Ambition 2024 – Trinity College Strategic Plan

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Trinity College is a Catholic day school for boys from Years 4–12 in the Edmund Rice tradition.

A message from the Principal I am pleased to be Principal of Trinity College as we present our new Strategic Plan: Ambition 2024. As our current Strategic Plan comes to a close, we have used the past six months to recall our strong foundations, consult our community and look at how current developments in education are affecting the growth and learning of our students. Our review suggests we are doing many things well, but our ‘ambition’ is to be even better. Trinity College has a rich history and tradition. For the past century we have been at the forefront of boys’ education in Perth. We know boys and firmly believe that they achieve great things when inspired to learn and encouraged to care for others. This plan highlights the areas we are targeting in meeting the challenge of providing a contemporary education. It does not seek to outline everything that we do, or everything we offer. There are a number of very successful programs and initiatives that are not referred to in this plan that will continue as integral to the College. Ambition 2024 is organised around five themes that have been identified through our consultation sessions and community surveys and with reference to the Touchstones of our governing entity, Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) – to inspire our boys through quality teaching and learning; to strive to make compassion and justice a living reality in our community; to be a welcoming, accessible and inclusive community; to act so that we stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised. As we implement the various initiatives to bring this plan to life, we remain focused on our boys and our calling to work alongside parents in the formation of fine young men.

Mr Darren O’Neill College Principal

A message from the College Board Chair Developing a new Strategic Plan is an important event in any organisation’s life. Perhaps, even more, when following the College’s recent celebration of 125 years of Edmund Rice education. In the case of Trinity College, a process of discernment in preparing this plan has allowed the Leadership Team and College Board time to reflect on our journey to date, to consider the relevance of our founding principles in the current context and to discuss possible developments likely to be faced by all schools in the future. Having undertaken a thorough process, the College Board is pleased to present this document Strategic Plan: Ambition 2024. The priorities outlined in this plan capture our ambitions over the next five years and are intended to: •

clearly articulate to all in our community the goals and direction being pursued;

build on our strong foundations and the progress we have made over recent years; and

reinforce the actions required to advance the Vision of the College

Our facilities, teaching staff, and the breadth of programs we offer, are all focused on forming confident and accomplished young men – Men for Others. Though the times have changed since our foundation, the ‘TC Spirit’ is alive and well. The College Board will continue to ensure that the priorities in this plan are well resourced. I commend our Strategic Plan to you as the next step in our journey and look forward to working with the College Leadership Team and staff as we bring our ambition to life.

Mr Stephen Moloney College Board Chair

“The power of the collective capacity is that it enables ordinary people to accomplish extroadinary things... as working together requires commitment.” Professor Michael Fullan



Our vision: To be the leader of boys’ education and in the formation of young men for others Our vision is enduring and declares our core purpose as a College. It serves as the standard against which we consider our actions and our decisions.

Our mission: To offer innovative learning opportunities in a safe and nurturing environment which empowers our young men to realise their potential. As a Catholic College founded on the traditions of the Blessed Edmund Rice, his example of solidarity with all people challenges us to live out the message of care and inclusion. In partnership with parents, we hold high expectations for the young men in our care and seek to provide a breadth of learning opportunities in a safe and caring environment, enabling academic growth, pride in their College and a commitment to serve others both now and in the future.

Our ambitions: The ‘TC Spirit’ is widely acknowledged and celebrated as a unique part of the College community. In reference to the ‘TC Spirit’, our ambitions below underpin our mission and are a daily reminder of the way we should approach our teaching and learning. We are called to show a: SPIRIT OF FAITH – to be a proud faith community where gospel values are known, lived and celebrated SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE – to provide engaging teaching and learning practices that support wellbeing and inspire personal excellence amongst students to reach their full potential SPIRIT OF SERVICE – to form young men with the ‘TC Spirit’ who are authentic, active and outstanding role models in their outreach SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY – to be an inclusive and welcoming community that supports wellbeing and learning for every student SPIRIT OF STEWARDSHIP – to seek a real commitment to providing accessibility for all and to building a sustainable future

Our approach and vision of success This Plan has been informed by the Australian Government’s The Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration (2019) which calls all schools, “to promote equity and excellence and enable all young Australians to become successful lifelong learners; confident and creative individuals and active and informed members of the community.” Likewise, the four EREA Touchstones and the focus areas of the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia (CECWA), articulated in Strategic Directions 2019–2021, have guided our focus. Our strategy is grounded in this context and addresses the challenges that we have identified over the next five years. Importantly, this Plan has emerged from comprehensive discussions with the Trinity College Advisory Board, students, staff and parents. The Plan highlights our ambitions for the future! AMBITION 2024 | TRINITY COLLEGE STRATEGIC PLAN



He said to them,“Go into the world and preach the good news to all creation” Mark 16:15



Spirit of Faith Our ambition To be a proud faith community where gospel values are known, lived and celebrated

Our approach GOALS



Provide opportunities for students and staff to further their personal faith journey

1.1.1 Review and enact the College Evangelisation Plan. 1.1.2 Encourage regular engagement at the College Community Mass. 1.1.3 Establish prayer and reflection (guided prayer, liturgy, Mass etc.) as part of all Camps, Tours and Immersions. 1.1.4 Establish a Spirituality Day and alternate between a Staff Wellness/Staff Service Day as annual Professional Learning. 1.1.5 Review and renew Retreat programs for students and staff. 1.1.6 Review and renew Service programs for students and staff. 1.1.7 Promote relevant EREA Formation and CEWA Accreditation programs for all staff.


