Inspired by Christ, Trinity Episcopal Church strives to love our neighbors, do justice, and walk humbly with God.
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weekly worship
We are so glad you are here.
Please complete a visitor card found in the pew racks or at the name tag table, and place it in the offertory plate or hand it to an usher or member of the clergy. You can also contact Tina Grant at (504) 670-2526 or
Morning Prayer, 7:30am, chapel Rite I Holy Eucharist, 8:00am, chapel Rite II Holy Eucharist, 10:30am, church Rite II Holy Eucharist, 6:00pm, chapel
You should check out: First Sunday at Trinity
(On November 3, the 6:00pm will feature a jazz ensemble.)
Tuesday Holy Eucharist, 7:30am, chapel
Sunday, November 3 in Bishop Polk Hall 8:30am Hot Breakfast 9:15am ‘Trinity Talk’ on ‘Creation’ with small group table discussions.
important dates Thanksgiving Holiday Office Closure Wednesday, Nov. 27 - Friday, Nov. 29
Christmas Service Times Tuesday, December 24 10:30am Children’s Liturgy 4:00pm Holy Eucharist 9:30pm Holy Eucharist
Thursday Healing Service, 11:00am at Lambeth House (1st Thursday of the month)
featured formation Clergy Book Club
Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson Led by The Rev. Andrew R. Thayer and Pastor Torin T. Sanders, Ph.D. In partnership with The Sixth Baptist Church 928 Felicity Street, NOLA 70130
(Music begins at 9:00pm)
Wednesday, December 25 10:30am Holy Eucharist
Trinity Episcopal Church New Orleans
Thursday, November 21 6:00pm - 8:00pm Potluck and Discussion at Sixth Baptist Church
1329 Jackson Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 • (504) 522-0276
“God saw everything that God had made, and indeed, it was very good.”
n o i t a e # cr at
On the first Sunday of each month, Trinity hosts a hot breakfast and ‘Trinity Talk’ on a specific theme, with small group discussion.
Sunday, November 3 8:30am, Hot Breakfast in Bishop Polk Hall 9:15am, ‘Trinity Talk’ on #creation
- Genesis 1:31
Sunday Morning there is something for everyone. Trinity Forum 9:15am in Bishop Polk Hall On the second, third and fourth Sunday of each month, Trinity will host a continental breakfast and forum, connected to First Sunday’s theme. In November, the forum will explore the church’s call to be in loving, liberating, and life-giving relationship with God’s creation.
November 10 - Diocesan Response November 17- National Church Response There is no Trinity Forum on Sunday, November 24.
12 Steps are for Everyone November 3, 10, 17 and 24 9:15am in the Board Room Participants read and discuss the effectiveness of the 12 steps of recovery as a process for spiritual growth.
Faith and Fiction November 10, 17 and 24 9:15am in the Parish House (Doesn’t meet on First Sundays)
Participants read short works of fiction and discuss them from a faith perspective. Contact: Merry Toups at
Children, Youth & Families, grow together. Nursery Care (Infant - 3 years) Sundays, 9:00am - 12:00pm Godly Play Sundays at 10:15am, in age-specific classroom Children 24 months to 5th grade are invited to join their peers on Sunday mornings for Godly Play, an imaginative way of telling the stories of the Bible using multi-sensory materials and presented “chronologically” and in sync with the liturgical year.
EY-Seedlings (4th-5th graders) Friday, November 1 6:00pm - 8:00pm at Molly’s House In honor of All Saints’ Day, the 4th and 5th graders will make candles to remember and honor the light of all those who have gone before us.
Rite-13 Afternoon Sunday, November 3 3:30pm - 5:00pm at Molly’s House Rite-13 (6th - 8th graders) Sundays, 10:15am at Molly’s House November 10 and 17 The beginning phase of the Journey to Adulthood (J2A) youth program is called Rite-13, a name that comes from a liturgical rite of passage to celebrate with young people around their 13th birthday.
