot home. Price: $720,000. Buyer: Joshua G. Vandercook & Jamie Lynne Wilson. Seller: Pahlisch Homes at Westcliffe Heights II LLC. 1626 Lucca Lane, Richland, 3,668-square-foot home. Price: $975,000. Buyer: David R. & Rose marie Harrington. Seller: Gail Middleton. 2480 Maggio Loop, Richland, 2,472-squarefoot home. Price: $795,000. Buyer: Gail K. Middleton. Seller: Riverwood Homes Washing ton LLC. 1400 Bombing Range Road, West Richland, 4,335-square-foot convenience store with gas station and car wash. Price: $2 million. Buyer: Simran 1 LLC. Seller: Sallan LLC. 1340 Jolianna Drive, Richland, 2,570-squarefoot home. Price: $774,000. Buyer: Donald P. & Sandra R. Kurkjian. Seller: Alderbrook Invest ments Inc. 8229 W. 10th Ave., Kennewick, 1,959-squarefoot home and detached garage. Price: $925,000. Buyer: Garcy C. & Kiya Jackson. Seller: Scott R. & Alaina L. Mitchell. 29906 S. 887 PR SE, Kennewick, 2,725-square-foot home. Price: $758,000. Buyer: Monte Kingsbury & Erin Steele. Seller: Michael J. & Thuy B. Nelson. 223 N. Benton St., Kennewick, 17,520- and 4,950-square-foot commercial building. Price: $800,000. Buyer: Inland NW Properties Group LLC. Seller: Ronald D. & Madeline R. Thornhill Trustees. 214 Kranichwood Court, Richland, 3,060-square-foot home. Price: $785,000. Buyer: Eric Wyane & Andrea Renee Cannell. Seller: Beth A. & Corey Crocker. 5833 W. 28th Ave., Kennewick, 2,225-squarefoot home. Price: $864,000. Buyer: Jagvinder & Tejinder Bolina. Seller: Prodigy Homes Inc. 2902 Fire Mountain Road, West Richland, 2,302-square-foot home and pole building on 1.4 acres. Price: $715,000. Buyer: Cameron J. & Karla A. Simpson. Seller: Tod L. & Darlene Goodall. 3998 Corvina St., Richland, 3,207-square-foot home. Price: $730,000. Buyer: Mark Christian & Stephanie Wright. Seller: Juanita Cottages LLC. 21004 W. Old Inland Empire, Benton City, 2,048-square-foot home, hay storage and pole building on 16 acres. Price: $710,000. Buyer: Antonio R. Perez & Imelda Pacheco. Seller: David & Glenda J. Eaton. 77404 E. Badger Meadow Drive, Kennewick, 3,399-square-foot home on 2 acres. Price: $960,000. Buyer: Steven & Kristen Silva. Seller: Aaron T. & Janet A. Wright. 1641 Penny Lane, Richland, 3,019-square-foot home and outbuilding. Price: $910,000. Buyer: Saul & Sara Salinas. Seller: Chris R. & Darla R. Haas. 2402 Morency Drive, Richland, 4,634-squarefoot home. Price: $1.3 million. Buyer: Anthony & Kristina Potts. Seller: Paul E. & Marquel L. Dodson. 2498 Maggio Loop, Richland, 0.46-acre home site. Price: $750,000. Buyer: Jacob Michael Smith & Laura Castro Smith. Seller: Titan Homes LLC. 599 Hunter St., Richland, 3,291-square-foot home. Price: $835,000. Buyer: Samrat Chat terjee & Romila Dasgupta. Seller: Michael & Kammi Hayter. 113712 N. 302 PR NE, Richland, 3,109-square-foot home and pole building on 2.64 acres. Price: $705,000. Buyer: Ryan C. & April L. Mitchell. Seller: Robert A. & Paige M. Jones. 6001 W. First Ave., Kennewick, 1,313-squarefoot home and pole building on 2 acres. Price: $700,000. Buyer: Bradley Y. Jenkins. Seller: Mark T. & Kari L. Almquist. 35101 S. Valley Vista PR SE, Kennewick, 3,424-square-foot home. Price: $800,000. Buyer: Mark & Karol Almquist. Seller: Terry M. Tanner Jr. 8045 W. 10th Ave., Kennewick, 1,056-squarefoot home with detached garage on 9 acres. Price: $1.1 million. Buyer: Prodigy Homes Inc. Seller: Viola Sauer. 257 Meadow Hills Drive, Richland, 2,332-square-foot home. Price: $720,000. Buyer: David L. & Angela D. Teel. Seller: Susan G. & Bruce W. Ayres. 332 Soaring Hawk St., Richland, 2,307-square-foot home. Price: $950,000. Buyer: Cody E. & Kristen R. Cliber. Seller: Geof frey A. & Merrianne Bullock. 702 George Washington Way, Richland, 1,200-square-foot restaurant and 2,550-squarefoot retail building. Price: $880,000. Buyer: Joseph Seet. Seller: Tanya Barnard. 4604 S. Coulee Vista Drive, Kennewick, 2,664-square-foot home. Price: $700,000. Buyer: Sharon & Eugene Wade Chriswell III. Seller: Sirva Relocation Credit LLC. 4215 Lolo Way, Richland, 3,095-square-foot home with detached garage. Price: $750,000. Buyer: Laurie & Kim Stover. Seller: New Tradi tion Homes Inc. 76102 E. Canyon Meadow Drive, Kennewick, 4,570-sqaure-foot home on 2 acres. Price: $1.4 million. Buyer: Ashley & Hayden Crane. Seller: Chirstopher & Sarah Eerkes. 4030 Highview St., Richland, 2,267-squarefoot home. Price: $715,000. Buyer: Jeffrey & Karen Weinbender. Seller: P & R Construction LLC. 8902 W. Fifth Ave., Kennewick, 2,115-squarefoot home. Price: $779,000. Buyer: Philip Goodrich & Kristin Fulton. Seller: Darrell L. & Debra C. Amundson. 5373 W. Canal Drive, Kennewick, 5,450-square-foot neighborhood shopping cen ter. Price: $2 million. Buyer: SRS Commercial Realty LLC. Seller: Canal Village LLC. 784, 736, 730, 724, 718, 747 & 775 Mara Loop, Richland, home sites ranging in size from 0.23 acres to 0.26 acres. Price: $1.2 million. Buyer: Peake Contractors LLC. Seller: R3T Ventures LLC. 1642 Verona Lane, Richland, 3,932-squarefoot home. Price: $1.1 million. Buyer: Dwight D. & Janice M. Marquart. Sellers: Sue A. Mandell. 5502 Glenbrook Loop, West Richland, 3,430-square-foot home. Price: $925,000. Buyer: Michael Hall & Jamie Adams. Seller: Robert M. Swick II Family Trust. 1430 Purple Sage St., Richland, 2,505-squarefoot home. Price: $881,000. Buyer: John Alton Hamner II & Tara L. Hamner. Seller: John D. & Judith L. Howlett. FRANKLIN COUNTY 6671 Langford Road, Mesa, 50 acres, manu factured home, two shop buildings. Price: $1 million. Buyer: Sheldon & Cheri Horst. Seller: John R. Burnette. 