Wewererelievedtoseesomesenseofnormalityreturn totheworld–andparticularly,Melbourne–in2022.The emergenceanduptakeofvaccinationsmeantlockdowns eased,restrictionswerefinallylifted,andpeoplebegantogo abouttheirdaysinawaythattheyhadn’tbeenabletoin2020 or2021.
ForTrinity,thismeantwecouldresumemanyofourusual activities.Residentialstudentsenjoyedclubsandevents andthemuch-treasuredexperienceofday-to-daylivingon campussurroundedbyfriends.Pathwaysstudentsstarted tricklingbackintothecountryasface-to-faceclassesgradually resumed,followingtheopeningofAustralia’sbordersto internationalstudentsinDecember2021,thentoallfully vaccinatedtravellersinFebruary2022.Studentsofour TheologicalSchoolalsohadtheoptiontostudyoncampus againafterteachingwasexclusivelydeliveredonlineduring theheightoftheCOVID-19pandemic.
Financially,theCollegewasstillinatightpositiongiventhe eventsofthepastcoupleofyearsand2022wouldseeusenrol thefeweststudentsinthePathwaysSchoolinwellovera decade.Many,ifnotmost,ofthesestudentsweretaughtonline butwemadethedecisioninthefinalquarterof2022thatall teachingwouldbeinpersonandfacetofacein2023.
Ithankalloursupporterswhocontinuedtobelieveinour modelofteachingandlivingbyofferingkindwords,donations ortheirtimeaswepulledourselvesoutfromoneofthe mostdifficulttimestheCollegehasweatheredinits150-year history.
Onthat,2022wasabigyearforustocelebrate,asitmarked TrinityCollege’s150thanniversary.Weheldafullcalendar ofeventsthroughouttheyear,includingtheGourlayEthics inBusinessweekinMay,andculminatinginour150th anniversarygalainOctober,attendedbyaround900alumni, staffandfriendsoftheCollege.Itwasawonderfuleventthat capturedthetruespiritofTrinityaspeoplecaughtupwithand reconnectedwithfriendsnewandold.TheTriumphsofOur Fleur-de-Lys,a150thanniversary historyoftheCollege bythe TheologicalSchool’sRegistrar,PeterCampbell,waslaunched inNovember.
Weusedmultipleteachingmethodologiestodeliverour FoundationStudiesprogram,withsomeclassestaughton campus,someonline,andsomeviaahybridmodel,whereby somestudentsinaclasswerephysicallyoncampuswhile othersjoinedremotely.Thisthirdmethodprovedchallenging, butwehadtoworkwiththecircumstances.Understandably, somestudentsstruggledtoreturntocampus,either duetopersonalreasonsorgovernmentrestrictionsintheir homecountry.
In2022,wehad619enrolmentsandtaughtexclusivelyonour Parkvillecampus,whileourSwanstonStreetandBouverie Streetcampusesweremothballed.Werelinquishedtheleases onourVictoriaStreetcampusandtheas-yetunoccupied ElizabethStreetcampus.
The College commenced the academic year for 2022 at full capacity, having received 394 applications to fill 139 first-year spaces available. There was a marginal decrease in application numbers year-on-year, mainly due to a large increase in postCOVID decisions to take a gap year. Two hundred and thirtyfour students opted to return, resulting in a retention rate of 86%.
We delivered 328 academic one-on-one consultations totalling approximately 656 hours (below 2021 levels, but roughly on-par with historic figures) and 170 tutorials (significantly exceeding 2021) as part of our tutorial program. We also offered a range of on-campus events and activities, including Fireside Chats and Career Connect events.
During 2022 the Theological School exceeded its budget and enrolment targets. The total student cohort consisted of 38 undergraduates, 89 postgraduates and 12 Higher Degree by Research students undertaking PhDs. The final group of students from Wollaston Theological College in Perth were studying through Trinity before Wollaston became a full college of the University of Divinity in its own right in 2023. Twentyeight students graduated during 2022 and six candidates were ordained Deacon and six were ordained Priest.
Faculty research publications included an edited volume of essays from all members of the staff and invited associates entitled The Enduring Impact of the Gospel of John: Interdisciplinary Studies. Rachelle Gilmour’s Divine Violence in the Book of Samuel (Oxford University Press) was launched in May.
Two international conferences were held in relation to the school’s major research grant on religious enmity being led by Scott Kirkland and Chris Porter. During the year, Scott Kirkland was promoted to Senior Lecturer and Rachelle Gilmour to Associate Professor in the University of Divinity.
We had 4100 people attend in-person events, including a couple of events that were held overseas (a welcome relief after so many Zoom events). By the end of the year, 3428 people had signed up to My Trinity Connect (mytrinityconnect. com.au). We were also thankful for the 2070 people who registered as volunteers, including to host events, offer internships and mentor students.
In 2022 we hit an all-time record of $4.71 million in cash donations, thanks to 632 generous supporters, plus another $4.3 million in pledges.
Despite all the ups and downs of the past few years, we can say that Trinity College has been going strong for 150 years, with no signs of slowing down. This is testament to the incredible students, staff, alumni and friends who make this institution the place it is, so to everyone in our community, thank you for helping to make Trinity College so special.
Professor Ken Hinchcliff Warden and CEOSTAFF LIST
Professor Ken Hinchcliff
BVSc Melb, MS Wisc, PhD Ohio, DACVIM Warden
Mr Matt Dravich
M.Arch RMIT, Dip Civil Eng RMIT
Design Manager
Ms Michele Gunn
BCom, Otago
Executive Assistant to the Warden and Strategy Officer
Ms Leonie Jongenelis
BA, BEd(Hons), MEd Man UWA
Dean of the Residential College
Mr Anthony McGirr
Deputy Dean of the Residential College
Dr Ishita Akhter
BSc(Hons) EWU (Bangladesh), ME La Trobe
PhD Melb
Academic Advisor
Dr Susanne Chadbourne
MA(Hons) St Andrews, MA Courtauld Institute, PhD Melb
Academic Advisor
Ms Annie Rose Collis
Wellbeing Coordinator
Mr Christopher Greaves
BA(Hons) Manchester, CertTESOL Trinity College
Recruitment and Admissions Manager
Ms Yuwei Jia
BIS, MSc Melb, GradCertEd FedUni, GradDip
Academic Advisor (from April)
Ms Mandy Kitchener
BSc(Hons) Staffordshire, GradCertPH Wollongong
Wellbeing Coordinator
Dr Georgia O’Connor
BA(Hons) Monash, MSt Oxf, PhD Monash
Admissions Coordinator (from May)
Dr Michael Pickering
BA(Hons) UQ, PhD Melb
Academic Programs Manager (from Sept)
Ms Susana
BB La Trobe, GradCertEd Monash
Admissions Coordinator (to May)
Hugo Bienvenu
BA Melb
Tamsin Cantwell
BA, MMktgComm Melb
Elizabeth Dixon
George Fforde
BA(Hons), PhD Melb
Flora Harpley Green
BA(Hons), DipML(Russ) Melb, MScrnwrt VCA, MPhil Cantab
Grace Haslinghouse
BA, MSW Melb
Thenu Herath
BA Melb
Spencer Hines
BA(Hons), GCertArts(AsianSt) Melb
Sam Marshall
BSc, MPH Melb
Simon Matthews
BCom, MTeaching Melb
Jarrad Paul
BA(Hons), PhD Melb
Dan Rankin
BA(Ancient History) Macquarie, MA Melb
Maeve Rapkins
BA Melb
Devni Wimalasena
BA Melb
Mr George Fforde BA(Hons), PhD Melb (Foreign language)
Ms Flora Harpley Green (Art History; Russian History; Screen Studies)
Mr Simon Matthews BCom, MTeaching Melb (Economics related; Finance; Corporate Valuation; Investments)
Dr Jarrad Paul BA(Hons), PhD Melb (Anthropology and Ancient World Studies)
Ms Isobel Abell
BSc, MSc, DipMus Melb (Mathematics)
Mr Riccardo Amorati BLinguistics Bologna, PhD Melb (Linguistics and language studies)
Ms Vivienne Bear
BSc, MSc Melb (Mathematics)
Mr Eddie Boyd BMus Syd Conservatorium (Classical Guitar and music studies)
Tim Bunnage
BCSc Monash, MCSc Melb (Computer & Maths)
Mr Tarun Campion
BSc, MD Melb (Anatomy)
Mr Aidan Carter
BA(Hons), DipLang(French) Melb (Italian)
Ms Vishal Charan
PhD SwinUT (Engineering)
Dr Kanchan Chauhan
PhD DAVV (Biotech, Health & Society, Zoology, Genetics, Sustainability)
Ms Bethanie Chong
BBiomed Melb (Biomedicine)
Ms Bianka Covic
BEnvs Melb (Urban Design and Planning)
Ms Sarah Crafter
BA (Hons) Melb (Phonetics, Semantics & Morphology)
Mr Angus Davison
BA, BMus Monash (Philosophy & Music)
The Revd Canon Associate Professor
Robert Derrenbacker
BA Wheaton, MATS GCTS, PhD Toronto
Frank Woods Associate Professor in New Testament Dean of the Theological School
The Revd Professor Mark Lindsay, FHistA BA(Hons), PhD UWA, GradDipTheol MCD
Joan F W Munro Professor in Historical Theology
Deputy Dean
Dr Rachelle Gilmour
BA(Hons), BSc(Hons), PhD Syd Bromby Associate Professor in Old Testament
The Revd Dr Fergus King
MA(Hons) St Andrews, BD (Hons) Edinb, DTheol
Farnham Maynard Senior Lecturer in Ministry Education
Director of the Ministry Education Centre
Dr Scott Kirkland
BMin, PGDipTh Laidlaw, PhD Newc
John and Jeanne Stockdale Senior Lecturer in Practical Theology and Ethics
Research Coordinator
The Revd Canon Professor Dorothy Lee, FAHA
BA(Hons), DipEd Newc, BD(Hons), PhD Syd Stewart Research Professor in New Testament
The Revd Dr Christopher Porter
BPsych ANU, BIT Adel, GradDipDiv, GradCertTheol, MDiv, GradCertMin, MA(Th), PhD ACT
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Dr Peter Campbell, JP, AALIA
BEc, BA, MMus ANU, GradDipLib & InfoMgt Canberra, PhD Melb
Honorary Fellow, University of Melbourne
Ms Karen Graham
DipPhotoArt&Comm ACPAC
Administrator (to March)
Ms Rose Allinson
Administrator (March to June)
Ms Joanne Pope
BEd, BA(Hons) Syd Administrator (from June)
Mr Christopher Roper AM
LLB Syd, BD MCD, BA Melb Coordinator, Continuing Education
The Revd Dr Gary Heard
BCom Melb, DipEd Monash, BTheol(Hons), PhD MCD
Denis John Woodbridge Adjunct Lecturer in Pastoral Theology
The Revd Dr Luke Hopkins
BTh(Hons) Newc, PhD UDiv
The Very Revd Dr Andreas Loewe
BA(Hons), MPhil, MA Oxon, PhD Camb
Dr Paul Daniels
BA(Hons), BTheol, MTheol, PhD
The Revd Dr Nixon de Vera
BTh AdventistUP, MTh Newbold, GradCertTheol, PhD UDiv
The Revd Dr Duncan Reid
BA Monash, BTheol MCD, DTheol Tübingen, MEd Flinders
The Revd Dr Richard Wilson
BSc Adel, MBA Deakin, MA, MDiv, PhD UDiv
The Revd Ron Browning OAM
The Rt Revd Dr Jeffrey Driver
ThL, ThSchol ACT, MTheol SCD, PhD CSU
Dr Muriel Porter OAM
BA UNE, BLitt ANU, DPhil Melb, MA ACU
Mr Richard Pickersgill
BA, BLitt, GradDipEd Monash, MEd(EdMgt) Melb Dean of Pathways School
Mr Louis Clay
BSocSc Waikato, MIR La Trobe
Associate Dean, Student Journey
Ms Pauline Bowles
BA(Hons), MEd(Int Ed) Monash
Manager - Administration & Compliance
Mr Andrew Oppenheim
BA, BSc(Hons), MSc, DipEd Melb
Manager – Timetabling, Examinations and Academic Dates
Mr Simon Tyrrell
BA RMIT, GDipTeach(Sec) Melb
Senior Coordinator – Academic Administration
Mr Ben Waymire
BA La Trobe
Senior Regional Manager
Ms Kirsten Fawcett-Le Rossignol
Admissions Manager
Ms Christine Findlay
BA Monash Registrar
Ms Crystal Gordon Regional Manager
Ms Claire Jung
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
William Angliss Institute Registrations Officer
Mr James Kerley
BA(Hons), GradDipEd La Trobe Regional Manager
Mr Yang Mei
BBusMan, MA HR, Griffith Regional Coordinator
Ms Yuki Nakagawa
CertIII Library and Info Services Swinburne Coordinator, Registrations
Ms Karen Thomas
BSc Coventry Manager of Student Experience
Ms Linda Olivieri
Housing and Accommodation Coordinator
Ms Margarite De Murashkin
Psychologist APS
MAPsych, GradDipPsy Monash, GradDipProfWrtg Deakin, GradDipEd, BAArts La Trobe Student Counsellor
Ms Say Chin Lim
DipAdvert LimkokwingICT, BA Deakin Manager Student Wellbeing
Mr Sam Miles
BURP UniSA, GradDip IntRel UoA, Grad Cert Pol&IntRel Melb Manager Student Experience
Ms Joanna Liu
BBus La Trobe
Student Wellbeing & Administration Officer
Ms Crissa Prasita
BA Melb
Student Experience Officer
Role is lecturer unless stated.
