September 2017 Volume 5 • Issue 8
Chaplaincy serving Hispanic families through hospice care BY KRISTINA LORD
Float Euphoria offers healing for all ages
Page 3
Fishing business expands to the land down under
Page 7
Kennewick senior’s donation raises $32,500 Page 9
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Saturday, Sept. 9 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fiery Foods Festival Downtown Pasco
The hospice team members dispatched to assist Hispanic families caring for a dying loved one know they must use a different approach to earn their trust. The Chaplaincy Health Care team knows it’s best to seek out the patriarch of the family and use titles like “Señor” or “Señora” until given permission to use first names. They know they must honor the family’s desire to care for their relative at home, as well as their faith traditions. Providing more bilingual and bicultural hospice services has long been a goal of the Kennewick agency that provides hospice, palliative, grief and behavioral health care to the Tri-City community. Five years ago, the agency formed a Hispanic Outreach Team, which includes a bilingual and bicultural nurse, social worker, chaplain and nursing assistants, to better serve the area’s growing Hispanic community. The team knew it had a lot of work to do to earn the Hispanic community’s trust. Hospice is often seen as a place to “dump relatives to die by themselves, alone” in Mexico and South American countries, said Chaplain Victor Ortega, one of the team’s members. “Our purpose is to re-educate people that hospice here in the states is where we provide spiritual and physical and emotional care so patients can have quality of life while respecting and honoring their own beliefs and traditions,” he said. The group’s efforts are beginning to pay off. The agency has noted a 2.5 percent increase in serving the Hispanic population since it began focusing on outreach and education. uHOSPICE, Page 8
More than 500 people participated in last year’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s at Clover Island in Kennewick. This year’s event, which is Saturday, Sept. 9, has moved to Columbia Park to accommodate the growing number of walkers. (Courtesy Leslie Woodfill of Alzheimer’s Association)
Hundreds to participate in Walk to End Alzheimer’s BY KRISTINA LORD
The Poland family is passionate about raising awareness and supporting efforts to find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease. They also can be counted on to participate in two of the year’s biggest TriCity fundraisers for the state’s Alzheimer’s Association. It’s personal for them. The progressive disease took the life of the Poland family matriarch, Valerie Poland, in 2009. That’s the year Walk to End Alzheimer’s began in Kennewick. Poland died at age 59, nine years after
she was diagnosed. Her mother also had the disease. Poland participated for years in the Spokane walk. She died four months before the first Tri-Cities walk, which was dedicated to her. Her family was instrumental in organizing that first walk closer to home. Her daughter Melissa Poland-Knapik said her mom would appreciate the family’s continued efforts to raise awareness. “She’d say keep fighting. This disease takes away their voice. If we can help one person. That’s our Poland family mission. That’s what we want to try to do,” Poland-Knapik said. uALZHEIMER’S, Page 2
Vegas-themed show aims to get seniors singing, dancing at annual picnic BY KRISTINA LORD
Seniors attending this year’s All Senior Picnic in Richland can expect to sing and sway along to popular songs from Bobby Darin, Wayne Newton, Frank Sinatra and Elvis. “It’ll be danceable and enjoyable and memorable — whatever makes the crowd happy,” said David Cooley, front man for the Cooley Band, which will be performing at the annual event. The Vegas-themed picnic is from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 21 at Howard Amon Park, behind the Richland Community Center at 500 Amon Park Drive.
Each year Kennewick, Richland and Pasco take turns hosting the event. Last year it was in Pasco. The Cooley Band, based in Vancouver, Washington, performed at more than 350 shows last year. About 300 of those shows were at senior living residences. Cooley said performing for seniors is important to him because his mother lives in a nursing home in Battle Ground, Washington. He performs there six to eight times a year. “I’ve been hanging around in these kinds of places because of her and I started playing music and I started realizing how glorious it is and how much these people appreciated it. uPICNIC, Page 14
Senior Times 8919 W. Grandridge Blvd., Ste. A1 Kennewick, WA 99336
Senior Times • September 2017
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ALZHEIMER’S, From page 1 She and her family will join the Do Walkers team during the eighth annual walk on Saturday, Sept. 9 in Columbia Park in Kennewick. It starts at the band shell. The three-mile walk is the first of 16 walks throughout Washington and northern Idaho. The final one is Oct. 14 in Yakima. The national nonprofit Alzheimer’s Association expects to raise $2 million, up from $1.7 million raised last year, at the series of Northwest walks. Last year, the TriCity walk raised $118,000. “The money stays with the local areas that it’s raised in. It’s used for local educational classes we have, as well as support groups. … The rest of the money goes toward research,” said Leslie Woodfill, special events coordinator in the association’s Spokane office. Nearly 80 percent of the money raised by the association goes toward Alzheimer’s care, support, research and awareness, 15 percent goes toward fundraising and 6 percent toward administrative costs, according to the association’s website. The nonprofit also soon will have more of a presence in the area with the opening of a new office at 609 The Parkway in Richland. An open house is planned from 3:30 to 6 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 20. The office will provide resources to the community and office space for social workers and volunteers. “People will be able to come in and talk to somebody who is a social worker and get ideas about what their next steps are and things like that and likely we will have our classes there,” Woodfill said. Those registered for the Kennewick walk will carry colorful pinwheel flowers to show their connection to the disease. Blue represents someone with Alzheimer’s or dementia; purple is for someone who has lost a loved one to the disease; yellow represents someone currently supporting or caring for someone with Alzheimer’s; and orange is for everyone who supports the cause and vision of a world without Alzheimer’s. This year, a new color will be added to this rainbow bouquet. “A white flower will be carried by a child in the symbolism that this is the flower of hope and this child and others this age — with advancements we’re making in research — will never be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s,” Woodfill said. Those who want to participate in the walk can register the day of the event, though Woodfill encourages advance registration.
