2017 Annual Report

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Trinity Church 2017 Annual Report

Acting in God’s love, Trinity Church welcomes everyone to enthusiastically live the Christian faith. We call our members to worship and prayer, lifelong education, spiritual growth, cheerful giving, and active ministry with our community. All members serve as witnesses to Jesus Christ.

TRINITY CHURCH Annual Meeting - April 15, 2018

Meeting Agenda Opening Prayer

The Rev. Andrew R. Thayer

Senior Warden’s Report

John Fay

Treasurer’s Report

Keith Crawford

Thank You to Our Outgoing Vestry Members Kelly Duncan John Hevron Susu Kearney Barbara Waller

Dear Trinity Family, The 29th of November 2017 was a big day in our lives as we all celebrated the new ministry that we now share. That day was the culmination of a long search process, the development of a parish profile, the working and prayers of the search committee and parish listening groups, but also the culmination of an enormous amount of prayer, discernment, and work listening to what the Spirit of God is doing in our lives…and this work continues. Your vestry and clergy met recently and spent the day reflecting on the common goals that are encapsulated in the parish profile. We all agree that this document, far from merely being a tool for a clergy search, actually reveals many shared goals and values throughout the parish. We have scheduled a retreat at the Solomon Conference Center June 8-9 and will continue working to articulate our mission as well as formulate our short and long term goals. We are blessed with many resources at our disposal to pursue these ends, such as:  A strong foundational relationship between the parish and the new rector. This is largely due to the diligent and prayerful work of the search committee in bringing together a priest and a congregation that are a great fit.  A Parish Profile that was completed primarily for the search for a new rector but that simultaneously provides a thorough view of the life of the parish as well as its dreams, hopes, priorities.  Vestry willingness to set aside long periods of retreat time to prayerfully discern where the Spirit is calling God’s people to be.  An extraordinary resource of talent and dedication which comprises Trinity clergy and staff.  An equally talented and hard-working vestry as well as countless parishioners who are willing to share their expertise and time to ensure that Trinity continues to be the great parish it is called to be. Thank you for all that you do. The Rev. Andrew Thayer Rector

Senior Warden’s Report – April 15, 2018 He is risen, The Lord has risen, indeed! Luke 24:34 For me, this Easter has been a special, more moving and more spiritual time than any other I can remember. Long before the Easter season, Christina and I committed to go on the pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Little did I know how transformative an impact it would have on me spiritually. Walking the paths Jesus walked, experiencing the areas around the Sea of Galilee where Jesus taught, standing in the garden where He was betrayed, and touching the stone where He died, all while being led in prayer by Kit, Bill and at times our fellow pilgrims. I still find it difficult to put this experience into words. With the images of the pilgrimage still fresh in my mind Holy Week quickly arrived but in a new way at Trinity Church. We did not start the week on Palm Sunday with an enactment of the Passion. Instead, we celebrated Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem. Then as the week unfolded, Andy’s daily meditations enabled us to reflect on the events that took place in Jesus’ life the days leading up to His betrayal and crucifixion, culminating with somber church services on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Saturday evening brought Trinity families from the church and school together around a vigil bonfire to sing and tell stories (there were s’mores too), all in anticipation of Jesus’ resurrection. With the exception of the Monday after Palm Sunday, I attended a Holy Week service every day. I know for some of you this is a routine, but I had never done it before, and I cannot really explain why I did it this Easter. I think experiencing the pilgrimage had a great deal to do with it. But I also have no doubt that the energy and community I feel at Trinity Church today, also played a large part in my wanting to be at Trinity during this holiest of our seasons. Andy, Kit, and now John have so many gifts to offer us, and they are leading a slew of educational, thought-provoking, exciting and fun ways to grow our relationships with God, each other and our community. I sincerely hope each of you will find an opportunity enjoy and benefit from the gifts each of our clergy has to offer. This past year, like the one before it, has found Trinity Church on a journey of transition. This time last year Corky was shining new light on each of our obligations to be good stewards of the blessings God has given us. Our Search Committee was on the verge of completing the search for our new Rector. We were implementing efforts to better inform you of the Church’s finances and to reduce our debt. And we

