TIDINGS Trinity’s Mission: Acting in God’s love, Trinity Episcopal Church welcomes everyone to enthusiastically live the Christian faith. We call our members to worship and prayer, lifelong education, spiritual growth, cheerful giving, and active ministry with our community. All members serve as witnesses to Jesus Christ.
Vol. XXVI No. 2 February 2017
Dear Friends in Christ,
Inside this Issue Stewardship page 2 Rector Search page 2 Christian Formation page 3 Children and Family Ministries page 4 Young Adults page 5 Trinity Connections pages 5, 6, 7
It is with great hope that the I look to this New Year. I feel this hope at Trinity as well, especially as we look forward to calling our next rector. In this interim period I give thanks for the leadership of Corky Carlisle, our Vestry, and the Rector Search Committee. I believe that the Holy Spirit is alive and well and leading Trinity into a bright new chapter. In the last month I have been privileged to witness parts of this bright new chapter in several very tangible ways. We have welcomed new families to our church, seen a rise in lay participation, and your pledged gifts have increased by over $250,000. On top of this we have seen new Bible studies emerge and new small groups form, even while we watch long-standing ministries stay strong. This has been a remarkable reminder of the strength of Trinity Church and our commitment to serving and worshiping Christ. Witnessing this has been a blessing. My prayer as we move forward is that we continue to embrace the challenges before us in the knowledge that Jesus Christ has blessed us and will continue to be a blessing in each of our lives. In 2017 things will seem in some ways like they are happening fast, because well… they are! This year Ash Wednesday is very early on our calendar. We will have services on Ash Wednesday at 7:30 am, 12:05 pm, and at 6:00 pm. Our 6:00 service will be followed by a parish wide soup supper. Please join us! Other Lenten offerings will include: • Daily Eucharist at 7:30 am in the chapel Monday - Friday • The 5 Marks of Love - Tell, Teach, Tend, Transform and Treasure - on Wednesday nights • “The Greatest Prayer”, a book study on the Lord’s Prayer with the Intercessory Prayer group on Wednesday afternoons • Centering Prayer on Tuesdays at 12:15 pm in the church with Kit McLean • Our Young Adults will be doing a study on gratitude and work on coastal restoration with Ashley Eastham • “The Gifts of Imperfect Parenting: A Wholehearted Revolution” Friday mornings with Ashley Bond and Maria Elliott • Godly Play for Adults - Sunday Mornings with Ashley Bond and my Bible studies will meet Monday mornings at 8:05 am and Wednesdays at 12:00 pm Details for these offerings are in this newsletter! I invite you to carry the spirit of New Year a little longer. And in the words of the church “I invite you into a Holy Lent”. Please consider taking one of these courses or participating in one of these worship experiences as we prepare for Easter, learn about our faith, and prepare our hearts and souls for the blessings ahead. In Christ, Father Mitch
by Raina O’Neil Director of Development and Communications
In the church the word stewardship too often only is associated with the annual event of the fall pledge drive. But stewardship is the care of something that has been entrusted to the steward by another. God hopes and desires that this will be a joyful experience for us filled with wonder. In the first Article of the Nicene Creed we say, “We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of everything that is, seen and unseen”. So, it is through our baptism and deeper journey in Christ we find that responsible stewardship is not really about money, but it is about fulfilling Christ’s mission and ministry in the world through the right use of all God’s blessings entrusted to us. Stewardship is not a choice; it permeates everything we do. The choice is whether or not we will be good stewards or poor stewards of God’s blessings and therefore, of the Gospel. -The Episcopal Network for Stewardship
Stewardship Update Thank you for your generosity! Your 2016 Statements of Giving will be mailed by the end of January 2017. As of Mid-January we have 468 pledging households for 2017! Thank you to all who have pledged. If you would like to enroll in Electronic Funds Transfer (a direct debit from your checking or savings, debit or credit card each month), please click here [http://tinyurl.com/hojwhy9] or contact Raina at 670-2537 to set it up. If you haven’t had a chance to submit your 2017 pledge, there’s still time! Pledge cards are available at the Church and through our website [https://www.trinitynola.com/trinitypledge]. Thank you for your generosity!
