Senior Times - April 2020

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APRIL 2020 Volume 8 • Issue 4

Washington adding more hospital beds in coronavirus fight By Wendy Culverwell

See list of stores offering senior shopping times Page 3

Here’s how to help coronavirus efforts in the Tri-Cities Pages 7-9

Family’s foundation strives to put more kindness into world Page 12

MONTHLY QUIZ Who is the Academy Award winning cinematographer for the movie “Hud” born in Guangzhou, China, in 1899 and who immigrated with his family to Pasco that same year? Answer, Page 13

The COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating a health crisis that has claimed more than 120 rural hospitals in recent years. But it is also raising the fortunes of at least one closed Yakima hospital and begs the question: Will more reopen? As Washington residents adapt to Gov. Jay Inslee’s Stay Home Stay Healthy order to stay home to slow the spread of coronavirus, the state is racing to add more hospital beds to handle the influx of patients. The Washington Department of Health announced emergency steps that will add hundreds of beds to the system, including 250 in Yakima, where the bankrupt Astria Regional Medical closed in January. Astria Health has filed notice with bankruptcy court that the state will lease the closed hospital for $1.5 million a month and reopen it as a “surge” facility to handle anticipated patient demand from COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus. The health department expects to receive two 150-bed hospitals and six 40bed hospitals from the Department of Defense, which likely will be sited in Pierce, Snohomish and King counties. The state also has bought 1,000 beds that are ready to be positioned within the current system. The race to boost capacity may be good news for closed hospitals but is likely temporary. Health officials initially played down the possibility of reopening closed facilities, saying their focus was on bolstering the capacity of current medical facilities. That said, it didn’t rule out pressing closed hospitals into service. uHOSPITAL BEDS, Page 14

Courtesy Meals on Wheels Mid-Columbia Meals on Wheels staff and volunteers wear masks and gloves to prepare frozen meals to distribute to Tri-City area senior citizens.

Meals on Wheels ramps up frozen meal production to feed seniors By Kristina Lord

Though Mid-Columbia Meals on Wheels’ eight dining centers shut down daily hot lunch service and drivers have curtailed meal delivery to seniors’ doorsteps, the nonprofit’s staff and volunteers have been busy assembling frozen meals. “We’re not planning to go anywhere. We’ve been here 46 years, and although these are scary times, we’re here for them. We are 100 percent committed to our seniors and their loved ones who rely on us to provide nutrition, support and friendship. We appreciate the support of

our community and the faith they show in us,” said Kristi Thien, nutrition services director. The nonprofit cooked and packaged more than 11,000 frozen meals during the week of March 27. Thien said the team typically cooks about 3,400 meals a week. “Each of those meals requires product to be ordered, put away, cooked and then chilled, packaged, and boxed to be placed in our freezers. We’re working crazy hard to ensure that we have plenty of meals, and we want people to know that nobody needs to hoard them,” Thien said. uMEALS ON WHEELS, Page 3

Picking up phone may help seniors feel less isolated during outbreak By Wendy Culverwell

As Tri-Citians adapt to a statewide order to stay at home to combat the spread of the coronavirus, organizations serving seniors are racing to support those hit heaviest by the new normal. Those age 60 and over, particularly those with underlying conditions such as heart or lung disease, are the most vulnerable to COVID-19, the potentially deadly disease caused by the new virus. While details are still sketchy, the effort comes with a call to action for everyone: Pick up the phone.

Check in with family, friends and colleagues. Use the phone. Listen, attentively. It remains uncertain why seniors are most vulnerable and by extension, facing the most extreme forms of isolation. But they are. “It just seems apparent that it affects older people more, especially those with lung or heart disease,” said Dr. Wayne McCormack, professor and division head and William E. Colson endowed chairman in gerontology at the University of Washington School of Medicine. uISOLATED, Page 5




No spring expo, but watch for Vendor Showcase special section

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We decided to cancel our spring Senior Times Spring 2020 Expo before Gov. Jay Inslee issued his stay-at-home order. We love and value you too much and want you to be safe. The outbreak of coronavirus in our state made our choice a simple one. We simply won’t put you—our beloved readers and friends—at increased risk. Seniors are the most susceptible to severe illness, complications and possibly death from COVID-19, according to the Centers for Disease and Control. Older adults and people who have serious chronic medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes and lung disease face the highest risk of exposure to the virus. This spring, you will not be able to have the in-person contact you’ve become accustomed to at our Expo, but you will still be able to learn about the products and ser-

uBRIEFS Scammers target Social Security benefits

The Social Security Administration is warning seniors that scammers are attempting to take advantage during the coronavirus pandemic. Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefits will be paid on time with no action required of recipients, the government said. Scammers will attempt to trick victims by saying they have to provide personal information or money to maintain their benefits. It is not true. Hang up on callers who make such claims, officials advised.

Gas prices continue tumbling amid market uncertainty The national average for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline decreased to $2.01 in late March. The national average has not been this low since March 2016, AAA reported. It’s expected to drop under $2 a gallon this month. The Tri-City average on March 30 was $2.47 a gallon, which is lower than the statewide average of $2.76 a

All prices include Kennewick sales tax.

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vices you’d normally at our expos in the Vendor Showcase special section in the May Senior Melanie Hair Times. And Senior Times of course, we’ve got CEO COLUMN our fall expo to look forward to. It’s likely to be bigger and better than ever so be sure to mark your calendar for Tuesday, Oct. 20 at the Southridge Sports and Events complex in Kennewick. Until then, please follow governmental stay-home suggestions and mandates and heed health officials’ recommendations to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Here are the CDC’s recommended actions to reduce your risk of getting sick: • Stock up on supplies.

• Take everyday precautions to keep space between yourself and others. • When you go out in public, keep away from others who are sick, limit close contact and wash your hands often. • Avoid crowds as much as possible. • Avoid cruise travel and non-essential air travel. • During a COVID-19 outbreak in your community, stay home as much as possible to further reduce your risk of being exposed. Please call your doctor immediately if you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough and difficulty breathing. Melanie Hair is the founder and chief executive officer of the Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business and Senior Times.

gallon, according to AAA. A year ago the Tri-City average was 44 cents more per gallon. Pump prices continue to decline around the country as oil prices have decreased significantly in response to the increasing public health, financial and economic impact of COVID-19 and the crude price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia, AAA reported on March 26.

levy lid lift in the Aug. 4 primary. If approved, it will allow the district to hire additional personnel to help keep up with call volumes that have increased more than 78 percent since 2010. The levy lid resolution asks voters to return the fire levy to the previously approved amount of $1.50 per $1,000 of taxable value. The collected rate has dropped to $1.35 due to rising property values. If approved, it will add $3.75 per month for the owner of a home with a taxable value of $300,000, the district said. Visit for information.