were executing newly adopted best practices for budgeting our finances to live within our means, and for managing our talented and gifted personnel. The work of our Treasurer, Keith Crawford, our CFO Corrinne Mestayer, and Stewardship Director Raina O’Neil on these efforts cannot be overstated. The same goes for the leadership of our Junior Warden, Barbara Waller, who chairs the Budget and Personnel Committees. During the last year we completed our Rector search process and were blessed to call Andy Thayer as our new Rector. I am so glad (I mean soooo glad) to welcome him, Kelsey, William, Natalie and James to Trinity and New Orleans. While this has been a year of transition for us and them, they have been warmly received and I could not be happier with the work of our Search Committee. The dedication of Search Committee co-chairs Kathy Eastman and King Logan and the entire committee was nothing short of phenomenal. Thank you, thank you, thank you to each member of the committee and to the Diocese, in particular, the Canon to the Ordinary, Shannon Manning, for leading us to Andy and his family. It has been my pleasure working with Andy these past eight months. His energy, depth of knowledge, love for teaching and open personality have been a wonderful inspiration for me and are great gifts to Trinity. Please make an effort to meet and get to know him. There are so many people to thank, but not the space to include them all. So it is with sincere and heartfelt gratitude to the clergy, our staff, my fellow Vestrymen and Vestrywomen, especially Barbara, Susu, Kelly, and John Hevron, who are rolling off the Vestry this year, and to all of you who love and support Trinity Church, that I say thank you for your support of my efforts these past two years, and for the honor you have given me to serve as your Senior Warden. Alleluia! In faith, John F. Fay, Jr. Senior Warden

2017 Gratitude Report Thank you, dear friends! You gave generously this past year, and you made a difference. Your faith, belief, and generosity made a profound impact on so many lives... You invested in the safety and maintenance of our beautiful campus and historic buildings ensuring that our spiritual home is a safe space for all who seek comfort and warmth. More than 25,000 people attended Sunday Services throughout the year, with even more attending Christmas, Easter, and weekly Eucharistic healing services. Whether it’s coffee hours after church, welcoming newcomers and old friends alike, or our rummage sales, Alanon or Recovery Meetings that open our doors to the greater community, your support ensures the hospitality and graciousness of our parish continues to welcome all who gather.

Stewardship - By the Numbers 2017 Pledges Total $ Pledged 484 $1,401,202 2016 Pledges Total $ Pledged 438 $1,103,199 2015 Pledges Total $ Pledged 448 $1,132,679

Together, we celebrated 34 Baptisms, over 200 Eucharists, and the Marriage of seven couples. We sang 780+ hymns, heard world-class musicians perform, and welcomed our new Rector through a Celebration of New Ministry.

Thanks to you, over 40 vital, active ministries involve our parish members and our greater community. Kairos, Medical Mission, Loaves & Fishes, TEEP, and so many, many more, are making a difference here at Trinity and beyond.

We mourned the passing of family and friends and helped those grieving feel less alone through Walking the Mourners' Path.

Godly Play classes continue to grow, helping our children form a closer relationship with God. And young families have opportunities for fellowship through retreats and Spaghetti Speaker Series.

From Pastoral visits, Bible studies, Men’s Prayer Breakfasts, Intercessory Prayer Groups, and centering prayer workshops, your support has blessed us with countless opportunities to gather together, deepening our faith and love of God.

With your support, over 30,000 meals were served to the hungry throughout our community; donations and supplies were given for disaster relief; and a home was built for a family in need.

A special thank you to the 2017 Stewardship Chairs, Alice Wright and Linda Stone, co-chairs Marcie and Cres Gardner, and all members of the Development Committee and Stewardship Committee for your dedication and hard work throughout 2017! Your efforts truly made the year a success!

Christian Formation “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”—Acts 2:42 In many ways, this verse from the Acts of the Apostles provides a summary “how-to” statement and model for lifelong formation as disciples of Jesus Christ. Like worshiping together, which is itself a formative experience, learning together is an important aspect of Christian community. Over the last year Trinity offered and continues to offer many opportunities for ongoing learning. There are several small groups that meet around Bible Study and Prayer as well as two Education for Ministry (EfM) seminars. Faith and Fiction and the Twelve Steps Are for Everyone meet most Sundays. During Lent we offered the Five Marks of Mission program from the Society of St. John the Evangelist. Other special offerings included a workshop on Christ Centered Prayer by the Rev. Sandy Casey-Martus, “The Eucharist and You” led by the Rev. Dr. Maggi Dawn, two “Liturgies of Light in the Darkness” and a seminar using Brene Brown’s teaching on Courageous Parenting. Young mothers enjoyed a retreat weekend at Covey Rise during the summer. Continuing with our pilgrimage ministry, we traveled to England during Lent to “Explore Our Anglican Heritage.” Prior to the trip, classes were offered to the parish on Anglican history, theology, spirituality and polity. For four weeks during Eastertide, Trinity partnered with St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church, St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church and Temple Sinai to offer a dinner and discussion series on the Book of Psalms. Trinity also co-hosted an interfaith evening with the Atlas Foundation. Another key aspect of Christian formation is building relationships across generations. To this end, we hosted several intergenerational parishwide events beginning with our “Radical Welcome” dinner for our new Rector and his family in late August. This was followed by a “Celebration of New Ministry” at the end of November. Two Advent offerings of note were the Feast of St. Nicholas celebration with St. Nicholas (a/k/a Fr. Andy) telling stories and Christmas caroling in our neighborhood with a brass band accompaniment!

