January 2018 Tidings

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TIDINGS Trinity’s Mission: Acting in God’s love, Trinity Episcopal Church welcomes everyone to enthusiastically live the Christian faith. We call our members to worship and prayer, lifelong education, spiritual growth, cheerful giving, and active ministry with our community. All members serve as witnesses to Jesus Christ.

Vol. XXVII No. 1 January 2018

FROM THE RECTOR by The Reverend Andrew R. Thayer

Inside this Issue Stewardship page 2 Christian Formation page 3 Children and Family Ministries page 4 Young Adults page 5 Trinity Connections pages 5, 6, 7

On the last Wednesday of Advent I joined parishioners, young and old, as we walked around the Garden District singing Christmas Carols accompanied by a brass quintet. We all lit candles and processed into the night to share Christ’s birth in song. Although it wasn’t a particularly windy night, there was enough breeze that my candle blew out. By night’s end my little light had extinguished at least half a dozen times. On every occasion there was someone nearby ready to let me relight my candle - light from light. I noticed that as we travelled on our musical journey everyone at one point or another needed to relight. Together we made it back to Trinity with our candles lit. This is the benefit of walking together and is an apt metaphor for living in community. Our relationships are the most powerful force that shapes us. In 1938 Harvard University began what would be one of the longest running studies on human health and happiness. Over the last 80 years what they found was that the single greatest contributing factor for happiness was strong relationships more than money or fame, more than social class, IQ, or genes. The fourth director of the study, Robert Waldinger, recorded a TED talk, titled “What Makes a Good Life? Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness,” in 2015, and it has been viewed 13,000,000 times. I encourage you to watch it. Visit: (https://tinyurl.com/ y9kgrtld) to view the video. What does this have to do with Trinity church? Well, if you ask the people who participate fully in the life of Trinity, in the many activities and ministries we offer, what you will hear is the transformative and life-giving relationships at the core of their church experience. Through worship, service to others, music, outreach, small groups, and the sharing of our lives together we contribute to the kind of authentic community that leads to a fruitful, meaningful life. I pray that in the new year one of your resolutions is to connect more deeply with your church community. It isn’t just beneficial for your soul, but for your life as well.

2017 Gratitude Report 2017 Gratitude Report

Thank you, dear friend! You gave generously this past year, and you made a difference.

Your Thank faith,you, belief generosity made a this profound on soa difference. many lives... dearand friend! You gave generously past year,impact and you made You invested the safetyand and generosity Together, we celebrated Thanks tomany you, over 40 vital, Your faith,inbelief made a profound impact on so lives... maintenance of our beautiful campus and historicinbuildings You invested the safety and ensuring that our spiritual home is a maintenance of our beautiful safe space forhistoric all whobuildings seek comfort campus and and warmth. ensuring that our spiritual home is a safe space for all who seek comfort More than 25,000 people attended and warmth. Sunday Services throughout the year, even morepeople attending Morewith than 25,000 attended Christmas, Easter, and weekly Sunday Services throughout the Eucharistic healing services. year, with even more attending Christmas, Easter, and weekly Whether it’s coffee hours after Eucharistic healing services. church, welcoming newcomers and old friendsit’salike, or hours our rummage Whether coffee after sales, Alanon or Recovery Meetings, church, welcoming newcomers and that open our doors to the greater old friends alike, or our rummage community, support Meetings, ensures sales, Alanonyour or Recovery the hospitality and graciousness that open our doors to the greater of our parishyour continues to welcome community, support ensures all who gather. the hospitality and graciousness of our parish continues to welcome all who gather.

