Summer@TCA 2025 Catalog

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Summer@TCA 2025

Welcome to Summer@TCA 2025! We are so excited to offer one of the most diverse and enriching menus of summer classes in the DFW area! Trinity Christian Academy has made a commitment to deliver programs through the summer months that will support learning, enhance skills and even brighten the sunniest Texas summer day. TCA is committed to sharing the highest quality classes and camps with children in the safest possible way while attempting to create an overall program that is convenient for our families that choose to attend.

Summer should be a fun time for children and a nice break from the rigors and routines of the academic year. TCA recognizes it is important for kids to be able to connect with other children for their overall wellbeing while balancing an ever-growing need to stay on academic track during the “off months.” Summer@TCA is proud to offer high-quality Lower School and Middle School programs that include a day camp for Lower School kids, sports training sessions for both lower-schoolers and middle-schoolers and various academic enrichment opportunities so kids can hone those skills and stay on top of their academic progress during the summer. Upper School students can choose from a variety of classic summer school courses that potentially count for school credit, may give a student some necessary guidance with next year’s subject matter or may just give our young adults an opportunity to explore a new area of interest.

Take some time to look through the list of camps and classes and their descriptions as outlined in this catalog to see what’s available for your child during the summer of 2025. Registration for summer sessions can be accessed online through the TCA website and on the Summer@TCA Resource Board.

Our plan is to launch registration for TCA Rising Seniors at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, March 12, 2025. All others should be prepared to register the following night, Thursday, March 13, 2025, at 8 p.m.

Summer@TCA Camp/Class Tidbits

• For anyone needing care before 8:50 a.m., before-camp care is available each day starting at 8 a.m. This service is provided at a rate of $25 per week.

• Children entering grades K-4 can choose to stay all day (9 a.m.-4 p.m.) at our Trojan Day Camp! Small, grade-level groupings will remain at camp all day and rotate through amazing summer activities that will include worship time, art, movement, STEM, Bible study, water activities, inflatables and newly added SERVICE opportunities throughout the week! Space is limited!

• Due to the popularity of our full-day experience, we have decided to offer a NEW afternoon half-day Trojan Day Camp option. Students can decide to jump into Trojan Day Camp for just the afternoon and enjoy some half-day fun. This tends to work best if a child is attending a morning sports camp or enrichment class.

• Lower School and Middle School students can choose from a wide variety of “morning only” camps (9 a.m.-noon) and “afternoon only” camps (1-4 p.m.).

• Half-day campers can opt to extend their day by one hour if they choose to stay for lunch from noon-1 p.m. each day. Students will be supervised while they eat and will then be given time to play and/ or watch a movie (depending on the weather). There is a $25 fee per week for half-day campers to stay for lunch. We will require all participants to pack their own lunch.

• We will run a carpool pick-up line at noon for those students who choose not to stay for lunch.

• Students who will attend an afternoon camp on the same day they will be on campus for a morning session should plan to pack a lunch and stay with us noon-1 p.m. for that same fun lunchtime experience. There is a $25 fee for the week to campers who are staying on campus between morning and afternoon camps for the lunch session.

• Students who might choose to attend an “afternoon only” camp or class are also welcome to join their grade level for lunch at noon each day. Those students will be directed to their afternoon camp/ class location at the conclusion of the lunch/recess session. The $25 weekly fee is required for those students wanting to extend their time to eat lunch at Summer@TCA.

• At 1 p.m., all campers not attending an afternoon session or a full-day camp session will be conveniently picked up through a staff-run carpool line outside the Middle School 7/8 building.

• Students staying through the afternoon will be conveniently picked up through a carpool pick-up line at 4 p.m. each day.

• Upper School students have a nice variety of classes to choose from throughout the summer as well as the option to participate in athletic training sessions.

We’re excited to see your child at Summer@TCA!

Thank you,

Mary Helen Nine

Kayla Turk


Assistant to the Director of Auxiliary Programs

Justin Zappia

of Auxiliary Programs

Camp Information at a Glance


• Open enrollment to any child entering kindergarten (five years old by September 1, 2025) through 12th grade in Fall 2025 as listed in the Summer@TCA course descriptions.

• Students who are not entering kindergarten (including those repeating preK) and/or are not five years old by September 1, 2025, are not eligible to participate in Summer@TCA 2025.

• Most classes have a maximum student-toinstructor ratio of 12:1.

• Camps are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, and all offerings have a limited number of spaces available.

• All students participating in summer programming are required to have a completed registration form which includes information on those authorized to pick up campers from the school on a daily basis.

• All registrations are processed online through CampBrain and can be accessed through the TCA website.

Payment, Refunds, Cancellations and Confirmations

• The full camp fee is due upon registration.

• Refunds requested in writing at least two weeks prior to a camp will be honored, less a 25% administrative fee. No refunds are available two weeks or less from the start date of a camp.

• Changes to a student’s class schedule within the system (transfers to different section, etc) will incur a 10% administrative transfer fee Requests for changes should be sent to Kayla Turk at and Justin Zappia at

• If a camp or class is canceled by the school for any reason, a refund for an appropriate portion of that camp will be issued to the participant.

• Campers’ first choices will be honored, if possible. Full refunds will be given if a camp is canceled due to low enrollment and no alternative camp can be agreed upon.

• Please understand that low enrollment may cause camp cancellations. Help us prevent this. Spread the word about your favorite camps!

• You should assume that your registration is confirmed unless we contact you prior to the start date. We will contact all registrants whose schedules need adjustments (if a camp is under-enrolled or if your child can be added from a wait list) two weeks prior to the start date of the scheduled camp session to arrange the necessary changes.

• Students registered for camps and classes through Summer@TCA will be contacted by a coach, teacher or administrator no less than a week prior to the start of the camp to fill you in on all the latest details.

• Any child who is picked up after the conclusion of regular camp carpool will be charged in 10-minute increments at a rate of $15 per child per 10-minute increment.


• Morning campers who are staying for lunch will be escorted to the Middle School Cafeteria after their morning session for a supervised lunch, movie and/or playground time from noon-1 p.m. for an additional fee of $25 per week. If your child needs to be picked up earlier than the 1 p.m. carpool, please park in the “Jesus lot” next to the MCB and call the number posted on the signs to alert us you have arrived to pick up your child.

• Following lunch and recess, all students will be directed to their 1 p.m. class/camp or to carpool pick-up if they are not attending an afternoon session.

• 1 p.m. carpool will run outside the Middle School 7/8 building.

• Those campers who attend an afternoon session will be directed to afternoon carpool at 4 p.m. If a student needs to leave camp earlier than 4 p.m., parents must park in the MCB “Jesus lot” and call the number posted on the signs to alert us you have arrived to pick up your child.

• Upper School classes follow a unique schedule and most often take place in the Upper School building. Please follow the email instruction of the coach or teacher leading these classes to understand the specific drop-off/pick-up logistics for each of these classes.

Lunch and Snack

• All campers staying between noon and 1 p.m. will need to pack a lunch to be eaten on campus with his/her grade-level group Monday-Friday.

• Each child will need to bring a snack or snacks and drink to be consumed during camp. This applies to morning, afternoon and full-day sessions.

• It is highly recommended that all campers bring a water bottle to camp each day.

• Please label all lunch/snack items such as lunch boxes, Tupperware and water bottles with your child’s name and phone number.

Drop-off and Pick-up

• Carpool drop-off will run from 8:45-9:10 a.m. (morning and full-day camps/classes) and 12:45-1:10 p.m. (afternoon camps/classes) Monday-Friday of each camp week.

• Carpool pick-up lines run at noon, 1 p.m. and 4 p.m each camp day.

• Please print your carpool sign from the camp logistics email sent the week prior to your child’s camp. On this form, write your child’s name and the camp they are attending. This must be displayed on the dashboard of your vehicle. This indicates to us that you are the legal pick-up person for the child who is listed on the sign.

• If you need to pick your child up at any other time during the camp day, please contact the telephone number posted on the signs around campus to determine the location of your child.

• If anyone other than those legally listed on the registration page is going to pick up your child from camp, you will need to provide a note granting permission to another person.

Course Calendar

Here is an overview of the entire summer schedule. The grade levels listed are the grades that students will be entering in the fall.

Full descriptions for every camp or course listed here, including the instructors, fees and other details, can be found on the following pages:

LOWER SCHOOL: pages 11-16

MIDDLE SCHOOL: pages 17-22

UPPER SCHOOL: pages 23-26






Full-Day Camp, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Grades

Sky Ranch Launch Camp K–3

WEEK 2: JUNE 2– 6



Morning Camps, 9 a.m.–noon Grades

Ocean Adventures K

Green Thumb Gardeners K–2

Flag Play! K–2

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made:

A Scientific Study of Some Key Systems in Our Body 1–2

Sunshine Girls — Girls on a Mission 1–4

Little Trojan Girls Basketball Camp 2–4

Step Up to Third Grade 3

Summer of Science 3–4

Make Math Fun! 3–5

Afternoon Camps, 1–4 p.m.

Fine Arts for Kids K–2

Cross Cheer Cheerleading Camp! K–4

LS Soccer Camp (Section 1) K–4

A Phineas and Ferb Summer! 1–2

Strategic Games 2–4

Step Up to Third Grade 3

Flag Football Camp 3–5

Publishing Company 3–5


Full-Day Camp, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Grades

Musical Theater Workshop: Godspell (Section 1) 5–8

Morning Camps, 9 a.m.–noon

Make Math Fun! 3–5

Summer Reading, Fifth Grade:

The Twenty-One Balloons (Section 1) 5

Math Bridges:

Getting Prepared for Fifth-Grade Math (Section 1) 5 Math Bridges:

Getting Prepared for Seventh-Grade Math (Section 1) 7

3D Printing (Section 1) 6–8

MS Trojan Football Camp 6–8

Summer Reading, Eighth Grade:

The Hiding Place (Section 1) 8

Serving Like Christ: Counselor in Training (CIT) (Week 1 of 2) 8–9

Afternoon Camps, 1–4 p.m.

Flag Football Camp 3–5

Publishing Company 3–5

Summer Reading, Fifth Grade: Tuck Everlasting (Section 1) 5

Basics of Home Ec 5–6

MS Girls Basketball Camp 5–8

Math Bridges:

Getting Prepared for Sixth-Grade Math (Section 1) 6

Summer Reading, Seventh Grade:

The Ransom of Mercy Carter (Section 1) 7

Summer Reading, Eighth Grade:

The Hiding Place (Section 2) 8


Sophomore Summer Reading Course: The Great Divorce (Section 1) 8–10:30 a.m. 10

Health (Section 1 — Week 1 of 2) 8 a.m.–noon 11–12

Intro to Digital Printmaking 8 a.m.–5

Freshman Summer Reading Course: The Bronze Bow (Section 1) 8:30–10:30 a.m. 9

Lifetime Activity for PE Credit (Week 1 of 2) 8:30–10:30 a.m. 9–12

Junior Summer Reading Course: The Crucible (Section 1) 9–11 a.m. 11

Serving Like Christ:

Counselor in Training (CIT) (Week 1 of 2)

Junior Summer Reading Course: The Crucible (Section 2) 2–4 p.m.

Sophomore Summer Reading Course: The Great Divorce (Section 3) 2–4:30 p.m.

WEEK 3: JUNE 9 –13



Full-Day Camp, 9 a.m.–4 p.m.


Trojan Day Camp (Section 1) K–4

Morning Camps, 9 a.m.–noon

Bluey! K–1

Space Adventures Camp K–1

Explore Weather, Seasons, and the Sky:

A Faith-Filled Adventure 1–2

Tennis and PE Games Combo Camp 1–2

Faith, Girls, FUN! 2–4

Little Trojan Cheer Camp (Section 1) 3–4

Tennis and PE Games Combo Camp 3–4

LS/MS Girls Volleyball Camp (Section 1) 2–5

Multiplication Mania! 3–5

Afternoon Camps, 1–4 p.m.