4931 & 4420 W. Fir Road, Pasco; 1201 Basin Hill Road, Mesa, 656 acres, farm implement shed, office and shop buildings, 1,140-squarefoot and 1,582-square-foot homes. Price: $18 million. Buyer: North Columbia River Road, Pasco. Buyer: North Columbia River Road, Pasco WA LLC. Seller: Horizon Vineyards LLC. 6538 Eagle Crest Drive, Pasco, 3,195-squarefoot home. Price: $900,000. Buyer: Dereck A. & Kristin Sanderson. Seller: Spencer R. & Angelita Santillan. 6724 Eagle Crest Drive, Pasco, 2,726-squarefoot home. Price: $1 million. Buyer: Sarah & Josh Simons. Seller: Clark Duane & Tracy Ann Blankenship. 2524 W. Sylvester St., Pasco, apartment com plex. Price: $6 million. Buyer: A621 LLC. Seller: Fred Lamothe. 2708 N. Commerical Ave., Pasco, 26,200-square-foot commercial building. Price: $4 million. Buyer: Three K Farms LLC. Seller: James R. Rehwalt. 10720 W. Court St., Pasco, 984-square-foot home. Price: $800,000. Buyer: Petr P. & Yelena S. Strizhak. Seller: Marilyn J. Talmage. Property north of Dent Road, 67 acres of undeveloped land. Price: $2 million. Buyer: Big Sky Developers LLC. Seller: Debra Jayne Kohler. uBUILDING PERMITS
BENTON COUNTY Miles Jackson, 34101 N. Demoss Road, Benton City, $66,000 for commercial addition. Contractor: Jackson Dean Construction. New Cingular Wireless, 4771 W. Lattin Road, West Richland, $100,000 for new commercial. Contractor: Ascendtek Holding LLC. Crown Castle Tower, 174502 Jump Off Joe Road, Kennewick, $25,000 for antenna/tower. Contractor: Legacy Telecom. FRANKLIN COUNTY Bejo Seeds Inc., 6560 Columbia River Road, Pasco, $1.5 million in new commercial. Con tractor: Teton West of WA LLC. Desert Acres Holdings, 1321 Pepiot Road, Mesa, $697,000 for commercial addition. Con tractor: Puterbaugh General Construction. Sundown Rentals, 7000 Route 70, Basin City, $21,000 for commercial addition. Contractor: TKO Construction General Contractor. BNSF Railway, near Tidewater Terminal Co., $10,000 for sign. Contractor: Cascade Sign & Fabrication. LegacyKENNEWICKPoolsLLC, 201 N. Fruitland St., $8,000 for new sign. Contractor: Mustang Sign Group. Pepper Tee LLC, 507 N. Arthur St., F101 & G101, $31,000 for commercial reroof. Contrac tor: Perfect Circle Construction. Lori Wilkerson, 2914 W. Clearwater Ave., $25,000 for antenna/tower. Contractor: Strata Inc. Heyden Properties, 22 S. Carmichael Drive, $250,000 for commercial remodel and plumb ing. Contractors: MH Construction Inc., Alden Plumbing LLC. Highlands Center Corp., 2809 W. Clearwater Ave., $11,000 for sign. Contractor: Mustang Sign Group. Kennewick School District, 505 S. Highland Drive, $18,000 for new commercial. Contractor: owner. FC4 LLC, 2909 S. Quillan St., $17,000 for fire alarm system. Contractor: Cascade Fire Protec tion. Speck Hyundai of Tri-Cities, 2910 W. Clear water Ave., $5,000 for sign. Contractor: Sign Crafters Inc. Kennewick School District, 7001 W. 13th Ave., $14 million for new commercial, $3,600 for heat pump/HVAC, $3,000 for plumbing. Contractors: Chervenell Construction, Columbia River Plumbing & Mechanical LLC, Bruce Mechanical Inc. Clover Housing Group, 4202 W. Albany Ave., $375,000 for commercial remodel. Contractor: owner. ArtemioPASCO Gutierrez, 1107 W. Lewis St., $20,000 for commercial remodel. Contractor: Northwest Restoration. Roserock Holdings, 2252 E. Kartchner St., $9,000 for fire alarm system. Contractor: Moon Security Services Inc. Patterson Family 2000 Trust, 5238 Outlet Drive, $7,700 for sign. Contractor: Mustang Sign Group. Brantingham Enterprises, 1417 E. St. Helens St., $5,700 for sign. Contractor: Mustang Sign Group. G. A. Marrs Properties, 2080 N. Commercial Ave., $33,000 for commercial addition. Contrac tor: Columbia River Steel & Co. RV Retailer Idaho Real Estate LLC, 1002 N. 28th Ave., $31,000 for sign. Contractor: Quality Signs. Tim Corwin Family Real Estate LLC, 1226 N. Autoplex Way, $282,000 for commercial addi tion. Contractor: LCR Construction LLC. uPUBLIC RECORD, Page B19

Young St. Garcia’s-Creations2020, 10 E. Bruneau Ave. New Era Painting & Reglazing LLC, 2320 N. Rhode Island St. Alonzo Contruction, 604 W. 14th Ave. SB Tileworks LLC, 103 S. Roosevelt St. Zeiler Made, 8517 W. Second Ave. Coria Landscaping & Land Services LLC, 1902 W. Fourth Ave. La Colibri Express LLC, 729 E. Fourth Ave. Clean Star One LLC, 1724 W. 45th Ave. Allison Lynn Malone, 1043 N. Oklahoma St. Jag Transport, 203 Rowell, Mesa. Elements Boutique, 1105 Cedar Ave., Rich land. Ground Up Road Construction Inc., 1107 140th Avenue Court East, Sumner. Revel-e Group LLC, 30 S. Louisiana St. Lacy Roofing Inc., 1904 Rudkin Road, Union Gap. Pandora’s Box 3 Inc., 5300 W. Clearwater Ave. Platinum Homes, 606 S. Huntington Place. Edwards Construction Group, 600 S. 74th Place, Ridgefield. Muzzy Construction LLC, 1103 S. Sandle wood PR SE. Onsite Innovations LLC, 4808 NW Fruit Valley Road, Vancouver. River City Construction, 747 E. Fifth Ave. G2 Home Inspections, 7203 W. 13th Ave. Powers Wholesalers, 6323 Del Mar Court, Pasco. Big Foot Home Improvements, 2307 W. 36th Ave. R & V Concrete LLC, 1309 Ringold Road, Eltopia. Brothers De Dios LLC, 667 Eagle Court, Othello. G6 Engineering LLC, 7105 W. Hood Place. Performance Systems Integration LLC, 19310 North Creek Parkway, Bothell. Sakrisson Plumbing LLC, 213 E. Reserve St., Vancouver. Gamino Tires and Services, 1511 W. Ken newick Ave. Heavenly Roofing, 132 Basin St. NW, Ephrata. Blue Pear Boutique and Design, 2968 Canter bury Court. Ruiz Financial and Life LLC, 3146 S. Grant St. Atomic Home Health, 303 Bradley Blvd., Richland. Guadalajara Style Mexican Food, 110 S. Fourth Ave., Pasco. Expansion Home Flooring LLC, 914 S. Cleve land St. The Healing Place Counseling LLC, 7511 W. Arrowhead Ave. AKTechnologies LLC, 8350 W. Grandridge Blvd. Jah Yireh Construction LLC, 402 Maple Ave., Sunnyside. International Security, 2428 W. Jay St., Pasco. Evolution