ICON Magazine

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IN THE SUMMER OF 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment to the United History also recognizes the significant contributions of women of color States Constitution was ratified, finally granting women the right to vote— and their community networks, which have been historically overlooked, although ongoing voting struggles persisted for marginalized groups followgiving the false impression that women of color were absent from the ing its ratification. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of this hisstruggle for voting rights. As a way to recognize these marginalized comtoric passage, cultural organizations across the country are organizing spemunities, the Brandywine commissioned a diverse group of women artists cial exhibitions, events, marches, and other centennial celebrations to create a mural of illustrated portraits featuring some of the women throughout the year. whose role in winning The long road to voting rights has been women’s suffrage, spanhistorically minimized ning the 19th and because of their race or early-20th centuries, ethnicity. played out very differFeaturing portraits ently from political of 14 local and national movements today. In figures with accompathe absence of televised nying biographies, the and digital media, the “Hidden Figures of the suffragists spread their Suffrage Movement” message through magamural includes Ethel zines, political carCuff Black, of Wilmingtoons, posters, plays, ton, Delaware, who was parades, and even a founder of Delta through fashion. ExamSigma Theta, the ining this compelling African American imagery of the suffrage sorority that marched movement and the imin the 1913 suffrage paportant visual straterade in Washington, gies that propelled it D.C.; Marie Louise Botforward, the Brandytineau Baldwin, a memwine River Museum of ber of Turtle Mountain Art in Chadds Ford, PA, Chippewa Band, who organized Votes for worked as an attorney Women: A Visual Histofor the Office of Indian ry, on view through Affairs; and Sofia de June 7, 2020. Veyra, a Filipina workFocusing on the ing diligently for Suffragists in Parade, ca. 1910. Bain News Service photograph collection, Library of Congress decade prior to ratificawomen’s rights in tion of the Nineteenth Washington D.C., beAmendment in 1920, this exhibition rediscovers the visual language of the fore organizing a suffrage campaign in her native Philippines. women’s suffrage movement with more than 200 artifacts on display. Serving as a companion to Votes for Women: A Visual History, an acDrawings, illustrations, and posters from museums, historical societies, companying photography exhibition continues the story of the ongoing and private collections provide the visual language to decode the complex struggles marginalized communities faced when voting following the passpolitical messages conveyed by suffragists. Early film footage, archival ing of the Nineteenth Amendment. “Witness to History: The Selma Phophotographs, and banners from rallies and marches—including the 1913 tography of Stephen Somerstein” presents 55 photographs taken by Women’s Suffrage Procession in Washington D.C.—enliven the presentaStephen Somerstein, then a 24-year-old student, during the historic 1965 tion, as well as examples of the costumes, clothing, sashes and other emcivil rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama on March 25, blems of women’s activism worn by suffragists. 1965—a turning point in the civil rights movement that led to the passage “This exhibition picks up on the visual explosion of the suffrage moveof the Voting Rights Act. With five cameras around his neck and only 15 ment in the early 20th century,” notes Amanda C. Burdan, Ph.D., curator rolls of film, Somerstein documented this pivotal moment in history capat the Brandywine River Museum of Art. “With a younger generation jointuring photographs of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and other prominent acing the cause, there was a dramatic shift in the marketing of the movement tivists— such as Rosa Parks, James Baldwin, Bayard Rustin, John Lewis, and how the suffragists spread their message through the material culture and Joan Baez—as well as photos of his fellow demonstrators and the of the time—making themselves and their campaign more visible. Votes anonymous bystanders who had gathered along route. for Women: A Visual History not only highlights the success of these efAs the Votes for Women and Witness to History exhibitions will further forts, but also underscores how the imagery of the movement effectively illuminate, the visual lessons of the suffrage movement provided a model penetrated American culture, creating a renewed momentum towards the for later activism, including the civil rights and social justice movements finish line of ratification in 1920.” up to the present day, making this not just a centennial celebration, but a Presenting an inclusive historical narrative, Votes for Women: A Visual window into contemporary discourse. n 16


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