Trinity College Annual Report 2021

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GIFTS TO THE CULTURAL COLLECTIONS 2021 35 GIFTS TO THE LEEPER LIBRARY 2021 35 Photography: Kit Haselden Photography, student photographers

WARDEN’S REPORT 2021 tested the mettle of all aspects of the College – academic, financial and cultural. Though many of us were hopeful that some sense of normality would return to the world in 2021, it was not to be, as a new variant of the coronavirus swept across the globe and sent many cities, including Melbourne, back into extended lockdown. Then, when we weren’t in lockdown, we were adhering to government mandates around mask-wearing, density limits and check-in procedures, among other things. This meant there was ongoing disruption to teaching and living arrangements at Trinity, but, after successfully navigating the challenges of 2020, we were well-equipped to give our students the best possible experience under the circumstances. Our teachers in the Pathways School and Theological School continued to deliver lectures and tutorials online, and our Residential College staff ensured that students felt part of a community and thrived both academically and personally despite the interruption to usual College life. The ongoing nature of the pandemic meant the College faced continued financial challenges as it became clear that the effects of the pandemic would persist for years, not weeks or months. As a result, the College undertook an important restructure to align our staffing and service operations with markedly reduced revenue. This restructure necessitated a number of redundancies, reorganisation of work groups and relinquishing some of our leased teaching facilities. These decisions were not made lightly, and sadly affected a number of valued and long-term staff, but were required to ensure the longevity of the College. I am very grateful to everyone in our community who supported Trinity College in 2021. That includes our staff, who, often working from home or living on the College grounds, continued to deliver an exceptional educational or residential experience for our students, and the members of our alumni network and greater community who kindly donated to the College or offered words of support. I am also very proud of our students from all three divisions, who worked hard, supported each other, and took the challenges of the year in their stride. I continue to be grateful to Kerry Gleeson, who was appointed to the role of the Board Chair in May, former Chair Charles Sitch and members of the Board and committees for their support during this testing year. Here are our updates from each area of the College – I believe they reveal how we were tested and how well the College continued to deliver on its core promises to students.




PATHWAYS SCHOOL We had 982 enrolments in the Pathways School and 934 Foundation Studies graduates in 2021, and 718 students were offered a place at the University of Melbourne. Students in our February Main intake were able to attend some classes on campus, while some of our January Comprehensive students studied online, but stayed in Melbourne. All up, 98 per cent of our classes were held online. The Swanston, Bouverie and Victoria Street teaching facilities were mothballed for the year. In 2021, we introduced our January and July Comprehensive and Comprehensive Plus intakes, which replaced our extended intakes to better prepare our students for university study. Our main intakes were renamed ‘standard’ intakes. We continued our online live lecture series ‘Trinity Talks’ in 2021, which attracted 6372 attendees. RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE We had 405 applications to join our Residential College in 2021, and, from these, we welcomed 113 new students, who made up 30 per cent of our residential community. Unlike 2020, when a number of students opted to go home during the lockdowns, none of our students left the College due to COVID-19 in 2021. Remarkably, of the students resident in the College in 2020 and eligible to return in 2021 (that is, first and second year students), over 92 per cent elected to return to the College in 2021. This was a heartwarming vote of confidence in the College and acknowledgment that our culture is alive and well. We delivered 689 hours’ worth of consultations and 142 tutorials as part of our tutorial program, and offered a range of on-campus events and activities in line with COVID-19 restrictions. Students continued to perform exceptionally well in academic studies with marks that are, on average, higher than other University of Melbourne students. THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL In 2021 we had 128 students enrolled, of which 25 per cent studied with us full-time and nearly 70 per cent studied online. Two-thirds of our students studied at a postgraduate level, including eight students studying a higher degree by research. Sixteen scholarships were awarded; two of these were for PhDs. A total of 39 students graduated in 2021, and six were ordained as deacon, while three were ordained as priest. Five books were published by our faculty members throughout the year, and our teaching staff also published numerous articles. We entered into a new agreement with the Dalton-McCaughey Library (DML) and renewed our partnership with Wollaston Theological College (Perth) for another year. We also formed a new partnership with the St James’ Institute in Sydney, through which we will offer our ‘Trinity in Sydney’ intensive courses from 2022.




ALUMNI NETWORK The College continues to benefit from the incredible support and generosity of our alumni and non-alumni supporters, receiving $3,490,498 in donations from 493 donors in 2021. Despite lockdowns and restrictions on events, throughout the year, we had 1304 attendees across 20 events (eight of which were held virtually). Our Drinks Under the Oak alumni gathering attracted 340 people and, coming as it did soon after the end of lockdown, it was a joyous occasion. By the end of the year, we had 3263 alumni signed up to our online platform, My Trinity Connect. I congratulate everybody in the Trinity community for their persistence, resilience and achievements throughout the year, particularly given the draining nature of the pandemic as it ran for a second year, and the ongoing uncertainty that we all faced. I am very honoured to be surrounded by such intelligent, generous and inspiring people and look forward to seeing what our community can achieve in 2022. Professor Ken Hinchcliff Warden and CEO





Ms Yee Kee Ku

BArch, DipArch Malayia, MScUD UK



Ms Auniya Lalan

Professor Ken Hinchcliff

BBA Pak, MPA, CPA Melb

(Accounting and Finance)

BVSc Melb, MS Wisc, PhD Ohio, DACVIM


Ms Henry Leslie-O’Neill

Ms Caterina Ciciulla

BA (Hons), Cert Melb


DipArchDrafting VU, GradDipProjMgt VU

Senior Project Manager (from May)

Ms Michele Gunn BCom, Otago

Ms Vivienne Bear (Economics and Mathematics)

Executive Assistant to the Warden and Strategy Officer

Mr Ian Bell

Ms Rachel Landgren


BMus(Hons), MMus(Hons), PhD Melb

Senior Strategy Officer (to Aug)


BA, BEd (Hons), MEd Man UWA


Mr Anthony McGirr BMus, BEd UNSW

Deputy Dean

Ms Ishita Akhter

BSc (Hons) EWU Bangladesh, ME La Trobe, PhD Melb


Ms Marli Mathewson

BSc, MD Melb

BA (Hons) Melb


(Criminology and Law)

Mr Aidan Carter

BA (Hons), DipLang (French) Melb


BA (Hons), DipLang Melb


(Islamic Studies)

Ms Bianka Covic

Ms Amilee Myson

BEnvs Melb

(Urban Design and Planning)


Ms Natalia Evertsz

(Life Sciences and GAMSAT)

BA, BSc Melb, GradCertHumannutr Deakin

Indigenous Support Officer

Ms Lucy Fenwick-Elliott

Ms Mandy Kitchener

(Screen & Cultural Study)

Admissions Coordinator

Ms Olivia Tasevski

BA (Hons) (History, Politics and Asian Studies), MIR Melb

Academic Advisor and Academic Tutor

Mr Josh Parker

BBiomed, MD Melb

BCom Melb



Mr Thomas Franchina

Ms Shanley Price

BSc Melb

BEnvs Melb



Mr Kayvan Gharbi

Ms Tamar Primoratz

BSc, DipMus Melb

BA (Hons), MPubComm Melb



(Biology and Biomedicine)

(Foreign Language)

Mr Darren Halim

Dr Jarrad Paul

(Management and Marketing)

(Anthropology and Ancient World Studies)

Mr Jack Harden

Mr David Purser

BBiomed Melb

BEng, GradCert Melb

(Engineering and Data Analysis)

Mr Dennis Qian

BCom, GradDipEd Melb

Ms Isobel Abell

(Biomedicine and GAMSAT)

Mr Ardeshir Sahmeddini

BSc, MD Melb

Mr Jared Ashtree



(Computing and Data Science)

Mr Philip Jakanovski

Mr Angus Keillar

(Economics and Electronics) BSc, MSc Iran


BSc Melb

Mr Amir Saberi

BCom, MApEcon Melb

(Finance and Economics)

BSc (Hons), MSc Melb

(Chemistry and Indonesian language)

(Accounting, Business and Management)

Dr Luke Foley

Mr George Fforde

BSc, MSc, DipMus Melb

BSC (Hons), PhD Melb

BCom, GradCertUniTeach Melb

Mr Dylan Gracias

BA (Hons), PhD Melb

Dr Joses Nathanael

Ms Manvi Nirula

BA, VET Cert Melb


(Law and Criminology) BCom Melb

Ms Tammy Kingi

BB La Trobe, GradCertEd Monash


Mr William Mullins

BA, MA, PhD, DipEd Melb

Recruitment and Admissions Manager

Ms Susana

BA Melb

Ms Alyssa Moohin

BBiomed Melb

(Media Studies)

Wellbeing Coordinator (from Jul)

Mr Galen Maxwell-Leone (Law)

Ms Bethanie Chong

Mr Christopher Greaves

BSc (Hons) (Psychology and Philosophy) Staffordshire, GradCertPH Wollongong


BA (Hons) Melb

Mr Tarun Campion

Dr Patricia Di Risio

BA, MA (Hons) Auck, PGCert TTL Massey

BCom Melb

Ms Laura Marshall

BSc (Hons) Melb

Academic Advisor (from Jul)

BA (Hons) Manchester, CertTESOL London

Ms Theresa (Tuyangzhen) Li

BSc, MSc Melb

BBiomed, DipLang (French) Melb


Ms Jheasy Sanchez Vargas

BSc, MSc Melb

LLB Columbia, MPIntlLaw, MEnv Melb


Ms Lauren Kingsley BA Melb





Dr Charlie Sdraulig

The Revd Dr Colleen O’Reilly

BMus, BA, DipMus, AssocDipMus Melb, MMus UK, PhD USA

GradDipEdAdmin Melb, ThA ACT, BTheol SCD, MTheol Syd, DMinStud SanFran


Dr Muriel Porter OAM

Ms Rachael Skiritt

BA UNE, BLitt ANU, DPhil Melb, MA ACU

BSc, DipLang Melb

The Revd Dr Duncan Reid


BA Monash, BTheol MCD, DTheol Tübingen, MEd Flinders

Mr Jack Tan

BA NUS, HDR, PDGip, MTeach Melb

(English and Literature)

Ms Madeline Tan

BA (Hons) MMHS Melb

The Revd Dr Fergus King

MA (Hons) St Andrews, BD (Hons) Edinb, DTheol UNISA

The Revd Dr Alexander Ross

DipSocSci, DipMin, BEd (Hons), BA, BTh, MA, MTh, PhD

Megan B Turton

Ms Vicky Tan

Farnham Maynard Lecturer in Ministry Education Director of the Ministry Education Centre


Dr Scott Kirkland

BSc Adel, MBA Deakin, MA, MDiv, PhD UDiv

John and Jeanne Stockdale Lecturer in Practical Theology and Ethics Research Coordinator


The Revd Canon Professor Dorothy Lee, FAHA

Dean of Pathways School


BBiomed (Hons) Melb

Ms Dominique Tasevski BA (Hons) Melb

(History and Politics)

Ms Sophie Tilley

BMM Macquarie, MMC Melb


BMin, PGDipTh Laidlaw, PhD Newc

BA (Hons), DipEd Newc, BD (Hons), PhD Syd

Ms Tahlia Townsend

Stewart Research Professor in New Testament


The Revd Dr Christopher Porter

BSc Melb

Ms Aquila Van Keuk BA Melb

(Gender Studies)

Mr Kim Vo

BArch Ho Chi Minh, MArch Melb


BPsych ANU, BIT Adel, GradDipDiv, GradCertTheol, MDiv, GradCertMin, MA(Th), PhD ACT

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Dr Peter Campbell, JP, AALIA

BEc, BA, MMus ANU, GradDipLib&InfoMgt Canberra, PhD Melb

BA (Hons) Monash, LLB, BA LaTrobe

The Revd Dr Richard Wilson

Mr Richard Pickersgill

BA, BLitt, GradDipEd Monash, MEd (EdMgt) Melb

Ms Penny Mouyis

BBus, CertBusStud VU

Executive Assistant to Dean of Pathways School (to Dec)


BSocSc Waikato, MIR La Trobe

Associate Dean, Academic Administration

Dr Tan Hooi Cheng

BSc (Hons), PhD Monash

Manager, Academic Administration (to Dec)

BA Melb

(Art History)

Registrar Honorary Research Fellow, University of Melbourne

Ms Olivia Williams

Ms Karen Graham

Manager, Timetabling and Examinations (to Dec)

Ms Pauline Bowles

Ms Miranda Williams

Dr Bernard Leigh

BSc (Hons), GradDipEd, PhD Monash, MEd Melb

BA, Cert Melb

DipPhotoArt&Comm ACPAC

(Indigenous Studies)


Mr Will Liheng Xu

Mr Christopher Roper AM

BA (Hons), MEd (Int Ed) Monash


Coordinator, Continuing Education

Mr Andrew Oppenheim

Mr Tarik Zepcan


BArch, MArch, GradDipPsych Melb

BBioSc (Hons), MEd Melb

(Agriculture, Animal and Veterinary Science)

Mr Samuel Zifchak

CELTA, BA, MCom Melb

(English as a Second Language)

THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL The Revd Canon Associate Professor Robert Derrenbacker BA Wheaton, MATS GCTS, PhD Toronto

Dean of the Theological School Frank Woods Associate Professor in New Testament

The Revd Professor Mark Lindsay, FRHistA BA (Hons), PhD UWA, GradDipTheol MCD

LLB Syd, BD MCD, BA Melb

The Revd Dr Stephen Ames

Coordinator, Extended Programs

Mr Simon Tyrrell

BA RMIT, GDipTeach (Sec) Melb

Academic Administration Coordinator

The Rt Revd Dr Jeffrey Driver

Ms Suzanne Gravenor

The Revd Dr Nixon de Vera


ThL, ThSchol, MTheol, PhD

BTh AdventistUP, MTh Newbold, GradCertTheol, PhD UDiv,

Examinations Coordinator (to Dec)

Mr David Bunyan BA (Hons) Melb

Dr Anne Elvey

BSc (Hons), PhD Monash, GradDipEd MercyColl, BTheol, TheolM MCD

Associate Dean, Marketing and Admissions

The Revd Dr Graeme Garrett

BA La Trobe

Mr Ben Waymire

BSc Melb, BD (Hons) MCD, ThD GradTheolUnion

Senior Regional Manager

The Revd Dr Gary Heard

Ms Kirsten Fawcett-Le Rossignol

BCom Melb, DipEd Monash, BTheol (Hons), PhD MCD

Dr Rachelle Gilmour

Adjunct Lecturer in Pastoral Theology

Bromby Senior Lecturer in Old Testament

BA, BSc (Hons), MSc, DipEd Melb

BSc, PhD Melb, BD, BA, PhD EpiscDivSch

Deputy Dean Joan F W Munro Professor in Historical Theology BA (Hons), BSc (Hons), PhD Syd

Quality and Compliance Manager

Denis John Woodbridge

The Revd Dr Brian Kolia

MTheol PacificTC, BTheol MaluaTC, MCom, BCom WestSyd, PhD UDiv





Admissions Manager

Ms Christine Findlay BA Monash


Ms Christine Fyfe


Manager, Short Programs

Madeleine Clark

Ms Crystal Gordon

Program Leader - Bachelor of Arts Extended

BBus, GradDipEd Monash, MMgt VU

BA, GradDip IndResearch Melb

Regional Manager

Ms Emily Direen

Ms Claire Jung

Ms Heather Cetrangolo

Registrations Officer

Pathways School Chaplain (to Nov)

AdvDip Hosp Mgmt William Angliss

Mr James Kerley

BA (Hons), GradDipEd La Trobe

Regional Manager

Mr Yang Mei

BBusMan, MA HR, Griffith

Regional Coordinator

Ms Yuki Nakagawa

Cert III Library and Info Services Swinburne

Admissions Officer (to Nov)

Ms Jessie Recchia BA Deakin

Mr Samuel Miles

Student Experience Manager

TEACHING AND LEARNING Role is lecturer unless stated.