Pastoral Care and Spiritual Life Out and About is a program that offers Trinity Parishioners and guests opportunities to explore interesting places together and enjoy time with one another. Highlights of the past year included a tour of the Hudson-Salah Conservancy, the University Medical Center, the NCIS set, and Stennis Space Center and Global Wildlife and Solomon Episcopal Conference Center. We also enjoyed a pot-luck meal at the Moran home followed by Jazz Vespers and a lovely Christmas tea, followed by our own Trinity Artist Series Concert with Delfayo Marsalis. Pastoral Care centers around a rich prayer life at Trinity. We pray daily for those in our midst needing healing or grieving a loss or carrying a difficult burden. Our Intercessory Prayer Group meets weekly to pray in confidence for anyone who requests prayers. We coordinate hospital visits and would be grateful to know if someone you love would like special prayers. A tremendous new program of Pastoral Care is called Walking the Mourner’s Path. It is an eight-week faith-based program that helps people learn to navigate through the stages of grief in a small confidential group. Last year we had two workshops and it was very well received by those who participated. Trinity continues to offer Daily Meditations five days a week that are written by clergy and lay ministers to help support our day-to-day life in Christ. The meditations come to your in-box and are shared with about 500 readers and posted on Facebook.

2017 Vital Statistics Baptisms.........................................32 Received by Bishop........................2 Confirmations.................................5 Marriages..........................................7 Burials.............................................25

Children, Youth & Family Ministry Children’s Ministry On Sunday mornings, Trinity Church offers Godly Play for children ages 3 years to 5th grade. Developed by Episcopal theologian, Rev. Jerome Berryman, Godly Play is a Montessori-inspired approach to spiritual formation that invites listeners into stories and encourages them into larger dimensions of belief and faith through wondering and open-ended response time. Through Godly Play, children are taught the art of using Christian language - parable, sacred story, silence and liturgical action - helping them become more fully aware of the mystery of God’s presence in their lives. We currently have 16 trained Godly Play teachers and a faithful community of active parents supporting our children. We have three Godly Play classrooms: GP1 serves children ages PK3-K, GP2 for grades 1st-2nd and GP3 for grades 3rd-5th. Each classroom requires one storyteller and one doorkeeper. Because of the work Trinity has done in the area of Godly Play, Ashley Bond has been invited to be a part of a missioners pilot program being launched by the Godly Play Foundation. Her participation in this national initiative will help establish Trinity Church as a touchstone for innovative children’s formation and community leadership. Youth Ministry Trinity’s youth community (6th-12th grade) is an awesome group of trusted Christian friends who come together to explore the complexities of life through a lens of faith. We generally gather on Sundays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at Molly’s House, located on Coliseum Street directly across from the chapel. Family Ministry We are fortunate to have a vibrant parent community through our children’s ministry. Our Spaghetti Supper Series included a number of relevant, family-friendly formation and fellowship opportunities. Children’s Ministries  Safeguarding God’s Children  Nursery care for children ages birth to 3 years  Formation for children ages 3 years to 5th grade  18-hour certification training for Godly Play storytellers and doorkeepers  Feast of St. Nicholas and Cookie Decorating for Trinity Loaves and Fishes

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Children’s Christmas Eve Liturgy Vacation Bible School

Family Ministries  Godly Play Parent Orientation and Celebration  Family Advent Wreath Making  Spaghetti Supper Series: Developmental Psychologist Pat Blackwell on the topic of parenting; Rev. Andrew Thayer on the topic of “Church and the Magic Fairy Dust”; Screenagers Documentary and group discussion  Wednesday Mom’s Bible Study  Mom’s Retreat with a focus on Brene Brown’s Courageous Parenting curriculum Youth Ministry  Acolyte Ministry for youth grades 4-12  Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) for grades 6-12  Fall Kick-Off Party  Halloween Costume Party  Thanksgiving Youth Bake-In  Plays & Movies  Roller Skating  Palm Cross Making