Cardboad Creations K–1

Let’s Bowl K–1

Little Trojan Cheer Camp (Section 2) 1–2

Music Explorers 1–3

Lego Masters 2–4

Shots and Swings 2–4

Fourth-Grade Training Camp 4


Full-Day Camp, 9 a.m.–4 p.m.


Musical Theater Workshop: Godspell (Section 2) 5–8

Morning Camps, 9 a.m.–noon

LS/MS Girls Volleyball Camp (Section 1) 2–5

Multiplication Mania! 3–5

Math Bridges:

Getting Prepared for Fifth-Grade Math (Section 2) 5

Summer Reading, Fifth Grade:

The Twenty-One Balloons (Section 2) 5

MS Boys Baseball Camp (Section 1) 5–8

How Kids Lead (Section 1) 5–8

Ceramic Planters 5–8

3D Printing (Section 2) 6–8

Basics of Home Ec 7–8

Summer Reading, Eighth Grade: The Hiding Place (Section 3) 8

Serving Like Christ:

Counselor in Training (CIT) (Week 2 of 2) 8–9

Afternoon Camps, 1–4 p.m.

Summer Reading, Fifth Grade:

Tuck Everlasting (Section 2) 5

Board Game Week 5–8

MS Girls Volleyball Camp (Section 1) 6–8

Math Bridges:

Getting Prepared for Sixth-Grade Math (Section 2) 6

Math Bridges:

Getting Prepared for Seventh-Grade Math (Section 2) 7

Math Bridges:

Getting Prepared for Eighth-Grade Math (Section 1) 8

Summer Reading, Eighth Grade: The Hiding Place (Section 4) 8


Health (Section 1 — Week 2 of 2) 8 a.m.–noon 11–12

Intro to Digital Photography 8 a.m.–5 p.m. 9–12

Pre-AP Computer Science in Java 8 a.m.–5

Lifetime Activity for PE Credit (Week 2 of 2) 8:30–10:30

Disc Golf for PE Credit (Week 1 of 2) 9 a.m.–noon 9–12

Serving Like Christ: Counselor in Training (CIT) (Week 2 of 2) 9 a.m.–noon 8–9

College Application Essay Writing Workshop (Section 1) 10 a.m.–noon 12 Bug Camp (Section 3, Tue.–Thur.) 10 a.m.–noon 9

Freshman Summer Reading Course: The Bronze Bow (Section 4) 9–11 a.m. 9

Health (Section 2 — Week 2 of 2) 12:30–4:30 p.m. 11–12

Bug Camp (Section 4, Tue.–Thur.) 1–3 p.m. 9

College Application Essay Writing Workshop (Section 2) 1–3 p.m. 12

WEEK 4: JUNE 16, 17, 18 (OFF THUR.), 20



Full-Day Camp, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Grades

Trojan Day Camp (Section 2) K–4

Morning Camps, 9 a.m.–noon

STEM: Let’s Get Wet, Get Messy and Learn! K–1

Wheely Fun–Learn to Ride Bikes! K–3

Drone Flying Adventures (Section 1) 2–4

Glitter, Games, and God:

A Fun and Faith-Filled Girls’ Class 2–4

LS Boys Baseball Camp 2–4

Reading, Writing and Arithmetic Camp 3–4

Afternoon Camps, 1–4 p.m.

Adventures in Kinder: Come Camp with Mrs. Lindsay K

Lego Land K–1

Martial Arts and PE Games Combo Camp (Section 1) K–1

Junior Chef Academy 2–4

Martial Arts and PE Games Combo Camp (Section 2) 2–4


Morning Camps, 9 a.m.–noon Grades

MS Softball Camp 5–8

MS Boys Soccer Camp 5–8

Afternoon Camps, 1–4 p.m.

Drone Flying Adventures (Section 1) 5–6

Sideline Cheer Prep Camp 5–6

Middle School Tennis Training (Section 1) 5–8


Health (Section 3 — Week 1 of 2, meets June 19) 8 a.m.–noon 11–12

Health (Section 4 — Week 1 of 2, meets June 19) 12:30–4:30 p.m. 11–12

Business Graphic Design (Meets June 19) 8 a.m.–5 p.m. 9–12

Disc Golf for PE Credit (Week 2 of 2) 9 a.m.–noon 9–12

WEEK 5: JUNE 23 –27



Full-Day Camp, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Grades

Trojan Day Camp (Section 3) K–4

Morning Camps, 9 a.m.–noon

NinjaPlay K–1

STEM Robotics (Section 1) K–1

Parent Trap Summer Camp 2–3

LS Boys Basketball Camp 2–4

Disney, Drama and Dynamics 2–4

Fun With American Girl Dolls 2–4

LS/MS Girls Volleyball Camp (Section 2) 2–5

Afternoon Camps, 1–4 p.m.

Jingle All the Way in June K–2

Little Pom Dance Camp 1–4

Coding, Books and STEM, Oh My! (Section 1) 2–4

Drone Flying Adventures (Section 2) 2–4

LS/MS Boys Wrestling Camp 3–6


Morning Camps, 9 a.m.–noon Grades

LS/MS Girls Volleyball Camp (Section 2) 2–5

Comic Book Design 5–8

How Kids Lead (Section 2) 5–8

MS Girls Soccer Camp 5–8

Summer Reading, Sixth Grade: Hatchet 6

Afternoon Camps, 1–4 p.m.

LS/MS Boys Wrestling Camp 3–6

MS Boys Basketball Camp 5–8

Chess Camp 5–8

Summer Reading, Sixth Grade: Where the Red Fern Grows 6

MS Girls Volleyball Camp (Section 2) 6–8

Math Bridges: Getting Prepared for Eighth-Grade Math (Section 1) 8


Math for Incoming Freshmen:


Getting Prepared for Algebra (Section 1) 9–11 a.m. 9 (10 if new) Health (Section 3—Week 2 of 2) 8 a.m.–noon 11–12

Web Computing 1 8 a.m.–5 p.m. 9–12

Junior Summer Reading Course: The Crucible (Section 3) 9–11 a.m. 11

Junior Summer Reading Course: The Story of the Bible: Pauline Epistles (Section 2) 11:15 a.m.–1:15 p.m. 11

Health (Section 4 — Week 2 of 2) 12:30–4:30 p.m. 11–12

Junior Summer Reading Course: The Crucible (Section 4) 2–4 p.m. 11




Full-Day Camp, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Grades

Trojan Day Camp (Section 4) K–4


Full-Day Camp, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Grades

How Kids Lead (Section 3) 5–8


College Application Essay Writing Workshop (Section 3) 9–11:30 a.m. 12 Times Grades

WEEK 7: JULY 7–11



Full-Day Camp, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Grades

Trojan Day Camp (Section 5) K–4

Morning Camps, 9 a.m.–noon

STEM Robotics (Section 2) K–1

LS Soccer Camp (Section 2) K–4

Phonics Boot Camp: Refresh and Reboot Your Skills 1–2

Paper-Jam! 2–4

Nothing but Nets 2–4

Super Summer STEM Camp 3–4

Afternoon Camps, 1–4 p.m.

SportsPlay! K–1

Coding, Books and STEM, Oh My! (Section 2) 2–4

Let’s Skate! 2–4

Center Stage Summer Theater Camp 2–5


Morning Camps, 9 a.m.–noon Grades

Take Flight Glider Design 5–8

Ultimate Frisbee 6–8

Summer Reading, Seventh Grade:

The Ransom of Mercy Carter (Section 2) 7

Afternoon Camps, 1–4 p.m.

Center Stage Summer Theater Camp 2–5

Drone Flying Adventures (Section 2) 5–6

Introduction to Printmaking 5–8

Middle School Tennis Training (Section 2) 5–8

Summer Reading, Seventh Grade: The Ransom of Mercy Carter (Section 3) 7

WEEK 8: JULY 14 –18



Full-Day Camp, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Grades

Sky Ranch Launch Camp K–3


Health (Section 5 — Week 1 of 2)

Web Computing 2


Health (Section 5 — Week 2 of 2) 8 a.m.–noon 11–12 Web Computing 3 8 a.m.–5 p.m. 9–12

Lower School

Adventures in Kinder: Come Camp With Mrs. Lindsay

June 16-18 and 20 (off June 19), 1-4 p.m.

Entering grade: K

Fee: $188

Have you ever been camping? This is a week of camp-filled fun where you will get to come and learn about the adventures in a kindergarten day with Mrs. Lindsay. We will roast alphabet s’mores, count the stars in the nighttime sky using some interactive math activities, play some camp-themed games and learn many of the important routines of the kindergarten day at TCA. It’s sure to be a week your child won’t forget as they prepare for kindergarten! Maximum enrollment is 14 students.

Instructor: Melissa Lindsay


June 9-13, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: K-1

Fee: $230

G’day mates! Does your family love Bluey? So do we! Even if you are not familiar with the show, come join us for a fun-filled week of all things Bluey and Bingo! We will do all sorts of crafts and games based on this popular kids’ show and learn about Australia while we are at it. Bring your imagination and come play with us! Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructor: Skylar Worley

Cardboard Creations

June 9-13, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: K-1

Fee: $230

Get your imaginations ready to go as we design, build and create projects using cardboard. Students will get to use their critical thinking skills as well as creativity to build some amazing cardboard creations! Students will be able to use the ideas we learn at camp to keep the fun going at home! Whether you have leftover moving boxes, cereal boxes or even Amazon delivery boxes, there are always creations waiting to be made with the leftover cardboard. Come put your engineering skills to work and build with us! Maximum enrollment is 13 students.

Instructor: Rachel Wilson

Center Stage Summer Theater Camp

July 7-11, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 2-5

Fee: $235

This will be a week of dramatic fun for rising second- through fifth-graders. Students will have the opportunity to learn stage skills, play improvisational games and help create and perform an exciting original production. The camp will culminate in a finale showcase production on Friday, July 11, from 4-4:30 p.m. Maximum enrollment is 20 students.

Instructor: Marcelle Hamilton

Coding, Books and STEM, Oh My!

Section 1: June 23-27, 1-4 p.m.

Section 2: July 7-11, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 2-4

Fee: $235

Get ready to code, create and explore with a fun and engaging time designed for curious young minds eager to dive into the world of coding, stories and hands-on STEM projects! This combines the excitement of building with the creativity of books, offering a perfect balance of learning and play. Inspired by the daily stories, campers will build, design and experiment with STEM projects. Students will also learn the basics of coding through interactive games, fun puzzles and beginner-friendly coding platforms. Join us for a week of discovery, imagination and innovation — where reading leads to creating and stories come to life in the world of STEM! Maximum enrollment is 12 students per section.

Instructor: Lauren Dean

Disney, Drama and Dynamics

June 23-27, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 2-4

Fee: $250

This course is designed to introduce Lower School children to the basics of voice and acting. Through engaging activities, exercises and Disney songs, students will explore the fundamentals of vocal technique, stage presence, character development, creativity and improvisation. Throughout the course, emphasis will be placed on building confidence, creativity and teamwork skills.

By the end of the program, students will have gained a solid foundation in voice and acting, as well as an appreciation for the performing arts. Whether your child is a budding singer/actor or simply interested in exploring their creative side, this course offers a fun and educational introduction to the world of singing/acting. Maximum enrollment is 12 students

Instructor: Cherry Hanes

Drone Flying Adventures

Section 1: June 16-18 and 20 (off June 19), 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades 2-4

Fee: $200

Section 2: June 23-27, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 2-4

Fee: $250

DroneTogether is bringing an exhilarating and innovative drone flying experience to Trinity Christian Academy this summer. Come have fun spending time in one of the fastest growing spaces in technology – drone flying. All flying abilities are welcome, as we build on basic flying skills to advance to more challenging and exciting opportunities. Some of the opportunities include tricks, team flying challenges, flying adventures, obstacle design and course design. All activities are designed to be collaborative, fun and safe for all students. Come see what all the buzz is about and join us as we zoom, flip and soar our way through an exciting week of learning. Maximum enrollment is 14 students per section.