Mr Danny Fahey
BEd VicColl
Associate Dean, Teaching & Learning
Dr David Collis
BSc(Hons), BA(Hons) Monash, GradDipTheol, MA(BibStud) MCD, PhD Melb
Director, Curriculum and Academic Development
Mr Phuong Duong
BMultimedia Murdoch, CertIVTech TAFEWA eLearning System Coordinator
Ms Tamara Nair
BA, BCom, DipML(Spanish), MA(IntRel), Melb Executive Liaison Officer (to Sept)
Dr Theresa Dang
BBNSc(Hons), PhD Monash
eLearning Manager
Mr Ken Simpson
BA(Hons) Media & Design, PGDip Online and Distance Education
Digital Media Coordinator (to Apr)
Ms Trish Valastro
BA La Trobe, DipEd ACU, MEdSt Monash, GCETT FedUni
Coordinator, Professional Development
Mr Stephen Bain
BA, LLB(Hons) Melb eLearning Project Officer
Mrs Melinda Mogi
BBus(Acc), BComp, MIMS Monash Executive Liaison Officer (from Oct)
Ms Mary Zafirakis
BEc, PostGradDip(Acc) Monash Subject Leader
Dr Wendy Cai
BCom Melb, BCom(Hons) Monash, PhD ANU Acting Subject Leader (from Oct)
Mr Felipe Casasayas
GradCertArts (English & Theatre Studies), BEd (Music), Melb, GradDipCompSc, GradDipAdvCompSc (Hons), GradDipAcc, La Trobe
Ms Kanika Dhamija
BA(Hon), PostGradDip (Fin) IMT, MPA FedUni
Ms Manvi Nirula
BCom(Hon) Melb, ATL001 CTA1, Tax, MTC Melb, GradCert Teaching Melb, Cert IV Training and Assessment Monash (to Oct)
Dr Alicia Coram
BA(Hons) Syd, PhD Monash Project Officer
Dr Micaela Sahhar
BA(Hons), LLB(Hons), PhD Melb, CELTA Cantab, GradCertTESOL Holmesglen Project Officer
Dr Kerry Higgins
BSc(Hons), PhD Melb
Subject Leader (to Nov)
Dr Catherine Symington
BAgrSc(Hons) Melb, PhD La Trobe, MEd(EdMgt), GradCertUnivTeach Melb
Subject Leader (from Nov)
Dr Hannah Alcantara
BSc Biology, MSc Biology, UPhilippines Diliman, PhD Melb, Cert BioSec Sci Box Hill Inst (from Apr)
Dr Theresa Dang
BBNSc(Hons), PhD Monash
Dr Joly Kwek
BSc(Hons), PhD Melb (to Apr)
Dr Caroline Kyi
BSc(Hons), PhD Melb
Dr Bingxu Bruce Nan
BS Heibei, MS South China Normal Univ., PhD, Melb (from July)
Ms Madeline Papandreou
BSc La Trobe, DipEd(Sec) CSU
Dr Kerry Higgins
BSc(Hons), PhD Melb
Subject Leader
Dr Mei Fong
BSc Deakin, PhD Melb, GradDipEd ACU
Dr Abilio (Bill) Ten
BSc(Hons), PhD Melb
Dr Lucia Jurdana
BSc RMIT, PhD Melb
Dr Caroline Kyi
BSc(Hons), PhD Melb
Dr Barbara Li
BSc(Hons), PhD Melb (to Jan)
Dr Joly Kwek
BSc(Hons), PhD Melb (to Feb)
Dr Esther Tamanyan
BSc, MSc Yerevan, PhD Melb
Dr Rosemary Blight
BA, DipEd, MEd, PhD Melb Co Subject Leader
Mr Steven Smith
BA Adel, Diploma of Arts (Drama) VCA Co Subject Leader
Dr Monique Dalgleish
BEd Eng&Drama Tas, PGDip Mvt&Dance, MEd, PhD Melb
Mr Stephan Faubel
BEd MelbStateCol, PostGradDip(Act)
Ms Vanessa Montoya
Ms Kate Shearman
BPA Monash, BA Performing Arts Directing VCA
Ms Helen Smith
B.Ed(Hons) Leeds, MA(Performance Studies) Monash, CertIV Train&Ass, MA(TESOL) US
Ms Ophelia Wass
BA VU(NZ), MTeaching, MA(Drama) AUK(NZ)
Ms Vandana Wadhwa
BA(Eco Hons) JMC(DU), MA(Eco) DSE, GradDipEd(Sec) Monash, Med, Med, Melb
Subject Leader
Dr Thang Long Tran
MBA, PhD Monash
Mr Harry Dao
BCom Monash, CertIV Train&Ass, MTeach Monash
Dr Michael Kidd
BA(Hons) CNAA, MA Essex, PhD Qu (from July)
Ms Kiri Rawson
MA(IntRel), Cert IV TWA Deakin, CELTA CambridgeIOE
Subject Leader
Mr John Murphy
BA(Communications) Newcastle
Subject Leader
Ms Kate Nicholson MA TESOL Monash
TCAEP Associate Subject Leader
Ms Jill Lewis
Ms Mayan Baker
BA Monash, RSA/CELTA, PGradDipEd Melb
Ms Jennifer Archibald
BBus, CertIV Train&Ass Holmesglen
Dr Amanda Bayliss
BA Syd, DipEd, GradDipHum UNE, MA Bond, PhD Melb
Ms Susan Bendall
BA(Hons), DipEd La Trobe, MFA Melb
Ms Sally Burchard
BA, GradDipEd Adelaide, MAAL UNE
Dr Katherine Cao
Ms Allison Ernst
Ms Helen Flint
BSc Monash, RSA/CELTA, GradDipEd Deakin
Dr Nazanin Ghodrati
BLitt Shiraz, ME(TEFL) Tehran, PhD Melb
Mr Jamin Grahovac
MA(AppLing) Illinois
Mr Chris Heath
Mr Shawn Hupka
Mr Gary Lichtenstein
BA, DipEd Monash
Mr Christopher Lynch
Ms Joanne Boyle
BA Monash, GradDipEd Deakin
Subject Leader (from Oct)
Ms Jane Sykes
BA, DipEd, GradDipEd(Pol&Admin), MEd Monash Subject Leader (to Oct)
Ms Diane Boase
BA, DipEd Monash
Ms Susy Puszka
BA, Monash Grad Dip Environmental Studies, Adelaide, Dip Ed Monash
Ms Sara Evans
BA Deakin, GradDipEd Monash
Mr Pouya Bagheri
BA, Industrial Design Iran University, MA, Industrial De4sign Art Universty of Tehran, MA Teaching Melb
Mr Samuel Miles
BA Urban and Regional Planning UniSA
Dr Alicia Coram
BA(Hons) Syd, PhD Monash
Co Subject Leader (from Dec)
Dr Micaela Sahhar
BA(Hons), LLB(Hons), PhD Melb, CELTA Cantab
GradCertTESOL Holmesglen
Co Subject Leader (from Dec)
Dr Michael Pickering
BA(Hons) Qld, PhD Melb
Subject Leader (to Sept)
Dr James O’Maley
BA(Hons), DipA, MA, PhD Melb
Acting Subject Leader (from Sept to Dec)
Dr Frazer Andrewes
BA, MA(Hons) Auck, PhD Melb (from Sept)
Mr Stephen Bain
BA, LLB(Hons) Melb
Dr Jonathan Barlow
BA (Hons), MA Monash, PhD Syd
Dr Stephen Fleischfresser
BSc, GradDipArts, PhD Melb
Ms Jane Neild
Dr Daniel Townsend
BA, BLitt(Hons), PhD Deakin
Dr Justin Tighe
BA(Hons), MA La Trobe, PhD Monash
Dr Mark Nixon
BCom, BA(Hons), PhD Melb
Subject Leader
Dr Caryn Adams
BA(Hons), MPhil UWI, PhD La Trobe
Dr Rosslyn Almond
BA(Hons), PhD ACU, GradDipPsychAdv Monash
Parental leave
Mr Philip Kemp
BA(Hons), LLB Monash, LLM Melb, GradCertHEd, GradDipEd(Sec) Monash, CertIV TAE Sthn Cross Training, MA Deakin, MTESOL Monash
Dr Barbara Mattar
MA, BA(Hons), BEd
Dr Jennifer Mitchell
BSocSc RMIT, GradDipArts, MA, PhD Monash
Dr Miriam Nicholls
BA(Hons), PhD La Trobe, GradDipEd Monash
Ms Rachael Robertson
BA(Hons) Melb
Dr Sasha Cyganowski
BSc(Hons), PhD, DipLang Deakin
Subject Leader (Mathematics 2)
Dr Leigh Humphries
BSc, PGDipSc, PhD Melb
Subject Leader (Mathematics 1)
Dr Ana Hinic Galic
BSc(Hons), MSc Kragujevac, PhD La Trobe
Dr Monica Broeksteeg
BSc(Hons), PhD Monash
Dr Raymond Broeksteeg
BSc(Hons) Otago, PhD Monash
Dr Stephen Fletcher
BSc(Hons), PhD Monash, GradDipEd(Sec) NTU, GradDipMet BMTC
Dr Bell Foozwell
BSc(Hons) La Trobe, PhD Melb
Ms Lee Pin Goh
BSc, DipEd Monash
Mr Matthew Kotros
BSc(Hons), BEng(Hons) Melb
Mr Philip Mannes
BA(Hons) Monash
Mr Joshua McLeod
BEng / BSci Swinburne
Ms Jessica Mullin
BSc(Hons) Monash, MTeach Melb
Dr Vivien Nguyen
BSc Thai Nguyen, MEd, PhD LaTrobe
Dr Karen Wood
BSc(Ed), PGDipMaths&MathsEd, MEd, PhD Melb
Ms Joanne Boyle
BA Monash, GradDipEd Deakin
Subject Leader
Ms Sara Evans
BA Deakin, GradDipEd Monash
Ms Phuong Nghi Le Pham
BA, GradDipEd RMIT
Mr Pouya Bagheri
BA, Industrial Design Iran Uni, MA, Industrial De4sign Art Uni of Tehran, MA Teaching Melb
Ms Chloe Graham
BA Creative Arts (film and television) Deakin, Grad Cert Psychological Science Australian College of Applied Psychology, MA Ed Melb
Mr Jamin Grahovac
Ms Jenny Nam
BA Melb, CertIV Workplace Training and Assessment MRWED, CELTA ATTC
Dr Fun Lai
BAppSc, MSc RMIT, PhD Melb
Subject Leader
Mr Alex Duan
BSc Melb
Dr Paulo Mendonca
BSc, MSc University of Sao Paulo, PhD Qld
Ms Niken Priscilla
BSc Melb
Dr Esther Tamanyan
BSc, MSc Yerevan, PhD Melb
Lab Demonstrator
Dr Maureen Vincent
BA Monash, BSW Melb, GradDipEd(Sec) ACU, GradDipPsy Monash, MClinPsy, PhD Deakin, MAPS, MACPA, MCCP
Subject Leader
Ms Claire Brown
BPsySc LaTrobe, GradDipPsych Deakin, PhD Candidate Deakin (to Sept)
Mrs Vanessa Catania-Meilak
BSc(Psychology) VU, GradDipPsych, GradDipEd(Sec) RMIT, MEdLead ACU (from July)
Dr Rita George
BDS India, GradDipPsych, BApplSc(Hons), PhD
Dr Alvin Wee
BA(Psychology and Sociology) Monash, GradDipPsych, PhD Deakin
Mr Scott Charles
BPD, BBldg Melb, ME RMIT
Deputy Warden and Director of Advancement
Ms Judith Breheny
Senior Advancement Officer
Ms Vivian Chan
BCom, GradDipIS Melb
Careers and Alumni Coordinator (to Nov)
Ms Steffi Lee
BCom, LLB Melb, GradDipLegalPrac College of Law
Alumni Relations Coordinator (from Dec)
Dr Benjamin Thomas
BA(Hons), MArtCur, PhD Melb Rusden Curator, Cultural Collections
The Revd Dr Luke Hopkins
BTh(Hons) Newc, PhD UDiv College Chaplain (from Feb)
Ms Lyn Shalless FCA, GAICD
BBus QUT, MFin CQU, CertIVTrain&Ass Swin
Chief Financial Officer
Ms Sharon Bian
BAcc Latrobe, MFin Melb Finance Officer (to Dec)
Ms Beverley Roberts Executive Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer
Ms Thiana Sevdalis
BBus Darwin Payroll Officer
Ms Isabella Vanek CA
BCom LaTrobe
Manager, Finance and Accounting
Mr Alex Zhang CPA MAcc Monash
Ms Joanna Zhang
BAcc LaTrobe, MMgt Melb
Senior Accounts Officer (to Oct)
Ms Alison Menzies
BA, BSW, GradDip(Mgt) Melb, Dip (HR) Swin Director, Shared Services
Ms Jacinta Pankhurst
BSc, BSc(Hons) Monash
OH&S Coordinator
Ms Karina Parker
BA(MassComn) Murdoch, CertIV HRM, AHRI Human Resources Advisor (to Sept)
Ms Julie Tsamis
CertBus VU, DipBus(HRMgt) NMIT, GradCertHumResMgt RMIT
Senior Human Resources Manager
Ms Guiyao (Amy) Wang
BA, Melb, GradCertHumResMgt RMIT Human Resources Advisor (from Sept)
Mr Jonathan Mack
BAppSci RMIT, GradCertMgt AGSM Director Information Technology Services
Mr Arsalan Chaudhry
BS Eng GIK Inst
IT Architecture Manager (to Jan)
Ms Mirella Faccioni Manager IT Projects (to Dec)
Mr Rajesh Aggarwal
BS Eng Gulbarga, AdvDip Computers CDAC ACTS Bangalore
IT Project Manager (to Oct)
Mr Noorallah Ali
BCom Katachi, MA Iqra Senior Database Analyst (to Apr)
Mr Geoffrey Crompton
BCommEng, BAppSci RMIT Senior ICT Infrastructure Administrator
Ms Kari Neilson
Cert IV Business Administration Manager IT Client Services
Mr Andrew Storey Dip IT Ashmore
ICT Support and Apple Systems (to Dec)
