October Tidings 2017

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TIDINGS Trinity’s Mission: Acting in God’s love, Trinity Episcopal Church welcomes everyone to enthusiastically live the Christian faith. We call our members to worship and prayer, lifelong education, spiritual growth, cheerful giving, and active ministry with our community. All members serve as witnesses to Jesus Christ.

Vol. XXVI No. 10 October 2017

Join us for a Dinner Celebration of Abundance and Generosity With special guest speaker

The Reverend Evan Garner, Rector St. John’s Episcopal Church Decatur, AL Thursday, October 26, 2017 Trinity Church Opening reception - 5:30 pm in the circle drive with wine, beer and live music Dinner - 6:30 pm in Bishop Polk Hall Please RSVP by Thursday, October 12 to Raina O’Neil 670-2537 or roneil@trinitynola.com Childcare and nursery available!

October Opportunities! Please Join Us! October Opportunities! Please Join Us!

The Rev. John Talbird For 24 years, John served as Rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Lookout Mountain, TN

Saturday, October 14 Guest Teacher: “Come to the Banquet!” 9:00 am to 11:30 am – Bishop Polk Hall Please RSVP to roneil@trinitynola.com or call 670-2537

Sunday, October 15, 2017 Guest Preacher: 8:00 am, 10:30 am and 6:00pm worship services

The Rev. Evan Garner Rector of St. John’s Episcopal in Decatur, AL

Guest Speaker: Thursday, October 26

Parish-wide Celebration of Abundance and Generosity Dinner There will be live music, wine and beer & a fabulous sit-down meal! Reception begins in the circle drive at 5:30 pm Seated dinner at 6:30 pm Childcare and nursery will be available. Please RSVP by October 12 to roneil@trinitynola.com or call 670-2537


Christian Formation

by The Reverend Katherine S. McLean, Associate Rector

Liturgically we are in the l-o-o-o-n-g season of the church calendar that stretches from Pentecost Sunday (fifty days after Easter Sunday) until the Saturday before the First Sunday of Advent. This season is also sometimes referred to as “Ordinary Time.” However, the last months have been anything but ordinary! On Sunday, August 27, we “radically”—i.e., enthusiastically and joyfully— welcomed our new rector, the Reverend Andrew R. Thayer (Andy), his wife, Kelsey, and their three children, William, Natalie, and James, with a wonderful celebration. In addition to a great turnout for our 10:30 am service, barbeque, a live band, a jump house, party favors, a prayer wall, welcome rock station, snowballs, and other fun and family-friendly activities made the day special. Oh, and let’s not forget the balloons! Thank you to all who came to “welcome and be welcome.” What a truly in-Spirited way to begin this next phase in the life of the Trinity community! As part of this event, we created a booklet, “Invitation to Ministry,” that lists all of the many opportunities to serve that we offer in and from Trinity Church. At different times in our lives, we have different amounts of time, talent, and treasure, but we always have something to share of our God-given gifts. Please feel free to contact me at kmclean@trinitynola.com or 504-670-2584 if you would like to visit about what your particular spiritual gifts are and what your calling of the moment might be! This booklet and contact information sheet are now posted on our website under Ministries. We are all commissioned by Jesus to be ministers and share the Good News of God’s Love. Carpe diem and see how God can work in and through you!