Forge a strong reference to our identity as a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition

1.2.1 All College events, publications and communications give reference to our identity as a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition. 1.2.2 Promote and celebrate our story of working towards our mission. 1.2.3 Provide an effective induction program for new staff and students that emphasises the College history, our identity and mission, the Edmund Rice tradition and our core values. 1.2.4 Promote a strong understanding of the new College Mission and our ‘Spirit’ Ambitions. 1.2.5 Establish a Trinity Commencement Mass to commence our school year. 1.2.6 Seek to establish a religious/theological based Immersion or Tour. 1.2.7 Give increased prominence to iconography and similar throughout our campus.



Excellence 5

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” AMBITION 2024 | TRINITY COLLEGE STRATEGIC PLAN

Matthew 5:16

Spirit of Excellence Our ambition To provide engaging teaching and learning practices that support wellbeing and inspire personal excellence amongst students to reach their full potential

Our approach GOALS



An expert teaching team is attracted, retained and developed

2.1.1 Review our recruitment practices and incentives to ensure we attract future employees and balance cost efficiency and staff wellbeing. 2.1.2 Enhance our Professional Learning program to ensure that it supports the developmental needs and aspirations of all staff. 2.1.3 Enable and support increased and targeted opportunities for the professional growth of all staff. 2.1.4 Augment investment in Professional Learning for staff with support for professional partnerships and teacher growth models. 2.1.5 Provide time and structured opportunities for Teaching Staff to evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching, receiving relevant feedback with a view to implementing positive adjustments to practice. 2.1.6 Develop middle leaders who seek to model, lead and support their colleagues in striving for personal excellence. 2.1.7 Maintain a strong focus on supporting staff to integrate Information Technology into supplementing effective teaching and improved student learning. 2.1.8 Establish clear and consistent practices with respect to staff wellbeing and HR matters for all staff.


Provide stimulating, engaging and innovative learning environments that are underpinned by high expectations and quality teaching practices

2.2.1 Promote key capabilities and skills including collaboration, creativity, innovation, research and entrepreneurship – across all learning areas. 2.2.2 Strengthen the consistency of approach to the teaching of literacy and numeracy across the Junior School and into the Middle School years. 2.2.3 Expand project-based learning and the implementation of Virtual Reality across a variety of learning areas and year levels. 2.2.4 Maintain an innovative STEM and Performing Arts curriculum. 2.2.5 Review and renew our Inclusive Education structures, programs and infrastructure with a view to best catering for student needs. 2.2.6 Review and renew the Gifted and Talented Education structures, programs and infrastructure with a view to best catering for student needs. 2.2.7 Seek to expand effective and meaningful collaboration with other educational institutions, particularly with Mercedes College. 2.2.8 Establish a set of Trinity College Graduate Attributes and align our educational offering to deliver these qualities. 2.2.9 Review and renew the structure for College Student Awards. AMBITION 2024 | TRINITY COLLEGE STRATEGIC PLAN




Establish a culture of academic rigour, innovation and challenge

2.3.1 Review the College calendar and the timetable to prioritise learning and the pursuit of excellence. This could include; Ensuring a balance between Academic & Sport commitments. Maximising the time available for teaching. Establish a priority scale for respective excursions/ tours/camps etc. Increasing academic contact time in Years 10–12. 2.3.2 Implement a timetable structure that better reflects contemporary curriculum requirements and maximises student success. 2.3.3 Utilise a variety of student data to help direct curriculum innovation and challenge. 2.3.4 Seek involvement in recognised academic extension and excellence programs. 2.3.5 Utilise data to set realistic and aspirational pre-requisite markers that predict excellence and success in senior course work. 2.3.6 Establish an effective Homework Club and Senior Study Tutorial groups. 2.3.7 Utilise data to set aspirational achievement goals for measures such as NAPLAN, OLNA and WACE.





“Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, … For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.” 9


Mark 10: 43-45

Spirit of Service Our ambition To form young men with the ‘TC Spirit’ who are authentic, active and outstanding role models in their outreach

Our approach GOALS



All staff and students have the opportunity for mission inspired outreach

3.1.1 Maintain a strong service learning culture and continue to provide Christian Service opportunities including retreats and outreach. 3.1.2 Establish partnerships with organisations that assist children and families who continue to experience difficulties due to socio-economic disadvantage. 3.1.3 Establish a planning calendar that clearly outlines and projects future mission/immersion/outreach activities. 3.1.4 Enhance specific outreach and service opportunities in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 3.1.5 Liaise with TOBA to establish ongoing outreach and service opportunities for alumni.


