2022 Foundation Annual Report

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CONTENTS 2022 snapshot 4 Funds’ performance 8 2022 Executives of the Governors of the Foundation 10 2022 Executive Committee of the Foundation 10 2022 donors 11 2022 Gifts in Wills received 17 2022 Gifts in Kind 17 Leeper Society Members 19 Special donor groups 21 Benefactors 21 Governors 22 Patrons 24 Sponsors 25 Members 29

In 2022 I was beyond excited to once again enjoy one of the greatest pleasures of my role – attending face-to-face events with members of our community. The Zoom meetings and phone calls were great as a temporary measure when it wasn't possible for us to gather in person, but, I've got to say, COVID-19 really highlighted the value of real human connection.

Regardless of the circumstances, however, the Trinity community proved that it could rally together in even the most trying of circumstances, reflected by the all-time record level of donations in 2022.

I can't express enough gratitude to you all for your generosity – it really makes a huge difference to the College and the level of support we can provide to talented young people with outstanding potential.











Trinity College | 2022 Foundation Annual Report 5

In 2022, we collected more than $4.7 million in cash donations, including a significant contribution towards the Dining Hall redevelopment. This was a strong year of fundraising and, encouragingly, we saw the number of donors return to preCOVID levels.

Further, the College was able to hold a number of significant activities and events to mark Trinity’s 150th anniversary.

This included a ceremony for Oak Leaf Award recipients, the funding and installation of our organ in the Chapel, the 150th anniversary gala dinner, and the Gourlay Ethics in Business Week. We also saw the graduation of our first Cambodian scholarship recipient from the University of Melbourne, which marked an important milestone.

In my view, philanthropy matters. It provides endorsement from our donors as to why our institution is truly special. It is not a contribution for a service or a good. It is contributed voluntarily and confirms the significance of Trinity College from every person who makes a contribution.

Philanthropy also requires stability, consistency and reliability. 2022 marks the conclusion of my term as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Foundation. During the past eight years, the philanthropic support offered by all of the contributors to Trinity College has evidenced our success in accomplishing these objectives.

I want to say a heartfelt thank you to all those who have contributed for believing in the work that we do.

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The Trinity College Foundation received $1.1 million in donations in 2022 and earned a further $3.4 million of income from its investments. At the end of 2022, the Foundation had a total of $41.9 million in assets under management. During the year, the Foundation forgave a loan of $5.6 million made to the College as a contribution towards the Kitchens Precinct Redevelopment project. Net assets of the Foundation at year end were $46.2 million.

The Trinity College Foundation uses an independent investment advisor (Jana Investment Advisers Pty Ltd) to help manage its pool of assets. The assets of the Foundation are currently invested in a mixture of Australian and international equities, debt and liquid securities. The Foundation does not invest directly but uses recommended fund managers specialising in the various market segments.

The weightings of the various segments determine a benchmark portfolio return against which the results of the investment managers are measured. The overall objective is to maintain the corpus of the Foundation funds in real terms so inflation does not diminish the purchasing power of the endowed funds over time. The investment return target of the Foundation is CPI plus five per cent. As a Public Ancillary Fund, the Foundation is required to distribute at least four per cent of its net assets each year.


For 2022 the returns were as follows:

The following table shows donations, investment income and disbursements to Trinity College over the last five years.


Strategic asset allocation (SAA) – Long-term benchmark inception date is 1 March 2020

Strategic asset allocation (SAA) – Medium-term SAA most recent change as from 30 September 2022

Benchmark currency hedging applied 40 % from 1 September 2015

^ Investment income does not include gains or losses on sale or fair value adjustments at year end

* 2022 includes the $5.6m forgiveness of loan to Trinity College

Please note that philanthropic funds are also held within Trinity College.

Performance to 31 December 2022 1-year % pa 5-year % pa Since inception 2001–02 % pa Trinity College Foundation -5.0 5.0 7.8 SAA – Medium term -2.1 6.9 7.2 SAA – Long term -2.9 6.9Australian CPI + 5% 12.8 8.1 7.3
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Donations $1.8m $3.3m $2.4m $1.9m $1.1m Investment income^ $3.0m $2.1m $2.2m $2.6m $3.4m Disbursements* ($1.6m) ($1.5m) ($1.9m) ($2.0m) ($7.7m)
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Judy Munro, Chair of Governors

Andrew Farran (TC 1957), Deputy Chair of Governors


Ian Charles Solomon (TC 1989), Chair

Anna a’Beckett (TC 1989)

Scott Macallister William Charles (TC 1986), Executive Director of the Foundation, Deputy Warden and Director of Advancement

Sophie Kirsten Gardiner

Emma Louise Harrison

Kenneth William Hinchcliff (TC 1976), Warden and CEO

Lynette Shalless, Honorary Treasurer

Amy Louise Tennent (TC 1996)

Andrew Wilson (TC 1991)



We sincerely thank all of our donors for their support in 2022. Without this generosity, Trinity College would not be able to offer places to a diverse community or provide a wide range of experiences to students.