An Introduction to Christ Centered Prayer Friday, October 27, 6:30 - 8:30 pm and Saturday, October 28, 9:00 am-12 noon Cultivating peace of mind through contemplative prayer is fundamental to discipleship and mission. Jesus often goes “off to a deserted place to pray,” and he is our model. Scripture is our reference for prayer. Tradition is our custodian of spiritual disciplines, and sacraments celebrate our encounters with the risen Lord. As a spiritual practice, Christ Centered Prayer responds to the invitation from Jesus to “come” to him when we are heavy laden and in need of rest. Resting in the Christ of our being is pure gift for those who would receive it. It is here that the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ, seeks to heal, forgive, and purify our minds, souls, and bodies. The fruits of such encounters over time may include growing peace, kindness, meekness, joy, love, patience, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. Manifesting in our everyday life, these fruits testify to God’s healing and transforming power. Christ Centered Prayer is easy to learn. It builds upon previous Christian contemplative tradition without reliance upon on sacred images, breath, thoughts, or words. Please join The Reverend Sandy Casey-Martus, Rector of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Wimberley, Texas (and mom to Ashley Bond!), in an introductory workshop on Christ Centered Prayer. We will begin on Friday night with an instructive Eucharist where the prayer discipline will be presented within the context of Christian worship. On Saturday morning we will deepen our theological and scriptural understanding of the prayer and have several opportunities to pray together, share our experiences, and ask questions. Sandy’s books, Christ Centered Prayer and The Lessons: Understanding Spiritual Principles, Thoughts, and Rising Emotions will accompany and support the workshops. Her book entitled Christ Centered Prayer is available in Trinity Treasures and may be purchased before or during her workshops. 3

Children, Youth & Family Ministries

by Ashley Bond, Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries

Nursery (Infant - 3 years)

Our paid nursery staff is delighted to care for our littlest members from infancy to three years of age. Please note that all children four years old and above must either attend Godly Play from 10:15 - 11:15 am or attend big church with their families.

Godly Play (3 years by 9/1/17 5th grade)

Godly Play is in full swing and because we have grown so much, we are building out a fourth classroom to accommodate all of our children! This is wonderful and exciting for our children’s ministry. The new classroom will be used to support our youngest friends so that we can gently introduce them to the environment and rhythm of Godly Play. We will learn about sacred space and how it’s different than other spaces we learn in. We will learn how to get our bodies ready for entering a sacred space and how to build a circle and be in community with one and other. The children will be introduced to centering prayer by learning how to settle our bodies and minds and listen for the silence inside our hearts. Then, we begin our stories, wondering, work and feast. All children three years old and up are invited to participate in Godly Play. Since we are at the beginning of a new cycle, this is a great time to sign up your little one so that he/she will benefit from this special learning time and begin to acclimate to the Sunday school routine.

Godly Play is Growing!

Our Godly Play ministry is growing and we are in need of more Storytellers and Doorkeepers to support the number of children we serve. This is a good problem to have! So if you have ever thought about teaching or would like to see what all the fuss is about, please email me! We will offer a day-long training in the Fall for all current and curious teachers. I invite you to reach out to any of our current Godly Play practitioners and ask them to tell you about this ministry: Ashley Bond Anna Breaux Kirsten Breckinridge Michelle Cox Melissa Fuselier 4

Susu Kearney Jill May Bess Meeks Brianne Rome Liz Roussel Allison Steinfeld

Youth Group Fun, Faith, Fellowship & Service Saturday, October 7, 9:00 am -1:00 pm, we are volunteering at Beignet Fest, so come visit us at the beverage stand and we’ll serve you up a nice, cold cola to wash down our city’s most iconic dessert: the beignet. After our volunteer service, we plan to fill our bellies with deliciousness. With proceeds from the Beignet Fest, the Tres Doux Foundation makes grants to local nonprofit organizations that provide accessible, quality programs for children with developmental delays. Learn more here: https://www.beignetfest. com/ and to volunteer, email Ashley B! Sunday, October 15, 4:00-6:00 pm - Kickball! There’s a new rivalry in town: Trinity Church Youth vs. Rayne Methodist Youth and we’re bringing it to the Trinity School soccer field. After we win, we will invite our new friends back to Molly’s House for pizza and various other red light foods. We would love to have some dads volunteer to coach us to victory! Friday, October 20, 4-10 pm - Netflix Binger! Don’t binge watch alone! Come hang out with us at Molly’s House as we binge watch a Netflix show and eat binge-worthy foods. Everyone will throw their show ideas in a hat and whatever we pull is what we binge. Sunday, October 29 - A High Schoolers’ Guide to Happiness. High Schoolers are invited to an evening with Rev. Sandy Casey-Martus (Ashley’s mom!). Our topic for the evening is “Everything I wish I knew in High School about how to be happy.” It’s going to be awesome! We’ll have a discussion and eat together. Everyone will walk away with tools for how to manage stress, rid your brain of headaches, your body of anxiety, and, of course, be happy! It’s real, ya’ll.