Instructor: DroneTogether Staff

Explore Weather, Seasons and the Sky: A Faith-Filled Adventure

June 9-13, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 1-2

Fee: $230

Join us for an exciting class where we’ll explore the wonders of weather, the changing seasons and the objects in the sky. Grounded in a biblical worldview, our curriculum highlights God’s purposeful design in the natural world. Through engaging lessons, hands-on activities and fun experiments, students will discover how the world around us reflects God’s amazing creation. Maximum enrollment is 13 students.

Instructor: Carolyn Finnie

Faith, Girls, FUN!

June 9-13, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 2-4 girls

Fee: $230

Kick off summer with faith, fitness, food and fun. We will talk about great ways to set goals and learn lots of fun activities to keep busy throughout the summer. A daily devotional and exercise will be a great way to start each day. Friendship bracelets, spin art and cupcake decorating are just a few activities we will be doing as well. Summer fun, here we come! Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructor: Brandie Rodgers

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: A Scientific Study of Some Key Systems in Our Body

June 2-6, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 1-2

Fee: $230

Join us for an exciting journey through the incredible human body thoughtfully designed by God. This class will explore key systems, including bones, muscles, teeth, the heart, lungs and stomach. Our curriculum is grounded in a biblical worldview, highlighting God’s purposeful design. Through engaging activities, hands-on exploration and interactive experiments, students will discover the intricate ways our bodies function and celebrate their amazing design. Maximum enrollment is 13 students.

Instructor: Carolyn Finnie

Fine Arts for Kids

June 2-6, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: K-2

Fee: $230

In this class, we will discover different types of art mediums and processes while learning about the famous artists who inspire us. We will explore drawing, painting, collage and printmaking too! What a great way for aspiring artists to learn some art history while creating masterpieces of their own. Maximum enrollment is 13 students.

Instructor: Carrie Kunkel

Fourth-Grade Training Camp

June 9-13, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grade: 4 (TCA students only)

Fee: $230

Get fired up for fourth grade! You will get a taste of all the things that make fourth grade at TCA special: KTCA, carpool duty, Bonus Bucks, the Fourth-Grade Store and more! Homework, tests and projects will be introduced, and you’ll have a chance to sample each. Learn how to organize your notebook, keep your bank account in order and avoid SNURKS! You’ll earn Bonus Bucks and have money in your fourth-grade bank account before school even begins! Best of all, you’ll make new friends and meet people who will be in your class. This course is strongly recommended for students new to TCA. Open to students entering TCA fourth grade only. Please send a water bottle and a healthy snack each day. Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructor: Cheryl Utley

Fun With American Girl Dolls

June 23-27, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 2-4

Fee: $235

Join us for a fun, enriching week at American Girl Camp. Throughout the week, we will explore exciting activities inspired by the diverse characters and stories from American Girl. Campers will engage in hands-on crafts, outdoor fun, a bit of baking, creative play and even a little history as they step into the world of their favorite American Girl characters. Maximum enrollment is 10 students.

Instructors: Meredith Orvis and Chrisey Billman

Glitter, Games and God: A Fun and Faith-Filled Girls’ Class

June 16-18 and 20 (off June 19), 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 2-4

Fee: $188

Calling all girls who love glitter, creativity and fun! In this exciting class, we’ll enjoy hands-on activities like making lip gloss and body scrub, painting nails, crafting bracelets and more. Along with these creative projects, we’ll have meaningful “girl talk” sessions to discuss navigating friendships, managing conflicts with peers and living a life that reflects Christ’s love. Each day, we’ll also explore the stories of inspiring women from the Bible, discovering how God used them and how He can use us to make a difference in the world. Maximum enrollment is 13 students.

Instructor: Carolyn Finnie

Green Thumb Gardeners

June 2-6, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: K-2

Fee: $240

Get ready to dig into a week of fun and discovery in Green Thumb Gardeners! Each day, campers will explore the wonders of nature as they plant seeds, care for growing plants and learn about the environment. From building a small garden to creating bee-friendly spaces and crafting unique garden art, young gardeners will develop essential skills while fostering teamwork and creativity. The week culminates in a harvest celebration, where campers will taste fresh herbs, make simple recipes and share their gardening successes. Green Thumb Gardeners is the perfect place to nurture a love for nature and growing things! Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructor: Jennifer Ross

Jingle All the Way in June

June 23-27, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: K-2

Fee: $230

Do you want to build a snowman? Well…this summer, the heat will not bother you anyway! You’re invited to enjoy some Christmas merriment in June! Campers will spend the week learning about and celebrating the miraculous birth of Jesus and other fun holiday favorites with stories, crafts, music, games and snacks! Prepare yourself to be cheery from this extra dose of Christmas. Maximum enrollment is 12 students

Instructor: Emily Tong

Junior Chef Academy

June 16-18 and 20 (off June 19), 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 2-4

Fee: $200

Get ready to whip up some fun! In this hands-on summer class, young chefs will learn the basics of cooking and kitchen safety. From mastering simple recipes to exploring essential techniques like chopping, measuring and mixing, kids will gain confidence and creativity in the kitchen. Perfect for aspiring cooks eager to create delicious dishes and tasty memories! Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructor: Karrie Turk

Lego Land

June 16-18 and 20 (off June 19), 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: K-1

Fee: $188

Does your child love to build with Legos? If so, this is the place to be! Children will be challenged with a new and exciting Lego theme each day and given an opportunity to create to their heart’s content. Brainstorming and building a town, participating in vehicle races, constructing weight-bearing structures and more will keep your little builder engaged and entertained this summer. Come build with us! Maximum enrollment is 14 students.

Instructor: Rachel Wilson

Lego Masters

June 9-13, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 2-4

Fee: $225

Calling all Lego masters! If you are passionate about Legos and love to compete, this is the class for you. Each day you will be presented with a new challenge, and you can let your creative juices flow as you design your own unique Lego builds. Winners will be selected each day for design and cooperation. At the end of the week, one lucky winner will go home with a new Lego set. It’s going to be a BRICKTACULAR time! Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructor: Brandie Rodgers

Make Math Fun!

June 2-6, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 3-5

Fee: $225

Make math fun! Join us for a week designed to immerse children in math and help them find joy in numbers. Interactive games, puzzles, math mysteries, STEM projects and more all add up to deepen understanding of mathematical concepts, improve foundational skills and help children develop number sense. Let’s make math fun! Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructor: Cheryl Utley

Multiplication Mania!

June 9-13, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 3-5

Fee: $225

Multiplication Mania makes learning multiplication facts fun! A wide variety of hands-on activities, games and sports are used to teach and reinforce skills. Campers will receive tools and learn games to play with family and friends, providing easy ways to continue to develop accurate and automatic recall of math facts at home throughout the summer. This class is designed for all children entering third, fourth or fifth grade, whether they are just beginning to learn the facts or working towards mastery. Please send a water bottle and a healthy snack each day. Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructor: Cheryl Utley

Music Explorers

June 9-13, 1-4


Entering grades: 1-3

Fee: $230

Join us for an exciting week of musical fun in Music Explorers! Each day, campers will embark on a journey through the world of music, exploring rhythm, melody and movement. From singing and dancing to playing instruments and creating their own tunes, young musicians will discover the magic of sound while building confidence and teamwork. With fun, hands-on activities and opportunities to express their creativity, Music Explorers is the perfect way to have fun in the summertime! Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructor: Jennifer Ross

Ocean Adventures

June 2-6, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: K

Fee: $230

Are you ready to explore the ocean? Join us as we dive deep into learning about the beautiful underwater world God created. Campers will spend a week exploring different ocean creatures through educational activities such as music, books, crafts and games. Ocean adventure campers will enjoy virtual aquarium visits as well as create delicious ocean-themed snacks each day! Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructor: Jenifer Johnson


July 7-11, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 2-4

Fee: $230

Staring at a blank piece of paper can be intimidating, but it provides countless opportunities for creativity. This hands-on summer workshop will explore a wide variety of fun uses for paper. We will study the science of paper airplanes and field test our creations. We will push paper’s strength to the limit by building weight-bearing structures. We will turn 2D into 3D by folding and sculpting paper artwork. We will even make our own paper. Come see what you can do with a blank piece of paper! Maximum enrollment is 15 students.

Instructor: Emily Eyre

Parent Trap Summer Camp

June 23-27, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 2-3

Fee: $230

Calling all Parent Trap-loving adventure girls! Get ready for a themed camp where we will create unforgettable memories with old and new friends while bonding over camp activities, crafts and adventures, just like the classic movie! Campers will embark on team-building adventures, create matching tie-dye T-shirts and send letters just like Hallie and Annie! Prepare to have fun at this twin-sational camp with the perfect blend of teamwork, creativity and movie magic. Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructor: Melanie Townsend

Phineas and Ferb Summer!

June 2-6, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 1-2

Fee: $230

No one does summer vacation better than well-known brothers Phineas and Ferb! They’ve given us some tips and tricks on how to make it the best summer ever…before school comes along just to end it! Just like these innovative brothers, we will design, invent and build with creativity and imagination. Kids will work together with various materials to build anything from rockets to roller coasters. But watch out for tattletale sister Candace who might try and spoil the fun! Meanwhile, Perry the Platypus might need our help defeating Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s evil plan to ruin summer. We’ll be busy brainstorming, building, and being secret agents all without getting BUSTED! See there’s a whole lot of stuff to do before school starts this fall… so join us at Phineas and Ferb camp where we will do it all! Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructors: Kathryn Smith and Apryl Elkay

Phonics Boot Camp: Refresh and Reboot Your Skills

July 7-11, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 1-2

Fee: $230

Join us for Phonics Boot Camp, where we’ll review key phonics skills in a fun and engaging way. Students will refresh their knowledge and gain confidence through catchy songs and chants before the school year begins. It’s the perfect way to brush up on essential phonics skills and get ready for a successful year ahead! Maximum enrollment is 13 students.

Instructor: Carolyn Finnie

Publishing Company

June 2-6, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 3-5

Fee: $230

Calling all young authors! Write, illustrate and publish your own hardcover book! Work through the writing process — brainstorming, drafting, editing, illustrating and publishing. Sharpen foundational skills in writing, grammar, punctuation and design while creating a keepsake sure to be a source of pride. Maximum enrollment is 10 students.

Instructor: Cheryl Utley

Reading, Writing and Arithmetic Camp

June 16-18 and 20 (off June 19), 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 3-4

Fee: $180

Summer is a great time to brush up on skills and jump to the head of the class! Reading, Writing and Arithmetic Camp provides group and individual activities designed to build strength, confidence and enjoyment in all three subjects. Individual assessments determine each child’s ability level in each subject, enabling the camp coach to customize a program of study targeting individual needs. Please send a water bottle and a healthy snack each day. Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructor: Cheryl Utley

Sky Ranch Launch Camp

Section 1: May 26-30, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Section 2: July 14-18, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Entering grades: K-3

Fee: $359

Sky Ranch Christian Camps is bringing all the fun, discovery and growth of a week of day camp to TCA. Our staff of highly trained Christian counselors will interact with your child in a week of purposeful play. Each day will include several activities to provide a variety of new experiences for your child. Giant inflatables, crazy sports with a camp twist, team-building games, Bible exploration and tons of creative fun will leave your child begging for a camp experience all summer long. Please bring a sack lunch and water bottle. Please register for Day Camp through Sky Ranch at Maximum enrollment is 140 students.

Instructors: Sky Ranch Counselors

Space Adventures Camp

June 9-13, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: K-1

Fee: $230

Come join us on an adventure as we “take off” and become space explorers, learning about outer space and the wonders of God’s universe. Our classroom will be transformed into a planetarium where space explorers will perform experiments, engineer crafts and eat space snacks. Each day, space explorers will journey to a space station, moon, star or planet. Get ready to have a “blast” as we have an adventure that is “out of this world”! Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructor: Meredith Orvis

STEM: Let’s Get Wet, Get Messy and Learn!