The search committee is pleased to announce that our Trinity Parish Profile is now on the church website. It can be viewed both in a pdf format and as a booklet (https://trinitynola.com/rectorsearch). We are grateful for all the help we received from Trinity Church members and staff, in particular Kriste Buck, who formatted and edited it through many sessions in December. We hope that you will be pleased with the result. More importantly, we are now opening the active time in our search when parishioners may officially nominate a Rector candidate. There will be forms available in the back of church and at the desks of Ashley Eastham and Tina Grant. There is a February 10 deadline for submitting these forms. They may be returned to Kathy Eastman or King Logan either via email (kbeastman@cox.net, klogan@loganbrand.com) or left in the search committee mailbox in the undercroft mailroom. We ask that you continue to hold the search committee in your prayers during the weeks ahead.
Christian Formation
A Lenten Look at Love: Living Life Marked As Christ’s Own
The Greatest Prayer “Lord, teach us to pray…” Luke 11:1
In Baptism, we have been “sealed by the Holy Spirit” and “marked as Christ’s own forever.” If we are so marked and sealed, what are the “marks of love” that reflect and manifest the life of God abiding and working within us? Using a six-week study program, “Five Marks of Love,” we will explore how the Divine Life expresses itself in and through each of us in unique ways. Inspired by the Anglican Communion’s “Five Marks of Mission” and designed by the Society of St. John the Evangelist in conjunction with Virginia Theological Seminary, this series of short videos, thought-provoking questions and activities and prayerful discussions invites us to observe and engage with the marks of love in our own lives. Specifically, we see God’s life at work within the Church as we: • Proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom. (TELL) • Teach, baptize and nurture new believers. (TEACH) • Respond to human need by loving service. (TEND) • Transform unjust structures, challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation. (TRANSFORM) • Strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth. (TREASURE) The “Five Marks of Love” will be facilitated on Wednesday evenings beginning March 8 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm by the Reverend Kit McLean and Maria Elliott. Please reserve your space so that we will know how many materials to order by contacting Maria at melliott@trinitynola.com or 670-2535. If your schedule permits, come for the 5:30 pm Holy Eucharist and enjoy a simple supper before class starts.
Beginning on February 8, the Intercessory Prayer group invites you to participate in a book study on “The Greatest Prayer” by John Dominic Crossan. Many of us learned the Lord’s Prayer as children and continue to say it daily. It is perhaps the most recited prayer in the Christian Church. But what do we know about its history and meaning? The author describes the Lord’s Prayer as a “revolutionary manifesto and a hymn for hope.” John Dominic Crossan is widely regarded as one of the foremost historical Jesus scholars, and in this book he endeavors to help us rediscover the revolutionary message of the Lord’s Prayer. We will pray for our church as we discuss this book using one chapter per week, meeting from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Moore Library. If you would like to come, please contact Maria Elliott to reserve a copy of the book at 504-670-2535 or melliott@trinitynola.com.
Godly Play for Adults will be offered on Sunday Mornings in Lent at 9:15! Watch for it!