Mr Danny Fahey


Pathways School Nurse (to Dec)

Ms Karen Thomas BSc Coventry

Student Experience Manager (parental leave)

Ms Jennifer Walsh

MEd, GCertEd VU, DipT Melb

Housing and Accommodation Manager (to Dec)

Ms Linda Olivieri

Housing and Accommodation Coordinator

Mr Adam J Khuraishi

Adv Dip Screen and Media Swinburne

PBSA Supervisor (to Feb)

Mr Xuteng Lin BSc Melb

PBSA Supervisor (to Jul)

Ms Margarite De Murashkin

Psychologist APS MAPsych, GradDipPsy Monash, GradDipProfWrtg Deakin, GradDipEd, BA La Trobe

BA (Hons) Melb

Evelyn Corr

PhD Candidate (University of Sydney)

Dr Jonathan Dunk


Mr Stephen Bain

Dr Kerry Higgins

Dr David Collis

Ms Cate Charles

Ms Fiona Belcher

Associate Dean, Teaching & Learning

STUDENT SERVICES Psychologist Associate Dean, Student Services (to Dec)

Ms Amba-Rose Atkinson

PhD Sydi

BEd VicColl

BA, LLB (Hons) Melb

BA Adel, MSc Wollongong

Program Leader - Bachelor of Arts Extended MA Melb (from Jul)

BURP UniSA, GradDip IntRel UAd, Grad Cert Pol&IntRel Melb

Communications Officer (to Jul)

Ms Alison Hemsley

BFA, BA (Hons) Tas, MA Melb

BTheol MCD, LLB (Hons) La Trobe

BSc (Hons), PhD Melb

eLearning Project Officer

Subject Leader

BSc (Hons), BA (Hons) Monash, GradDipTheol, MA (BibStud) MCD, PhD Melb

Dr Theresa Dang

BBNSc (Hons), PhD Monash

Director, Curriculum and Academic Development

Ms Victoria Guggenheimer

Dr Theresa Dang

Dr Brendan Holland

eLearning Manager

Dr Caroline Kyi


BSc (Hons), PhD Deakin

BBNSc (Hons), PhD Monash

BSc (Hons), PhD Melb

Mr Phuong Duong

BMultimedia Murdoch, CertIVTech TAFEWA

eLearning Coordinator

Dr Joly Kwek

BSc (Hons), PhD Melb

Mr Jamin Grahovac

Ms Madeline Papandreou

MA(AppLing) Illinois

eLearning Deputy Manager

Dr Joly Kwek

BSc La Trobe, DipEd(Sec) CSU

Dr Catherine Symington

BSc (Hons), PhD Melb

BAgrSc (Hons), PhD La Trobe, MEd (EdMgt) Melb

Ms Tamara Nair


eLearning Project Officer BA, BCom, DipML (Spanish), MA(IntRel), Melb

Executive Liaison Officer

Dr Kerry Higgins

BSc (Hons), PhD Melb

Subject Leader

Mr Ken Simpson

BA (Hons), UOP, PGDip, Online & Distance Ed

Digital Media Coordinator

Dr Mei Fong

BSc Deakin, PhD Melb, GradDipEd ACU

Ms Trish Valastro

BA La Trobe, DipEd ACU, MEdSt Monash, GCETT FedUni

Dr Brendan Holland BSc (Hons), PhD Deakin

Coordinator, Professional Development

Dr Lucia Jurdana

Student Counsellor


Dr Caroline Kyi

Mr Camilo Izquierdo

Ms Mary Zafirakis

Psychologist APS BPsych Javeriana, MCouns&Psyc Cairnmillar

Student Counsellor (to Dec)

Ms Say Chin Lim

DipAdvert LimkokwingICT, BA Deakin

Manager Student Wellbeing

Ms Piumali Jayasuriya BIT CSU

Student Wellbeing Officer (to Dec)

BSc (Hons), PhD Melb

BEc, PostGradDip (Acc) Monash

Subject Leader

Dr Isabella Lobo

BSc (Hons), PhD, GradCert (Higher Ed) La Trobe

Dr Wendy Cai

BCom Melb, BCom (Hons) Monash, PhD ANU

Mr Felipe Casasayas

BEd Melb, GradDipCompSc, GradDipAdvCompSc, GradDipAcc La Trobe

Ms Kanika Dhamija

BA (Hon), PostGradDip (Fin) IMT, MPA FedUni

Ms Manvi Nirula

BCom (Hon), ATL001 CTA1, Tax, MTC, GradCert Teaching Melb, Cert IV Training and Assessment Monash


BSc RMIT, PhD Melb



Dr Barbara Li

BSc (Hons) PhD Melb

Dr Joly Kwek BSc, MSc Melb

Dr Esther Tamanyan

BSc, MSc Yerevan, PhD Melb

Dr Abilio (Bill) Ten

BSc (Hons), PhD Melb

Dr Leonie Tewierik BSc (Hons), PhD Melb


Ms Helen Flint

BSc Monash, RSA/CELTA, GradDipEd Deakin

Dr Rosemary Blight

BA, DipEd, MEd, PhD Melb

Dr Nazanin Ghodrati

Co-Subject Leader

BLitt Shiraz, ME(TEFL) Tehran, PhD Melb

Mr Steven Smith

Mr Jamin Grahovac

Co-Subject Leader

Mr Ian Handsley

MA (AppLing) Illinois

BA Adel, DipArts (Drama) VCA

BA, GradCertLangTeach Griffith, MLearningInnov QUT (to Jul)

Dr Monique Dalgleish

BEd Eng&Drama Tas, PGDip Mvt&Dance, MEd, PhD Melb

Mr Chris Heath


Mr Stephan Faubel

BEd MelbStateCol, PostGradDip (Act) East15ActSch

Dr Jack Migdalek

Mr Marco Hermann

BEd Deakin, DipTEFL/TESL ELC, MEd, PhD Deakin


Dr Joo Yeoul Ryu

Ms Kiri Rawson

BA (Hons) Theatre Arts ChungAng Univ, MFA (Dramatics), National School of Drama, PhD (Performance Studies) Nehru Univ

MA (IntRel), Cert IV TWA Deakin, CELTA CambridgeIOE

Ms Laura Lattuada

Mr John Murphy

BEd MelbCAE, MEd Melb

Ms Debra Low

Subject Leader

BA La Trobe, DipEd Monash, BEd, GradDipTESL Deakin, MA (AppLing) Melb

Mr Shawn Hupka


Mr Gary Lichtenstein BA, DipEd Monash

Mr Christopher Lynch



Ms Julie-Ann Mackell

Deputy Subject Leader


BEd Deakin, MA KingsCol

Ms Jill Lewis

Ms Kate Shearman

Associate Subject Leader

BSurv UniSA, MA (AppLing) UNE, Cert IV Train&Ass TAFE, GradCertTESOL Bond

Mr Charles Meek

Ms Priti Mukherjee

BPA Monash BA Performing Arts Directing VCA

Ms Vanessa Montoya

ABAI, BEd VU (Parental leave)

Ms Helen Smith

BEd (Hons) Leeds, MA (Perf Studies) Monash, Cert IV Train&Ass, MA (TESOL) USA

Ms Judith Jones

BEd Rusden, Grad dip in Student Welfare, CertIV in workplace training

Mr Paul Adornetto BEd Rusden

Mr Roger Selleck

GradDipHist La Trobe, DipDramArt VCA

ECONOMICS Ms Vandana Wadhwa

BA (Econ) (Hons) JMC (DU), MA (Econ) DSE, GradDipEd (Sec) Monash, MEd Melb

Subject Leader

Mr Harry Dao

Mr Sean McCormack



Program Manager, Academic English

Ms Kate Nicholson MA TESOL Monash

TCAEP Associate Subject Leader

Ms Jane Murdoch

MA (Applied Ling) PGradDipEd, Cert IV Workplace Learning and Assessment, CELTA (to July)

BCom La Trobe, MTAX UNSW (to Feb)

Ms Kanika Dhamija

BA (Hons), PostGradDip (Fin) IMT, MPA FedUni

BAppPsych Murdoch

Ms Selvarani Suppiah

BA (Hons), DipEd, MA (AppLing) Nanyang BA Syd, CELTA

Ms Jennifer Archibald


BBus, Cert IV Train&Ass Holmesglen (from Aug)

Ms Luisa Abelardo

BA La Trobe, DipEd, MA (TESOL) ACU

Dr Amanda Bayliss

BA Syd, DipEd, GradDipHum UNE, MA Bond, PhD Melb

Mr Lawrence Bonato

Mr Davede Merazzi

Ms Nicolette Panther

Mr Trevor Williams

Dr Anthony Cong Niu

MBA, PhD Monash

BA Syd, BEd (TESOL), DipEd La Trobe, MA (AppLing) Melb

BA Monash, RSA/CELTA, PGradDipEd Melb

Ms Susan Bendall

Dr Thang Long Tran

Ms Ruth Pritchard

Ms Mayan Baker

BCom Monash, CertIV Train&Ass, MTeach Monash BCom (Hons), PhD Monash

BA, DipEd (TESL), BEd (TESOL) La Trobe

BA (Hons), DipEd La Trobe, MFA Melb BEd ACU, BTchg, RSA/CELTA, Cert IV Train&Ass RMIT

Ms Sally Burchard

BA, GradDipEd Adelaide, MA Oxf

Ms Jane Sykes

BA, DipEd, GradDipEd (Pol&Admin), MEd Monash

Subject Leader

Ms Diane Boase BA, DipEd Monash

Dr Virandi Wettewa

BA (Hons) USouthampton, MDVST, PhD USyd (to Sep)

Ms Susy Puszka

BA, Monash Grad Dip Env Studies Adelaide, DipEd Monash (to Feb)

Ms Poi Chey Chan

BA (Hons) Sussex, MA (TESOL) Nottingham


Dr Katherine Cao

Dr Michael Pickering BA (Hons) Qld, PhD Melb


Subject Leader

Ms Maha Elsherif

BA (Media and Comm), CELTA, DELTA (to Jul)

Dr James O’Maley

Ms Allison Ernst

Deputy Subject Leader

BMC SIUE (USA) (from Nov)

Mr Richard Finch

Mr Timothy Faull

RSA/CELTA, GradDipEd, CertIV Train&Ass VU



BA (Hons), DipA, MA, PhD Melb


BA (Hons), BCom Melb

Dr Janusz Sysak

Ms Jessica Mullin

Dr Frazer Andrewes

Dr Vivien Nguyen

Mr Stephen Bain

Dr Karen Wood

BA, DipEd Qld, MLitt ParisIII, PhD Melb

BSc (Hons) Monash, MTeach Melb

BA, MA (Hons) Auck, PhD Melb

BSc Thai Nguyen, MEd, PhD LaTrobe

BA, LLB (Hons) Melb

BSc (Ed), GradDipMaths&MathsEd, MEd, PhD Melb

Dr Jonathan Barlow

Ms Alice Yu

MA Monash, PhD Syd

BSc, MTeach, GradDipTeach Melb

Dr Alicia Coram

BA (Hons) Syd, PhD Monash


Dr Stephen Fleischfresser BSc, GradDipArts, PhD Melb

Ms Joanne Boyle

Ms Jane Neild

Subject Leader

BA Monash, GradDipEd Deakin


Ms Susan Bendall

Mr William Purchase

BA (Hons), DipEd La Trobe, MFA Melb

BA (Hons), MTeach Melb

Dr Micaela Sahhar

BA (Hons), LLB, PhD Melb, CELTA Cantab, GradCertTESOL Holmesglen

Ms Sara Evans Dr Jolanta Nowak

BA Deakin, GradDipEd Monash

BA Flinders, GradDipArts, MA, PhD Melb, GradCert TertiaryTeach Curtin

Ms Phuong Nghi Le Pham

BA, BLitt (Hons), PhD Deakin


Ms Maha El Sherif

Dr Justin Tighe

Dr Sasha Cyganowski

Dr Daniel Townsend

BA (Hons), MA La Trobe, PhD Monash


BA (Hons), MA, PhD Melb

Subject Leader

Dr Mark Nixon

BCom, BA (Hons), PhD Melb

Subject Leader

Dr Sarah Dowling

BA, GradCertHEd, PhD ACU

Subject Leader (Parental leave)