Community Ministry “Trinity Church has been a symbol of faith and a resource for sharing the Good News through community ministry since its founding in 1847. Underlying our mission in the community has been a commitment to basic Christian principles. Our community ministries have provided a vehicle for us to live out a Christian life. We have fed the hungry, helped those without jobs find work, cared for the ill, provided opportunities for underserved children and families, and brought hope to those in despair. We have learned that all are ministers of faith and can touch lives with our programs and services…” (Philosophy and Future Direction of Community Ministry at Trinity Episcopal Church-2005) Our intentions are carried out through a variety of ministries, including: Kairos and Kairos Outside An active group of lay parishioners regularly visits Angola Penitentiary, Dickson and Rayburn Prisons, and a group of female parishioners visits Hunt prison until such time as repairs are complete at St. Gabriel’s. Trinity Educational Enrichment Program (TEEP) For over 50 years, TEEP has offered academic courses, cultural enrichment and opportunities to explore the city and its environs. For six weeks, 80-100 children experience, at no cost, a safe and nurturing environment which has a life long impact on their development. Trinity Loaves and Fishes This ministry began in response to Hurricane Katrina with a goal of feeding residents and volunteers as they rebuilt their homes and our city. In the ensuing years it has developed into a feeding ministry of the homeless, children in need and those living with HIV/AIDS. A recent bequest by parishioner Bruce Walker will allow the ministry to greatly expand the scope of its mission. Trinity Medical Mission Each summer a team of medical professionals, Trinity parishioners and fellow travelers from across the country journey to Nicaragua for a week of service. Seeing at least 500 people and many animals per day, the participants are as keenly affected as are those they serve. Mary Margaret and John Hevron will lead their 25th and final trip in June 2018.

Undoing Racism As it has been for over thirty years, Trinity is focused on following the words of our Baptismal Covenant in leading us towards becoming an anti-racist church. For the past several years we have concentrated on holding workshops led by the People’s Institute. All vestry, clergy, staff and church leaders are asked to attend so that we might speak a common language and share an understanding of racism and its impact on us all. Through a strategic plan, steps are being made towards Trinity becoming a transformational church. In the fall of 2015, the Vestry voted to include in the church’s by-laws, the Principles of Undoing Racism as proposed by the committee, and these Principles and their action steps guide our work. Trinity is an active and vibrant church with many opportunities to serve both internally through pastoral ministries and in the wider community. Being in community with each other is recognized as a primary need for our members and is essential in carrying out our Christian faith.

Medical Mission “HAZ BIEN Y NO MIRES A QUIEN” Do good for others but don’t look for recognition. This is our motto and, of course in the end, the reason we keep returning every year is we get more than we give. The medical mission will be heading down to Nicaragua in June on our 26th annual trip. It is a privilege to work, serve, pray and play in this community of likeminded people in remote areas of the country away from the distractions of New Orleans. The bonds that develop in our community of volunteers is strong and a wonder to behold. During our week of service we visit 5 different pueblos and administer to the Medical, Dental, Pharmacy and Veterinary needs of the people and animals of the countryside. During the past quarter century we have saved or bettered hundreds of lives. This year we have a record number of participants from all corners of the United States numbering about 60. The mission stocks a full service free Pharmacy. Whether it be medicine for a respiratory infection, vitamins for pregnant women, or antifungal cream for foot infections among the local Coffee workers, all of these services are well appreciated by the citizens of the small towns we serve. Shirley Chisholm, the first Female African American member of Congress summed it up perfectly, "Service is the rent we pay for living on this earth. It’s not something you just do in your spare time, it is a way of life."

Trinity Loaves & Fishes: 30,800 Meals Served from 1,500 Volunteer Hours Trinity Loaves and Fishes (TLF) provides simple meals, six days a week, throughout the year to individuals and organizations within the New Orleans area. Using a classic “cold box” lunch truck, TLF aims to serve the hungry, homeless, elderly and children in need. Harkening back to its original mission, Trinity Loaves & Fishes also serves those who are engaged in the revitalization of New Orleans through our partnership with New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity. In 2017 we actively served twelve sites in the city; four of these solely benefited children (*). In addition to serving a simple lunch, clothing and other items are provided to the homeless during our truck excursions. Current Sites: The Rebuild Center Belle Reve NO AIDS Taskforce Project Lazarus St. Anna’s Episcopal Church* People’s United Methodist Church

Mercy Endeavors Senior Center New Orleans Mission St. Roch Community Church* Jesus Project Ministries* Tulane Drop-In Center APEX Youth Center*

Following the Tornado that impacted East New Orleans mid-February, TLF provided meals to those working on recovery efforts. A handful of volunteers loaded up supplies and provided an open heart, listening ear, and much needed nourishment for those who were impacted by the natural disaster. In October, Trinity partnered with several other faith groups to take part in Unity Build 2017. Friends and members of Trinity helped in the construction of a Habitat for Humanity house in one month’s time. Loaves & Fishes volunteers drove the truck out on site multiple days in the month to provide meals to the hard working construction volunteers. Fundraising efforts included a Cabaret, featuring the vocal styling of our own Anais St. John, a silent auction, and a buffet dinner. The event was a huge success and raised over $14,000! Additionally, we hosted a summer art raffle of two paintings painted by local artist Gustavo Trujillo. We were able to raise an additional $2,000 from this fundraiser. All proceeds go directly towards the purchasing of supplies and maintenance of the truck.

