April 2018 Tidings

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TIDINGS Trinity’s Mission: Acting in God’s love, Trinity Episcopal Church welcomes everyone to enthusiastically live the Christian faith. We call our members to worship and prayer, lifelong education, spiritual growth, cheerful giving, and active ministry with our community. All members serve as witnesses to Jesus Christ.

Vol. XXVII No. 4 April 2018

Holy Week Services PALM SUNDAY, March 25 7:30 AM: Morning Prayer, chapel 8:00 AM: Holy Eucharist, chapel 10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist, church 5:00 PM: Trinity Artist Series, church 6:00 PM: Holy Eucharist, chapel 8:00 PM: Jazz Vespers, church MONDAY, March 26 7:30 AM: Holy Eucharist, chapel TUESDAY, March 27 7:30 AM: Holy Eucharist, chapel WEDNESDAY, March 28 7:30 AM: Holy Eucharist, chapel 5:30 PM: Quiet Eucharist, chapel, MAUNDY THURSDAY, March 29 10:30 AM: Healing Service and Holy Eucharist, chapel 6:30 PM: Maundy Thursday service, church GOOD FRIDAY, March 30 12:00 noon: Liturgy of Good Friday, church SATURDAY EASTER SERVICE, March 31 4:00 PM: Holy Baptism, chapel 7:18 PM: Easter Vigil Bonfire, school field (see page 2 for more information) EASTER SUNDAY, April 1 7:30 AM: Morning Prayer, chapel 8:00 AM: Holy Eucharist, church 10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist, church 5:00 PM: Trinity Artist Series, church 6:00 PM: Holy Eucharist, chapel The church offices will close at noon on Good Friday and will be closed all day Monday, April 2.

Gratitude Report “Stewardship is everything we do, with everything we have, all the time.” ~ The Rev. John Talbird Our newly-formed, year-round stewardship committee gets to do some really fun things. One of those is looking for new ways to express our gratitude and say “Thank you.” We think we’ve found a great way to do that for our Worship Committee (that would be our Greeters, Ushers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Guild, Flower Guild, and Acolytes). These volunteers work tirelessly to keep the nametags in order, bulletins available and distributed before services, welcome parishioners into Chapel and Church, organize acolytes, beautify the sanctuary and so, so much more.

This April, during Eastertide, when the outdoors beckons and Spring is in full swing, our natural inclination is to start fresh and do a little cleaning. So we ask you to join us in a little spring cleaning gathering April 15th after the Annual Meeting. We are going to say thanks with our hands and hearts by sprucing up the church and chapel! Know a squeakykneeler in need of grease? We can fix it. Pew pencils missing or too dull for writing? Your 5 year-old can fix that. Your time and energy are a gift to our entire community, and everyone is welcome.

For more information on how you can help, just call, text or email me, Michelle Cox at (504) 296-8456 or michelle@chenault.net, or contact any member of the Stewardship committee. No need to RSVP - just show up April 15th after the annual meeting ready to work. And, thank you!

Almighty God, in giving us dominion over things on earth, you made us fellow workers in your creation: Give us wisdom and reverence so to use the resources of nature, that no one may suffer from our abuse of them, and that generations yet to come may continue to praise you for your bounty; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Easter Vigil Bonfire

On Saturday, March 31, Trinity will host an Easter Vigil Bonfire, beginning at 7:18 pm as the sun is setting. As we kindle the Easter fire, we will share stories from the Easter Vigil service and prepare to unearth our Alleluia. Following worship, attendees are invited to stay cozy around the fire for a social hour.

Trinity Church First Annual Easter Egg Hunt Hosted by the Families of Trinity Church

Sunday, April 1 at 12:00 pm RSVP Abond@trinitynola.com


Trinity Connections A Financial Update

Thanks to your generous giving in 2017 and careful cost management by clergy and staff, Trinity Church had one of the most financially successful years on record. Not only were we able to effectively operate within our planned calendar year budget, we were also able to substantially reduce our debt, putting us on much sounder footing for the years to come. Now into 2018, based on your generous pledges, our operating budget has been formed to include: growth in our formation programs by adding a staff person dedicated to our youth program; a three year plan of incremental increases to funding for our VML grant program; facility enhancements geared towards accessibility and inclusion; and employing the most faithful and dedicated clergy and staff. From the Vestry and Finance Committee, we thank you again for the gifts you have bestowed on the Church and we look forward to a fruitful 2018. Total Bank Debt $1,800,000