Dr Caryn Adams

BA (Hons), MPhil UWI, PhD La Trobe

Dr Rosslyn Almond

BA (Hons), PhD ACU, GradDipPsychAdv Monash

(Parental leave)

Ms Dianne Armstrong

BSc (Hons), PhD, DipLang Deakin

Subject Leader (Mathematics 2)

Subject Leader (Mathematics 1)


Dr Ana Hinic Galic

Dr Fun Lai

Deputy Subject Leader (Mathematics 1)

Subject Leader

Dr Monica Broeksteeg

Dr Melissa McCulloch

Dr Raymond Broeksteeg

Dr Paulo Mendonca

Mr Nicholas Davis

Dr Esther Tamanyan

BSc, PGDipSc, PhD Melb

BSc (Hons), MSc Kragujevac, PhD La Trobe

BSc (Hons), PhD Monash

BSc (Hons) Otago, PhD Monash BSc (Hons), BA Melb, MDataSc RMIT

Dr Cheryl Filippe

BSc (Hons), PhD Monash

Ms Alison Fisher

Mr Robin Baker

Dr Stephen Fletcher

PhD La Trobe

Ms Neralie Hoadley

BA (Hons), GradDipEd, MA Melb

Mr Philip Kemp

Mr Ken Simpson

BA (Hons), UOP, GradDip, Online and Distance Ed

CertEd Leics, BSc RMIT, GDipEdStud, MEd Melb, GradCertOnlineEd&Train Lond

Dr Rjurik Davidson

BA, CELTA DELTA CU, Dip, Langley Group Institute (to July)

Dr Leigh Humphries

BA, MA Philippines

BA (Ed) Melb, Cert III Fukushima

BA, GradDipEd RMIT

BAppSc, MSc RMIT, PhD Melb

BAppSc, PhD, GradDipEd (Sec) RMIT BSc, MSc University of Sao Paulo, PhD Qld BSc, MSc Yerevan, PhD Melb

Lab Demonstrator

PSYCHOLOGY Dr Maureen Vincent

BA Monash, BSW Melb, GradDipEd (Sec) ACU, GradDipPsy Monash, MClinPsy, PhD Deakin, MAPS, MACPA, MCCP

BSc (Hons), PhD Monash, GradDipEd (Sec) NTU, GradDipMet BMTC

Subject Leader

Dr Bell Foozwell

BSc (Hons) La Trobe, PhD Melb

BPsySc LaTrobe, GradDipPsych Deakin, PhD Candidate Deakin (from Jul)

Ms Lee Pin Goh

Ms Ting Ting Cao

BSc, DipEd Monash

Ms Claire Brown

BBNSc (Hons) Monash, GradDipTeaching Melb (to Dec)

BA (Hons), LLB Monash, LLM Melb, GradCertHEd, GradDipEd (Sec) Monash, Cert IV TAE Sthn Cross Training, MA Deakin, MTESOL Monash

Dr Shelley Hansen

Dr Mercedeh Makoui

BSc (Hons), BEng(Hons) Melb

Dr Jennifer Mitchell

BA (Hons) Monash

BPsych Monash, GradDipPsych, PhD Deakin (to Jul)

Mr Joshua McLeod

Dr Alvin Wee

Dr Colm McNaughton

BEng, BSci Swinburne

Dr Miriam Nicholls

BSc, DipEd Melb, CertEd (FE), GradDipMgtStud Middlesex

BA Shahid Beheshti, MA Tehran, PhD Deakin BSocSc RMIT, GradDipArts, MA, PhD Monash BA (Hons), PhD Monash

BA (Hons), PhD La Trobe, GradDipEd Monash

BSc (Hons), PhD Monash

Mr Matthew Kotros Mr Philip Mannes

Ms Elspeth McCracken-Hewson


Dr Rita George

BDS India, GradDipPsych, BApplSc (Hons), PhD Deakin

Dr Tina Liu

BA (Psychology and Sociology) Monash, GradDipPsych, PhD Deakin


Mr Rajesh Aggarwal


Mr Noorallah Ali

Mr Scott Charles

Senior Database Analyst

BS Eng Gulbarga, AdvDip Computers CDAC ACTS Bangalore

IT Project Manager (from Jan) BCom Katachi, MA Iqra

BPD, BBldg Melb, ME RMIT

Deputy Warden and Director of Advancement

Mr Geoffrey Crompton

Ms Judith Breheny

Senior ICT Infrastructure Administrator

BCommEng, BAppSci RMIT


Mr Stanley Despotellis

Senior Advancement Officer

ICT Support and AV Technology Systems

Ms Vivian Chan

Mr Matthew Howard

BCom, GradDipIS Melb

BTeach (Hons) Melb, AdvDipMus Box Hill, MA Monash

Careers and Alumni Coordinator


Mr Alex Zhang CPA

Program Coordinator and Project Manager (to Dec)

Dr Benjamin Thomas

Accountant (to Feb) Acting Manager, Finance and Accounting (from Feb to Nov) Accountant (from Nov)

Ms Kari Neilson

Ms Joanna Zhang

Dip IT Ashmore

BA (Hons), MArtCur, PhD Melb

Rusden Curator, Cultural Collections

CHAPLAINCY The Revd Dr Colleen O’Reilly

MAcc Monash

BAcc LaTrobe, MMgt Melb

GradDipEdAdmin Melb, ThA ACT, BTheol SCD, MTheol USyd, DMinStud SFTS

Senior Accounts Officer

College Chaplain (to Dec)


The Revd Heather Cetrangolo

Ms Alison Menzies

BLaw LaTrobe, GradDipLegPrac, GradCertHighEd Griffith, BTheol MCD, GradCertDiv Ridley, GradDipArts AustCollMin

Pathways School Chaplain (to Nov)

Ms Ruby Smith BA, DipMus Melb

Administrator, Chapel and Music (to Jun)

Ms Philippa McQuinn BMus Melb

Administrator, Chapel and Music (from Jul to Nov)


BBus QUT, MFin CQU, CertIVTrain&Ass Swin

Chief Financial Officer

Ms Sharon Bian

BAcc Latrobe, MFin Melb

Finance Officer (from Oct)

Mr Eric Kim


Cert IV BusAdmin

Manager IT Client Services

Mr Andrew Storey ICT Support and Apple Systems

Mr Muhammad Siddiqui

BSc Karachi, MB (IS & ERPS) VU

ICT Support Officer

BA, BSW, GradDip (Mgt) Melb, Dip (HR) Swin

Mr Adrian Cortese

Director, Shared Services

IT Client Services (from Aug)

Ms Roopakshi Dhingra

Mr Gowthaman Viswanathan

MBusAdmin (HR) MIT, Beng (BioTech) SIU, Cert HR, AHRI

Human Resources Advisor (to Sep)

Ms Renee Finn

BLegalSt LTU, DipBusMgt (HR) Kangan

Human Resources Advisor (to Apr)

Ms Sally Ford

BSc RMIT, MSc, DipHRM London

Human Resources Advisor (to Aug)

Ms Samantha Kendrick

DipOH&S Pilbara, BAppSc (Psych) Deakin, CertIV Training&Assessment Aveling

OH&S Coordinator (to Jul)

Ms Jacinta Pankhurst BSc, BSc(Hons) Monash

OH&S Coordinator (from Aug)

Ms Karina Parker

MAppSci RMIT, DipEng India

Systems and Network Administrator

Mr Ehsan Taghipour

BSc Tehran USC, MSc AmirKabir

Systems and Network Administrator

LIBRARY Ms Heather Bailie


Leeper Librarian

Ms Catharina (Kitty) Vroomen DipLib, GradDipAppInfoSys RMIT

Deputy Librarian

Mr Paul Welsh

BA La Trobe, GradDipInfoMgt RMIT

Library Technician

BA (MassComn) Murdoch, CertIV HRM, AHRI

Human Resources Advisor (from Dec)


Ms Julie Tsamis

Ms Kate Elix

Ms Thiana Sevdalis

Senior Human Resources Manager

Payroll Officer


Director Marketing, Communications and Events

Business Intelligence Officer (to Nov)

Ms Beverley Roberts

Executive Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer BBus Darwin

Ms Isabella Vanek CA BCom LaTrobe

Manager, Finance and Accounting (Parental leave from Feb to Nov)

Ms Yao Wu

MAcc Monash

Accounts Officer (to Oct)

CertBus VU, DipBus(HRMgt) NMIT, GradCertHumResMgt RMIT

BJour UNC-Chapel Hill, MA (OrgComm) Charles Sturt

Ms Emily McAuliffe


Mr Jonathan Mack

Communications Manager

Director Information Technology Services

BA (Communications) Monash

BAppSci RMIT, GradCertMgt AGSM

Ms Matilda Sholly

Mr Arsalan Chaudhry

Marketing and Events Manager (to Oct)

IT Architecture Manager

BJour Monash

BS Eng GIK Inst

Ms Mirella Faccioni Manager IT Projects


Ms Pippa Skillington Digital Marketing Manager

MUSIC Mr Christopher Watson BMus Exeter

Director of Music

Ms Ruby Smith BA DipMus Melb

Administrator, Chaplaincy and Music (to Jun)

Ms Phillipa McQuinn BMus Melb

Administrator, Chaplaincy and Music (from Jul to Nov)


Dip Fac Mgmt, Dip Proj Mgmt

Manager, Property & Facility Services

Ms Lorraine Ferrari Operations Manager

Mr Duncan Hendry DipBldgSurv

Compliance, Audit and Risk Officer (from Apr)

Ms Isabella Evans BSc Melb

Administration Officer

Mr Rhys Corr


Ms Christine Hamilton Maintenance Officer

Mr Neil Perkins


Mr Nick Power

Maintenance Officer (to Nov)

Mr Michiel Ware

Maintenance Officer


House Manager (to Dec)

Ms Janet Ristevski Receptionist



Heather Bailie was a member of the organising committee for VALA Tech Camp 2021 and hosted two online TechEx talks as part of the program. Dr Peter Campbell, JP, AALIA is a Justice of the Peace for Victoria. He serves as Chair of the Student Services Committee of the University of Divinity and is an Honorary Research Fellow in the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, the University of Melbourne. He continued as a member of the editorial committee for Context: A Journal of Music Research, as Treasurer of the Victorian Chapter of the Musicological Society of Australia (MSA), the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) Australian branch, and Ensemble Gombert Inc. An article written with composer Joseph Twist, ‘Eclectic Experience—Eclectic Style: An Interview with Joseph Twist’, appeared in Take Note: Interviews with Australian Composers, ed. Madeline Roycroft (Melbourne: Faculty of Fine Arts & Music, 2021). A concert review, ‘Big Bach program uplifting’, appeared in The Age (23 Nov 2021), and a reflection entitled ‘Make a Joyful Noise’ was published in the Messenger: A Magazine for Western Australians (Jun 2021). His carol I Sing of a Maiden was sung by the Choir of Trinity College at its carols service at St John’s, Toorak, on 5 December. Peter sings with Ensemble Gombert and the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Chorus, though performances were limited during 2021. Dr Yiqian Katherine Cao serves on the editorial board for System (SSCI indexed, impact factor = 3.167) and

RELC Journal (SSCI indexed, impact factor = 1.72). Her co-authored publications included ‘Willing, silent or forced participation? Insights from English for Academic Purposes classrooms’, RELC Journal (2021) and ‘Written corrective feedback strategies employed by university English lecturers: A teacher cognition perspective’, Sage Open (2020). Felipe Casasayas completed a Graduate Certificate in Arts (English & Theatre Studies) at the University of Melbourne. Professor Ken Hinchcliff continues as Co-Editor-inChief of the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, which continues to be the top-ranked veterinary clinical journal, and completed his term as a member of the Zoological Parks and Gardens Board and Chair of its Scientific Advisory Committee in June 2021 after 13 years. He is a member of the Zoo Foundation Advisory Board, and member of the Listing Group of the Fédération Equestre International, which advises on drug and medication use in sports horses (Olympics, World Equestrian Games etc). Ken delivered a small number of lectures in the Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences and supervises or co-supervises graduate students from the University of Melbourne. He is a member of the Equine Limb Injury Steering Committee of the University of Melbourne and Racing Victoria Ltd. During 2021, Ken, with 3 co-editors, compiled and contributed to the 3rd edition of the textbook ‘Equine Sports Medicine and Surgery’, to be published by Elsevier in late 2022. Ken is a collaborator on a project investigating respiratory disease in racehorses in Hong Kong.