It’s free to walk, but Woodfill hopes those who do attend can donate. Woodfill said 60 percent of the event’s walkers are “zero dollar walkers” who aren’t raising any money. “It’s fabulous to have that awareness but I have to think even if they give $25 on walk day what kind of an impact that would have on availability of funds on local programs and research,” she said, adding that it’s easy to do by asking friends to contribute a nominal amount. A variety of vendors will be in attendance to share information about senior care and aging issues and a photo booth is planned. The walk moved to Columbia Park this year because it outgrew Clover Island. Last year 520 people participated and organizers are hoping for 650 this year. Those who plan to register the day of the event should arrive at 8:45 a.m. A short program starts at 9 a.m. The walk kicks off at 10 a.m. Poland-Knapik said it’s important to her family to raise awareness about the disease because when her mother was diagnosed, people stopped coming by and didn’t know how to talk about it. uALZHEIMER’S, Page 10
Senior Times • September 2017
Kennewick spa’s float therapy offers new way to heal, unwind BY ROBIN WOJTANIK for Senior Times
Somewhere between a bath tub, a hot tub and the Dead Sea lie the sensory deprivation tanks at Float Euphoria that allow visitors to float the real world away for up to 90 minutes at a time. The new wellness spa recently opened in Kennewick in the former Twin Rivers Optical building, next to Skippers. The wellness spa offers floats, massages, cupping and sound therapy. The float tanks are the only one of their kind in the Tri-Cities, with the next closest option being Spokane. The business is a family affair, operated by married couple, Ryan Wright and Bethany MacLean. Wright’s parents helped with the building’s remodel and will assist with both operation and services. The space-age looking tubs, called Dream Pods, are filled with warm, salty water dense enough to allow a person to float at the surface, eliminating the pull of gravity. The hatch door can be closed to immerse the floater in darkness, silence and weightlessness. But those who have claustrophobia may leave it open. MacLean said people generally visit a float spa for one of three reasons: to seek relaxation, a spiritual or meditative connection, or relief from any of a number of chronic conditions. Floating prices are on-par with many massage therapy services offered at local spas. Prices start at $65 for a 60-minute float and discounts are offered for combining services or prepaying for a minimum of three floats. Despite their futuristic, sleek appearance, the pods were invented long ago, MacLean said. “They originally started back in the 50s. There was a doctor named John Lilly, who was a neuroscientist. He was originally doing experiments with people in the pods, just studying their reactions. Throughout the years of doing
that, they found that there’s huge benefits with fibromyalgia, insomnia, PTSD and even people on the autism spectrum because they don’t have that stimulation that is hard for them.” A long list of other advertised benefits include enhanced immune function, acceleration of healing from injuries and even a boosting of academic or creative focus. The pods each contain half a ton of magnesium sulfate, commonly known as Epsom salt, equivalent to a full pallet of 50-pound bags in each pod. This creates a salinity of 35 percent, slightly higher than the 33.7 percent Ryan Wright and Bethan MacLean recently opened Float Euphoria in salinity of the Dead Sea, one of the Kennewick. The wellness spa offers floats in float tanks called Dream world’s saltiest bodies of water. Pods, as well as massage, cupping and sound therapy. The magnesium sulfate is dissolved in water kept at 93.5 degrees. This “A public pool has to use chlorine alarm if a visitor experiences an emerexact temperature is chosen because it and bromine to kill the pathogens. We gency. The pods are spacious and do is considered “skin-receptor neutral,” don’t have to worry about that because not lock, which are intended to ease creating a seamless transition from the salt is a natural disinfectant. We put feelings of claustrophobia. where skin ends and the water begins. a little hydrogen peroxide in with the Audio options include soft, relaxing Both the lack of gravity and the salt and that takes care of it. When music playing throughout the duration immersion in the Epsom salt are pro- you’re in a public pool or hot tub, of a float, music at just the beginning moted as being beneficial to visitors’ you’re sharing that water with other and the end, or complete silence bodies. The sheer feeling of weight- people, whereas this water goes through lessness provides an opportunity to its own filtration system just for you,” throughout. Wright said the pod encourages theta release the typical muscle and joint Wright said. waves in the brain, which is the first strain that occurs just from standing, Each float suite includes a shower to sitting or holding up the head. Physi- wash away any products from a visi- stage of sleep. Many people fall asleep cians may recommend an Epsom salt tor’s hair and body. Two buttons inside during their float, the owners said. bath to relieve muscle aches, joint the pod adjust the lights or sound an uFLOAT, Page 10 swelling or even relief from a sun burn. The water is not changed out entirely between each floater, which can raise a concern of cleanliness for some consumers. MacLean allayed that fear with an explanation of the filtration process: “Between each person it goes through a filter that cleans every drop of water three times. It uses a UV light and then ten micron filter, which is five times smaller than a human hair, so it catches everything. Not to mention it’s salt, so nothing can really grow in the salinity.” Floats are not scheduled back-toback to allow for a 20-minute filtration between each visitor, providing an Join us for the 2017 All-Senior Picnic individualized experience in the water.
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The Vegas theme picnic will be held at Howard Amon Park, 500 Amon Park Drive, Richland (behind the Richland Community Center). Admission button is $7 in advance, $10 at the door, and includes lunch, entertainment, vendors and a chance to win some amazing door prizes. Buttons can be purchased at Richland Community Center, First Avenue Center in Pasco and the Kennewick and West Richland Senior Centers. Lunch will consist of BBQ chicken, potato salad, baked beans, bread stick and dessert. This year, the entertainment will include Swingin’ Hearts & Rockin’ Souls with the Cooley Band from Vancouver, WA. Swingin’ Hearts & Rockin’ Souls is a transformative journey down memory lane featuring the best tunes by the top artists of the mid-20th century. Cooley Band’s style and repertoire spans four generations.
Senior Times • September 2017
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Bring your grandchildren and families to events with a star.
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6 • National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association lunch meeting: 11:30 a.m., Red Lion Hotel, 1101 N. Columbia Center Blvd., Kennewick. Visit
TUESDAY, SEPT. 12 • Aging and Disability Resource Center presentation: noon – 1p.m., Tri-Cities Cancer Center, 7350 W. Deschutes Ave., Kennewick. RSVP 509737-3427. Free event.
SEPT. 15 – 16 • Christ the King Sausage Fest: 5 p.m. – midnight Sept. 15 and 11 a.m. – midnight Sept. 16, Christ the King, 1111 Stevens Drive, Richland. Cksausagefest. org. Free event.
SEPT. 8 – 10 • B Reactor Concert “Annelies:” 5:30 p.m. Sept. 8 and Sept. 9; and 1 p.m. Sept. 10, B Reactor Visitor Center, 2000 Logston Blvd., Richland. Tickets
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 13 • EEOICPA Resource Workshop for Former Hanford Workers: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Guardian Angel Homes, 245 Van Giesen St., Richland. RSVP 509-378-3939. Free event. • Tri-Cities Genealogical Society meeting: 6:15 p.m., Benton PUD Auditorium, 2721 W. 10th Ave., Kennewick. Visit Free event.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 15 • Comedy for a Cause with Adam Kessler: 5 – 8 p.m., Brookdale Canyon Lakes, 2802 W. 35th Ave., Kennewick. Tickets heartlinkshospice.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 8 • Clams and Blues on the Columbia, a fundraiser for Three Rivers Community Foundation: 5:30 – 9 p.m., Clover Island Inn, 435 Clover Island Drive, Kennewick. RSVP 509-735-5559. SATURDAY, SEPT. 9 • Walk to End Alzheimer’s: 8:30 a.m., Columbia Park Bandstand, Kennewick. Register • Wheels on the Ave. Show and Shine: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Historic Downtown Kennewick. Free event. • Fiery Foods Festival: 11 a.m. – 5 p.m., Downtown Pasco. Visit Free event.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 14 • EEOICPA Resource Workshop for Former Hanford Workers: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Hillcrest Memorial Center, 9353 W. Clearwater Ave., Kennewick. RSVP 509-378-3939. Free event. • Vegetable gardening season extenders class, a WSU Extension Master Gardener Program: 6:30 p.m., Demonstration Garden, 1620 S. Union St., Kennewick. Visit Free event.