June 16-18 and 20 (off June 19), 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: K-1

Fee: $188

Let’s get messy while we learn! This course will be for all the senses. We will get messy and have fun while doing STEM and Montessori-inspired lessons. We will use sensory bins to explore different ways to sort and create, review math while we get those fingers messy and practice the fine motor movements needed for handwriting. Maximum enrollment is 14 students.

Instructor: Skylar Worley

STEM Robotics

Section 1: June 23-27, 9 a.m.-noon

Section 2: July 7-11, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: K-1

Fee: $250

This STEM Robotics beginner camp has it all: building, creating, designing, engineering, coding concepts, basic robotics and drones. We aim to make a child’s first experience with STEM both fun and engaging, so we create a space for the kids to work collaboratively to bring their ideas to life. This is a very handson camp. Our belief is, the more fun they have in this learning environment, the more likely they are to continue pursuing STEM opportunities in the future. Opportunities will abound in this space in the future, and no STEM company has more fun, so come join us this summer in living out our motto: “Bringing the Future to People...Today.” Maximum enrollment is 12 students per section.

Instructor: DroneTogether Staff

Step Up to Third Grade

Section 1: June 2-6, 9 a.m.-noon

Section 2: June 2-6, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grade: 3

Fee: $225

Come get excited about all things third grade with TCA Third-Grade Teacher

Kara Tatum! We will make learning fun while getting your child prepared for next school year. We will practice content like math facts and reading along with learning skills like problem solving throughout the week. It is going to be a blast!

Maximum enrollment is 12 students per section.

Instructor: Kara Tatum

Strategic Games

June 2-6, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 2-4

Fee: $225

Does your family love game night? Are you looking for some fun new games to add to the rotation? It can be hard to teach new games at home, so let us do it for you! We will learn games like chess, checkers, Monopoly, Battleship, Life, Uno, Sequence, etc. that your kids will love and can play for a lifetime. Games can help develop your child’s critical thinking skills and social skills, and they can provide fun for years to come! Come play with us! Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructor: John Garcia

Summer of Science

June 2-6, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 3-4

Fee: $230

Do you like to ask questions and find the answers? Do you love fun science experiments? Come join us for an exciting week of investigations! Each day we will perform a fun experiment from start to finish. Some of the questions we’ll explore are “Which bridge design holds the most weight?” and “What material works best as a parachute?” Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructor: John Garcia

Sunshine Girls – Girls on a Mission

June 2-6, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 1-4

Fee: $240

As “Special Agents” doing God’s work, the girls will follow Christ’s example by loving and serving others. They will learn how they can make a difference in the world. Each day, the girls will receive a fun “Top Secret” mission that will provide hands-on opportunities to help those in need locally, nationally and worldwide. Some missions include making blankets and dog treats for the local dog shelter and making sandwiches for the Dallas Soup Kitchen. We will also be taking some off-campus field trips for local service projects. The girls will learn what it means to consider others as better than themselves, to look not only to their own interests, but also to the interests of others (Philippians 2:3-4). As we complete each mission, lives will be impacted through prayer and service. Maximum enrollment is 16 students.

Instructors: Candace Redden and Megan Solis

Super Summer STEM Camp

July 7-11, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 3-4

Fee: $230

Do your kids come home talking about all the fun we have in STEM class? This class is for you! We will be using all of their STEM favorites this week to design, create, play and build! Some of the fun activities we will be doing include stop motion animation, Keva planks, Lego Robotics, cardboard creations and lots of fun challenges. If that sounds like a blast, come join us for some super summer STEM fun! Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructor: TBD

Trojan Day Camp

Section 1: June 9-13, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.**

Section 2: June 16-18 and 20 (off June 19), 9 a.m.-4 p.m.**

Section 3: June 23-27, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.**

Section 4: June 30-July 3 (Monday-Thursday only), 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Section 5: July 7-11, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.**

Entering grades: K-4

Fee: $380 ($305 weeks of June 16 and June 30)

**Students attending other morning classes at TCA can join Trojan Day Camp in the afternoon. The half-day fee for each section is $200 ($160 week of June 16).

Trinity Christian Academy is so excited to continue to grow its own amazing day camp for the fifth consecutive year! Trojan Day Camp is the only local Christian day camp in the area! It provides all the amazing aspects of popular sleep-away camps with the convenience and peace-of-mind of keeping your child right here in the Dallas area for the summer. With a staff of young adults and regular TCA instructors who are all familiar with the mission and vision of TCA during the school year, we are excited to spread the word of Jesus through our own creative summer activities. Children in each grade level will travel together throughout the day with a counselor to various activities which may include service, art, sports, STEM, Bible, water activities and even some friendly competition mixed in. Each camp week will feature a unique theme with activities that tie into Bible-based topics. Most of all, we seek to form relationships between the counselors and the children in a way that leads our campers to seek out the wisdom of Jesus in all that they do. Are you all-in to enjoy God’s summer glory at Trojan Day Camp? We can’t wait!

Instructors: Trojan Day Camp Staff

Middle School

3D Printing

Section 1: June 2-6, 9 a.m.-noon

Section 2: June 9-13, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 6-8

Fee: $250

Come learn how to operate a 3D printer and successfully design your own 3D objects! The lessons advance through a series of stages to help students acquire the skills they need. Students will begin by printing objects that have been preloaded for them so that they learn the skills needed to operate the 3D printer. They will then advance to designing objects using step-by-step tutorials so that they learn to use the CAD software and the slicing program. Finally, they will advance to free design, using the Engineering Design Process to design and print a unique object to solve a real-world problem. Maximum enrollment is 8 students per section.

Instructor: Teresa Rosario

Basics of Home Ec

Section 1: June 2-6, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 5-6

Section 2: June 9-13, 9 a.m.-noon.

Entering grades: 7-8

Fee: $240

This class is designed to introduce the skills of knitting/crocheting, sewing and cooking. Participants will learn the basics of each of these skills and create projects that they can take home and use. Students will learn how to do basic knitting stitches and use that to create a stuffed animal. Basic crochet will be taught and a small project will be made that students can recreate on their own at home. Sewing machines will be used to learn basic sewing skills and a project or two will be created that students can take with them. Basic recipes will be learned and practiced and eaten during camp. Students will leave with a basic cookbook of recipes that they can make at home. Maximum enrollment is 12 students per section.

Instructor: Kerry Peabody

Board Game Week

June 9-13, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 5-8

Fee: $225

No time for analysis paralysis here. It is time to play some old classics and get introduced to some new favorite board games. Have fun learning a variety of games as we connect with old and new friends. Maximum enrollment is 16 students.

Instructor: David Goerk

Ceramic Planters

June 9-13, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 5-8

Fee: $240

Come explore ceramic hand building as we create unique earthenware planting pots. This course will focus on slab and coil construction of large unique planters. A variety of carving and additive techniques, including press molds and relief work will be used to bring these pots to life. The large surface area of these planters has plenty of room to put your creativity on display. The work created in class will be fired after the completion of the course. Maximum enrollment is 15 students.

Instructor: David Goerk

Center Stage Summer Theater Camp

July 7-11, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 2-5

Fee: $235

This will be a week of dramatic fun for rising second- through fifth-graders. Students will have the opportunity to learn stage skills, play improvisational games and help create and perform an exciting original production. The camp will culminate in a finale showcase production on Friday, July 11, from 4-4:30 p.m. Maximum enrollment is 20 students.

Instructor: Marcelle Hamilton

Chess Camp

June 23-27, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 5-8

Fee: $225

A class for beginners and those who already love chess. Come and improve your skills as you learn more about this classic game and have fun playing with new friends. The class will introduce the game and teach tactics, strategies and opening theory. Enjoy practicing and playing new opponents. The week will culminate in an in-class tournament. Maximum enrollment is 15 students.

Instructor: David Goerk

How Kids Lead

Section 1: June 9-13, 9 a.m.-noon

Section 2: June 23-27, 9 a.m.-noon

Section 3: June 30-July 3, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 5-8

Fee: $235

In this class we will explore various dimensions of what makes a leader. How Kids Lead is an inspirational, group experience that is designed to teach a student how they influence others. Each day, two different students will be placed in leadership roles to accomplish a stated objective. Throughout the course of the week, every child will have the chance to plan, direct the execution of the plan and talk through how the exercise went. Students will learn how to navigate group dynamics, solve problems and provide immediate feedback to teammates. This is a great experience to equip a child for a life of working in a team. Maximum enrollment is 15 students per section.

Instructor: Chris Thelen

Take Flight Glider Design

July 7-11, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 5-8

Fee: $235

Learn what makes planes take flight and then design and build your own glider. Gliders will be constructed from wood and foam. The course will introduce basic hand tools and building techniques required to get your ideas off the ground. Maximum enrollment is 15 students.

Instructor: David Goerk

Comic Book Design

June 23-27, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 5-8

Fee: $235

Heroes needed, villains on the loose! Bring your creativity and desire to strengthen your drawing and illustration skills. Using popular comics as inspiration, we will develop characters and settings from which to bring your imagination to life. This course will introduce storyboarding, character design and page layouts to bring your comics and cartoons to a higher level. We will use graphite, ink, markers and watercolors to develop dynamic stories. There are some stories worth telling. Come and share your excitement in this exciting art form. Maximum enrollment is 15 students.

Instructor: David Goerk

Drone Flying Adventures

Section 1: June 16-18 and 20 (off June 19), 1-4 p.m.

Fee: $200

Section 2: July 7-11, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 5-6

Fee: $250

DroneTogether is bringing an exhilarating and innovative drone flying experience to Trinity Christian Academy this summer. Come have fun spending time in one of the fastest growing spaces in technology – drone flying. All flying abilities are welcome, as we build on basic flying skills to advance to more challenging and exciting opportunities. Some of the opportunities include tricks, team flying challenges, flying adventures, obstacle design and course design. All activities are designed to be collaborative, fun and safe for all students. Come see what all the buzz is about and join us as we zoom, flip and soar our way through an exciting week of learning. Maximum enrollment is 14 students per section.

Instructor: DroneTogether Staff

Introduction to Printmaking

July 7-11, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 5-8

Fee: $235

This is a week of learning the basics of printmaking and applying it to unique and personal works of art. We will learn how to work with various types of materials and different methods of printmaking, and students will come away with finished pieces ready to go on the wall! Maximum enrollment is 15 students.

Instructor: David Goerk

Serving Like Christ: Counselor in Training (CIT)

June 2-6 and June 9-13 (two-week class), 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 8-9

Fee: $400

The CIT program is designed for upcoming eighth- and ninth-grade students who aspire to serve as a counselor. Whether you desire to serve in TCA Enrichment, a summer camp job, VBS or at your church, Mr. Nymeyer will dive into core attributes and skills of the best counselors. This course provides unique opportunities to receive quality feedback on how to serve like Christ. Week one will focus on practical and spiritual training to serve like Christ (Matthew 23:11-12, Colossians 3:23 and Romans 12:1-2). Week two blends classroom instruction with practical opportunities to serve and apply the lessons learned during training. Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructor: Seth Nymeyer

Math Bridges: Getting Prepared for Fifth-Grade Math

Section 1: June 2-6, 9 a.m.-noon

Section 2: June 9-13, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grade: 5

Fee: $220

The purpose of this course is to support the incoming student with a smooth transition to the fifth-grade mathematics coursework. The focus for this week will be on developing procedural fluency with whole numbers, fractions and decimals. This enriching (and FUN!) experience will prepare struggling students for the jump into the rigor of fifth-grade math. Maximum enrollment is 14 students per section.

Instructor: Wanchi Lowe

Math Bridges: Getting Prepared for Sixth-Grade Math

Section 1: June 2-6, 1-4 p.m.

