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Recommendation 4: Use existing and new forms of data to inform institutional diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts

Recommendation 4: Use existing and new forms of data to inform institutional diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.

Rationale: Current data collection regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion is present in several forms: National Survey for Student Engagement (NSSE), Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) Faculty Survey, and most recently, a national campus climate instrument via the Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS). Moving forward, a specific diversity, equity, and inclusion strategic plan should be informed by these data to ensure strategies are measurable and actionable in positive findings for all Trinity stakeholders.

Stakeholders: Faculty, Staff, Students, Alumni, Board of Trustees

Recommended Actions

Continue to administer NSSE every three years.

Continue to administer the HERI Faculty Engagement Survey every three years.

Continue to administer a campus climate instrument annually for the next three years and evaluate frequency at that time. The diversity, equity, and inclusion leadership team, in collaboration with many campus stakeholders will develop and implement a University-wide diversity, equity, and inclusion five-year strategic plan.

Performance Indicators

Executive summary ofthe data is broadly shared; detailed data are shared with the relevant diversity, equity, and inclusion leadership teams.

Executive summary of the data is broadly shared; detailed data are shared with the relevant diversity, equity, and inclusion leadership teams.

Executive summary of the data is broadly shared; detailed data are shared with the relevant diversity, equity, and inclusion leadership teams. A collaborative committee will review existing data (including these recommendations) and create a strategicplan.

Responsible Parties

Executive Director for Institutional Research and Effectiveness, Diversity, equity, and inclusion leadership teams

Executive Director for Institutional Research and Effectiveness, Diversity, equity, and inclusion leadership teams

Executive Director for Institutional Research and Effectiveness, Diversity, equity, and inclusion

leadership teams President, Vice Presidents, Executive Director for Institutional Research and Effectiveness, diversity, equity, and inclusion leadership team

Suggested Timeline:

● Survey administration timelines should be reviewed and confirmed by IRE by January, 2021. IRE timelines and projects should be adjusted to accommodate the continued administration of these surveys in the future. ● Selection of the campus climate instrument should be completed by December 1, 2020 so that it can be administered before the conclusion of FY21. ● The development of a short- and long-term campus-wide diversity, equity, and inclusion strategic plan should be developed when the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and

Inclusion role is hired; it should involve all employees within the diversity, equity, and inclusion leadership, in addition to faculty, staff, student representatives from across the institution.

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