Molly’s House Molly’s House is a shared space, playing a pivotal role in welcoming and housing visiting groups while also being a safe space for the youth group of Trinity Church. Our goal is to be booked solid for two-thirds of the year. We currently do well during the summer and winter, as those are the busiest times for groups to travel. To better advertise Molly’s House, we are creating an updated tri-fold brochure to be distributed to surrounding dioceses. Episcopal Church groups make up the majority of our guest list and 20 groups stayed at Molly's House in 2017. Trinity is known as a top Episcopal Church in New Orleans and our guests know they will be taken care of during their stay. Many groups return multiple years to stay at Molly’s House. We offer the best rates in town and the maintenance and janitorial teams keep the house in excellent shape.

Kairos Ministry The Kairos Ministry team at Trinity seeks to bring the message of God’s presence, love, forgiveness, and power to incarcerated women and men as well as the female family and friends of the incarcerated men. Members of Trinity are invited to participate in monthly Communion services at our Diocesan Church of the Transfiguration at Angola, and for the ladies at the Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women a fifth Sunday of the month Communion Service and bi-monthly entertainment with a purpose showing movies with a Christian content or sparking discussions on Christian living. We are grateful for the support of the Parish and the Women of Trinity Church. During 2017, several Trinity parishioners have served on teams in the following ways:  On a Kairos retreat for 35 women from the Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women in St. Gabriel  On a Kairos Outside retreat for 30 female family and friends of incarcerated persons  On Kairos retreats at Angola, Dixon and Rayburn for a total of 200 men  Disciples of Christ in Community bi-monthly Bible study classes serving men from Angola’s Camp D

Trinity Educational Enrichment Program (TEEP) This summer TEEP celebrates its 51st year and Alvin Edinburgh’s leadership for 43 of those sessions. Once again there will be 80-85 children, rising fifth and sixth graders chosen from Orleans Parish schools. The six-week program is scheduled to run June 4th- July 13th and will include challenging core courses of math, language arts, science, music and art as well as field trips, swimming at a local pool and days in the country. Last year a PreK class was added and we will again have 15 students joining the TEEP family. A key component of TEEP is the discipline instilled in the children by Alvin Edinburgh and his team through the 5 R’s- Respect, Restraint, Redemption, Responsibility and Reciprocity. Years later, TEEP graduates talk about these affirming values learned as students and how they have impacted their lives. That Trinity has a role in this ministry of building grounded and energetic citizens for our community and our future truly lives out the church’s mission. With a budget of $112,288 for the 2018 TEEP session, we rely on Trinity members, the larger New Orleans community and the generosity of foundations to make this program possible. We thank you all for your support which allows TEEP to fulfill its mission of providing a summer learning experience for children in academics, life skills, performance and visual arts while encouraging them to develop positive self esteem.

Trinity Episcopal School Since 1960, Trinity Episcopal School has graduated students of exceptional academic and intellectual ability. Trinity students are highly sought after by local high schools because of the love of learning, capacity for hard work, and sense of personal responsibility they have developed in their years at Trinity. Trinity’s Statement of Mission reads Trinity Episcopal School's mission is to build confident and resilient upstanders on a foundation of academic excellence, moral responsibility, and faith to make a positive difference in the world. Further, the School has identified five characteristics that define the goals of the School's program: A Trinity Graduate is · an empathetic upstander who accepts the responsibility for improving life within the school, the larger community, and the world. · a reflective person who has the capacity for solemnity and a set of guiding principles stemming from daily chapel. · an ardent questioner who sees, thinks, and wonders about the world around him or her. · a fluent communicator whose voice is clear not only in spoken and written language but also in the fine and performing arts. · a collaborative learner who seeks to discover, consider, and respect multiple viewpoints. Trinity focuses on young children. It is a community for the young, where their intellectual and social aspirations are somewhat shielded from the pressures and temptations of high school and the world beyond. At Trinity, faith matters. Although the students and staff come from a wide variety of faith traditions, simple, regular Chapel services anchor the day and unite a purpose toward a perspective larger than self. Trinity takes very seriously its mission as a ministry of Trinity Church to build good students who are also, more importantly, good people.  Trinity Episcopal School is the largest ministry of the Church  The School holds daily Chapel services

 The School offers Religious Studies classes to all students, including those at Les Enfants  The 2016-2017 Trinity Titan Fund exceeded goal by 12.87%  The 2016-2017 Trinity Titan Fund increased participation by current families to 96.51%  We had 100% participation in the Trinity Titan Fund by Faculty, Staff, and the Board of Trustees  During his or her Eighth Grade year, each student leads a personalized Chapel service for the entire School community  Trinity Middle School students participated in over 25 Service Learning projects in 2016-2017  Daily art instruction by our Award-winning Fine Arts faculty results in the astonishing art that can be found on the walls of our school and Bishop Polk Hall  Trinity students excel annually on both the National French Exam and National Spanish Exam and a regularly recognized in other national and regional contests.

