1 minute read
tie-ing it all in Mr. Dyer’s Bow Ties
Mr. Dyer’s bow ties take a title as one of the student’s favorite fashion choices made by the Upper School faculty. In his expansive collection, you can find holiday bow ties, sentimental bow ties, and those that are simply his favorites. When asked why he chooses bow ties over regular ties, Mr. Dyer explained how unique and understated they are, following this by saying if everyone wore them, he would not like them as much. Wearing them for about five years now, Mr. Dyer is still proud of his ability to tie all his own bowties because “anyone can just buy one that is already tied.” His talent for tying the bow ties brought him to love his famous outfits all the more while motivating him to show them off to the students. The students love getting to see which bow tie will walk the hallway each day, almost as much as Mr. Dyer loves picking them out!
By Lilly Pool
By Lola McNeill