Centering Prayer
Come and (re-) Center! Beginning on Tuesday, February 7, Centering Prayer will resume in the Church. We will gather in the chancel at 12:15 pm and center for 20 minutes. No previous experience is necessary, only a desire to rest in God beyond thoughts, words and emotions. For general information about this type of prayer, see this link: http://www.contemplativeoutreach.org/ category/category/centering-prayer. For specifics about the method, see this one: http:// www.contemplativeoutreach.org/public-file/methodcentering-prayer-brochure. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Kit at kmclean@trinitynola.com. 3
Children & Family Ministries by Ashley Bond, Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries
Highlights in Children's Ministry: Godly Play Presentations We began our month with the liturgical action story of Holy Baptism. Liturgical actions stimulate our sense of integration of our Christian identity, invite children to enter the experience and learn the language of liturgy so that they can enter more fully into the liturgical experience of church. The children then joined the congregation to witness the baptisms presented on Jan. 8. Continuing through the month of January and into February, we begin our season of Parables presenting the Parable of the Good Shepherd, Parable of the Good Samaritan, Parable of the Sower, Parable of the Mustard Seed, and Parable of the Leven. On Sunday, February 19, we will have a community class in Bishop Polk Hall for a morning of bread making! There will be NO GODLY PLAY CLASSES on Sunday, February 26.
Godly Play Core Training & Certification for volunteers interested in learning this storytelling technique. Developed by the Episcopal Theologian, Rev. Jerome Berryman, Godly Play invites listeners into stories and encourages them into larger dimensions of belief and faith through wondering and open-ended response time. Suitable for parish workers, teachers, chaplains, community workers, those employed in hospitals or retirement communities, and those hoping to use Godly Play in the life of their family. February 10-12, 2017. Church members attend for free: http://bit.ly/GPTraining17 and use the promo code: gracioushosts 4
Highlights in Youth Ministry: Grateful Bakers Bread Ministry Delivery of bread by individual youth and their families was a success! Below are some excerpts from thank you notes we received:
Youth Group 2017 We kicked off the 2017 Youth Group year with an Epiphany Party, complete with King Cake and a white elephant exchange. We made guiding stars using the words:Grace; Mercy; Love; Faithfulness; Peace; Patience; Kindness; Joy; Rest; Adventure; Attention; Imagination; Faith; Compassion; Friendship; Song; Art; Generosity; Time; Humility; Persistence; Dedication; Inspiration; Comfort; Wholeness. These stars will guide us through the year. Youth Group meets every Sunday from 4-6 pm at Molly's House. Come one, come all!
Upcoming Diocesan Youth Events Registration for each of these events will be made available by the Diocese at least one month prior to the event. All information is available at www.edola. org/youth • Senior High Rally is scheduled for February 10-12, at the Solomon Center • Happening #78 is scheduled for March 10-12, at the Solomon Center • Spring Fling at the Solomon Center April 1. • Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) is this summer (July 10-14, on the campus of the University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond). Interested youth should email The Rev’d Canon John A. Kellogg at jkellogg@edola.org by January 25, 2017.
Young Adults by Ashley Eastham, Young Adults Minister (aeastham@trinitynola.com)
Trinity’s 20s and 30s - Parade Tailgate
Gather on the parade route for first weekend Sunday parades! On Sunday, February 19, from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm, out in front of Christ Church Cathedral (Saint Charles Ave, between 6th & 7th.) Please bring a snack to share! Bring family and friends! This event is co-hosted by the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana.
Trinity Connections Worship Times Adjusted!
On Sunday, February 19 we will have the morning services ONLY (7:30 am Morning Prayer, 8:00 am and 10:30 am Holy Eucharist.) On Sunday, February 26 there will be no 10:30 am and no 6:00 pm services due to Mardi Gras parades. Join us in the Chapel for Morning Prayer at 7:30 am and Holy Eucharist at 8:00 am. Ash Wednesday 7:30 am, 12:05 pm and 6:00 pm (supper to follow the 6:00 pm service)
Trinity Connections
Coastal Forest Restoration Service Day Saturday, February 4
Volunteers will plant trees to help reduce impacts from storm surge and flooding, as well as improve water quality and create habitat for fish and wildlife. Coastal forests in Louisiana offer protection from hurricanes and safeguard communities all across Louisiana’s coast. Large areas of these beautiful wetland forests have been lost, and many more areas are in danger of disappearing. Carpools will meet at Trinity to depart for Braithwaite, LA at 8:45am. The work day includes an airboat ride to the site and a complimentary t-shirt. Please RSVP to aeastham@trinitynola.com and register by visiting: http://crcl.org/2-7.html
Thank You to the Trinity Community from the Kingsley House Senior Program—“Words cannot adequately express our gratitude for the love that was shown this holiday season. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. May the blessing and joy of God’s greatest Gift be yours.” Many thanks to everyone who so generously contributed to the 75+ gifts that were distributed, to the children who made Christmas cards and to those who came and sang carols. Joy abounded!