Mission and Outreach

Habitat Build Needs Volunteers by Ashley Eastham, Young Adults Minister (aeastham@trinitynola.com)

Potluck & Bible Study at Laura Meagher’s

On Wednesday, October 4, from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, gather at the home of Laura Meagher (820 Esplanade, New Orleans, LA 70116) for fellowship and study over a meal. Please bring a dish to pass and/or a beverage to share! Please RSVP to aeastham@trinitynola.com or on Facebook.

Marigny Opera House Ballet

On Sunday, October 8, come to the “Book of Saints,” a new full-length ballet inspired by the lives of three saints: Teresa of Avila, Francis of Assisi, and Sebastian Martyr. Original score by acclaimed New Orleans composer Tucker Fuller. The musicians feature Krewe du Voix, under the direction of our choirmaster/organist, Paul Weber. 7:00 pm Performance, $25 per person (discounted from $40) at the Marigny Opera House, 725 St. Ferdinand Street, New Orleans, LA 70117. Please RSVP to aeastham@trinitynola.com to grab a ticket with the group!

Sunday Supper Club

On Sunday, October 22, you’re invited to gather with other 20s & 30s for dinner out, following worship. After the 6:00pm Eucharist in Trinity’s chapel, we’ll have dinner together on Magazine Street. RSVP to aeastham@trinitynola.com, or just show up!

Habitat Lunch Preparation & Service

In October, Trinity Church is partnering with other faith communities to build a house from scratch in a “blitz build.” On Saturday, October 28 - the 20s/30s group from Trinity, in collaboration with young adults from other involved faith communities, will prepare and serve lunch to the Habitat volunteers on site. Contact aeastham@trinitynola.com if you’d like to help! Specific details to follow.

This October, Trinity is partnering with several other faith-based communities for Unity Build 2017! Volunteers must be 16 or over, with a 5:1 ratio of chaperones to youth under the age of 18. The build will take place Thursday-Saturday each week of October, from October 5 to the 28. Our financial part is $10,000. Make your check out to Trinity Church and place in the offering plate or mail to Trinity Church (please note in memo section for Habitat Build). If you would like to volunteer, please sign-up on our Sign-Up Genius link on Trinity’s announcement page on the website located under About Us or contact Scott Webster at tlfcoordinator@trinitynola.com. Thank you, and God bless.

Trinity Connections Blessing of the Animals

Please bring your pets to the circle driveway on Sunday, October 1 at 4:00 pm for the blessing of the animals in honor of St. Francis. Bring an offering of animal food to donate to a local animal shelter.

Walking the Mourner’s Path Walking the Mourner’s Path is a Christ-centered, non-denominational grief support program. We believe grieving is not lack of faith but a natural part of living. Walking the Mourner’s Path Workshop participants find: • That while their pain is unique they are not alone on their journey • The need to allow Christ to be a part of both the pain and the healing • Tools for moving forward with their life • A way to their honor loved one • Joy There are a few spaces available for Walking the Mourner’s Path on Tuesdays 4:30 - 6:00 pm beginning on October 17 - December 5 and you are asked to commit to all eight weeks. The facilitators are Bo Farrell, Maria Elliott, and The Reverend Kit McLean. Please contact Maria at melliott@trinitynola.com or 504-670-2535 if you are interested in Walking the Mourner’s Path and we will begin the process. 5

Trinity Connections

Trinity Loaves and Fishes Cabaret and Silent Auction Thursday October 12, 2017 6:30 - 8:30 pm Bishop Polk Hall

The Trinity Loaves and Fishes Cabaret will star Anais St. John! Thank you to our sponsors – the Coughlin-Saunders Foundation and Williams Architects. Thank you to our auction donors – Mignon at the Rink, Judy’s at the Rink, the Garden District Book Store, the Hemline of Mobile, Iberia Bank Chef Nora Wenzel, the Trinity Rummage Committee and Trinity Treasures. Buy your $30.00 tickets for a light meal with refreshments (wine, beer, etc.) online at https://trinitynola.com/ cabaret or from Scott Webster at 418-1613 or TLFcoordinator@trinitynola.com. All funds raised go to fight hunger in New Orleans as volunteers make about 32,000 bag meals a year. These meals go to low income children in after school programs, the elderly in need, the homeless and those with AIDS.