34 Baptisms, over 200 Eucharists, and the Marriage seven couples. Together, weofcelebrated We sang 780+ hymns, world34 Baptisms, over 200 heard Eucharists, class musicians perform, and the Marriage of sevenand couples. welcomed our new Rector through We sang 780+ hymns, heard worldaclass Celebration ofperform, New Ministry. musicians and welcomed our new Rector through We mourned the passing of family a Celebration of New Ministry. and friends and helped those grieving feel less alone through We mourned the passing of family Walking the and Mourners' and friends helpedPath. those grieving feel less alone through From Pastoral visits, Bible studies, Walking the Mourners' Path. Men’s Prayer Breakfasts, Intercessory Prayer and From Pastoral visits,Groups, Bible studies, centering prayer workshops, your Men’s Prayer Breakfasts, support has blessed us with and Intercessory Prayer Groups, countless to gather centering opportunities prayer workshops, your together, deepening our faith support has blessed us with and love of God. countless opportunities to gather together, deepening our faith and love of God.

Stewardship Campaign - Pledging By the Numbers 2017 Pledges Total $ Pledged Stewardship Campaign - Pledging By the Numbers 484 $1,401,202


2017 Pledges 2016 Pledges 484 438

Total $ Pledged Total $ Pledged $1,401,202 $1,103,199

2016 Pledges 2015 Pledges 438 448

Total $ Pledged Total $ Pledged $1,103,199 $1,132,679

2015 Pledges 448

Total $ Pledged $1,132,679

active ministries involve our parish members greater Thanksand toour you , over 40 vital, community. Kairos, Medical active ministries involve our parish Mission, Fishes, TEEP, membersLoaves and our&greater and so many,Kairos, many more, are community. Medical making difference here TEEP, at Trinity Mission, aLoaves & Fishes, and beyond. so many, many more, are making a difference here at Trinity Godly Play classes continue to and beyond. grow, helping our children form a closer with God. Godly relationship Play classes continue to And young families have opportunities grow, helping our children form a for fellowship through retreats closer relationship with God.and And Spaghetti Speaker Series. young families have opportunities for fellowship through retreats and With your support, over 34,000 Spaghetti Speaker Series. meals were served to the hungry throughout our community; With your support, over 34,000 donations and supplies were given meals were served to the hungry for disaster relief; and a home was throughout our community; built for a family in need. donations and supplies were given for disaster relief; and a home was built for a family in need.

Everything listed above is only possible through the support of people like you! Everything listed is only through If you have yetabove to make yourpossible pledge for 2018, the support of people like you! please do so today. https://www.trinitynola.com/trinitypledge If you have yet to make your pledge for 2018, or call Raina at 670-2537. pleaseO'Neil do so today. https://www.trinitynola.com/trinitypledge A pledge is simply an estimate of how much you intend to give in call Raina 670-2537. the comingor year. Pledges mayO'Neil be paid at throughout the year, and

please knowis that if you to modify duringtothegive year, A pledge simply an need estimate of howyour muchpledge you intend in you may do so at any time. the coming year. Pledges may be paid throughout the year, and please know that if you need to modify your pledge during the year, you may do so at any time.

Christian Formation

by The Reverend Katherine S. McLean, Associate Rector

Please Pray for Our Holy Land Pilgrims

From January 9 until January 20, 2018, twenty-nine Trinity pilgrims will be traveling to and through Israel. After landing in Tel Aviv, the group will first base out of Tiberius which is on the Sea of Galilee and then out of Jerusalem. As you pray for us, we will be holding the Trinity community in our daily prayer. On Sunday, January 7, the pilgrims will be blessed at the 10:30 am service.

A Pilgrim Prayer

Holy God, be with your servants on this pilgrimage and guide their way in accordance with your will. Be a companion for them along their journey in order that, through your guidance and with your protection, they may grow in knowledge and love of you and the world you have made. By your grace, may they return safely home enlivened and enriched in body, mind, heart and spirit, further equipped and eager to share more fully in the upbuilding of your kingdom in their time and place; through Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

Faith and Fiction

Faith and Fiction will not meet on December 24, or 31 but class will resume on January 7. In mid-January we will begin a new collection of short stories by Elizabeth Strout entitled Anything is Possible. Books will be available for purchase at Trinity Treasures. New members or visitors are always welcome. Please join us for lively discussions at 9:15 am on Sundays in the Parish House.