Mr Muhammad Siddiqui
BSc Karachi, MB (IS & ERPS) VU
ICT Support Officer
Mr Gowthaman Viswanathan
MAppSci RMIT, DipEng India Systems & Network Administrator
Mr Ehsan Taghipour
BSc Tehran USC, MSc AmirKabir Systems & Network Administrator (to Apr)
Mr Ali Alam
B BusAdmin(Hon) IQRA University, Master Business Information Systems Swin
ICT Support Officer (from Jan)
Mr Peter Nichols
Bachelor of Music University of New England
ICT Support Officer (from Nov)
Ms Zulaikha Ourang
B Information Technology RMIT
ICT Support Officer (from Jun)
Ms Li Qian
Bachelor of Commerce Monash, Master of Business Information System Monash, Diploma
Interpreting Global Business College
ICT Support Officer (from July)
Ms Heather Bailie
Leeper Librarian
Ms Catharina (Kitty) Vroomen
DipLib, GradDipAppInfoSys RMIT
Deputy Librarian
Mr Paul Welsh
BA La Trobe, GradDipInfoMgt RMIT
Library Technician (to Aug)
Ms Juan Wen
DipCompSci, DipCompInfoMgt Zhejiang, BL&InfoMgt Box Hill Institute
Library Technician (from Sept)
Ms Kate Elix
BJour UNC-Chapel Hill, MA (OrgComm) Charles Sturt Uni
Director Marketing, Communications and Events
Ms Emily McAuliffe
Communications Manager
Ms Briony O’Halloran
BBus, La Trobe
Events and Marketing Manager
Ms Pippa Skillington
BJour Monash
Digital Marketing Manager
Mr Christopher Watson
BMus Exeter
Director of Music
Mr Scott Fennell
Dip Fac Mgmt, Dip Proj Mgmt
Manager, Property & Facility Services
Ms Lorraine Ferrari
Operations Manager
Mr Duncan Hendry
Dip Bldg Surv
Compliance, Audit & Risk Officer
Ms Isabella Evans
BSc Melb
Administration Officer
Mr Rhys Corr
Ms Christine Hamilton
Projects and Facilities Assistant
Mr Michiel Ware
Maintenance Officer
Ms Janet Ristevski
Heather Bailie was a member of the organising committee for the VALA 2022 Bring IT On conference.
Peter Campbell, JP, is an Honorary Fellow at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, University of Melbourne. He continued as a member of the editorial committee for Context: A Journal of Music Research and as treasurer of the Victorian Chapter of the Musicological Society of Australia (MSA), the International Association of Music Libraries and Archives (IAML) Australia Inc., and of Ensemble Gombert Inc. He is a lay clerk at St Paul’s Cathedral and also sings with the MSO Chorus. His publications included The Triumphs of Our Fleur-de-lys (Carlton: Miegunyah, 2022) and ‘“Come, Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire”: The Musical Inspiration of John’s Gospel’ in The Enduring Impact of the Gospel of John: Interdisciplinary Studies, ed. Robert A. Derrenbacker, Dorothy A. Lee and Muriel Porter (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock 2022), pp. 124–43. At the University of Divinity, Peter is Chair of the Student Services Committee.
Dr Yiqian Cao’s publications included: Zhang, H., Wei, W. and Cao, Y-Q. ‘Using computer-assisted language teaching technologies to develop multiple levels of medical vocabulary knowledge of second language medical students’, Computer Assisted Language Learning, (2022). DO I:10.1080/09588221.2022.2140167; Ji, X., Cao, Y-Q. and Wei, W. ‘Pre-service language teachers’ pedagogical decisions on integrated-skills instruction in a sojourn Chinese teaching programme: The context matters’, Cogent Education, 9/1 (2022), pp. 1-21; and Wei, W. and Cao, Y-Q. (2021). ‘Willing, silent or forced participation? Insights from English for Academic Purposes classrooms’, RELC Journal (2021), pp. 1-16.
Susanne Chadbourne’s research has been published by two academic publications. Firstly a journal article resulting from a 2016–19 team research project on ‘Foreign Bodies’ in early modern art. Susanne Chadbourne, ‘The Physical Embodiment of the “Devil in Calicut” in Pierre Boaistuau’s Histoires prodigieuses’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art, vol. 22 (2022): 99–112. Secondly, a chapter in a volume investigating the legal sales of Italian medieval architectural heritage following a conference Susanne attended in San Gemini, Italy. Francesco Gangemi, Tanja Michalsky, Bruno Toscano, eds., Medioevo tra due mondi. San Nicolò a San Gemini e le alienazioni monumentali nella prima metà del Novecento (Rome: Quaderni della Bibliotheca Hertziana, 2022).
The Revd Canon Dr Robert Derrenbacker’s publications included: Derrenbacker, Robert A., Dorothy A. Lee, and Muriel Porter, eds. The Enduring Impact of the Gospel of John (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2022) and Derrenbacker, Robert A., “Echoes of Luke in John 20-21,” in Robert A. Derrenbacker, Dorothy A. Lee, and Muriel Porter, eds. The Enduring Impact of the Gospel of John (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2022), pp. 3-20.
Bob presented “Books and Readers in Post-Gutenberg Christianity,” at the Luther Bible Symposium, St Paul’s Cathedral in August.
Bob preached at the following parishes:
• St Paul’s Cathedral (20 February, 27 March, 12 June, 31 July, 14 August, 16 October, 6 November) St James King Street (Sydney) (13 February)
• All Saints North Hobart (27 February)
• St David’s Cathedral (Hobart) (27 February)
• Trinity College Evensong (6 March) St Stephen’s Gardenvale (3 April)
• St George’s East Ivanhoe (1 May)
• All Saints Ascot Vale (8 May)
• St Aidan’s Strathmore (15 and 22 May)
• St John’s Finch Street (28 August)
• Parishes of McRae and Rosebud (18 September)
• St Peter’s Eastern Hill (11 December)
In December, Bob was interviewed by ABC Radio (with Dorothy Lee) on the Gospel of John.
Danny Fahey was the author of The Christmas Maze (Worldwide release, IFWG Publishing, 2022).
Stephen Fletcher published the paper ‘Conservation, impermeability and potential vorticity in relativistic magnetohydrodynamics’, Journal of Physics Communications, 6(12) (2022): 125002.
Professor Ken Hinchcliff continued as Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, which continues to be the top-ranked veterinary clinical journal. Ken was reappointed to the Zoological Parks and Gardens Board in October 2022. He is a member of the Zoo Foundation Advisory Board, and the Listing Group of the Fédération Equestre International (which advises on drug and medication use in sports horses (Olympics, World Equestrian Games). Ken delivered a small number of lectures in the Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences and supervises or co-supervises graduate students from the University of Melbourne. Ken provided a keynote presentation to the 11th quadrennial conference on Equine Exercise Physiology in Uppsala, Sweden, in June, and lectures on performance horses
at the annual conference of the European College of Equine Internal Medicine in Rome in November. He is a member of the Equine Limb Injury Steering Committee of the University of Melbourne and Racing Victoria Ltd. Ken is a collaborator on a project investigating respiratory disease in racehorses in Hong Kong. He is an editor of the 3rd edition of the textbook “Equine Sports Medicine and Surgery” (Elsevier), which will be published in June 2023.
Fergus J. King led an online panel discussion for the Australian Association of Mission Studies on his Missional Introduction to the NT in May, gave the Founders’ Lecture at St Stephen’s Gardenvale (Live and Let Live: How Paul Settled the Difference between the “Weak” and the “Strong”) in October, and was a copresenter at the Conversation, Raymond Island (Matthew for the 21st Century) in November. His publications included “A Sair Trauchle?: Reflections on process, mediation and reconciliation in Aberdeen & Orkney”, International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 21:3-4, 282300, and “Friends, Foes, or Rivals: John Among the Philosophers” in Derrenbacker, Lee, and Porter, The Enduring Impact of the Gospel of John (Eugene OR: Wipf & Stock, 2022), 21-42.
He became a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Anglican Studies, and a Consultant for the Commission for Theological Education in the Anglican Communion (CTEAC). He guested as teacher on Texts and Traditions for Year 10 students at Overnewton Anglican Community College, and continues to serve as an Honorary Assistant Priest at St Alban the Martyr Anglican Church, St Albans, curating their online worship resource and assisting with parish worship and duties.
The Revd Professor Mark Lindsay was a delegate to the Anglican Church of Australia’s General Synod, which met in May 2022.
Mark’s publications included: ‘The Interpretation of John through Key Moments in Church History’, in R. Derrenbacker, D. Lee & M. Porter (eds), Reflections on the Gospel of John: An Interdisciplinary Approach, (Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2022); and ‘Synagogue, Shoah and State’, in P. Ziegler (ed), Edinburgh Critical History of Christian Theology: The 20th Century, vol.6 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022).
In July, Mark presented a paper entitled ‘Once More – Karl, Nelly, and Lollo: Listening to the Children’s Voices’ at the 2022 ANZATS Conference.
In April, he was interviewed for the Two Cities podcast, on the topic ‘Post-Sho’ah Theology’.
Mark continued his Sunday ministry throughout the year as an associate priest of St Mary’s North Melbourne. He also continued his work as a Director of the Melbourne Anglican Diocesan Schools’ Commission, serving also on its Finance Committee.
