Tidings April 2017

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TIDINGS Trinity’s Mission: Acting in God’s love, Trinity Episcopal Church welcomes everyone to enthusiastically live the Christian faith. We call our members to worship and prayer, lifelong education, spiritual growth, cheerful giving, and active ministry with our community. All members serve as witnesses to Jesus Christ.

Vol. XXVI No. 4 April 2017

Holy Week Services Inside this Issue Stewardship page 2 Christian Formation page 2 Children and Family Ministries page 3 Vestry Nominees page 4, 5 Young Adults page 6 Trinity Connections pages 6, 7

PALM SUNDAY, April 9 7:30 AM: Morning Prayer, chapel 8:00 AM: Holy Eucharist, chapel 10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist, church 5:00 PM: Trinity Artist Series, church 6:00 PM: Holy Eucharist, chapel 8:00 PM: Jazz Vespers, church MONDAY, April 10 7:30 AM: Holy Eucharist, chapel TUESDAY, April 11 7:30 AM: Holy Eucharist, chapel WEDNESDAY, April 12 7:30 AM: Holy Eucharist, chapel 5:30 PM: Holy Eucharist, chapel, 6:00 PM: Simple Supper, 6:30 PM: Class MAUNDY THURSDAY, April 13 10:30 AM: Healing service and Holy Eucharist, chapel 6:30 PM: Maundy Thursday service, church GOOD FRIDAY, April 14 12:00 noon: Liturgy of Good Friday, church 6:30 pm: Liturgy of Good Friday, church SATURDAY EASTER SERVICE, April 15 4:00 PM: Holy Baptism, chapel EASTER SUNDAY, April 16 7:30 AM: Morning Prayer, chapel 8:00 AM: Holy Eucharist, church 10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist, church 5:00 PM: Trinity Artist Series, church 6:00 PM: Holy Eucharist, chapel The church offices will close at noon on Good Friday and will be closed all day Monday, April 17.


by Barbara Waller, Junior Warden

Christian Formation

2017 Budget Overview

The Many Moods of the Psalms

To strengthen our financial stewardship of the gifts you share with Trinity, the Vestry and Finance Committee took the following steps: • Shifted the budget cycle to run from January 1 to December 31. This aligns with how most of us plan our pledges and donations to the church. The church’s fiscal year remains the same, running from July 1 to June 30, as does that of Trinity School. This allows us to combine our audits and reduce double work and expense. • Established a Budget Subcommittee to closely review each income and expense category and develop the preliminary 2017 budget. The Budget Subcommittee worked with the Stewardship Committee, Development Director and Chief Financial Officer to estimate pledges and other sources of funds. Because most of you turned in your pledges by mid-December, there was much better information and much less guesswork involved in projecting income. Thank you. On the expense side, members of the subcommittee met with clergy, department heads and ministry leaders to develop a good understanding of critical needs, as well as where there might be opportunities for belt-tightening. The Vestry approved a balanced budget that provides the following: 1. Maintenance of staff at current levels to ensure we can fulfill our mission 2. Partial reinstatement of grants from the Vincent Memorial Legacy 3. Maintenance of the $24k allocation to Hope House for Direct Services 4. Paying down of the debt: long term by $37k; short term by $77k For more specific information, please review the budget summary available on the link below [https://trinitynola.com/financials]. Treasurer Keith Crawford will review the church’s financial position at our annual meeting May 7. If you have questions before then, feel free to contact him at klc@loftingroup.com or Barbara Waller at barbara.waller@ laitram.com.

Save the Date: May 2


A four-week interfaith program. Each session begins with dinner. $8 per person per week. April 19 from 6:00-7:30 pm at St. Charles Presbyterian Church 1545 State Street, NOLA 70118 Favorite psalm introduced by Rabbi Edward Paul Cohn. The evening’s lesson will be led by Reverend Donald Frampton. April 26 from 6:00-7:30 pm at St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church 7100 St. Charles Avenue, NOLA 70118 Favorite psalm introduced by Reverend Donald Frampton. The evening’s lesson will be led by Reverend Elizabeth Lott. May 3 from 6:00-7:30 pm at Congregation Temple Sinai 6227 St. Charles Avenue, NOLA 70118 Favorite psalm introduced by Reverend Elizabeth Lott. The evening’s lesson will be co-led by Rabbis Matthew A. Reimer and Edward Paul Cohn. May 10 from 6:00-7:30 pm at Trinity Episcopal Church 1329 Jackson Avenue, NOLA 70130 Favorite psalm introduced by the Reverend Michael E. Carlisle and Rabbi Edward Paul Cohn. The Church organist and choirmaster, Paul Weber, will coordinate a Choral Concert and hymn sing on the Psalms featuring Cantor Joel Colman of Temple Sinai and the combined choirs of our houses of worship.