Services LLC, 2712 Fleming Lane, Pasco. Planty Dropper, 8844 W. Klamath Ave. Antojitos El Buen Dia, 10 E. Bruneau Ave. Strawns Roofing LLC, 216719 E. Bryson Brown Road. Shed Crafters TC, 2912 Road 48, Pasco. Sunrise Awakenings Counseling PLLC, 709 Tanglewood Drive, Richland. Little Learners Daycare, 1035 W. 15th Place. Kitchens Plus Bath LLC, 413 E. 23rd Ave. Top-Notch Driving School, 1350 N. Louisiana St. Choose Your Color Painting LLC, 719 N. Huntington St. CRC, 3280 S. Quincy St. Inner City Painting LLC, 416 S. Vancouver St. The Big Taco LLC, 2107 W. Fourth Ave. Double R Roofing LLC, 200 E. A St., Granger. Recon Solutions LLC, 10 S. Vancouver St. Blue Moon Painting LLC, 207 E. 11th Ave. Linda M. Craig/Salon On 1st, 123 W. First Ave. Sierra Lawn Care LLC, 823 N. Wehe Ave., Pasco. Bellas Global Trucking, 7425 W. Clearwater Ave. Center For Functional Health PLLC, 1350 N. Grant St. 3 Rivers Pressure Washing LLC, 303 S. Fillmore St. Lin Massage, 200 N. Volland St. Angel Brook Farm, 10 E. Bruneau Ave. Ortiz Concrete, 602 N. Conway Place. White Eagle Remodeling LLC, 510 W. 21st Ave. Painters R Us, 2658 Jason Loop, Richland. G & G Contractor LLC, 626 W. Deschutes Ave. Red Mountain Mortgage LLC, 8500 W. Gage Blvd. Sosebrie Charcuterie LLC, 8808 W. Klamath Ave. Deranleau CPA, PLLC, 7709 W. Sixth Ave. Astudillo’s Lawn Care, 4810 Kalahari Drive, Pasco. uPUBLIC RECORD, Page B20 Call today to schedule your tour! (509) www.Parkviewslc.com734-9773 Independent/Assisted Living and Respite Care 7820 W. 6th Avenue • Kennewick, WA Discover the benefits that retirement living can bring –• Comfortable living spaces • Chef prepared meals • Washer and dryer in unit • Weekly housekeeping Looking for a new place to call home? Parkview is the place for you!
Halle Properties LLC, 7002 Burden Blvd., $25,000 for sign. Contractor: Quality Signs. Tim Corwin Family Real Estate LLC, 1226 N. Autoplex Way, $11,200 for sign. Contractor: Quality Signs. Ainsworth Holdings, 1319 W. Ainsworth Ave., $82,000 for commercial addition. Contractor: Hummel Construction & Development. Pompello D. Rivera, 702 W. Lewis St., $103,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: owner. Catholic Housing Services of Eastern Wash ington, 301 S. 20th Ave., $92,000 for fire alarm system. Contractor: Cascade Fire Protection. City of Pasco, 414 W. Columbia St., $99,000 for demolition. Contractor: Andrist Enterprises. Broadmoor Properties, Parcel 115 210 038, $500,000 for grading. Contractor: Rotschy Inc. KC Veronte LLC, 2205 E. Hillsboro Road, $80,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: Elite Construction & Development. Project Pearl Pasco, 1202 S. Road 40 East, $2.2 million for fire alarm system. Contractor: Shambaugh & Son LP. Patterson Family 2, 5238 Outlet Drive, $20,000 for sign. Contractor: Yesco LLC. Peter 567 LLC, 9527 Sandifur Parkway, $31,000 for demolition. Contractor: MH Con struction Inc. 650RICHLANDGWWLLC, 601 Amon Park Drive, $80,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: Design Concepts Construction Co. Affled LLC, 59 Columbia Point Drive, $156,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: Associ ated Construction. Vatos Locos LLC, 2670 First St., $325,000 for commercial addition. Contractor: Paintmaster Services. Christ the King Parish, 1122 Long Ave., $211,000 for commercial reroof. Contractor: Leslie & Campbell Inc. Ahtanum Ridge Investments, 2574 Robertson Drive, $5,800 for tenant improvements. Con tractor: North West Handling Systems Inc. Washington Securities & Investment Corp., 3180 George Washington Way, $150,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: Sigma II. Cel Land LLC, 2665 Kingsgate Way, buildings 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, $888,000 for new commercial. Contractor: LCR Construction LLC. Urban Range LLC, 4497 Starlit Lane, $739,000 for multifamily housing. Contractor: Ranchland Homes LLC. Urban Range LLC, 4481 Starlit Lane, $800,000 for multifamily housing. Contractor: Ranchland Homes LLC. Urban Range LLC, 4465 Starlit Lane, $800,000 for multifamily housing. Contractor: Ranchland Homes LLC. Jadwin Stevens Apartments, 1851 Jadwin Ave., $160,000 for commercial reroof. Contrac tor: All City Roofing LLC. Port of Benton, 2610 Salk Ave., $65,000 for antenna/tower. Contractor: Mastec Network Solutions. Kennewick School District, 18 Center Park way, $50,000 for commercial addition. Contrac tor: Ray Poland & Sons Inc. WRP Washington, 1823 George Washington Way, $58,000 for tenant improvements. Con tractor: Total Site Services LLC. RF MCD LLC, 1705 Columbia Park Trail, $250,000 for demolition. Contractor: Hummel Construction & Development. CBC/KMC Health, 891 Northgate Drive, $400,000 for commercial reroof. Contractor: Jimmy’s Roofing. WEST CroskreyRICHLANDVenturesLLC, 1501 Bombing Range Road PL2, $2.4 million for new commercial. Contractor: Croskrey Ventures LLC. Croskrey Ventures LLC, 1567 Bombing Range Road PL2, $1.8 million for new commercial. Contractor: Croskrey Ventures LLC. Aho Construction I Inc., 465 Snowgrass Ave., $40,000 for sign. Contractor: Aho Construction I Inc. uBUSINESS LICENSES
BrushKENNEWICKBrosPainting LLC, 609 Dahlia St., Milton-Freewater, Oregon. Murray Construction Services, 492 S. Coun try Hill Road, Anaheim, California. Flow Technologies Inc., 8215 SW Tualatin Sherwood Road, Tualatin, Oregon. TC Excavation LLC, 30553 Oldfield St., Herm iston, Oregon. Lumio HX Inc., 1550 W. Digital Drive, Lehi, Utah. Konica Minolta Business Solutions USA Inc., 100 Williams Drive, Ramsey, New Jersey. Sign Crafters Inc., 1006 16th Ave., Lewiston, Idaho. Tolman Media, 2230 N. University Parkway, Provo, Utah. Blondmevanessa, 2411 S. Union St. Clark Rentals, 1407 N.