Emily McAuliffe produced feature articles and photography for a number of publications, including ESCAPE (Herald Sun), BBC News, The Age/Sydney Morning Herald, Vacations & Travel, Signature Luxury Travel & Style, Caravan World and Women’s Health. For a second year, she was elected to the board of the Australian Society of Travel Writers.
Chris Porter presented at five conferences in 2022, “I Am Paul” Audience Interaction with Authorial Self-Identification in the Later Pauline Epistles at the Pastoral Implications for Pseudepigraphy and Anonymity in the New Testament hosted at the Lanier Theological Library in Houston, TX; Borrowing from Peter to pay Paul: Middle Management and the mediation of theological and social capital at the Figuring the Enemy: Socio-Scientific Approaches to Religious Enmity, a conference hosted at Trinity College in collaboration with the University of St Andrews; “To them belong the adoption”: Adoption, Narrative Identity Formation, and Prototypicality in Romans 8 and 9 at the Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting (Salzburg, AT); ‘Love One Another’ – A socio-cognitive approach to the love command as perichoretic anthropology at the British New Testament Society Meeting
in St Andrews, Scotland; and “I am, You are, We are” ... the Trinity? Revisiting Social Trinitarianism from a Socio-Cognitive Perspective with the Johns as part of the Writing Social Scientific Commentaries session of the 2022 Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting in Denver, CO. In 2022 he published Porter, Christopher A., ‘Will the Real Οἱ Ἰουδαῖοι Please Stand Up?’, in The Enduring Impact of the Gospel of John, ed. by Dorothy Lee, Robert Derrenbacker, and Muriel Porter, Interdisciplinary Studies (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2022), with another four papers in press. He serves on several boards and committees including SU Australia, SparkLit, the Christian Research Association, and the UD People and Culture Committee.
The Most Revd Philip Freier, Archbishop of Melbourne President
Mr Marcus Best
Residential College Alumna
Mr Patrick Bates
Residential College Senior Student (to Aug)
Emeritus Professor Graham Brown AM Residential College Alumna (from May)
Dr Barbara Cargill Fellow of the College
Professor Jon Cattapan University of Melbourne (to Dec)
Mr Scott Charles
Executive Director of the Trinity College Foundation (to Dec)
The Rt Revd Melissa Clark Diocese of Bendigo
Dr David Collis
Staff Representative
Ms Ruby Crysell
Residential College Alumna
The Revd Dr Robert Derrenbacker Dean of Theological School
The Revd André Du Plooy Diocese of Wangaratta
Associate Professor Jane Freemantle Diocese of Melbourne
Mr David Gall
Council Appointee
The Revd Dr Mark Garner
Diocese of Ballarat
Ms Margaret Gillespie
President of the Union of the Fleur-de-Lys (from Jan)
Ms Kerry Gleeson
Chair of the Board
Ms Lucie Griffin
Residential College Senior Student (from Aug)
Hon Justice David Harper
Fellow of the College (from Feb)
Ms Emma Harrison
Executive Committee of the Trinity College Foundation
Professor Ken Hinchcliff
Ms Rose Hiscock University of Melbourne
The Revd Dr Luke Hopkins College Chaplain (from June)
Ms Leonie Jongenelis
Dean of Residential College
Mr Enoch Ko
Foundation Studies Alumna
Professor Tim Lindsey University of Melbourne
Ms Alison Menzies
Director of Shared Services
Ms Ali Moore
Residential College Alumna
Ms Margie Moroney
Council Appointee
Arch Deacon Philip Muston Diocese of Gippsland (to Mar)
Mr Arvind Nagarajan Foundation Studies Alumna (from Jan)
Mr Richard Pickersgill
Dean of Pathways School
Ms Lyn Shalless
Chief Financial Officer
Professor Richard Smallwood
Fellow of the College
The Revd Dr Dean Spalding Diocese of Gippsland (from May)
Ms Molly Swee
Theological Student Representative (to May)
Ms Gabby Tabain
Residential College Student Representative (to Oct)
Mr Malcolm Tadgell
Theological Student Representative (from May)
Ms Amy Tennent
Executive Committee of the Trinity College Foundation
Dr Ben Thomas Staff Representative
Ms Hazel Tutuncu
Residential College Student Representative (from Oct)
Mr Andrew Wilson
Executive Committee of the Trinity College Foundation (from Dec)
The Warden Secretary to the Council
Dr Peter Campbell Minutes Secretary
Professor Ken Hinchcliff
Mr Jim Craig Fellow of the College
Ms Margot Foster Fellow of the College
Associate Professor Alison Inglis AM
Fellow of the College
Professor Richard Smallwood
Senior Fellow of the College
Ms Kerry Gleeson
Chair of the Board
Professor Ken Hinchcliff
Mr Patrick Bates
Senior Student of the College (to Aug)
Dr Barbara Cargill
Mr Scott Charles
Deputy Warden
Ms Lucie Griffin
Senior Student of the College (from Aug)
Ms Susanna King (to Jun)
Prof James McCluskey AO
Assoc Prof Sana Nakata
Mr Charles Read (to May)
Ms Alice Robinson
Mr Ian Solomon
Bp Richard Treloar
Regular attendees:
Mr Gordon Lefevre
Interim Chair Finance and Audit Committee (to Aug)
Ms Lyn Shalless
Chief Financial Officer
Ms Susanna King Chair (to Jun)
Dr Barbara Cargill Chair (from Jun)
Professor Ken Hinchcliff
Mr Jason Hughes
Ms Katherine Murray
Mr Jon Peacock (to Jun)
Mr Derek Skues
Regular attendee:
Ms Lyn Shalless
Chief Financial Officer
Mr Charles Read Chair (to May)
Mr Gordon Lefevre Interim Chair (to Aug)
Ms Kerry Gleeson Interim Chair (Sept-Dec)
Mr Ian Solomon (to Dec)
Ms Melissa Dixon
Prof Ken Hinchcliff
Mr James Sattler
Ms Sharon Smith
Regular attendee:
Ms Lyn Shalless
Chief Financial Officer
A committee reporting to the Finance and Audit Committee
Mr Syd Bone Chair
Mr Alistair Barker (from Feb)
Ms Sue Dahn
Mr Andrew Elliott
Professor Ken Hinchcliff Warden
Mr Peter Hodgson
Ms Leila Lee
Ms Lyn Shalless
Chief Financial Officer
Mr Ian Ward-Ambler
A committee reporting to the Finance and Audit Committee
Ms Sharon Smith Chair
Mr James Buzzard
Mr Byron Collins
Prof Ken Hinchcliff Warden
Mr Jonathan Mack Director ITS
Ms Alison Menzies
Director Shared Services
Ms Lyn Shalless
Chief Financial Officer
Ms Dayle Stevens
Ms Kerry Gleeson Chair
Dr Barbara Cargill
Mr Jim Craig
Professor Ken Hinchcliff
Ms Susie King (to Jun)
Assoc Prof Sana Nakata Chair
Professor Ken Hinchcliff Warden
Mr Charles Read (to May)
Ms Alice Robinson
Mr Kurt Tiam
Regular attendees:
Mr Richard Pickersgill Dean of the Pathways School
Ms Lyn Shalless Chief Financial Officer
The Rt Revd Dr Richard Treloar Chair and Diocese of Gippsland
The Rt Revd Dr Matthew Brain Diocese of Bendigo
Dr Barbara Cargill
The Revd Dr Robert Derrenbacker Dean of the Theological School
Fr André du Plooy
Diocese of Wangaratta
Ms Cecilia Fairlie
Professor Ken Hinchcliff Warden
Ms Keiron Jones
The Revd Dr Alex Ross Diocese of Melbourne
Regular attendees:
Ms Lynette Shalless Chief Financial Officer
The Revd Dr Fergus King Director Ministry Education Centre
Ms Margie Gillespie, TC 1978 Chair
Ms Keri Whitehead, TC 1979
Hon Justice David Harper, TC 1963
Mr Mike James, TC 1969
Mr Campbell Horsfall, TC 1975
Ms Margie Gillespie, TC 1978
Mr Will Lempriere, TC 1986
Mr Simon Hann, TC 1989
Ms Amelia Jones, TC 1992
Ms Alison Robson, TC 1994
Ms Annabel Reid, TC 1998
Ms Ange Johnson, TC 2001
Ms Lauren McKenzie, TC 2013
Mr Jirra Moffatt, TC 2012
Dr Andrea Inglis, TC 1980
Mr Bryan Grills, TC 1998
Mr Mark Cicchiello, TC 2003
Mr Arvind Nagarajan, TCFS 2013 Chair
Ms Vivian Chan, TCFS 1996
Mr Senhao Huang, TCFS 2011
Mr Enoch Ko, TCFS 2001
Ms Felicia Lase, TCFS 2013
Mr Christopher Ling, TCFS 2011
Mr Josh Nguyen, TCFS 2016
Ms Seng Hoarng On, TCFS 2019
Mr Naputt (Palm) Thiravorachai, TCFS 2019
Ms Cassie Li, TCFS 2020
Mr Khaleel Lalji, TCFS 2021
Mr Ian Solomon Chair
Ms Anna a’Beckett
Mr Scott Charles Executive Director of the Foundation
Ms Sophie Gardiner
Ms Emma Harrison
Prof Ken Hinchcliff Warden
Ms Lyn Shalless
Hon Treasurer
Ms Amy Tennent
Mr Andrew Wilson
Ms Rowena Armstrong AO, QC
Dr Graeme Blackman AO
Mr Syd Bone
Dr Barbara Cargill
Mr Laurie Cox AO
Mr Jim Craig
The Rt Revd Andrew Curnow AM
Ms Sue Dahn
Ms Margot Foster AM
The Most Revd Kay Goldsworthy AO
Ms Melissa Gray
Ms Leith Hancock
Hon Justice David Harper AM
Associate Professor Alison Inglis AM
Professor Marcia Langton AM
Professor Peter McPhee AM
Dr N. Bruce Munro
Ms Judy Munro
Dr Brendan Murphy AC
Adjunct Professor Clare Pullar
Mr Charles Sitch
Mr Clive Smith
Mr Michael Traill AM
Mr Rick Tudor OAM
Ms Hong Yi (Red)
Hon Austin Asche AC, KStJ, QC
Mr David Brownbill AM
Associate Professor Anthony Buzzard AM
Sir Roderick Carnegie AC
The Most Revd Dr Peter Carnley AC
Mr Robert Champion de Crespigny AC
Mr Rob Clemente
Mr Bill Cowan AM
Mr Robert Cripps AM
Ms Louise Gourlay AM
The Rt Revd Dr Peter Hollingworth AC, OBE
Dr Michael ‘Taffy’ Jones AM, PSM
Professor Richard Larkins AC
Dr Susan Lim
Ms Fay Marles AM
Professor John Poynter AO, OBE
Professor Richard Smallwood AO
Dr Mechai Viravaidya AO
Dr Denis White
Mr Richard Woolcott AC