SATURDAY, SEPT. 16 • Streetscape Car and Motorcycle Show: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Historic Downtown Prosser (Sixth Avenue). Historicprosser. com. Free event. • West Richland Harvest Festival: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., Flat Top Park, 4705 W. Van Giesen, West Richland. Contact 509967-0521. SEPT. 16 – 17 • Pickin’ Tri-Cities Vintage Show and Artisan Market: 9 a.m. Sept. 16 and 10 a.m. Sept. 17, TRAC, 6600 Burden Blvd., Pasco. THURSDAY, SEPT. 21 • All Senior Picnic: 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., Richland Community
Center, 500 Amon Park Road N., Richland. Tickets at all local senior centers. • Tri-Cities Community Lecture Series “What Our Teachers Never Told Us About the American Revolution:” 7 p.m., Mid-Columbia Libraries, 1620 S. Union St., Kennewick. Free event. FRIDAY, SEPT. 22 • Brown Bag Lunch Series: noon – 1 p.m., East Benton County History Museum, 205 Keewaydin Drive, Kennewick. Contact 509-582-7704. SEPT. 22 – 24 • Prosser Harvest Festival: 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sept. 22; 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sept. 23; and 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Sept. 24, Historic Downtown Prosser. Contact 509-786-3177. Free event. • Great Prosser Balloon Rally: Sunrise launches 6:30 a.m. Sept. 22 – 24. Night glow 5:30 p.m., Sept. 23. Prosser Airport, 111 Nunn Road, Prosser. Contact 509-713-2732. Free event. SATURDAY, SEPT. 23 • Walk to Defeat ALS: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., Howard Amon Park, 500 Amon Park Drive, Richland. Register uCALENDAR, Page 12
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Senior Times • September 2017 uBRIEFS Learn about probate records at genealogical society
The Tri-City Genealogical Society will cover how to research probate records at its next meeting. The public meeting is at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 13 at the Benton PUD auditorium, 2721 W. 10th Ave., Kennewick. A beginning genealogy class is offered the same day from 6:15 to 6:45 p.m. For more information, call 509943-9322 or go to
AARP driving courses offered in September
The AARP is offering Smart Driver courses throughout September. The schedule is: • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 5-6 at the Pasco City Hall, 525 N. Third Ave., To register, call 509-545-3459. • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 12-13 at the Richland Community Center, 500 Amon Park Drive. To register, call 509-942-7529. • 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 18-19, Charbonneau senior living community, 8264 W. Grandridge Blvd., Kennewick. To register, call 509-
943-4979. • 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 25 at SonBridge Community Center, 1200 SE 12th St., College Place. To register, call 509-5293100. All classes are $20 and AARP members receive a $5 discount. For more information, call 888-2277669 or go to
Benton PUD offering informational meetings
Benton PUD has scheduled two public informational meetings on key utility topics. The utility will be presenting “Benton PUD Broadband: Connecting Our Community” at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 20 and “Emergency Technologies: The Next Era of Electricity Use” at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 27. All meetings will be at the Benton PUD auditorium, 2721 W. 10th Ave., Kennewick. For more information, go to
Alexander McCall Smith featured author at book fest
Alexander McCall Smith, the bestselling author of “The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency” is 2017’s Mid-Columbia Reads Literary Festival’s featured author
and will give a talk in the TriCities. He will appear 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 14 at Columbia Basin College, Gjerde Center, 2600 N. 20th Ave., Pasco. Free copies of his books will be available at Mid-Columbia Libraries branches throughout October while supplies last. The festival put on by the MidColumbia Libraries is in its second year and encourages the community to engage with the same books from Oct. 1 through Nov. 15. Events include an opening reception, a book giveaway, book club discussion, dance workshop, bagpipe performance and more. For more information and a full schedule, go to
Seniors eligible for free admission to school events
The Kennewick School District is inviting eligible seniors to join its Gold Club to get free admission to all Associated Student Bodysponsored events, including athletic events. To be eligible, applicants must be retired from regular full-time employment, be a resident of the district and have photo identification showing proof of being 65 years or older. Gold Cards do not
have an expiration date. Applications are available from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at the district’s Administration Center, 1000 W. Fourth Ave., Kennewick.
Tri-Cities Community Health offering exchange help
Washington Health Benefit Exchange has named Tri-Cities Community Health as one of the organizations throughout the state to oversee in-person assistance during open enrollment, which begins Wednesday, Nov. 1. Tri-Cities Community Health will be available to help guide individuals and families signing up for insurance coverage through Washington Healthplanfinder during the enrollment process, determine how well current health plans worked and explore new coverage options. It also will build and manage networks of navigators in the service area. Those needing to connect with a navigator before or during the enrollment period can go to and click on “customer support.” Assistance also is available by calling 855-9234633.
Senior Times • September 2017
Northwest Cancer Clinic’s parent company files for chapter 11 bankruptcy treated. Treatment facilities remain open and are operating on normal The parent company of Northwest schedules, and patients’ appointments, Cancer Clinic in Kennewick recently treatment schedules and physician filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protec- partners remain the same, according to tion. a news release from the company. Patients served by clinic at 7379 W. Meanwhile, the company’s primary Deschutes Ave. won’t be affected by lenders have agreed to provide $75 the court action. million in cash to allow business to The Fort Myers, Florida-based 21st function as usual. Century Oncology, filed for bankrupt“Operationally, very little, if anycy protection July 20. It operates 179 thing, should change during the treatment centers, including 143 in the Chapter 11 process,” said interim CEO United States and 36 in Latin America. Paul Rundell in a statement. “Our abilThe company ity to continue to cited lower reimoperate as usual bursement rates and “Operationally, very and have no disruphigher denials of tion to patients was little, if anything, coverage among the a critical factor in should change events leading to our decision to use during the Chapter request for Chapter Chapter 11 to 11 process.” 11 protection. implement this debt The Kennewick restructuring.” - Paul Rundell, clinic is the only The company CEO of Northwest called the bankone 21st Century Cancer Clinic ruptcy filing a Oncology operates in the Northwest. “positive developThe Kennewick site’s estimated num- ment” for employees, health care partber of creditors affected is less than 50; ners and patients. its assets are between $1 million to $10 “We are a fundamentally strong and million; and its estimated liabilities are profitable business; however, we sim$1 billion to $10 billion, according to ply have too much debt given the size court documents. of the business and the way industry Drs. Sheila Rege and Brian Lawenda dynamics, particularly the challenging work at Kennewick’s Northwest reimbursement environment, have Cancer Clinic. affected our ability to maximize reveThe bankruptcy filing is expected to nue in the aftermath of these unprecereduce the company’s debt by more dented, ongoing changes,” Rundell than $500 million. said. Company officials said there will be Northwest Cancer Clinic provides no change in the way patients are radiation therapy treatment.