Section 2: June 9-13, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grade: 6

Fee: $220

The purpose of this course is to support the incoming student with a smooth transition to the sixth-grade mathematics coursework. The focus for this week will be on developing procedural fluency with fractions, decimals and percentages and getting a head start into basic algebraic equations. This enriching (and FUN!) experience will prepare struggling students for the jump into the rigor of sixth-grade math. Maximum enrollment is 14 students per section.

Instructor: Wanchi Lowe

Math Bridges: Getting Prepared for Seventh-Grade Math

Section 1: June 2-6, 9 a.m.-noon

Section 2: June 9-13, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grade: 7

Fee: $220

This course is designed to help rising seventh-graders prepare for the world of algebra. Students will learn to perform basic operations with integers and fractions and will use those concepts to solve algebraic equations. Games and hands-on activities will be used to help make these concepts easier to understand. Maximum enrollment is 14 students per section.

Instructor: Kerry Peabody

Math Bridges: Getting Prepared for Eighth-Grade Math

Session 1: June 9-13, 1-4 p.m.

Session 2: June 23-27, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grade: 8

Fee: $220

This course is designed for rising eighth-graders who desire further instruction in the application of mathematical concepts taught in seventh grade and for students who wish to benefit from a preview of eighth-grade content. This course not only challenges the student through numerical games, partner activities and teamwork, but will also give students a chance to see how God built number systems to express His character and His nature. Calculators are not needed. Maximum enrollment is 14 students per section.

Instructor: Chris Thelen

Musical Theater Workshop: Godspell

Section 1: June 2-6, Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.-4 p.m., and Friday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. performance

Section 2: June 9-13, Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.-4 p.m., and Friday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. performance

Entering grades: 5-8

Fee: $380

Students will be cast in a production of Godspell. Each student will be required to act, sing and dance in this show. The week will be geared for preparation for the performance on Friday evening at 6 p.m. This is a wonderful outlet for talented students to perform in a fabulous show! Each student will need to bring a sack lunch and snack each day and will be responsible for his or her costume.

Costumes will be discussed on the first day of the workshop. Maximum enrollment is 18 students per section.

Instructors: Kristi Robison-Rasnic and Leslie Williams Blum ’88

Summer Reading, Fifth Grade: The Twenty-One Balloons

Section 1: June 2-6, 9 a.m.-noon

Section 2: June 9-13, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grade: 5

Fee: $220

As we read The Twenty-One Balloons by William Pène du Bois from the summer reading list, we will focus on key reading skills for fifth grade at TCA. Over the course of the week, students will complete their first summer reading and writing assignment. Students will also learn how to gather ideas, organize their thoughts and answer questions completely in writing. This class is strongly recommended for students new to TCA but will benefit any student interested in improving his or her reading and writing skills. Students must bring a paper copy of the book (in which they can highlight/annotate) to class on the first day. Please note that students will be expected to complete a small amount of reading or writing homework each night. We recommend that students only attend one summer reading section. Maximum enrollment is 14 students per section.

Instructor: Courtney Hamilton



Fifth Grade: Tuck Everlasting

Section 1:June 2-6, 1-4 p.m.

Section 2:June 9-13, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grade: 5

Fee: $220

As we read Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt from the summer reading list, we will focus on key reading skills for fifth grade at TCA. Over the course of the week, students will complete their first summer reading and writing assignment. Students will also learn how to gather ideas, organize their thoughts and answer questions completely in writing. This class is strongly recommended for students new to TCA, but it will benefit any student interested in improving his or her reading and writing skills. Students must bring a paper copy of the book (in which they can highlight/annotate) to class on the first day. Please note that students will be expected to complete a small amount of reading or writing homework each night. We recommend that students only attend one summer reading section. Maximum enrollment is 14 students per section.

Instructor: Courtney Hamilton

Summer Reading, Sixth Grade: Hatchet

June 23-27, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grade: 6

Fee: $220

As we read Hatchet by Gary Paulsen from the summer reading list, we will focus on key reading skills for sixth grade at TCA. Over the course of the week, students will complete their first summer reading and writing assignment. Students will also work on developing creative ideas, organizing their thoughts, citing textual

evidence and answering questions completely in writing. This class is strongly recommended for students new to TCA but will benefit any students interested in improving their reading and writing skills. Students must bring a paper copy of the book (in which they can highlight/annotate) to class on the first day. Please note that students will be expected to complete a small amount of reading or writing homework each night. We recommend that students only attend one summer reading section. Maximum enrollment is 14 students.

Instructor: Summerlyn Sharpe

Summer Reading, Sixth Grade: Where the Red Fern Grows

June 23-27, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grade: 6

Fee: $220

As we read Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls from the summer reading list, we will focus on key reading skills for sixth grade at TCA. Over the course of the week, students will complete their first summer reading and writing assignment. Students will also work on developing creative ideas, organizing their thoughts, citing textual evidence and answering questions completely in writing. This class is strongly recommended for students new to TCA but will benefit any students interested in improving their reading and writing skills. Students must bring a paper copy of the book (in which they can highlight/annotate) to class on the first day. Please note that students will be expected to complete a small amount of reading or writing homework each night. We recommend that students only attend one summer reading section. Maximum enrollment is 14 students.

Instructor: Summerlyn Sharpe

Summer Reading, Seventh Grade: The Ransom of Mercy Carter

Section 1: June 2-6, 1-4 p.m.

Section 2: July 7-11, 9 a.m.-noon

Section 3: July 7-11, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grade: 7

Fee: $220

As we read The Ransom of Mercy Carter from the summer reading list, we will focus on key reading skills for seventh grade at TCA. Over the course of the week, students will complete the reading of the novel. They will also work on developing creative ideas, organizing their thoughts, citing textual evidence and writing a rough draft of the summer writing assignment. This class is strongly recommended for students new to TCA but will benefit any student interested in improving his or her reading and writing skills. Students must bring a paper copy of the book (in which they can highlight/annotate) to class on the first day. There is no need to read the novel before class begins. Students will be required to attend class each day, where the instructor and students will read, discuss the reading and go over assignments and questions. Part of the class time will be devoted to independent work. Please understand that students will be required to read independently each day to complete the novel. Daily reading will be assigned. We recommend that students attend only one summer reading section.

Maximum enrollment is 14 students per section.

Instructors: Kathryn Goldsmith and Emily Hamill

Summer Reading, Eighth Grade: The Hiding Place

Section 1: June 2-6, 9 a.m.-noon

Section 2: June 2-6,1-4 p.m.

Section 3: June 9-13, 9 a.m.-noon

Section 4: June 9-13, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grade: 8

Fee: $220

This course will focus on reading and understanding the plot and main characters in The Hiding Place. Also included in the course will be a discussion of the approach that the students will take in reading and analyzing literature during their eighthgrade year. Students will finish the week with a clear understanding of the work and completion of the summer reading packet assignment. Maximum enrollment is 14 students per section.

Instructor: Sally Pearce

Upper School

Bug Camp

Section 1: June 3-5 (Tuesday-Thursday), 10 a.m.-noon

Section 2: June 3-5 (Tuesday-Thursday), 12:30-2:30 p.m.

Section 3: June 10-12 (Tuesday-Thursday), 10 a.m.-noon

Section 4: June 10-12 (Tuesday-Thursday), 1-3 p.m.

Entering grade: 9

Fee: $135

Come have a creepy, crawly good time discovering insects! We’ll spend time catching, examining, pinning and classifying insects. We will spend time outdoors (bring water and wear sunscreen) catching out in the field, and the bugs we catch will then be classified and pinned the next day in class. Any insects that are caught and pinned can be used later in the school year in your insect collection for biology class. Get a head start and have fun exploring the world of bugs! Maximum enrollment is 16 students per section.

Instructors: Courtney Bryson

Business Graphic Design

June 16-20, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Entering grades: 9-12

Fee: $425

The ability to manipulate, design, store and create images is central to effective electronic and written communication. Participants will learn how to use Photoshop Creative Cloud as a tool to create and manipulate images for placement in documents, media presentations, web pages and mobile apps. No prior experience with Photoshop is required. This course would be ideal for students interested in Yearbook. This course counts as one semester of Innovation credit.

Instructor: Kent Pendleton

College Application Essay Writing Workshop

Section 1: June 9-13, 10 a.m.-noon

Section 2: June 9-13, 1-3 p.m.

Section 3: June 30-July 3, 9-11:30 a.m.

Entering grade: 12

Fee: $200

This writing workshop will focus on crafting college application essays, which are required for most college applications. It may be only 650 words, but the admissions essay portion of a college application can mean the difference between acceptance and rejection. How you write your personal essay shows the admissions committee why you are different from everyone else. The essay provides information about you that test scores, grades

and extracurricular pursuits just cannot. Students are encouraged to bring in college application essay prompts from colleges of their choosing, and we will walk through each step of writing this essay—from gathering ideas to drafting the actual essay to editing and revising the final copy. Teachers will thoroughly read each student’s polished draft and respond with helpful commentary and suggestions. Come and see first-hand what makes an essay of this type successful! We’ll have released application essays from various colleges as models of successful and unsuccessful applications. Join this workshop and learn how to effectively and persuasively make your application essay stand out from the crowd! Maximum enrollment is 16 students per section.

Instructor: Holly Bator

Disc Golf for PE Credit

June 9-13, 16-18 and 20 (two-week class; off June 19), 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 9-12

Fee: $350

The goal of this course is to teach the basics of the sport of disc golf. Just like with traditional golf, the barrier to entry can be intimidating. However, with the right instruction and tools, any student can quickly learn the fundamentals in order to have a lifelong enjoyment of the sport. In this course, local semi-professional disc golfer and former world champion in ultimate frisbee will be instructing students in flight mechanics, footwork, rules of the game, strategy and disc choice. He will effectively distill complex ideas into simple, applicable training sessions to prepare every student to be able to play a full round of disc golf by the end of the course. PE credit cannot be given if a student misses three hours or more of class (or one day). DO NOT PLAN TRIPS OR APPOINTMENTS DURING THE SESSION. Maximum enrollment is 15 students.

This course counts as one semester of PE credit.

Instructor: Grant Waldron

Freshman Summer Reading Course: The Bronze Bow

Section 1: June 2-6, 8:30-10:30 a.m.

Section 2: June 2-6, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Section 3: June 2-6, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Section 4: June 9-13, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Entering grade: 9

Fee: $180

We will be reading The Bronze Bow, a historical novel set in Roman-occupied Israel during the time of Jesus. During class, students will read and discuss how the faithful Jewish community suffered under the controlling rule of the Roman Empire. This fiction account will allow students to reflect on the revolutionary

words of Jesus and how He sparked a dramatic life change in the lives of His followers, Jews and pagans. Reading this book in community will enhance the students’ appreciation for the social and political environment surrounding the people whom Jesus encountered. During the week we will complete all requirements for the summer reading for students entering ninth-grade Humanities. Maximum enrollment is 15 students per section.

Instructors: Kaitlin Yep and Bob Williams


Section 1: June 2-6 and 9-13 (two-week class), 8 a.m.-noon

Section 2: June 2-6 and 9-13 (two-week class), 12:30-4:30 p.m.

Section 3: June 16-20 and 23-27 (two-week class), 8 a.m.-noon

Section 4: June 16-20 and 23-27 (two-week class), 12:30-4:30 p.m.

Section 5: July 7-11 and 14-18 (two-week class), 8 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 11-12

Fee: $385

The goal of this course is to gain an understanding of the human body and total health by considering the physical, mental, social and spiritual influences on the whole person. We will learn health facts and health-promoting attitudes and habits. We will research and address current and critical health issues, understand the implications of high-risk behaviors and recognize God’s role in creating and sustaining our life and health. Credit cannot be given if a student misses four hours or more of class (or one day). DO NOT PLAN TRIPS OR APPOINTMENTS DURING THE SESSION. A student must attend the section for which he or she is registered. Student tablets are necessary for research and activities during the course. Maximum enrollment is 20 students per section. This course counts as one semester of Health credit.

