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The Heart Behind the Scenes
By Ayla Francis
If you were to name the best characteristic of TCA as a school, what would you say? Some might say the close community, or sports programs, or maybe all the fun traditions. While all these are outstanding qualities, the consensus of the student body in a recent poll pointed to student-teacher relationships as the area where TCA shines brightest.
No matter if they’re teaching preschoolers or seniors, TCA’s staff earns their reputation as not just teachers, but mentors, who care for their students with a Christ-given, special love. I personally can testify to the immeasurable impact different teachers have had on me over the years, beginning as early as K-5 with Mrs. Hinckley, who taught me the value of kindness. Throughout my time growing up at TCA, I am incredibly blessed to say each teacher I had served an instrumental role in my development as both a student and a follower of Christ. It’s no coincidence I can clearly remember the name of every teacher I’ve had and what they taught me—most notably Mrs. Miller, Mr. McMullen, Mr. Saffold, Mrs. Burgoon, Mrs. Bator, Mrs. Kilpatrick, and so many others I could talk about. It’s all because of the passion that connects the TCA staff together, their same unwavering devotion to their students that has touched the lives of not just me, but countless students over the course of decades.
I know several students who have opened up to teachers who offered them counsel through a hard time, and I know there are so many more untold stories of Christ’s selfless love overflowing from these teachers. One of the most well-known of these stories is Mr. Harmon’s impact on a student who stood up and claimed to be an atheist in front of the entire school at chapel, contradicting the speaker’s assumption that his audience all identified as Christians. After the sermon, Mr. Harmon refused to let the student enter his classroom because he said the boy had just lied to the whole school. The student didn’t understand why Mr. Harmon thought he’d lied about his faith, but Mr. Harmon insisted the boy did know there was a God, but he was mad at him for whatever trials he was facing. The student broke down in tears, humbled to the truth, and Mr. Harmon kindly and patiently helped him take the next steps to find support.
This is just one of abundantly more stories of teachers investing in the lives of their students, all motivated by the selfless heart of Jesus to serve others. In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul beckons the church: “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” The teachers and staff at TCA undoubtedly serve as modern-day Pauls, teaching students not only the value of learning, but the value of becoming more like Christ.