Sacred Music Program The Trinity Choir currently consists of 25 singers, including 10 professional section leaders. The choir sings for every Sunday and feast day throughout the year as well as the occasional concert. Due to the limitations of the choir’s placement in the church, recent experiments have been made to find other locations from which the choir might sing, particularly during Advent. In December, the choir was placed in chairs behind the altar, requiring the services of another organist (Marc Loudon, Associate Organist at Christ Church Cathedral). The new location was well-received by the congregation and much of the choir. Another experiment during Advent was the singing of an Introit at the beginning of the service prior to the opening hymn. An Introit is a chant sung to a prescribed text (usually a psalm) at the beginning of the Eucharistic liturgy on any given day. The texts of these Introits have been associated with the Sundays of Advent since antiquity, while the music was newly composed. Following the Introit, the hymn was sung to the accompaniment of bells only. The effect was well-received, and was appreciated as a way of marking the unique nature of the season. Additional Performances Included: Lenten Youth Choir -5 young singers took part in weekly rehearsals throughout Lent and sang with the Trinity Choir for the Maundy Thursday service. Many Moods of the Psalms -The Trinity Choir presented a program on singing the psalms in collaboration with Temple Sinai, St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church, and St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church on May 10th at Trinity. Ascension Day Service -Trinity celebrated the feast of the Ascension with a festive Choral Eucharist, including a bubble machine, on Thursday, May 24th. TEEP Sunday -Trinity Celebrated TEEP on July 9th with performances by the TEEP School Choir, the Trinity Choir, and Mark Anthony Thomas, tenor.

Vacation Bible School -Paul Weber taught a daily solfege and singing class during VBS week culminating in a liturgical walk through the church, demonstration of the pipe organ and singing of songs from the choir chairs with the organ. First Sunday with the New Rector -The Trinity Choir celebrated the arrival of our new rector with Charles Wood’s “O Thou the Central Orb of Righteous Love” and William Harris’ “Behold the Tabernacle of God” on the Feast of the Transfiguration, August 6th. Episcopal School Sunday -Trinity celebrated Trinity Episcopal School on Sunday, October 22nd, including the combined choirs of Trinity Church and Trinity School under the direction of Anais St. John, conductor, and Paul Weber, organist. Choral Evensong for All Saints Day -Choral Evensong was celebrated on All Saints’ Day, Wednesday, November 1st. The Trinity Choir sang a festive setting of the evening canticles by George Dyson, anthems, psalms and chants. The service was officiated by Andy Thayer with Jay Albert assisting. Paul Weber conducted and Christ Church Cathedral organist Jarrett Follette served as guest organist. A well-attended celebration was held after the service in Bishop Polk Hall. Celebration of a New Ministry -Our new rector was formally installed on Wednesday, November 29th. The Trinity School Bell Choir offered the prelude, while the Trinity Choir was joined by a brass ensemble for the hymns and anthems. The Gentilly Stompers accompanied the second line to a reception at the close of the service. Messiah -The Trinity Choir presented a program of pieces from Handel’s Messiah on Sunday, December 3rd accompanied by a string ensemble and conducted by Paul Weber from the harpsichord. A sing-along version of the “Hallelujah Chorus” closed the program. Krewe de Voix -Trinity hosted the second annual Christmas Concert of Krewe de Voix Chamber Choir, directed by Paul Weber. Despite North Shore snow, a hearty audience of 100 people came out to hear a program of Renaissance and Baroque Christmas music. Kit and Bill McLean gave a wine and cheese reception following the program.

Christmas -With Christmas falling on a Monday, the Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve fell on the same day. The Children’s liturgy, complete with bells, took place in the morning and the Trinity Choir was joined by a string chamber orchestra for the Christmas Eve services at 4:00 pm and 9:30 pm.