Coming soon! “The Gift of Imperfect Parenting” with Brene Brown. Facilitated by Ashley Bond and Maria Elliott. Friday mornings in Lent! 5
Trinity Connections Vestry Nominating Committee
The Vestry Nominating Committee is looking for future church leaders and we want your input! We would like to encourage you, the members of our congregation, to participate in the process by submitting names for consideration. You may also submit your own name. It would be helpful to include background information on the nominee, including talents and interests. A vestry term is four years. Candidates must have been a member of the Church for one year in order to stand for election. Vestry members must be communicants in good standing, over the age of 21, and have been confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church by a bishop of the Episcopal Church. Nominees must also have provided financial support, as confirmed by the Church’s stewardship records, within the six months prior to the annual meeting. Vestry members are expected to provide leadership to the congregation in support of the mission of the church, including stewardship through annual pledges; to attend all vestry meetings; to participate actively in committee work; and to engage thoughtfully in the direction of Trinity’s business and activities. Please send nominations (of yourself or others) to Ashley Eastham at aeastham@trinitynola.com at or call. Deadline for receipt of nominations is February 24, 2017. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.
Please remember to let your church know if you or someone you love is in need of prayer, pastoral support, or a visit to someone who is ill. We are the church together and we need your help in identifying needs in our congregation. contact melliott@trinitynola.com or call the church 522-0276.
“Listen, Listen, Love, Love” set for March 31-April 2, 2017
East Louisiana Kairos Outside (“ELAKO”) is a support weekend for women 20 years old or older who have a relative or friend who is or has been incarcerated. Often, the families and friends struggle while their loved ones are incarcerated, so it is important for them to know there is a Christian community who cares, and this is provided through the ELAKO weekend. God’s grace and love are shared and the participants learn how to form small groups of support for strength along life’s journey. The ministry team comes from many different Christian denominations and consists of 30 women, two of whom are clergy women. A team of six men prepare and serve the meals, though they do not participate in community room activities. The weekend begins on a Friday night at 6 pm and concludes on a Sunday at 4 pm. It is held at a local retreat center or camp near Baton Rouge and there is no cost to the guests for the weekend. Funding is provided through donations. Prayers are always sought to lift the entire weekend. Anyone is invited to the closing ceremony where the participants share how their lives were impacted by the ELAKO experience. To participate, support or for more information on this ministry contact Deacon Alyce Jefferson at ajefferson@trinitynola.com or 909-1326.
Delivery of bread to our church shut-ins by individual youth and their families.
Trinity Connections
Wit & Wisdom from the WOTC
Trinity Artist Series
by Karyn Kearney, Women of Trinity Church President
Rummage Donations Needed! WOTC Rummage Sale needs your donations. Your treasures will be joyfully received by generous volunteers who sort, price, and re-package items for the Spring sale to be held on March 9 – 11, 2017. Bring your items to the church office any weekday. Our semi-annual rummage sales generate well over $20,000 that we donate to church ministries and community programs. Also, it’s not too early to think about volunteering for the March sale. If you are interested, contact Elaine Haney at elaineshaney@aol.com. Thanks from the WOTC for supporting this ministry!
Coffee Hour sponsors needed!