The Very Revd Professor Andrew McGowan
Professor Duncan McFarlane
Dr Shireen Morris
Dr Benjamin Neville
Dame Margaret Blackwood DBE (†1986)
Sir John Bunting KBE (†1995)
The Revd Dr Evan Burge (†2003)
Sir Joseph Burke KBE (†1992)
Mr W B ‘Barry’ Capp (†2020)
Professor Manning Clark AC (†1991)
Sir Rupert Clarke AM, MBE (†2005)
The Rt Revd Robert Dann (†2008)
Professor Peter Dennison (†1989)
Professor C. Ian Donaldson (†2020)
Sir Clive Fitts (†1984)
Mr John Gourlay AM (†2007)
Hon Sir Rupert Hamer AC, KCMG, ED (†2004)
Sir Edmund Herring QC, KCMG, KBE, DSO, MC, ED (†1982)
Dr John Hueston (†1993)
Dr Peter Jones (†1995)
Ms Valentine Leeper (†2001)
Dame Elisabeth Murdoch AC, DBE (†2012)
Mr James Perry (†2007)
Dr Roger Riordan AM (†2019)
Mr Robert Sanderson DFC (†2008)
Hon Sir Reginald Sholl (†1988)
Mr Michael Thwaites AO (†2005)
Sir Lance Townsend (†1983)
Mr Angus Trumble (†2022)
Professor Kevin Westfold (†2001)
The Most Revd Sir Frank Woods KBE (†1992)
Mr Alan Cuthbertson (†2021)
Professor Derek Denton AC (†2022)
The Rt Revd James Grant AM (†2019)
Mr James Guest AM, OBE, VRD (†2015)
Sir Brian Scott Inglis AC (†2014)
Mr Brian Loton AC (†2022)
Professor Robin Sharwood AM (†2015)
Professor Alan Shaw AO (†2012)
Ms Diana Smith (†2021)
Hon Clive Tadgell AO, QC (†2022)
Companion (AC) in the General Division of the Order of Australia
Mr John Malcolm Wylie AM (Governor of Trinity College)
Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia
Mr John Michael Dowling (TC 1962)
Dr Richard Wayman Harper (TC 1965)
Professor Elsdon Storey (TC 1973)
Mr David Emlyn Thomas (TC 1958)
Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia in the General Division
Mr John Cunningham Wilson (TCTS 2015)
Public Service Medal (PSM) of the Order of Australia in the General Division
Dr Stephanie Alice Williams (TC 1998)
Companion in the General Division (AC)
Dr Brendan Francis Murphy (TC 1973)
Officer in the General Division (AO)
The Honourable Edvard William Alstergren KC (TC 1985)
Professor Peter Fook Meng Choong (TC 1979)
Emeritus Professor Warren John Ewens (TC 1955)
Member in the General Division (AM)
Dr Peter David Heysen (TC 1958)
Mr Graeme Colvin Legge OAM (TCTS 2015)
The Honourable Justice John Eric Middleton KC (TC 1971)
Professor Clare Scott (TC 1983)
Mr Rory Hamline Treweeke (TC 1961)
Medal in the General Division (OAM)
Mr Bernard Corser (TC 1988)
Mr Jeff Richardson (former staff member)
Ms Dayle Stevens (IT Advisory Committee)
Mr Roger ACKLAND (TC 1958)
Mr Peter (Noel) ANDERSON (TCTS 1992)
Mr John BRYSON (TC 1955)
Mr Robert COOKE (TC 1944)
Mr John CUMING (TC 1950)
Mr Alan CUTHBERTSON (Senior Fellow)
Ms Margaret DAHLENBURG (former staff member)
Mrs Kate DAY (TC 1987)
Mr Ian FERGUSON (TC 1946)
Mr Richard GARDNER (TC 1947)
The Reverend Dr Helen GRANOWSKI (TCTS 1990)
Mr William (Bill) HENTY (TC 1955)
Mr Douglas HILL (TC 1951)
Mr Peter HIRD (former staff member)
Mr Nigel JACKSON (TC 1958)
Dr Alan (Scotty) JENKINS (TC 1967)
Dr Neil JOHNSTONE (non-resident tutor)
Mr Evan JONES (TC 1951)
Dr Peter KEDDIE (TC 1958)
Dr Donald KENNEDY (TC 1948)
Mr Charles LA NAUZE (TC 1957)
Dr Leslie LANGFORD (TC 1950)
Mr John LAWLEY (TC 1959)
Mr Peter LINCOLN (TC 1953)
Mr Brian LOTON AC (TC 1950)
Mr Malcolm MACLEOD (TC 1954)
The Reverend Barry MARTIN AM (TC 1958)
Mr Douglas MEAGHER KC (TC 1961)
Ms Valerie MILES (former staff member)
Mr Edward (Bill) MUNTZ (TC 1950)
Mr Sidney Baillieu MYER (TC non-resident)
Mrs Joan NORTHROP (TC 1977)
Mr Malcolm PARK (TC 1956)
Mr Richard (Dick) POTTER (TC 1947)
Mr Brian ROBERTS (TC 1945)
The Revd Christopher SETON (TCTS 1975)
Dr Kenneth STUCHBERY (TC 1953)
The Hon Clive TADGELL AO KC (TC 1956)
Mr David THOMAS (TC 1958)
Mr Bill TRAILL (TC 1953)
Mr Angus TRUMBLE (TC 1983, Trinity College Fellow)
Mr Albert TWIGG (TC 1951)
The Hon Peter VICKERY QC (TC 1968)
Mr William VAN VALZAH (TC 1952)
Mr David WALFORD (TC 1979)
Mr Christopher WOOD (TC 1968)
Ms Karen WORKMAN (TCTS 2021)
Dr Richard Ascough
School of Religion, Queen’s University
Dr Alex Bremner
Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA), University of Edinburgh
Professor Gian Luca Burci
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva
Professor Joanna Ciulla
Institute for Ethical Leadership, Rutgers Business School
Professor Andy Crane
School of Management, University of Bath
Professor Jonathan Elliott
The Royal Veterinary College, University of London
Professor Joe Gone
Department of Anthropology, Harvard University
Dr Willie Jennings
Yale Divinity School, Yale University
Professor Dirk Matten
Schulich School of Business, York University
Professor Jeremy Moon
Department of Management, Society and Communication, Copenhagen Business School
Professor Mette Morsing
Principles for Responsible Management
Education, United Nations Global Impact
Professor David O’Connor
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Professor Robert Phillips
Schulich School of Business, York University
Dr Elizabeth Shively
School of Divinity, University of St Andrews
Professor David Tan
EW Barker Centre for Law & Business, National University of Singapore
Ellie Ashwell
Amelia Baulch
Anna Marsh
Phillipa McQuinn
Mia Robinson
Jael Sitte
Caroline Smith
Laura Tatti
Luella Drinnan
Charlie Lines-Perrier
Gabrielle McDonald
Sarah McQuinn
Dylan Casey
Matthew Cook
David Lee
Ted Lovell
Ben Slavec Bass
Ethan Flemming
Leyland Jones
Rory Giezekamp
Michael von Güttner
Ben Tao
Canterbury Fellowship Organ Scholar
Geethan Pfeifer College Organist
Thomas Heywood
Millicent Florence a’Beckett
Kenechi Achusiogu
Dan Hamlin Adamson
Mahdi Hussain S Alayesh
Lilly Alexander
Zoe Allen
Charlotte Ambler
Lachlan John Archibald
Phoebe Ashton
Ellen Ashwell
Baxter Aurisch
Joel Baburajan
Angus Backwell
Tegan Backx
Abderahim Bahlouli
Harry Bahr
Steven Banh
Laura Barnes
Patrick James Bates
Harriette Beedle
Anna Beggs
Charles Beggs
Kate Beggs
Benjamin Beischer
Jackson Bence-Collin
Hanne Sofie Berg
Lauren Bessey
Sarah Bickford
Angus Billson
Sophie Billson
Banjo Blake
Zara Blake
Mia Felicity Bongiorno
Bethany Botros
Honor Brahimi
Alexandra Brand
Francesca Brand
Abby Bremner
Garnet Brennan
Zoe Brenner
Alexander Brew Ferrer
Maria Blanca Brew Ferrer
Wallis Brewer
Elloise Mavis Bridge
Olivia Brindley
Alfred Broekhuizen
Mardi Bruce
Michael Buchanan
Lucy Bui
Josephine Burbury
Mollie Bushby
Arabella Campbell
Eliza Campbell
Ethan Campbell
Frederick Campbell
Henry Campbell
Louise Campbell
Matilda Campbell
Daniella Camuglia
Romy Cantwell
Evelyn Carapetis
Paige Carr
Amelia Carrillo De Albornoz
Grace Charles-Jones
Yale Cheng
Benjamin Cherry
Akon Chol
Jack Chomley
Tupou Chong Sue
Leo Clairs
Claudia Clements
Michelle Clewley
Alexander Clinton
Oliver Cobain
Lilia Coman
James Connelly
Hamish Connor
India Elizabeth Cooper
Lachlan Chase Copeland
Alexandra Cox
Cooper Craig-Peters
Kayley Crees
Jade Croft
Edwina Crozier
Thomas Crozier
James Curran
Amy Cutter
Jessie-Rose Dahan
Sebastian Dahan
Vita Daley
Anisha Damaso
Sarah Davis
Luke de Bruijn
Allegra Dennison
Chloe Dennison
Zubin Dhawan
Luca Dinac
Peshala Dissanayake
Dorukhan Bartu Doruk
Athene Douglass
Sophie Dowling
Elli Downing
Chiara du Plessis
Camryn Dudley
Eliza Duncan
Jackson Emerson
Adela Eshuys
Gabrielle Evans
Georgie Ferreira
Anna Claire Findlay
Georgina Fish
Georgia Flannigan
Kalisitiane Fonua
Kathreen Jane Forwood
Angus Foster
Emily Foster
Claire Freeman
Clementine FroomesHouseman
George Froomes-Houseman
Jordan Fuller
Veronique Gavan
Charlotte Gee
George Georgas
Henry Gerard
Freya Giles
Eleanor Gillies
Laura Glaspole
William Glover
Stephanie Gordon
Sophie Gorton
Georgina Gough
Sophie Gough
Katie Gray
Charlotte Grbin
Lucie Griffin
Abby Griffith-Barrow
Teak Grogan
James Grozev
Harriet Grummet
Fergus Guest
Samuel Guthrie
Lucinda Haig
Leia Hamza
Jeremy Hand
Mikayla Hand
Lucy Hann
Jordan Hanson
Riley Edward Hanson
John Harley
Theresa Harley
Thomas Harper
William Harper
Edward Harrison
Alexandra Harrop
Hugo John Hart
Olivia Ella Lomas Hartley
Jasmine Haynes
Lucas Hayward
Tom Hayward
Cecilia Hearn
Francis Heath
Oscar Hegge
Kasper Hellmann
Julia Katherine Henham
Ellie Herbert
James Herbert
Megan Hince
Jeremy Ho
Emily Hoelter
Winley Hsu
Annabel Hudson
Ginger Hudson
Charles Hume
Penelope Hunt-Smith
Ross Hyne
Emily Irons
Patrick Irwin
Kamran Jaan
Frankie Jackson
Nicholas James
Elias Jarvis
Charles Johnston
Richard Johnston
Isla Jones
Leyland Jones
Hugo Jordan
Erin Joy
Lachlan Kay
Lachlan Keane
Ella Kenny
Pongvisoth Keo
Sophie Killalea
James King
Freya Knight
Tee Kumjim
Jasmine Alexandra Kuo
Harrison Langdon
Thomas Langford
Amy Lansell
Gretel Larsen
George Rupert Park Laurie
Eleanor Lawton-Wade
Edward Le
Phan Thanh Phi Long Le
Chloe Le-Dodd
Asher Learmonth
Maximilian Lempriere
Thomas Lempriere
Nicholas Lester
Abby Lewis
Pippa Lindsay
Charlie Lines-Perrier
Peter Logue
Michael Loo
Maya Rose Loughnan
Estell Luate
Gus Lyon
Jane Ma
Samuel Macaw
Mia Macfarlane
Stella Mackenzie
Thomas Mackinnon