Benton Fire District 4 seeks levy lid lift

Benton Fire District 4, serving West Richland, will ask voters to approve a



Grocery stores offer special shopping times for seniors By Senior Times staff

Grocery stores around the Tri-Cities have set aside special shopping times for senior citizens and other vulnerable populations more susceptible to the coronavirus. We’ve checked with several local stores to update this list, but it’s probably a good idea for customers to double-check hours before heading out. Grocery stores offering special senior shopping hours include: Albertsons: 7-9 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday. Stores are open for senior citizens and other at-risk members of the community, such as pregnant women or those with compromised immune systems. Costco: 8-9 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday. Stores open to members 60 and older. The pharmacy also will be open during this hour, but the food court will maintain its normal operating schedule. Fred Meyer: 7-8 a.m. Monday through Thursday. Store open for MEALS ON WHEELS, From page 1 Senior Life Resources Northwest completed a $100,000 project to build a 1,200-square-foot facility to house a large freezer to store frozen meals last year. Thien said the new freezer has been critical for storage. It was about 65 percent full on March 30. Meals on Wheels has been sending out about 5,000 frozen meals on Tuesdays. “Although we know they’re not as good as when we deliver them immediately after they’re prepared, we haven’t had complaints. Mostly people are just so grateful that we’re getting food to them, and I think they’re as worried about us as we are about them,” Thien said. All of the Meals on Wheels dining rooms are closed for their regular Monday-through-Friday hot meals. From 10 a.m. to noon Tuesdays seniors can pick up their frozen meals at the Richland, Kennewick, Pasco, Pasco Parkside, Benton City and Prosser sites. Pickup in Connell is 10 a.m. to noon Wednesdays. Frozen meals also may be picked up from the Meals on Wheels Café every Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., regardless of which site clients typically dine in. The café is at 1834 Fowler St. in Richland. Volunteer drivers will deliver meals to homebound clients on Tuesdays, with Thursdays serving as an overflow day for routes that have gotten too full or if a client misses a Tuesday delivery, Thien said. The agency began offering limited home delivery and senior dining

those 60 and older. Ki-Be Market Grocery & Feed: 6:30-7 a.m. daily. Seniors 60 and older may shop half an hour before the usual opening time. Prosser Food Depot: 6-7 a.m. daily. Store open for senior citizens, pregnant women and those with compromised immune systems. Safeway: 7-9 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday. Stores are open for senior citizens and other at-risk members of the community, such as pregnant women or those with compromised immune systems. Target: 8-9 a.m. Wednesday. Stores will be open for vulnerable guests, including those over 65 years old, pregnant women or those defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as vulnerable or at-risk. Walmart: 6-7 a.m. Tuesday. Stores open an hour earlier for those 60 and older. Store pharmacies and vision centers also will be open during this time. Winco: 6-7:30 a.m. Tuesday and

Courtesy Walmart Many stores in the Tri-City area are offering special shopping times for seniors and other vulnerable populations.

Thursday. Stores are open for seniors, vulnerable populations and Winco employees. Winco said the employee access is intended to help local employee-owners who are working long hours to keep the doors to the stores open. Winco Foods also has temporarily discontinued the use of all bulk barrels

and bins requiring the use of scoops or tongs for unwrapped and ready-to-eat products. Yoke’s Fresh Markets: 6-9 a.m. Wednesday. Stores will be open to seniors and vulnerable guests. Also on Wednesdays, the pharmacy will open two hours early at 7 a.m.

A plea for help

Senior Life Resources Northwest, which runs Meals on Wheels, was forced to cancel a major fundraiser in early March that was expected to generate $50,000. Grant Baynes, executive director of the agency, encourages supporters to give money if they can, whether it is to Meals on Wheels or any cause that they support. Support Meals on Wheels at center meal service on March 16 to follow state recommendations that seniors avoid crowds. The duration is unknown. “The main message we want our seniors and their loved ones to hear is that we are not abandoning our clients. We will continue to feed our seniors and maintain contact with them to preserve their safety and well-being. Our meal service may look different for a while as we adjust to the current health climate, but we remain committed to these folks who count on us. We strive to be a caring agency who puts the needs of our seniors first, and our seniors need us now more than ever,” Thien said. Seniors age 60 and older who are not current Meals on Wheels clients who may now need meal assistance should call Mid-Columbia Meals on Wheels office at 509-735-1911 to sign up for meal service.

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Staying at home? Why not plant a garden? By Kristina Lord

Royceann Taft knows there’s solace to be found in the garden. The Master Gardener who lives in Kennewick said anyone can tap into it, especially in times of isolation or stress. “I have seen research that says that being out in the soil and sun is very, very good for your immune system. Not just your mental health, but your physical health, too. It makes sense to me that being outside and the mental part—you know you’re doing something to help yourself and your family,” Taft said. It’s a theme reminiscent of the victory gardens of World War I and II. Americans were encouraged to plant them during the war years to ensure an adequate food supply for civilians and troops. The nationwide effort turned front yards, backyards, schoolyards and vacant lots into vegetable gardens. In 1943, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt had a victory garden planted on the front lawn of the White House—one of the millions planted that year, according to Smithsonian Libraries. So maybe it’s time to consider

Photo by Kristina Lord The Washington State University Extension of Benton and Franklin Counties offers plenty of resources to assist new gardeners. Spring has arrived and the mild weather beckons despite state mandates to remain home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

planting a COVID-19 garden at your home. After all, spring has arrived and the mild weather beckons despite state mandates to remain home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. “We feel like we’re trapped a little bit. This is one way to work through that and try to do something to offset

all the other things. It’s a good place to take out any aggression or anger. You can definitely work it out if you’re building a garden,” said Taft, a Master Gardener since 2015. Master Gardeners are community educators trained to work in partnership with Washington State University Extension to educate the

public and promote science-based gardening practices. They also provide gardening advice at plant clinics, demonstration gardens and other outreach activities. Taft’s aunts were Master Gardeners in Oregon when the program first started. The semi-retired teacher decided the program would be a good fit for her as well because it combines her love of nurturing growth, whether it be in humans or tender green shoots. “I’ve always enjoyed that with my students—seeing their growth,” she said. “I love to watch little seeds pop up and taking care of them. I find it really, really enjoyable. I like being outside in the sun. And I’m not good at sitting still. Even as child, I struggled with that in school. I have to be doing something. I really, really enjoy just trying to grow my own food as much as I can. I know where it comes from, the conditions it’s grown in, and it’s more healthy.” Taft, 52, taught elementary and middle school for 28 years, mostly in Hermiston, but also in Pasco. In February, she taught a Gardening 101 class in Kennewick to a uGARDEN, Page 6