Christopher and Joanna Abell

The Agar Family *

Priyank Agrawal

Edward Alder

Alan (AGL) Shaw Endowment *

Kingsley Allen *

Paul Anderson

Andrew C C Farran Foundation *

Paul Andrews *

Anglican Diocese of Ballarat

Anglican Diocese of Bendigo

Anglican Parish of Pascoe Vale – Oak Park

Ravindran Anil

Adele Armstrong

Martin Armstrong *

David Ashley AM

Jeremy Ashton †

Michael Backwell

Robert Backwell *

Justin Bailey *

Campbell Bairstow *

Deirdre Baker

Balmford John D and Dagnija Trust *

Michael Bartlett

Mim Bartlett

Jasmine Batra

John Batt AM

Sarah Beaumont

Rob Beavis

Vanessa Bede

Katrina Beggs and Anthony Beggs *

Anne Beischer *

David Beischer

Elizabeth Beischer OAM *

Janet Bell *

Rosemary Bellair *

Desmond Benfield

Christian Bennett *

Thomas Bennett

Laura Lee Berlingieri

Bernardo Family *

Steve Bickford

Olga Black

Graeme Blackman AO and Paulene Blackman (Sirius Foundation Ltd) *

John Blanch *

Riccardo Bocchini

Stewart Bolton

Thomas Bostock

Roger Box

Alison Boyd-Law

Jeremy Brasington *

Judith Breheny

Simon Bromell

John Brookes

Sir Wilfred & CH (Roger) Brookes

Charitable Foundation *

Paul Brotchie and Susan Sandford

Alicia Brown

Graham Brown AM *

Gregor Brown and Sarah George

Jannie Brown *

Peter Brown AM *

David Brownbill AM *

Dana Buchness

Barbara Burge *

Andrew Bush

Peter Butler AM

Tony Buzzard *

John Calder *

Kate Calder *

Samuel Cameron *

Thomas Cameron

Peter Campbell *

Robin Campbell *

James and Clare Canty

Patsy Carr

Lucy Carruthers

Jen Cashion

Sandy Champion de Crespigny *

Trinity College | 2022 Foundation Annual Report 11

Suzanne Chapman

Melville and Marie Charles

Scott Charles *

James Chen *

Paul Cherry

Alan Chong

Elizabeth Chong

Julienne Chong *

Julian Clark *

Melissa Clark

Peter Clark

Sandy Clark AO and Marie McDonald *

Michael Clarke

Ray Cleary AM

Lucy Clemenger

Robert Clemente

Timothy Clemons

Ann Cole

David Cole

George Colman

Nerida Coman

Ashley Conn

John Cotton *

Anne Court AM *

Lena Court

Bill Cowan AM *

Andrew Cox

James Cox

Laurie Cox AO and Julie Ann Cox AM *

Jim and Claudia Craig (Bellwether Foundation Pty Ltd) *

Robert Craig

Linda Crawford

Robert Cripps AM and Jan Cripps *

Thomas Cripps *

Lynda Crossley

Diana Cudmore

John Cudmore

Bryan and Rosemary Cutter *

Cybec Foundation *

Bryan Dahlsen *

Susanne Dahn *

Daryl Daley *

James Darling AM

Min Darling

Charles Davidson

Simon Davis

Michele De Courcy

Bob Derrenbacker *

Jenny Dexter

Lara Dowd

Caroline Dowling *

Michael Dowling AM and

Rosemary Dowling *

Martin Drerup

Katherine Dunton

Jared Dyson *

Jill Eason

Davyn Edwards *

Gunta Eglite

David Elder

Andrew Elliott

Ray and Anne Elliott

Timothy Elliott *

Lindsay Ellis

Isabella Evans and Lucy Schroeder *

Lee Evans

Fiqri Farish

Andrew Farran *

Helen Farrell *

David Feiglin

Ross Ferguson

Eraj Fernando

Peter and Heather-Anne Field

Peter Fisher

David Fitzpatrick †

Georgina Fitzpatrick

James Flintoft *

Robert Fordham AM

Gillian Forwood

Henry Foster *

Penelope Foster

Barry Fox

Nick Freeman *

Tiffany Fuller and Cameron Fuller *

Anna Galanopoulos

Alfred Galea

David and Georgie Gall *

Georgia Ganly

Alan Garside

Mark Garwood

Alison Gatland

Margaret Geraghty and John Geraghty *

Ramin Gharbi *

Jason Gibbs

Margie Gillespie *


William Gillies *

William Godfrey

Linden Golding and Michael Golding *

Claire Gomm

Judith Goodes

Lorene Goodin

Jamie Gorton KC

Sally Gough *

Andrew Gourlay

Jono and Carrie Gourlay

Louise Gourlay AM *

William Gourlay

David Graham

Ann Gray

Christopher Greaves *

Jill Gregory *

Bryan Grills

Anthony Grimwade

Fred and Alexandra Grimwade *

Joan Grimwade OBE

Stephen Grimwade

Timothy Grimwade

Geoffrey Gronow

Michael Gronow KC *

David Grutzner

Alan Gunther *

David Guthrie

Sally-Anne Hains *

Andrea Hall

Phillip Hall

Robin Halls

Christopher Hamer

Andrew Hamilton *

James Hamilton

Leith Hancock *

Du Xieu Hang

Peter Hannah *

Davina Hanson *

Thomas Hargreaves

David Harper AM KC *

Graham Harris

Emma Harrison

Richard Hart

Ben and Diana Hasker

Roger Haskett

Robert Hayward

Timothy Heath *

