May Tidings

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TIDINGS Trinity’s Mission: Acting in God’s love, Trinity Episcopal Church welcomes everyone to enthusiastically live the Christian faith. We call our members to worship and prayer, lifelong education, spiritual growth, cheerful giving, and active ministry with our community. All members serve as witnesses to Jesus Christ.

Vol. XXVII No. 5 May 2018

S-T-R-E-T-C-H Your Dollar! Mark Your Calendar! Tuesday, May 1 is GiveNOLA Day and Trinity Church is a proud participant! GiveNOLA Day is a 24-hour online charitable giving event hosted by the Greater New Orleans Foundation. Every gift of $10 or more to Trinity Church on Tuesday, May 1 through the website will go a little further and help us claim our share of bonus dollars from the “lagniappe” fund, plus additional prize money. Bookmark our page:

Giving starts at midnight on May 1! Thanks to you, we had a tremendous response last year from Trinity members and friends with $115,655 raised in just 24 hours! If you plan to make a gift on GiveNOLA Day (May 1) and would like it applied to your pledge balance, or given to a specific ministry, please contact Raina O’Neil at 504-670-2537 or send an email to to ensure your record is noted. Please help us again this year by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, and help us to spread the word! Share with your friends and support Trinity Church as part of GiveNOLA Day on Tuesday, May 1. We can’t wait to celebrate the difference your generosity will make!

Gratitude Report “Stewardship is everything we do, with everything we have, all the time.” ~ The Rev. John Talbird

When we think about Stewardship, money comes to mind first. Stewardship is more than just financial giving. A biblical world view of Stewardship is "Utilizing and managing all resources God provides for the glory of God and the betterment of His creation." I like to break it down to “Stewardship is the giving of your Time, Talent, and Treasure to better God’s creation.” I’d like to touch on the first two, Time and Talent.

Time and Talent pretty much go hand in hand. Give your time and use the talents God has given you to serve the church and it’s ministries. There are many ways to volunteer at Trinity. A few that come to mind are: Altar guild, coffee hour, greeters, ushers, etc. Feel free to volunteer if something calls you. We had a Spring Cleaning event after church on April 15th. Thank you to all who came out and gave their time

and talent to help with the church’s upkeep. Also, thank you to all other volunteers who help make Trinity run! As we enter the summer season, we will be focusing on building a stronger volunteer base to help with all the different ministries inside the walls of Trinity Church. Ask yourself, “Where can I be of assistance at Trinity?" - Curt Flournoy Stewardship Committee

Loving God, we thank you for the rich abundance in our lives. Open our eyes to see that, in being so blessed, we can, in turn, abundantly bless others. Open our hearts to feel the powerful generosity of your Spirit and let go of our fear and judgment. Open our ears to hear the needs of this church and community. Open our minds that, whenever called, we offer the world our measureless love, our generous time, our unique talents and treasure. Quicken our hands to your service, breathe your Spirit into us and touch us with the life of Christ. Amen.

Are You Connected?

Trinity Connections is our weekly email Newsletter that contains important messages about our ministry and worship. If you receive email from Trinity but are not receiving Trinity Connections, check to see if your email is sending our message to a folder other than your inbox and change your filter. We want you to be able to receive everything we send! If you need to change your email, or have any questions, contact Kriste Buck at or 670-2513.


Children, Youth & Family Ministries

by Ashley Bond, Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries

Youth Ministry Summer Calendar May 20 Field Trip: An Act of God at Le Petit Theatre After many millennia, and in just 90 minutes, God (assisted by His devoted angels), has arrived back on Earth to address some of the deepest questions that have plagued mankind since Creation. “Transcribed” by 13-time Emmy Award-winner David Javerbaum, An Act of God is the Broadway smash-hit comedy from the creator of, well, everything. RSVP REQUIRED BY MAY 6. June 17 – 22 Youth Week at Kanuga As one of the longest-running events for youth ministry in the United States, Youth Week brings together youth from around the country for a week of fun, friendship and prayer. This Kanuga tradition embodies the vibrancy of the national Episcopal Church and encourages participants to seek authentic connections with Christ and one another. Those who attend are empowered to build community through small group discussions, conference-wide gatherings, music, prayer and play. ($505, scholarships available, transportation provided) July 17 – 25 SUMMA Student Theological Debate Society Camp is the cornerstone of SUMMA Student Theological Debate Society, which provides a way for high school students to build their faith through intellectual channels. Founded in the confidence that knowledge and reason are foundational to faith, SUMMA offers fun, friendship, and the opportunity for a deepened and more thoughtful faith. Held on the campus of the School of Theology at the University of the South—one of the most beautiful college campuses in the United States—SUMMA Camp is a college-like atmosphere with challenging lectures and stimulating seminar discussions. Camp is open to high school students entering grades 9-12 in the fall of 2018, and offers a rich, uniquely meaningful experience. Applications DUE by June 1.