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Senior Times • September 2017
Tri-City-based fishing charter business expands to Australia BY JESSICA HOEFER for Senior Times
A Tri-City fishing business will expand its operations to open a branch more than 7,000 miles away next year. DownUnderSportFishing, which offers sightseeing trips and fishing excursions, will offer fishing charters in Australia. Mike Palmus and his wife, Rosemary, of Kennewick say Australia is the perfect destination for their fishing business. “Australia is pretty phenomenal, and the fishing is not really developed,” said Palmus, whose wife is from the land down under. “Other than a plane ride, basically it’s like a trip to Alaska. People go to Alaska, and we think we can offer them fishing in Australia for the same type of experience.” Palmus and his future wife met in Australia, although they didn’t marry until two decades after their first encounter. Both were avid anglers, but Palmus moved back to the states. In the 1990s, he settled in the Tri-Cities and started working at Apollo. “I became a contractor, but the owner knew that I had fished extensively and asked if I would do it for Apollo clients, customer appreciation and employees. I started running a corporate boat. The company paid me and I took people fishing. During the salmon season, I was never even on projects,” he said. During that same time, social media reconnected Palmus with the girl he’d met when he was 21. “We hadn’t spoken in 20 years. We got back together, and we’ve been married for five years,” he said. Life has been good for the couple, but Palmus was lured by the idea of starting his own business. With his wife’s support, they started DownUnderSportFishing. By 2014, Palmus quit his job and
Mike Palmus and his wife, Rosemary, flank customer Kyle Whitby as they pose for a photo after a fishing excursion. DownUnderSportFishing will open a location in Australia in 2018. (Courtesy DownUnderSportFishing)
started offering corporate and private fishing excursions along the Columbia River. This year, DownUnderSportFishing was approached by Visit Tri-Cities to provide sightseeing tours of the Hanford Reach. Palmus said the business ran its first trip in June—a four-hour boat ride along the Columbia River. He said as long as a fishing trip isn’t scheduled, they’re open to doing more tours. During salmon season, charter boat excursions are $800 per day. Palmus said he’s usually booked every day from the second week of September through the month of October. “Last year I booked out in one week,” he said, adding that corporate bookings accounted for 80 percent of his business. “I enjoy taking people salmon fishing. They’re impressed by the fish. Some of the girls (who’ve gone out) have caught bigger fish than their boyfriends.”
When it’s not salmon season, seats are $180 per person. Fishing trips, which typically run from about 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., include all tackle and gear, and cleaning, filleting and bagging of the fish at the end of the trip. On full-day trips, lunch, snacks, water and soda are provided. “We fish salmon, steelhead,
walleye and sturgeon,” said Palmus, who is excited to offer customers an experience to catch something new in Australia. “They don’t have king salmon there. Over there, we fish barramundi and flathead, brim and estuary cog. The three we target the most are barramundi, Australian bass and flathead. They’re delicious,” he said. “Barramundi are a beautiful white meat, and they grow to be 40 to 50 pounds.” The couple currently have a home on the Gold Coast just south of Brisbane. After salmon season this year, they’ll travel to Australia to start preparations for the new business venture. “We’ll be there from November to June,” he said. “We’re chasing summer.” The idea is to never have an off season since Australia and the United States have opposite seasons. “Some of our clients are farmers, and we have friends over there that are farmers or own wineries, so we’d be able to show people from here some of the stuff going on in Australia,” he said. “Not just fishing, but ecotourism.” uFISHING, Page 10
Senior Times • September 2017
HOSPICE, From page 1 about themselves, about their In 2016, 8 percent of hospice humanity. It’s a privilege and honor patients served were Hispanic. to be there when they’re going to That’s up from 7.6 percent in 2015 die. For me, those are sacred and 5.6 percent in 2014. moments to be able to go into someLast year, hospice served a total body’s home who isn’t related to of 79 patients. you and provide some kind of supNationwide, 7.1 percent of all port,” he said. hospice patients served in 2014 Nurse Anita Mundy, who has been identified themselves as Hispanic or a bilingual case manager for Latino, according to a 2015 report Chaplaincy for 11 years, said her from the National Hospice and caseload used to be made up of four Palliative Care Organization. About to five Hispanic patients, but today a quarter of hospice patients nation- her caseload is 50 percent Hispanic. wide identified themselves as minorMundy, who also serves on the ities that same year, the report said. team, said using the correct lanExecutive Director Gary Castillo guage with families is important, but knew outreach was more important is a key part of eduunderstanding cating the commuLatino culture. BY THE NUMBERS nity about the ser“We’re very mindPercent of Hispanic vices provided. The ful of that,” she hospice patients served agency joined the said. Tri-Cities Hispanic “We will do our u 2016 - 8 percent Chamber of best to provide u 2015 - 7.6 percent Commerce and quality of life and u 2014 - 5.6 percent began hiring bilinrespect their tradigual staff. It formed tions,” Ortega an advisory board. Hospice material agreed. was translated into Spanish. Oretega also said it’s not easy Ortega said there’s no greater work. honor than helping a family help “We have to work a little harder their loved one transition from life because a good number are undocuto death. mented and they’re not knowledge“For me, it’s a privilege to hear able of our services. It creates more people’s life stories and to be work,” he said. allowed into their homes and learn No one is ever turned away from
Chaplaincy Health Care’s efforts to provide hospice care to the Hispanic community are paying off with year-over-year growth. Chaplain Alberto Tass, from left, senior nurse case manager Anita Mundy, Chaplain Victor Ortega and Executive Director Gary Castillo show off the Latino Health Care Professional of the Year award they received from the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for their outreach efforts.