$750,000 Dec-16















Dec-16 $1,692,981

Jan-17 $1,610,072

Feb-17 $1,609,477

Mar-17 $1,560,215

Apr-17 $1,550,479

May-17 $1,539,102

Jun-17 $1,352,189

Jul-17 $1,433,274

Aug-17 $1,525,764

Sep-17 $1,548,316

Oct-17 $1,573,871

Nov-17 $1,567,895

Dec-17 $1,529,617

Jan-18 $1,335,773
















Trinity Annual Meeting and Vestry Voting The Annual Meeting of Trinity Church will be held Sunday, April 15, 2018, immediately following the 10:30 am service, in Bishop Polk Hall. Four Vestry members are elected each year. In accordance with Article Three of the Charter of Trinity Church, polls for the casting of absentee ballots for the election of Vestry members will be open as follows: • Sunday, April 8, 9:00 – 10:30 am and 11:50 am – 12:30 pm in the foyer of Bishop Polk Hall • Monday, April 9 - Friday, April 13 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm in Ashley Eastham’s office in the undercroft • Wednesday night, April 11 from 6:00 – 6:30 pm in the foyer of Bishop Polk Hall • Sunday, April 15 from 9:00 – 10:30 am in the foyer of Bishop Polk Hall In accordance with Article Four of the Charter, members of Trinity Church eligible to vote are those baptized persons who have been members of this Parish for at least six months prior to the Annual Meeting, who are at least 17 years old, and who contributed to the maintenance of this Parish during the six months preceding the Annual Meeting date, as evidenced by the Treasurer’s books. In accordance with Article Five of the Charter, any ten parishioners may by written petition nominate eligible members of the Parish to be voted on at the Annual Meeting; the petition must be presented to the Rector or the Senior Warden no later than April 6, 2018. Election results will be reported by phone to all candidates on the afternoon of the Annual Meeting and announced to the congregation in Tidings. 3

Vestry Nominees

Michelle Chenault Cox

James C “Cres” Gardner III

Beverly Rose Lamb


MICHELLE CHENAULT COX Occupation: Independent Consultant, Personal Trainer. Member of Trinity: 23 years. Church Activities: Past: Interim Youth Director; Eucharistic Minister; Godly Play Storyteller (4 years); certified in Safeguarding God’s Children and completed TURN training. Current: Serving on the new year-round Stewardship Committee and writer Daily Meditations. What would you like to see for Trinity Church in the future? I would like to see Trinity continue to support our youngest parishioners with robust programs for spiritual development as well as opportunities for participation in 10:30 am and 6:00 pm Sunday services, continuation of Godly Play, the hiring of a full time youth minister and a year round focus on giving to this home we call Trinity.

JAMES C “CRES” GARDNER III Occupation: Commercial Real Estate Broker and Investor. Member of Trinity: 15 years. Church Activities: Trinity Search Committee (2017); Rector Transition Committee (Chair); Stewardship Committee 2016 (co-chair); Vestry Member (2006-2008); VML Committee (Chair); Diocesan Convention Delegate (2009); Education for Ministry (EFM) Graduate, Building and Grounds Committee, Jackson-Avenue Micro-Enterprise (Chair). What would you like to see for Trinity Church in the future? Trinity is a vibrant community under the leadership of a dynamic rector, strong staff and strong lay and ordained team. I believe that our key responsibility as church leaders involves facilitating growth while continuing to nurture our current congregation. I believe Trinity has the capacity and resources to be a force in the community and in the lives of its parishioners and want to see it continue to live out this mission for years to come.

BEVERLY ROSE LAMB Occupation: Retired Professional Fundraiser (Preservation Resource Center of New Orleans 22 years) Member of Trinity: 34 years. Church Activities: Current: Chair Wedding Guild; Education for Ministry (EFM 4 year class) and WOTC; Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and England. Past activities: Stephen Ministries, TURN (Trinity Undoing Racism Network); TEEP Board; VML Committee; TCTC gala, ALPHA classes; Altar Guild; Disciples of Christ in Community and Vestry (2004-2008). What would you like to see for Trinity Church in the future? It is my hope that Trinity will continue to be strong example of love and fellowship in our community. I would like to see us strengthen our role as ministers to each other and to also increase our outreach opportunities for everyone seeking God’s love. I look forward to working together to build our community of faith and the next chapter of Trinity’s history.