Easter Egg Hunt 3

Trinity Connections

Please Join the Women of Trinity Church for the annual

Spring Tea Presenting the Outstanding Volunteer Award to William S. “Bill� McLean Thursday, May 24, 2018 4 - 6 pm at the home of Mrs. Virginia Weinmann 29 Nassau Drive, Metairie, LA 70005 Lifetime Achievement Awards Mary Christie and Stuart Bamforth

RSVP 522-0276


Trinity Connections Vestry Members Elected On April 8, 2018, voting for four vestry members culminated with the following members elected for four-year terms: Michelle Cox, Cres Gardner, Barbara Waller and George Young. We wish to thank all the nominees who agreed to stand for the Vestry, each one brought a wealth of experience and individual talents, and all nominees would have served our congregation well. We are ever grateful to all for their commitment to Trinity and for the selfless work they do for all of us!

Confirmation Service

On Sunday, May 13, the Rt. Rev. Morris K. Thompson will be joining us for his annual visit. It is a time that he performs Baptisms and Confirmations, and receives members into the Episcopal Church during the 10:30 am service. Before you head off to celebrate Mother’s Day, please make plans to stop by Bishop Polk Hall to congratulate our Confirmands and say hello to Bishop Thompson at a brief reception.

Undoing Racism Workshop

In our Baptismal Covenant, we promise to “seek and serve all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves” and to “strive for justice and peace among all people and respect the dignity of every human being.” These vows were incorporated into Trinity’s Undoing Racism Principles when the Vestry approved the latter as an amendment to our church’s bylaws. Thus, after more than thirty years of work by dedicated parishioners, it officially became part of Trinity’s culture to work towards becoming an antiracist church. Holding workshops led by the People’s Institute has been one of strategies adopted to achieve this goal. The past two have been organized in collaboration with a church in the 9th Ward and both have been spiritually based and consequently, powerful and deeply moving. We have a workshop planned for May 10-11-12, to be held at Trinity, and we invite you to join us. Workshop hours: Thursday, May 10 - 6-8 pm; Friday, May 11 - 8:30-4:30 and Saturday, May 12 - 8:30-4:30. Please contact me or any one of the Community Ministry Committee members listed below. Cathy Posey (, 376-5284)

Please Pray for Our Eastertide Pilgrims

From May 1-11, 2018, twenty-five Trinity pilgrims will be traveling through Greece (with one stop at Ephesus in Turkey) to learn more about how the proclamation of the Gospel grew and spread from a small group of Jews who became Christ believers and followers of the Way. The group will travel with Peter, Paul, John Mark, Barnabas, Timothy, Priscilla and many other early disciples as they live (and also die for!) the Good News of Jesus, carrying this Living Word outward from Jerusalem to “all nations” (Luke 24:47). As always, the pilgrims will be holding the Trinity community in daily prayer, and they ask that you hold them in yours. Prayer: Pilgrim God, you are our origin and our destination. Travel with us, we pray, in every pilgrimage of faith and every journey of the heart. Particularly we ask that you guide and protect these pilgrims as they walk in the footsteps of the earliest Jesus followers, seeking to grow in grace, knowledge and love of you and in the service of others; through your Son our Lord and in the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Alvin Edinburgh, Perry Perkins - Honorary Don Erwin Diane Plauche Nell Bolton Catherine Freeman Rob Steinfeld King Logan Elaine Haney Paula Zeanah Chris Martin Jerry Meunier

TLF To-Go bags for sale! Help those in need by purchasing TLF To-Go bags every Sunday. Each bag consists of a bottle of water, vienna sausages, fruit cup, and granola bar, and only cost $2.00 per bag! During the week bags and donation envelopes may be found in the closet next to the vesting room, across from Moore Library. 5

Trinity Connections

Palm Sunday and Easter Photos

We welcomed The Reverend John Pitzer to the Trinity family on Palm Sunday. 6

Trinity Connections Trinity Artist Series Sundays at 5 pm For May schedule, please check the website or call Manon at 504-606-3442. May 6

Inah Park performs an organ recital featuring music from Germany, France and America.