McCormack said it is “humbling” to contemplate the many questions that remain about coronavirus. It emerged in late 2019 and has spread to more than 100 countries. Washington, with 2 percent of the U.S. population, had an outsized share of the nation’s confirmed cases, prompting severe measures to slow the spread to give medical professionals a fighting chance to handle overwhelming caseloads. On March 23, Gov. Jay Inslee issued a Stay Home Stay Healthy order restricting nonessential activity and work. Schools are closed, as are restaurants, fitness centers and countless other gathering spots. Many construction sites are dark. Workers are staying home, telecommuting when possible. McCormack said the coming months will be difficult, but he offered words of hope. Most people who are diagnosed with COVID-19, even vulnerable seniors, will experience it as a bad cold. Most will recover. McCormack said he’s encouraged by the unparalleled cooperation in the global medical community. He’s in constant contact with colleagues around the globe. Researchers from the U.S. to hard-hit Italy and China are freely sharing information and research, he said. McCormack urges people to take the threat seriously and prescribes the now-common set of countermeasures—frequent hand washing, keeping a six-foot distance, avoiding social interaction and self-isolation, particularly when unwell. The next few months will be difficult, but McCormack called himself an optimist. “I know that’s not as much fun as getting together and having a hug. But this will pass,” he said. “We’re taking it seriously. There is fear but there is remarkable collaboration and resilience in the American spirit.”


Tri-City efforts

In the interim, Tri-City officials are scrambling to keep social distancing from isolating seniors. Senior Life Resources Northwest, which operates the Mid-Columbia Meals on Wheels program, has halted in-person dining and will deliver meals to thousands of seniors on a weekly rather than daily basis. It’s offsetting the lost contact with phone calls, said Grant Baynes, executive director of the Richland-based agency. “One of our strengths is the social contact when drivers bring the meal. It can be more important than the meal,” he said. “The fear now is isolation for seniors will become more extreme as people step back into their own world.” Baynes said Meals on Wheels encourages drivers to call their seniors, which is something it has not done in the past. “We feel like that friendly voice from a known driver will be reassuring and more important than ever,” said Baynes, a career firefighter before joining Meals on Wheels. Baynes encourages everyone to reach out and maintain meaningful contact with older neighbors to ensure they’re part of the battle against coronavirus. “I’d love for seniors to feel part of the solution and communicated as part of the solution,” he said. “It puts people into a more normal frame of mind to help others.”

Identifying seniors who need support

David Everett, president of the Richland Senior Association, said the Interagency Planning Group, or IPG, serving seniors is racing to identify seniors in the community who don’t have family nearby to ensure they have the support and supplies they need. The group is an association of Tri-City retirement centers. “There are a thousand nonprofits in the Tri-Cities and they’re all trying to figure out something,” he said.

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File photo The best way to help thwart the loneliness and uncertainty that comes with social isolation mandated by the coronavirus outbreak can be picking up the phone to talk with an elderly family member, friend or acquaintance, according to local and state officials who work with seniors.

The nonprofit formed to foster activity and connections among seniors with a variety of activities it undertakes with the IPG. Monthly dances and potlucks, meetups, education programs and philanthropic outreach are on offering. Or rather were. Coronavirus put a halt to all of that. Everett is worried. “Isolation is deadly,” he said. “Isolation is like smoking 10 packs of cigarettes a day.” But reaching people can be a challenge. About half the senior associa-

tion’s 500 members don’t use computers, he said. They’re split between those living in group settings such as nursing homes, retirement centers and those in the community. It’s the people in the community who don’t have family nearby who need contact and support. The goal is to identify them and find out what they need, whether it is food or something else. See page 7 for more details on how to help.

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Grocery Outlet now open in Richland

Franklin County clerk prevails The much-anticipated Grocery in dispute with judges Outlet Bargain Market has opened at The Washington State Supreme Court sided with Franklin County Clerk Michael Killian in a dispute over who determines how records are maintained. In a March 20 ruling, the state’s highest court ruled 8-0 that the elected clerk and not the Superior Court “gets to choose the format in which court documents are maintained.” The decision reversed a lower court decision. Killian moved to paperless records using the state’s new Odyssey system in early 2018. The BentonFranklin Superior Court instructed him to continue maintaining paper files. When he refused, the judges sued and won. The dispute sparked a sprawling legal case that expanded to include a fight about the judges’ legal fees and a dispute with the Franklin County prosecutor after the judges made their lawyer a deputy in his office. The Franklin County Commission refused to pay the judges’ legal fees. The county is obliged to defend officials who are sued in their official capacity, but not to initiate litigation against them. The supreme court denied the judges’ request for attorney fees.

Richland’s Vintner Square, 2901 Queensgate Drive. The store debuted March 24 with 30 employees. The store joins the Target-anchored shopping complex at Queensgate and Duportail Drive. It is the third Grocery Outlet in the Tri-Cities, joining sisters in Kennewick and Pasco. The new location is independently owned and operated by Nikki and Mike Sims. Shoppers can enter a drawing for a grand prize through April 23. No purchase is necessary.

Lieutenant governor won’t seek reelection

Washington Lt. Gov. Cyrus Habib has announced he will forgo seeking re-election this fall. Habib will enter the Jesuit priesthood following what is described as “two years of careful and prayerful discernment.” Habib, 38, a Democrat, was elected to the Washington House of Representatives in 2012, to the Washington Senate in 2016 and to statewide office in 2016. He is the only Iranian-American to hold statewide office.