The Revd Dr Fergus King attended the Fellowship for Biblical Studies meeting in Melbourne, where he presented a paper entitled ‘Friends, Foes or Rivals?: John among the Philosophers’, and the University of St Andrews Biblical Studies Symposium, where he presented a paper entitled ‘‘Duplicitous’ Philosophers? Reflections on Stoic and Epicurean Participation in Ritual’. He published two books, Nuru na Uzima: Essays Celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the Anglican Church of Tanzania, 1970-2020 (North Augusta GA: Missional University Press, 2021), A Missional Introduction to the New Testament (North Augusta GA: Missional University Press, 2021), and five articles/book chapters with Dorothy A. Lee. ‘Lost in Translation: Rethinking Words about Women in 1–2 Timothy.’ Scottish Journal of Theology 74, no. 1 (2021), ‘Hit or Myth? Methodological Considerations in Comparing Dionysos with the Johannine Jesus.’ Biblical Theology Bulletin 51, no. 2 (May 2021), with Matt Brain and Srebrenka Kunek (2021) ‘Aether and Ethernet: Historical Perspectives on Immediacy and Eucharistic Participation in a Digital Age.’ Cursor – Zeitschrift Für Explorative Theologie, GDNT, ‘Of Blood and Black Puddings: Learning of the Importance of Contextual Biblical Reading from the Anglicans of Tanzania’, and with Emmanuel Mbennah, Mecka Ogunde and Dorothy Prentice, Nuru na Uzima: Essays Celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the Anglican Church of Tanzania, 1970-2020 (North Augusta GA: Missional University Press, 2021), ‘A Failure to Launch: Paul and the Philosophers of Athens’ ABR 69 (2021). He joined the editorial board of the Journal for Anglican Studies and was appointed Honorary Associate Priest at the parish of St Alban the Martyr, St Albans. The Revd Professor Mark Lindsay was re-elected for a fourth term as President of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Theological Studies (ANZATS). In February, he was also appointed a Director of the Melbourne Anglican Diocesan Schools Commission. In May, he was appointed to the editorial board of the Journal of Theological Studies. Mark’s publications included: ‘Divine Pastness and the Creation of Hope: The Significance of the Sepultus est’, in Religions, 12.6, Special Issue: ‘Karl Barth’s Theology in a Time of Crisis’, (June 2021). In May, he was commissioned as editor of the T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Christian Theology: Providence and Election. In July, Mark presented a paper entitled ‘Markus Barth, Chicago, and the Inauguration Sermon’ at the 2021 ANZATS Conference. Mark continued his Sunday ministry through the year as an associate priest of St Mary’s North Melbourne. Emily McAuliffe had feature articles and photography published in a number of titles, including The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, BBC News, Tourism Australia’s Connect to Country magazine, Caravan World, Camper Australia and RACQ’s The Road Ahead. She was also

elected to the board of the Australian Society of Travel Writers and was named a national finalist in the society’s Awards for Excellence for best accommodation story. The Revd Dr Christopher Porter published his monograph, ‘Johannine Social Identity Formation after the Fall of the Jerusalem Temple: Negotiating Identity in Crisis’ (Leiden, Brill, 2021), three journal articles: ‘“Hic Sunt Dracones” Mapping the Rebellious Social Dynamics of Bel and the Snake from the Daniel and Joseph Competitive Court-tales,’ BTB, 51:2 (2021), ‘Of Sheep, Shepherds, and Temples: Reading the Good Shepherd paroemia on the way to a destroyed temple,’ Conspectus, 32 (2021); and ‘‘All Things to All People’: 1 Corinthians, Ethnic Flexibility, and Social Identity Theory’ CBR, 19:3, and a book chapter: ‘On Choirs, Kwaya Competitions, Muziki wa Injili, and Spiritual Formation: Reflections on Choir Competitions in the Diocese of Karagwe’ in Nuru na Uzima: Essays Celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the Anglican Church of Tanzania, 1970-2020. eds King, FJ, Mbennah, E, Ogunde, M, Prentice, D. He also authored several pieces for broader audiences through TMA, Zadok Perspectives, and EFAC Essentials. Chris serves as a board member for Scripture Union Australia, SparkLit, the Christian Research Association, and the University of Divinity People and Culture Committee. Lyn Shalless joined the Board and Finance, Audit and Investment Committee of Knoxbrooke Inc, a not-forprofit entity operating in the disability sector. Jane Sykes was a panel member for a webinar facilitated by Alexander Horton, Managing Director of Econome, and Trinity alumni. The purpose of the webinar was to educate people on the process of becoming a net-zero emitter and implementing such policy in an organisational context. Jane spoke about Trinity’s journey to becoming carbon neutral.



Ms Leonie Jongenelis

The Most Revd Philip Freier (Archbishop of Melbourne)

Mr Enoch Ko


Mr Marcus Best

Residential College Alumna

Mr Patrick Bates

Residential College Senior Student (from Aug)

Dr Barbara Cargill

Fellow of the College

Professor Jon Cattapan University of Melbourne

Mr Scott Charles

Dean of Residential College Foundation Studies Alumna

The Revd Thomas Leslie

Diocese of Wangaratta (to Feb)

Professor Tim Lindsey University of Melbourne

Ms Alison Menzies

Director of Human Resources

Ms Ali Moore

Residential College Alum

Ms Margie Moroney Council Appointee

Executive Director of the Trinity College Foundation

The Revd Dr Colleen O’Reilly

Ms Cintia Chen

Arch Deacon Philip Muston

Foundation Studies Alum (to Dec)

Diocese of Gippsland (to Dec)

The Rt Revd Melissa Clark

Mr Richard Pickersgill

Diocese of Bendigo

Dean of Pathways School

Mr Robert Clemente

Ms Lyn Shalless

Fellow of the College (to Dec)

Chief Financial Officer

Mr David Collis

Mr Charles Sitch

Staff Representative

Chair of the Board (to May)

Mr William Cowan AM

Professor Richard Smallwood

Council Appointee (to May)

Fellow of the College

Ms Ruby Crysell

Dr Alan Smith

Residential College Alumna

The Revd Dr Bob Derrenbacker Dean of Theological School

The Revd André Du Plooy

Diocese of Wangaratta (from May)

Ms Freddie Donnelly

Residential College Student Representative (to Oct)

Associate Professor Jane Freemantle

College Chaplain (to Dec)

Theological School Student Representative (to Mar)

Ms Molly Swee

Chair of the Board (from May)

The Hon Justice David Harper

President of the Union of the Fleur-de-Lys (to Dec)

Ms Emma Harrison

Executive Committee of the Trinity College Foundation

Professor Ken Hinchcliff Warden

Ms Rose Hiscock

University of Melbourne

Mr Oscar Hollands

Residential College Senior Student (to Aug)

BOARD Ms Kerry Gleeson

Chair of the Board (from May) Member (to Apr)

Mr Charles Sitch

Chair of the Board (to May)

Professor Ken Hinchcliff Warden

Mr Patrick Bates

Senior Student of the College (from Aug)

Dr Barbara Cargill (from Nov)

Mr Scott Charles Deputy Warden

Ms Susanna King

Residential College Student Representative (from Oct)

Ms Amy Tennent

Dr Ben Thomas

Ms Kerry Gleeson

Senior Fellow of the College

Ms Gabby Tabain

Mr David Gall

Diocese of Ballarat (from Feb)

Professor Richard Smallwood

Mr Oscar Hollands

Executive Committee of the Trinity College Foundation

The Revd Dr Mark Garner

Fellow of the College

Theological School Student Representative (from Mar)

Diocese of Melbourne Council Appointee

Associate Professor Alison Inglis AM

Staff Representative

The Warden

Senior Student of the College (to Aug)

Professor James McCluskey AO Assoc Professor Sana Nakata Mr Charles Read

(from Mar) Leave of absence from May

Ms Alice Robinson (from Mar)

Secretary to the Council

Mr Ian Solomon

Dr Peter Campbell

Bishop Richard Treloar

Minutes Secretary


Mr Rick Tudor OAM (to Nov)

Mr Ian Ward-Ambler (to Mar)

Regular attendees:

Mr Gordon Lefevre


Interim Chair Finance and Audit Committee (from Sep)

Mr Jim Craig

Ms Lyn Shalless

Fellow of the College (from Apr)

Ms Margot Foster

Fellow of the College (from Apr)

Ms Louise Gourlay OAM

Senior Fellow of the College (to Nov)


Chief Financial Officer and Secretary to the Board

Ms Beverley Roberts Minutes Secretary


Professor Ken Hinchcliff Warden

Mr Jason Hughes Ms Katherine Murray Mr Jon Peacock (from Dec)

Mr Derek Skues Regular attendee:

Ms Lyn Shalless

Chief Financial Officer


Chair (from Mar) Leave of absence from May

Mr Ian Solomon

Acting Chair (from Apr to Sep) Member (from Sep)

Mr Gordon Lefevre

Interim Chair (from Sep)

Mr Ian Ward-Ambler Chair (to Mar)

Ms Melissa Dixon Ms Kerry Gleeson (to Dec)

Professor Ken Hinchcliff

Ms Leila Lee

Ms Susie King

Ms Lyn Shalless

Mr Ian Ward-Ambler

Chief Financial Officer

Mr Ian Ward-Ambler (from Mar)


Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee (to Mar)


A committee reporting to the Finance and Audit Committee

Assoc Professor Sana Nakata

Ms Sharon Smith

Ms Kerry Gleeson


Chair (from May) Chair (to May)

Mr James Buzzard

Professor Ken Hinchcliff


Mr Byron Collins


Ms Jenny Johanson

Professor Ken Hinchcliff

Mr Charles Read

Mr James Sattler

Mr Jonathan Mack Director ITS

Ms Alice Robinson

Ms Sharon Smith

Ms Alison Menzies

Mr Kurt Tiam

Director Shared Services

(from Mar)

Ms Lyn Shalless

Prof Ted Whittem

(to Jun)

(from Mar)

Regular attendee:

Ms Lyn Shalless

Chief Financial Officer



Chief Financial Officer

Ms Dayle Stevens (from Feb)

A committee reporting to the Finance and Audit Committee


Mr Syd Bone

Ms Kerry Gleeson


Ms Sue Dahn Mr Andrew Elliott Professor Ken Hinchcliff

Chair (from May)

Mr Charles Sitch Chair (to May)

Dr Barbara Cargill


Mr Jim Craig

Mr Peter Hodgson

Professor Ken Hinchcliff Warden


(from Feb) Leave of absence from May

(from Mar to Sep)

Regular attendees:

Mr Richard Pickersgill Dean Pathways School

Ms Lyn Shalless

Chief Financial Officer


THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL COMMITTEE The Rt Revd Dr Richard Treloar Chair (from Nov) Diocese of Gippsland


Mr Richard Tudor OAM Chair (to Nov)

The Hon Austin Asche AC, KStJ, QC

The Rt Revd Dr Matthew Brain

Dr Graeme Blackman AO

Diocese of Bendigo

Mr Syd Bone

Dr Barbara Cargill

Mr David Brownbill AM

The Revd Dr Robert Derrenbacker

Dr Barbara Cargill

Dean of the Theological School

Fr André du Plooy

Diocese of Wangaratta (from Feb)

Ms Cecilia Fairlie Professor Ken Hinchcliff Warden

Ms Keiron Jones (from Nov)

The Revd Thomas Leslie


Mr Robert Champion de Crespigny AC

Ms Cintia Chen (TCFS 2009)

The Rt Revd Andrew Curnow AM


Ms Vivian Chan (TCFS 1996) Mr Senhao Huang (TCFS 2011)

Diocese of Wangaratta (to Feb)

Mr Enoch Ko (TCFS 2001)

The Revd Dr Alex Ross

Ms Felicia Lase (TCFS 2013)

Diocese of Melbourne Regular attendees:

Ms Lynette Shalless

Mr Christopher Ling (TCFS 2011) Mr Arvind Nagarajan (TCFS 2013)

Chief Financial Officer

Mr Josh Nguyen (TCFS 2016)

Ms Keiron Jones

Ms Seng Hoarng On (TCFS 2019)

(from Apr to Nov)

The Revd Dr Fergus King

Director Ministry Education Centre


Mr Palm Thiravorachai (TCFS 2019)


Mr Laurie Cox AO Mr Jim Craig Ms Sue Dahn Ms Margot Foster AM The Hon Justice David Harper AM Assoc Professor Alison Inglis AM Professor Marcia Langton AM Professor Peter McPhee AM Dr N Bruce Munro Adjunct Professor Clare Pullar Mr Clive Smith

SENIOR FELLOWS Assoc Professor Anthony Buzzard Sir Roderick Carnegie AC


The Most Revd Dr Peter Carnley AC

Ms Anna a’Beckett

Mr William Cowan AM

Ms Keri Whitehead (TC 1979)

Mr Scott Charles

Mr Rob Clemente

Mr Mike James (TC 1969)

Mr William Cowan AM

The Hon Justice David Harper (TC 1963) President


Mr Campbell Horsfall (TC 1975) Ms Margie Gillespie (TC 1978) Mr Will Lempriere (TC 1986) Ms Anni Grimwade (TC 1981) Mr Simon Hann (TC 1989) Ms Amelia Jones (TC 1992) Ms Alison Robson (TC 1994) Ms Annabel Reid (TC 1998)

Executive Director of the Foundation

Mr Robert Cripps AM

(to Mar)

Professor Derek Denton AC

Ms Sophie Gardiner

Ms Louise Gourlay OAM

Ms Emma Harrison

The Rt Revd Dr Peter Hollingworth AC, OBE

Professor Ken Hinchcliff Warden

Dr Michael ‘Taffy’ Jones AM, PSM

Mr Mark Leslie

Professor Richard Larkins AC

(to Apr)

Ms Annabel Myer (to May)

Ms Lynette Shalless

Dr Susan Lim Mr Brian Loton AC Ms Fay Marles AM

Ms Angela Johnson (TC 2001)

Hon Treasurer

Professor John Poynter AO, OBE

Ms Lauren McKenzie (TC 2013)

Ms Amy Tennent

Professor Richard Smallwood AO

Mr Jirra Moffatt (TC 2012)

Mr Andrew Wilson

The Hon Clive Tadgell AO, QC Dr Mechai Viravaidya AO

Mr Johnson Wang (TC 2006)

Dr Denis White Mr Richard Woolcott AC


ACADEMIC AND TEACHING FELLOWS The Very Revd Professor Andrew McGowan Professor Duncan McFarlene Dr Shireen Morris Dr Benjamin Neville

FORMER FELLOWS Dame Margaret Blackwood DBE (†1986) Sir John Bunting KBE (†1995) The Revd Dr Evan Burge (†2003) Sir Joseph Burke KBE (†1992) Mr W B ‘Barry’ Capp (†2020) Professor Manning Clark AC (†1991) Sir Rupert Clarke AM, MBE (†2005) The Rt Revd Robert Dann (†2008) Professor Peter Dennison (†1989) Sir Clive Fitts (†1984) Mr John Gourlay AM (†2007) The Hon Sir Rupert Hamer AC, KCMG, ED (†2004) Sir Edmund Herring QC, KCMG, KBE, DSO, MC, ED (†1982) Dr John Hueston (†1993) Dr Peter Jones (†1995) Ms Valentine Leeper (†2001) Dame Elisabeth Murdoch AC, DBE (†2012)