Every Tuesday at 6:00 pm Organ and Labyrinth

The Case of Our Missing Green Song Books You probably have noticed the frayed, torn and tattered condition of Trinity’s beloved “Come Into God’s Presence Singing” books, better known simply as our Green Song books. Clearly something had to be done about this dismal situation. Because of copyright issues, our books could not be reprinted without going through the lengthy process of obtaining new permission to print many of the songs. The solution: Copies of our Green Song books are, or will be shortly, going through the process of being rebound as beautiful, easy-to-hold-open, hard-back books. Family and friends of William Wilkins Kearney are generously making it possible to refurbish our song books in Wilkins’ memory. This project also includes replacing torn, marred or missing pages. The reason that a number of the Green Song books are missing from our sanctuary and chapel is that Walter Eckert Bindery is refurbishing one hundred books at a time. It is hoped that at least the first set of restored Green Song books will be completed and back in the pews by the time this article appears in the May issue of Tidings. Another Trinity Church mystery is happily solved!

Coffee Hour

If you would like to sponsor the snacks for 10:30 am Coffee Hour, please contact Mary Lane Carleton, to sign up. No need to be present to sponsor. You can drop off in the kitchen morning of or in the WOTC fridge in the days prior.

Albinas plays the 5000-pipe tracker organ with ambient lighting and occasional guest musicians. From Bach to the Beatles and beyond! Since Katrina, a unique and magical distinctively New Orleans musical meditation. All are welcome. See for more details.

Bach Around the Clock Receives Rave Reviews! THANK YOU for Bach Around the Clock. It was my first and will be far from my last time to attend. I was blown away by the grace, and transcendental beauty which I experienced there. Every performance brought its own flavor and dimension of the sublime, and I was transfixed. My heart was expanded, my mind allowed to rest in more spacious awareness, and I was simply grateful for the opportunity to be there. To bare witness to so much humanity expressed through the various media and dimensions of music and dance in the exquisite space which you two have so lovingly created. Thank you and with love, Brian Levy

Please mark your calendars Women’s Creative Process Retreat: CPR for the Soul “Heart Work for Hard Times” Presenter: The Rev. Mary Hardy October 25-28, 2018 All are welcome! For more information: Lisa Holden (504) 296-7234 7


1329 Jackson Avenue New Orleans, Louisiana 70130-5198 504-522-0276 Fax 504-522-9960

Return Service Requested

A bequest could be the most important charitable gift you ever make. Please consider a gift to Trinity Church in your will.


Worship Schedule

The Right Reverend Morris K. Thompson, Bishop The Reverend Andrew R. Thayer, Rector The Reverend Katherine S. McLean, Associate Rector The Reverend John M. Pitzer, Associate Rector The Reverend Alyce Jefferson, Deacon The Reverend Jay Albert, Deacon The Reverend E. Gary Taylor, Head of Trinity School The Reverend Dr. Hill C. Riddle, Rector Emeritus

SUNDAY 7:30 AM: Morning Prayer in the chapel 8:00 AM: Eucharist in the chapel 10:30 AM: Eucharist in the church 5:00 PM: Trinity Artist Series in the church 6:00 PM: Eucharist in the chapel

Vestry John Fay, Jr., Senior Warden Barbara Waller, Junior Warden Kelly Duncan, Clerk of Vestry Keith Crawford, Treasurer Phillip Gordillo, Elaine Haney, John Hevron, Ellinor Howard, Susu Kearney, Gordon Kolb, Heather Lonian, Chris Martin, Margaret Murphy, Alice Parkerson, Marguerite Redwine, Jim Theis, Carrie Wright John Wogan, Chancellor Mary Sutton, WOTC President Jill Pipes, Trinity School Board Chair

MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:30 AM: Eucharist in the chapel TUESDAY 8:30 AM: Morning Prayer 6:00 PM: Organ and Labyrinth in the church THURSDAY 10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist and Healing Service in the chapel

The Church Office will be closed on May 28.

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