GARDEN, From page 4

packed house of about 70 or so attendees, she said. At the end of March, Taft was busy preparing her home garden. “We bought a new piece of property and I’m starting to clear sod and put in raised beds. … I am figuring out where things are going to go,” she said. Taft grew up on a remote ranch in Roseburg, Oregon. “We had victory gardens on steroids. We grew almost everything for an entire year on our property. We had massive gardens growing up,” she said, admitting she didn’t have her first takeout food until she went away to college. It isn’t difficult to start up a small garden on your own, she said. If planning a patio garden, find seeds that specify the plants are well suited to containers, she recommended. She said this ensures compact-growing plants that thrive in smaller spaces. “You can grow pretty much anything you want in containers. It really depends on what you want to do,” she said. “Herb gardens are great if you only use them for cooking: rosemary, basil. They’ll stay small depending on the size of container. Those are always nice to have.” Taft said to place gardens or containers near the house so they’re visible and it’s easier to remember to care for them. “A lot of people are starting to put raised boxes in their front yard for this reason,” she said. “If the garden is out front, you’re out front, which

is a good way to meet neighbors. People always stop by and ask about what you’re growing. It actually builds community.” Having access to water so hoses don’t need to be dragged around and a southern exposure for a full amount of sun also are important considerations, she said. Cool season plants like peas and lettuces may be started outside in April. “Your warm season crops—peppers, tomatoes, summer squash— those should be out after our last freeze. I would not put them out until first part of May unless you have some way to protect those plants. Last year we had freeze at end of April,” Taft said. Taft said a lot of nurseries will deliver soil or compost to your driveway. They can be ordered on the phone and then delivered, all without having to leave the house, she said. Early spring also is a fantastic time to research gardening options, Taft said. Check out the free literature on gardening at Click on “Vegetable gardens” on the left to learn about how to grow anything from carrots and cucumbers, to green peas and beans, to radishes and tomatoes. There are also resources for flower beds, fruits, lawns, trees, shrubs and pest management. If you have questions for Master Gardeners, submit them online at benton-franklin. Click on “Gardening, then click on “Ask a Master Gardener.”



Here’s how to help coronavirus relief efforts in the Tri-Cities By Senior Times staff

Tri-City businesses and nonprofits are rallying the community to support hospitals, health care workers, seniors and families struggling to secure the resources they need to combat the spread of coronavirus, which causes the deadly COVID-19. Here are some of the ways to help.

Helping Hands for Seniors TC

The Richland Seniors Association and the Interagency Planning Group, an association of Tri-City retirement centers, launched Helping Hands for Seniors TC, a COVID-19 outreach effort to identify seniors in the community who may be in need of food and home supplies. It is particularly concerned about seniors who may not use computers or have family nearby or who don’t have the financial ability to stock up on needed supplies. Send suggestions, including lists of the supplies needed, to Katie Haynes at or call 509-627-2522. The drive is gathering food, books, magazines, newspapers, toiletries, hygiene items, pet supplies, toilet paper, adult diapers and other needed items. Follow the effort on Facebook at Helping Hands for Seniors TC:

Courtesy Visit Tri-Cities A promotional video from Visit Tri-Cities touts the message of supporting local businesses by using carryout and curbside pickup services. It features retired Gen. James Mattis, right, former U.S. Secretary of Defense and Richland native, picking up Spudnuts in the Richland Uptown.

niorsTC. Donations of food or household supplies may be dropped off at Windsong Southridge, 4000 W. 24th Ave., Kennewick, or at PCP Consulting, 732 N. Center Parkway, also in Kennewick, and Anthology Events Center, 706 Williams Blvd., Richland.

Give to United Way

United Way of Benton and Franklin Counties has set up a fund to support nonprofits straining to help families af-

fected by school and business closures due to the coronavirus response. Donations will be distributed to organizations providing food and childcare during the emergency. Give at Nonprofits can apply for funds. Go to for details or call 509783-4102.

TRIDEC collection

The Tri-City Development Council led a drive between March 23-28 that

collected more than 26,000 face masks and other pieces of protective equipment to distribute to area hospitals. The equipment is being sent to Kadlec Regional Medical Center, Trios Southridge Hospital, Lourdes and Prosser Memorial Hospital as well as other places as needed. TRIDEC directed future donations to Franklin County Emergency Management, 1011 E. Ainsworth Ave., Pasco. Needed equipment includes masks (surgical and N95), face shields and goggles, thermometers (home use and touchless/infrared), finger oximeters, hand sanitizer and isolation gowns.

Open for business

It’s no secret businesses are suffering as Washington residents stay at home to lower the risk of being infected with the coronavirus and that most have been ordered to close by Gov. Jay Inslee’s Stay Home Stay Healthy order on March 23. Area businesses are adapting to the changing circumstances. Both the TriCity Regional Chamber of Commerce and Visit Tri-Cities have curated lists of how restaurants and other businesses are serving customers through a delivery or pick-up model. The chamber list is online at, Page 15


One thing the coronavirus can’t do is take away our sense of community. Many of us are spending more time than usual at home and less time in public places, yet our desire to stay connected remains strong. Online access to Senior Times content is free –no paywall. Want print edition? Sign up online.

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Handy with a needle? Tri-City health care Here’s how to help: • Masks and gowns for Chaplaincy Health Care may be dropped off at Hospice House, 2108 W. Entiat St., Kennewick, or at the Chaplaincy administration building, 1480 Fowler St. in Richland. For more about the

By Wendy Culverwell

A Tri-City nonprofit that serves the terminally ill and their families is seeking volunteers to make masks and gowns to protect its caregivers from infectious diseases during the coronavirus pandemic. With N95 respirators and masks earmarked for hospitals and others, Chaplaincy Health Care is turning to homemade items to bolster its dwindling supplies of critical masks and gowns for hospice workers. It’s not the only health care agency seeking personal protective equipment donations. The Benton-Franklin Health District serving the Tri-Cities has received numerous donations and is working to pair the donations with agencies needing them. Leslie Streeter, Chaplaincy’s director of operations and business development, posted video instructions for both masks and gowns along with a plea for volunteers to produce them to the nonprofit’s Facebook page. Streeter hopes to secure about 200 masks and 200 gowns for use in Hospice House in Kennewick. Ideally, Hospice House would use commercially produced, sterile gear when needed, but hospices are ranked behind hospitals and senior centers on the priority list. As the need for protective gear rose with the coronavirus pandemic, Chaplaincy decided to turn to volunteers. Chaplaincy isn’t specifying fabrics or other details. All donations will be washed in hot water and sterilized. Donated items will be rewashed between uses. Handmade isn’t ideal, but it’s superior to no protection, Streeter said. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said health care professionals might use homemade masks to care for patients with COVID-19 as a last resort. However,

agency and its services or to make a financial contribution, go to • The Benton-Franklin Health District serving the Tri-Cities has received numerous donations, according to a Twitter post. Apply for donated masks

