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Campus Pulse



Luminaria 2013

Swing Fling

Megan Hageney describes San Antonio’s annual free art festival downtown that celebrates local talent.

Swing Dancin’ the Night Away kicks off KRTU’s Jazz for Art’s Sake event series.



Access Denied

Administration makes the final decision to keep the bollards behind the Bell Center up, despite ASR resolution.

Nothin’ But Net Men’s and women’s basketball dominate the SCAC championship.

theTrinitonian Volume 110, Issue 20


Serving Trinity University Since 1902

“And the winner is...”

MARCH 1, 2013

ASR starts process of ammendments

ASR considers changes to election cycle, VP responsibilities and senate makeup by Jeremy Keys


photo by Anh-Viet Dinh Sophomores Kristen Schultz and Victor Vo vote for their chosen candidates for the Association of Student Representatives for the 2013-2014 school year. You can still vote today for the 18 individuals running for the six respective positions in Coates University Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Joe Moore, current president of ASR, will announce the winners this evening via email.


According to Joe Moore, president of the Associate of Student Representatives, members of ASR recently proposed an amendment that includes several clauses to change the constitution, including clauses that would affect its election calendar structure and the size Senate. The amendment process began when the senators negotiated the multiple changes. The current amendment and its clauses were voted on formally by

the senate and required twothirds of quorum to pass. It was then placed onto the voting ballots along with the candidates for class senators, vice president and president. The amendment requires a majority — 51 percent — vote by the student population to be enacted into the constitutioin. The change to ASR’s calendar is one of the main amendments being considered by the student body. Previously, elections for ASR positions were held in February and March and the newly elected ASR body takes office in April. However, if the proposed changes to the ASR constitution are passed, the cycle will change. “What will happen is the new Senate will get voted in with 20 senators starting in January,” Moore said.

see ASR Page 5

Alcohol Coalition Committee updates policy Changes seek to emphasize positive philosophy, clarify areas of confusion by Aynav Leibowitz


The Alcohol Coalition Committee, led by David Tuttle, associate vice president for student affairs and dean of students, has met twice this semester to update the current alcohol policy. Some of these updates include, but are not limited to: word choice changes, altering the order of sentences, expanding on unclear areas and emphasizing the Responsible Friend policy. The Committee, which was founded 10 years ago by former university president, John Brazil met for the first time this year on Feb. 15, and again on Feb. 22. Two more meetings are scheduled for after spring break. The Committee is an open group made up of Tuttle, as well as representatives from Residential Life, Sorority and Fraternity Life, Risk Management, Trinity University Staff, Trinity University Police Department, Aramark, Student Conduct Board and non-affiliated students.

According to Tuttle, his main goal for the committee is to review the philosophy and policies regarding alcohol, Conduct Board and sanctions, policies relating to bus transportation for off-campus events, Tuesday Happy Hour, the alcohol section on the university webpage and alcohol education. During the first Committee meeting on Feb. 15, the general theme revolved around the desire to better articulate the Trinity philosophy and the administration’s “deep care” for students.

Currently, Section A of the introduction states, “The Trinity Alcohol Coalition of students, staff, and faculty has developed the three tenets related to alcohol: Trinity University cares deeply about the health and safety of students; acknowledges that students will drink, but discourages irresponsible drinking; and enforces policies related to alcohol possession and consumption.”

Pedrick suggested that the Committee remove the phrase, “discourages irresponsible drinking,” in order to promote a more positive connotation. Building upon Pedrick’s suggestion, Paul Myers, professor and chair of the department of computer sciences, said there should be a larger emphasis placed on Trinity’s efforts to educate students about alcohol, and the

introduction should reflect these alcohol education practices. “Unless that is covered somewhere else, that is a huge thing that you all do, and it’s not really acknowledged here,” Myers said. “I think that adding another clause about alcohol education would be a very accurate thing to add.”

see ALCOHOL Page 6

“Our values are student safety over policy enforcement, and our Responsible Friend policy says exactly that.” David Tuttle Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students “Our values are student safety over policy enforcement,” Tuttle said. The first proposed change, suggested by junior Joshua Pedrick, discusses the wording in the introduction paragraphs.

photo by Sarah Cooper Professor Paul Myers, computer science department chair, voices his concerns about the alcohol policy as Jacob Tingle, professor of business administration and head of the sport managment program looks on at an Alcohol Coalition Meeting last Friday.

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