Vestry Nominees CLAY RANDOLPH Occupation: Administrator, Louisiana Veterans Research and Education Corporation. Member of Trinity: 15 years. Church Activities: Chalice Bearer; Trinity Loaves and Fishes (third Saturday of each month). What would you like to see for Trinity Church in the future? I would like to see Trinity Church continue to be a loving and welcoming and uplifting member of the New Orleans community. Clay Randolph

IVENS ROBINSON Occupation: Retired. Member of Trinity: Lifelong except for when I went away to school and lived away from New Orleans. Church Activities: Nicaragua Medical Mission (15 years); Men’s Bible Study; Trinity representative on Board of Jericho Road Housing Initiative; Kairos; Habitat for Humanity; Flood Clean-Up; Trinity Loaves and Fishes. What would you like to see for Trinity Church in the future? To continue and strengthen Trinity’s many outreach programs and relationships with other churches in our community. To maintain a sound financial foundation and practices. Ivens Robinson

Barbara Bagot Waller

George Villere Young

BARBARA BAGOT WALLER Occupation: Director of Corporate Operations, Laitram, L.L.C. Member of Trinity: 26 years. Church Activities: Current: Junior Warden; Finance Committee; Chair of the Budget Subcommittee; Chair of Church Personnel Committee. Past: Holy Land Pilgrim; Chair of VML Committee; Children’s Education Instructor. What would you like to see for Trinity Church in the future? This is an ideal time for the members of Trinity Church to consider again our mission, to focus on those practices and ministries we are most passionate about, that we do well, and which bear fruit for the congregation and wider community.

GEORGE VILLERE YOUNG Occupation: Investment Advisor. Member of Trinity: 30 years. Church Activities: Endowment Committee, Chair Stewardship Committee, VML. What would you like to see for Trinity Church in the future? I think it is important for Trinity to continue its mission of welcoming all to our church and to advocate for community outreach. Trinity has always been inclusive and served as a safe place for personal reflection and growth. I hope these values remain a hallmark of our church.

Trinity Connections

Mark Your Calendars!

The Absalom Jones Celebration

Out and About

We have been invited to come for a tour of “Dance, dance, wherever you may be, I am the Lord the newly renovated New Orleans Mission on of the Dance said he. And I’ll lead you all, wherever Tuesday, April 24 at noon. We will see the new you may be, and I’ll lead you all in the Dance, said women’s facility and enjoy lunch with Executive he.” (Trinity Songbook) Director, David Bottner to see how the Mission On February 17th, Trinity and the Union is changing lives. Wear your comfortable shoes of Black Episcopalians sponsored a most uplifting and meet at Trinity at 11:30 am to carpool. celebration of the life of Absalom Jones, our first Please let us know if you are coming by April African American priest, ordained in 1794. We also 20. Space is limited! Contact Maria Elliott to celebrated the life of Richard Allen, the founding sign up at melliott@trinitynola.com or 504bishop of the A.M.E. Church. The Revs. Jones and 670-2535. Allen were both born into slavery and were close colleagues. Ms. Diane Cage of Baton Rouge and Mr. Trever David Bryan of St. Luke’s in New Orleans were the planning chairs and put together the amazing service with a lot of help and support from Trinity members. The Rev. Corey Boutte from the St. John A.M.E Church gave a forty minute sermon, the longest in recent years at Trinity Church, and got away with it! He did because his message was so strong focusing on racial justice with love. He made me think of Martin Luther King’s statement: “Justice without love is reckless and abusive. Love without justice is sentimental.” While the sermon at times was hard-hitting, Boutte contributed quite a lot to the overall joyous and jolly celebration. When drummer, Luther Gray, drummed us out of the church for the Recessional, everyone was clapping and dancing. Even our bishop! Rev. Boutte left us with this image: Think of the Holy Land, starting with the melting snow from Mt. Herman in the north, flowing into the “Sea of Galilee” where Jesus spent most of his ministry, flowing beyond that into the 156-mile River Jordan, gaining strength and substance. The Jordan River is the site of so many sacred events. Jesus began his ministry in the Jordan, baptized by John the Baptizer. But that flowing, spirited water dead ends in the Dead Sea. The Pastor’s point: All of the water in Lake Galilee and the 156 miles of the flowing Jordan was blessed water. But look what happened: That blessed water ended up as dead water in the Dead Sea, for there was no outlet. Think of what that means for us: When we of the faith who are loved by God, our church, and many others, when we fail to pass on that love, we become spiritually dead, like the Dead Sea. But for now, we flow with the wonderful Jordan, so let us dance to the drum, with our Bishop, and with Drummer Luther Gray. Help us, we pray, to dance with the Lord, as the Lord says he, leads us all wherever we may be. —Rev. William Barnwell, friend and longtime supporter of Trinity