Photo courtesy of Chaplaincy Health Care Nurses at the Chaplaincy Health Care Hospice in Kennewick model homemade masks.

homemade masks are not considered personal protection equipment since their capability to protect workers is unknown. The CDC recommends caution be exercised and that homemade masks ideally should be used in combination with a face shield that covers the entire front and sides of the face. As of March 23, Hospice House had fewer than 100 masks and gowns. In normal circumstances, Hospice House personnel use protective gear around patients with infectious diseases, which is not typical. Most patients have terminal conditions that are not infectious. With coronavirus, it is stepping up its use of protective gear. Even so, it is restricting masks to use around patients who show concerning symptoms. Patients are routinely screened for temperatures or other symptoms of infectious illness. “Our supplies aren’t normally that high. That’s part of why we’re so hard hit,” she said.





Pleat Marks

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e agencies seek homemade masks, gowns at then email the form to • The Tri-Cities Cancer Center is accepting homemade masks at a drop-off station at the back of the building near the administration entrance. Call 509737-3413 prior to dropping off dona-

tions. The cancer center is at 7350 W. Deschutes Ave. in Kennewick. Donations also are accepted online to support comfort packs for cancer patients that include a blanket, soft hat and a satin pillowcase at

• The JoAnn fabrics store in Kennewick said it did not have free mask kits on March 26 because the nationwide chain ran out of material after announcing it would provide precut material for face masks then distribute the donated items to health care facilities

to support the coronavirus effort. • A link to a pattern for isolation gowns, suitable for beginning sewers, is here: • A link to a St. Josephs’ Health video guide to making face masks is here:

Pleat Marks

14 ½”

Use this pattern to sew a face mask.







7 ½”





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uBRIEFS Benton, Franklin counties receive housing grants

The state Department of Commerce has made $30 million in funding accessible to every county under a new grant to help local governments create housing necessary for quarantine, isolation and additional sanitation to address the coronavirus pandemic. Benton County will receive more than $392,000 and Franklin County more than $315,000. Each county received a minimum of $250,000, with the rest distribut-

ed based on the number of homeless persons as measured by the annual homeless count. The funding will address the quarantine and isolation needs for people experiencing homelessness and other people who cannot isolate at home.

Columbia Point sewer project affects marina

Work to upgrade the sewer system at Columbia Point Marina Park in Richland closed one of four boat ramps in March. The new high capacity sewer lift station at 606 Columbia Point Drive

serves the park’s restroom facility and two dock pumps.

Respond to Census by phone, mail or online

Homes began receiving their invitation to respond to the 2020 Census in March which included an identification code for completing the Census online. The Census may be completed online, by phone, or by mail when the invitation to respond arrives. If you do not respond online or by phone, you may receive a paper questionnaire in early April. Call 844-330-2020 to take the census over the phone. Otherwise, complete a paper questionnaire that will be mailed in early April. The 2020 Census will ask a few questions about you and everyone who is or will be living with you on April 1.

Alzheimer’s Association offering free online classes

The Alzheimer’s Association is offering a series of community education webinars in April. Topics include having difficult conversations about changing behaviors; effective communication strategies; healthy living; legal and financial planning; the 10 warning

signs of Alzheimer’s; and a twopart series for caregivers and professionals about providing care. The classes are free. Register by calling the association’s helpline at 800-272-3900.

Hotlines open to report vulnerable adult abuse

The Aging and Long-Term Support Administration has closed its office lobbies to the public to ensure the safety, health and well-being of customers, staff and community partners. Staff will continue to respond to calls and emails. The Adult Protective Services and Residential Care Services Complaint Resolution Unit are still receiving intake reports. Report vulnerable adult abuse, neglect, self-neglect, abandonment or financial exploitation to Adult Protective Services at 877-7346277 or online at reportadultabuse. Report concerns related to a facility or a person living in a facility to Residential CareServices at 800-562-6078; online at dshs.wa. gov/altsa/reportadultabuse.



Arts center group pulls out of Vista Field over funding By Wendy Culverwell

A nonprofit with a bold plan to build a performing arts center at the heart of Kennewick’s Vista Field has pulled out, saying it intends to pursue taxpayer funding in Richland. The Vista Arts Center vision is still very much alive, but the financial model has shifted to a public-private partnership, said Steven Wiley, chairman of the Arts Center Task Force. The task force had a $10,000 agreement with the Port of Kennewick to buy 2.2 acres at the heart of the Vista Field redevelopment project. The deal set the stage for the group to build a privately-financed arts center with an 800-seat theater, gallery, event space and catering kitchen. The agreement expired a year ago. Wiley notified the port in February it won’t renew after a 2018 study concluded the task force can’t raise the full $35 million to $40 million it needs from private contributions and grants. It will require about $20 million in public financing. It’s a dramatic shift for the Arts Center Task Force, which intended to fund its project with private contributions and grants. The public funding requirement knocked Vista Field out of consideration—the port won’t fund the project. Wiley confirmed the task force is pursuing a potential relationship with the Richland Public Facilities District. The district, an arm of the city, has the legal authority to ask voters to approve a one-tenth or two-tenths of a percent sales tax increase to build public facilities. In a subsequent phone call, Wiley said it was only fair to let the port know about its changing plans because the port is preparing to market the first lots at Vista Field this year. Wiley expects to announce new potential partnerships “soon.”

Courtesy Arts Center Task Force The Arts Center Task Force won’t build its 800-seat performing arts center at Vista Field in Kennewick. The nonprofit notified the Port of Kennewick it won’t seek to renew an agreement for 2.2 acres at Vista Field and is pursuing public funding elsewhere, possibly in Richland, instead.