B20 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 Let’s Get Baked Potatoes LLC, 7425 W. Clearwater Ave. Odonnell Tiling and Construction, 2108 S. Kellogg Place. Jenny’s Cleaning Company LLC, 1113 E. Eighth Ave. Pouch, 8350 W. Grandridge Blvd. Cured, 1321 N. Columbia Center Blvd. AJ’s HVAC & Electrical LLC, 1201 W. 37th Place. Wildern Soap Co. LLC, 1809 S. Sheppard St. United Rentals (North America) Inc., 116 N. Morain St. Bubble Pop Picnic LLC, 5302 Reagan Way, Pasco. Infinite Optical Communications, 511 S. Irby St. Mor Artyo LLC, 4310 S. Date St. Ml Financial Group, 8626 W. Canyon Ave. Stop! I Didn’t Know I Needed That, 10 E. Bruneau Ave. Over The Moon Home Inspection, 1503 S. Perry Court. Randy Speckman Design Inc., 7701 W. Fourth Ave. Novedades Hdez, 10 E. Bruneau Ave. Alpha Asphalt Paving, 100 N. Howard St., Spokane. Farh Thai, 5601 W. Clearwater Ave. The Brae LLC, 1310 N. Grant St. Laboratory Corporation of America, 7350 W. Deschutes Ave. Manny’s Floors LLC, 1105 W. 10th Ave. Jlux Beauty Bar LLC, 7303 W. Canal Drive. Spacecraftodyssey, 10 E. Bruneau Ave. GNC Holdings LLC, 2819 W. Kennewick Ave. Loyalty Roofing LLC, 806 E. Sixth Ave. Laboratory Corporation of America, 6710 W. Okanogan Place. Laboratory Corporation of America, 911 S. Auburn St. Jennifer’s Taxi Service, 2434 W. Bruneau Ave. Laboratory Corporation of America, 7131 W. Grandridge Blvd. Sea Forever Photography LLC, 2463 W. 49th Ave. Landscape Solutions LLC, 220 N. Eighth Ave., Pasco. Tanglewood Apartments, 465 N. Arthur St. Tamarack Renovations, 812 Sanford Ave., Richland. Pacheco Barber Company, 1321 N. Columbia Center Blvd. At Home Staffing, 11260 Woodsman Drive, Pasco. Kabana-king, 4311 W. Clearwater Ave. Kirsten M. Peterson, 906 W. Fifth Ave. 2house Solutions LLC, 3513 W. Fourth Ave. Bank of Idaho, 7510 W. Clearwater Ave. United Family Center, 333 W. Canal Drive. TC Party Creations LLC, 2618 W. Sixth Ave. William Engel, 2514 W. 32nd Ave. Aqkua Baby, 720 N. Arthur St. High Point Renovation & Roofing LLC, 4215 W. Metaline Ave. Keep Moving with Claude LLC, 978 N. Ne vada St. Coba Fam LLC, 6481 W. Skagit Ave. CCG Morain Estates Sponsor LLC, 12 S. Morain St. Iridium Group LLC, 10307 W. 16th Place. Prime Builders LLC, 4618 W. Metaline Ave. Dusk Hair Co., 813 S. Auburn St. Maiby Knot LLC, 2622 W. 37th Ave. Esthetics by Graysen, 8390 W. Gage Blvd. Raspados Garcia, 930 E. Fourth Place. Bliss Beyond Birth LLC, 8720 Massey Drive, Pasco. Luz Fashion, 10 E. Bruneau Ave. Family And Friends Financial, 425 N. Colum bia Center Blvd. Tri-Cities C.A.R.E.S., 1360 N. Louisiana St. Farrell Homes, 5621 Westport Lane, Pasco. Beckncall Massage LLC, 5602 W. Clearwater Ave. Heritage Drywall LLC, 807 N. Beech Ave., Pasco. Victor’s Lawn Services, 3703 Lakelse Lane, Pasco. Big Bear Photographs and Crafts, 332 S. Union St. H&H, 114 W. Kennewick Ave. Port 4u Logistics LLC, 5501 W. Hildebrand Blvd. Pathway Realty, 114 Vista Way. Twenty Eight Home + Design LLC, 4504 W. 26th Ave. Kurios Repair, 3604 W. Fifth Court. Horse Heaven Hills Pet Urgent Care, 3315 W. Clearwater Ave. Tacos Super Uno LLLP, 2417 W. Kennewick Ave. Twippies, 10 E. Bruneau Ave. The Tire Guy LLC, 4710 W. Hood Ave. Sandeepjoshi, 1919 S. Dawes St. BrothersPASCO Heating & Air, 1940 W. Hopkins St. Craig Rost, 1706 S. Washington, Kennewick. Rm Construction & Interior Design Inc., 1231 Country Ridge Drive, Richland. Kyaw Ko Thet, 1617 S. Rainier St., Kennewick. James R. King Jr., 1740 N. Fifth Ave., #6A. VM Roofing LLC, 706 N. Volland St., #10, Kennewick. Claire’s, 4820 Road 68. Medina Transportation LLC, 2403 E. Adelia St. Global Transfers, 2016 W. Court St. Veritiv Operation Company, 20602 66th Ave. South, Kent. Ramos Remodel, 210 E. First Place, Kenne wick. Beyond Clean, 611 N. Waldemar Ave. Double G Concrete LLC, 5514 Chapel Hill Blvd. Mr. Electric of Greater Seattle, 19015 36th Ave. West, Suite H, Lynnwood. Magical Maids, 9627 Mia Lane. Pro Insulation, 180 Moor Road. Veronica Fresh Produce, 3407 W. Court St. parking lot. Gigis Drywall LLC, 826 S. Fourth Lane. Wooden Shoe Design LLC, 4420 Sumas Lane. Arc Lens Media, 4809 Santa Cruz Lane. Sage Consulting Engineers, 523 N. Ninth Ave. Spotless LLC, 4422 Vermilion Lane. Neighborhood Services LLC, 129002 W. Old Inland Empire, Prosser. Cisneros Party Rentals, 1015 N. Beech Ave. H20 Pressure Washington, 6720 Aintree Drive. A N S Electric, 817 Arbutus Ave. Elite Coatings LLC, 1205 E. Marvin St. Bradi Sullivan Counseling, 7921 Sunset Lane. Luci Torres Ink, 8425 Chapel Hill Blvd. Aria Pro Remodel, 217 N. First Ave. BH Construction Services LLC, 31 Willow crest Road, Sunnyside. Sick April, 2100 Road 76. Vargas Pro Construction LLC, 837 S. Wyo ming St., Kennewick. Red Pocket Inc., 2060d E. Avenida De Los, Thousand Oaks, California. Zaragoza Guerra Investments LLC, 2905 E. Helena St., Pasco. Mommy’s Daycare LLC, 5623 Coppercap Mountain Lane. Mixed Lux, 1707 E. Parkview Blvd. Malo Painting LLC, 31 Proton Lane, Richland. M&L Structures LLC, 206302 E. 13th Ave., Kennewick. Apt Canine, 1206 S. Conway St., Kennewick. Quality Hydroseeding, 211510 E. Bowles Road, Kennewick. Design Drywall LLC, 2511 W. Park St. Eagles Auto Glass, 210 Custer Ave., Yakima. Elite Choice Concrete LLC, 1519 W. Yakima St. Powercom Solutions LLC, 4212 Sinai Court. Simplex Enterprise, 7903 Deschutes Drive. Executive Trucking LLC, 5820 Taft Drive. Dm Coating LLC, 700 Road 32, #203. Euro Transport LLC, 9209 Vincenzo Drive. A To Z Landscaping & Maintenance, 803 E. 13th Ave., Kennewick. Ornery Knot, 6005 Rocket Lane. All Climate Services LLC, 7710 W. Court St. Blue Sky Garage Doors Inc., 241 Adair Road, Burbank. Liberty Fire Inspection Services LLC, 207405 E. Finley Road. The Kitchen Place Inc., 111 N. Vista, #2A, Spokane Valley. Pina’s Roofing LLC, 898 W. Whitman Drive, Walla Walla. Rick Scott’s HVAC/R LLC, 579 N. 61st Ave., West Richland. Salty Captain’s Custom Woodworks LLC, 131 Columbia Park Trail, Richland. Nims Safety Specialists LLC, 2835 Sawgrass Loop, Richland. uPUBLIC RECORD, Page B21