services because of inability to pay, Castillo said. That’s why community support of Chaplaincy Health Care is so important, he said. “We appreciate the community’s financial support,” he said. Chaplain Alberto Tass said the team’s efforts are making a difference. “I’m seeing we are making progress and we can see that second generation is more acceptable to move toward hospice in a good sense and positive way. This is something starting to happen now with the second generation. They are learning new things here,” he said. The program has expanded to include grief services after a loved
one’s death. “It’s a great experience touching people who have lost someone. Sometimes it can be a baby, brother, mother, sister, father — we never know. Once the loss hits the family, they need the support,” Tass said. Tass said the team will continue to stand ready to help in the days ahead. “In time of distress and time of crisis and time of anything like that can be a challenge for them, we are here for them. We are in the community and part of the community and don’t hesitate to call us to support you,” he said. For more information, call 509783-7416 or visit
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Senior Times • September 2017
Kennewick senior donates rare wine collection to charity auction BY ANDY PERDUE for Senior Times
A complete vertical of Leonetti Cellar’s legendary Cabernet Sauvignon — including perhaps the single most important wine ever made in Washington — went up for bid at the 30th annual Auction of Washington Wines and sold for $32,500. The money will establish a scholarship in a Kennewick couple’s name to help children of migrant workers attend Washington State University’s Ste. Michelle Wine Estates Wine Science Center in Richland to study viticulture and enology. Hank Sauer, 62, a retired educator who grew up in Walla Walla and built his career in Kennewick, donated his collection of Leonetti wines to the Auction of Washington Wines, held last month on the grounds of Chateau Ste. Michelle in Woodinville. He said he hoped the wines would do more good for the world through the auction than they did collecting dust in his custom-built basement wine cellar. Dating back to the infancy of Leonetti — the early 1980s when the Walla Walla producer rose to prominence nationally — Sauer began to collect the wines. It wasn’t necessarily because he thought the wines were great, but because he and Gary Figgins, owner and founding winemaker for Leonetti, were childhood friends. They lived down the road from each other, prowled around town together, got in trouble together. When Gary started making wine, Hank began buying it. Year after year he accumulated it, to the point that now he has a collection that includes every single red wine ever made by Leonetti Cellar. This isn’t about wine, it’s about enduring friendship. “Gary and I grew up together,” Sauer said. “We were 10 houses apart. We were very close.” He still remembers the old neigh-
borhood and every kid who lived there. “If you ask me, the story in the neighborhood was the good food over at the Figgins house — Italian. But if you ask Gary, he’ll tell you the good food was the German food at the Sauer house.” The legend goes that Gary’s Italian heritage led to winemaking. Walla Walla has a long heritage of Italian immigrants arriving with their traditions, including vineyards and wines. The first winery in Walla Walla opened in 1876 by Frank Orselli, who had immigrated from the Tuscan town of Lucca. Upon arrival, he did what came naturally, he planted grapes and made wine. Figgins’ family — particularly the Leonetti side — also made wine. Gary followed suit. Sauer remembers the first Leonetti weekend vividly. “The word on the street was that Gary was making wine, so (my wife) Nancy and I decided to check it out,” Sauer said. Little did Sauer realize that he was witnessing the beginning of a phenomenon. It was 1981, and Figgins had just publicly released his first red wine, the 1978 Cabernet Sauvignon. It had won a gold medal in summer 1980 at the Tri-Cities Wine Festival, an award that earned it entrance into a 1981 competition staged by Winestate Wine Buying Guide, a nationally circulated publication out of California that today is a top periodical based in Australia. That same year, Wine & Spirits magazine named the Leonetti Cab the best in the nation, sealing the upstart winery’s reputation and raising the bar for all who followed. Figgins told the Tri-City Herald he almost didn’t enter the judging because he didn’t want to give up two bottles of his wine. uAUCTION, Page 15
Hank Sauer, 62, of Kennewick, has been collecting Leonetti Cellar’s Cabernet Sauvignon for 37 years. He donated a rare vertical flight to the Auction of Washington Wines which sold for $32,500 last month. The proceeds will establish a scholarship in Hank and Nancy Sauer’s name to help children of migrant workers attend Washington State University’s Ste. Michelle Wine Estates Wine Science Center in Richland to study viticulture and enology. (Courtesy Andy Perdue/Great Northwest Wine)
Senior Times • September 2017
FISHING, From page 7 Palmus stated that DownUnderSportFishing has no plans to offer any offshore fishing, such as catching marlin. Instead, they’ll be fishing in the estuaries in Australia. “We know enough people in the Tri-Cities and have clients on this side that want to go to Australia, and we know people in Australia that want to fish in the Northwest,” he said. “We’re trying to put together a package deal.” Once clients arrive, Palmus said they want to make the experience as stress free as possible.
“We’ll pick you up, take you to your hotel or accommodations— maybe a houseboat—and basically play tour guide everyday,” he explained. The goal is to open the D o w n U n d e r S p o r t F i s h i n g ’s Australian branch by winter 2018. The husband and wife team will travel back and forth, chasing the sunshine, and occasionally get a fishing trip in for themselves. “My wife is the better fisherperson,” Palmus admitted. “I spend more time running the boat.” Find DownUnderSportFishing on Facebook or call 509-820-1100.
ALZHEIMER’S, From page 2 “Once you say you have it, you’re going to die with it. There’s not a survivor. Hopefully in my lifetime, there will be a survivor,” she said. The Poland family owns and operates Ray Poland and Sons construction company in Kennewick. Her sister, Candy Thornhill, oversees a fundraiser in partnership with the Tri-City Americans hockey team. This year’s Alzheimer’s Awareness Night is Oct. 21. Proceeds from T-shirt and ticket sales plus a silent auction have helped to raise more than $27,000
for the association since 2012. No Alzheimer’s survivors have been able to drop the puck at the games because no one survives the disease, Thornhill said. She said her family hopes their efforts help, so one day no one dies from the disease. Tickets for the game can be bought online at AmsAlzheimer. More information about the Walk to End Alzheimer’s can be found at or by calling 509456-0456, ext. 8311.