Cyber Seniors Sundays, 11:45am in the School Library November 3 and 10 A student-led ministry where high school youth provide one-on-one technology assistance.
High School EYC (8th - 12th graders) Sunday, November 10, 5:30pm - 7:30pm at Molly’s House (2119 Coliseum Street)
Advent Workshop: Stories of God at Home Sunday, November 24 4:00pm - 6:00pm in Bishop Polk Hall (For parents, grandparents and adults)
Create your own Godly Play Advent story and learn how to use the Godly Play method to inspire family storytelling at home. Cost is $20 for supplies. RSVP required by November 15.
Your PLEDGE makes it possible. Commitment Sunday is November 3 Please make your 2020 pledge by November 3. A special blessing honoring your commitment will be held at each service on that day. The 2020 Church Budget is dependent on your pledge. It is especially important that we receive all pledges on time because the budget for 2020 will be based on those commitments. Thank you for your generosity, it truly changes everything. Pledge cards are available at church or online at
Weekday Study Groups Learn. Share. Connect. Men’s Prayer Breakfast Wednesdays, 6:30am in the Parish House This group gathers for a home-cooked breakfast and Bible study with the rector, until 8:00am.
Rector’s Drop-In Bible Study Wednesdays, 8:00am in the Board Room All are invited to drop-in for this weekly rector-led Bible study, ending at 9:00am.
Intercessory Prayer Group Wednesdays, 1:30pm in the Board Room Gathers weekly to hold prayers of healing, guidance and enfolding.
Mom’s Bible Study Gather with other mothers for weekly prayer, practice, sharing and connecting. AM Mom’s Bible Study meets Wednesdays 8:00am in the Moore Library PM Mom’s Bible Study meets Thursdays 1:30pm in the Moore Library
Enneagram Group Every other Thursday, 4:30pm November 7 and 21, in the Board Room Working with the Enneagram can give us a map to explore ways in which we may have wandered away from our best selves.
Spiritual Seekers Discussion Group Every other Sunday, 7:00pm - 8:15pm November 3 and 17, in the Board Room Explore some of the biggest questions of faith, informed by short readings from recent theologians such as Marcus Borg, Richard Rohr and others.
Connect at Events 20s/30s Bonfire and Potluck Sunday, November 3 6:00pm - 8:30pm Gather for worship at the First Sunday 6:00pm service featuring a jazz ensemble. Following the service, gather for a potluck dinner and bonfire in the Molly’s House courtyard. Please BYOB and a dish to share!
Stained Glass Window Tour Sunday, November 3 12:15pm in the Church Narthex In about 45 minutes, learn about the history of Trinity Church as told through our magnificent glass pictures. Led by Jim Theis, Trinity member and author of the 2017 book The Stained Glass of Trinity Episcopal Church.
it’s Music to your ears Choral Evensong for the Feast of All Saints Friday, November 1 6:00pm in the Church Sung by the Trinity Choir, featuring the music of Herbert Howells and Craig Phillips.
Organ and Labyrinth Tuesdays, 6:00pm in the Church The labyrinth is a meditative tool, wherby one is invited to walk on a traceable path that is placed on the floor of the sanctuary, while listening to music performed on the pipe organ.