North Cal Services, 192 Walnut Lane. Ms. Professional Flooring LLC, 5714 Rio Grande Lane. M & Joel’s Painting LLC, 3441 S. Dennis St., Kennewick. Ellensburg Solar LLC, 961 Strande Road, Ellensburg. Triple A Locksmith LLC, 3603 W. Sixth Ave., Apt. B, Kennewick. Excellity Mobile Detail & Carwash, 805 S. Gum St., Kennewick. Zapata Construction LLC, 105 E. Pine St., Othello. Allegiant Tire LLC, 4238 Cove West Drive, Moses Lake. Alvarez Meraz Gabriel, 900 S. Maitland Ave. Forever Clean, 815 W. Klamath Ave., #3, Ken newick. Noyce Construction LLC, 520 Blue St., Richland. Duncan Crane Service Inc., 11798 Wheeler Road NE, Moses Lake. Shephard Plumbing LLC, 20 S. Fourth Ave., Suite B, Yakima. Asurion Tech Repair & Solutions, 16320 SE Mill Plain Blvd., Vancouver. Team Construction LLC, 6701 NE 42nd St., Vancouver. Woodland Resource Services Inc., 1063 Emerson Road, Ellensburg. Tru Fencing & Construction LLC, 7061 Van Belle Road, Sunnyside. RPS Planning Consultant LLC, 98402 N. Har rington Road, West Richland. Greater Purpose Heating & Cleaning LLC, 27528 Highway 730, Umatilla. Prime Dental Partners LLC, 4476 W. Van Giesen St., West Richland. Tri-Cities Insurance Professionals, 1411 N. 16th Ave. Bazan Trucking LLC, 5602 Denver Drive. VC Logistics LLC, 932 W. Pearl St. Recon Solutions LLC, 10 S. Vancouver St., Kennewick. Nebula Construction LLC, 1203 W. Kennewick Ave., Kennewick. Rockin R Builders LLC, 101304 N. Billings Court, West Richland. Motorsports Butler, 6334 W. Victoria Ave., Kennewick. Excel Transport Inc., 1721 Dietrich Road. Columbia Mobile Detailing, 1308 McPherson Ave., Richland. Legacy Concrete, 209 S. Fir St., Kennewick. Better Safety LLC, 100 N. Howard St., Suite R, Spokane. Finess Flooring LLC, 2618 Ficus Drive, West Richland. Pet Orthopedics PLLC, 21624 N. Big George Lane, Colbert. Gradinexcavations LLC, 389 E. Maple St., Burbank. Southland Industries Inc., 12131 Western Ave., Garden Grove, California. Nationwide Solar, 6407 NE 117th Ave., Suite B, Vancouver. Vtelectric LLC, 1006 Adams St., Unit 101, Richland. Superior Image Painting LLC, 6001 W. De schutes Ave., Kennewick. J N J Flooring LLC, 6124 Leicester Lane. Flostor Engineering Inc., 21371 Cabot Blvd., Hayward. Fueled By Champions LLC, 8404 Piccadilly Drive. Inland Washington, 120 W. Cataldo Ave., Suite 100, Spokane. Ester C Romero dba Fashion Shakira, 518 W. Clark St. D&A Servicios Latinos, 810 S. 10th Ave. Nissi Nails & Beauty, 1207 S. 10th Ave. Lastbilar TC LLC, 310 W. Columbia St., #2. Peet’s Coffee Inc., 3030 W. Irving St. Quality Landscaping LLC, 1402 S. Gum St., Kennewick. Velasquez Construction LLC, 4209 N. Avalon Road, Spokane Valley. HHS Culinary and Nutritional Solutions LLC, 12495 Silver Creek Road, Dripping Springs, Texas. Cattleya Jump’s LLC, 1548 N. Edison St., #A107, Kennewick. BDS Planning & Urban Design Inc., 1932 First Ave., Suite 500, Seattle. Northwest Paddleboarding LLC, 710 George Washington, Richland. HHS Environmental Services LLC, 12495 Silver Creek Road, Dripping Springs, Texas. Sound Electronics Madsen Electric, 3939 S. Orchard St., Tacoma. Tl Trucking LLC, 355 Brewster Lane. Duo Cleaning Company LLC, 222 Columbia Road, Burbank. Busy Bri’s LLC, 2361 Michael Ave., Richland. Atomic City Electric LLC, 206 Barth Ave., Richland. Ruben’s Pupuseria & Restaurante LLC, 3330 W. Court St. Rex Towing LLC, 3324 W. 19th Ave., #28, Kennewick. Learn And Play Childcare LLC, 1827 W. Nixon St. Christopher Whalen - Uber, 639 Cullum Ave., #294, Richland. Bring The Pressure LLC, 2121 W. 19th Ave., Kennewick. Jess & Jake Mobile Pet Express, 1963 Saint St., #13, Richland. Dennis Clark’s Acoustical
Ceiling LLC, 225 S. Second Ave., Yakima. C Mc Steel Fabricatiors Inc., 2306 B St. NW, Auburn. Viktory Homes LLC, 832 Waylon Drive, West Richland. EM Precision Concrete LLC, 1407 Valentine Ave. SE, Suite 105, Pacific. KPG Psomas, 402 NW 70th St., Seattle. Kori Howell Photography, 6905 Franklin Road. Grays Concrete LLC, 1331 W Dogwood Road. Armadillo Boring Inc., 1980 Oxford St. SE, Salem, Oregon. Shaw Plumbing Services LLC, 738 N. Cook St., Spokane. Ideal Finish LLC, 196 Travis Lane, Kennewick. Joyeria Leon, 115 S. 10th Ave. Fenix LLC, 2880 Russell Road, Mesa. Mac Hair Studio, 6615 Chapel Hill Blvd. Erickson Welding & Construction Services, 608 Sixth Ave., Granger. Lynni Languages Services, 5722 Rio Grande Lane. QualityRICHLANDLandscaping LLC, 1402 S. Gum St., Kennewick. VSS International Inc., 3785 Channel Drive, West Sacramento, California. Tool Tech LLC, 888 W. Second Ave., Eugene, Oregon. Niabella, 1007 Sirron Ave. Campbell Scott Eric, 1329 Goethals Drive. T-Mobile Leasing LLC, 731 George Washing ton Way. Columbia Mobile Detailing, 1308 Mcpherson Ave. Integrity Framing & Drywall LLC, 3562 Sweet Lee Lane, Ponder, Texas. Deanne’s Place, 1770 Leslie Road. Expanding Horizons LLC, 656 Melissa St. Vida Amor, 429 Aimee Drive. Charles Ledford