First Annual Trinity Mardi Gras Tailgate! Throw me something, Mister!!! Mark your calendars for Sunday, February 4!!! After the 10:30 am service, we will “parade” to watch the parades on St. Charles Avenue. A Trinity Tailgate Tent will be set up on the neutral ground side between Jackson Avenue and Philip Street. Food will be provided as will ice chests so bring your beverage(s) of choice. Also, please feel free to bring snacks to share. Molly’s House will be open so that we can use the facilities there. More details to follow so stay tuned!


Children, Youth & Family Ministries

by Ashley Bond, Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries

Godly Play resumes for children ages 3 years to 5th grade on Sunday, January 7. We begin the new year with the story of Holy Baptism. Children are introduced to the language of liturgy, thus developing a deeper understanding and experience of the liturgical life of the church. We then move into our series of guiding parables--the closest thing we have to hearing the voice of Jesus. Parables challenge the status quo, the power structures of both yesterday and today.

Trinity’s Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) will celebrate King’s Day on Saturday, January 6, 2018, from 6:00 pm-11:00 pm. We will meet at Molly’s House for supper and a White Elephant Epiphany Party. Then we’ll take the street car to the river to watch the Mardi Gras fireworks and kick off the first day of the Tricentennial Carnival Season!


Young Adults

by Ashley Eastham, Young Adults Minister (aeastham@trinitynola.com)

Young Adult Progressive Dinner

King’s Day Fête!

On Saturday, January 6, come celebrate the Epiphany and the first day of Mardi Gras in New Orleans’ tricentennial year! You’re invited to gather at the home of Carrie Wright (4239 St. Charles Ave #K) at 6:00 pm to visit and wait for the Phunny Phorty Phellows to pass by on the streetcar. Bring your favorite king cake or a beverage to share! Please RSVP to aeastham@trinitynola.com.

Young Adults Sunday Please be present on Sunday, January 28, at the 10:30 am service, for a special commissioning of all Trinity Young Adults! We will be serving as greeters, readers, and carrying the elements, and those who went on the Cuban mission trip will be hosting coffee hour. This is a special opportunity to share photos, memories and conversation. How can you plug in to this program? There is something for everyone! Email aeastham@trinitynola.com to sign up.

Trinity Connections

Upcoming Community Events There will be an Historic Celebration and Community Networking gathering on Saturday, January 13 at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 1222 N. Dorgenois St., in recognition of Blessed Frances Joseph-Gaudet. An “educator, prison reformer and juvenile justice advocate,” Frances Gaudet was a driving force in working to improve the lives of African Americans at the turn of the last century and her legacy lives on through the Gaudet Fund. This program is a collaboration of the Episcopal Diocese, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, The Gaudet Legacy Fund and the Committee for Racial Reconciliation. To honor another important figure in the Episcopal church, there will be a service in celebration of the life and work of Absalom Jones on Saturday, February 17, 2018. Among those coordinating the event are the Episcopal Diocese, the Union of Black Episcopalians, the Committee for Racial Reconciliation, St. James Historic AME Church and Trinity. This festive evening will include a Eucharist, an abundance of music and a joyous reception. Please plan to join us at Trinity. More information to follow. Place to be announced. Please plan to participate in these celebrations of the lives of Frances Gaudet and Absalom Jones.

Out and About Are you curious about what is available for people who live in our streets? Come for a tour of the newly renovated New Orleans Mission on Tuesday, January 23, 11:00 am. We will see the new women’s facility and enjoy lunch with Executive Director, David Bottner, to see how the Mission is changing lives. Wear your comfortable shoes and meet at Trinity at 11:00 am to carpool. Please let us know if you are coming by January 20 so our hosts can plan! Email Maria at melliott@trinitynola.com or 670-2535.