Trinity Artist Series Sundays, 5:00pm in the Church This music program has been ongoing at Trinity for the past 30 years. The concerts are free and open to the public. Visit
Empowering Women Financially Wednesday, November 13 5:30pm in the Parish House A complimentary one-hour workshop designed by women, for women, featuring five speakers on topics such as personal finance, investments inheritance, and marriage/divorce. Please RSVP to Maria Elliott at
Out and About at the WWII Museum Wednesday, November 20 Enjoy a buffet lunch and memorable performance of the “Songs that Won the War” by the Victory Belles. Cost is $43 per person. RSVP by November 6. Contact Vicki Moran at (504) 296-6412 or
WOTC Pies and Sides Bake Sale Sunday, November 24 8:00am - 12:30pm in Bishop Polk Hall Buy some tasty treats and support the WOTC’s ministry and community grant program. Your donations of baked goods and tasty treats make this sale possible. To sign up to contribute, contact Pat Trapolin Couret at
NOVEMBER friday, nov 1
EY-Seedlings (4th-5th grade) 6:00pm - 8:00 at Molly’s House Choral Evensong: Feast of All Saints 6:00pm in the Church
sunday, nov 3
Services feature a special blessing honoring your pledge commitment. FIRST SUNDAY 8:30am Hot Breakfast 9:15am ‘Trinity Talk’ on #creation in Bishop Polk Hall 12 Steps are for Everyone 9:15am in Board Room
Organ and Labyrinth 6:00pm in the church
wednesday, nov 6
Men’s Prayer Breakfast 6:30am in Parish House
Organ and Labyrinth 6:00pm in the church
wednesday, nov 13
Men’s Prayer Breakfast 6:30am in Parish House
AM Mom’s Bible Study 8:00am in Moore Library
AM Mom’s Bible Study 8:00am in Moore Library
Rector’s Drop-In Bible Study 8:00am in Board Room
Rector’s Drop-In Bible Study 8:00am in Board Room
Intercessory Prayer Group 1:30pm in Board Room
Intercessory Prayer Group 1:30pm in Board Room
thursday, nov 7
WOTC Board Meeting 9:00am in Moore Library PM Mom’s Bible Study 1:30pm in Moore Library Enneagram Group 4:30pm in Board Room
sunday, nov 10
Empowering Women Financially 5:30pm in the Parish House
thursday, nov 14
PM Mom’s Bible Study 1:30pm in Moore Library Undoing Racism Training 5:00pm-8:00pm in the Parish House
friday, nov 15
Godly Play Classes 10:15am in age-specific classroom
Trinity Forum: Diocesan Creation Care 9:15am in Bishop Polk Hall
Stained Glass Tour 12:15pm in the Church
Faith and Fiction 9:15am in Parish House
Cyber Seniors 11:45am in the school library
12 Steps are for Everyone 9:15am in Board Room
Rite-13 (6th-8th Graders) 3:30pm-5:00pm at Molly’s House
Godly Play and Rite-13 Classes 10:15am in age-specific class
Trinity Artist Series 5:00pm in the Church
Cyber Seniors 11:45am in the school library
20s/30s Bonfire Potluck 7:00pm in Molly’s House Courtyard
Trinity Artist Series 5:00pm in the Church
Spiritual Seekers 7:00pm in the Board Room
High School EYC 5:30pm - 7:30pm at Molly’s House
The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a corporate act of worship, from all over the world, growing out of the desire to express deep gratitude for God in our lives, for special experiences, for strength in sorrow, and for everyday happiness. Church women initiated this offer in 1889 to further the cause of Christ at home and abroad. The money is collected and sent to the national treasurer of the Episcopal Church who along with representatives from the nine provinces, study grant requests. 100% of all funds collected are distributed as grants each year.
