Marble-LiteCorporation Cultured MarbleTableTops Composi teBases
MarbleLi teCorporati on
Tel3055578766 Fax3055578943
www. marbleli te. com
Marbleli tetopsmakean i deal restauranttable,astheyare extremelydurableand easyto clean.Damagesuch as ci garetteburnsorscratches can beeasi lybuffed.Topscan bemadei n amyri ad ofcolors and notj ustli mi ted to our standard colors. Both the 1¼”and 2”Tabletops aremadeoutofcultured marblewi th aplywood substrateunderneath.The topsaremadeusi ng ablend of crushed marblerock,polymers and resi n whi ch i sthen poured onto moldsthathave agelcoatprevi ouslysprayed. Theresulti ng topi s completelysealed ( nonporous) and i sfou o rti messtronger than quarrymarble.
Ourbasesaremadeoutofa polymercomposi tewi th a steelskeleton forstrength, Theyarei mpervi ousto rust,as no metali si n contactwi th ai r.Thusthe h ywi llnotbe affected byrai n,snow orsalt. Theycan beused both for i ndoor,and outdoor appli cati ons.Thebasescan be pai nted anycolorso theywi ll adaptto changesi ni nteri or desi gn orcolorschemes.
Wi th aspeci ali zed i nlay processyourown logo or artworkcan bedi splayed for allto see.
AsFeatured I n Flori daDesi gn Marbleli tetopsshown on thecoverofFlori da Desi gn’ sfeatureof Glori aEstefan’ sMi ami Beach Hoteland restaurantLari o’ s. M arbleLi tehasbeen supplyi ng tabletopsto Lari o’ sand otherhi gh profi lerestaurantsfor thelast20years.
Custom Logos Now through a revoluti onarynew processwecan now take alogo,artworkorany desi gn you chooseand i n ayi nl ti nto themarble ati ncredi blepri ces.
MarbleLi teCorporati on
Tel3055578766 Fax3055578943
www. marbleli te. com
Round TableTops 20”Round 24”Round 30”Round 36”Round 42”Round 48”Round Square TableTops 24”x24” 30”x30” 36”x36” 42”x42” Rectangular TableTops 24”x30” 26”x42” 30”x48” 36”x48” 30”x60”
i teCorporati on
Tel3055578766 Fax3055578943
www. marb
2”TableTopSi zes Round TableTops 24”Round 30”Round 36”Round Square TableTops 24”x24” 30”x30” 36”x36” Rectangular TableTops 42”x24”
Moresi zes comi ng soon. Al l t opsi nc l udepl y woodbac k i ngpr eat t ac hed.
MarbleLi teCorporati on
Tel3055578766 Fax3055578943
www. marbleli te. com
Custom Si zeTableTops Round tablesanysi zeupto 60”i n both 3/4”and 1”Edge. zeupto 144”x60” . SquareorRectangularorderanysi
Also avai lableTeppanYakitablestopsupto 144”x60”
1”or3/4”Thi ck Alltopsi ncludePlywood substrate.
MarbleLi teComposi teTableBases OurallweatherComposi tebasesarecompletelyrustproofand strongerthan casti ron.
Pari si enne spread 17” Hei ght 281/2” MaxTopsi ze 24” Wei ght17lbs
LargePari si enne spread 20” Hei ght 281/2” MaxTopsi ze 30” x30” Wei ght23lbs
17”Greci an
spread 17“ Hei ght 281/2” MaxTopsi ze 30” x30” Wei ght35lbs
Versai lles
spread 24” Hei ght 281/2” MaxTopsi ze 42” x42” Wei ght45lbs
Tri poli
spread 17” Hei ght 281/2” MaxTopsi ze 30” x30” Wei ght23lbs
22”Ti er
17”Ti er
spread 17“ Hei ght 281/2” MaxTopsi ze 30” x30” Wei ght25lbs
spread 17“ Hei ght 281/2” MaxTopsi ze 30” x30” Wei ght34lbs
spread 22“ Hei ght 281/2” MaxTopsi ze 42” x42” Wei ght39lbs
spread 22“ Hei ght 281/2” MaxTopsi ze 42” x42” Wei ght47lbs
Versai llesBar
MarbleLi teCorporati on
spread 24” Hei ght 401/2” MaxTopsi ze 30” x30” Wei ght63lbs
spread 17“ Hei ght 401/2” MaxTopsi ze 24” x24” Wei ght55lbs
Tel3055578766 Fax3055578943
spread 24“ Hei ght 401/2” MaxTopsi ze 36” x36” Wei ght65lbs
www. marbleli te. com
Anti que Whi te
Almond Botti chi no Bei ge
Forest Green
Raci ng Green
Austral Bri ck
Tapi oca Grani lux
Bahi a Blue
Swi ss Chocolate
J ade MontBlanc Europa Grani lux Grani lux Grani lux
Dueto vari anceofraw materi als,wecannotguaranteean exactmatch to samplesand i llustrati ons.Thesevari ati onsmay occuri n background colors,patterns,texturesand swi rlsi ze.MarbleLi tereservestheri ghtto makechangesi n desi gn that i n ouropi ni on i mprovethegeneralconstructi on ofourproduct.MarbleLi tecannotberesponsi blefordi sconti nuanceof materi alsbyoursuppli ers.
MarbleLi teCorporati on
Tel3055578766 Fax3055578943
www. marbleli te. com