Jr. Construction LLC, 815 W. Locust Ave., Hermiston, Oregon. Cattleya Jump’s LLC, 1548 N. Edison St., Kennewick. Southern Belles Espresso LLC, 412 River stone Drive. North Sound Refrigeration Inc., 6188 Portal Way, Ferndale. Simple Manner LLC, 52 Quill Road, Republic. Traffic Data Gathering, 11410 13th St. SE, Lake Stevens. ALLCities Solar and Electric Company, 2008 S. First St., Yakima. Dash Custom Apparel, 3703 W. Fifth Court, Kennewick. PJC Sports LLC, 802 Strange Drive. Burton Construction Inc., 3915 E. Nebraska Ave., Spokane. Villa Gloria Boutique, 355 Greenbrook Place. Monkey Dooz, 1325 Aaron Drive, Suite 103. Brother’s Cheese Steaks, 110 S. Fourth Ave., Pasco. Scott N. Naccarato, Attorney at Law, 1491 Tapteal Drive. Rookard Construction LLC, 186 Shypoke Place, Entiat. Queen Of Clean House Cleaning, 624 W. Entiat Ave., Kennewick. Shaw Plumbing Services LLC, 738 N. Cook St., Spokane. Signature Homes LLC, 2445 Woods Drive. McDowell Operating Base LLC, 1418 Co wiche Court. Gonzalez Paint, 1101 Horne Road, Benton City. AAA Concrete Inc., 16004 E. Field Road, Benton City. Shephard Plumbing, 20 S. Fourth Ave., Yakima. Sprout Partners, 18511 SE 22nd Way, Van couver. Timeless Homes LLC, 8350 W. Grandridge Blvd., Kennewick. Three Rivers Painting, 1411 McPherson Ave. Ace Carpentry Solutions, 3910 W. Fifth Place, Kennewick. Revival Construction, 10109 Orchard Ave., Yakima. Highland Beauty, 8701 Van Belle Road, Sun nyside. T-Mobile Financial LLC, 731 George Washing ton Way. Innovative Air Sealing LLC, 184 Gallant Road, Burbank. Superior Image Painting LLC, 6001 W De schutes Ave., Kennewick. Rosiselas Nailhouse LLC, 87 Keene Road. Nicole Hague, 8404 Fernow St., West Rich uPUBLIC RECORD, Page B22 “Townsquare’s digital ventures are fast-growing and impressive.” Gordon Borrell CEO, Borrell Associates Borrell singles out Townsquare as a top digital performer. Every business needs a marketing strategy, but every business is different. Build and grow your brand with personal service and a local-first approach from Townsquare Media Tri-Cities. Build credibility and trust with your prospective customers through: ■ Website Design ■ Search Engine Marketing ■ Search Engine Optimization ■ Social Media Marketing ■ Review Monitoring Alerts ■ Programmatic Advertising ■ Directory Listing Management ■ Retargeting CAPTURE YOUR AUDIENCE WITH A DIGITAL STRATEGY 2621 West A Street, Pasco (509) 547-9791 Request your free quote today • The Dining room can accommodate 130 people • The newly remodeled 19th Hole Event Center has a 130 people capacity • Heritage room can accommodate 15 guests with or without use of Golf Simulator • Legends room can accommodate 12 people 509-783-6131 • 314 N. Underwood, Kennewick Book now for Holiday Parties - Newly Remodeled Space

B22 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | AUGUST 2022 land. Alpha Roofing, 3 W. A St., Pasco. Walla Walla Carpet One LLC, 1611 W. Rose St., Walla Walla. Origami Salon, 2254 Keene Road. Whitespace Engineering LLC, 920 George Washington Way. Savannah Grego Hair, 2254 Keene Road. Valencia Express Cleaning LLC, 1114 W. 10th Ave., Kennewick. Apex Denture Studio, 948 Stevens Drive. C2 Custom Construction & Home Repair, 4422 Muris Lane, Pasco. Pragmadika Construction LLC, 1227 Covina Court. CC Consulting, 106 Canyon St. Howards Medical Supply, 846 Stevens Drive. Celestial Equinox, 930 George Washington Way. Qualia Healing Solutions, 1446 Spaulding Ave. Coastal Mayhem, 1427 Stevens Drive. Columbia Basin Designs LLC, 2141 Hamilton Ave. El Tacorriendo LLC, 311 Van Giesen St. Noyce Construction LLC, 520 Blue St. Bring The Pressure LLC, 2121 W. 19th Ave., Kennewick. Mz Granite & Quartz LLP, 2917 W. 19th Ave., Kennewick. Black Raven Technologies Group LLC, 1310 McPherson Ave. Finesse Flooring LLC, 2618 Ficus Drive, West Richland. Tailored Living of Richland and Kennewick, 1310 Hains Ave. Higgins’ Transportation, 221 S. Fourth Ave., Pasco. Riverstone Dental, 225 Van Giesen St. Chris C & Son LLC, 1324 Potter Ave. Rebecca M. Vasquez, 2359 Skyview Loop. RPS Planning Consultant LLC, 98402 N. Har rington Road, West Richland. Atomic City Electric LLC, 206 Barth Ave. Berry’s Brewed, 6102 Road 68, Pasco. Unbreakable Logistics LLC, 1313 Roberdeau St. Nebula Construction LLC, 1203 W. Kennewick Ave., Kennewick. R&R Spa, 211 Torbett St. Motorsports Butler, 6334 W. Victoria Ave., Kennewick. Adaptive Compliance Consulting LLC, 189 Kranichwood St. Malitany Miller, 2254 Keene Road. Better Safety LLC, 100 N. Howard St., Spo kane. Numbers International LLC, 208 Orchard Way. Gradinexcavation LLC, 389 E. Maple St., Burbank. Niche Ventures LLC, 1006 Country Court. Wendy West Weddings, 2759 Broken Top Ave. Hutchys Wood Creations LLC, 931 Sirron Ave. Britt Williams Hair, 2254 Keene Road. Lake Entertainment LLC, 1780 Pike Ave. Jamie Walton Art, 32115 W. Knox Road, Benton City. Richard Miller Insurance Agency LLC, 333 George Washington Way. Vienna Gervais, CPA, 1037 Winslow Ave. Ideal Finish LLC, 196 Travis Lane, Kennewick. Tri-Cities Pooper Scooper LLC, 719 W. Sho shone St., Pasco. KSL All in One, 344 Wishkah Drive. Matrix Construction General Contractor LLC, 4409 Phoenix Lane, Pasco. Hia Investments LLC, 2303 Camas Ave. Studio + Architects, 427 W. 13th Ave., Spo kane. Wecool Water and Ice LLC, 8350 W. Gran dridge Blvd., Kennewick. AC Cleaning, 5831 Taylor Flats Road, Pasco. Rex Towing LLC, 3324 West 19th Ave., Ken newick. Expansion Contracting LLC, 820 