Hamish MacLaren
Lachlan Macpherson Smith
Sophie Mahon
Theo Malaper
Hayley Marsh
Isla Mason
Christine Matthews
Grace McColm-Monaghan
Gabrielle McDonald
Isabella McDonald
Claudia McFarlane
Rafferty McGuinness
Alexander McGuire
Jack McNair
Thomas McNicol
James Frederick Mead
Dior Meaney-Liu
Kanha Meas
Angus Henry Melbourne
Charlotte Metselaar
Jorgia Meyer
Hugh Millar
Chloe Elizabeth Mills
Andrew Minto
Jemma Mitchell
Harris Mitter
Charlotte Maxine Molnar
Hamish Monckton
Taylor Moody
Harry Moran
Chloe Morgan
Patrick Morgan
Nicholas Morris
Sophia Mowbray
Samuel Murphy
Oliver Murrie
Joseph Napier
Sophia Nelson
Zara Nettlefold
Tom Nguyen
Seraphina Nicholls
Ella Nicolao
Annabel Noble
Urszula Nowak
Katherine O’Brien
Zac O’Halloran
Benjamin Ogden
Eloise Miranda Oliver
Seng Hoarng On
Yong Chen Ong
Keeley Wing Ting Orr
Matilda Padbury
Richard Paganin
Abby Page
Tian Pang
Alexandra Paton
Anais Peate
Conrad Pender
Skye Pitchers-McKay
Bridie Pitchford
Willow Plex
Rex Pollard
Olivia Porter
Theodore Potts
Ella Quilty
Celia Rose Quinn
Max Ramsden
Ava Read
Jack Reddrop
Nicholas Renwick
Harry Ian Retief
Harry Retief
Grace Song Richardson
Harry Robenstone
Richie Robenstone
Hamish Roberts
Amelia Robertson
Emma Robertson
Xavier Robertson
John Shore Robinson
Mia Robinson
Christina Robson
Charlotte Rogers
Sophy Ron
Charlotte Ruddick
Emily Ryan
Wan Hoe Ryu
Lucy Scales
Imogen Scott
Ada Senyurt
Emily Shalless
Max Shannon
Alexandra Shergold
James Shill
Renatto Shintani Pardi
William Sibly
Serena Sitch
Jael Sitte
Tamsin Sleigh
Caroline Smith
Charles Smith
Maddie Smith
Vannita Som
Pascale Southey
Julia Southwell
Mia Spinks
Claudia Stafford
Claudia Steele
Augustus Stephenson
Annabel Stevens
Samantha Stevens
Hudson Streader
Jackson Streader
Thomas Summerfield
Benjamin Sutherland
Duncan Sutherland
Emma Sutherland
Charlie Sutterby
Lachlan Swaney
Angus Symons
Benjamin Symons
Gabriella Tabain
Chloe Tallis
Naimisha Talluri
Ruth Tangbau
Maya Tehan
James Theile
Tallulah Thorrowgood
Lucie Isabelle Tolhoek
Lachlan Tulloch
Lily Turner
Hazel Tutuncu
Jedidiah Van Din Thang
Veronika Verbitskaia
Molly Vulcan
Nick Ward-Ambler
Saffron Warden
Bella Warner
Anna Watson
Lily Webb
Eleanor Wetenhall
Isabelle Weule
Clare Wever
Aquinne Raoul Wijewardene
Saskia Mariah Wijewardene
Jack Wilkins
Charlotte Williams
Guy Williams
Hugo Williams
Thomas Williams
Olivia Willows
Alyssa Wilson
Jemma Wilson
Luke Andrea Winters
Mia Wood
Lauren Woodcock
Harlan Wright
Ruo Tao Wu
Richard Wylie
Shangyou Yang
Rosie Yates
Sovannry Yem
Sabrina Yeoh
Alin Youn
Andreas Zakhari
Sebastian Zamora
Lesi Zhu
Oscar Zhu
Millicent A’Beckett
Dan Adamson
Charlotte Ambler
Patrick Bates
Benjamin Beischer
Sophie Billson
Maria Blanca Brew Ferrer
Eliza Campbell
Ethan Campbell
Yale Cheng
Michelle Clewley
Oliver Cobain
India Cooper
Sophie Dowling
Kathreen Forwood
Charlotte Grbin
Alexandra Harrop
Oscar Hegge
Annabel Hudson
Emily Irons
Isla Jones
Sophie Killalea
Eleanor Lawton-Wade
Nicholas Lester
Abby Lewis
Théo Malaper
Isabella McDonald
Claudia McFarlane
Jack McNair
Dior Meaney-Liu
Taylor Moody
Harry Moran
Oliver Murrie
Joseph Napier
Urszula Nowak
Katherine O’Brien
Amelia Robertson
Charlotte Rogers
Lucy Scales
Serena Sitch
Julia Southwell
Emma Sutherland
Bella Warner
Anna Watson
Charlotte Williams
Guy Williams
Thomas Williams
Charley Woodcock
Richard Wylie
Shangyou Yang
Tegan Backx
Patrick Bates
Benjamin Beischer
Hanne Sofie Berg
Abby Bremner
Maria Blanca Brew Ferrer
Nollie Bushby
Romy Cantwell
Yale Cheng
Michelle Clewley
India Cooper
Edwina Crozier
Peshala Dissanayake
Bartu Doruk
Sophie Dowling
Claire Freeman
Charlotte Gee
Stephanie Gordon
Charlotte Grbin
Lucinda Haig
Jeremy Hand
Oscar Hegge
Annabel Hudson
Emily Irons
Eleanor Lawton-Wade
Nicholas Lester
Abby Lewis
Stella Mackenzie
Hamish Maclaren
Théo Malaper
Hayley Marsh
Andrew Minto
Taylor Moody
Joseph Napier
Urszula Nowak
Katherine O’Brien
Ava Read
Mia Robinson
Serena Sitch
Jael Sitte
Julia Southwell
James Theile
Lucie Tolhoek
Saffron Warden
Anna Watson
Charlotte Williams
Thomas Williams
Guy Williams
Luke Winters
Charley Woodcock
Richard Wylie
Shangyou Yang
Alin Youn
A C Thompson Scholarship
Harris Mitter
A G Miller Scholarship
Sarah Davis
A J Herd Scholarship
Mia Robinson
AGL and Peggy Shaw
Mikayla Hand
Agnes Tait Robertson
Scholarship for the Creative Arts
Lily Turner
Alan Patterson
International Scholarship
Mahdi Hussain S Alayesh
Amy Smith Scholarship
Josephine Burbury
Arthur Hills Scholarship
Seraphina Nicholls
Barbara Burge Scholarship
Willow Plex
Barry and Margot Capp Scholarship
Kamran Jaan
Bill Bockholt Scholarship
Pippa Lindsay
Charles Abbott Scholarship
Seraphina Nicholls
Charles Hebden Memorial Scholarship
Xavier Robertson
Clarke Scholarship
Tupou Chong Sue
Cripps Family Scholarships
Kanha Meas
Seng Hoarng On Sophy Ron
Sovannry Yem
Vannita Som
Cybec IT Endowed Scholarship
Theo Malaper
Cybec Recurrent Scholarship
Chloe Le-Dodd
Jade Croft
Winley Hsu
David Wells Law Scholarship
Anais Peate
Lucie Griffin
Dessewffy Family Bursary
Edwina Crozier
Dr Andrew Fraser Medical Scholarship
Charlie Lines-Perrier
Lucy Bui
Mollie Bushby
Peshala Dissanayake
Yong Chen Ong
Dr Susan Lim Medical Scholarship
Kalisitiane Fonua
Ethel and Edwin Cooper Scholarship
Thomas Summerfield
Evan Burge Entrance Scholarship
Isla Mason
Veronika Verbitskaia
F F Knight Scholarship
Lucie Griffin
Falkiner Fellowship
Charlotte Metselaar
Franc Carse Prize
Abderahim Bahlouli
Frank Henagan Scholarship
Charlie Sutterby
Lachlan Keane
Lucie Isabelle Tolhoek
General SpecifiedSpecial Project
Edwina Crozier
Kayley Crees
Geoffrey Simon Music Scholarship
James Herbert
H L Wilkinson Scholarship
Luke Andrea Winters
Helen Macpherson Smith Trust Scholarship
Lucie Griffin
Thomas Summerfield
Helen McPherson Smith Trust Scholarship
Pippa Lindsay
James A Grant Entrance Scholarship
Estell Luate
James Guest Science Scholarship
Benjamin Beischer
John D Balmford Accounting Scholarship
Riley Edward Hanson
John Emmerson Scholarship
Estell Luate
Michael Loo
John Gibson Newcomers Scholarship
Akon Chol
Kamran Jaan
John Ross-Perrier Bursary
Maya Rose Loughnan
John W Gourlay Scholarship
Harry Bahr
Megan Hince
Josh Hardy Scholarship Fund
Cooper Craig-Peters
Kenneth Moore Music Scholarship
Claudia McFarlane
Leyland Jones
Le Souef Medical Scholarship
Harlan Wright
Lilian Alexander Medical Scholarship
Ada Senyurt
Kalisitiane Fonua
Miltiades and Alkestis
Chryssavgis Scholarship
Andreas Zakhari
N Bruce Munro Senior Scholarship
Charlie Sutterby
Julia Southwell
Yale Cheng
NHM Forsyth Choral Scholarship
James Herbert
NHM Forsyth Scholarship
Mia Robinson
Oakleigh Foundation University Scholarships
Bridie Pitchford
Cassandra Lew Fatt
Tyrina Garstone
Oodgeroo Endowed Scholarship
Benjamin Ogden
Perry Scholarship
Thomas Crozier
Philip Sergeant Prize for Poetry
Alin Youn
R A Must Scholarship
Tom Nguyen
R F Stuart-Burnett Scholarship
Kenechi Achusiogu
Lilia Coman
Randal and Louisa Alcock Scholarship
Sarah Davis
Randolph Creswell Engineering Scholarship
Harris Mitter
Lachlan Macpherson Smith
Luke Andrea Winters
Maddie Smith
Reginald M V Blakemore Scholarship
Sarah Davis
Robert B Lewis Scholarship
Thomas Crozier
Roger Riordan Scholarship
Phan Thanh Phi Long Le
Ronald Cowan Scholarship
Sophie Killalea
Rosemary and Bryan Cutter Foundation Scholarship
Anisha Damaso
Teak Grogan
Scholarship Specified
Benjamin Ogden
Simon Fraser Scholarship
Lachlan Keane
Sydney Wynne Scholarship
Joseph Napier
The Alice and Norman Eagle Bequest Fund
Anisha Damaso
The Brian Roberts Scholarship
Megan Hince
The Dr Richard GilmourSmith Memorial Scholarship
Edward Le
Georgina Fish
Harrison Langdon
Kayley Crees
Peter Logue
Thomas Summerfield
The Hurry, Moroney, Watson Family Scholarship
Abby Griffith-Barrow
The Ritchie Endowment
Sarah Davis
Trinity Access Scholarship
Abderahim Bahlouli
Ada Senyurt
Akon Chol
Andreas Zakhari
Anna Claire Findlay
Chloe Elizabeth Mills
Dior Meaney-Liu
Ellen Ashwell
Hazel Tutuncu
Jackson Bence-Collin
James Shill
Jedidiah Van Din Thang
Lachlan John Archibald
Paige Carr
Pongvisoth Keo
Ruth Tangbau
Steven Banh
Trinity College Financial Aid
Ada Senyurt
Arabella Campbell
Kalisitiane Fonua
Ruth Tangbau
Tupou Chong Sue
Trinity General Scholarship
Arabella Campbell
George Rupert Park Laurie
Tupou Chong Sue
Trinity Indigenous Scholarship
Anais Peate
Cooper Craig-Peters
Penelope Hunt-Smith
Trinity International Scholarship
Aquinne Raoul Wijewardene
Dorukhan Bartu Doruk
Jordan Hanson
Joseph Napier
Patrick James Bates
Renatto Shintani Pardi
Saskia Mariah Wijewardene
Theo Malaper
W J Banks Fund
Thomas Crozier
William Cain Scholarship
Jemma Wilson
Sebastian Dahan
Yorta Yorta Scholarship
Elloise Mavis Bridge
Yopa Abraham
John Akoy
Aiman Mohamed Amin
Susanne Aurisch
Sonya Barden
Eileen Bowen
Emily Bowser
Phillip Byrnes
Kathleen Campbell
Gabrielle Castle
Maxim Cave
Vicky D’Souza
Donna Davis
Danielle Duncan
Ethan Eva
Esther Felix
John Geu