Fellowship for Moms

We are starting a Moms’ Bible Study for fellowship, teaching, prayer and support! Our first gathering is on Wednesday, April 26, from 8:15 am to 9:15 am, in the Howcott Board Room. We will consider many options for how we want to spend this time together and what we would like to study as a community. Email Ashley Bond at abond@trinitynola.com if you would to be a part of this! All are welcome!

Adult Confirmation

Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation are rooted in the baptismal covenant. Adults interested in being confirmed, received into the Episcopal Church or reaffirming baptismal vows, please contact aeastham@trinitynola.com for additional information.

Children & Family Ministries Children’s Ministry

We are now in our final season of Godly Play. The lessons over the next few weeks introduce/reintroduce to the children the relationship of Lent to the Mystery of Easter and we will remember together the stories of Christ’s journey toward the cross and resurrection. Our older classes will hear new lessons that present Jesus’ public ministry and the relation of his presence to the whole Christian language system. Our Spring Godly Play team includes Kirsten Breckinridge and Jill May for GP1 (PK/K), Brianne Rome and Anna Breax for GP2 (1st-2nd) and Ashley Bond for GP3 (3rd-5th). Please join us in welcoming our newest Godly Play practitioner, Anna Breax! Anna is originally from Augusta, GA, and moved to New Orleans to attend Tulane. She is a CPA and tax attorney currently at home with her two year old son, James. Her other interests include being the treasurer of the Preservation Resource Center, a child advocate with CASA Jefferson, and a member of the Board of Directors of Easterseals Louisiana. Also, she is in the first year of EfM! Anna joined the Godly Play ministry to deepen her spiritual experience by seeing it through the eyes of children. Welcome, Anna! We are blessed to have you.

Youth Ministry

The Episcopal church at large is trying to redefine the role and requirements of Confirmation in the hopes that young people will remain in the congregation until college calls them away. Therefore, we are making a shift in how we prepare our younger members for Confirmation. Rather than condense Confirmation into a short series of classes, we will expand our program over a number of years to span across their fellowship, bible study, service and worship opportunities throughout the church year. By the time they take their baptismal vows on for themselves, they will have had a good deal of practice and awareness of what that will mean for them as they travel into their adult lives. We will launch a new program called Journey to Adulthood (J2A), an Episcopal curriculum developed by St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Durham, NC. The two guiding principles of the J2A program are: 1) Manhood and Womanhood are free gifts from God and 2) Adulthood must be earned. Over the next several months, we will begin introducing the program to youth, parents and the congregation as a whole.

Trinity Annual Meeting and Vestry Voting The Annual Meeting of Trinity Church will be held Sunday, May 7, 2017, immediately following the 10:30 am service, in the Bishop Polk Hall. Four Vestry members are elected each year. In accordance with Article Three of the Charter of Trinity Church, polls for the casting of absentee ballots for the election of Vestry members will be open as follows: • Sunday, April 30, 9:00 – 10:30 am and 11:50 am – 12:30 pm in the foyer of Bishop Polk Hall • Monday, May 1 - Friday, May 5 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm in Ashley Eastham’s office in the undercroft • Wednesday night, May 3 from 6:00 – 6:30 pm in the foyer of Bishop Polk Hall • Sunday, May 7 from 9:00 – 10:30 am in the foyer of Bishop Polk Hall In accordance with Article Four of the Charter, members of Trinity Church eligible to vote are those baptized persons who have been members of this Parish for at least six months prior to the Annual Meeting, who are at least 17 years old, and who paid at least one dollar toward the maintenance of this Parish during the six months preceding the Annual Meeting date, as evidenced by the Treasurer’s books. In accordance with Article Five of the Charter, any ten parishioners may by written petition nominate eligible members of the Parish to be voted on at the Annual Meeting; the petition must be presented to the Rector or the Senior Warden no later than April 18, 2017. Election results will be reported by phone to all candidates on the afternoon of the Annual Meeting and announced to the congregation in Tidings. 3