FLOAT, From page 3 When the float time is up, visitors can shower again to remove the salty water from their body. Hot tea then awaits in the lobby to complete the spa experience. MacLean said it may take up to four visits to truly appreciate the full benefits of floating, though she said one client felt immediate relief from her fibromyalgia after a first float, a freedom from pain she had not experienced in years. Floats are done in private and the suites are not set up for an experience as a couple. In the future, MacLean and Wright intend to remodel the basement of the building to include float rooms that won’t be enclosed like a pod to allow two people to float together. Besides floating, additional spa services are available. MacLean and her father-in-law, Danny Wright, are both licensed massage therapists and offer Swedish, deep tissue, sports and hot stone massage. Danny Wright spent 32 years as a driver for Dial-a-Ride before retiring last year. He became a certified massage therapist more than 15 years ago, and it was through his work as a massage therapist that he met MacLean, and she eventually met and married his son, Ryan. Danny Wright also studies the practice of sound therapy. He said he has one of the largest collections of tuning forks in the Tri-Cities, using the devices to align frequencies in the human body to promote healthy organ function, positive chakra or psychic atunements. MacLean also offers cupping therapy, including fire cupping. The procedure uses a suction to drawn skin into a cup, which is said to treat pain and inflammation and may be considered a form of massage. Float Euphoria, located at 3221 W. Kennewick Ave., is open seven days a week, by appointment only. Services are available 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekends. For more information: call 509-9401888, visit or find on Facebook.
Senior Times • September 2017
Kennewick Senior Center
500 S. Auburn St., Kennewick • 509-585-4303 All activities are at the Kennewick Senior Center unless otherwise listed. For more information, call 509-5854303. • Bunco: 1 to 3 p.m. Fridays. Cost: $1 per day. • Woodcarving: 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesdays. Cost: 75 cents per day. 9 a.m. to noon Fridays. Cost: $1 per day. Bring your supplies or borrow from the class.
• Dominoes: 12:30 to 2 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays. Cost: 50 cents per day. • Party Bridge: 12:30 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Cost: 50 cents per day. • Bridge Tournament: Second Sunday of each month, 2 to 6 p.m. Cost: $1. RSVP 509-586-3349. • Pinochle: 7 to 9:30 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Cost: 50 cents per day. 6 to 9 p.m. Sundays. Cost: $1 per day. • Chinese Mahjong: 1 to 4 p.m. Wednesdays. Cost: $1 per day. • Clay Sculpting: 1 to 2 p.m. Mondays. Cost: $1 per day. Bring your own supplies and projects. • Sewing: 6 to 9 p.m. Thursdays. Cost: $1 per day. • Indoor Walking: 9 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday. Cost: $1 per
day. Location: Southridge Sports Complex, 2901 Southridge Blvd., Kennewick. • Hair Cuts & Clips: Hair cuts provided by Pam Eggers. Second and fourth Wednesday of each month, 9 to 11 a.m. by appointment only. Cost $1. Call 509-585-4303. • Taijuquan: 6 to 7 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays. Call 509-430-1304 for cost and to register.
First Avenue Center 505 N. First Ave., Pasco • 509-545-3459
Most of Pasco’s senior services programs take place at the First Avenue Center at 505 N. First Ave., near the Amtrak station behind City Hall, unless otherwise listed. • Basin Wood Carvers: 1 to 4 p.m. Thursdays. Cost: Free. • China Painting: 9 a.m. to noon Tuesdays. Cost: Free. Bring your own project and supplies. • Cribbage: 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays. Cost: Free. • Drop-In Snooker: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Cost: $1 per day. • Mexican Train Dominoes: 12:30 to 3 p.m. Mondays. Cost: Free.
• Pinochle: 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays. Cost: Free. • Wavemakers Aqua Fit: Class for those with arthritis, fibromyalgia, lower back pain, muscle weakness, those who use a cane or a walker and anyone who loves the pool. Location: Oasis Physical Therapy, 6825 Burden Blvd., Suite D, Pasco. This class is offered on various days/times. Call 509-545-3456 to register. • Enhance Fitness (40+): Class focuses on stretching, balance, low impact aerobics and strength training. 10 to 11 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Cost: $30 for residents, $38 for others. No class Monday,
Aug. 21. Call 509-545-3456 to register. Location: Pasco City Hall Activity Center, 525 N. Third Ave., Pasco. • Happy Feet program (60+): Get your feet cared for by a licensed, registered nurse. By appointment 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
Thursdays. Cost: Free with suggested donation of $12 to $15 per person. Call 509-545-3459. • Foot Care for Adults (18+): Get your feet cared for by a licensed, registered nurse. By appointment only, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cost: $30. Call 509545-3459.
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Senior Times • September 2017
Richland Community Center
500 Amon Drive, Richland • 509-942-7529 All activities are at the Richland Community Center unless otherwise listed. For more information, call 509942-7529. • American Mahjong: 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Thursdays. Cost: free. Location: lounge. • Cribbage: 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays. Cost: free. Location: lounge. • Billiards: 1 to 4 p.m. Monday
through Friday. Cost: $2 per day. Location: pool room. • Golden Age Pinochle: 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Cost: $1 per day. Location: game room. • Duplicate Bridge: 12:30 to 4 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Cost: $1 per day. Location: game room. • Party Bridge: 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Mondays and Wednesdays. Cost: $1
per day. Location: game room. • Bridge Buddies: 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays and 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Thursdays. Cost: $1. Location: game room. • ACBL Bridge: Various groups. For a schedule of each group visit the Richland Community Center or call 509-942-7529. • Dominoes: 12:30 to 3 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Cost: free.
West Richland Senior Center
616 N. 60th, West Richland • 509-967-2847 All activities are at the West Richland Senior Center. For more information, call 509-967-2847. • Bunco: Noon Tuesday, Sept. 6 and noon Friday, Sept. 15. • Potluck Dinner: 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 12. Bring a dish to share. Drawing for metal art will be held. Raffle tickets are $1.
• Bingo: Monday, Sept. 21. Hot dog lunch starts at noon with a suggested $3 donation. Bingo starts at 1 p.m. • TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Fitness: 11 a.m. Thursdays. • Exercise: A co-ed, light cardio and hand weights class. 9
a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. A donation of 50 cents for members and $1 for others is appreciated. • Art: 1 p.m. Saturdays. • Annual meeting: 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 19. Vote for who you want on the West Richland Senior Center board. Three spots are open.