Eliza Heathcote

Michael Heinz *

Peter Heinz

Frances Henderson

Adam and Juliana Hesketh

Hazel Hill

Ken and Carole Hinchcliff *

Rebecca Hind

Lauris Hing

Oliver Hodson *

Peter Hollingworth AC OBE

Geoff Hone

Jo Horgan and Peter Wetenhall *

Mark Horrigan

Michael Horsburgh AM *

Russell Howard *

John and Frances Howells

Bruce Howman

Mary Hoy

Dougal Hunt

Sally Hutchins

Phillip Ingle

Alison Inglis AM *

Jennifer Inglis and Philip Gill *

Juliet Israel

Peter and Georgina Israel *

Michael James *

Mario Janssen

Veronica Jarrett

Andy Jiang

Bill Jobling

Robert Johanson AO *

Murray Johns

David and Jacqui Jones

Fiona, Will, Jean and Herbert Jones *

Russell and Lesley Jones *

Kiersten Jowett

Fiona Judd AO *

James Kane

Carolyn Kay and Simon Swaney *

Holly Keane *

Andrew Kelly

Michelle Kelly *

Warren Kemp *

Stephen Kennedy

Philip Kennon KC

Ann Kent *

Philip Kent

Eric Keys

Trinity College | 2022 Foundation Annual Report 13

John King AM *

Lesley King *

Michael Kingston *

Lachlan Kirwan

Jo Klingbeil

Nick and Missy Kutcher *

Nicholas Langdon

Jock Langlands

Roger Langley

John Larkins KC *

Catherine Laufer *

Andreas Laut and Dagmar Sitte *

Camilla Learmonth

James Legoe

Mark Leslie *

John Lewisohn *

Zhuhong Li

Bert Lillywhite

Hanlim Lim

Margaret Lush *

Nardia McCarthy

Julie McClelland

John McDonagh

Anna MacDonald

Madison McDonald

Robert Macdonald

Caroline McGinley

Charlotte McInnes

Douglas McInnes and Stephanie Williams

Hamish McInnes

John and Jennifer McKenzie

Sue Mackey

Colin McLaren

Cathryn McMillan *

Justin McNab

Olivia McNab

Marney McQueen

Ross Macaw KC

Sara Madden

James Madders

Roderick Mainland

Richard Malcolmson *

Ian Manning

Donald Markwell AM

Christopher Martin

Kenneth Mason

Matter Consulting

Ellen Maxwell

Melbourne Grammar School

Lee Metselaar

Roger Meyer OAM

Craig Miles

Rohan Millar *

Frank Milne

Adrian and Elizabeth Mitchell *

John Monotti

Harry Moore

Lynette Moore

Diana Morgan

John Morgan AM

Vanessa Morgan *

Margie Moroney and Neil Watson *

Philip Moss AM

Bruce and Judy Munro *

Georgie Murphy

James and Katherine Murray *

Jason Murray

Rupert Myer AO and Annabel Myer

Jim Myers

Admyaduram Narayanaswamy

Guy Nelson

Eleanor Newton

Stephen Newton AO

Chee Shuen Ng

Angus and Camilla Nicholls *

Bob Nicholls *

Claire Nontapan-Smith and Andrew Smith

David North

Jack Nutt

Julia Nutting

Vicki O’Halloran AO

Colleen O’Reilly AM *

Kerri O’Toole

Oakleigh Foundation *

Zaruhi Ohanyan

Andrew Oliver

John and Libby Oliver

Kate Page

Kenneth Park

Gavin Parker

Ken Parker

John Pettit *

Christopher Philpott

Marinis Pirpiris

Sakoona Pitaksit


Meron Pitcher AM *

Jon Pitt

Thomas Pizzey

Joda Plex *

Laurie and Olga Pole

Lindsay Porter

Caroline Potter *

John Poynter AO OBE and Marion Poynter *

Prayer Book Society in Aust (Vic Branch) Inc *

Andrew Prentice *

Rena Pritchard

Jenny Proimos *

Clare Pullar *

David Purvis

Keith Raynor AO

Reddrop Group (Tina Reddrop and Michael Reddrop) *

Ruth Redpath AO *

Annabel Reid *

Sarah Reilly

Gregory Reinhardt AM

Patrick Renwick

Margaret Rice

Roger Richards

Charles Richardson

Tim Richter *

Garry Richter

James Riddell-Clark

Sam Riggall and Nichola Lefroy *

Daniel Ritchie

The Robin Campbell Family Foundation *

Alice Robinson *

Edward Robinson

Matty Rochman

Ellie Rogers *

Anthony Rose

Ash Ross

Jill Ross-Perrier *

Peter Rowe *

Trent and Chrissy Roydhouse

John Royle OAM *

Ann Rusden *

John Russell

Gerald Ryan

St Aidan’s Anglican Church Strathmore

St George’s Anglican Church Malvern

St John’s Anglican Church Bentleigh

St John’s Anglican Church Camberwell

St Margaret’s Anglican Church Eltham

St Matthias’ Anglican Church Richmond


St Silas’ Anglican Church Albert Park

St Stephen and St Mary Anglican Church

Mount Waverley

Andrew St John *

Lucy Saliba

Juergen Sarstedt

Brady and Alex Scanlon (The Scanlon Foundation) *

Lauren Scott

Tom Scott

Margaret Selby

Simon and Wendy Seward

Yan Qing Shao

Stephen and Kate Shelmerdine *

John Shepherd

Holly Shergold and James Shergold

Janise Sibly

Philip Silverstone

Lisa Sinclair-Robinson