He declined to elaborate, saying he doesn’t want to have to walk back promises. “The proof in the pudding is in the performing arts center. The project is not over at all,” he said. The port wished the task force well after reviewing the situation in March. “Should, in the future, the Arts Center Task Force find itself with funds sufficient to pursue building and operating a regional performing arts center at Vista Field, we remain willing and interested in discussing opportunities for collaboration; perhaps in a subsequent phase of build-out,” it said in a letter signed by Don Barnes, chairman of the board. The task force indicated there is interest in building the center in Richland, possibly next to the Reach Museum on Columbia Park Trail. The task force has presented its project to Richland’s Public Facilities District board, according to both Davin Diaz, its new executive director, and Rosanna Sharpe, executive

director of the district-owned Reach. Sharpe was speaking on behalf of Daniel Boyd, the board’s current chairman, who was unavailable to discuss the Arts Center Task Force plan. Sharpe said it would be up to the city of Richland to decide if such a project should be submitted to voters

because it is responsible for issuing and managing bonds. Hollie Logan, city spokeswoman, said the city council has not discussed the matter. Sharpe said the public facilities district board supports a performing arts center, but needs more information than it has received to date. “The PFD welcomes a conversation about it but until we see more codified documents about the bond, what their operational costs are, how they’re staffing it, what their program model looks like, those things will help us determine if we take it on,” she said. The Reach subleases its site from the city, which leases it from the Army Corps of Engineers. A performing arts center could require a waiver from the land’s recreational use designation. Diaz wants Richland voters to decide if the project moves forward. “Voters will have the opportunity to determine if they want it. That’s the beauty of the democratic process,” he said. Tri-City voters haven’t yet agreed to raise local sales taxes to build public facilities. The four ballot requests to date have all failed—a regional request uVISTA ARTS, Page 15


REMEMBERING Celebrate your loved one in our cremation garden. Pre-construction discounts available, for more information call (509) 783-9532.



Family’s foundation strives to put more kindness into world By Jeff Morrow for Senior Times

The button idea really was a simple one. Yet it took a Tri-City couple, Michael and Linde Thomas, more than 20 years to turn it into reality. The Thomases recently created a foundation called Kindhearted for Special Needs. They offer a line of products—buttons, lanyards and T-shirts, so far—that say things such as, “Be patient, I have Special Needs,” and “Please be Kind, I have Special Needs.” The products aim to raise awareness and promote thoughtfulness toward people with disabilities. “Our biggest hope of all is that people will be kindhearted towards their fellow children, men, women, students, or whoever they may encounter with special needs,” their website says, The Tri-City couple have three adult daughters: Genesis, 30; Sarai, 26; and Michaela, 25. Their middle child was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis, which means there are little tumors on her brain stem. These growths on the nerve endings can affect learning, balance, sight and hearing, among other functions. Linde said she was in shock at the diagnosis.

“You wouldn’t know she was special needs by just looking at her,” she said. For years, Michael and Linde tried to handle the problem themselves, and they spent a lot of time trying to explain Sarai’s condition to people over and over. “A lot of people as parents see the problem and try to solve it for their kids. You’re in denial,” Michael said. The disease affected Sarai’s ability to learn and mature. Numbers and words would jump around before her eyes and her attention span was short. Her maturity level will never be higher than at fifth-grade level, her parents said. Sarai, normally sweet and friendly, gradually became scared of people and quit talking to anyone. Teachers accused her of being lazy. Her parents, who owned a furniture store for 20 years, had always tried to keep at least one parent with Sarai to protect her. “We spent 20-something years being this buffer around her,” Michael said. Today, the couple work as real estate agents for Retter & Company Sotheby’s International Realty in Kennewick, allowing them more flexibility in caring for Sarai when needed. But it seemed that whenever Sarai was able to take a few steps toward independence, she experienced a setback—like when she rode a three-wheel

bicycle her grandfather made for her to the corner store with her two dogs in tow on leashes. A neighbor came outside and yelled at Sarai because her dogs had gotten out and she threatened to have them taken away. Sarai quit riding her bike. Then there was the time she went to a store, bought a Barbie and was able to use the self-checkout stand to pay for it —only to set off the alarm while leaving the store. She was terrified because she thought she was going to jail and would never see her family again. This was a few years ago. But it was at this point Mike and Linde remembered a trip they took with the girls to Disneyland. On birthdays, visitors receive “Today is my birthday” buttons so Disney cast members can enthusiastically greet them with well wishes. Why not try that same tact with a special needs button? Sarai didn’t want to wear one at first, and it took some convincing from her parents. But then something magical happened: She wasn’t invisible anymore. She went to a grocery store to buy food, and a woman noticed the button and politely engaged her in conversation. “It only took one time for her to wear that button,” Linde said. “She wore a shirt to Walmart. Nobody had talked to her. But suddenly people talked to her.” “It made such a difference right away,” Michael said. “You know, everyone is so focused on their own stuff. But you see people stop and the shift in the eyes of everyone.” Sarai was excited with that first reaction, and wears them everywhere now: movie theaters, parks, restaurants and stores. Immediately, the Thomases started the foundation called Kindhearted for Special Needs. They said they recently received their 501(c)3 status. And they’ve gotten national and international exposure about their work. Their Instagram account now has

Courtesy Kindhearted for Special Needs Sarai Thomas wears one of the Kindhearted for Special Needs shirts and buttons that asks strangers to extend grace.

more than 17,500 followers. And that may be why Kindhearted for Special Needs has taken off. And the couple isn’t done. They’ve developed a VIP badge that contains no metal for use in airport security checkpoints, which can be a stressful situation for people with special needs. “It’s called a Kindhearted VIP special pass,” Linde said. “Kind of like a speed pass at airports. We need to work with TSA on it.” The best part of this story is Sarai, who has found her niche. Most people want to be good people and these conversation-starter wearables give them an opportunity to be, Linde said. For years, the family had tried to educate people that Sarai needed extra time, a little more patience, assistance and compassion. Now, their products help to do this work. Their “Thank you for being kind... I’m special needs” button made Sarai’s world a better place—one person at a time. The buttons cost $5; lanyards $9; and shirts $20. Kindhearted for Special Needs:; Instagram; Facebook.

Through season of change you have kept your promise of love, honor and respect. Dementia has brought change, but your commitment remains strong. Let us help you to continue to love, honor and respect during this challenging season.