Location: lounge. • Birthday Club Social: Second Tuesday of each month, Noon to 12:30 p.m. Cost: free. Location: lounge. • Pie Socials: Third Tuesday of each month, noon to 12:30 p.m. Cost: free. Location: lounge. • Greeting Card Recycling: 9 to 11 a.m. Mondays. Cost: free. Location: meeting room. • RSA Dance: Third Friday of the month, 1 to 4 p.m. Cost: $6 per person. Location: Riverview room. • International Folk Dancing: 7 to 9 p.m. Thursdays (location: Riverview room) and 6 to 9 p.m. the first Saturday of the month for a potluck and dancing (location: activity room). • Fitness Room: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays and noon to 4 p.m. Sundays. Cost: $2 per day or $8 per month. Location: Fitness room. • Foot Care for Fabulous Feet: Have a licensed registered nurse specializing in geriatrics care for your feet. 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Thursdays. Cost: $30. Location: wellness room. Call 509-942-7529 for an appointment.
uCALENDAR Saturday, Sept. 23 • Time of Remembrance Candlelight Vigil: 7:30 p.m., Columbia Park Veterans Memorial, Kennewick. Information Sept. 23 – 24 • Ye Merrie Greenwood Renaissance Faire: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Columbia Park, Kennewick. Visit Sunday, Sept. 24 • Time of Remembrance Ceremony: 10 a.m., Flat Top Park, 4705 W. Van Giesen, West Richland. SEPT. 25 – 26 • Town hall meeting for former Hanford Energy Workers: 1 – 5 p.m., Hampton Inn, 486 Bradley Blvd., Richland. RSVP 509-9434400. Free event. Saturday, Sept. 30 • Heritage Days: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sacajawea State Park, Pasco. Free event.
Senior Times • September 2017
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white bean chili, dilled peas, cornbread and yogurt with berries. • Tuesday, Sept. 26: Macaroni and cheese, sausage patty, seasoned beets, salad with dressing and chilled pears. • Wednesday, Sept. 27: Meat lasagna, broccoli, breadstick and apple crumble. • Thursday, Sept. 28: Chicken enchilada casserole, refried beans, Spanish rice, seasoned corn and fresh watermelon cubes. • Friday, Sept. 29: Hamburger on a bun, baked beans, coleslaw, letter, tomato, onion and fresh fruit. For more information about Senior Life Resources Northwest visit
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tatoes, Italian vegetables, wheat roll and ice cream. • Monday, Sept. 18: Spaghetti and meatballs, green beans, garlic breadstick, salad with dressing and peach crumble. • Tuesday, Sept. 19: Meatloaf with gravy, mashed potatoes, brussels sprouts, wheat roll and a cherry oat bar. • Wednesday, Sept. 20: Lemon pepper cod, herbed potatoes, honey glazed carrots, bread and pears. • Thursday, Sept. 21: All Senior Picnic Day! Barbecue chicken breast, baked beans, potato salad, breadstick and sherbert. • Friday, Sept. 22: Chef salad, chilled pineapple, bread and oatmeal cookies. • Monday, Sept. 25: Chicken and
© 2017 Syndicated Puzzles
Meals on Wheels is a program of Senior Life Resources Northwest and is supported by donations. For those 60 and over the suggested donation is $2.75 per meal. Meals may be purchased by those under 60 for $7.15. Menu substitutions may occur. For reservations, call between 9 a.m. and noon the day before your selected meal. For reservations in Richland, call 509-943-0779; Kennewick 509-585-4241; Pasco 509-543-5706; Parkside 509-5452169; Benton City 509-588-3094; Prosser 509-786-1148; and Connell 509-234-0766. The Senior Dining Café serves soups, sandwiches and salads without a reservation. Hours are 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. The café is located at 1834 Fowler St. in Richland and can be reached by calling 509-736-0045. • Tuesday, Sept. 5: Beef stroganoff, garlic noodles, brussels sprouts, wheat roll and cottage cheese with pineapple. • Wednesday, Sept. 6: Baked cod with dill sauce, oven roasted potatoes, broccoli, carrot raisin salad, bread and a blueberry oat bar. • Thursday, Sept. 7: Herbed chicken, mushroom gravy, au gratin
potatoes, peas and carrots, bread and pears. • Friday, Sept. 8: Beef stir fry, steamed rice, salad with dressing, wheat roll and spiced apples. • Monday, Sept. 11: Salisbury steak with gravy, mashed potatoes, glazed baby carrots, bread and sorbet. • Tuesday, Sept. 12: Chicken fiesta, Spanish rice, refried beans, corn bread and yogurt with berries. • Wednesday, Sept. 13: Harvest apple pork chop, rice, apple-cabbage slaw, green peas, bread and a cranberry oat bar. • Thursday, Sept. 14: Chili stuffed potato, seasoned broccoli, wheat roll and poke cake. • Friday, Sept. 15: Birthday day! Roast beef with gravy, mashed po-
Sudoku - Easy
Meals on Wheels September menu
How to beat Str8ts - No single number, 1 to 9, can repeat in any row or column. But rows and columns are divided by black squares into compartments. Each compartment must form a straight - a set of numbers with no gaps but it can be in any order, eg: 7, 6, 8, 9. Clues in black cells remove that number as an option in that row and column, and are not part of any straight. Rules of Sudoku - To complete Sudoku, fill the board by entering numbers 1 to 9 such that each row, column and 3x3 box contains ever number uniquely. For more strategies, hints and tips, visit www. and www.str8ts. com.
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Turn Back the Clock...
Sept. 28: Walter Washington is elected the first mayor of Washington, D.C.
Str8ts example
Senior Times • September 2017
David Cooley is the front man for the Cooley Band, which will be performing at annual All Senior Picnic. The event is from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 21 at Howard Amon Park. (Courtesy Mirifoto)
PICNIC, From page 1 “It just became more and more a part of my work. I began to realize more and more of these people really appreciate good music and a good presentation,” he said. Cooley grew up in a musical family and has been performing since he was a kid and professionally for 30 years. His work has taken him across the country and around world. Cooley has recorded three albums, two with jazz standards and one with original songs. “My most popular is, ‘Belly Up to the Bar of Love.’ It’s old-school blues style. People love that song and they sing along to it like they’ve known it
their whole life,” he said. Once Cooley began performing at senior facilities, he had to learn more songs. “I had to go way back before my time. I used to do ’50s and ’60s rock music way back when. With these senior shows, I had to go way back to the ’20s, ’30s and ’40s. The music is really delightful. I like singing and performing it,” he said. One of his most requested songs is, “I Left my Heart in San Francisco.” Seniors also love singing along to Sinatra’s “It Had to be You,” he said. “I encourage people to sing. Some sing along and some sit there with their eyes closed,” he said. Seniors frequently chat with Cooley and the band after the show and tell them the music transported them back in time, Cooley said. “People really enjoy the music. It’s rather hypnotic to me as well. Some of the lyrics take me off into space and I think I share that with the audience and we all go together,” he said. Admission for the All Senior Picnic is $7 in advance, or $10 at the door, and includes lunch, entertainment, vendors and a chance for door prizes. On the lunch menu is barbecue chicken, potato salad, baked beans, breadstick and dessert. Buy event buttons at the Richland Community Center, the Kennewick and West Richland senior centers and the First Avenue Center in Pasco.