Vestry Nominees

Kirsten Breckinridge

Philip Gordillo

Heather Lonian

KIRSTEN BRECKINRIDGE Occupation: Independent Consultant for philanthropy, non-profits and government entities. Member of Trinity: 9 years. Church Activities: Godly Play Doorkeeper; Godly Play Substitute as well as helped with the Children’s Christmas Pageant, and Roots and Sprouts. Past - DOCC, Trinity Undoing Racism; the Jeremiah Group. What would you like to see for Trinity Church in the future? With the promise and leadership of a new Rector, I would like to see Trinity regain its financial footing so that it can fully invest in community outreach and services. I would like to see a thriving and sustained youth and families program that supports youth from birth to young adulthood and instructs them on the importance and values of faith and a church community. And finally, I would like to see all members reinvigorated and refreshed in their faith in hopes that this translates to vibrant volunteers and support for Trinity’s many programs that show the love of God/Christ to our community and world. PHILIP EDWARD GORDILLO Occupation: Senior Group Manager and SVP, Whitney Bank. Member of Trinity: 12 years. Church Activities: Finance Committee; Usher; Undoing Racism Workshop. What would you like to see for Trinity Church in the future? With God’s blessing, the future of Trinity Church will remain in the hands of its members, and it is incumbent upon clergy and vestry to recognize the evolving needs of the congregation to ensure that existing members are properly cared for and new members find it a welcoming place of worship. Trinity has had a long and rich history in New Orleans, and we must continue to provide leadership in the community, which is essential to the destiny of our beloved city. Finally, Trinity should always act in a fiscally sustainable manner in order to ensure that we are thriving in another 170 years. HEATHER LONIAN Occupation: Attorney. Member of Trinity: 8 years. Church Activities: Current: Vestry; VML Committee; Current Rector Search Committee. What would you like to see for Trinity Church in the future? I would like to see Trinity continue its efforts to become a more welcoming, transparent community to both newcomers and long-time parishioners. I would also like Trinity to maintain and strengthen its tradition of community outreach while redoubling its inreach to Trinity family members of all ages, viewpoints, identities, and life experiences. ROB STEINFELD Occupation: Financial Planner. Member of Trinity: 14 years. Church Activities: Current: Community Ministries Committee. Past: Sunday School Teacher (2005-2012), VML Committee (2007-2013). What would you like to see for Trinity Church in the future? I would like Trinity Church (1) to continue its spiritual mission spreading Christ’s message of love and understanding; (2) to solidify its financial foundations through coordinated fundraising and pledging; and (3) to expand its outreach to the neighboring community through collaboration, volunteering, and great giving.

Rob Steinfeld


Vestry Nominees

Ben Dupuy

BEN DUPUY Occupation: Managing Director, Enhanced Capital, Tax Credit Investment. Member of Trinity:3 1/2 years. Other Activities: Preservation Resource Center of New Orleans, Louisiana Museum Foundation, Metropolitan Crime Commission and Louisiana Trust for Historic Preservation. Former vestry member of Christ Church Georgetown in Washington, DC. What would you like to see for Trinity Church in the future? I am grateful that the Trinity community has been incredibly welcoming to my family since we moved home to New Orleans 3 1/2 years ago. I would like to see that welcoming posture continue to be extended to our new Rector, new clergy, and new parishioners. I would like to see our clergy, especially our new Rector, inspire us to fulfill our faith by doing all we can to help our community at large, bring us together as a congregation, and, to the extent possible, steer away from political issues that have the potential to be divisive and distracting. CARRIE LEWIS

Carrie Lewis

Occupation: CPA Vice President and Recruiting Manager, Robert Half Finance and Accounting. Member of Trinity: 11 years. Church Activities: Current: Lector Past: Welcoming Committee; Chair Annual Stewardship Campaign; Trinity School Board; Co-Chair of Annual Giving Trinity School. What would you like to see for Trinity Church in the future? Trinity’s wide and diverse array of missions and outreach programs are the outward sign of our love for all and perfectly compliment the welcome and warmth our parishioners share with one another and all visitors who join us. Our family has felt this love and warmth since the moment we first arrived, and I hope Trinity will continue to expand on her missions, variety of ways to give back and welcome all at every opportunity. Our children’s programs, youth group and young people’s missions and activities are the building blocks to continue to grow our parish and allow all ages to learn the utmost important of sharing our time, treasure and talents as much and as often as possible. ALICE BLAKEMORE PARKERSON Occupation: Development Executive and Accounting Manager for a private foundation; Retail Manager. Member of Trinity: Lifelong except for 15 years