Women of Trinity Church (WOTC) WOTC Members, (which includes all women at Trinity Church), volunteer their time and talents and leadership with the following church ministries: Altar/Chapel Guilds, Bake Sales, Coffee Hours, Flower Guild, Funeral Committee, Helping Hands, Newcomers, Special Events, Rummage Sales, Trinity Treasures, the United Thank Offering, and the Wedding Committee. WOTC Grants Proceeds from two Rummage Sales, two Bake Sales, and Trinity Treasures fund a number of grants, both at Trinity and in the community. It is anticipated that again this year about $38,000 will be divided among the twenty-seven applicants for funding. Those at Trinity include the Altar Guild, ministries for Children, Youth, Young Families, and Young Adults, Bach Around the Clock and Artist Series, Kairos at Angola, St. Gabriel and Outside, Loaves and Fishes, Pastoral Care, the Garden, Trinity Educational Enrichment Program (TEEP) and church special requests. Community ministries include Eden House, Hope House, Jericho Road, Jesus Project Ministries, Loaves and Fishes Africa, Make Music NOLA and Youth Empowerment Project. Trinity Rummage Sales (Fall and Spring) Tuesday mornings find Co-chairs Laura Williams and Bruna Mora and a devoted group of volunteers sorting and pricing generously donated items for the Rummage Sales. These eagerly anticipated sales bring in parishioners, school faculty and many, many community shoppers seeking bargains and a friendly welcome. Pies and Sides Bake Sale On the Sunday before Thanksgiving and on Palm Sunday yummy baked goods and casseroles can be found to grace holiday tables. Eileen Gleason, Courtney Murphy, and Karyn Kearney, and the committee prepare and artistically display these treats that always sell out.

Trinity Treasures This beautiful boutique and bookstore is the last remaining one in our New Orleans Diocese. Staffed by an awesome team of volunteers, the shop not only raises funds toward our grants but also welcomes many visitors who come to Trinity. Linda Stone, Edie Darragh and Tina Grant are the managers who find the creative and unique items for sale. Special Events and Coffee Hour WOTC graciously hosts events throughout the year including but not limited to special events for the church congregation and the Coffee Hour following the Sunday morning services. These events and coffee hours are coordinated by Linda Diaz and Mary Lane Carleton. Flower Guild Each Sunday, the loving results of a talented group of women show forth the glory of God in the arrangements on the church and chapel altars. Hours are spent selecting the right flowers and creating a design that enhances our worship areas. Sarah Young has coordinated this ministry for the better part of fifteen years. Helping Hands Pam Cooper and her special team cook or deliver a meal or baked treat to a parishioner in need. Wedding Committee Beverly Lamb leads the committee that helps bridal parties make their weddings at Trinity memorable. 2017 Volunteer Award Kathy Eastman and Linda Stone shared the spotlight at our Annual Tea when they were honored as Outstanding Volunteers for their efforts in creating Trinity Treasures. There are volunteer and leadership opportunities for anyone and everyone in our church family. In the coming year, we will also expand and recognize the inclusion of the many men who volunteer in both our traditional WOTC ministries and other areas in the church. WOTC Leadership – 2017-2018 Executive Committee President – Mary Sutton; Treasurer/President – Elect – Bo Farrell; Recording Secretary – Melissa Dovie; Corresponding Secretary – Holt Kolb; At-Large Members: Mary Lane Carleton, Lori Gordillo, Beverly Lamb

Treasurer's Report The trend toward financial sustainability, which began in 2016 under the leadership of Rev. Carlisle, continued in the latter half of 2017 under our new Rector, Rev. Thayer. Through renewed support and engagement from the congregation, Trinity has continued on the path of living within its means and managing its finances as efficiently and effectively as possible. The resulting success through stewardship, expense management and from the sale of the rectory all enabled a surplus for the calendar year. This surplus was used to pay down debt and to begin to carefully expand outreach. While budgets remain tight in 2018, we believe that Trinity is positioned for continued stability and for long term growth and expansion of our mission and our community. Highlights include: Total Revenue The Church's total income rose 10% in 2017, driven primarily by a 10% increase in stewardship from the congregation. Total revenue rose from $2.4M in 2016 to $2.6M in 2017. As we begin 2018, the stewardship budget for the year sits slightly behind the 2017 total due to a slight decrease in pledging. However, we are optimistic that the congregation will rise to meet the record set in the previous year. The importance of this commitment cannot be overstated: Our ability to continually expand the work of Trinity Church depends on the continued generosity of our community, and attention to stewardship will remain a primary goal in this and future years. Expenses Even in a transition year, the management team continued to proactively manage expenses to ensure that we utilized our funding as responsibly as possible. Through increased control of staffing decisions, Trinity was able to keep staffing expenses, its largest expense category, relatively flat at $1.3M. Other operating expenses were also proactively managed to comparable 2016 levels, resulting in total operating expenses of $2.3M, relatively unchanged to the prior year. Assets Trinity's base of assets consists primarily of its physical plant ($10.1M), investments ($16.8M), and short term cash and receivables ($0.9M), including roughly $0.6M in cash and equivalents. Receivables declined slightly as both pledges and other obligations were successfully collected. Liabilities The continued efforts toward financial stability have borne tangible results, and nowhere is that more evident than in the level of debt that Trinity carries. At 2017

year-end, Trinity was in a position to pay down short term debt to $364K, down from over $700K at the same time last year. Long term debt was reduced from $965k at the end of 2016 to $770k at the end of 2017 through proceeds from the sale of the rectory and required principal payments. In total, debt was reduced $560k in 2017 which is close to one-third of the total debt load that was experienced at the end of 2016. Looking ahead to 2018, Trinity will continue to focus its efforts on stewardship to support its ever-expanding mission. The Church continues to push outward, expanding its reach of ministry to both Trinity members, as well as to others in this city. The generosity of the Trinity community has enabled this expansion to date, and we are confident that this continued generosity will ensure this shared work of our Church for many years to come.