Moses Guot
Kade Hotchin
Francis Kabaw
Philip Kemp
Zion Kunoo
Garth Martin
Frederik Mul
Andrew Murray
Anthea Naivalu
Kristina Pallaghy
Elizabeth Ridsdale
Christopher Roberts
Louise Ross
Emily Shalless
Lucy Sneesby-Tooth
Kyle Taylor
Christopher Thomason
Margaret Thomason
Robert Van Oort
Matthew Whatson
Oliver Yengi
Julie Baker
Kirsty Beilharz
Tafatolu Bentley
Alyce Blyth
Grahame Bowland
Brian Braysher
Susan Bunting
Susan Bunting
Elsa Carr
Rachel Chapin
Leang Yiing Chin
Elise Christian
Melissa Clark
Matthew Couch
Alan Crumbley
Katharine Drummond
Debadip Dutta
Lyndell Fairleigh
Jane Freemantle
James Freemantle
Stephen Gale
Elizabeth Gates
Jiji George
Lydia Goldstone
Laurence Gray
Timothy Gray
Cara Greenham Hancock
Sue Greenwood
Sylvia Grevel
Evan Hadkins
Judith Harbour
Ferry Hasiholan
Anthea Haughain
Susan Hawley
Kimbalee Hodges
Sheryl Hooper
James Ilango
Naomi Johnson
Cheryl Jones
Jocelyn Kellam
Nathan Kerwood
Wai Man Vivian Lam
Chloe Lampard
Angela Lee
Yee Peng Lee
Zhang Lee
Michael Lindsay
Wani Lisok
Terence Maher
Johnny Maryoe
Noah Mbano
Eva McAlister
Jamie McHugh
Heather McKellar
Andrew McMillan-Sexton
Candice Mitrousis
Andrea Nagy
Lynne O’Brien
Emma Pate
Elizabeth Pemberton
Kurian Peter
Angela Peverell
Lauren Porter
Annette Potter
Josephine Quinlan
Neil Robinson
Butogwa Sabbo
Kyle Saltmarsh
Lynette Shalless
Christine Sharrod
Grania Sheehan
Bronwyn Stephens
Emma Strugnell
Joanne Stuchbery
Winifred Sunderland
Benjamin Swift
Malcolm Tadgell
Mettalia Tanjaya
Christian Tatman
Ann Taylor
Benjamin Thomas
Coral Tudball
Christopher Waghorn
Sam Waldron
Carol Webster
Tynan Williams
Amanda Woodward
Jennifer Zdravkovski
Sharon Zuiddam
Nant Hnin Hnin Snow Aye
Justin Bristow
David Carter
Laura Cerbus
Lachlan Davis
Emily Fraser
Jessica Grant
Marilyn Hope
Daniel Kisliakov
Anne Pate
Grace Smith
Julia Thwaites
Joan Adams Scholarship
Elsa Carr
Maxim Cave
Cara Greenham Hancock
Chloe Lampard
Alfred Bird Studentship
Kurian Peter
Dean’s Studentship
Elise Christian
Josephine Quinlan
Nigel & Margery Herring Studentship
Johnny Maryoe
Geoffrey and Edith Pitcher Scholarship
Eugene Yiing Chin
Daisy Searby Studentship
Christopher Waghorn
Sydney Smith Studentship
Benjamin Thomas
AM White Studentship
Johnny Maryoe
Moorhouse Scholarship
Justin Bristow
Lachlan Davis
Sir George Turner Fellowship
Jack Lindsay
Frank Woods Fellowship
David Carter
Laura Cerbus
Bromby Prize for Biblical Greek
Chloe Lampard
Bromby Prize for Biblical Hebrew
Johnny Maryoe
Stanton Archer Prize for Biblical Studies
Aiman Mohamed Amin
Danielle Duncan
Stanton Archer Prize for Church History
Susan Hawley
Thomas Johnston
Catherine Laufer Prize for Systematic Theology
Chloe Lampard
Valentine Leeper Prize for Prayer Book Studies
Joel Gillie
Cara Greenham Hancock
Aisha Abdalla Sebait
Zhenhua Bin
Kanneka Bunthuon
Eugenia Calliste
Wei Yan Sharon Chan
Ka Chun Chan
Sicong Chen
Po-Ying Chen
Tsz Ching Catrina Cheng
Porchher Chhun
Barkhasbaatar Chimed-Ochir
Zhe Wei Choo
Yan Tung Chu
Gonapinuwala De Silva
Zoe Fung
Zhonghong Ge
Leyan Gong
Haocheng Guo
Xintong Han
Hei In Hui
Jingzhi Jiang
Zhen Jin
Adam Haiqal Bin Johan
Geunhwan Kim
Chun Kit Lau
Jiaxin Li
Xingfeng Li
Yueming Li
Yufei Li
Yingxian Liang
Yiting Liu
Ziyi Low
Zining Low
Wanxin Ma
Sydney Sodanita Meng
Amani Nawushad
Song Quynh Anh Nguyen
Jie Triston Ong
Thi Thanh Binh Pham
Thanh Tue Phan
Sin Myat Phyu
Josephine Isaiah Sebastian
Jiexin Shang
Jennifer Soetedjo
Yi Song
Minshen Sun
Ailene Catherine Susanto
Vivian Sutiono
Wei Yan Tan
Wei En Tan
Guan Ming Tan
Phyu Sin Shin Thant
Phone Myat Thiha
Chaorui Wang
Zhizhi Wang
Yiyang Wu
Jia Yao
Ern Tong Yap
Sze In Yim
Yimeng Yin
Achiraya Yu
Yibo Zhang
Naiqian Zhang
Runze Zou
Abang Ariq Althaf Abang Asri
Walid Abou Karroum
Fransiskus Edward Adiwijaya
Sameer Ahsen
Mohammed Amin Albarqi
Melissa Fernanda Arias
Amir Reza Azarnia
Odkhuu Batbold
Zhenhua Bin
Muhammad Azad Binmohamed
Kaleena Suicin Budiwarman
Iris Jing Yuan Chan
Anderson Zheng Chang
Clement Tjuwito Chau
Zhuo Chen
Qianhao Chen
Dillon Yi Ken Chen
Nathalene Chin
Richmond Chu
Yat Hang Marcus Chui
Nomin Chuluunbat
Zong Yan Cia
Minh Hien Dang
Xuan Deng
Anh Kiet Do
Saifeldin Suarez Elenany
Yihan Feng
Sirui Fu
Kiara Fujiwara
Melika Gholamivarnamkhasti
Martin Chor Keng Goh
Xintong Han
Zhukun He
Christianto Hernando
Jia Hui Hew
Isabelle Hung Ching Hii
Gia Minh Hoang
Seyed Ervin Hosseinkashani
Ming Feng How
Zhen Zhen How
Xigao Hu
Jiawen Huang
Aaron Pak Kei Ing
Wenjin Jia
Meixin Jiang
Tengye Jiaoxie
Qun Tao Ke
Qun Tao Ke
Kyi Shin Khant
Cheng Li Regan Khoo
Boris Kitanov Kitanov
An-Chieh-Hsin Ko
Jean May Lynn Koh
Analiese Jean Huei Koh
Venice En Tong Kuai
Wai Yee Kuo
Hui Kwok
Sirui Lai
Kai Yuan Lam
Giang Thanh Thao Le
Hongyue Li
Jiaxin Li
Yueming Li
Yufei Li
Wanhui Li
Xin Li
Sha Li
Xiaoran Li
Jiayu Li
Valerie Lijaya
Chen Jing Lim
Kaylene Lim
Taekyung Lim
Yin-Xi Chloe Lin
Wentong Liu
Tugs-Erdene Liu Bao
Sixi Luo
Thuta Lwin
Jiaye Lyu
Edgar Matandi
Maheer Tazwar Moin
Mandelina Mualim
Bao Tram Nguyen
Phan Minh Quan Nguyen
Phuc Nguyen Nguyen
Ngoc Bao Tram Nguyen
Ngoc Thanh Lam Nguyen
Ziqian Nie
Kazi Shahpar Noor
Yu Hung Axel Oh
John Chong Eu Ong
Wei Trinity Ong
Myat Thura Oo
Zhi Xuan Pang
Zitong Peng
Thanh Tue Phan
Taiyu Qian
Imraan Mikayil Bin Raja Azmi
Prajin Hanzhe Rameson
Jalal Uddin Rumi
Stuart Winston Salim
MD Raheel Shayaan
Lin Shui
Lok Pan Chapmann Siu
Evelyn Stevie
Marchella Aurelia Subianto
Sijia Sun
Yitong Sun
Yimeng Sun
Vivian Sutiono
Carmel Joan Suwito
Ryan Tan
Nikheisha Thanasan
Phone Myat Thiha
Nissayputhearak Thong
Mon Myat Thwe
Xiaohan Tian
Tuan Dinh Tran
Lam Vinh Mi Tran
Gia Tien Tran
Darrell Wen Jie Tsen
Asseya Diorika Tuason
Kimi Justin Tusin
Mikhaela Mira Voluntad
Ketut Ayu Wagiswari
Qingyan Wang
Zhifeng Wang
Chia-Liang Wang
Tianyang Wang
Himesh Sonal Weerawardane
Ziying Weng
Made Vinaya Wiharsa
Valencia Haylee Wijaya
Jia Xuan Wong
Janan Sai Chit Wong
Ryan Wei Jien Woon
Zhuoman Wu
Yuhao Wu
Chenyu Xie
Honglun Yan
Yiming Yao
Avril In Yi Yee
Chee Yan Yee
Nicholas Ler Yeo
Germaine Yeo
Sze In Yim
Jun Ying
Sammi Jing Yi Yong
Achiraya Yu
Qiuxiao Yu
Quan Yu
Shuang Yu
Junhao Yu
Ziwei Yu
Shengjie Yu
Zhibang Zhang
Yibo Zhang
Xinran Zhang
Haoran Zhou
Yaoyu Zhuang
Jessica Anadaline
Ashley Karina Andoyo
Christopher Brian Chaspuri
Mahir Daiyan
Christoforus Hans Djanoko
Felicia Lauretta Gunawan
Jeremy Anthony Gunawan
Titus Lintang Gunawan
Nathan Leonard Ha
Karin Olivia Ha
Lauren Putri Haberfellner
Andrea Patricia Harris
Farrel Gita Hermawan
Monirithea Ieng
Vivian Finestra Karim
Kayeen Khaw
Gisele Lam
Christopher Leoverdi
Christopher Wesley Lesmana
Wenbo Li
Edward Liandi
Ting-Yu Lin
Pin Jie Maggie Lin
Marie Jovanney Lourdes
Ker Jie Kenneth Lua
Gabriel Devandt Roong
William Jason Suciady
Alenna Esther Supit
Michael Vallen Suryajaya
Putera Sutrisna
Justin Audric Tanary
Helena Tianadi
Eden Aristo Tingkir
Zixuan Wang
Yixuan Wang
Wilbert Winar
Matthew Linfred Wiryapranata
Melissa Wan Yi Yeoh
Serey Both Yim
Ziwei Yu
Darlene Zhang
Hexiang Zhou
Mikael Arab
Sharleen Michelle Arieta
Von Mahannop Armstead
Xinyu Bai
Boyang But I
Wenhai Chen
Yinxian Chen
Yaoleng Chen
Letian Cheng
Junhua Cheng
Soley Chhour
Yao-Chih Chiang
Hung Yik Chong
Hazel Chulu
Jinrun Dai
Sharon Teresa Darmakusuma
Marco De Vito
Kirsten Zoe Diaz
Zheng Dong
Jinyang Du
Alis Nur Umairah Fahruddin
Xuhao Gu
Yuanquan Hu
Jinming Hu
Youwei Huang
Yitong Huang
Ho Khanh Doan Huynh
Sandra Ing
Heng Jiang
Yuki Keh
Martel Kho
Nichanunte Khosanunte
Wei Yin Lau
Merry Leang
Po-Chun Li
Chengxiao Li
Zichao Liang
Phyllicean Pei Swean Liew
Yi-Cheng Lin
Zixi Liu
Shiyao Liu
Yani Liu
Yu Lu
Man Luo
Nguyen Khanh Ha Luong
Song Quynh Anh Nguyen
Dac Tu Uyen Nguyen
Seak Eng Nhoem
Vanneit Nhoem
Seak Eng Nhoem
Vanneit Nhoem
Wenhao Nie
Sirada Prakitrittanon
Xin Ci Puom
Ved Sahai
Santhoss Kumar Saravana
Santhoss Kumar Saravana
Calista Kasvana Siahaan
Leran Song
Minshen Sun
Alexa Shuqing Tan
Miyu Tanaka
Lin En Tiara Tay
Iliona Putri Utama
Ashni Anand Vathiyar
Chaorui Wang
Lanting Wang
Jiahe Wang
Qihan Wang
Xiaoyun Wei
Jiajia Wen
Jo Yang Wong
Mingyou Xia
Yi Xim
Tiantian Xing
Honglun Yan
Yimei Yang
Xinyu Yang
Jia Yao
Ern Tong Yap
Mohamed Eltaiyb Haj Yousif
He Yu
Hanxiang Yu
Yingzhou Yuan
Qingdian Zeng
Yujiao Zhang
Weixin Zhang
Fangning Zhao
Yixuan Zheng
Yi Zheng
Mu Zhou
Yixuan Zhou
Chen Zhu
Laura Amanda
Bang An
Shawm Renuj Nathen Andal
Carens Anggraini
Kaho Araya
Serenity Archery
Darisuren Azjargal
Batbilegt Baasantsogt
Enkhjin Bat-Erdene
Kaleena Suicin Budiwarman
Giang Anh Bui
Nguyen Thien Son Bui
Filia Cahyadi
Yuxian Cai
Mariel Candelaria
Declan Yi Si Chai
Thanutchai Chaisupat
Junyi Chen
Hung-Chen Chen
Chunyu Chen
Pin-An Chen
Yen-Ju Chen
Hsiang-Ting Chen
Zongping Cheng
Zhi Xuen Choo
Ethan Gohu Chungunco
Dana Gohu Chungunco
Tran Hoang Mai Dang
Nicholas Dharmawan
Yuwei Ding
Zhaoqing Ding
Bao Uyen Do
Yishan Dong
Tuan Hoanh Du
Junyang Fan
Chien-Wei Fang
Ge Feng
Winni Gan
Zi Hang Gan
Madina Ganieva
Melika Gholamivarnamkhasti