Looking for an easy way to serve at Trinity? Sponsoring the food for the 10:30 service coffee hour is a great way to help feed your fellow parishioners! Providing the snacks for coffee hour not only feeds attendees physically and spiritually, it frees up funds for WOTC (the usual sponsors) to give out more grants to meet the needs in our surrounding community. Sponsors need not attend coffee hour. So grab your family, friends or other church group, and be a sponsor! To sign up, contact Mary Lane Carleton, marylane.carleton@gmail. com.
Sundays at 5 pm
February 5 Pianists Doori Yoo and Lawqrence
Quinnett performing duos and solos. Music by Mozart, Brahms and Samuel Barber.
February 12
A gala concert presented by members of the ATD Fourth World Movement, an anti-poverty organization. Performers include Dr. Jean Montes, Valerie Jones Francis, Maria Victoire, Dr John Ware, Albinas Prizgintas and others.
February 19
NO Concert due to Mardi Gras parades.
February 26
NO Concert due to Mardi Gras parades.
Tuesday, February 28: NO Organ and Labyrinth Save the Dates: From March 5 to April 9 Lenten Jazz Vespers every Sunday at 8:00 pm March 24 - March 25 19th Annual Bach Around the Clock Every Tuesday at 6 pm Organ and Labyrinth. Albinas plays the 5000-pipe tracker organ with ambient lighting and occasional guest musicians.From Bach to the Beatles and beyond! Since Katrina, a unique and magical distiinctively New Orleans musical meditation. All are welcome. See www.albinas.org for more details
Quiet Days at Advent House
Join us for Quiet Days on the third Friday of the month on February 17 and March 17. Advent House is located at1637 Seventh Street, behind Christ Church Cathedral. We begin with centering prayer at 9:30 and then take time for personal spiritual practices such as journaling, reading, writing, praying. We end with centering prayer at 2:00 and leave at 2:30. Bring a lunch if desired and any art or sewing project that you would like to work on. Coffee and tea provided. Feel free to come and go anytime during the hours of 9:30 and 2:30. For more information, contact Merry Toups at merryparis@yahoo.com.
If you are planning to move, please notify Kriste Buck (kbuck@trinitynola.com) at the church office of your new address. Also, if your telephone number or email address changes, please let us know so we can keep our records current. 7
1329 Jackson Avenue New Orleans, Louisiana 70130-5198 504-522-0276 Fax 504-522-9960 www.trinitynola.com
Return Service Requested
Please remember Trinity Church in your will.
Worship Schedule
The Right Reverend Morris K. Thompson, Bishop The Reverend Michael E. Carlisle, Interim Rector The Reverend Mitchell T. Smith, Associate Rector The Reverend Katherine S. McLean, Associate Rector The Reverend Alyce Jefferson, Deacon The Reverend Jay Albert, Deacon The Reverend E. Gary Taylor, Head of Trinity School The Reverend Dr. Hill C. Riddle, Rector Emeritus
SUNDAY 7:30 AM: Morning Prayer in the chapel 8:00 AM: Eucharist in the chapel 10:30 AM: Eucharist in the church 5:00 PM: Trinity Artist Series in the church 6:00 PM: Eucharist in the chapel
Vestry John Fay, Jr., Senior Warden Barbara Waller, Junior Warden Kelly Duncan, Clerk of Vestry Keith Crawford, Treasurer Dawn Buckley, Elaine Haney, John Hevron, Ellinor Howard, Susu Kearney, Gordon Kolb, King Logan, Chris Martin, Margaret Murphy, Marguerite Redwine, Jonathan Shaver, Jim Theis John Wogan, Chancellor Karyn Kearney, WOTC President Sandy Villere, Trinity School Board Chair
TUESDAY 7:30 AM: Eucharist in the chapel 8:30 AM: Morning Prayer in the chapel WEDNESDAY 5:30 PM: Eucharist in the chapel THURSDAY 10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist and Healing Service in the chapel
The Church Office will be closed on Monday, February 27 and Tuesday, February 28.
Follow us on facebook at Trinity Episcopal Church New Orleans.