Mr James Perry (†2007)


Companion (AC) in the General Division of the Order of Australia

Dr Roger Riordan AM (†2019) Mr Robert Sanderson DFC (†2008)

Officer (AO) in the General Division of the Order of Australia

The Most Revd Dr Phillip John Aspinall (TCTS 1985)

The Hon Sir Reginald Sholl (†1988)

Mr Charles (Sandy) Clark (TC 1963)

Mr Michael Thwaites AO (†2005)

Mr Robert Johanson (TC 1969)

Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia

Sir Lance Townsend (†1983)

Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia

Dr John Christopher Daley (TC 1985)

The Most Revd Sir Frank Woods KBE (†1992)

Ms Georgina Byron (TC 1990)

Judge Felicity Pia Hampel (former Board and Council member)


The Revd Dr Colleen O’Reilly (Trinity College Chaplain 2019-2021)

Professor Kevin Westfold (†2001)

Mr Alan Cuthbertson (†2021) The Rt Revd James Grant AM (†2019) Mr James Guest AM, OBE, VRD (†2015) Sir Brian Scott Inglis AC (†2014) Professor Robin Sharwood AM (†2015) Professor Alan Shaw AO (†2012) Ms Diana Smith (†2021)

Professor Nicholas Keks (TC 1977)

Professor Johnathan Serpell (TC 1974) Dr Richard Stawell (TC 1968)

Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia in the General Division Ms Wendy Lewis (past staff member) Associate Prof David Webb (TC 1990)


Ms Louise Mary Gourlay (Senior Fellow)

Mr David Fletcher Jones (TC 1983) Dr Geoffrey Macdonald Knight (TC 1965) Mr Peter Godfrey McMullin (TC non-res 1971) Professor Emeritus Doreen Anne Thomas (former Director of Shepherds TCFS)

Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia in the General Division Mr Andrew Frank Guy (TC 1966) Mr John Richard Harry (TC 1966)


BEREAVEMENTS DEATHS OF COLLEGE MEMBERS NOTIFIED SINCE OCT 2020 Mr William ARMSTRONG (Bill) (TC 1946) Mr Peter ATCHERLEY (TC 1958) Ms Jordan AULD (TC 2015) Mr Ian Masson BASSETT (TC 1949) Dr John Rowan BLOGG AM (TC 1949) The Revd Trish Diane BRYNE (TCTS 2011) Ms Ann BURGIN (TCTS 1991) Mr Geoffrey BURRIDGE (TC 1947) Dr Graham CALDWELL (TC 1968) Mr Callum CHEYNE (TC 1990) Mr Eric COHEN (TC 1945)

Mr John Desmond MOORE (Des) (TC 1951)

Mr Commodore Ormsby Roscoe COOPER (Orm) (TC 1958)

Ms Gabrielle MOYLAN (TC 1980)


Mr Adam Boyd MUNRO (Boyd) (TC 1961)


The Revd Dr John NEAL (TCTS 1953)

Anna Marsh Isabella Wilson Jael Sitte Laura Tatti Lily Flynn Lucy Scales Marjorie Butcher Phillipa McQuinn

Mr Michael Gerald Bickerton COULTAS OAM (TC 1950) Mr Philip DIXON (TCTS 2015)

The Hon Judge John NIXON (TC 1954)

Dr Walter Charles Thomas DOWELL (TC 1947)

Dr Harold RIGGALL (TC 1960)

Mr Roger DUNN (TC 1958)

Mr Robert Henry ROBERTSON (Bob) (TC 1947)

Mr Chester EAGLE (TC 1952)

Mr Ian SEDDON (TC 1967)

Dr Bruce EDWARDS (TC 1943)

Ms Diana SMITH (Senior Fellow and Former Director of TCFS)

Ms Lois ERICKSON (TCTS) Dr Thomas Anthony Dominic FITZGERALD (TC 1973)

Mr George WEBB (TC 1955) Ms Belinda WONG (TC 1995)

Dr George Edward FOOTIT (TC 1949)

Dr Roger Kenyon WOODRUFF (TC 1964)

Mr John Kendall FRANCIS (Kendall) (TC 1944)


Dr Ronald GALBRAITH (TC 1949) Mr James GATEHOUSE (Jamie) (TC 1958)

Professor Bruce Pascoe

Mr Jeffrey GYLES (TC 1963)

Paul Daniels

Dr Hugh HADLEY (TC 1948)

University of Melbourne University of Divinity

Mr Graham HARDIE (TC 1959)

ALTO Amy Cutter Freya Giles Gabby McDonald Lucy Williams Rachel Amos

TENOR Charles Hannah David Lee Dylan Casey Matthew Cook Ted Lovell


Dr James Bryon HOUGHTON (TC 1953)

Ethan Flemming Ian Co Jackson Kristof Jem Herbert Jonathan Ta Michael Guttner Eliza Campbell

Mr Tadeusz IRLICHT (TC 1951) Ms Catherine JOB (TC 1980) Mr David KENNEDY (TC 1949) Dr David MACKEY (TC 1953) Dr Ben MACMAHON (Tutor,1965) Mr Nicholas MARTLAND (TC 1975)


Dr David McCREDIE AM (TC 1944)

Oscar Herrick

Mr Ian MONOTTI (TC 1963)



RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE RESIDENT STUDENTS Millicent Florence a’Beckett Dan Hamlin Adamson Mahdi Hussain Alayesh Lilly Eve Alexander Thomas Allen Zoe Allen Charlotte Ambler Harrison Andersen Lachlan John Archibald Lily Arnoul Phoebe Ashton Ellen Ashwell Christopher Atkins Htet Aung Joel Baburajan Tegan Backx Abderahim Bahlouli Harry Bahr Elisha Balasubramaniam Steven Banh Laura Barnes Serena Barton Alistair Bates Patrick James Bates Harriette Beedle Anna Beggs Charles Beggs Benjamin Beischer Jackson Bence-Collin Ella Best Oscar Billson Sophie Billson Finn Blake Hugo Bogdan Mia Felicity Bongiorno Honor Brahimi Alexandra Brand Zoe Brenner Maria Blanca Brew Ferrer Wallis Brewer Elloise Mavis Bridge Olivia Brindley Benjamin Bromell Ashleigh Brookes Michael Buchanan Josephine Burbury Abby Burrows Mollie Bushby John Cameron Henry Campbell Arabella Campbell Matilda Campbell Eliza Campbell Daniella Camuglia

Liam Cannon Romy Cantwell Evelyn Carapetis Paige Carr Amelia Carrillo De Albornoz Zoe Chalmers Honglin Chen Jenson Chen Ryan Cheng Yale Cheng Benjamin Cherry Akon Chol Jack Chomley Monique Chong Tupou Chong Sue Lucie Clairs Leo Clairs Claudia Clements Oliver Cobain Harriet Conheady James Connelly India Elizabeth Cooper Lachlan Chase Copeland Ginger Cordell Jasper Corker Anders Costelloe Alexandra Cox Ian Coyukiat Cooper Craig-Peters Jade Croft Harry Croser Tate Crowley


Thomas Crozier Liam Cruise James Curran Amy Cutter Sebastian Dahan Vita Daley Evangeline Davidson Chika Davidson Sarah Davis Alex Dean Jasmine Dennison Chloe Dennison Zubin Dhawan Peshala Dissanayake Lachlan Dodds Will Donaldson Frederique Donnelly Emilia Doohan Dorukhan Bartu Doruk Sophie Dowling Elli Downing Caitlin Lucy Doyle Camryn Macleod Dudley Eliza Duncan Henry Edwards Walter Edwards Thalia El-Assaad Jackson Emerson Georgie Ferreira Anna Claire Findlay Georgina Fish Ethan Flemming

Kalisitiane Fonua Kathreen Jane Forwood Emily Foster Claire Freeman Milina Friday Clementine Froomes-Houseman Jordan Fuller Lachlan Gall Jasper Garner Sophia Gawan-Taylor Charlotte Gee George Georgas Patrick Gerendasi Freya Giles Zoe Gillies Eleanor Gillies William Glover Monique Jessica Godfrey Isabelle Gough Ingrid Grahame Charlotte Grbin Lucie Griffin Abby Griffith-Barrow Cameron Grimwade Harriet Grummet Patrick Guest Thorold Gunnersen Nicholas Hahlos Lucinda Haig Leia Hamza Jeremy Robert Hand Jack Thomas Hann Sunday Hanson Riley Edward Hanson Jordan Hanson John Ludwig Harley Thomas Harper Edward Harrison Hugo John Hart Olivia Ella Lomas Hartley Casey Haseloff Kasper Hellmann Julia Katherine Henham James Herbert Catherine Hill Megan Hince Millicent Hockey Oscar Hollands Phoebe Howlett Charles Hudson Annabel Hudson Henry Hume Austin Hunter Thomas Hunt-Smith Ross Hyne Nicola Ingram Emily Irons Patrick Irwin

Edwina Jackson Richard Johnston Zachary Jowett Rose Jowett Smith Greta Mary Jowett Smith Lachlan Kay Lachlan Keane Sophie Killalea Kathy Kim James King Alexia Kirchmann Jackson Kristof Nikini Kumarasinghe Jasmine Alexandra Kuo Jiyoung Kwak Amy Lansell Gretel Larsen George Rupert Park Laurie Eleanor Grace Lawton-Wade Phan Thanh Phi Long Le Noah Learmonth Chloe Le-Dodd Maximilian Lempriere Thomas Lempriere Lourdes Leschen Cassandra Lew Fatt Abby Lewis Bridget Lieberman Pippa Lindsay Michael Loo Maya Rose Loughnan Tathra Lowe Samuel Macaw Mia Macfarlane Henry Mackey Thomas Mackinnon Hamish MacLaren Lachlan Macpherson Smith Sophie Mahon Theo Malaper Zoe McCarthy Grace McColm-Monaghan Gabrielle McDonald Isabella McDonald Hugh McFarlane


Claudia McFarlane Joseph McGuire Alexander McGuire Jack McNair Tom McNicol James Frederick Mead Dior Meaney-Liu Angus Henry Melbourne Galloway Juri Messenboeck Charlotte Metselaar Jorgia Meyer Hugh Millar Mackenzie Miller Chloe Elizabeth Mills Andrew Minto Harris Mitter Charlotte Maxine Molnar Hamish Monckton Taylor Moody Harry Moran Nicholas Morris Harry Marshall Mowbray Sophia Isobel Presto Mowbray Daipayan Mukhopadhyay Oliver Murrie Joseph Napier Charles Negrine Annabel Nelson Kathryn Ngan Kee Tom Nguyen Seraphina Nicholls Emmelia Nichols Ella Nicolao Katherine O’Brien Benjamin Louis Ogden Zac O’Halloran Eloise Miranda Oliver Seng Hoarng On Keeley Wing Ting Orr Chelsea Oui Shehelah Ousman Matilda Padbury Richard Paganin Tian Pang Amber Parker Anais Peate Jacques Pender Conrad Pender Bridie Pitchford Willow Plex Theodore Potts Thomas Poynton Sabine Priestley Celia Purvis Lili Read Ava Read Jack Reddrop Harry Ian Retief

Grace Song Richardson Richie Robenstone Hamish Reginald Abra Roberts Amelia Robertson Xavier Robertson Emma Robertson John Shore Robinson Christina Robson Charlotte Roderick Liam Rogers Charlotte Rogers Sophy Ron John Roysmith Caroline Saksena Benjamin Sanders Alexandra Sarstedt Lucy Scales Kai Scott Max Shannon Alexandra Shergold James Shill Samantha Shing Jesse Simpson Serena Sitch Jael Sitte Katrina Smith William Smith Maddie Smith Charles Smith Vannita Som Pascale Southey Julia Southwell Claudia Stafford Claudia Jo Steele Finn Stephens Augustus Stephenson James Dominic Stevens Samantha Stevens Max Streader Jackson Streader Hudson Streader Lachlan Sutherland Emma Sutherland Duncan Sutherland Charlie Sutterby Lachlan Swaney Coco Swansson Benjamin Symons Gabriella Tabain Naimisha Talluri Ruth Tangbau James Theile Jade Then Lachlan Thompson Niamh Todd Lucie Isabelle Tolhoek William Lennox Townsend-Medlock Hazel Tutuncu


Jedidiah Van Din Thang Matilda Vickers-Willis Matilda von Bibra Sophie von Doussa Michael von Guttner Sporzynski Jack Wallis Nick Ward-Ambler Saffron Warden Bella Warner Anna Watson Jack Westcombe Casey Clare Wever Archibald Whitford Saskia Mariah Wijewardene Aquinne Raoul Wijewardene Jack Wilkins Camilla Williams Angus Williams Louis Williams Charlotte Williams Isabella Wilson Jemma Wilson Luke Andrea Winters Lauren Woodcock Richard Wylie Angela Yang Kevin Yang Rosie Yates Sovannry Yem Chun Tung Yiu Amy Youngman Rhyanna Yow-Yeh Abdulrizaq Yusuf Andreas Zakhari Sebastian Zamora Connie Zhang Oscar Zhu


Dan Adamson Charlotte Ambler Elisha Balasubramaniam Patrick Bates Benjamin Beischer Ella Best Sophie Billson Finn Blake Maria Blanca Brew Ferrer Hugo Bogdan Alexandra Brand Benjamin Bromell Michael Buchanan Abby Burrows Rhys Campbell Romy Cantwell Evelyn Carapetis Zoe Chalmers Honglin Chen Yale Cheng Leo Clairs Harriet Conheady Ian Coyukiat Harry Croser Tate Crowley Amy Cutter Evangeline Davidson Jasmine Dennison Lachlan Dodds Frederique Donnelly Emilia Doohan Camryn Dudley Walter Edwards Milina Friday Charlotte Grbin Jeremy Hand Olivia Hartley Phoebe Howlett Annabel Hudson Edwina Jackson Rose Jowett Smith Kathy Kim Nikini Kumarasinghe Eleanor Lawton-Wade Abby Lewis Michael Loo Thomas Mackinnon Hamish Maclaren Juri Messenboeck Hamish Monckton Taylor Moody Nicholas Morris Tom Nguyen