Trinity Connections Eucharistic Visitors Bringing communion to the homebound in residences and nursing facilities, or to those in hospitals for surgeries or illnesses, and to others recovering from some health issues is a very meaningful ministry of presence, healing and hope. The consecrated bread and wine we bring are tangible reminders of God’s love and presence being with those who cannot be at a service. We have parishioners licensed by our diocese to lead a small service under special circumstances and offer communion to these people. The Eucharistic Visitors leave our service from the communion rail with their kits in hand, bringing the church community with them. We offer a listening ear and a compassionate heart. Prayers are lifted up for the patient, their family and friends, as well as for ourselves. Have any questions, or want to arrange a home visit for a loved one, or join the ministry of companion visiting, contact Deacon Alyce at ajefferson@trinitynola.com.

Trinity Spring Rummage Sale a BIG Sucess!

Thank you so very much for all of you who made the Trinity Spring Rummage Sale such a big success! Bringing amazing merchandise (our box is in the undercroft and tax donation forms at front desk)! Sorting and pricing on Tuesday mornings! Unpacking and setting up for the sale! Shopping! Please remember that our profits are donated to the Women of Trinity Church and can be used for community nonprofit grants. Also, if you have any suggestions please let me know. Thank you, Laura Williams (laurawwms@ gmail.com)

Are you receiving our emails?

As more and more of our communication is shared electronically, it’s critical that we have your correct email address. If you haven’t been receiving Tidings (our monthly newsletter) or Trinity Connections (our weekly email announcements) lately, then we need to hear from you! Please check your inbox and let us know if you haven’t heard from us in awhile. Please call Kriste Buck at 504-670-2513 with any updates. Thank you!

Trinity Artist Series Sundays at 5 pm April 1

Music celebrating Easter with Albinas Prizgintas, organist/ harpsichordist/pianist.

April 8

David Bode, saxophonist performs works by Bach, Corelli, Darius Milhaud.

April 15

A Celebration for the Easter Season with Maria Elliott, oboe; Annelise Cassar, soprano; Albinas Prizgintas, organist/harpsichordist. Music by Hovhaness, Ravel, Barber, and Morricone. The concert in memory of Dr. Ellen Claire Merrill and Sr. Myrtle Mary Calvert is sponsored by Raymond Calvert.

April 22

Tom Van der Geld, celebrated vibraphonist from Germany with Sanford Hinderlie, pianist. April 29

Scottish Heritage Concert with music and dance.

Every Tuesday at 6:00 pm Organ and Labyrinth Albinas plays the 5000-pipe tracker organ with ambient lighting and occasional guest musicians. From Bach to the Beatles and beyond! Since Katrina, a unique and magical distinctively New Orleans musical meditation. All are welcome. See www.albinas.org for more details.

Please mark your calendars Women’s Creative Process Retreat: CPR for the Soul “Heart Work for Hard Times” Presenter: The Rev. Mary Hardy October 25-28, 2018 All are welcome! For more information: Lisa Holden (504) 296-7234



1329 Jackson Avenue New Orleans, Louisiana 70130-5198 504-522-0276 Fax 504-522-9960 www.trinitynola.com

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Worship Schedule

The Right Reverend Morris K. Thompson, Bishop The Reverend Andrew R. Thayer, Rector The Reverend Katherine S. McLean, Associate Rector The Reverend John Pitzer, Associate Rector The Reverend Alyce Jefferson, Deacon The Reverend Jay Albert, Deacon The Reverend E. Gary Taylor, Head of Trinity School The Reverend Dr. Hill C. Riddle, Rector Emeritus

SUNDAY 7:30 AM: Morning Prayer in the chapel 8:00 AM: Eucharist in the chapel 10:30 AM: Eucharist in the church 5:00 PM: Trinity Artist Series in the church 6:00 PM: Eucharist in the chapel

Vestry John Fay, Jr., Senior Warden Barbara Waller, Junior Warden Kelly Duncan, Clerk of Vestry Keith Crawford, Treasurer Phillip Gordillo, Elaine Haney, John Hevron, Ellinor Howard, Susu Kearney, Gordon Kolb, Heather Lonian, Chris Martin, Margaret Murphy, Alice Parkerson, Marguerite Redwine, Jim Theis, Carrie Wright John Wogan, Chancellor Mary Sutton, WOTC President Jill Pipes, Trinity School Board Chair

TUESDAY 7:30 AM: Eucharist in the chapel 6:00 PM: Organ and Labyrinth in the church THURSDAY 10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist and Healing Service in the chapel

The Church Office will close at noon on March 30 and will be closed on April 2.

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