Novetats musica novembre

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Novetats musicals de fons d’armari novembre 2014


Músiques del mon Iglesias, Julio. My life. Música popular Espanya. Paco de Lucía Sextet. Live ... one Summer night Guitarra i conjunt de jazz. Flamenc.

Jazz, Blues, Soul

Flack, Roberta. Killing me softly. Soul Gaye, Marvin. What's going on. Soul.

Pop, rock Electric Light Orchestra. Eldorado. Pop. Pop rock. Rock simfònic. Emerson, Lake & Palmer. Brain salad surgery. Rock progressiu. Rock simfònic. Flying Burrito Brothers. The Gilded palace of sin. Country. Rock. Frampton, Peter. Frampton comes alive!. Rock. Hard rock. Guitarra. Free. Fire and water. Blues rock. Hard rock. Grateful Dead. Workingman's dead. Rock. Folk Rock. Blus rock. Rock psicodèlic. Jam. In the City. Punk rock. New wave.

Led Zeppelin. Led Zeppelin [IV. Hard rock. Blues rock. Heavy Metal. Nirvana. Nevermind. Grunge. Rock Alternatiu. Petty, Tom. Damn the Torpedoes. Rock. Rock & Roll. Raitt, Bonnie.. Nick of time. Blues. Rock. Country. Rare Earth. The Best of Rare Earth. Soul. Blues rock. Jazz Rock. R.E.M.. Automatic for the People. Pop. Rock alternatiu Renaissance. Sheherazade and other stories. Rock progressiu. Rock simfònic. Scorpions. Crazy world Heavy Metal. Hard Rock. Sting. ...Nada como el sol. Pop. New wave. Stranglers. No more heroes. Punk. Post Punk. New Wave. Summer, Donna. Love to love you baby Disco. Dance. Pop R&B. Soul. Tangerine Dream. Stratosfear. Electrònica. Ambient. Rock Progressiu.


Dylan, Bob. The 30th anniversary concert celebration. Folk. Folk‐rock. Rock. Country. Blues.

Biblioteca Trinitat Vella‐ J. Barbero Galícia, 16 08033 Barcelona Tel. 93 676 29 68 A/e. Horari Dilluns 16 a 20.30 h Dimarts 10 a 14 h i 16 a 20.30 h Dimecres 10 a 14 h i 16 a 20.30 h Dijous 10 a 14 h i 16 a 20.30 h Divendres 16 a 20.30 h Dissabte 10 a 14 h Horari d’estiu (24 de juny al 24 de setembre): dissabtes tancat / agost tancat

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