W. C St., Pasco. Tempting Solutions, 1422 Johnston Ave. Maison Taylor, 1325 Aaron Drive. Mad Design Skills LLC, 1428 Garfield St., Walla Walla. Amani Mental Health, 150 Gage Blvd. Advanced Bodywork Education, 2460 Mullet Court. Brydan & Hart LLC, 2917 W. 19th Ave., Ken newick. Hooked Up Pasco Inc., 616 S. Road 40 East, Pasco. Smoke N’ Stoneware, 4061 S. G St., Tacoma. Grays Concrete LLC, 1331 W. Dogwood Road, Pasco. Alpine Construction & Consulting Inc., 6614 W. Victoria Ave., Kennewick. J’s Mobile Detailing, 4515 W. 12th Ave., Ken newick. Proxy Project Services, 1202 Cottonwood Drive. Local Compass, 1067 Pattyton Lane. A&A Cleaning Services, 217803 E. Game Farm Road, Kennewick. Michele Ray, 414 Douglass Ave. Ankrom Moisan Associated Architects, 38 NW Davis St., Portland, Oregon. Smith Construction LLC, 53693 W. Crockett Road, Milton-Freewater. The Southwestern Company, 2451 Atrium Way, Nashville, Tennesse. A & T Construction, 1731 N. Seventh Ave., Pasco. Joy & Juniper, 244 Orchard Way. Stantec Consulting Services Inc., 1687 114th Ave. SE, Bellevue. Freshco 2 LLC, 504 S. Jurupa St., Kennewick. R & V Concrete LLC, 1309 Ringold Road, Eltopia. Nothing Bundt Cakes – Richland, WA, 110 Gage Blvd. A.L.J. Carpentry Inc., 803 W. 22nd Ave., Ken newick. Quellee’s Lashes and Skin Wellness LLC, 1315 George Washington Way. Painto Services LLC, 806 S. Juniper St., Ken newick. Northwest Code Professionals, 3835 W. Court St., Pasco. 3psflooring, 9401 S. I St., Tacoma. Sunrise Awakenings Counseling PLLC, 709 Tanglewood Drive. Falcon Properties LLC, 624 Soaring Hawk St. Hart’s Concrete Services Co. LLC, 4711 Sinai Drive, Pasco. Mountain Peak Electric LLC, 19326 E. Dove Circle, Spokane Valley. All In One Heating & AC LLC, 629 Westwind Drive, Zillah. Malo Painting LLC, 31 Proton Lane. Tri-City Corporate Housing, 701 Winslow Ave. GMZ Drywall LLC, 1102 E. Fourth Ave., Ken newick. Choose Your Color Painting LLC, 719 N. Huntington St., Kennewick. JB Auto Services, 86 Wellsian Way. Bravo’s Welding & Fabrication, 1219 Meade Ave., Prosser. Zac Villanueva, 1626 Naples Lane. Pitkin Cox Piano Studio, 213 Wellsian Way. K&K Sparks LLC, 2325 Copperhill St. River J Be, 2513 Duportail St. Automated Inspection Solutions LLC, 1962 Newhaven Loop. Ringo Family Enterprises LLC, 2694 Gray hawk Loop. Generic Services, 914 Sanford Ave. Reklaw Consulting Services, 464 Bradley Blvd. PDO Window Screens & Repair, 412 Birch Ave. Flying Pig Jewelry, 50 Jadwin Ave. R. H. Smith Distributing Co. Inc., 2551 Ste vens Drive. White Eagle Remodeling LLC, 510 W. 21st Ave., Kennewick. Nail N’ Time Construction, 3614 Tallahassee Lane, Pasco. Drone Direct Photography LLC, 137 Canter bury Road, Kennewick. 911 Remodel LLC, 257 High Meadows St. Healing In Massage Therapy LLC, 636 Jadwin Ave. Cornerstone Chiropractic, 215 Van Giesen St. AJ’s HVAC & Electrical LLC, 1201 W. 37th Place, Kennewick. Escoto Construction LLC, 1020 S. Fifth Ave., Pasco. Bubble Pop Picnic LLC, 5302 Reagan Way, Pasco. Lineage Logistics Pfs LLC, 2800 Polar Way. Alpha Asphalt Paving, 100 N. Howard St., Spokane GNC Holdings LLC, 2663 Queensgate Drive. Laboratory Corporation of America, 560 Gage Blvd. Manny’s Floors LLC, 1105 W. 10th Ave., Ken newick. Laboratory Corporation of America, 1135 Jadwin Ave. Laboratory Corporation of America, 945 Goethals Drive. Laboratory Corporation of America, 780 Swift Blvd. Evolve Labs LLC, 2348 Harris Ave. WEST D.O.C.S.RICHLANDNotaryServices, 5710 Three Rivers Drive, Pasco. Ellison Earthworks LLC, 104709 E. 1035 PR SE, Kennewick. Contour Construction, 3420 W. Wernett Road, Pasco. A1 Furniture Restoration, 1625 W. A St., Pasco. AMV Tree Services and Lanscaping LLC, 18671 Yakima Valley Highway, Granger. Structura Naturalis Inc., 218 E. Steuben St., Bingen. Howards Medical Supply, 846 Stevens Drive, Richland. Rent Me Trailers LLC, 505 S. Arthur Place, Kennewick. Cozy Home Renovations LLC, 5619 Washou gal Lane, Pasco. TC Soda LLC, 206 Sitka Court, Richland. GA Tree And Yard Service LLC, 12843 N. 175 E., Ririe, Idaho. Volt Electrical Contractor, 95805 E. Clover Road, Kennewick. Integrity Finish Carpentry LLC, 315 N. Walde mar Ave., Pasco. Clark Custom Tile and Flooring LLC, 709 S. Conway St., Kennewick. Castaneda Lawn Care, 1001 W. Fourth Ave., Kennewick. Kaci K. Construction LLC, 6203 Skeena Lane, Pasco. Sierra Lawn Care LLC, 823 N. Wehe Ave., Pasco. Guzman Plastering LLC, 7807 Pender Drive, Pasco. E&I Construction, 2108 Road 30, Pasco. Serenidad Cleaning Services LLC, 417 S. 23rd Ave., Pasco. Quality Tree Service, 1505 S. Road 40 East, Pasco. Alpha Homes & Development, Corp 912 W. Opal St., Pasco. Springfield Earthworks LLC, 90 Country Haven Loop, Pasco. uPUBLIC RECORD, Page B23

Pacific Ag has opened an office at 30 S. Louisiana St., Suite 200, in Kennewick. The Hermiston, Oregon-based business is a crop residue harvest and supply company. Con tact: 541- 567-3610;; TeaHaus has opened a second location with a drive-thru window at 5331 W. Canal Drive in Kennewick. The bubble tea shop also has a location at 530 Swift Blvd., Richland. Hours: 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Sunday, Tuesday-Thursday; 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday-Saturday. Contact: 509-7137340; Facebook, Instagram PascoCLOSEDRepeat Boutique thrift store, operated by The Chaplaincy, at 5710 Road 68, Suite 104, has closed. The Richland shop at the Uptown Shopping Center, 1331 George Washington Way, remains open.