monday, nov 4
AL ANON / AA Recovery Group 6:00pm in Board Room 6:30pm in Moore Library
tuesday, nov 5
Walking the Mourner’s Path 5:15pm in the Parish House
monday, nov 11
AL ANON / AA Recovery Group 6:00pm in Board Room 6:30pm in Moore Library
tuesday, nov 12
Walking the Mourner’s Path 5:15pm in the Parish House
Undoing Racism Training 8:00am-4:00pm in the Parish House
saturday, nov 16
Undoing Racism Training 8:00am-4:00pm in Bishop Polk Hall
sunday, nov 17
Trinity Forum: National Church Creation Care 9:15am in Bishop Polk Hall
CALENDAR Faith and Fiction 9:15am in Parish House 12 Steps are for Everyone 9:15am in Board Room Godly Play and Rite-13 Classes 10:15am in age-specific class Bake-In Meeting 12:00pm at Molly’s House Trinity Artist Series 5:00pm in the Church Spiritual Seekers 7:00pm in the Board Room
monday, nov 18
AL ANON / AA Recovery Group 6:00pm in Board Room 6:30pm in Moore Library
tuesday, nov 19
Walking the Mourner’s Path 5:15pm in the Parish House Organ and Labyrinth 6:00pm in the church
wednesday, nov 20
Men’s Prayer Breakfast 6:30am in Parish House
friday, nov 22
Youth Bake-In Bishop Polk Hall & Molly’s House
saturday, nov 23
Youth Bake-In Bishop Polk Hall & Molly’s House
sunday, nov 24 WOTC Pies & Sides Bake Sale 8:00am-12:30pm in Bishop Polk Hall Faith and Fiction 9:15am in Parish House 12 Steps are for Everyone 9:15am in Board Room Godly Play Classes 10:15am in age-specific class Trinity Artist Series 5:00pm in the Church Stories of God at Home Workshop 4:00pm-6:00pm in Bishop Polk Hall
monday, nov 25
AL ANON / AA Recovery Group 6:00pm in Board Room 6:30pm in Moore Library
Rector’s Drop-In Bible Study 8:00am in Boad Room
Church offices are closed: wednesday, nov 27 thursday, nov 28 friday, nov 29 rector
Out and About: WWII Museum Buffet Lunch and a Show
The Rev. Andrew R. Thayer (504) 670-2524
AM Mom’s Bible Study 8:00am in Moore Library
Intercessory Prayer Group 1:30pm in Board Room
thursday, nov 21
PM Mom’s Bible Study 1:30pm in Moore Library Enneagram Group 4:30pm in Board Room Clergy Book Club w/ First Baptist 6:00pm at First Baptist Church 928 Felicity Street, NOLA 70130
Rector and Parish Assistant Tina Grant (504) 670-2526
children, youth & families Children and Family Ministries Ashley Bond (504) 236-2672 Youth Ministry The Rev. Jane-Allison Wiggin-Nettles (504) 295-1375
parish life Parish Life The Rev. Katherine S. McLean (504) 670-2584 Pastoral Care & Spiritual Formation Maria Elliott (504) 670-2535
outreach Administration and Outreach The Rev. John S. Pitzer (504) 670-2527 Community Ministries Cathy Posey (504) 376-5284 Trinity Loaves and Fishes Aaron Taylor (504) 418-1613
other contacts Stewardship and Development Raina O’Neil (504) 670-2537 Communications Ashley Eastham (248) 894-6224
Organist and Choirmaster Dr. Paul Weber (504) 522-0276
Women of Trinity Church (WOTC) Melissa Dovie (504) 313-8836
Trinity Artist Series Albinas and Manon Prizgintas (504) 606-3442
Verger/ Worship Mary Sutton (504) 615-7192
Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself? Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being? (The Baptismal Covenant, BCP. p. 305) For decades, Trinity has been a leader in the local community, leaning into efforts to understand racism and consider how we as a family of faith can bear witness and strive to undo its most harmful effects. In 2015, the Vestry voted to adopt the Principles of Undoing Racism, and in our new strategic plan, set an intention to engage new participants in Undoing Racism trainings and workshops. The work of racial healing is not easy, but as a community of faith, we can take the next step.
Undoing Racism Workshop November 14-16 in the Trinity Parish House Thursday, 5:00pm - 8:00pm Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm Saturday, 8:00am - 4:00pm Contact Kirsten Breckinridge at with questions or to register.
The Youth Bake-In is gratitude in action. Friday - Sunday, November 22-24 Bishop Polk Hall Kitchen & Molly’s House Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.”
The annual Youth Bake-In empowers middle and high school youth to respond to hunger in our community. As the hands of Christ, participants prepare over 600 loaves of fresh-baked bread. The loaves are then distributed to mission partners just in time for Thanksgiving. Interested in serving beside our youth? Contact The Reverend Jane-Allison Wiggin-Nettles at
For pastoral care emergencies after hours or on holidays call (504) 522-0276 and press #. You will be transferred directly to the clergy on call.