Instructors: Russ Betts, Kerry DeWeese and Courtney Bryson

Intro to Digital Photography

June 9-13, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Entering grades: 9-12

Fee: $425

This course is for the student who wants a brief overview of digital photography. Students will learn the basics of composition and lighting, and they will experience Photoshop’s virtual darkroom. Discover how to make images with more visual interest than ordinary snapshots or Instagram posts. Adobe Photoshop will be the foundational tool for the course. TCA will provide cameras for use during the course. Daily off-campus excursions to photograph sites of interest will be a part of the typical class day. Work created may be eligible to be submitted to various art competitions throughout the year. Maximum enrollment is 11 students.

This course counts as one semester of Fine Art or Innovation credit.

Instructor: Jon Millet

Intro to Digital Printmaking

June 2-6, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Entering grades: 9-12

Fee: $425

This course is for the student who wants to learn the basics of digital media in relation to traditional printmaking techniques. Students will explore Adobe Photoshop, creating imagery specifically to be used in a variety of printmaking processes. Lessons will include basics of composition, good craftsmanship and creating interesting designs. Phototransfer, cyanotype, photo etching and silkscreen will be central to the lessons taught. Excursions off campus for image gathering and art exploration will be part of the week’s fun. Work created may be eligible to be submitted into various art competitions throughout the year. Maximum enrollment is 11 students.

This course counts as one semester of Fine Art or Innovation credit.

Instructor: Jon Millet

Intro to Python Programming

June 2-6, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Entering grades: 9-12

Fee: $425

Want to get a taste of computer science before committing to a more complicated course? Interested in getting another language under your belt? This course is for you! Learn the fundamentals of this popular language and become a Python programmer!

Prerequisite: Algebra I (A- average or above) and/or department head approval.

This course counts as one semester of Innovation credit.

Instructor: Kent Pendleton

Junior Summer Reading Course: The Crucible

Section 1: June 2-6, 9-11 a.m.

Section 2: June 2-6, 2-4 p.m.

Section 3: June 23-27, 9-11 a.m.

Section 4: June 23-27, 2-4 p.m.

Entering grade: 11

Fee: $180

The Crucible, Arthur Miller’s 1953 play, tells the tale of John Proctor, a man waging war against an entire community fooled by lies and hysteria that threatens to ruin his marriage, take his life and reveal his biggest secret. This course will focus on understanding the plot and significant themes of The Crucible; furthermore, the course will provide context of how the Cold War period inspired this fictional retelling of the Salem witch trials. Students will complete their summer reading packets concerning The Crucible. Students will finish this course ready for an essay on The Crucible in the fall. Maximum enrollment is 15 students per section.

Instructor: Grant Waldron

Junior Summer Reading Course: The Story of the Bible: Pauline Epistles

Section 1: June 2-6, 11:15 a.m.-1:15 p.m.

Section 2: June 23-27, 11:15 a.m.-1:15 p.m.

Entering grade: 11

Fee: $180

There is no greater story than the Bible. And there is no greater responsibility of a Christian than to know it and live it. In our attempt to live the Christian life, we can be hamstrung by a lack of understanding of God’s will for us as shown through His Word. The Pauline Epistles is a rich section of the New Testament that offers instruction, insight and guidance into Christian life and worship. Through this course, we will be introduced to every Pauline Epistle while we prepare for reading almost all of the New Testament in the junior-year Bible class. Students will finish this course prepared to expound the basic teachings of the Christian faith as found in the Pauline Epistles of the New Testament.

Instructor: Grant Waldron

Lifetime Activity for PE Credit

June 2-6 and 9-13 (two-week class), 8:30-10:30 a.m.

Entering grades: 9-12

Fee: $375

This two-week PE credit course will offer a variety of activities to encourage students to engage in a lifetime of fitness. Activities such as pickleball, tennis, badminton, bowling, fishing, walking and hiking will allow students to get a broad experience of the rules and skills which make these lifetime activities unique and enjoyable. Students will need to dress appropriately for each day’s activities. Some days will require school transportation to another location. PE credit cannot be given if a student misses two hours or more of class (or one day). DO NOT PLAN TRIPS OR APPOINTMENTS DURING THE SESSION. Maximum enrollment is 15 students. This course counts as one quarter of PE credit.

Instructors: Bob Williams and Jason Groezinger

Math for Incoming Freshmen: Getting Prepared for Algebra

June 23-27, 9-11 a.m.

Entering grade: 9 (or 10 if new to TCA)

Fee: $180

This course is designed to help rising ninth graders prepare for algebra in the Upper School. It is recommended for students new to TCA or for TCA students who have struggled with math in their Middle School years. Students will solidify math concepts from pre-algebra and learn fundamentals to help ease the transition to freshman algebra. Games, hands-on activities and group work will be used to help make these concepts easier to understand. Maximum enrollment is 15 students.

Instructor: Jason Groezinger

Mural Painting

June 2-6, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Entering grades: 9-12

Fee: $425

Interested in painting a new mural for TCA? This class will be painting a permanent mural located on the TCA campus. This course accommodates all student artistic levels from those with little experience in art to the advanced art student. Students will learn the history of public art and its influence in a community. Students will be taught how to transfer and paint a master design onto a wall surface. This will be a legacy that students and the TCA community can enjoy for years to come. Maximum enrollment is 11 students. This course counts as one semester of Fine Arts credit.

Instructor: Frances Allen

Money 101

June 2-6, 1-3 p.m.

Entering grades: 11, 12 or just-graduated seniors

Fee: $180

Car insurance, credit cards, budgets, oh my! Gain an understanding of debt, building wealth through investments, insurance and how to buy a car wisely. Avoid money stress and face the future with confidence by learning how stewardship allows you to bless your family and bless others. This class is a must-have before you head to college; you’ll finish the week ready to tackle adult finances with skill! Maximum enrollment is 15 students.

Instructor: Katie Kilpatrick

Pre-AP Computer Science in Java

June 9-13, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Entering grades: 9-12

Fee: $425

If you’d like to get on the fast track to AP Computer Science, check out this course! We will develop the essential elements of Java within the CodeHS Environment so that you can dive right into APCS in the regular school year. This will be an aggressive (but fun!) course, and participants should have a drive and passion to learn and apply their knowledge. Math and science grades will be used to help determine a participant’s likelihood of success.

Prerequisite: Intro to Python Programming (A- average or above) or other training in programming. Department head approval required. This course counts as one semester of Innovation credit.

Instructor: Kent Pendleton

Serving Like Christ: Counselor in Training (CIT)

June 2-6 and June 9-13 (two-week class), 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 8-9

Fee: $400

The CIT program is designed for upcoming eighth- and ninth-grade students who aspire to serve as a counselor. Whether you desire to serve in TCA Enrichment, a summer camp job, VBS or at your church, Mr. Nymeyer will dive into core attributes and skills of the best counselors. This course provides unique opportunities to receive quality feedback on how to serve like Christ. Week one will focus on practical and spiritual training to serve like Christ (Matthew 23:1112, Colossians 3:23 and Romans 12:1-2). Week two blends classroom instruction with practical opportunities to serve and apply the lessons learned during training. Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructor: Seth Nymeyer

Sophomore Summer Reading Course: The Great Divorce

Section 1: June 2-6, 8-10:30 a.m.

Section 2: June 2-6, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

Section 3: June 2-6, 2-4:30 p.m.

Entering grade: 10

Fee: $225

This course will focus on reading and understanding the plot and significant themes in C.S. Lewis’ masterpiece examining why humans reject God in The Great Divorce. This apologetics classic is required summer reading for incoming sophomores. To understand this allegorical journey into eternity, we will delve into the European literary background that Lewis used as inspiration since he was a Medieval and Renaissance professor at both Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Students will finish the week with a clear understanding of this profound allegory and a deeper understanding of their faith in Jesus Christ. Please understand that the students will need to read each night to prepare for each day’s class. Students will complete their required summer reading packets and prepare for the summer reading test at the beginning of the year. Maximum enrollment is 12 students per section.

Instructor: Zoe Ellen Azzi

Web Computing 1

June 23-27, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Entering grades: 9-12

Fee: $425

The languages of the web, HTML5 and CSS3, will be explored as we write web pages “from scratch” utilizing the web-based development and training platform CodeHS along with Microsoft’s VS Code. By the end of the course, students will be able to explain how web pages are developed and viewed on the internet, analyze and fix errors in existing websites, and create their own multi-page websites.

Pre/Co-requisite: Algebra I.

This course counts as one semester of Innovation credit.

Instructor: Kent Pendleton

Web Computing 2

July 7-11, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Entering grades: 9-12

Fee: $425

This course teaches the foundations of computer science and basic programming with an emphasis on helping students develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills. The JavaScript language is used for development. Students will interact with “Karel the Dog” as they learn about variables, control structures, loops and functions. We’ll also use the p5js “Processing” platform to create rudimentary animations.

Pre/Co-requisite: Web Computing 1 (B average or above) and/or Department Head approval.

This course counts as one semester of Innovation credit.

Instructor: Kent Pendleton

Web Computing 3

July 14-18, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Entering grades: 9-12

Fee: $425

This course is a continuation of Web Computing 2. We continue to expand our JavaScript repertoire and skills using both “Karel the Dog” and more traditional programs as found at Work with p5js (Processing) will continue as well.

Pre/Co-requisite: Web Computing 2 (B+ average or above) and/or Department Head approval.

This course counts as one semester of Innovation credit.

Instructor: Kent Pendleton

Worship Team Band Lab I

July 7-11, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 9-12

Fee: $265

Worship Team Band Lab is a transformative course designed to empower students at TCA to become champions of Christian values through creative strength, unity, anointed excellence and relevance. This immersive experience aims to shape youth culture by harnessing the power of the arts, making the Chapel experience at TCA the highlight of the week. Throughout this course, worship teams will come together to collaborate, share ideas and develop their musical gifts under the guidance of experienced instructors Mike and Cherry Hanes. With a wealth of knowledge and expertise gained from leading worship, teaching and performing alongside renowned worship artists, Mike and Cherry are committed to nurturing the spiritual and musical growth of each student. By participating in Worship Team Band Lab, students will not only enhance their musical abilities but also grow spiritually, learning to apply biblical principles to their creative endeavors. This course is an exceptional opportunity for young worship teams to be touched and changed by the presence of God while developing the skills necessary to impact their generation through the power of worship and the arts. We ask that students bring their own instrument, a black notebook to put music and worksheets in, a pencil and a notebook to take notes. Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Prerequisite: Students must have at least one year of piano/keyboard, guitar, drums or bass guitar experience. No vocal instruction required for vocalists.

Instructors: Cherry and Mike Hanes


Athletic Training

Strength and Conditioning: Essential for

All Athletes

The TCA Strength and Conditioning summer program is designed to help each athlete maximize his or her athletic potential. The program will develop athletes in the following areas: strength, explosiveness, speed, agility, quickness and mobility. Athletes will receive expert coaching with program directors Coach Lee and Coach Faldyn, TCA’s strength and conditioning coaches, and their staff in a safe, fun and productive environment.

Instructors: Coaches Hayward Lee and Rachel Faldyn and Staff

Section 1: Upper School Football Players

May 27-July 24 (off May 26, June 19 and July 4)

Monday-Thursday, 9-11 a.m. (33 sessions)

Fee: $310 entire summer

Section 2: Upper School Boys (Non-Football Players)

May 27-July 24 (off May 26, June 19 and July 4)

Monday-Thursday, 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (33 sessions)

Fee: $310 entire summer

Section 3: Upper School Girls

May 27-July 24 (off May 26, June 19 and July 4)

Monday-Thursday, 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (33 sessions)

Fee: $310 entire summer

Although US boys and girls will both work out at the same time, they will be working in gender-specific groups with designated staff.

Section 4: Middle School Boys and Girls

Entering grades: 7-8 boys and girls

May 27-July 24 (off May 26, June 19 and July 4)

Monday-Thursday, 12:30-1:30 p.m. (33 sessions)

Fee: $310 entire summer

Although MS boys and girls will both work out at the same time, they will be working in gender-specific groups with designated staff.


