The Season of Lent at Trinity 2023 Trinity Episcopal Church+60 Church St+Asheville 828-253-9361
You Are Beloved
And just like that, we find ourselves about to enter another Lenten journey. I don’t know why I’m always so surprised. It is a bit earlier than it has been in recent years, but it does happen every year! In Lent, we have the opportunity to “put away” our “alleluias,” both literally in worship and figuratively in our hearts. Lent is when we step back to consider our relationship with God and others differently than we do the rest of the year. In this season, we take stock not merely of our joys but also our sorrows and even our sins. Sin is not a popular word in our modern culture outside of the church and not much inside of the church anymore. One way to think of sin for me is to think of being imperfect. As a human being, I am flawed. I never get everything right, and at times I get it so wrong that my choices and actions hurt others. Not one human being is immune from this truth. It’s good to have a season to guide and shape my prayer life so that I have to consider where my imperfections have led to pain for others and did not live up to God’s dream for me.
Yet, we can only rightly take stock of our sins with the assurance that we are chosen nonetheless. That’s what keeps Lent from being a season of despair. Instead, it is a season of reflective hope in that in light of my imperfections God chose even me. Before I could mess up, God claimed me as beloved. In Lent, we both take stock of our sins and give thanks that we are still one of God’s beloved despite them.
In his well-known work, “The Life of the Beloved,” Henri J. Nouwen speaks of this, saying
“To become the Beloved we, first of all, have to claim that we are taken…to be taken is essential in becoming the Beloved…. We can desire to become the Beloved only when we know we already are the Beloved. Therefore, the first step in the spiritual life is to acknowledge with our whole being that we already have been taken.”
Here at Trinity, there are several ways to keep a holy Lent. I pray that at least one of them helps you in your Lenten journey to claim your belovedness despite your sins, great and small.
May this new season of Lent be like no other. May you be utterly free to touch and name the imperfections of your life without fear. May you be able to say you're sorry to God, to others, and yourself. No matter how deep and wide, and broad your sins may be, you are already and will always be God’s beloved.
By Grace, Scott+
Changes in Worship for Lent
You will notice that our worship services during Lent will differ from our ordinary worship. Worship changes to reflect the solemn nature of the season so that we may reflect on our relationship with God in light of our imperfections–sin. The season’s color is violet, flowers do not appear on the altar, the tone of our music is more subdued, and we refrain from using the word “Alleluia.” These changes help us focus on the season and will be “lifted” on Easter morning.
Ash Wednesday Services
February 22, 2022
7:30 a | Holy Eucharist and the Imposition of Ashes
This service is intended to last 30 minutes for those who would like to attend before heading to the office or other responsibilities of the day.
12:15 p | Holy Eucharist and the Imposition of Ashes
This service is intended to last one hour for those who need to return to work.
5:30 p | Holy Eucharist and the Imposition of Ashes
Our Adult Choir will lead this service. Nursery care is available. This service will also be livestreamed
Alleluia Sunday
Sunday, February 19
The Last Sunday before Ash Wednesday is traditionally called “Alleluia Sunday.” It is the last day we use the praise word alleluia until Easter. During Lent, we refrain from saying alleluia to honor this time of reflection. Our children will be part of our procession out of the church with our “Alleluia Banner,” exiting to bury it until Easter when they process back into the church with it.
Tabletop Lent
The Faces of Easter
For families of children and youth | A take-home object lesson and devotional
Parents often ask how they can explore faith formation at home. Lent is a perfect opportunity to bring the story of Jesus into your home. We have a take-home lesson that is simple to do and visually impactful. We pray it assists all families in keeping a holy Lent.
In Godly Play, “The Faces of Easter” are the Lenten series of lessons that trace the life of Christ from birth through the crucifixion and resurrection. For our take-home Lenten devotional, we pair the familiarity of these images from the biblical story with a new way of presenting them.
On Sunday, Feb. 19th, there will be a long table in the Church Street Courtyard with purple bags for each family to take home (one per family). The pack contains everything you need for your family to observe the Lenten season together. Meet Beth and Debbie at the table to pick up one for your family.
