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Recommendation 8: Increase the number of opportunities for alumni to receive awards and honors

Recommendation 8: Increase the number of opportunities for alumni to receive awards and honors.

Rationale: There is a perception that the number of underrepresented alumni populations selected for awards and honors is not commensurate with the representation of diverse individuals who compose the alumni population. Data needs to be collected to determine the current representation of award recipients. If the data confirms the experiential perception, the Division of Alumni Relations & Development and other awarding entities will need to develop a strategy to identify diverse alumni for consideration for awards and honors. The percentage of diverse individuals among alumni is limited, so it will take intentional effort to ensure they are not overlooked. As other elements of the Diversity and Inclusion recommendations are enacted, Trinity will attract more diverse students, resulting in more diverse alumni for consideration for recognition. Opportunities to engage alumni who are not selected for recognition might include alumni-to-alumni and alumni-to-student mentorship.

Stakeholders: Executive Leadership Team, Faculty, Staff, Alumni

Recommended Actions

Examine existing alumni awards opportunities across campus (including academic units and Alumni Relations and Development). Evaluate the representation of diverse individuals among alumni receiving awards and honors. Relevant entities will create strategies to increase recognition of diverse alumni in awards and honors selections that are free of bias.

Performance Indicators

An audit will reveal all Trinity alumni award opportunities with disaggregated data for underrepresented groups. An initial report and follow-up report annually will evaluate the representation of diverse alumni among awards recipients. An action plan with specific strategies will be completed to identify diverse alumni to be considered for recognition.

Responsible Parties

Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President of Alumni Relations & Development, Senior Director of Alumni Relations, Institutional Research and Effectiveness

Vice President of Alumni Relations & Development, Senior Director of Alumni Relations; Institutional

Research and Effectiveness Vice President of Alumni Relations & Development, Senior Director of Alumni Relations; Vice President for Academic Affairs

Create more diversity among awards recipients by increasing efforts to recruit diverse individuals to be considered or to self-nominate for awards.

Implement the action plan to increase the percentage of diverse alumni receiving awards and honors. An action plan to identify appropriate diverse candidates, strategize how best to engage alumni from underrepresented groups for recognition, and strategically approach the identified prospects to encourage their interest in self-nominating for awards. Moreover, in order for the awards to not be hindered by a selfnomination process, the action plan will ensure that those selecting the recipients of awards and honors have diverse individuals in their pool of alumni for consideration. Recognition rates of diverse alumni is equal or better for the representation of diverse individuals in the alumni population at-large. Vice President of Alumni Relations & Development, Senior Director of Alumni Relations, Vice President of

Registrar’s Office Vice President of Alumni Relations & Development, Senior Director of Alumni Relations

Suggested Timeline:

● Data collection and analysis should begin early in FY21 and the initial report should be completed no later than the calendar year of 2020. ● By the end FY21, Alumni Relations will complete an action plan for increasing the representation of diverse students among recipients of awards and honors. ● The plan should be implemented at the beginning of FY22 and updated as new data and experience dictate.

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