Jacqueline Sitch and Gregory Sitch

John Skuja *

Alain Smadja

Richard Smallwood AO and Carol

Smallwood *

Barry Smith OAM

Julian Smith

Victor So

Margaret Southey and Brian Audsley

Patrick Southey

Donald Speagle

Thomas Staley

Hugo and Dianne Standish

Mary Stephens and Joshua Stephens

Hugo Stephenson *

Emma Stevens

David Stewart

Rob Stewart AM and Hope Stewart *

Elsdon Storey AM and Christine Rodda *

John Stowell

Anthony Strazzera

Nick and Felicity Stretch *

Bill Stringer

The Strong Family Gift *

Ronella Stuart

John and Sue Stuckey *

Trinity College | 2022 Foundation Annual Report 15

Charles Su

Georgina Summerhayes *

Lindsay Symons

Phillip Ta *

Clive Tadgell AO QC * †

Alex Talbot

Mary Tallis *

Richard Tallis

Carolyn Tan

Jonathan Tan

Lou Tandy *

Jean Taylor

Amy Tennent *

Keren Terpstra *

David and Marie-Louise Theile *

Benjamin Thomas *

Emily Thompson

Vicki Thompson

John Tibballs

Geoff Tisdall *

Stephen To Tracker Foundation *

Rick Tudor OAM *

Andrew Tulloch

Phoebe Ulrick

Annabel Urquhart

Sally-Joan Verheul

Robert Vickers-Willis *

Julian and Annabel Von Bibra *

Bruce Walker

Ian Ward-Ambler *

John Wares

Simon Waters

Timothy Watkins

Anthony Way

Anna Webb

Geoffrey Webb

Philip Weickhardt *

Catherine Wever and Jonathan Wever

Jillian Wiffen

Felicity Wilkins and Chris Wilkins *

Georgie Williams and Justin Williams

Richard Williams

David and Xenia Williamson *

Andrew and Elina Wilson *

Edward Wilson *

John Wilson *

Henry Winter

John Wion

Ted Witham

Renn Wortley *

Shirley Yang

Rosemary Young’s Family *

Richard Zhu

46 anonymous donors



The Late Joan Adams

The Late Colin Caldwell (TC 1931)

The Late Kathleen Gardner

The Late David Jackson (TC 1932)

The Late Richard Potter (TC 1947)

The Late William John Stockdale

The Tom Arthur Pidd Testamentary Trust

The Late Walter Taylor (TC 1929) and the Late Mrs Esma Taylor

The Late William Traill (TC 1953)

The Late Robin Williams (TC 1949)


Scott Charles (TC 1986)

Mark Horrigan (TC 1980)

Trippas White Group

Trinity College | 2022 Foundation Annual Report 17


We sincerely thank members and friends who have included Trinity College in their Wills, and this provides these people the opportunity to be honoured during their lifetime.

Charles Abbott (TC 1958)

Martin Armstrong (TC 1959)

Dagnija Balmford

John Balmford (TC 1948)

Jack Best AO (TC 1958)

Stuart Bett (TC 1978)

Philip Bewley (TC 2004)

Jannie Brown

David Brownbill AM (TC 1959)

Peter Butler AM (TC 1972)

Tony Buzzard (TC 1960)

John Calder (TC 1960)

Samuel Campbell (TC 1993)

Stephen Charles AO KC (TC 1956)

Noel Cockings

Anthony Cooke (TC 1953)

Paul Cooper (TC 1966)

John Cotton (TC 1957)

Bill Cowan AM (TC 1963)

Ian Curwen-Walker (TC 1950)

John Davis (TC 1976)

Michele De Courcy

Hayden Downing

Ray Elliott (TC 1966)

Andrew Farran (TC 1957)

Helen Farrell

John Forbes AM (TC 1963)

Jim Freemantle AO

Tony Gibbs (TC 1952)

Fred Grimwade (TC 1976)

Alan Gunther (TC 1965)

John Guthrie (TC 1959)

Jan Harris (TC 1975)

John Henderson (TC 1968)

Rob Hilton (TC 1971)

Susan Hilton

Peter Hollingworth AC OBE (TC 1955)

Geoff Hone (TC 1963)

Peter Hughes (TC 1964)

Fiona James

Taffy Jones AM (TC 1957)

Russell Joyce OAM (TC 1972)

Michael Kingston (TC 1976)

Catherine Laufer (TC 1992)

Stan Laugher (TC 1967)

Tat Hean Lie (TC 2000)

Angela Mackie

Bill Mackie (TC 1940)

Nigel Murby Wright (TC 1979)

Bob Nicholls (TC 1957)

Lara Nicholls (TC 1986)

Christopher Philpott

John Poynter AO OBE (TC 1948)

Alan Richards (TC 1961)

Ronald Richards

Denis Robertson (TC 1955)

Christopher Roper AM (TC 1972)

Peter Roupas

Ann Rusden

Simon Seward

Jeffrey Sheather (TC 1982)

Barry Smith OAM

Clive Smith OAM (TC 1954)

Elizabeth Smith AM (TC 1982)

Andrew St John (TC 1968)

Anthony Strazzera (TC 1972)

Nick Stretch (TC 1978)

Alex Talbot

Karen Tayler

Jack Warin (TC 1951)

Garry Watson (TC 1959)

Erica Wood (TC 1985)

Richard Woolcott AC (TC 1946)

Renn Wortley (TC 1973)

1 anonymous

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We welcome the new members in 2022 to each special donor group, and their names appear in bold.