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Just for Fun Crossword

Across 1 Substitution word 5 Opposite of ‘tain’t 8 One of the WWII Allies 9 Circles and such 12 Stand-in 14 Lock opener 15 Ask for a loan 16 Fuss 17 Interrupted 19 Diplomat’s department 22 Tend the roast 23 Quixote’s opponent 25 Well, --- monkey’s uncle! 26 Air-pressure measure 27 Meet 30 They get elected


Solutions on page 15

33 Wears slowly 34 Hess or Breckinridge 35 Deity 36 Noble

11 Rock 13 Went for 17 Usual amt. 18 Record-holder --Ripken 19 Hit 20 Indonesian island 21 Not digital 24 Horn-wearing goddess 27 Jack’s “Chinatown” co-star 28 Concerning, in legal memos 29 Former Russian ruler 31 Words to wed 32 Mischievous child

Down 1 Wait in ambush 2 Now it makes sense! 3 Catch sight of 4 Online address 5 An event might be open to it 6 “--- the Walrus” (Beatles tune) 7 Talks 9 Mark left by a healed wound 10 Initiate the break-up

Word search - Spring Airy


































Medium Medium

4 14 1

Sudoku - Tough


Very Hard Very Hard

8 6 4 4 6 2 72 7 6 6 8 8 5 15 1 2 2 4 4 3 3 6 76 76 6 2 2 1 1 4 4 1 1 5 4 4 5 4 4 7 67 6 1 1 4 4 3 35 75 7 34 4 3 3 5 5 1 1 4

2 9

2 7 7 9 4 4 3 8 8 6 6 4

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5 5 8 8

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4 84 8

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© 2020 Syndicated Puzzles

Str8ts - Easy


How to beat Str8ts: No single number, 1 to 9, can repeat in any row or column. But rows and columns are divided by black squares into compartments. Each compartment must form a straight, a set of numbers with no gaps but it can be in any order, eg: 7, 6, 8, 9. Clues in black cells remove that number as an option in that row and column, and are not part of any straight. Rules of Sudoku - To complete Sudoku, fill the board by entering numbers 1 to 9 such that each row, column and 3x3 box contains ever number uniquely. For more strategies, hints and tips, visit and

How to How beat to Str8ts beat–Str8ts – To complete Sudoku, fill the board by entering To complete Sudoku, fill the board by entering Like Sudoku, no single 1 to 9 can repeat inrepeat any row Like Sudoku, nonumber single number 1 to 91: can in any row numbers 1 to 9 such that each row, column and 3x3 and 3x3 April AMC introduces the Gremlin. numbers 1 to 9 such that each row, column or column. But... rows and columns are or column. But... rows and columns are box contains every number uniquely. box contains every number uniquely. divided by black squares into compartments. 2 1 4 5 11: Apollo from divided by black squares into April compartments. 2 13 1 launched 4 5 Each compartment must form a straight many strategies, hints and tips, 5 6 3 4plans 2 5 3Forto Each compartment must formCape a straight - 6 4 with Kennedy make the strategies, For many hints and tips, 2 a set of numbers with no gaps but it can be visit for Sudoku a set of numbers with no gaps but it can be4 5 Quiz 2 1 visit for answer Sudoku from Page 1 in any order, eg [7,6,9,8]. Clues in black cellsmanned landing third on the moon. 4 5 2 1 and for Str8ts. in any order, eg [7,6,9,8]. Clues in black4cells and for Str8ts. 3 6 2 1 5 remove that number as an option in that row 5 3 6 2 1Nixon April 30:row U.S. 4President remove that number as an option in that James Wong Howe and column, and are not part of any straight. If you like Str8ts and other puzzles, check out our 3 5 2 1 4 and column, and are not part announced of any straight. that If you like Str8ts and other puzzles, check out our 3 5he2had 1 sent 4books,2,000 Glance at the solution to see how ‘straights’ iPhone/iPad Apps and much— more on ourFranklin store. County Glance at the solution to see how ‘straights’2 1 3 books, iPhone/iPad Apps andSource: much more on our store. are formed. 2 1 3 American combat troops into Historical Society are formed.


Turn Back the Clock...


Cambodia and ordered U.S. B-52 bombers to begin airstrikes.

Str8ts example



HOSPITAL BEDS, From page 1

“We are considering the possibility that we may need to use closed facilities to support our response over time. We don’t have any specific details or plans at this time,” the health department said in response to a question about the status of several closed facilities in Southeastern Washington. That was before the decision was made to reopen Astria. While rural hospital closures are somewhat concentrated in southern states that rejected the expansion of Medicaid, the Northwest hasn’t been spared. Only two months ago, Astria Health closed the 214-bed Astria Regional Medical Center in Yakima, a victim of bankruptcy, $40 million in losses and unanswered pleas for support to the state. Kennewick too has unused beds at the former Kennewick General Hospital, 900 S. Dayton St., now owned by LifePoint Health after a bankruptcy in 2017. LifePoint is parent to both Trios Southridge Hospital in Kennewick and Lourdes Medical Center in Pasco. It could not be reached to discuss what, if any, roles the unused beds buildings might play, either as primary care facilities or secondary treatment locations. But Congress is paying attention.

In March, U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse, R-Sunnyside, and 27 colleagues called for federal support to bolster rural hospitals during the pandemic. “At a time when access to care is of paramount importance, rural communities are facing unprecedented rates of hospital closures. Additionally, workforce shortages are significant and further impede access to care for the communities they serve. Health care worker shortages and the physical geographic barriers—such as distance, terrain and seasonal weather—make it especially difficult to access care in normal circumstances, let alone a global pandemic,” their letter stated. The letter calls on congressional leaders, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, to increase reimbursement rates for rural hospitals, to temporarily suspend the “Medicare sequester” to help their financial viability, provide federal support to address staffing shortages, to improve access to COVID-19 testing and increase the flow of medical supplies, including personal protective equipment, to rural communities. The full text of the letter is posted at Gov. Jay Inslee signaled the need to expand hospital capacity when he signed a host of bills designed to combat the spread of coronavirus, includ-

ing a budget bill. “The law creates more hospital capacity to counter those projections,” it said. While the governor’s steps focus on speeding up licensing for health care professionals, it highlights the challenges rural medical systems were already facing when the coronavirus pandemic first surfaced in late 2019. It has now spread to more than 100 countries. As of March 28, Washington state reported 4,896 positive tests for COVID-19 and 195 deaths. Benton County had 101 positive cases and three deaths. Franklin County had 32 positive cases. Chartis Center for Rural Health and IVantage Health, which tracks what it calls the rural hospital “crisis,” reported 120 closures in recent years in a Jan. 1 report. The study is available at Chartis, based in Chicago, notes the coronavirus pandemic should push health care systems to expand virtual care. “This situation should provide the impetus for all health systems to significantly expand virtual health capabilities so that patients can be monitored and treated at affiliated hospitals, at nursing homes and at home, where possible, to avoid core tertiary hospitals being deluged with these patients,”