Thuan Thanh Giang
Cheng Gu
Xuanming Gu
Agnes Vera Gunawan
Jerome Hadiwidjaja
Justin Nathaniel Halim
Yingyue He
Rachel Angeline Hermanto
Isaac Hung Nguong Hii
Seyed Ervin Hosseinkashani
Fan Hsia
Shujiu Hu
Yilei Huang
Fangming Huang
Katherine Grace Iau
Ryo Ichikawa
Monirithea Ieng
Asyira Pijar Insani
Zhixuan Jiang
Yuanchen Jiang
Yuanchao Jin
Yuanyuan Jin
Ruixi Jin
Fuyu Jing
Soohyun Joo
Pannate Katesuwan
Aya Kawazoe
Qun Tao Ke
Qun Tao Ke
Maria Elaine Keisha
Ibuki Koriyama
Septian Aditya Kosalla
Yu-Ying Lai
Hoang Phuc Le
Tyra Keishia Lee
Keysha Xin Yi Lee
Ka Ieng Lei
Collin Johann Leonardo
Chong Ean Josh Leong
Zhi Li
Yifeng Li
Manqi Li
Xiaoquan Li
Zhouyang Li
Wanning Li
Zilong Li
Qiongyin Liang
Yatong Liang
Chen Jing Lim
Stephen Tianxi Lim
Naroline Lim
Sheng-Ya Lin
Yantong Lin
Ying-I Lin
Chia-Hsin Lin
Zhengxiang Liu
Chonghui Liu
Yun-Hsuan Liu
Rong Xuan Loh
Yiwen Lu
Xingyu Lu
Denzel Surya Luie
Xiyue Luo
Khanh Linh Luong
The Minh Luong
Yining Ma
Amelia Putri Maharani
Aliya Harmaeini Mohammad
Yaw Yang Ng
The Gia Tung Nguyen
Tien Dat Nguyen
Nhan Nhi Nguyen
Thi Viet Thao Nguyen
Le Anh Tho Nguyen
Ha Linh Nguyen
Doan Xuan Nhi Nguyen
Dingping Ni
Saung Shin Nyein
Yu Hung Axel Oh
Joshua Juan Rong Ooi
Shutong Pan
Kechen Pang
Charmi Jayminbhai Patel
Alice Jovanka Patricia
Jianhao Peng
Nathadea Graciella Petrus
Gia Bao Pham
Hoang Minh Pham
Ngoc Phuong Khanh Pham
Ngan Ha Pham
Ha Tram Phan
Yao Ting Phang
Erica Pook
Nicholas Pranata
Felix Nathaniel Pribadi
Sen Qi
Nuofan Qi
Ruyi Qiu
Shengjie Qu
Yvonne Rimba
Elliot Ruben Sakti
Stuart Winston Salim
Malika Thalia Salsabila
Banyar San
Karen Ruth Santoso
Preyawat Sermsripong
Kezia Emmanuel Setiawan
Jiexin Shang
Ekaterina Shemetova
Siyan Shen
Chenghao Shen
Farrel Gilbert Sihite
Chrisiella Christi Soeryawinata
Marchella Aurelia Subianto
Yizhi Sun
Mingyue Sun
Abhitama Anandi Sunardi
Sean Jevan Suryadinata
Alexandra Nadya Sutejo
Redd Danielle Sy
Valeron Tan
Jasmine Jae Min Tan
Ningnan Tang
Weixuan Tang
Haoyu Tang
Zekun Tang
Kiven Teoh
Chiaki Tomozoe
Thanh Long Tran
Huong Quynh Tran
Nam Anh Trinh
Viet Bach Truong
Asseya Diorika Tuason
Sothykun Tuyhor
Michael Vendito
Linh Ngan Vu
Maya Wakatsuki
Haonan Wang
Kwan Ning Wang
Yimin Wang
Zuyu Wang
Zhongyue Wang
Matthew Yeow An Wee
Xin Wen
Whissely Surya Wijaya
Jocelyn Winata
Ying Xin Wong
Pak Kei Wong
Chuan Wu
Xin Wu
Hao Wu
Yuzhou Xiong
Manni Xu
Yawen Xue
Zhien Yan
Yufan Yang
Haiyi Yang
Minghao Yang
Jui-Cheng Yang
Ching Yu Yang
Kexin Yang
Zhengyu Ye
Tianlang Yin
Natasha Ai Li Yoong
Natasha Ai Li Yoong
Achiraya Yu
Putri Nur Fathimatuz Zahra
Yaoyun Zhang
Shuyue Zhang
Ran Zhang
Yunhan Zhang
Mingjun Zhao
Jinquan Zhao
Zhengzhong Zhong
Yebo Zhou
Yina Zhu
Zinuo Zhu
TRACK 2022
Nada Saeed Aldhanhani
Li Ao
Graciella Putri Ariesta
Max Cavalera
Jiaqi Chen
Yuqing Cui
Cheung Hei Deng
Mrittika Dey
Yiya Du
Yushu Du
Thitaporn Eksombatchai
Kenshin Emura
Christian Axel Gunawan
Bozhao Han
Hung-En Hsiao
Xiangdi Hu
Tzu-Chia Huang
Zhongfeng Huang
Kuntong Jiang
Ryan Phillippe Law
Shubo Li
Lijing Liu
Nanyi Liu
Clarissa Lyman
Sotaro Mitsutake
Farrah Phoenna Noersabrina
Celine Charles Ongkowijaya
Mengyao Peng
Thanh Duy Pham
Lana Vidya Prameswari
Prottoy Prokash
Jintong Qiu
Maksym Radchenko
Yonathan Happy Randy
Tiffany Cherilynn Sherdan
Jiawen Sun
Tiffany Josephine Suprapto
Vera Angelin Sutanto
Ibuki Tadamasa
Monica Sheren Tanuwijaya
Christopher Matthew Tjia
Alfred Tjioe
Chih-Yen Tsai
Hao Wang
Yixuan Wang
Yidan Wen
Margareth Nyoto Wijaya
Mingyang Yang
Ben Johnson Yantoro
Nicolas Wei Yang Yee
August intake 2021
Amaki Tsukazaki
October Fast Track 2021
Erika Deandra Madeline
Jacelyn Cherish Wangsawijaja
February intake 2022
John Ong
January intake 2022
Yimeng Yin
July Fast Track 2022
Eden Aristo Tingkir
Level 1+2 To August Main 2022
Taiyu Qian
Level 2 To August Main 2022
Yue Kan
Ruoning Sun
Xiaohan Tian
Haowu Zheng
Level 1+2 To February Standard 2023
Yaoyun Zhang
Zhengzhong Zhong
Level 2 To February Standard 2023
Zhengxiang Liu
Maheer Tazwar MOIN
Xin (Jerry) LI
Carmel Joan SUWITO
Anderson Zheng CHANG
Germaine YEO
Minh Hein DANG
Ngoc Thanh Lam (Mallory) NGUYEN
Christopher LEOVERDI
Karin Olivia HA
Kayeen KHAW
Kristen Zoe DIAZ
Nguyen Khanh Ha LUONG
Chong Ean Josh LEONG
Sheng-Ya LIN
Maria Theresa Jean Gonzales CANDELARIA
Linh Ngan VU
Hoang Phuc LE
Graciella Putri Ariesta
Nicolas Wei Yang YEE
Chih-Yen TSAI
Trong Duy Anh PHUNG
Thanh Duy PHAM
Karolyn Baulch (TC
Seven photographic prints documenting the 1979 Juttoddie.
Canterbury Fellowship
Chapel ware and ephemera pertaining to the Fellowship’s shared use of the College Chapel from late 1956 through until July 2019, including a ciborium purchased in 1975 and engraved with the names of Fellowship contributors as well as photographs showing the Henty font in situ in the Lady Chapel at St John’s Latrobe Street, Melbourne, in the mid-1950s.
Andrew Bostock
A leadlight panel depicting ‘Katherine’, from the artist William Montgomery’s (1850-1927) ‘Shakespeare’ oriel window in the Brighton mansion ‘Norwood’, c. 1891 (demolished 1955). Eight other panels from this oriel window were acquired by the Fourth Warden Robin Sharwood and installed in the Clarke and Bishops’ buildings in the 1960s.
Tim van Gelder (TC 1996)
Set of six metal goblets engraved on the bowl TCAC DINNER 98, acquired from the Trinity Associated Clubs Dinner held that year.
Ben Hasker (TC
Forty-three photographic prints loaned for digitisation relating to the donor’s time in residence during the early 1990s.
Owen Forrest
Three photographic prints loaned for digitisation depicting the Sandford Sisters, four of the five who it is understood served as female domestic staff at Trinity during the late 1920s and ‘30s. The lender’s great grandmother was Frances Maud Sandford, known as ‘Nance’.
Andrew Darby
Trinity College green felt pennant, c. 1940, belonging to donor’s father, Geoffrey Darby (TC 1940).
Meaghan Wilson-Anastasios Darby
Rodmil-produced Trinity College blazer, c. 1987, belonging to the donor’s late father, William ‘Willie’ Wilson (TC 1961) along with a copy of the card-mounted photographic print of the 1963 whole-of-college photograph.
Robert Pratt (TC 1962)
A card-mounted photographic print of the 1962 rugby team photograph.
Catherine Tiernan
A large selection of photographs depicting donor’s father, alumnus and later Archbishop Robert Dann (TC 1943), 9th Anglican Archbishop of Melbourne. Several early card-mounted whole-ofcollege photos, and a group photo of Ridley College, dating from the mid1940s alongside transcripts of a series of sermons given on ABC radio during the 1960s by Dann.
David Elder (TC 1963)
Seventeen digital image files depicting the Gentlemen’s Cricket Match held on the Bulpadock in 1966.
Robyn Lea (TC 1989)
Photographic negatives loaned for digitisation relating to a commissioned series of photographs taken of College ‘personalities’ in 1997 by the donor, themselves a college alumna, by Fifth Warden the Revd Dr Evan Burge.
Cecil ‘Boz’ Parsons (TC 1937)
Biography of Cecil ‘Boz’ Parsons (TC 1937), written by fellow Geelong Grammarian Neville Clark in partnership with Boz’ son, William ‘Bill’ Parsons. Signed copy presented to the Rusden Curator upon visiting Boz in late October 2022, shortly after he celebrated his 104th birthday. Inscribed on title page, blue biro: ‘For Trinity College / Best wishes / Boz Parsons / 26.10.22.’
Elspeth Hallowes (JCH 1953)
Fifty-one high-resolution digital images of college and its environs, photographed from an album loaned by Ms Elspeth Hallowes (JCH 1953), daughter of the late George Haydon (TC 1920).
High-resolution digital renders of the proposed 611 Elizabeth Street development with Trinity College branding on the southern tower.
Jill Ross-Perrier
Two exercise books belonging to, and signed on the cover by, John Ross-Perrier (TC 1955), dating to his student years in the 1950s. One is titled ‘General History I’ and marked in print in the l.r. corner ‘No.1’ while the other is for English, and marked l.r. corner ‘No.2’. Both have the University of Melbourne crest printed centrally on the cover.
Bill Gillies (TC
An assortment of College ephemeral items, including invitations and dinner menus pertaining to a range of college events held throughout the mid-1990s into the early 2000s.
Dr Ben Thomas (TCTS 2022)
Sterling silver trophy, engraved on the foot ‘Presented to Alexander Leeper, by the Students of Trinity College, November 1917’ and engraved on the bowl with the crests of the University of Melbourne and Trinity College. Hallmarked London, 1913.
The Revd Dr Harry Aveling Francis and Bonaventure Rout, Paul.
Alexander of Hales Vol. I-IVb
Disputed Questions I-III
Sentence of Commentary Vol. I-IV
Alexander of Hales.
Sentences Vol. I-II
Lombard, Peter.
Bonaventure VI-10 plus index Bonaventure, Saint.
Wilson, Natalie; Derkenne, Ciara
Dr Ben Thomas Archie 100: A Century of the Archibald Prize Ms Suzanne H. Buxton