Trinity Connections

Walking the Mourner’s Path Faciltator Training

Trinity will host a facilitator training school for Walking the Mourner’s Path on March 1 - 3. Lay people and clergy are trained specifically in each of the workshops of Walking the Mourner’s Path on how to be effective listeners and facilitators. They learn: • How with the presence of Christ’s love, the grieving can heal. • How to implement the program in their church and communities. • To explore grief in culture, faith and their families • Effective facilitating and listening skills. • About each of the eight workshops. • Hands on experience facilitating a workshop. ​ ​Facilitator Training School early registration fee is $350 per person or $250 per person if two or more from a church or organization attend. The fee includes instruction, facilitators guide and workbook. If you would be interested in learning to facilitate a group, please contact Maria Elliott at melliott@ trinitynola.com or 670-2535 or visit www.mournerspath.com for more information.

Moses and Wisdom Moguru

Life-giving Water!

Clean water can mean the difference between life and death. Loaves and Fishes Africa distributes water filters that can serve a family of four for one year. In the past year they have reached one hundred families and several schools with our help. Please consider a contribution to Loaves and Fishes Africa and help with this vital and life-sustaining ministry. 6

The Trinity Option: Stories from an Older Rector [Hill Riddle] Who Is Still Learning. Available now at Trinity Treasures, Hill’s and William Barnwell’s new book, published by Pelican Press, is ready for purchase for $20 (a portion of each book sold will go to the bookstore). In the much read Benedict Option, Rod Dreher proclaims that Christian church families should withdraw from the culture as much as possible because he and his colleagues believe that the culture is now dangerously non-Christian. Hill Riddle and William Barnwell demonstrate how Trinity and many Episcopal churches offer a different option. In his 19 years as rector at Trinity (19842003), Hill helped develop our church to be a place where we learned from the culture—for example, moving toward racial reconciliation and fully supporting the LGBT community. At the same time, with Hill’s leadership and Trinity’s lay and assisting clergy’s leadership, we have taken our Christian values to our city and beyond, just as far as the values would reach. Our church has shown, among other things, how people divided by backgrounds, age, and opinions (!) can support one another in the love of Christ—a witness so desperately needed in our angry, polarized society. While the electronic age has offered a lot to our people, churches like Trinity show that electronics cannot replace our coming together in worship and in small and large caring groups—on our way to building what Dr. Martin Luther King often called “the Beloved Community.” In his wonderful cover of the book, Tim Trapolin, our inhouse artist, shows just what our Beloved Community looks like. Alex Haley, the author of Roots, has said that the most powerful phrase in the English language is “Let me tell you a story.” And powerful Trinity stories fill the book.

Trinity Connections God’s Special Time Coming This Spring

Kairos Outside lets spouses, parents, relatives and friends of those in prison, who often “do time” right along with their loved ones, know they are not alone. Kairos offers a comfortable, non-judgmental retreat for women to support each other as they journey through the incarceration of a friend or relative. The 2 ½ day program is based on a series of talks by volunteers designed to address the pain of enduring separation from the one inside and the judgment of others from their community. Guests hear the talks in small family groups. The program is interspersed with music, prayer and and fun activities. Kairos Prison Ministry is a Christian program, although no religious affiliation is necessary to be a guest. Any 20-year-old or older female family member or friend whose life has been impacted by the incarceration of a loved one, or a woman who was unable to attend Kairos Inside while in prison, is eligible to attend Kairos Outside. Trainings on Saturdays: February 3 and 24, March 17 and 31. Weekend retreat: Friday-Sunday, April 13-15. Reunion: Saturday, May 5. Contact Deacon Alyce at ajefferson@trinitynola. com to sign up for the Spring team or help as a day angel behind the scenes to assist with set up, flower arrangement, wrapping special letters, errands, prayer, pack up, etc. during the actual weekend April 13-15.

Coffee Hour

If you would like to sponsor the snacks for 10:30 am Coffee Hour, please contact Mary Lane Carleton, marylane.carleton@gmail.com to sign up. No need to be present to sponsor. You can drop off in the kitchen morning of or in the WOTC fridge in the days prior.