Katherine O’Brien Shehelah Ousman Grace Richardson Amelia Robertson Lucy Scales Samantha Shing Serena Sitch Katrina Smith William Smith Julia Southwell Hudson Streader Max Streader Emma Sutherland Coco Swansson Jedidiah Van Din Thang Sophie Von Doussa Jack Wallis Anna Watson Clare Wever Camilla Williams Isabella Wilson Lauren Woodcock Kevin Yang Amy Youngman Andreas Zakhari Connie Zhang

ACADEMIC AWARDS FOR SEMESTER TWO, 2021 Charlotte Ambler Phoebe Ashton Harry Bahr Patrick Bates Benjamin Beischer Sophie Billson Maria Blanca Brew Ferrer Hugo Bogdan Alexandra Brand Abby Burrows Eliza Campbell Honglin Chen Yale Cheng Leo Clairs Lucie Clairs India Cooper Ian Coyukiat Tate Crowley Amy Cutter Jasmine Dennison Lachlan Dodds Emilia Doohan Sophie Dowling Camryn Dudley Kathreen Forwood Claire Freeman Sophia Gawan-Taylor George Georgas Olivia Hartley Oscar Hollands

Annabel Hudson Emily Irons Lachlan Keane Kathy Kim Jiyoung Kwak Eleanor Lawton-Wade Abby Lewis Hamish Maclaren Théo Malaper Isabella McDonald Claudia McFarlane Hamish Monckton Taylor Moody Nicholas Morris Joseph Napier Seraphina Nicholls Katherine O’Brien Matilda Padbury Grace Richardson Amelia Robertson Charlotte Rogers Benjamin Sanders Serena Sitch Katrina Smith Julia Southwell Sophie Von Doussa Jack Wallis Camilla Williams Luke Winters Lauren Woodcock Richard Wylie Kevin Yang Connie Zhang Oscar Zhu

RESIDENTIAL SCHOLARSHIPS A C Thompson Scholarship Harris Mitter

A G Miller Scholarship Kai Scott

A J Herd Scholarship Isabella Wilson James Herbert Jasper Corker Jonathan Ta

A M White Scholarship Lachlan Macpherson Smith

Trinity Access Scholarships Abby Burrows Abby Griffith-Barrow Akon Chol Anna Claire Findlay Chloe Elizabeth Mills Claudia McFarlane Dior Meaney-Liu Ellen Ashwell Georgina Fish Htet Aung Jackson Bence-Collin James Shill Jedidiah Van Din Thang Kalisitiane Fonua Kevin Yang Paige Carr Ruth Tangbau Steven Banh Tom Nguyen

The Barbara Burge Scholarship Willow Plex


The Roger Riordan Scholarship

Anais Peate

Phan Thanh Phi Long Le

Dean’s Discretionary Fund

AGL and Peggy Shaw Scholarship

Abby Griffith-Barrow Abderahim Bahlouli

Abderahim Bahlouli Akon Chol Lachlan Keane Seraphina Nicholls

Agnes Robertson Choral Scholarship Rachel Amos Amy Cutter

Agnes Tait Robertson Scholarship for the Creative Arts Nicola Ingram

Dessewffy Family Bursary Harry Bahr

Donald Markwell Scholarship Harriet Conheady

Dr Andrew Fraser Medical Scholarship Hazel Tutuncu Honglin Chen Sophia Gawan-Taylor Tom Nguyen

Alan Patterson International Scholarship

Dr Susan Lim Medical Scholarship

Mahdi Hussain S Alayesh Amy Smith Scholarship Maya Rose Loughnan Zoe Chalmers

Elizabeth Hebden Scholarship

Annual Indigenous Student Sponsorship Casey Haseloff Chelsea Oui Jasper Garner Thomas Hunt-Smith

Tom Nguyen Jasper Corker

Emeritus Scholars Choral Scholarship Rachel Amos

Evan Burge Entrance Scholarship Liam Cruise Megan Hince

F F Knight Scholarship

Arthur Hills Scholarship

Lachlan Keane

Finn Blake Lily Arnoul

F L Armytage Scholarship Catherine Hill

Barry and Margot Capp Scholarship

Falkiner Fellowship

Hazel Tutuncu

Harry Bahr

Bill Bockholt Scholarship

Felicity Anne Curry Choral Scholarship

Pippa Lindsay

Canterbury Fellowship Music Scholarship Oscar Herrick

Charles Abbott Scholarship Finn Blake

Charles Hebden Memorial Scholarship Ryan Cheng

Cheong Yu-Lin Endowment Fund Jenson Chen Clarke Scholarship Harriet Conheady

Cybec IT Endowed Scholarship Thomas Poynton

Cybec Recurrent Scholarship Ashleigh Brookes Chloe Le-Dodd Jade Croft

David Jackson Scholarship Thomas McNicol

David Wells Law Scholarship

Laura Tatti Jonathan Ta Ian Coyukiat

Financial Aid Caitlin Lucy Doyle Finn Blake Joel Baburajan Megan Hince

Flora and Frank Leith Charitable Trust Cooper Craig-Peters Serena Barton

Franc Carse Prize Sophia Gawan-Taylor Frank Henagan Abby Griffith-Barrow Andreas Zakhari Daipayan Mukhopadhyay Finn Stephens Isabella Wilson Jackson Bence-Collin Jesse Simpson Kalisitiane Fonua


Kathy Kim Lachlan Keane Patrick Gerendasi Phan Thanh Phi Long Le Riley Edward Hanson Ruth Tangbau Sarah Davis Seraphina Nicholls Sophie Killalea Tom Nguyen Willow Plex

Freemantle Choral Scholarship Eliza Campbell General Choral Ian Coyukiat

General Specified - Special Project Finn Blake Nicholas Hahlos

Geoffrey Simon Music Scholarship Claudia McFarlane

H L Wilkinson Loan Fund Charlotte Metselaar Isabella Wilson

Helen Macpherson Smith Trust Choral Scholarship Amy Cutter Pippa Lindsay Millicent Hockey

Henry Berthon Scholarship Harry Bahr

Ian Home McKenzie Medical Scholarship Jesse Simpson Max Streader

James A Grant Entrance Scholarship John Shore Robinson Aquinne Wijewardene

James Guest Science Scholarship Abby Burrows

John D Balmford Accounting Scholarship Riley Edward Hanson John Emmerson Abby Burrows Andreas Zakhari Finn Blake Lachlan Sutherland Maddie Smith

John Gibson Newcomers Scholarship Abderahim Bahlouli Andreas Zakhari

John Ross-Perrier Bursary Kathy Kim

N Bruce Munro Senior Scholarship

R F Stuart-Burnett Scholarship

Catherine Hill Coco Swansson Ryan Cheng

Thalia El-Assaad

Casey Haseloff Wilem Dugay-Grist

Nancy Curry Choral Scholarship

Kai Scott

Ian Coyukiat

Ken Horn Choral Scholarship

Nerida Wylie Scholarship

Randolph Creswell Engineering Scholarship

John W Gourlay Scholarship Jack Wallis

Josh Hardy Scholarship Fund

Eliza Campbell

Kenneth Moore Music Scholarship Claudia McFarlane

Le Souef Medical Scholarship Hazel Tutuncu Jenson Chen Kevin Yang Leith Hancock Millicent Hockey

Lilian Alexander Medical Scholarship Daipayan Mukhopadhyay

Marion F Wilson Choral Scholarship Amy Cutter Jonathan Ta Lucy Williams

Miltiades and Alkestis Chryssavgis Scholarship Andreas Zakhari

N Bruce Munro Organ Scholarship Oscar Herrick Thomas Heywood

Kathy Kim

NHM Forsyth Choral Scholarship James Herbert

NHM Forsyth Scholarship

Randal and Louisa Alcock Scholarship

Lachlan Sutherland Tyrina Garstone

Reginald M V Blakemore Scholarship

Isabella Wilson

Maya Rose Loughnan

Oakleigh Foundation University Scholarship

Harriet Conheady

Robert B Lewis Scholarship

Cassandra Lew Fatt Tyrina Garstone

Robert W H Cripps Choral Scholarship

Oodgeroo Endowed Scholarship

Laura Tatti

Benjamin Louis Ogden Perry Scholarship Charlotte Metselaar

Sophie Killalea

Peter Dennison Choral Scholarship Jael Sitte Michael von Guttner Sporzynski Lucy Williams

Peter Godfrey Choral Scholarship Charles Hannah Ted Lovell Amy Cutter

Philip Sergeant Prize for Poetry Alistair Bates

R A Must Scholarship Daipayan Mukhopadhyay Htet Aung Jesse Simpson


Ronald Cowan Scholarship Rosemary and Bryan Cutter Foundation Scholarship Tathra Lowe

SAF Pond Scholarship Dylan Casey Matthew Cook Lily Flynn Anthony Lee David Lee Amy Cutter Phillipa McQuinn Freya Giles Jackson Kristof Gabrielle McDonald Charlotte Rogers Lucy Scales

Scholarship Specified Drawdown Fund

The Ritchie Endowment

Benjamin Louis Ogden Shehelah Ousman Anna Marsh

The W S Kimpton Award

Simon Fraser Scholarship

Alistair Bates Chloe Le-Dodd Dorukhan Bartu Doruk Finn Stephens Harriet Conheady Isabella Wilson Jack Westcombe Casey Jade Croft Kevin Yang Lachlan Macpherson Smith Mahdi Hussain S Alayesh Maya Rose Loughnan Megan Hince Patrick Gerendasi Patrick James Bates Sebastian Dahan

Harris Mitter

St John’s Anglican Church Camberwell Choral Scholarship Marjorie Butcher

Sydney Wynne Scholarship Lucie Isabelle Tolhoek

The Brian Roberts Scholarship Benjamin Beischer Hazel Tutuncu Tathra Lowe

The Dr Richard Gilmour-Smith Memorial Scholarship Dorukhan Bartu Doruk Lachlan John Archibald Ruth Tangbau Shehelah Ousman

The Hurry, Moroney, Watson Family Scholarship Abby Griffith-Barrow Maya Rose Loughnan

The Kelly Choral Scholarship Jonathan Ta

The Louise M Gourlay Instrumental Fund Abby Griffith-Barrow Claudia McFarlane Ellen Ashwell Thomas Poynton Eliza Campbell Julia Hastings

Sebastian Dahan Willow Plex

Trinity General Scholarship

Trinity Indigenous Scholarship Casey Haseloff Cassandra Lew Fatt Chelsea Oui Cooper Craig-Peters Elloise Mavis Bridge Grace McColm-Monaghan Rhyanna Yow-Yeh Serena Barton Wilem Dugay-Grist

Trinity International Scholarship Aquinne Wijewardene Chun Tung Yiu Dorukhan Bartu Doruk Honglin Chen


Htet Aung Jedidiah Van Din Thang Jenson Chen Joseph Napier Mahdi Hussain S Alayesh Patrick Gerendasi Ryan Cheng Saskia Mariah Wijewardene Thalia El-Assaad Yingqi Huang

V A Leeper Prize Patrick Gerendasi

W J Banks Fund Lucie Isabelle Tolhoek

William Cain Scholarship Harris Mitter Thomas Poynton

Yorta Yorta Scholarship Serena Barton

THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL UNDERGRADUATES Yopa Abraham Leanne Abrahams Sonya Barden John Barnes Kate Campbell Gabrielle Castle Maxim Cave David Clarke Fin Coulter Donna Davis Danielle Duncan Ethan Eva David Fraser Liam Galbally Melaluka John Geu Moses Guot Rebecca Hayman Carol Hogg Kade Hotchin Wilson Huang Francis Kabaw Martha Kongor Zion Kunoo Aiman Mohamed Amin Catherine Moore Frederik Mul Kristina Pallaghy Richard Pennington Jesse Poole Chris Roberts Samantha Ryan Sami Samiuddin Heather Scott Farah Shelly Helen Simmons Mandy Tannouri Kyle Taylor Chris Thomason Margaret Thomason

POSTGRADUATES Moses Adebajo Katrina Baldacchino Kirsty Beilharz Candice Bennett Tafatolu Bentley Hayley-Jayne Bernhardt Eunie Blanchard Sarah Boddington Grahame Bowland Zoe Boyle Mike Brennan Justin Bristow Sue Bunting

Elsa Carr Eugene Chin Melissa Clark Matthew Couch Elizabeth Dale Son Dao Kate Drummond Lyndell Fairleigh Steff Fenton Anne Gates Jiji George Paul Glass Tim Gray Sue Greenwood Evan Hadkins Judith Harbour Ferry Hasiholan Anthea Haughain Sue Hawley Ann Hobbs Kimbalee Hodges Rob Hoile Sheryl Hooper Naomi Johnson Tom Johnston Nay Htoo Khin Vivian Lam Chloe Lampard Bill Leadbetter Yee Peng Lee Zhang Lee Ruth Li Jackson Lisok Garth Martin Johnny Maryoe Heather McKellar Harley Milano Andrea Nagy Andrew Neal Caleb Nicholes Rob Nyhuis


Daniel Nyieth Gail Orchard Kurian Peter Angela Peverell Lauren Porter Narelle Riley Neil Robinson Butogwa Sabbo Kyle Saltmarsh Ramy Shenouda Mark Shepheard Bronwyn Stephens Emma Strugnell Joanne Stuchbery Anne Sunderland Ben Swift Malcolm Tadgell Nathan Tarjadi Ann Taylor Elizabeth Thompson Julia Thwaites Coral Tudball Adam Veith-Carter Sam Waldron Christopher Waterhouse Toni Wein Sharon Zuiddam