Cumulative giving of $250,000 or more

Joan Adams †

Alan (AGL) Shaw Endowment

Andrew C C Farran


Sir William Angliss †

Rowena Armstrong AO KC

Walter Beaumont †

Bernardo Family

Jack Best AO and Janine

Sargeant AM

Bill Bockholt †

Jannie Brown

Colin Caldwell †

Robin Campbell and Bruce Parncutt (Parncutt Family Foundation)

The Canterbury Fellowship

Barry Capp AM †

Janet Clarke †

Joseph Clarke †

Sir William Clarke Bt †

Collier Charitable Fund

Jim and Claudia Craig (Bellwether Foundation Pty Ltd)

Robert Cripps AM and Jan Cripps

Norman Curry AM †

Bryan and Rosemary Cutter

The Cybec Foundation

Chester Eagle †

The Edward Wilson Trust

John Emmerson QC †

Flora & Frank Leith Charitable Trust

Neil Forsyth †

Andrew Fraser †

Richard Gibson †

Richard Gilmour-Smith †

John Gourlay AM †

The Government of Victoria (1864)

George Hale †

John Hastie †

Elizabeth Hebden †

Eileen Heden †

Helen Macpherson Smith Trust

John Horsfall †

Maurice Hurry †

Jack Brockhoff Foundation

Geoffrey Leeper †

Valentine Leeper †

Susan Lim

Brian Loton AC

William Manifold †

Bruce and Judy Munro

Elisabeth Murdoch AC DBE †

Bob Oatley †

Meron Pitcher

Samuel Pond †

Rio Tinto

Roger Riordan AM †

Robert Ritchie †

Brian Roberts †

June Roberts

Agnes Robertson †

S N Nominees

S R Stoneman Foundation

John Sevior

Robin Sharwood AM †

Peggy Ray Shaw †

Charles Sitch

Clive Smith OAM

The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge

John Stockdale †

Stuart Stoneman †

Helen Sutton †

Roberta Taylor †

Tom Arthur Pidd

Testamentary Trust

Grace Turner †

Vera Moore Foundation

Douglas Webb †

Anna Maria White †

Denis Woodbridge †

Trinity College | 2022 Foundation Annual Report 21


Cumulative giving of $50,000 to $249,999

Charles Abbott

Anglican Diocese of Melbourne

Alan Archibald KC

Lillyan May Bakes †

John Balmford

Balmford John D and Dagnija


Hampton Beale OAM †

Norman Beischer AO †

Bell Charitable Trust

Bendigo Bank

Graeme Blackman AO

Paulene Blackman

Brian Bourke AM †

Trevor Bradley †

Nicholas Brasington

Sandra Broadwood †

Roger Brookes †

Paul Brotchie and Susan


David Brownbill AM

Barbara Burge

Tony Buzzard

John Calder

Barbara Cargill and Miles Nicholls

Mark Carnegie

Roderick Carnegie AC

Robert Champion de Crespigny AC

Scott Charles

Anthony and Isabel Cheong

Alkestis Chryssavgis †

Miltiades Chryssavgis OAM

Janet Clark

John Clark AM †

John Cotton

Bill Cowan AM

Laurie Cox AO and Julie Ann

Cox AM

Sue Dahn

Ian Darling AO and Min


Brian Davis AM †

Aurel Dessewffy

The Dr David Jackson

Perpetual Charitable Trust

David Emmerson

Andrew Farran (Farran Foundation)

Henry Foster

Dick Franklin †

Peter Freeman †

Jane Freemantle OAM

Louise Gourlay AM

Gourlay Charitable Trust

James Grant AM †

James Guest AM OBE †

Simonette Guest †

Peter Guy

Richard Guy OAM and Claire


Sherene Guy

Alan Hamer †

Leith Hancock

Peter Hannah

Davina Hanson

David Harper AM KC

Raymond Harrop

Bill Hayward OAM and Alison


Helen M Schutt Trust

Charles Helms

Jo Horgan and Peter


Mary Hoy

Richard Hoy

John Hueston †

The Ian Potter Foundation

Jennifer Inglis and Philip Gill

David Jackson AM †

John Holland Group

John T Reid Charitable Trusts

Taffy Jones AM

Colin Juttner †

James Kelly

John King AM

Michael Kingston

John Larkins KC

Marjorie Le Souef †

Lee Foundation Singapore

Stuart Leslie AM †

Liversidge Family Trust

Michael Long AM

Margaret Lush

Bruce McComish

Patricia McKenzie

Robert McMullin †

Albert McPherson †

Ross Macaw KC and Susan Macaw

Patricia Main †

Mallesons Stephen Jaques

Douglas Meagher QC †

Rosemary Meagher

Robert Mellor †

George Mitchell †

Peter Mitchell AM †


Margie Moroney and Neil


Michael Munckton

Boyd Munro †

Reginald Must †

Baillieu Myer AC †

Sarah Myer

Rupert Myer AO and Annabel Myer (The Aranday Foundation)

The Myer Foundation

Robert Nicholls

Oakleigh Foundation

Timothy Patrick †

John Pettit

The R E Ross Fund

Ian Reid AM †

Julie Reid

Sam Riggall and Nichola


Stephen and Robbie Roberts

Warwick Ross

Jill Ross-Perrier

St Andrew’s Opportunity Shop


St George’s Anglican Church


St John’s Anglican Church


St John’s and St Agnes’