Continue to develop leadership capacity within the College community

3.2.1 Encourage and assist the Parent Council to identify and lead specific parent forums and development opportunities linked to the needs and interests of parents. 3.2.2 Establish a developmental leadership model for students across all year levels. 3.3.3 Review and renew the process for student development and selection for roles such as Prefects and Ministers; and for opportunities on immersions/tours/camps etc. 3.3.4 Strengthen the College mentoring and leadership programs so that every year group has a recognised mentor/mentee link. 3.3.5 Augment investment in Leadership Development programs for staff. 3.3.6 Review and renew leadership and professional learning needs and opportunities for the College Support Staff. 3.3.7 Seek opportunities to include staff and ‘student voice’ in planning and decision-making groups and forums.




“I shall look for the lost one, bring back the stray, bandage the wounded and make the weak strong. I shall be a true shepherd to them.” 11


Ezekiel 34:16

Spirit of Community Our ambition

To be an inclusive and welcoming community that supports wellbeing and learning for every student

Our approach GOALS



Promote a shared responsibility for student wellbeing, formation and learning

4.1.1 Establish a range of allied health services that enhance the care and wellbeing of our students and staff. 4.1.2 Ensure there is regular parental and community awareness and involvement in the learning program and progress of their children. 4.1.3 Increase access to dedicated and qualified personnel in the student wellbeing team with a particular focus on men’s health issues. 4.1.4 Commit fully to all aspects of child safety requirements and review pastoral and leadership structures to further strengthen the provision of a safe and caring environment. 4.1.5 Become a community leader in bullying prevention and the promotion of respectful relationships. 4.1.6 Establish a developmental formation program that encourages the positive journey to manhood. 4.1.7 Implement specific programs that focus on aspects of positive psychology, resilience and mental health. 4.1.8 Establish a clear structure and shared responsibility regarding behaviour management. 4.1.9 Oversee the welfare and learning progress of students on College Bursaries.


Continue to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment where family/College relationships are fostered

4.2.1 Restructure the College reception and administration as a place of welcome. 4.2.2 Foster and celebrate the generosity of the various parent community groups that support the College. 4.2.3 Establish an agreed approach amongst the various parent community groups that promotes the notion of ‘one College – one Spirit’. 4.2.4 Support various parent community groups and respective events. 4.2.5 Seek opportunities to gather community feedback on the College. 4.2.6 Link immediate past students (alumni) to service and leadership opportunities for tutoring, coaching, mentoring, etc. 4.2.7 Develop a business case that examines the provision of an Out of School Hours Care Centre on the College site.



Stewardship 13

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” AMBITION 2024 | TRINITY COLLEGE STRATEGIC PLAN

1 Peter 4:10

Spirit of Stewardship Our ambition

To seek a real commitment to providing accessibility for all and to building a sustainable future

Our approach GOALS



Increase accessibility to a Trinity College education with a view to achieving enrolment stability

5.1.1 Establish a sustainable system of parish and community-based College Bursaries across all year levels. 5.1.2 Renew engagement and establish relationships with surrounding parishes and feeder schools. 5.1.3 Analyse and effectively utilise survey data from prospective parents. 5.1.4 Liaise with CEWA and other specialist organisations to analyse relevant school demographic data within our potential enrolment areas. 5.1.5 Review transport options to the College. 5.1.6 Establish a Marketing Committee to develop a contemporary and agile marketing approach/plan with a view to increasing enrolment applications. 5.1.7 Focus on promoting the strengths of the College as a school of choice for boys’ education. 5.1.8 Review and renew our identity and brand in the wider community and various media.


Provide sound financial management and business leadership that ensures future sustainability

5.2.1 Establish new College Leadership structure to support strategic ambition. 5.2.2 Establish a short, mid and long-term Financial Plan that projects financial position, debt servicing capacity and sustainability measures. 5.2.3 Identify and implement new revenue streams through corporate and community partnerships and grant allocations. 5.2.4 Review and renew ongoing relationships with major creditors. 5.2.5 Review and renew systems to positively and effectively manage debtors. 5.2.6 Review the enrolment data collected from families to best position the College for future grant provisions. 5.2.7 Explore digital, commercial and network expansion opportunities. 5.2.8 Review the Master Plan with consideration to mid and long-term sustainability options. 5.2.9 Prioritise within annual budgets and planning, the foci in this Plan. 5.2.10 Complete an evidence-based assessment of our ability to cater effectively for all students who enter our school, including the professional skills needed by our staff, the resourcing implications and the partnerships we need to establish.


Provide contemporary learning spaces that support teaching, learning and an innovative mindset

5.3.1 Explore opportunities to partner with commercial and alternate education institutions around the world. 5.3.2 Investigate opportunities for community involvement through virtual/mixed/augmented reality. 5.3.3 Investigate contemporary, innovative and suitable building methods that suit our context and site. 5.3.4 Establish a long-term classroom refurbishment plan that enables programmed annual upgrades. 5.3.5 Support the ongoing initiatives of the Trinity College Environmental Committee (TCEC).



Trinity Avenue, East Perth, Western Australia 6004 T +61 8 9223 8120 | E




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