RESEARCH STUDENTS Nant Hnin Hnin Snow Aye David Carter Paul Daniels Lachlan Davis Emily Fraser Jessica Grant Marilyn Hope Daniel Kisliakov Thomas Leslie Anne Pate


Susan Sandford Scholarship Stephanie Fenton

Daisy Searby Studentship


Joan Adams Scholarship

Francis Kabaw

Bromby Prize for Biblical Greek

Chloe Lampard Julia Thwaites

Sydney Smith Studentship

Sarah Dulley

Xeverie Swee

Alfred Bird Studentship

Bromby Prize for Biblical Hebrew

Esmond Sutton Studentship

David Clarke

Eugene Chin

Stanton Archer Prize for Biblical Studies

John Maryoe

Canterbury Fellowship Studentship Elsa Carr

Rosemary Young Scholarship Ruth Li

Nigel and Margery Herring Studentship

Upton-Everest Studentship

Zion Kunoo

AM White Studentship

Kew Studentship Andrea Nagy

Moorhouse Doctoral Scholarship Lachlan Davis

Kurian Peter Tafatolu Bentley

Frank Woods Doctoral Fellowship David Carter

Danielle Duncan Susan Hawley

Stanton Archer Prize for Church History Maxim Cave Russell Goulbourne

Catherine Laufer Prize for Systematic Theology Chloe Lampard

Geoffrey and Edith Pitcher Scholarship

Valentine Leeper Prize for Prayer Book Studies

Gavin Hansford

Benjamin Clements


FOUNDATION STUDIES JANUARY INTAKE 2021 ALMEMARI Azza Abdullah Saeed Mohameed BAI Zhuo BAO Zheming CAI Wing Lam CAI Yihao CAO Xinyu CHEN Guojun CHEN Jinqian CHEN Shilong CHEN Xiaoyu CHEN Yuxiang CHEN Zhuoyuan CHIA Lester CHOEUNG Huyly CHUA Clement Kuang Yu DAI Yunqi DAM Manh Duc DENG Kaiyuan FAIZAL Nur Afiqah Binte Mohamad FAN Junjie FENG Sinan GOH Jun Rong GUAN Jiayi GUAN Weiguo GUNERATNE Nahallage Dona Dinaya GUO Shuxian HEIN Paing HORNG Puthireth HUANG Jiaying HUANG Xinhe HUNG Tsz Ting JI Peiyan JIA Peng JIANG Xinyi JIAO Yang JIN Tong KANG Xingjian KHOR Xiao Wei KIEATTAYAKORN Akira KIM Minji LAU Yeong Ler LEE Adam Richard Khai Hock LI Ruobing LI Sichen LI Xianli LI Xinyu LI Yiming LI Yuxi LIAO Liqi LIM Aldric Ajeng Chao Fook

LIN Hei Mun LIU Bingchang LIU Daizong LIU Junfan LIU Ruixin LIU Shang LIU Shiyu LIU Yanan LIU Yiru LIU Zhaoxi MEAS Kanha MEOUN Seangmeng MIAO Jingyuan NG Cheuk Fung NGUYEN Dinh Hieu NGUYEN Quoc Hung NI Yulin PUVADOLPAIROJ Jakkrapop QIN Siwen QIN Yuxuan SHEN Bohan SHI Yanzhi SONG Xuechen SU Yunbo SUN Yijing SUN Zhe SUN Ziyao SZE Wai Lun TALIB Abdul Hadiy Bin TAN Jaime Emmanuel Teh TAN Wei Shan Adelle TIAN Huiyu TONG Xian Yi TU Yuanai WANG Bohong WANG Luqing WANG Pengxing WANG Sisi WANG Weixiao WANG Xiaoxiao WANG Yang WANG Yingnan WANG Yiran WANG Yufei WANG Yuteng WANG Yuxuan WANG Zining WILLIAM Justin WONG Tsz Ying WU Chenming WU Xinlei WU Yongye XU Hanlin XU Leyan XU Shiyun XU Teng YANG Donglin YANG Mengjie

YANG Shaohui YANG Wenjie YANG Xiao YAO Li YAO Xiaoxuan YAO Yilin YEAP Caleb YI Pin YIN Yu YOU Haocen YU Xinlai YUAN Zhiyi YUAN Zijian ZHANG Dongyi ZHANG Qinghua ZHANG Xuanpeng ZHANG Yang ZHANG Yousheng ZHANG Yu ZHANG Zhewen ZHAO Panpan ZHAO Yuwei ZHAO Zichen ZHENG Chunuo ZHENG Yutian ZHONG Xiaoliang ZHOU Beijia ZHU Junhao ZHU Yan ZHUO Qiyang ZOU Jiarui

FEBRUARY MAIN 2021 AL SHERYANI Mohammed Majed Alshaiba Khamis ALDRIN Revelino Edrensya ALESSA Abdulaziz Monzer BS ANG Woan Zhi ANGGITO Anabelle BAO Bingyi BATTUR Chigu BINTORO Hans Leonardo BUDIMAN Owen Angga CAI Qiman CAO Jiayi CHAN Youttavong CHANDRA Kyla Amabelle CHANG Qijin CHANG Ting-Yu CHEAH Alistair Wern Hao CHEN Haoyan CHEN Huihui CHEN Shiyi CHEN Siyu CHEN Xiaoshi CHEN Yiling CHENG Enricko CHENG Hui Ling


CHENG Jessica Marie Zhi Wen CHHIM Chanbonraksmey CHIA Ryan Wern Jien CHIANG Clarisse Kye Xia CHIANG Ray-En Andre CHRYSAN Julianty CHU Athena CHUAH Xin Tong CORNELIA Alodia Yovita CRISTOVAL DAI Zhuoming DAI Zili DARREN HIERO DE SILVA Sonali Elisha DING Shengning DONG Mingyuan DONG Thanh Dai DONG Xiaoyu DU Haoying DU Hui DU Tiantian DUAN Haoming EDRIS AZLAN Edris Yasmin FAN Chenlong FIERIS Rio FU Hua Ze John GAN Junyan GAO Lingfeng GAO Xinran GAO Yike GE Changqing GENG Jiarong GENG Zeyu GIM Tse Wai Violet GOH Clarice Vivian HE Ziao HENG Kunthearoth HENG Rithysak HO Banny Zhen Yang HO Grace Amara Ming En HU Shiqiao HUANG Chunting HUANG Junqi HUANG Ruohao HUANG Yikai HUANG Zhilian HUNG Pak Lin Michael IMAISHI Shota IRENA Alexandra JIA Xintong JIANG Luyao JIANG Sining JIANG Yixin KASMAN Richard KHAN FAKHRAIE TEHRANI Ali KHANT Kaung Naing KIM Hongmee

KISWOTO Jolin Ashley KUMJIM Tee KUO You-Cheng KURDI Mustafa Ayman O KUSUMA Cathryn KUSUMA Devina KYAW ZIN Eaint Myat Chal LA Minh Duy LAI Alexis Rae Qi LALJI Khaleel Farouk LAM Cheng Han LAM Ieok Ieng LAM Ying Kwan Jania LEE Mei Teng LEE Tse-Hou LI Chao LI Chen LI Jiasheng LI Runji LI Yanxi LI Yiti LI Yuxin LI Zhenxiang LI Ziheng LIANG Rui LIANG Zhanyun LIEM Kien Ling LIM Hui Ester LIM Megan Ruiying LIM Yhi Zhen LIM Yuan Gen LIN Suyan LING Wai Theng LIU Haonan LIU Hongyu LIU Jiming LIU Jingyi LIU Yahui LIU Yuxiang LIU Yuxin LIU Zhijing LIU Ziyue LIV Seakhuy LONG Shan LOO Enya Yingshan LY Limheng LYU Guangxing MAHMOUD Hamad M A A MAI Bich Chau MAMA Sophie Ebrahim MAO Zhixuan MARUYAMA Shintaro MATANDI Fredric MELIALA Michele Sembiring MIAO Yanqian MOPHUTING Kagiso Botho Sean NEO Raffles Wee Peen NG Hsin Rong

NGUYEN Hai Khanh Thy NGUYEN Ngoc Mai An NGUYEN Tran Qui Nhi NITHIROJPAKDEE Nipat OEN Maverick Thaddeus ONG Leticia Li Ying PAN Jinhaoyu PANG Ruoying PANGALILA Livia PARAKETAELLE WATTEGEDARA Dinan Senuka Dharmakeerthi PENG Zihao PHAM Tran Minh Hang PUTAMADILOK Nannapas QIAN Xijia QU Ruotong QUACH Thanh Thanh An RAJBAR Kriti Chand ROSENO Nessia Eve SALMAN Matthew SAPUTRA Valeria SETIAWAN Vina SHAO Nanxi SHINAGAWA Rikuto SIAW Zheng Yu @Fedric Siaw SIEN Muong Odompiseth SITTHIXAY Soudaphone SOEWANDHIE Joshua Owen SU Chenxian SUGIANTO Nicholas Alexander SUN Mengqi SUN Mingze TA Hoang Nhat Mai TAN Yaopeng TANG Nga Chi Angel TEH Rachel Wei Lyn

TEO Vanessa TIAN Hao TOBING Arthur Johannes TORIYAMA Alan TRAN Hua Phuong Nhi VALERIAN Christian VILLYANTO Elvina VONG Chi Him WAN Yijiang WANG Bingbing WANG Fan WANG Jingsheng WANG Junye WANG Lanyun WANG Ping-Chun WANG Tengyi WANG Xinyi WANG Zifan WEN Dongyu WENG Zhe WIJAYA Justin Bryan WONG Caitlyn Xin Yi WONG Hannah Yin Ern WONG Jing Qing Vanessa WONG Se Zhe WONGSO Kathleen Fiona WU Wenjing WU Wenqi WU Yingyang WU Zexun XIA Fan XIA Weipeng XIAO Yao XIAO Yue XIAO Zhihong XING Rangzhi XIONG Wuyi XU Haonan


XU Jiayue XU Jingtong XU Wenxuan XU Xiyue XU Yihan XU Yiting YAN Wanqing YAN Yize YANG Bowen YANG Nuoxi YANG Songhao YANG Yuxuan YANG Zonghan YAO Qiuyi YAP Sze Lei YE Zihang YEO Yu Jun YONG Yuqin Joshua Michael YOU Hanlin YUAN Xingkuan YUEH Yu-Sen ZHANG Ailun ZHANG Hang ZHANG Jie ZHANG Xin ZHANG Xiying ZHANG Xue ZHANG Yaowen ZHANG Ying ZHANG Yunran ZHANG Zexu ZHAO Bo ZHAO Chuyi ZHAO Rongrong ZHAO Suting ZHAO Yiran ZHAO Zitong ZHEN Ziyu ZHENG Yitong ZHOU Shang ZHOU Siyi ZHU Jiadong ZHU Jingyan ZHU Yanna ZHU Zekai ZHUO Ruisi ZOU Yifan

JULY FAST TRACK 2021 ANGDINATA Daniel Stanley ARORA Anya BAK Li Qing BOEDIMAN Cheryl Thalia CHELSEA Andrea DARMADJI Peter GABRIELLE GAN Jennysse Jerryne GUO Xiao HARYONO Rusninda Astuti

HASAN Valen Joveny HENDRI Rexton HU Suji HU Xiaoqing INDRAWAN Leon Faustino KAMERON Kyla Amira Sari KHOREY Marc Matthew KIKUCHI Emika KOH Hui En Annabelle KRISTIAWAN Agnes Sifra LEE Yun-Ching LI Bingxin LI Daixuan LIRA LOZANO Johanna Alexa MEAS Hengly MIGUEL Rianna Louise Noel MURAKI RYOJI Pedro OEI Eileen Austina OUYANG Minle PASARIBU Andreas Ebenheart PENG Rui POALER Amelia Cecil RIHARSO Jelita Maryam Zahranny SANTOSO Federick Justin SUGANDA Derrick Adrian SUSILO Dustin Josee SUTANTO Catharine Estelia TANASALEH Jeremy Santoso TANDRA Maureen Syamriani TANUJAYA Alvin TING Natasha Sze Pei WIDODO Jacqueline WIJAYA Jessica WINAR Marco XU Yini YANG Zhiti YAO Yuan YAPHARIS Christopher Kenneth YULIANTO Ovia Rizky YUTRAYA Michelle

JULY INTAKE 2021 AMBRI Rama Ananda BAO Weijian CHEN Leyi CHEN Wanyi CHEN Wen-Shiuan CHEN Yirong CHEN Ziyang CHIANG Chloe Chu Yi CHOU Yu Jou CHUA Rachel Zhuo Ting DE GUZMAN Nikka Francinilla DENG Shuxin DONG Jiajun

DONG Routing DU Yinmeng FENG Anqi GONG Zhaoyu GOZALLI Kelly Angelina GUNAWAN Samantha HALIM Samuel Athanasius HAN Yutong HE Guowei HE Xiaotong HU Wanqi HU Yixuan HUANG Anan HUANG Jinyu HUANG Shuyi HUANG Ying-Jen HUANG Yunhong HUANG Zhiyuan HUNG Ting-Han JARGALSAIKHAN Khantenger JI Yuheng JIA Heqiao JIA Siyu JIANG Chengyuan KHANGARID Michidmaa KURNIASURJA Nicholas KURNIAWAN Alycia Michelle LE Hong Hien LI Cheng LI Hanrui LI Jinquan LI Jinyang LI Peixuan LI Yihan LI Yiming LI Zhanghongrui LI Zhengze

LIANG Haoxuan LIEW Larry Kuan Chin LIN Jiayuan LIN Kwan Yau LIN Zhanliao LIU Xiaoxiao LIU Xiyu LIU Yazhu LOU Hongkun LUO Weijia LUO Ziyi MANIKATALIA Vanij MARTANTO Angelina Yuana MEY Chan Vireakboth NGUYEN Phuc Minh Khoa OR Man Yee PAN Lisheng PASHA Ahnaf PENG Hongkai PORTILHO MACIEL CARPINTEIRO Luana PUTRA Raditya Karka Setiawan QIN Huiru QIU Feng QUENNIE LAURENTIA RACHATAPHAIROJ Sinee RUSTANTO Emanuel Geovano SHAN Junqi SHEN Xuhao SHEN Zixiang SHI Shang SHI Yunhan SHUI Lin TAMBUWUN Martin Jonathan Lao THEINT HAY THI TRAN Bao Long