it said. The Chartis study highlights the vulnerability of rural hospitals. One in four—453 critical access and rural and community hospitals—is at risk for closure from shifting cost models, difficulty in recruiting staff to rural areas and a rural population that is older with more complex health needs than its urban counterparts. In the interim, local hospitals are taking steps to control the spread of the virus within their current facilities. Here are the current rules governing patients and visitors: • Kadlec Regional Medical Center: Elective inpatient and outpatient surgeries for non-life threatening and non-urgent care was halted as of March 19. Most visitors are prohibited. • Kadlec ExpressCare Clinics are closed. Providers will care for patients through ExpressCare Virtual, a video chat site. Go to for information. • Trios Southridge Hospital in Kennewick banned visitors with limited exceptions for pediatric patients, obstetric patients and end-of-life care. Go to for updated information. • Lourdes Medical Center prohibits all visitors with limited exceptions for pediatric patients, obstetric patients and end-of-life care. Go to for updated information.

SENIOR TIMES • APRIL 2020 VISTA ARTS From page 11 in 2013 to build an aquatics center in Pasco and three requests to Kennewick voters to support “The Link,” an expansion of the Three Rivers Convention Center. Wiley, the arts center board chairman, believes the community will stand behind the performing arts center because it would only be asked to pay about half the cost. Kennewick and Richland residents identified a performing arts center as a top priority in a survey connected to the first public facilities district’s efforts. RELIEF, From page 7

for-business.html. The Visit Tri-Cities list is online at Visit Tri-Cities recruited retired Gen. James Mattis, former U.S. Secretary of Defense and Richland native, to spread the message that businesses need support now to survive the crisis. “We’re going to get through this coronavirus. We’re going to get through it by listening to our public health officials. Let’s make sure we’re all supporting our businesses. We’re still open for business, even if it’s carryout from your favorite restaurant. So let’s all pull together but stay apart, while we pull together and keep our businesses alive,” Mattis said in the video. Tri-Citians who are able to do so can support their favorite business by buying gift certificates—online—for use when the crisis passes.

O’Brien’s respirator drive

O’Brien Construction in Kennewick helped spark the Tri-City giving drive in mid-March, when it challenged fellow contractors to donate their inventory of N95 respirators to distribute to hospitals, first responders and medical care providers. Shortages have plagued the frontline workers caring for the sick. The Tri-City contractor even sweetened the pot with a prize for the individual or group that donates the most equipment—a guided fishing trip with Tony Fisher of Fisher’s Catch Outfitters, a Columbia River guide service based in Kennewick. Vice President Zak O’Brien said the company hoped to gather at least 1,000 N95 respirators. O’Brien noted contractors are major buyers of N95 respirators, which are mandatory protection for workers at job sites. N95 respirators are different from N95 masks. The former is a tight-fitting mask designed for a snug fit. The latter has softer edges and is more akin to a surgical mask that ties over the face but does not cinch to it.

The Arts Center Task Force may have to compete with two other performance-oriented amenities for support. The city of Kennewick is expanding the Three Rivers Convention Center with existing funds after voters rejected The Link. And Columbia Basin College requested $2.3 million from the state Legislature to design a replacement for its aging arts center. “You need to have a profound and moving case statement for why yours is going to be different,” Sharpe said.

uBRIEFS Irrigation district assessments are due

The first deadline to pay Kennewick Irrigation District assessments is coming up. The Benton County treasurer collects assessments for the Benton, Columbia and Kiona irrigation districts, but not KID. KID customers pay their assessments directly to the Kennewickbased district. The first half payments are due April 30. The balance is due Oct. 31. Customers may pay the entire balance at once as well. Customers can pay by mail with the coupons mailed earlier this year.

The Arts Center Task Force’s move to pull out of Vista Field coincides with the first phase of redevelopment. Total Site Services, a port contractor, was finishing up a $4.9 million project to build roads, sidewalks, utility lines and other infrastructure at Vista Field. The port will solicit proposals from prospective developers for the first 20 acres, including the former performing arts center site, this year. It initially viewed the performing arts center as the cultural heart for They also may pay by credit or debit card online, although there is a fee to do so. Delinquency fees begin accumulating the day after payments are due. Visit for information. Call 509-586-9111 for information or to learn about programs for low-income households.

Federal income tax filing extended to July 15

The federal income tax filing due date has been extended from April 15 to July 15. Taxpayers also can defer federal income tax payments due on April 15


Let us scan your current denture, so if there is a mishap, you are prepared.

Vista Field and a catalyst that would attract private investment. After the deal fell apart, the port said it expects Vista Field to thrive without it. Wiley notes the Arts Center Task Force has more than 1,000 supporters and raised more than $1 million to pursue the project, including about $250,000 to pay a Seattle architect for drawings. It had nearly $500,000 in net assets in 2017, according to its most recent filing with the IRS. to July 15 without penalties and interest, regardless of the amount owed. This deferment applies to all taxpayers, including individuals, trusts and estates, corporations and other non-corporate tax filers as well as those who pay self-employment tax. Taxpayers do not need to file any additional forms or call the IRS to qualify for this automatic federal tax filing and payment relief. The IRS urges taxpayers who are due a refund to file as soon as possible. Most tax refunds are still being issued within 21 days.

Puzzle answers from page 13


Lost your denture?


Crossword 1 8



















12 14








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Str8ts Solution



5 4 1 3 2 4 3 5 8 3 6 5 4 8 7 6 7 6 9 9 8

2 7 6 4 9 5 3 8

3 4 8 9 1 2 2 7 9 3 5 4 7 6 6 5


6 7 1 2 3 4

7 9 8 6 3 4 1 5 2

6 5 7 8 2 4 3

US 11x11 Wordsearch No.308 - Spring Word search Sudoku Sudoku Solution

Str8ts Solution

Columbia Basin Denture Care

509-586-4350 7233 W. Deschutes Ave. Suite E, Kennewick

S 5W E 3A T B 4 I R K M Q 6L R 8N A A 7 I E N L Y C

4H 2M U 3E 8A 5S 7O W 6

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9 2 6 1 3 4 5 8 7

3 7 5 9 2 8 1 4 6

7 3 1 8 9 2 4 6 5

5 6 8 4 7 1 2 3 9

4 9 2 5 6 3 7 1 8

For more strategies, hints and tips, visit and

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