MS Boys Baseball Camp

June 9-13, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 5-8

Fee: $230

Develop your baseball skills during this fun and productive camp. Learn from TCA coaches and players who will teach you the proper fundamentals of fielding,

throwing, hitting, bunting, base running, pitching and how to play other positions. Campers will discover what it takes to become an outstanding Trojan baseball player! Bring a glove, bat, water bottle and snack; wear a T-shirt, shorts and cap. The last day of camp, wear your swimsuit and bring a towel for “Slip-n-Slide” (during the last thirty minutes of camp) to celebrate a great week! Please include your T-shirt size on your registration. Camp T-shirts will be given to those who register at least one month before the start date of camp. GO TROJANS!

Instructors: Coach Pat Leach and Staff

LS Boys Baseball Camp

June 16-18 and 20 (off June 19), 20, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 2-4

Fee: $190

Develop your baseball skills during this fun and productive camp. Learn from TCA coaches and players who will teach you the proper fundamentals of fielding, throwing, hitting, bunting, base running, pitching and how to play other positions. Campers will discover what it takes to become an outstanding Trojan baseball player! Bring a glove, bat, water bottle and snack; wear a T-shirt, shorts and cap. The last day of camp, wear your swimsuit and bring a towel for “Slip-n-Slide” (during the last thirty minutes of camp) to celebrate a great week! Please include your T-shirt size on your registration. Camp T-shirts will be given to those who register at least one month before the start date of camp. GO TROJANS!

Instructors: Coach Pat Leach and Staff


Little Trojan Girls Basketball Camp

June 2-6, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 2-4

Fee: $230

Little Trojan Girls Basketball Camp is designed to be a fun-filled introduction to the game of basketball. Students in second through fourth grade will receive individual instruction as they learn the fundamentals and overall objectives of the sport. The primary objectives for each camper will be to learn to be a good teammate and to improve fundamental skills. Workouts will consist of mind gym sessions, ball handling, shooting, rebounding and defensive drills. TCA Varsity Girls’ Basketball Coach Rodney Belcher will lead the camp.

Instructors: Rodney Belcher and Staff

LS Boys Basketball Camp

June 23-27, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 2-4 boys

Fee: $230

Come and learn to play the great game of basketball the TCA Trojan way!

Individual instruction will be given to all campers by coaches who are enthusiastic about the game of basketball. All phases of the game will be taught with an emphasis on the fundamentals. Each camper will be taught a variety of skills that will help him in his overall development as a basketball player. Areas to be covered include shooting, ball handling, rebounding, dribbling, passing, team play and a lot more. Camp T-shirts will be given to those who register at least one month before the start date of camp. Come get out of the heat and enjoy a great week of basketball fun!

Instructors: Coach John Price and Staff

MS Boys Basketball Camp

June 23-27, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 5-8 boys

Fee: $230

Come and learn to play the great game of basketball the TCA Trojan way!

Individual instruction will be given to all campers by coaches who are enthusiastic about the game of basketball. All phases of the game will be taught with an emphasis on the fundamentals. Each camper will be taught a variety of skills that will help him in his overall development as a basketball player. Areas to be covered include shooting, ball handling, rebounding, dribbling, passing, team play and a lot more. Camp T-shirts will be given to those who register at least one month before the start date of camp. Come get out of the heat and enjoy a great week of basketball fun!

Instructors: Coach John Price and Staff

MS Girls Basketball Camp

June 2-6, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 5-8 girls

Fee: $230

Welcome to Trojan Girls Basketball! This camp is designed to prepare TCA Middle School girls for the Trojan Girls Basketball experience. The primary objectives for each camper will be to learn to be a good teammate and to improve fundamental skills. Workouts will consist of mind gym sessions, ball handling, shooting, rebounding drills, 3x3 competition and instruction on defensive techniques. TCA Varsity Girls’ Basketball Coach Rodney Belcher will lead the camp.

Instructors: Coaches Rodney Belcher and Staff


Cross Cheer Cheerleading Camp!

June 2-6, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: K-4 girls

Fee: $200

Cross Cheer camps introduce young girls to cheerleading in a Christ-centered atmosphere. Campers will learn basic cheer techniques including motions, jumps, cheers, tumbling, stunting and a dance to music. Crafts, snacks, games and interactive devotionals are interlaced throughout each camp day to make learning about cheerleading and Jesus a blast! Look forward to an end-ofcamp performance the last 30 minutes of camp. All elements of the routine, including music, will be appropriate and Christian-based. Maximum enrollment is 50 students.

Instructors: Cross Cheer Coaching Staff

Little Trojan Cheer Camp

Section 1: June 9-13, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 3-4 girls

Section 2: June 9-13, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 1-2 girls

Fee: $230

Come spend a SPIRIT-filled week with the varsity cheerleaders and learn some of the awesome cheer skills they perform at games and pep rallies. Each group will spend time learning cheers, chants, jumps, stunts and a dance to fun music. Parents can see all the new cheer and dance moves at the show-off performance at the end of camp on Friday, June 13. Cheerleaders who participate in this camp will be offered the first opportunity to register for a clinic in the fall which will allow them to perform at either the pep rally (grades 1-2) or on the football field (grades 3-4) during Little Trojan Week in the fall. NOTE: Please bring a water bottle and a snack. Maximum enrollment is 50 students per section.

Instructors: Coach Tiffany Ruffcorn and Staff


Cheer Prep Camp

June 16-18 and 20 (off June 19), 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 5-6 girls

Fee: $190

Do you want to know what it’s like to be a sideline cheerleader? Have you ever wondered what it’s like to cheer for a football or basketball team? Come join us for a week of fun learning cheers, chants, dances, stunts, signs and so much more. We will focus on the technique of sideline cheer: motions, jumps and how to yell, smile and engage a crowd. Parents can come see a small show-off at the end of camp on June 20. Note: Participation in this camp does not guarantee a spot on a future TCA cheer team. Maximum enrollment is 30 students

Instructors: Coach Tiffany Ruffcorn and Staff


Little Pom Dance Camp

June 23-27, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 1-4 girls

Fee: $230

Come spend a SPIRIT-filled week with the TCA Pom team and learn some of their sideline routines, a dance and our school’s fight song! We will be offering the full three hours each day for dance only. The entire time will be spent learning fun dance routines with poms in the same style as our Upper School Pom team. Parents can see all the new dance moves at the show-off performance at the end of camp on Friday, June 27. Dancers who participate in this camp will be offered the first opportunity to register for a clinic in the fall which will allow them to perform at either the pep rally (grades 1-2) or on the football field (grades 3-4) during Little Trojan Week in the fall. NOTE: Please bring a water bottle and a snack. Maximum enrollment is 50 students per section.

Instructors: Coach Geena Ngaaje and Staff


Disc Golf for PE Credit

June 9-13, 16-18 and 20 (two-week class; off June 19), 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 9-12

Fee: $350

The goal of this course is to teach the basics of the sport of disc golf. Just like with traditional golf, the barrier to entry can be intimidating. However, with the right instruction and tools, any student can quickly learn the fundamentals in order to have a lifelong enjoyment of the sport. In this course, local semiprofessional disc golfer and former world champion in ultimate frisbee will be instructing students in flight mechanics, footwork, rules of the game, strategy and disc choice. He will effectively distill complex ideas into simple, applicable training sessions to prepare every student to be able to play a full round of disc golf by the end of the course. PE credit cannot be given if a student misses three hours or more of class (or one day). DO NOT PLAN TRIPS OR APPOINTMENTS DURING THE SESSION. Maximum enrollment is 15 students. This course counts as one semester of PE credit.

Instructor: Grant Waldron

Ultimate Frisbee

July 7-11, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 6-8

Fee: $230

What started as a backyard sport to be played at youth camps has turned into a national interest and professional sport. As a previous professional athlete in the American Ultimate Disc League and a World Champion representing Team USA, your instructor is well equipped to teach your student how to learn the technique and strategy of the sport. This team sport has a low bar of entry, but requires basic knowledge of flight, offensive and defensive structure, and teamwork. Although intimidating to some, the rules and practice of the game are straightforward, and you can be playing within a day! Come join for a weeklong clinic that begins your lifelong enjoyment of the sport. Maximum enrollment is 16 students.

Instructor: Grant Waldron


Flag Football Camp

June 2-6, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 3-5 boys

Fee: $230

Join some of the Trojan football coaches and players for this introductory football skills development camp. Learn the basics of throwing, catching, offense and defense. Learn the TCA Trojan football culture and what it means to be “Dangerous and Good.” This is a great opportunity for your son to try out football, to learn how to be successful in it and to have a ton of fun! Don’t miss this opportunity to grow your son’s love for football! Camp T-shirts will be given to those who register at least one month before the start date of camp.

Instructors: Coach Tony Martinez and Staff

MS Trojan Football Camp

June 2-6, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 6-8 boys

Fee: $230

Are you ready for some football? This camp will be geared towards getting your son and his team ready for fall football at TCA. We will practice some of the TCA plays, and we will play some 7-on-7. The camp will be led by TCA varsity coaches and some varsity Trojan football players. Be prepared to learn the skills needed to succeed as a TCA football player! Come ready to play in a T-shirt, shorts, cleats or tennis shoes and cap. Bring a water bottle. Camp T-shirts will be given to those who register at least one month before the start date of camp.

Instructors: TCA Coaching Staff

Kidokinetics Specialty Sports Camps


June 2-6, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: K-2

Fee: $235

Looking for a fun and exciting way to get your child up and moving? Look no further than Kidokinetics FlagPlay program! With a variety of games utilizing flag belts, children will be running, throwing, catching and flag-pulling their way to victory while developing important gross and fine motor skills. Our focus on speed, agility, coordination, balance, accuracy and cardiovascular endurance will keep your child active and engaged in a team-oriented environment. From flag football to capture the flag, our program introduces a range of games that are designed to put the fun first while keeping participants challenged and excited while building confidence. Maximum enrollment is 18 students.

Instructors: Kidokinetics Staff

Let’s Bowl

June 9-13, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: K-1

Fee: $235

Welcome to Kidokinetics bowling, where kids can strike up fun and make new friends! This exciting class and camp is designed to teach young bowlers the fundamentals of the game while promoting teamwork and sportsmanship. Each day offers skill-building drills, friendly competitions and fun challenges that help improve their technique and confidence. Our experienced coaches will guide the campers through proper bowling form, scoring and etiquette, ensuring that everyone leaves with a love for the game. Whether your child is a beginner or looking to enhance their skills, Kidokinetics bowling is the perfect place for them to roll into lots of strikes and smiles! Maximum enrollment is 14 students.

Instructors: Kidokinetics Staff

Let’s Skate!

July 7-11, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 2-4

Fee: $235

Kidokinetics rollerblading creates a fun and healthy environment for young children. Rollerblading boosts youth fitness and teaches a life-long physical activity. Your child will develop cardiovascular endurance, balance and coordination while having fun and building confidence. All equipment, including skates, knee/elbow guards and safety helmets are required to be provided by participants. Perfect for entry-level girls and boys! Maximum enrollment is 16 students.

Instructors: Kidokinetics Staff


June 23-27, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: K-1

Fee: $235

Get ready for an action-packed adventure in NinjaPlay! Designed for young ninjas, this is the perfect mix of fun and fitness, helping children develop essential motor skills through imaginative play and playful movement. Your child will become a ninja-in-training, tackling age-appropriate obstacle courses, mastering ninja moves and building strength, balance and coordination—all while having a blast! Ninja-themed activities, games and challenges will improve their agility and instruct basic physical skills like jumping, climbing, running and balancing in a supportive, energetic environment. Maximum enrollment is 15 students.