UTAMA Iliona Putri VELOSO Philip James VU Hiep Son WANG Huiyi WANG Kaiwen WANG Ruilin WANG Xinyan WANG Yuhan WANG Zihan WANG Ziqi WEI Siyu WU Yongye XU Jiayi XU Zhaoyuan YAN Pengcheng YAN Xinyu YAN Ziquan YANG Junjie YANG Mingyang ZHANG Chuqiao ZHANG Jiaxu ZHANG Weiyi ZHANG Xiaoxi ZHAO Lin ZHENG Jingyu ZHENG Qiaodan ZHOU Bairu ZHOU Jingyi ZHOU Xinxi

AUGUST MAIN 2021 ALINAGHIAN Yasamin ANSJORY Debby ATMADJAJA Megan Carolyn ATMAWIDJAJA Nathan Adrian AURORA Fatima Noshin Maysha Sayeed BENJAMIN Nadia Audrey BONG Dean Ivander BUI Hien Nhi CAMARA Sebastian CHAN Peng Him CHAN Tsz Ching Desta CHANG Pei Han CHEN Kuan-Ling CHEN Xinyang CHENG Yu-Tung CHEW Tremain Ka Shing CHIN Jia Jiet CHIN Jun Being CHU Chengyao CHUANG Lee Gene CHULUUNBAT Nomin CLARISSA Sanika Nasywa Fidela COSCOLLUELA William Agustin CWOK Stephanie

DAI Junqing DASWARLYN Dhyandra Halyza DU Haoying DUONG Thi Tra My FANG Chien-Wei FENG Yuan GANINDUTO Kharisya Laksmita GOTODA Akari GU Zhenli HAN Hein Thu HAN Shangru HAN Xu HANDOJO Stashia HANDOKO Yeva Felicia HE Junyang HE Zhiyuan HE Zijun HENDRAWAN Frederick Matthew HU Qixuan HUANG Jiawen HUANG Yuechen HUANG Yuzhi HUNG Li-Yu HUO Yuzhang IEOJAROENLARP Pakwan INADAMA Sakito JIANG Meixin JIAOXIE Tengye JU Chi-Jia KHAN FAKHRAIE TEHRANI Ali KHANT Ye Min KIMMIKO Anjanette KONG Chengru KURNIA Rachel Clarissa KUSUMA Regina Audriani LAM Kai Yan LAU Tsz Chun LEE Evelin Carlote LEE Po-Yi LI Shiyi LI Wenhui LIANG Xinxin LIANG Yu LIAO Chen-Jun LIEM Naomi Sarah LIM Felicia LIM Shun Rong Brennan LIU Haonan LIU Jiakai LIU Junhao LOH Jia Jie Glen LOU Shengjie LUO Yujun MISE Ayumi MON Lei Yee

XIONG Sirui XU Hongtao XU Xiangxi XU Yiming XU Zixuan YAMANISHI Reina YAN Ningle YAN Fangfei YANG Jiazheng YANG Xingyu YIN Huanghui ZHANG Qingyun ZHANG Ruotong ZHANG Xi ZHAO Hanbo ZHAO Yuetong ZHOU Fangzheng ZHOU Jing ZHOU Junyu ZHU Kejie ZUO Anqi


MYAE Eain Chan MYAT NOE Eaint NAKAMURA Hitomi NGUYEN Bao Tien NGUYEN Khanh Toan NGUYEN Thi Quynh Nhu NGUYEN Trong Thien NGUYEN Xuan Bach NGUYEN Xuan Nguyen NOCUM Nichol James NUGROHO Nelson Timothy OH Seowon ONO Mie OU Yan PENG Guanming PHAM Le Minh Anh PI Haowen PRATAMURA Sabina Harnia Putri PURBOWO Shannen PUTRI Michelle Brigitta QIU Yiheng RONY Jessica Mabel RUSSEL Christian Seth SAW Tze Yin SHIBAYAMA Naoki SIEN Muong Odompiseth SONG Jinsheng SONG Kyeongjun SONG Shuyan SRICHAVANA Natnicha SUBHANABHONG Tanusit

SUJONO Patricia Paramitha SUKARDI Ezra Estevan SUN Chia-Chiao SURYA Filia Angelrika SUTIONO Bianca May TANG Mayhor THEISJEN Stefanie THIENSRI Chanon TIAN Dan TIN Eaint Hmuu Tun TJHIN Eline Tando TONG Jiaying TRAN Tuan Dinh TSUKAZAKI Amaki UCHIDA Yuka VU Chi In WANG Chiyao WANG Haonan WANG Haoqi WANG Jingsheng WANG Rui WANG Xiaoyu WANG Yimiao WANG Yuqi WANG Zhuoxi WEI Jiajun WEI Yufei WEN Yanjun WIDYADI Grace XI Jiaji XIANG Xushan XIAO Qingtian


ASKYA Nirina Zie BAI Yuchen CAI Zongnan CHEN Zhuo CHERKASOVA Irina HADY Karyn Klarissa HO Wing Yu Theodora JIANG Junrong KANNAN Hasmita LAK Heng Lean MADELINE Erika Deandra MARDIJARTO Tara Mayrahiva MO Jingyi ORTEGA Julian Miguel Tempongko PANAGUITON Jude Matthew PRAWIRO Anthony Fillip PURNAMA Reagen PUTRI Melissa Diandra QI Tongle QIU Jingru RENALDO Raphael RUSLI Stephanie SUPADMO Catherine Keisha SUSHKOVA Darina SYAMSUL AZUAN Lydia Karman WANGSAWIDJAJA Jacelyn Cherish WIGUNA Erich WIRAWAN Jason WU Yidi ZHOU Minyu



AUGUST INTAKE 2020 SALVADOR Andrea Marie Lopez



HIEN Paing




CHEAH Alistair Wern Hao FU Hua Ze John HO Grace Amara Ming En LALJI Khaleel Farouk MELIALA Michele Sembiring SETIAWAN Vina SUN Mengqi TRAN Hua Phuong Nhi WONGSO Kathleen Fiona


JANUARY INTAKE 2021 SONG Xuechen YAO Xiaoxuan



LEVEL 2 TO AUGUST MAIN 2021 GOTODA Akari GU Zhenli HUANG Yuzhi KONG Chengru LAU Tsz Chun LIANG Xinxin LUO Zhaoyang QI Yuxun SONG Jinsheng TONG Jiaying WANG Chiyao WANG Haoqi WANG Xiaoyu WEN Yanjun XU Xiangxi XU Yiming YANG Xingyu YIN Huanghui ZHANG Qingyun ZHAO Hanbo ZHOU Fangzheng ZHOU Junyu ZHU Kejie


LEVEL 1+2 TO FEBRUARY STANDARD 2022 MORIKI Kenta WAN Wenkang ZHANG Yaoyun ZHONG Zhengzhong ZHONG Zhuoye ZHOU Zitian ZHU Mingxuan

LEVEL 2 TO FEBRUARY STANDARD 2022 CHENG Zhihui DONG Zihan FENG Haomin HE Yanru KO Pin-Yen LI Wantong LIAO Zhiyu LING Qian LIU Feiyang LIU Zhengxiang LONG Yuying TONG Yi WU Shuo XU Dingli XU Jiaqi



ARORA Anya HU Xiaoqing LEE Yun-Ching OEI Eileen Austin TING Natasha Sze Pei WINAR Marco







Korowa Anglican Girls Olivia Agelopoulos Snigdha Arora Georgia Atto Eloise Auwardt Sarah Bielovich Florence Cai Jemima Carne Isabella Casey Deffy Chen Tina Chen Maggie Cheng Chloe Cooper Isabella Coves Emily Deszcz Asta Ding Chyann Fan Lucy Felice Ella Fieldhouse Gabriella Fischmann Kinuri Gabadage Jessica Goncalves Nancy Gui Lucy Guo Ellie Hay Amelia Hood Bridget Hu Grace Huang Alissa Kirton Olivia Kirton Katia Lang Catie Learner Lily Li Kat Li Talia Liebmann Clairen Ling Hilary Luo Yen Ly Georgia McGlade-Smith April McMillan Madeline Miao Sehar Middha Tessa Mordue Leila Najjar Alex Papavassiliou Gretel Papson Emily Peebles Jennifer Peng Mia Pistofian Jessie Qi Sharon Qian Katie Qin Grace Rao Ruby Rao

Ella Rowley Illana Siregar Gayatri Sivasamboo Sreeyah Sivasamboo Kate Slane Madison Sparrow Chloe Spiropoulos Emma Talbot Emi Taylor Maddi Thomson Megan Tran Amy Truong Chenuki Vithana Sherry Wang Tessa Watson-Long Alexandra Wong Larissa Woods Fiona Wu Kitty Xu Jacinta Yan Karles Ye Amy Yong Miranda Yu Joanne Yu Gabby Zhang Nancy Zhang Olivia Zhao Jolie Zhu Niki Cook - Teacher Ash Edwards - Teacher Angus Hawkes - Teacher Andrew Murray - Teacher Jo Nanfra - Teacher Kelly Sharp - Teacher Carly Sparrow - Teacher Karlie Stocker – Teacher


Cathedral College Maya Ackroyd Natasha Albace Millicent Allen Olive Aunjai Trinity Barton Gracie Bastin Kyle Bester Ella Bihun Kathryn Box Matthew Box Bella Bridgeman Mia Buckley Jessica Calvert Brianna Campbell David Carmichael Mathilda Chambers Lilli Chennell-Jarvis Abbey Collins Oceane Dahlenburg Nick Dare Dilasa Dhakal Courtney Dickson Blake Doolan Sarah Farley Jaimee Gaston Grace Goodley Ethan Guy George Hearn Sam Hemphill Daniel Herrod Kelly Hirschmann Jasmyne Holmes Xandar Horg Hunter Hoysted


Sienna Irwin Kenzie Jacka Daisy Kendall Alice Kjar Lia Ladbrook Kai Lyster Braeden Marjanovic Zachary Marsden Taylor Marshall Nikolas McAsey George McConnell Katelyn McDonald Tanika McLaughlin Tilly Mellor Harry Miller Teagan Muller Lillian Mullins Hugh Mullins Ashton Nitagron Lachlan Noble Macy Peebles Skip Pieper Alex Pitt Mathew Pramod Shelby Richardson Ashley Rosewall Charlie Sammon Angus Scales Henry Scales Hannah Sevior Hayley Sprague Emma Stephens Erin Stephens Elena Stone Patrick Timmers Oscar Timms Aiden Tracey Joshua Tweedale Anika Vilayphone Jessica Vincent Olivia Voogt Jack Walton Angus Webb Natarsha Webster Alexandra White Dylan White Macauley Yorston Levi Young Angela Baldwin - Staff Paul Carson - Staff Daniel Hogarth - Staff David Jones - Staff Lauren Lee - Staff Bron McGorlick - Staff Justin Perkins - Staff Sue Synnot - Staff Kirsty Woods - Staff


John Maidment OAM Folders of material relating to the College’s intention from the late 1980s to obtain a new pipe organ for the Chapel, brought to fruition over the following decade with an organ built by Irish-based organ builder Kenneth Jones. Folders include correspondence, reports and designs from other tenderers, alongside fundraising and campaign brochures and paraphernalia. Rowena Armstrong QC Episcopal ring belonging to the late Bishop James Grant (TC 1950), former Dean of Melbourne, and later Bequest Officer, Trinity College. Ellipse amethyst stone with engraved crest, set in a gold mount. The ring originally belonged to Bishop Arthur Vincent Green (TC 1876) who would subsequently be elected bishop of Grafton and Armidale, New South Wales, in 1894. Simon Waters (TC 1975) Royal Doulton Trinity College-crested ceramic vessel, likely a humidor, c. 1900-1922. Bob Gartland Two digital TIF images of alumni Geoff Ainsworth and Christ Mitchell, in training on field and tying up shoes for a publicity photo with Geelong Football Club. Arthur Hill (TC 1955) Donation of 6x card-mounted College photographs by photographer Firth Thomas, ranging from 1955 to 1957, being the donor’s years in residence. The photos comprised ‘whole of College’ residential student group photos, as well as several sporting team photos. Accompanying the photos was a College pewter presented to the donor for Bowls Double Championship in 1957. Anthony Buzzard (TC 1960) An assortment of College ephemeral items, menus of the Union of the Fleur de Lys (1954-73, 1982), and various correspondence relating to the donor’s time in residence and subsequent involvement with the College.

Bill Gillies (TC 1974) An assortment of College ephemeral items relating to the donor’s time in college and subsequent involvement with the College, and a black and white photographic of College students holding a ‘Trinity’ pennant, probably at the rowing regatta, in the early 1950s. Rosalind Smallwood (JCH 1953) Two Indigenous artworks from northern Australia, comprising a bark painting, ‘Monsoons on the North Wind at Warrknjura’, attributed to Banytjultjul, from the Milingimbi region (c.1979) and a milkwood carving, ‘Warrah Bun Bun’, by contemporary Elcho Island artist Jeremiah Bonson (2009).


GIFTS TO THE LEEPER LIBRARY 2021 Bruce A. Stevens Before Belief Stevens, Bruce A.

Assoc Professor Alison Inglis

Hamilton Art Gallery, 60th Anniversary publication Beaven, Lisa; Burchmore, Alex; Clark, Jane; Erdmann, Mark K.; Gaston, Vivien; Hansen, David; Inglis, Alison; Martin, Matthew; McNeil, Peter.

Professor Ken Hinchcliff

Saunders comprehensive veterinary dictionary Studdert, Virginia P.; Gay, Clive C.; Hinchcliff, Kenneth W. (editors)

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