3 minute read
Be Thou My Vision
Sunday Adult Forums Throughout the year, Trinity invites guest speakers, ministry leaders, and partners to present topics of faith & interest. We relied on this as a point of connection with each other and the community during the pandemic time and had several interesting offerings. Highlights from 2020 include: Before the Pandemic • Wade in the Water Confirmation Series and Discussion (continued online after the pandemic) • The Rev. Lindsay Luunum guest speaker (and preacher) on creating worship for kids with autism. • The Rev. Dr. David Hampton guest speaker (and preachers) on his role in the community as priest and working in the Mayor’s Office (MLK Jr. Sunday). After the Pandemic • The Rev. Dr. Christina Davis, forum on mental health and self-care during the pandemic and racial injustice • Bishop’s Visitation and Forum Discussion • John Bridge’s Be Thou My Vision book release, a history of
Trinity Episcopal Church Indy • Advent Prophecy and Poetry Series
Education for Ministry(EfM)
Sara Bean & Jim Knowles Education for Ministry is a unique four year distance learning certificate program in theological education for lay persons offered through the distance learning program of the University of the South School of Theology. Based on small group study and practice,this program has assisted more than 80,000 persons in discovering and nurturing their call to Christian Service. The depth of Christian tradition is brought into study and conversation through the exploration of Hebrew Scripture, New Testament, Church History , Theology, Worship and Reflection. January 2020-May 2020: Seminar participants were : Kyle Myers, Lydia Banton, Ginny Cottrell, Richard Hughes , Mike Kohtz, Robert and Martha Weissert. Kyle, Lydia and Ginny earned their certificates of completion. September 2020: A new class was formed in the fall : Mike Kohtz, Richard Hughes, Robert and Martha Weissert were joined by Sally Hardgrove , Bryan and Shelley Furuness , and Jodi Ammons. The class meets on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 -8:00 pm via Zoom. CHANGES MADE IN RESPONSE TO THE PANDEMIC: All recruiting, registration and class meetings were done via social media, Zoom, email, text and phone calls. This year’s class has not met in person. Certificates of completion for 2020 grads have not been presented yet. LESSONS LEARNED: Setting up and hosting meetings via the computer. Paying attention to the “Mute” button. Being more intentional in building community in a group that has not worked together before...... different set of listening skills and visual focus skills. Using a group page on social media to help build community . A sort of “Show and Tell” corner to support sharing of resources, experiences and reflection materials that do not get included in weekly sessions. January 2020-March 2020 was a particularly challenging time for this group. Sara (co-mentor) was gone due to illness and death of her husband. But Jim Knowles (co-mentor) did an exceptional job in keeping the weekly group going forward and Lydia, Kyle, Ginny, Mike , Dick, Martha and Rob were faithful in their continued full participation in the program. This is a community that is deeply faithful, committed to one another and living out each day their covenant of hospitality to one another. EfM Mentors: Sara Bean and Jim Knowles.
To complete the celebration of the first 100 years of Trinity Episcopal Church, Indianapolis, parishioner John Bridge has written Be Thou My Vision: The Story of Trinity Episcopal Church, Indianapolis. Be Thou My Vision is a 290-page, high-quality paperback with over 100 illustrations. It is priced at $15.00 to make it as affordable as possible. To put the story of Trinity into context, Be Thou My Vision weaves the stories of the state of Indiana, the city of Indianapolis, and the church together. Part I of this book tells how the state and the city came to be and how The Episcopal Church arose in those early years. Part II deals with Trinity in its original incarnation as the Church of the Advent and with Indianapolis during that time. Parts III through V tell the story of Trinity from the time of the creation of its existing English Gothic church building to its hundredth year. The book also contains a glossary of Episcopal terms, a piece written by Edith Whitehill Clowes about her involvement in the concept, design, and construction in the existing church building that was predicted to stand for 2,000 years, and a list of the bishops of Indiana and Indianapolis and the rectors and senior wardens of Trinity Episcopal Church, Indianapolis.