Lenten Meditations
We are blessed to have a Lenten devotional booklet for the season of Lent written by members of the Trinity community. We will be sharing these devotions by email each day, and they will also be posted on our website. If you want to be on the email list, please get in touch with the church office at
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
February 21
Our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner will be held in Tuton Hall on Tuesday at 6:00 pm. The cost is $5.00 per person. Please join us in preparation for the start of Lent as we enjoy pancakes, sausage, and bacon, all prepared by the gentlemen of Trinity. No reservations are required. Trinity Men, your help is needed to set up, cook, and clean up! Please sign up on the bulletin board near the Conference Room or at
6:00 pm -dinner and crafts for children
6:30 pm- Pancake race and other games!
Cover art for Lenten Devotions by Catie James Kurtz 8yearsold
The Reconciliation of a Penitent By
Not everyone realizes that the Episcopal church maintains the sacramental rite of reconciliation, or what is commonly referred to as “Confession.” You can find the service for this rite in the Book of Common Prayer on page 447. The seal of confession is absolute. The sacrament can be a balm for the spirit and the soul. The ability to share and ultimately release one’s imperfections–sin–with a priest who can pronounce God’s forgiveness is a grace of profound depth. It can be a significant part of one’s Lenten journey. If you wish to make your confession, please get in touch with one of Trinity’s clergy to make an appointment.
Come to me, all ye that travail and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you.
Matthew 11:28
Journey to the Cross
The archaeological evidence of Jesus’ last days and the theological implications of the same
Sunday Adult Forum Lenten Study
Sundays 9:30 to 10:30
In the Undercroft AND Online
Starting the Second Sunday in Lent
March 12 | Jesus’ Triumphal March to the Crucifixion
March 19 | The Rt. Rev. Porter Taylor, A special forum by bishop Porter Taylor about his new memoir: Areyoupersuaded? InandOutofBeingaBishop
March 26 | Tracing the Via Dolorosa
April 2 | Where was Jesus Crucified and Buried?
Mid-Week Lenten Eucharist
Wednesdays | 11:30a In the Chancel of the Church
We are holding a mid-week Eucharist during Lent. The service will happen just before the Lenten lunch, “Faith in the 828.” Come for this quiet, reflective Eucharist as part of your Lenten practice. The service will last 30 minutes in time to attend the lunch and learn program in Tuton Hall.
Walking the Way of Lent
Sunday, February 26 and Sunday, March 12 4:30 to 6:30 pm
(before and after the Celtic service)
Trinity will host a candlelight Labyrinth Walk in Tuton Hall. The journey of Lent is a journey with Jesus. We invite you to walk the way of the cross, the way of love with him. If you have never walked a labyrinth before, or if you have walked many times, we invite you to experience this ancient Christian spiritual practice as an opportunity to slow down and take a breath and spend some time in quiet reflection on this season of Jesus’ passion, looking expectantly to the day of Resurrection.
Faith in the 828: Listening to the Voices of Women
Wednesdays | 12:00 to 1:00p
Tuton Hall
“Faith in the 828” is Trinity’s Lenten program inviting all to reflect on this holy season. This Lent, we invite you to join us every Wednesday at noon for lunch, noonday prayer, and conversation with special community guests. Recommended $6 donation per lunch.
March 1 | Karen Wallace-Meigs (Pisgah Legal/NC Council of Women): Empowering women to escape the cycle of poverty Chicken Casserole/Rice
March 8 | Joan Payton and Ann Moorefield: Come Walk with Me: women in art and story Soup/Salad
March 15 | Carolyn Cronin (Transformation Village): Participating in transformation Baked Potato Bar/Salad
March 22 | Poet Jessica Jacobs: Listening to the women of the Torah Baked Chicken/Rice
March 29 | Lianna Costantino, citizen, and activist with the Cherokee Nation: Listening to
If you would like to volunteer to help cook or clean up, please get in touch with Debbie Cox at 253-9361 or
Lenten Music
Requiem by John Rutter
Friday, March 10 at 7:00p
The Chancel Choir and an orchestral ensemble will offer this beloved work to enrich our Lenten experience through the beauty of inspiring choral music. The Requiem will be sung in memory of Ann Cannon Smith and Buck Cannon and is supported by the Ann Cannon Smith Fund.