uMARIJUANA LICENSES BENTON SapphireAPPROVEDCOUNTYMeadows,15505 Webber Canyon Road, Suite F, Benton City. License type: can nabis producer tier 2. Application type: change of corporate officer.
Maughan Properties, 3731 Van Court. The Learning Lodge Ors, 4404 Mount Adams View Drive. Inspiration Builders Inc., 70 Bull Pen Lane, Pasco. Ventura Masonry LLC, 1751 N. 23rd Ave., Pasco. R&E Concrete LLC, 523 Pradera Court, Pasco. Jag Transport, 203 Rowell, Mesa. Affordable Concrete LLC, 1712 N. 24th Ave., Pasco. Heritage Drywall LLC, 807 N. Beech Ave., Pasco.
Elia Duron-Gonzalez, unpaid Department of Labor & Industries taxes, filed July 21. Veronia Villegas, unpaid Department of Labor & Industries taxes, filed July 21. Marine Works LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed July 25. Alcaraz Concrete Corporation, unpaid De partment of Revenue taxes, filed July 25. Arnott Enterprises LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed July 25. Pedro Antonio Toscano-Gama, unpaid De partment of Revenue taxes, filed July 25. Columbia Basin Solar LLC, unpaid Depart ment of Labor & Industries taxes, filed July 25. Ilin Construction LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed July 29. Ochoa LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed July 29. Mas Tacos LLC, unpaid Department of Rev enue taxes, filed July 29. 3 Water Construction LLC, unpaid Depart ment of Revenue taxes, filed July 29.
FRANKLIN COUNTY NEW Love’s Travel Stop #811, 2252 E. Kartchner St., Pasco. License type: grocery store – beer/ wine. Application type: new. El Asadero Restaurant, 2318 W. Court St., Pasco. License type: beer/wine restaurant –beer. Application type: assumption.
BUSINESS UPDATES UrbanNEW Grounds has opened at 217 W. Ken newick Ave., downtown Kennewick. The coffee and retail boutique offers coffee and items ranging from new and vintage clothing to home decor and products made in the Pacific North west. Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Wednes day; 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Thursday-Saturday; noon to 4 p.m. Sunday. Contact: Facebook, Instagram.
KLICKITAT TrotheDISCONTINUEDCOUNTY , 1201 Alderdale Road, Prosser. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters. Applica tion type: discontinued.
BENTON COUNTY NEW Muret-GastonAPPLICATIONS , 313 E. Columbia Gardens Way, Suite 120, Kennewick. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters, additional location; beer/wine restaurant – beer/wine. Application type: added/change of class/in lieu. Aquilini Brands USA, 63615 E. Jacobs Road NE, Unit C, Benton City. License type: domes tic winery >249,999 liters additional location. Application type: new. Barrel Springs Winery, 46601 N. Gap Road, Prosser. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters; direct shipment receiver-in WA only; beer/wine on premises endorsement. Ap plication type: new. Kabana-King, 4311 W. Clearwater Ave., Unit 110, Kennewick. License type: combo grocery off premises spirits/beer/wine. Application type: new. Fat Olives, 255 Williams Blvd., Richland. Li cense type: spirits/beer/wine restaurant service bar. Application type: added/change of class/ in lieu. Valo, 2258 Wine Country Road, Suite B, Prosser. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters. Application type: change of location.
VisitAPPROVEDTri-Cities, 7130 W. Gage Blvd., Suite B, Kennewick. License type: local wine industry association. Application type: added fees. Four Feathers Wine Estates, 101 Benitz Road, Suites C & F, Prosser. License type: microbrew ery. Application type: assumption. Four Feathers Wine Estates, 101 Benitz Road, Suite F, Prosser. License type: domestic winery >249,999 liters. Application type: assumption. Wit Cellars, 505 Cabernet Court, Suite A, Prosser. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters. Application type: in lieu. Four Feathers Wine Estates, 101 Benitz Road, Suites C & F 1, Prosser: License type: distill / rectify. Paradise Food Mart, 1400 Bombing Range Road, West Richland. License type: grocery store – beer/wine. Application type: assump tion.
RecusantAPPROVEDCellars, 2113 Cottonwood Drive, Pasco. License type: domestic winery, <250,000 liters. Application type: added/change of class/in lieu. Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites, 4525 Convention Place, Pasco. License type: direct shipment receiver-in WA only. Application type: new. Tailwind, 3601 N. 20th Ave., Terminal A, Pasco. License type: spirits/beer/wine restaurant air port bar. Application type: change of corporate officer. Kahlua’s Lounge Bar, 1901 N. Fourth Ave., Pasco. License type: spirits/beer/wine restau rant lounge-. Application type: added/change of class/in lieu.
The state can file lawsuits against people or busi nesses that do not pay taxes and then get a judg ment against property that person or business owns. Judgments are filed in Benton-Franklin Superior Court. The following is from the Franklin County Superior Court Clerk’s Office. Stucco & Stone Contractors, unpaid Depart ment of Labor & Industries taxes, filed July 20. Alcaraz Concrete Corporation, unpaid Department of Labor & Industries taxes, filed July 20. Panchos Heating & Cooling, unpaid Depart ment of Labor & Industries taxes, filed July 20. HDZ Construction Services, unpaid Depart ment of Labor & Industries taxes, filed July 20. Bradley’s Towing, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed July 20. His & Hers Flooring Installations LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed July 20. Grocery Delivery E Service, unpaid Depart ment of Labor & Industries taxes, filed July 20. CRS Crossroad Services LLC, unpaid Department of Labor & Industries taxes, filed July 20. Maria T. Gonzalez, unpaid Department of Labor & Industries taxes, filed July 20. CR Woodworks LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed July 20. Antonio Mireles et al., unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed July 20. Carniceria La Catrina LLC, unpaid Depart ment of Revenue taxes, filed July 20. Barajas Auto Body LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed July 20. Edward Lee et al., unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed July 20. Andrea Martinez et al., unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed July 20.