why trinity
• We hold Chapel daily to promote community, morality, mindfulness, spirituality, and faith.
• Our program shapes student character, helping each of them develop self-confidence, compassion, and a global perspective.
• Challenging academics focus on process; we teach children how to most effectively learn.
• Trinity is co-educational and child-centered; our student leaders and role models are Eighth Graders.
• Our community is inclusive; we welcome every race, religion, sexual orientation, and background.
7Field trips taken by the Preschool every year
$1.8 MilliOn Renovation of the Pink House 150 Pink popsicles consumed every year at Pink Party
every day at trinity
Children are discovering who they are and developing the talents they have to make the world a better place.
72 MinuTEs of learning through outside play every day at the Pink House
Different sports teams 19
Gross of Beads
thrown at the Krewe of Kindergarten Mardi Gras Parade
$100,000+ invested in Teacher Development every year
Consecutive years Trinity has medalled nationally on the French and spanish exams
French songs sung at the Third Grade’s la Pastorale
Different opportunities after school 31+
950+ number of student pieces fired in the school kiln every year
Tech Devices used each day for student learning
27 Performances every year
8 Days on the Eighth Grade Wilderness Experience
$ trinity by the numbers
11 social Events planned by the Trinity Parents’ Group every year
450,000+ a year is dedicated to need-based tuition assistance
“Trinity is a great place to grow up.”
Current Parent
“Choosing Trinity is the best investment you can make in your child’s education.”
Past Parent
The number of teachers that a First Grade student sees
100% of Trinity graduates go to college