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Appendix 2 - Proposed Measures from Health and Pharmaceutical Sectors
Theme I: Nurturing Our Greatest Assets
Key Result Area: Sustainable Families and Communities to reduce the devastating burden and consequences of NCDs through screening and early diagnosis. Increase funding for NGO (T&T Cancer Society) so NGO can have more reach to general population
National Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCDs (NSP NCD)**/ The Trinidad and Tobago Country Cooperative Strategy with PAHO
The National Strategic Plan for NCDs is not legislative in nature, however it outlines the strategic direction in response to NCDs in Trinidad and Tobago. The same applies for the TT CCS with PAHO.
The people will be empowered to lead healthy lifestyles
Social Services Delivery will be improved to better serve the needs of vulnerable groups
Citizens will have access to adequate and affordable housing
A Modern, Relevant and Accessible Education and Training System
Effectiveness of the Social Safety Net
Enhanced Effectiveness of the Housing System
A Modern, Relevant, Quality and accessible Education and Training System
NCD Health education programs for young people: ambassador(s) of healthy lifestyles
National Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCDs (NSP NCD)**
Theme II: Deliverance Good Governance and Service Excellence
Key Result Area: Full Participation and Citizen Engagement at all Levels
V2030 Goals National Outcomes Proposed Initiative & Description Implementation Strategy Affected Legislation Our Governance will be based on principles of participation and inclusion
Representative Participation by all Citizens and Interest Groups in Governance
Improved External Relations PPP for healthcare Capability building and value added to innovation access, either per PRM or having tender valuation of other conditions than the drug only
Public-PrivatePartnership draft policy
The Public Service will have modern, effective and efficient management systems
Public Service delivery will be customer-focused
Modern, Efficient & Effective Public Institutions
Health Digitalization roadmap
* Electronic Health Records: Building consensus on architecture, standards, and interoperability
* NCD Registry
Data Protection Act 2011
A Customer-Centric Public Service PRM: personalized Reimbursement models(PRM) aimed at providing greater value and sustainability to the health ecosystem, bypassing uncertainties and guaranteeing access to innovation.
Pilot PRM models in highest mortality NCDs rates, assuring certainty in the innovation investment and HEalth metrics improvement
Procurement Act
T&T will have modern, legal, regulatory and law enforcement systems
Improved Administration of Justice
A Modern and Effective Law Enforcement System
Theme III: Improving Productivity through Quality Infrastructure and Transport
Key Result Area: A High Quality Resilient Public Utilities System
A safe and operationally efficient transport system
Improved Access to a Quality Mass Transit System
Improved Management of National Public Transport System
Better managed public utility system with improved access by all
Alternative Energy Sector Fostered
An inter-connected well maintained transport infrastructure
A modern and well maintained ICT system
Improved Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Utilities
A Modernized-Transport Infrastructure
Enhanced Modern ICT System Health Digitalization roadmap
* Electronic Health Records: Building consensus on architecture, standards, and interoperability
* NCD Registry
* Rare Disease Registry
Data Protection Act 2011