Quiet Day at Advent House

Please join us for a Quiet Day on Friday, January 19 at Advent House, 1637 Seventh Street. We will begin with centering prayer at 9:30 and then take time for personal spiritual practices such as journaling, reading, writing, praying. We will end with centering prayer at 2:00 pm and leave at 2:30 pm. Bring a lunch if desired and any art or sewing project that you would like to work on. There is a small kitchen available and coffee and tea are provided. Feel free to come and go anytime during the hours of 9:30 am and 2:30 pm.

Trinity Artist Series Sundays at 5 pm January 7

30 x 90 BLUES WOMEN, bring it with

Louisiana good-time music. Featuring Jeanine Duhe, vocals/guitar; Terri Cranford, percussion; Yvette Watkins, vocals/bass; and Albinas Prizgintas, piano. Tantalizing harmonies with attitude!

January 14

The Royal Boys Choir ages 10-15, singing of hope and change. With original music by Director Reginald Varnado Jr, They aspire to spread the message of love and non-violence throughout the world with a unique music style infused with Gospel, Blues, and hip hop.

January 21

Roda de Choro, five-piece ensemble based in New Orleans, focusing on arranging and playing traditional Brazilian music. The members of the ensemble include Rick Perles, violin; Scott Myers, seven-string guitar; Eduardo Tozzatto, keyboards; Geovane Santos, pandeiro and cavaquinho; and Martin Masakowski, pandeiro and bass.

January 28

Family and Friends Players (Songs/Dance/ Dramatization) present Traveling Along the Rivers of Time (from the eighteen hundreds to our present day) by Marion Hymes with Katie Bell, saxophone, and Albinas Prizgintas, piano. The play was presented by Mrs. Hymes during the World’s Fair in New Orleans in 1984. The performers are from various churches and denominations in the city.

blues, New Orleans R&B, originals, and

Every Tuesday at 6:00 pm Organ and Labyrinth Albinas plays the 5000-pipe tracker organ with ambient lighting and occasional guest musicians. From Bach to the Beatles and beyond! Since Katrina, a unique and magical distinctively New Orleans musical meditation. All are welcome. See www.albinas.org for more details.

Tuesday, January 2: NO Organ & Labyrinth due to New Year Holiday



1329 Jackson Avenue New Orleans, Louisiana 70130-5198 504-522-0276 Fax 504-522-9960 www.trinitynola.com

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Worship Schedule

The Right Reverend Morris K. Thompson, Bishop The Reverend Andrew R. Thayer, Rector The Reverend Katherine S. McLean, Associate Rector The Reverend Alyce Jefferson, Deacon The Reverend Jay Albert, Deacon The Reverend E. Gary Taylor, Head of Trinity School The Reverend Dr. Hill C. Riddle, Rector Emeritus

SUNDAY 7:30 AM: Morning Prayer in the chapel 8:00 AM: Eucharist in the chapel 10:30 AM: Eucharist in the church 5:00 PM: Trinity Artist Series in the church 6:00 PM: Eucharist in the chapel

Vestry John Fay, Jr., Senior Warden Barbara Waller, Junior Warden Kelly Duncan, Clerk of Vestry Keith Crawford, Treasurer Phillip Gordillo, Elaine Haney, John Hevron, Ellinor Howard, Susu Kearney, Gordon Kolb, Heather Lonian, Chris Martin, Margaret Murphy, Alice Parkerson, Marguerite Redwine, Jim Theis, Carrie Wright John Wogan, Chancellor Mary Sutton, WOTC President Jill Pipes, Trinity School Board Chair

TUESDAY 7:30 AM: Eucharist in the chapel 8:30 AM: Morning Prayer in the chapel 6:00 PM: Organ and Labyrinth in the church THURSDAY 10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist and Healing Service in the chapel

The Church Office will be closed on January 1 & 2 and January 15.

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