May 7, 2017 Annual Meeting Minutes Recorded by Kelly Duncan, Vestry Clerk

The Rev. Michael “Corky” Carlisle opened the Trinity Episcopal Church Annual Parish Meeting at 11:55 a.m. with an opening prayer. SENIOR WARDEN REPORT Fr. Carlisle called upon Senior Warden John Fay to deliver his report and Mr. Fay reported the following:  Reforms have been undertaken by the Vestry to ensure transparency relative to Church finances and the budget. A Budget Committee has been created and the budget cycle has been modified to coincide with Stewardship on a calendar year basis.  The sale of the Rectory will create a housing allowance for the new Rector and will save the Church capital expenses and $40,000 to $50,000 in operating costs associated with utilities and maintenance. Isabelle Sanders is especially thanked for her assistance in connection with the sale of the Rectory.  Working with Fr. Carlisle during the past 10 months has been a tremendous joy and Fr. Carlisle is particularly thanked for his energy and guidance in helping the Trinity congregation understand the importance of Stewardship and of sharing what we have.  Rev. Smith is thanked for his leadership and dedication to Trinity while we awaited the arrival of Rev. Carlisle.  Paul Weber carries on the tradition of Trinity Church’s unsurpassed music program.  The members of the Vestry are thanked for their time and support during the past year. TREASURER’S REPORT Keith Crawford gave the following report:  The leadership of John Fay and Fr. Carlisle with respect to a renewed commitment to Stewardship has resulted in a rebound in the finances of the Church in the latter half of 2016.

 The Vestry has created transparent and open access to the financials of the Church which now will be on the Trinity Church website.  The Church is budgeted to record a small surplus for the first time in five years while at the same time paying down long term debt. REPORT OF THE SEARCH COMMITTEE  Chairpersons Kathy Eastman and King Logan gave a brief update relative to the search for a new Rector stating that site visits have been completed and that a recommendation would be made in May.

DEPARTING VESTRY MEMBERS AND NEW VESTRY MEMBERS Fr. Carlisle and Senior Warden Fay recognized and thanked the four departing Vestry members: Dawn Buckley, King Logan, Heather Lonian and Jonathan Shaver. Fr. Carlisle told the congregation that the results of the voting for the new Vestry members would be reported next week. Fr. Carlisle closed the meeting with a prayer at 12:35 p.m.

VESTRY John Fay, Jr., Senior Warden Barbara Waller, Junior Warden Kelly Duncan, Clerk of Vestry Keith Crawford, Treasurer Philip Gordillo Elaine Haney John Hevron Ellinor Howard

Susu Kearney Gordon Kolb Heather Lonian Chris Martin

Margaret Murphy Alice Parkerson Marguerite Redwine Jim Theis Carrie Wright

John Wogan, Chancellor Mary Sutton, WOTC President Jill Pipes, School Board President

CLERGY The Rev. Andrew R. Thayer Rector The Rev. Katherine S. McLean, Associate Rector The Rev. John M. Pitzer, Associate Rector The Rev. E. Gary Taylor, Head of School The Rev. Alyce Jefferson, Deacon The Rev. Jay Albert, Deacon The Rev. Dr. Hill C. Riddle, Rector Emeritus

TRINITY EPISCOPAL SCHOOL BOARD OF TRUSTEES Jill McKay Pipes, Chair Conlee Whitely, Vice Chair Trey Reymond, Treasurer Paige Morrison, Secretary Alvin Edinburgh Nina Griswold Fitch Bryan Fitzpatrick Rivers Lelong Claire McIntire

John Morton Tory Nieset Katherine Raymond Richard Roth

Liz Roussel Will Russell David Schonberg Elizabeth Woods Min Yang

STAFF Ashley Bond, Director of Children & Youth Ministries Kriste Buck, Publications/Database/Website Ashley Eastham, Executive Assistant to Clergy Maria Elliott, Director of Pastoral Care Tina Grant, Administrative Assistant Corrinne Mestayer, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Operating Officer Patrice Mimitte, Business Office/Stewardship Assistant Adrian Pogue, Sexton Albinas Prizgintas, Artist Series Raina O’Neil, Director of Development and Communications Mary Sutton, Verger Paul Weber, Organist/Choirmaster Scott Webster, Loaves and Fishes/Mission Director Mike West, Director of Facilities and Maintenance

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