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Senior Times • September 2017 AUCTION, From page 9 The Walla Walla wine was competing against gold medal winners from 55 California producers and 13 from elsewhere in the United States. Figgins’ 1978 Leonetti Cabernet Sauvignon won best of show at the judging — essentially becoming the best wine in the country — and that became a seminal moment in the Washington wine industry. Suddenly, attention was drawn to the state as a red wine producer, paving the way for a Walla Walla wine industry that until that moment didn’t exist. By the time of that first release weekend, Figgins had just 42 bottles of this award-winning Cab left. He had raised the price from $15 a bottle to $50, according to the Tri-City Herald. “I’d been drinking wine since 1969,” Sauer said. “So it was an opportunity to grow from rosés to reds. Nancy was still into whites, but that’s OK. So we went to Gary’s house, there wasn’t a lot of wine, but the crowd was nice and everybody knew everybody because it was a hometown crowd. You went down into their basement, which was the size of a closet. Three people could go down at a time.” Hank and Nancy bought three bottles, a sizable investment for two young teachers who weren’t big on
red wine. “That was how it all started,” Sauer said. It was the beginning of his now overflowing cellar. Through the years, Sauer’s collection of Leonetti grew. He typically buys the full allotment each year — about three cases — and takes his greatest joy in sharing it with others. Nancy will attest to the fact that when they go out to dinner and bring a bottle of Leonetti, Hank is prone to wandering the dining room, providing tastes to other patrons. That outgoing personality and giving heart have never diminished. Sauer’s civic work led to his selection as the 2008 Kennewick Man of the Year. This year marks the 40th anniversary of Leonetti Cellar, and the Auction of Washington Wines was looking for a way to celebrate the anniversary when Sauer approached Executive Director Sherri Swingle about donating his vertical. “We (were) honored that Hank and Nancy Sauer have entrusted the Auction of Washington Wines with such an amazing offering,” Swingle said. “This lot will establish a legacy and provide opportunity for members of our industry with big dreams and a passion for our industry. This offering is symbolic of Washington wine — blending friendship, hard work and
patience for something that will be simply legendary.” The proceeds from the auction lot will establish a scholarship in Hank and Nancy’s names that will help children of migrant workers attend Washington State University’s Ste. Michelle Wine Estates Wine Science Center in Richland to study viticulture and enology. To own a 37-year vertical of Leonetti — every Cab ever made — is remarkable, said Doug Charles, owner of Compass Wines in Anacortes. “I’ve only seen it once,” he said. “It was a vertical I put together for a customer several years ago.” Charles pointed out it was equally rare the wine has been stored correctly since it was purchased from the winery, so each bottle’s provenance can be accounted for. The last time Charles saw the 1978 Leonetti Cab was several years ago when he was having two bottles recorked at the celebrated Walla Walla winery. “They were absolutely spectacular. They were just stunning,” he said. Charles got into the wine business the same time that wine was released. He was working at the legendary Oyster Creek Inn on Chuckanut Drive, a windy, scenic road that skirts the coastline south of Bellingham. He
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was running the wine program, and they had the 1978 Leonetti Cab on the list for $125 per bottle. Astonishingly, it had no problem selling out, even though Leonetti and Washington reds had no track record. “We sold all that we had, about a half-dozen bottles,” he said. “Nobody was ever disappointed.” Now as a wine shop owner and buyer and seller of rare wines, Charles still considers that 1978 Leonetti the iconic wine in Washington history. He puts it on a pedestal with the Bordeaux First Growths and the 1973 Cab from Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars that shocked the Judgment of Paris in 1976. “(The 1978 Leonetti Cab) is the most significant wine ever made in Washington,” Charles said. “It’s the pinnacle of Washington wines. I think it deserves that rarified air. I don’t hesitate to say this wine stands out.” The auction, ranked among one of the largest charity wine auctions in the country, supports Children’s Hospital in Seattle and Washington State University. This is the first time Hank and Nancy Sauer attended the semi-formal gala. The Sauers shared a table with Gary Figgins and his wife Nancy. The auction raised $4.19 million this year.
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Kennewick, Washington
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Senior Times • September 2017
uBRIEFS Learn about agency’s aging long-term care services
Learn about the programs offered by Southeast Washington Aging and Long Term Care at a free presentation. Topics include caregiver respite, good nutrition, better foot care and transportation. The session is from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 12 at the Tri-Cities Cancer Center, 7350 W. Deschutes Ave. in Kennewick. RSVP by Friday, Sept. 8. A free lunch will be provided with an RSVP. Call 509-737-3427 to register or visit and click on the calendar of events page to register online.
United Way event to highlight community impact stories
The United Way of Benton and Franklin Counties is kicking off an event called, “Life Stories That Unite Us.” The presentation will highlight stories about lives in the Mid-Columbia that have been transformed, and ways the community’s toughest problems have been solved. The event from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 20 at Three Rivers Convention Center, 7016 W. Grandrige Blvd., Kennewick. Breakfast will be served at 8 a.m. Tickets are $20. To register, call 509-783-4102 or go
Dance competition to feature Tri-City celebrities
Dancing with the Tri-City Stars is gearing up to showcase the moves of Tri-City stars. The program will be 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 6 at Chief Joseph Middle School Auditorium, 504 N. Wilson St., Richland. The event, sponsored by local dance instructor Beth Trost, is entering its third year. The Utah Ballroom Dance Company will train eight local celebrities for the competition, as well as present their own showcase after intermission. This year’s participants are Bruce
Walker, a Columbia Basin College music professor and conductor; Deidra Murphy, Mrs. Washington 2017; David Sawicki, a retired combat veteran; Lori Lott, Tri-Cities Cancer Center special events coordinator; Roberto Parra, fitness instructor; Michelle Gonenen, Richland police officer; Scott Smith, State Farm Insurance agent; and Jade Redinger, an anchor with KAPP/KVEW. Judges will be Mary Lou Gnoza, Justin Raffa and Rich Breshears. Tickets are $30 and available at A-1 Shoes in Marineland Village, 201 N. Edison St., Kennewick and Boutique 627, 627 The Parkway, Richland or at For more information, call 509-586-7609.
FALL 2017
Call to Vendors Tuesday, Oct. 17 • 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Pasco Red Lion Hotel 2525 N. 20th Ave. • Pasco, WA
Here’s an opportunity to meet and talk with hundreds of seniors from around the Mid-Columbia. As an exhibitor, this one-day event is designed to showcase your products or services to active and retired seniors, their families and caregivers.
ut o b a Ask ip h s r o s spon nities! rtu o p p o
Space is limited — sign up early. Call 509-737-8778 for information.