Anglican Church East Malvern

St Matthews Albury

St Peter’s Anglican Church

Eastern Hill

Chris Selby Smith †

Andrew Sisson

James Smibert †

Simon Smith

Marigold Southey AC

Henry Speagle OAM †

Rob Stewart AM and Hope


Sara Stock

Harold Taylor †

Duncan Thomas

Trinity College Associated Clubs

The Victorian Bar Foundation

Sunya Viravaidya and Graham

Brown AM

David Young

Alan Watkinson

David Wells †

Bill Wilson †

Judith Wright †

John Wylie AC

Yulgilbar Foundation

3 anonymous Trinity College | 2022 Foundation Annual Report 23


Cumulative giving of $25,000 to $49,999

Michael Adamson AM

Phyllis Allen †

American Friends of Trinity College

Anglican Diocese of Ballarat

Martin Armstrong

Kevin and Colleen Bamford

Family Foundation

John Bayton AM †

BHP Billiton

Ellie Bird †

Budge Bleakley †

Sir Wilfred & CH (Roger)

Brookes Charitable Foundation

Edith Burgess

Andrew Cannon AM

Stephen Charles AO KC and Jennifer Charles

Julienne Chong

Arthur Clark AM

Rob Clemente

Phil Cohen

Jim Cousins AO and Libby


The Danks Trust

Gordon Darling AC CMG †

Keith Dempster †

Jamie Gatehouse †

Jill Gregory and Campbell Bairstow

Fred and Alexandra Grimwade

Michael Gronow KC

Alan Gunther

Peter Guthrie

Bill Hare AO †

Toby Harrop

Peter Hebbard

Frank Henagan †

Ken and Carole Hinchcliff

Alison Inglis AM

Sir Brian Inglis AC †

The Invergowrie Foundation

Peter Johansen †

Warwick and Ann Johnson

Will Kimpton †

Kosias Pty Ltd

George Limb †

Janet Limb AO

Mary Lugton †

Cathryn McMillan

Stephan and Megan Macaw

Macquarie Group Foundation

Ron Merkel KC and Beth Charles

Debbie Mortimer

Betty Moss †

Stan Moss †

James and Katherine Murray

Simon Phillipson

The Pierce Armstrong Foundation

Peter Pockley †

John Poynter AO OBE and Marion Poynter

Ruth Redpath AO

Margaret Reid

Harold Riggall †

Philip Roff †

Barbara Roff

Christopher Roper AM

Ann Rusden

The Rusden Foundation

St George’s Anglican

Church East Ivanhoe

St John’s Anglican Church


Robert Sanderson †

Simon and Wendy Seward

Sirius Foundation Ltd

John Skuja

Richard Smallwood AO and Carol Smallwood

Ian Solomon

Sir Henry Somerset †

Elvin Stevens †

Dick Sutcliffe

Clive Tadgell AO QC †

David Tan

Kevin Westfold †

Bruce Wilson

Michael Wyles KC and Susan Wyles

5 anonymous



Cumulative giving of $10,000 to $24,999

Ross Adler AC

All Souls Opportunity Shop


Clive Allen

Allens Arthur Robinson

Paul Andrews

Anglican Diocese of Bendigo

Bill Armstrong †

Austin Asche AC KC

Betty Ashton

Jeremy Ashton †

Will Bailey AO †

Dorothy Bailey

Kathleen Bailey-Lord

Steve Baker

Thomas Baker †

John Baldock

Dagnija Balmford

John Barton †

Basan Charitable Trust

John Batt AM

Elizabeth Beischer OAM

Janet Bell

M K A Bell †

Reginald Blakemore †

Ben Bodna AM †

Kay Bodna

Ian Boyd

Jeremy Brasington

William Breidahl

Charles Bright

Lynne Broughton

Peter Brown AM

Ray Brown †

Janet Brumley †

Noel Buckley AM †

Sir Joseph Burke


Frank Callaway †

Peter Campbell

James Chen

Christ Church Anglican Church South Yarra

Christ Church Brunswick

John Churchill

City Of Melbourne

Charles Clark

Sandy Clark AO

Ray Cleary AM

Anne Court AM

Josephine Cowan †

Rosie Creswell

Bryan Dahlsen

Ramon Dawson

Arthur Day AM †

Hilary Day

Guill de Pury

Margaret Dean

Derek Denton AC †

Robert and Cindy


Diocese of Wangaratta

Donus Australia Foundation

Limited (Joseph Constable)