Alice Parkerson

Caroline “Carrie” Wright

in Nashville, TN. Church Activities: Current - Search Rector Search Committee; Lay Eucharistic Minister; Altar Guild; Planned Giving Committee. Past - Vincent Memorial Legacy Fund Committee; Medical Mission Participant; Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. What would you like to see for Trinity Church in the future? It is my hope that Trinity will be the beacon of hope, love, and fellowship to all who are called to be a part of our community. I would like to see us strengthen our role as ministers to each other and throughout the broader community by using the God given gifts of our congregants. I look forward to embracing our next Rector and building together the next chapter in Trinity’s history. CAROLINE “CARRIE” WRIGHT Occupation: Math Teacher. Member of Trinity: Lifelong. Church Activities: TEEP; Young Adults; Lector Organizer; EFM; Youth Leader; Chalice Bearer; Chaperone for Youth Trips; Lector. What would you like to see for Trinity Church in the future? I would like to see a smooth transition for the new Rector. I would also like to see more emphasis on youth programs and more transparency on the youth programs. I would like to see the continued emphasis on liturgy, outreach, and undoing racism in the community. 5

Trinity’s 20s and 30s by Ashley Eastham, Young Adults Minister (aeastham@trinitynola.com)

Lenten Study: Uncommon Gratitude

This weekly discussion-based group continues throughout Lent, based on select readings from Uncommon Gratitude: Alleluia for All That Is by Joan Chittister & Rowan Williams. Come to consider tough questions and prepare to unearth your Allelulia. Tuesdays concluding on April 11, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm at The Easthams’ (4628 Mandeville Street, NOLA 70122). Contact aeastham@trinitynola.com for the reading schedule.

Saturday Service with Trinity Loaves & Fishes

On Saturday, April 8, from 12:30 pm to 4:00 pm, volunteers will make sandwiches, load the TLF truck with meals for 100+ and visit the APEX youth center (http://apexyouthcenter.org/about/) to disperse meals and spend time with youth in the Central City neighborhood. Please contact aeastham@trinitynola.com if you can help!

Happy Oyster Hour

Let’s gather for Happy Hour (and oysters!) on Thursday, April 20, from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm at Superior Seafood (4338 St. Charles Avenue, NOLA 70115). Complimentary raw and charbroiled oysters! Cash bar with happy hour specials. See you there!

Trinity Connections Women of Trinity Church Palm Sunday Bake Sale April 9

The popular, annual Palm Sunday Pies and Sides Bake Sale will begin following the 8:00 am service and will be open after the 10:30 service. Donations of baked goods, soups and casseroles can be dropped off prior to the sale and put in the refrigerator in Bishop Polk Hall. Please remember to label your items, Bake Sale. If you have questions, please contact Sandy Courvoisier at scourvoisier@cox.net or Sarah Feirn at sarahsfeirn@gmail.com 6

The Search Committee continues to meet weekly and has carefully reviewed all applications from a strong and well qualified group of candidates. We conducted Skype interviews in March, and we then plan site visits with finalists beginning this month. We feel we are still on course to call our new rector by late spring. As always, we ask that you keep Trinity and the search process in your prayers.

Trinity Connections Walking the Mourner’s Path Transforming Grief into Joyful Living

Walking the Mourner’s Path is a Christ-centered, non-denominational grief support program. We believe grieving is not lack of faith but a natural part of living. Walking the Mourner’s Path is: • Eight spiritually directed small group workshops • Led by trained facilitators and a member of the clergy Walking the Mourner’s Path Workshop participants find: • That while their pain is unique they are not alone on their journey • The need to allow Christ to be a part of both the pain and the healing • Tools for moving forward with their life • A way to honor their loved one • Joy A group will be forming on Tuesdays 4:00-5:30 pm beginning on April 25 and meeting for eight weeks. The facilitators are Bo Farrell, Maria Elliott, and The Reverend Kit McLean. Please contact Maria at melliott@trinitynola.com or 504-670-2535 if you are interested in walking the mourner’s path.

Prison Ministry

Many thanks to the Trinity families who volunteered to pray for the Kairos Outside weekend March 31-April 2.