Palm Sunday
AVE (Asheville Vocal Ensemble)
April 2, 5:30p
The Asheville Vocal Ensemble, AVE (formerly Pastyme), will be joining us on Palm Sunday at the Celtic service and offering a stunning selection of sacred music for this holy day.
Now a beloved tradition at Trinity, this will be the eighth year we have had a choral group join us for this service. They will provide all the music for our worship and have selected beautiful pieces of sacred music to usher us into Holy Week.
Holy Week and Easter at Trinity
Holy Week
Palm Sunday
April 2, 2023
8:00a Eucharist and Liturgy of the Palms: The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
8:45a Nursery opens
9:00a Breakfast
9:30a Christian Formation
10:00a Palm Sunday Walk with First Presbyterian and Central Methodist (This event is offered to families with children and youth, but all are welcome. We will gather in front of Central Methodist a little before 10 am and walk in procession to Pritchard Park for a short service. We will finish by 10:30 a.)
10:45a Eucharist and Liturgy of the Palms: The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
5:30p Celtic Eucharist and Blessing of the Palms with music from AVE (Asheville Vocal Ensemble - formerly Pastyme)
Holy Wednesday
April 5, 2023
11:30a Mid-week Eucharist in the Chancel of the Church
Maundy Thursday
April 6, 2023
7:00p Eucharist and optional foot-washing and stripping of the altar, Nave
Good Friday
April 7, 2023
12:15p Good Friday Liturgy with the reading of the Passion Gospel
5:30p Good Friday Liturgy with the reading of the Passion Gospel
April 9, 2023
6:00a The Easter Vigil and Eucharist with vocal quartet (begins in Memorial Garden)
7:30a-10:45a Champagne Breakfast in Tuton Hall
8:45a Children’s Hour in the Undercroft*
9:00a Full Choral Eucharist with Brass Quartet and Chancel Choir*
10:30a Easter Egg Hunt (Chapel Courtyard)*
10:45a Children’s Hour for the 11:00 a service begins (meet in Undercroft)*
11:00a Full Choral Eucharist with Brass Quartet and Chancel Choir*
5:30p No Celtic Eucharist
*Nursery Provided.
*Parents, note that the Easter egg hunt is in between the 9 and 11 am services. All children can participate, whether you are attending the 9 or 11 service!
Trinity Episcopal Church
60 Church Street
Asheville, North Carolina 28801
Telephone ............................................................. 828-253-9361
Email .................................................
Web Address .................................................
A Parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina
The Right Reverend José A. McLoughlin, Bishop
The Reverend Dr. R. Scott White ................................................................................ Rector
The Reverend Amy Peterson ......................................................................... Associate Rector
The Reverend Bob Zito ............................................................................................... Deacon
Dillon Manly ........................................................................ Director of Financial Ministries
Jan Hildebrand .......................................................................................... Financial Assistant
Ken Wilson ................................................. Communication and Administrative Ministries
Sharon Carleton Boone .................................................................................. Music Ministry
Debbie Cox ............................................................................ Fellowship & Youth Ministries
Beth Chestnut ......................................................................... Children & Family Ministries
Jo Rice ................................................ Administrative Assistant to the Rector and Programs
Robyn McNeal............................................................................................ Program Assistant
Glenn Childes ...............................................................................................................Sexton
Class of 2023
David Hensley
Katherine Ray
Doug Scothorn
Cissie Stevens
Linda Watt
Class of 2024
Nancy Dexter
Jennifer Pearson
Matt Sharpe
Ralph Simpson
Constance Wilson
Senior Warden ........ Katherine Ray
Junior Warden ........ David Hensley Clerk ........................ Katie Chappell
Class of 2025
Steve Bennett
Graeme Browning
Stuart Camblos
Sharon Lechner
Tom Williams
Explore Faith • Embrace Community • Expect a Difference
Vision Statement
opportunitiesforworship,spiritualgrowthandcommitment inasupportiveandopenatmosphere.