Lisa Dowd

Michael Dowling AM and

Rosemary Dowling

Mark Dunphy

Lachlan Edwards

Nick Edwards

William Edwards

Andrew Farran

Peter Field

James Fleming

James Flintoff and Siobhan


Victor Fox †

Nick Freeman

David and Georgie Gall

Shane Galligan

James Gardiner †

Kathleen Gardner †

Richard Gardner †

George Garratt †

Peter Gebhardt †

The George Hicks Foundation

Robin Gorton KC

Douglas Graham QC †

Sally Graham

Kirsten Gray and Damian Taylor

Robin Gray †

Gavan Griffith AO KC

Sir Andrew Grimwade CBE

James Grimwade †

John Grimwade †

Grosvenor Foundation

Andrew Grummet AM †

Gwenorm Foundation

Duncan Haig and Camilla


John Hambly

Christopher Hamer

Margaret Hamer †

Geoffrey Hamilton

Jan Hamilton

Trinity College | 2022 Foundation Annual Report 25



The Harold Mitchell Foundation

Dale Hebbard †

Oliver Hodson

Peter Hollingworth AC OBE

Ann Hollingworth †

Tyson Kane


Romayne Holmes

Brenda Holt

Holy Trinity Anglican Church Kew

Holy Trinity Anglican

Church Surrey Hills

Geoff Hone

Jonathan Hooper

Michael Horsburgh AM

Stephen Howard

Hugh D T Williamson Foundation

Leila Inglis †

Michael James

Kim Jelbart

Vic Jennings †

Robert Johanson AO

Bronwen Johnston †

Stewart Johnston †

Ralph Jones †

Russell and Lesley Jones

Julie Kantor

Athanasios Katsanos

Fotoula Katsanos

Lindsay Keating †

David Kennedy †

Roger Kimberley

Rob Koczkar

Zoe Kominatos †

Cyril Lansell †

Richard Larkins AC

Ceri Lawley

Dorothy Lee

Michael Leighton Jones

Jenny Lempriere

Kristine Lempriere and William Lempriere

Bob Lewis AM †

John Liversidge †

Sue Liversidge †

Ronald Lucas †

John McDonagh

Robert Macdonald

George McGregor

McIldowie & Brown Pty Ltd

Catriona McKenzie

Jane MacKenzie

Kay McKenzie

Ken MacKenzie

Will McKenzie

Kay McLennan

Macleod Family Trust

Malaysian Mobile Services Sdn

Peter Manger

Robert Marsh †

Melbourne Girls Grammar

Melbourne Grammar School

John Middleton †

John Middleton AM KC

Michael Miles

Frank Milne

Miranda Milne

Adrian Mitchell

Michael Moore

Patrick Moore

Gregory Morgan †

Suzanne Morgan

John and Karen Morrison

Marie Morton

Nigel and Stephen Murby


Kathleen Must †

Martyn Myer AO

Maggie Nanut

The National Australia Bank

Bruce Nelson †

Paul Nisselle AM

Gary Norman

Roderic O’Connor

Colleen O’Reilly AM

John and Libby Oliver

Oliver Affleck Fund

Warwick Papst

Bruce Parncutt AO

Alan Patterson †

Ross Peek

James Perry †

The Pratt Family Foundation

Prayer Book Society In Aust (Vic Branch) Inc

Clare Pullar

Peter Read

Reddrop Group (Tina Reddrop and Michael Reddrop)