Instructors: Kidokinetics Staff

Nothing but Nets

July 7-11, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 2-4

Fee: $235

Is your child ready to have some fun and learn new skills? The Kidokinetics Net it Out program is the perfect solution! Our coaches will help your child learn the fundamentals of various net sports including tennis, pickleball, soccer, badminton and volleyball. These games not only provide fun, but they also promote the development of key physical skills such as agility, accuracy and coordination in a team-oriented environment. Your child will gain self-confidence while having a great time. Our program creates a positive learning environment that encourages kids to stay active and try new things. With fun games and basic skill introduction, your child will become comfortable with these net sports in no time. And who knows? They may discover their new favorite sport! Maximum enrollment is 16 students.

Instructors: Kidokinetics Staff

Shots and Swings

June 9-13, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 2-4

Fee: $235

Kidokinetics Shots and Swings is the perfect combination of fitness and fun. Our program combines golf and tennis to teach your children basic skills while emphasizing the fun of physical activity. From putting and chipping to groundstrokes and net play, your child will develop their agility, coordination, speed, balance and more in a confidence-building environment. Kidokinetics Shots and Swings gives your child the opportunity to develop important physical skills while having a blast! Maximum enrollment is 16 students.

Instructors: Kidokinetics Staff


July 7-11, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: K-1

Fee: $235

Looking for a fun way for your child to stay active? SportsPlay by Kidokinetics is for you! Our programs are designed to introduce kids to a variety of sports and activities, helping them build essential skills while having a blast. With options like golf, tennis, basketball, baseball, football, hockey and more, there’s something for every interest. Each week features a warm up, an introduction to a new sport or activity, free play, cool down and an age-appropriate anatomy and physiology lesson. Not only is SportsPlay a great way for kids to have fun and stay active, it also promotes healthy habits and positive socialization! Maximum enrollment is 16 students.

Instructors: Kidokinetics Staff

Wheely Fun–Learn to Ride Bikes!

June 16-18 and 20 (off June 19), 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: K-3

Fee: $196

Welcome to Wheely Fun Learn to Ride Bike Camp, where young kids entering kindergarten through third grade hop on their bikes and pedal into a summer of excitement! Our camp is designed to instruct bike riding basics from the ground up–no previous riding experience needed! Your rider will build confidence, learn new skills and have fun in a safe and supportive environment. Each day, campers will also participate in engaging activities like balance games, obstacle courses and other activities to break from biking. Our experienced instructors focus on teaching essential biking techniques, safety rules and the joy of riding, ensuring that every child leaves with a big smile and a new sense of independence. Get ready to explore the world on two wheels! Maximum enrollment is 12 students.

Instructors: Kidokinetics Staff

Lifetime Activity

Lifetime Activity for PE Credit

June 2-6 and 9-13 (two-week class), 8:30-10:30 a.m.

Entering grades: 9-12

Fee: $375

This two-week PE credit course will offer a variety of activities to encourage students to engage in a lifetime of fitness. Activities such as pickleball, tennis, badminton, bowling, fishing, walking and hiking will allow students to get a broad experience of the rules and skills which make these lifetime activities unique and enjoyable. Students will need to dress appropriately for each day’s activities. Some days will require school transportation to another location. PE credit cannot be given if a student misses two hours or more of class (or one day). DO NOT PLAN TRIPS OR APPOINTMENTS DURING THE SESSION. Maximum enrollment is 15 students.

This course counts as one quarter of PE credit. Instructors: Bob Williams and Jason Groezinger

Martial Arts

Martial Arts and PE Games Combo Camp

Section 1: June 16-18 and 20 (off June 19), 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: K-1

Section 2: June 16-18 and 20 (off June 19), 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 2-4

Fee: $190

Students who are interested in learning basic or intermediate martial arts and self-defense skills are encouraged to attend. Beginners will take steps toward earning their yellow belt while those with experience will have an intense week of working toward their next advancement level. Fitness, blocks, kicks, punches, katas and so much more will be covered through the professional instruction of David Abadie from North Dallas Martial Arts. The alternate portion of the morning will be spent engaged in some good old-fashioned fun with expert PE Coach Alex Williams. This will be a week filled with your favorite creative PE games from the school year in the gym, on the field and on the track. Add in some water games and this will make for a wild week of pure FUN!

Boys and girls are welcome! Maximum enrollment is 16 students per section Instructors: David Abadie (Martial Arts) and Coach Alex Williams (PE Games)


MS Softball Camp

June 16-18 and 20 (off June 19), 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 5-8 girls

Fee: $190

Join Coach Sharpe and current and former varsity players for this summer girls softball camp. Girls will receive one-on-one instruction to develop fundamentals such as fielding and situational softball. Campers will be instructed on ageappropriate game skills, as the girls will be grouped by age. For younger girls, the focus will be individual skills, including proper positions, rules of the game and working with teammates. The focus for the older girls will be on preparing them for MS and varsity softball at TCA. Players will receive a camp T-shirt, so please include your daughter’s correct shirt size when registering. Camp T-shirts will be given to those who register at least one month before the start date of camp.

Instructors: Coach Summerlyn Sharpe and Staff


LS Soccer Camp

Section 1: June 2-6, 1-4 p.m.

Section 2: July 7-11, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: K-4

Fee $230

Boys and girls will enjoy a week out on the soccer pitch. We’ll focus on improving individual technique, skill development and the fundamentals of team play. Perfect for players of all levels, our program challenges each camper to expand his or her athletic horizons. Offense, defense, footwork, passing, shooting and rules of the game are all taught in a supportive and fun atmosphere. Join Coach Manny for a fun week of skill growth and teamwork. Camp T-shirts will be given to those who register at least one month before the start date of camp.

Instructor: Coach Kiwele Emmanuel (Coach Manny)

MS Boys Soccer Camp

June 16-18 and 20 (off June 19), 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 5-8

Fee: $190

Does your son love the game? Sign him up for this one-week, intensive training camp, where he will spend time with highly qualified coaches, improving his soccer skills in a healthy and fun environment. The camp aims to improve your child’s ball skills with fun and competitive games that will challenge him while helping him to learn new skills and understand the game better. Participants should come ready to play with cleats, shin guards, a soccer ball and plenty of water. Players will receive a camp T-shirt, so please include your son’s shirt size in your registration. Camp T-shirts will be given to those who register at least one month before the start date of camp.

Instructor: Coach Kiwele Emmanuel (Coach Manny)

MS Girls Soccer Camp

June 23-27, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 5-8

Fee: $230

Your daughter will have an opportunity to join her friends to get to know what the TCA Middle School girls soccer program is all about! Playing good soccer requires a strong team identity and good chemistry; the more the girls play together as a group, the better they will play together as a Middle School team. Girls will work with TCA coaches on the fundamental activities that will be an important part of their MS soccer experience, giving a great boost to their skill development and understanding of the game. Just as important, each student will leave camp knowing what she can work on at home to continue to improve as a soccer player. Participants should come ready to play with cleats, shin guards, a soccer ball and plenty of water. Players will receive a camp T-shirt, so please include your daughter’s shirt size in your registration. Camp T-shirts will be given to those who register at least one month before the start date of camp.

Instructor: Coach Alex Williams


Middle School Tennis Training

Section 1: June 16-18 and 20 (off June 19), 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 5-8

Fee: $190

Section 2: July 7-11, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 5-8

Fee: $230

This week of camp is for tennis players who have prior experience playing tennis with possible aspirations of playing for TCA’s Middle School and Upper School teams in years to come. We will be emphasizing growth in the fundamentals of tennis but pressing players with more challenging drills. We will be emphasizing match readiness by discussing strategy, working on specific parts of our games to help grow in match play and playing a lot of live-ball and point play situational drills and matches. Individuals will need to bring their own tennis racket and plenty of water. Maximum enrollment is 20 students per section.

Instructors: Coach Bailey Henson and Staff

Tennis and PE Games Combo Camp

Section 1: June 9-13, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 1-2

Section 2: June 9-13, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 3-4

Fee: $230

We are excited to SERVE up a taste of both tennis and your child’s favorite PE games during this camp week. Come learn the fundamentals of tennis with experienced Coach Wil Manhkong and his high school assistants through interactive drills, live-ball point play, agility and hand-eye preparation. More advanced players will be equipped with tools to increase their level of play. Enjoy an hour and a half of fun and fitness at the TCA courts using a variety of skillappropriate balls. A tennis racket is not required, but it is preferred to ensure the correct fit for every child. Have fun with friends, keep fit and master new skills during the “PE Games” portion of this camp. Coach Martinez will work on skills commonly introduced in PE instruction including throwing, catching, striking, rolling, dodging, tagging and more. Your child will have a blast playing some of his or her PE favorites and build gross motor proficiency in the process. This will be a high-energy week of skill building! Maximum enrollment is 20 students per section. Instructors: Coaches Wil Manhkong (Tennis) and Coach Tony Martinez (PE Games)


LS/MS Girls Volleyball Camp

Section 1: June 9-13, 9 a.m.-noon

Section 2: June 23-27, 9 a.m.-noon

Entering grades: 2-5 girls

Fee: $230

Do you love volleyball or want to learn the game? Then this is the camp for you! Learn the fundamentals or brush up on your techniques of passing, setting, serving, blocking and hitting in a fun environment. You will experience game-like situations, competition and lots of fun! Players from the US volleyball program will also contribute to your camp experience. Camp T-shirts will be given to those who register at least one month before the start date of camp. Maximum enrollment is 40 students per section.

Instructors: Coach Audrey Sacarello and Staff

MS Girls Volleyball Camp

Section 1: June 9-13, 1-4 p.m.

Section 2: June 23-27, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 6-8 girls

Fee: $230

Do you love the sport of volleyball? Then this is the camp for you! Learn the fundamentals or brush up on your techniques of passing, setting, serving, blocking and hitting in a fun environment. This camp is geared to preparing you for MS and US tryouts. You will experience game-like situations, lots of repetitions, competition and lots of fun! Players from the US volleyball program will also contribute to your camp experience. Camp T-shirts will be given to those who register at least one month before the start date of camp. Maximum enrollment is 40 students per section.

Instructors: Coach Audrey Sacarello and Staff

MS Girls Volleyball Skills

Section 1: June 3-17 and June 24-26, Tuesdays and Thursdays only (7 sessions), 4-5 p.m.

Section 2: July 1 and July 8-24, Tuesdays and Thursdays only (7 sessions), 4-5 p.m.

Fee: $175

Entering grades: 7-8 girls

Serve it up with us and discover how fun and exciting volleyball can be! These skills sessions will maximize fun by including an exciting mix of instruction, drills and games to develop the fundamental volleyball skills of passing, setting, serving and hitting. This is a great way to further develop skills in preparation for volleyball season.

Instructors: Coach Audrey Sacarello and Staff


LS/MS Boys Wrestling Camp

June 23-27, 1-4 p.m.

Entering grades: 3-6 boys

Fee: $230

Unleash the warrior spirit within your child with our Wrestling Camp — a unique experience where the art of wrestling meets biblical principles! Rooted in values of strength, discipline and resilience, our camp not only teaches the fundamentals of wrestling but also incorporates biblical teachings to inspire character development. Our experienced coaches are dedicated to fostering a positive environment where kids not only learn physical skills but also gain insights from timeless stories of courage and perseverance. Through wrestling drills and interactive discussions, children will discover parallels between the challenges they face on the mat and the moral lessons found in the Bible. This holistic approach aims to instill a strong foundation in both wrestling skills and faith-based values. Embrace the opportunity to see your child grow not only as an athlete but as an individual with a deepened sense of purpose and moral compass. Join us for a summer where wrestling skills and biblical principles converge for an unforgettable journey of self-discovery. Camp T-shirts will be given to those who register at least one month before the start date of camp. Maximum enrollment is 20 students.

Instructor: Coach Jonathan Houston

Trinity Christian Academy desires to educate and develop the whole person for the glory of God by helping equip each student to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ and to become a faithful disciple of Him.

17001 Addison Road, Addison, Texas 75001 972.931.8325 |

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