Trinity Connections

Out and About You are invited to tour

University Medical Center Friday, April 28 Carpool departs from Trinity at 9:30 am Join us for a trip out and about to see the beautiful artwork and architecture of the new University Medical Center. We will have a guided tour of the new teaching hospital and then go down Canal Street for an early lunch at Mandina’s. The tour is free and the lunch is Dutch Treat. Call or email Maria at 670-2535 or melliott@trinitynola.com

New Book Group Coming

For some time we have talked about forming a weekday book group at Trinity and now we begin! The first proposed meeting is Monday, April 3 at noon and we invite you to start reading Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult. Many of you are familiar with her novels of which this is the latest. “With incredible empathy, intelligence and candor, Jodi Picoult tackles race, privilege, prejudice, justice and compassion-and doesn’t offer any easy answers.” To claim this is a thought-provoking book is an understatement. The group will be facilitated by Diannne Schlosser, retired long time librarian at McGehee’s and several other schools. If this time doesn’t work for you, consider hosting your own book group to discuss this provocative book. Please contact Maria Elliott at 670-2535 or Cathy Posey at 376-5284 with questions and for more information.

Court Appointed Special Advocates

Trinity Artist Series Sundays at 5 pm April 2

Dillard University Concert Choir, Carver

April 9 2 pm: 5 pm:

TWO concerts The Hall Concert Band (63 piece orchestra) and Jazz Bands (two traditional 20 piece big bands) of West Hartford, Connecticut. From Classical to traditional marches and Jazz standards. St. Cloud 50 Voices Concert Choir and 25 piece Orchestra from Minnesota, in a varied program from Classical through contemporary.

April 16

Nichols State University Music Department celebrating Easter with the Voices from the studio of Dr. Valerie Francis and Dr. Kenneth Klaus. Opera workshop and strings.

Davenport director, Spring Concert

Wednesday, April 19 at 3 pm: Oshkosh North 45 Voices Choir from Wisconsin in a varied program of classical favorites. April 23 2 pm: 5 pm:

TWO Concerts Lusher Orchestra and Choir Spring Concert. The New Orleans Trombone Choir directed by John Risey.

April 30

Patrick Parker, organist from Houston. Music by Olivier Messiaen and Max Reger.

Every Tuesday at 6 pm Organ and Labyrinth. Albinas plays the 5000-pipe tracker organ with ambient lighting and occasional guest musicians. From Bach to the Beatles and beyond! Since Katrina, a unique and magical distiinctively New Orleans musical meditation. All are welcome. See www.albinas.org for more details.

6th Annual Lenten Jazz Vespers A short evening meditation featuring New Orleans top jazz musicians from 8:00 to 8:30 pm. The spiritual nature of jazz blends with Bible readings and Prayer in a spirited Lenten Offering. April 2 Preservation Hall saxophonist Calvin Johnson. April 9

THE LAST 2017 Jazz Vespers with Delfeayo Marsalis, international saxophonist.

Congratulations to Ben Haney and Anna Breaux who were sworn in as CASA’s in Jefferson Parish on February 15, 2017. 7


1329 Jackson Avenue New Orleans, Louisiana 70130-5198 504-522-0276 Fax 504-522-9960 www.trinitynola.com

Return Service Requested

Please remember Trinity Church in your will.


Worship Schedule

The Right Reverend Morris K. Thompson, Bishop The Reverend Michael E. Carlisle, Interim Rector The Reverend Mitchell T. Smith, Associate Rector The Reverend Katherine S. McLean, Associate Rector The Reverend Alyce Jefferson, Deacon The Reverend Jay Albert, Deacon The Reverend E. Gary Taylor, Head of Trinity School The Reverend Dr. Hill C. Riddle, Rector Emeritus

SUNDAY 7:30 AM: Morning Prayer in the chapel 8:00 AM: Eucharist in the chapel 10:30 AM: Eucharist in the church 5:00 PM: Trinity Artist Series in the church 6:00 PM: Eucharist in the chapel 8:00 PM: Jazz Vespers in the church

Vestry John Fay, Jr., Senior Warden Barbara Waller, Junior Warden Kelly Duncan, Clerk of Vestry Keith Crawford, Treasurer Dawn Buckley, Elaine Haney, John Hevron, Ellinor Howard, Susu Kearney, Gordon Kolb, King Logan, Chris Martin, Margaret Murphy, Marguerite Redwine, Jonathan Shaver, Jim Theis John Wogan, Chancellor Karyn Kearney, WOTC President Sandy Villere, Trinity School Board Chair

MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:30 AM: Eucharist in the chapel (ending April 12) TUESDAY 7:30 AM: Eucharist in the chapel 8:30 AM: Morning Prayer in the chapel 12:15 PM: Centering Prayer in the church WEDNESDAY 5:30 PM: Eucharist in the chapel Simple supper to follow (ending April 12) THURSDAY 10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist and Healing Service in the chapel

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