Alec Reid †

Robert Salzer Foundation

Neil Robertson †

Robin Campbell Family Foundation

Geoff Ross


Peter Ross-Edwards AM †

John Ross-Perrier †

Peter Rowe

John Royle OAM

St Andrew’s Anglican Church Brighton

St James’ Anglican Church


St Margaret’s Anglican Church Eltham

St Paul’s Anglican Church

Geelong West

St Stephen and St Mary’s Anglican Church Mount


Andrew St John

Maxwell Schultz †

The Scobie & Claire MacKinnon Trust

Margaret Scott †

Jim Selkirk

Elizabeth Sevior †

Sidney Myer Fund

Geoffrey Simon

Adrian Smithers †

Peter Stawell

Elsdon Storey AM and Christine Rodda

Diana Strahan

The Strong Family Gift

John Stuckey

Georgie Summerhayes

Tanjong Public Limited Company

Geoffrey Taylor †

Suzannah Tegner

Telematics Trust

Amy Tennent

David and Marie-Louise


Geoff Tisdall

Tracker Foundation

Bill Traill †

Michael Traill AM

Simon Trinca

Trinity College Drama Club

Angus Trumble †

Angus Turner

Julian and Annabel von


Olga Vujovic Dessewffy

Anne Ward

Bill Webb

Geoff Webb

Philip Weickhardt

Moira Wells †

Xenia Williamson and David Williamson

Paul and Kirsty Willows

Andrew and Elna Wilson

Philip Wilson †

Richard Woolcott AC

David Yencken AO †

Serene Yong

12 anonymous

Trinity College | 2022 Foundation Annual Report 27


Cumulative giving of $5000 to $9999

The Agar Family

All Saints’ Anglican Parish

Newtown & Geelong

Kingsley Allen

Rhonda Allen

Ted Allen

Stephen Alley †

Alstom Australia Limited

Anglican Parish of Gisborne

Anglican Surfcoast Parish

Stanton Archer †

Barrie Arnold

Carolyn Arnold

Peter Ashton

Stephen and Raechel Auld

Australian Brandenburg Orchestra

Dorothy Bailey †

John Baillieu †

Josh Baker †

Ian Barker †

Mim Bartlett

Mary Baxter

Bob Beard †

Anthony and Kate Beggs

David Beggs

Anne Beischer

Christian Bennett

Alfred Bird †

Niel Black †

John Blanch

Brian Blythe OAM †

Tom Bostock

Sarah Boucaut

Timothy Boucaut

Kim Breidahl

Mary Britten †

John Buckley †

Ian Bult

Evan Burge †

Peter Butler AM

Camberwell Grammar School

Peg Campbell

Robin Campbell

Marianne Cannon

Norman Carlyon AM

John Carre-Riddell †

Paul Cherry

Alan Chong

Murray Clapham †

Sir Rupert Clarke Bt AM †

Michael Clough

David Cole

George Colman

Terry Cook

Bernard Corser OAM

Francis Cumbrae-Stewart †

John Cuming †

Lindsay Cuming AM

David Danks †

June Danks

Robert Dann †

Yvonne Dann

Emma Darling

James Darling AM

Geoffrey Davies †

Jennifer Dowling

John Dowling

Hayden Downing

Education Advantage

Paul Elliott KC

Embelton Limited

Estate of Gradon Johnstone

Estate of FH Pennifold

Estate of Philip Lyndon Wilson

Annabelle Farnsworth AM

Helen Farrell

Paul Fitzpatrick

Walt Fleming †

Stuart Foley

Foundation for Young Australians

Jim Freemantle AO

Judy Galligan

Robert Gardiner

Geelong Grammar School

Ramin Gharbi

Tim Gibson

John Gooch †

Sally Gough

Enid Gourlay †

Jono Gourlay

Will Gourlay

Jamie Gray

Richard Green

Frederick Grimwade †

John Grutzner

Ian Gunn

Joan Gunn

Thorry Gunnersen AM †

Ian and Wendy Haines

Sally-Anne Hains

Shirley Hall †

Lady Hamer †

Trinity College | 2022 Foundation Annual Report 29

Leigh Hammond

Michael Hamson †

Susan Hamson

Thomas Hargreaves

Margot Harper

Keith Hayes †

Michael Heinz

Hal Herron

Herschel Asset Management Limited

Sean Hewetson

Tony Hiscock †

Reg Hobbs

Sir John Holland


Clayton and Tania


John Horowitz AM

Robert Houghton †

Russell Howard

John Howells †

Katie Hudson

Wendy Hudson

David Hunt

Rob Hunt

Peter and Gina Israel

Alastair Jackson AM

Ian Jasper

Ian Jelbart

Douglas Johnson

Fiona, Will, Jean and Herbert Jones

Peter Jones †

Leonie Jongenelis

Fiona Judd

Holly Keane

Scott Keck

John Kelly AM

Liz Kelly

Rob and Michelle Kelly

Warren Kemp

Ed Kennon

Barbara Kiessling †

Nym Kim

Leslie King

Robert Kirby AO

Andrew Kirkham AM KC

Klockner-Werke AG


Ananda Krishnan

L & S Aitken Trust

Mark Leslie

Lindon Langley †

Catherine Laufer

John Laurie AC

John Lester

Mick Letts

C Limbers

Bob Long †

George Lucas OAM †

Richard McDonald

Andrew McGowan

Edward McGuire AM and Carla McGuire

David Macintyre †

Angus MacKay

Leigh Mackay OAM

Ian MacKinnon †

Amanda McMahon

John MacMillan †

James and Daniela


Frank Macindoe

Jamie Mackie †

Richard Malcolmson

Twink Malcolmson

Donald Markwell AM

Kenneth Mason

Loris Mason †

James Merralls AM QC †

Edward Miller

Hubert Miller OAM †

Rowan Minson

Adrian Monger †

John Monotti

Lynton Morgan †

Alex Morokoff †

Clive Morris

Christopher Morrison

Ian Morrison

Sandra Morrison

Philip Moss AM

Bill Muntz †

Louise Myer

Prudence Neerhut

Philip Newman †

Carol Newton

John Newton

Joyce Newton OAM

June Nixon

Robert Noble

Kate O’Connor

Kevin O’Connor

Donna O’Sullivan

Frank Osborn †

David Parncutt

Percy Baxter Charitable Trust

Sharon Phua

Pierce Armstrong Trust


John Piercey †

Brian Porter †

Jack Poutsma †

Andrew Prentice

Arthur Pulford

Barrie Purvis †

David Purvis

Keith Raynor AO

Mary Reddrop

Peter Renou

Alice Robinson

Leigh Robinson

Thomas Robinson †

Pip Rofe

Anthony Rose

Sam Rosengarten †

Bill Royston †

Len Ryder †

St Aidan’s Ladies’ Guild


St Bartholomew’s Anglican

Parish Burnley

St Eanswythe’s Anglican

Church Altona

St James’ Anglican Church


St John’s Anglican Church


St Luke’s Anglican Church

South Melbourne

St Matthew’s Anglican Church Cheltenham

St Silas’ Anglican Church

Albert Park

St Stephen’s Anglican Church Gardenvale

Pam Sargood

Jenny Sasse

Seah Sun Hock

Robert Searls †

Jan Senbergs

Stephen Shelmerdine AM

Bernie Shinners

Michael Shoobridge

Rosalind Smallwood

Alf Smith AM †

Tait Smith †

Lady Somerset †

Sir Robert Southey †

Stanley Spittle †

Douglas Stephens AO †

Hugo Stephenson

David Stewart

Reginald Stock †

Hayden Stockdale

Jack Strahan QC †

Lis Sturrock

Morna Sturrock AM †

Mary Tallis

Gordon Tasker

Keren Terpstra

Benjamin Thomas

Gwynne and Doreen


Joan Thomas †

John Tibballs

Rick Tudor OAM

Nick Turnbull †

Charles Venn

Mitzi Venn

Robert Vickers-Willis

Scott and Sophie


Geoffrey Vincent

* Designates a member of the Warden’s Circle for 2022, that is, donors who give $1000 or more per annum † Deceased

Mechai Viravaidya AO

Ben Wadham †

Hector Walker †

Ian and Penelope


David Warner †

Joan Wettenhall †

Edward White

The Sir Wilfred Brookes

Charitable Foundation

Chris and Felicity Wilkins

Dick Williams

John Wilson

Nona Wilson †

Philip Wollen OAM

Erica Wood

Roger Woodruff †

Renn Wortley

Jennifer Wraight

Michael Wright AM KC

Carol Zhao

John Zwar †

13 anonymous

All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this list. However, if any error has occurred, please accept our apologies and notify the Advancement Office on +61 3 8341 0266 or advancement@trinity.unimelb.edu.au so we can amend our records.

Trinity College | 2022 Foundation Annual Report 31
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ONGOING SUPPORT. trinity.unimelb.edu.au 100 Royal Parade, Parkville VIC 3052 +61 3 8341 0266 | advancement@trinity.unimelb.edu.au

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