God's Special Time A Kairos weekend is being offered October 26-29 at Hunt Correctional Center for some of the displaced Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women residents. Join me and participate in Christ's calling to visit the prisoners by baking cookies, praying at a designated time, and/or financially supporting the weekend. We go inside to share the love of Christ and bring his forgiveness to the those impacted by incarceration taking with us your outside support. Contact Deacon Alyce at ajefferson@trinitynola.com.

Choral Evensong for All Saints Day

The Trinity Choir will sing choral Evensong for All Saints Day on Wednesday, November 1 at 6:00 pm with a reception to follow. Christ Church Cathedral organist, Jarrett Follette, will join the choir as guest organist. Interim Organist & Choirmaster, Paul Weber, will conduct and Trinity Rector, Andrew Thayer, will officiate and preach. The service will include canticles by the English composer, George Dyson, and choral responses by Frank Rippl of Appleton, Wisconsin. The evening promises to be a festive celebration of rousing hymns and thrilling choral music for the Feast of All Saints. 6

Roots & Sprouts Family Ministry & Trinity School

are excited to present, Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age, on Wednesday, October 18 in Bishop Polk Hall. This documentary addresses the most pervasive parenting issue of our time head on—depicting teen struggles over social media, video games and internet addiction. The film empowers kids to best navigate the digital world and provides practical resources to help them do it. Recommended for viewers age 10 and up. 6:00 pm Dinner, 6:30 - 7:30 pm Screening, 7:30 - 8:15 pm Discussion Groups. Complimentary nursery care and supervised children’s activities. Contact aeastham@trinitynola.com to register!

Out and About Come to enjoy a day in God’s amazing creation as we visit Global Wildlife Center. The largest free-roaming wildlife center of its kind in the country is right across the lake in Folsom. After we visit and feed the animals, we will enjoy lunch and a quiet hour at the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center on Friday, October 20. PLEASE RESERVE YOUR PLACE EARLY by calling Maria at 504-670-2535 or melliott@ trinitynola.com. Carpools will leave Trinity at 8:30 am and will return by 3:30 pm. Price is $25.00 per person for the day and includes lunch. Also Save These Dates! Friday, November 10 to visit the Atrium Art Gallery for the Water Color Society Holiday Show and enjoy a luncheon at Christwood Retirement Center. Tuesday, December 5 we will visit St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church in Metairie for a guided tour of their beautiful icons, written by Raymond Calvert. Sunday, December 17 Christmas Tea and Ellington’s Nutcracker performed by Delfayo Marsalis and his Uptown Orchestra at the Trinity Artist Series.

Trinity Connections Wit & Wisdom from the WOTC It’s WOTC Rummage Sale Time!

Come and have fun with us October 4 - October 7, 2017 We need help for our semi-annual sale. Join us for an hour or two or all day – anytime that works for you is a great help! Here are the following dates and times to choose from: Wednesday, October 4 - 10:00 am to 5:00 pm (merchandise set up) Thursday, October 5 - 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (sales) Friday, October 6 - 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (sales) Saturday, October 7 - 9:00 am to 12:30 pm (sales) There will be great household and electrical items, beautiful clothes for all and jewelry, holiday decorations, fun toys, lots of books, etc. All are priced to sell…starting at ten cents. Please come and shop. Your support makes it all possible. To volunteer please contact Laura Williams at laurawwms@gmail.com or Bruna Mora at brunamora@yahoo.com

Trinity Treasures Wise and Wonderful Books and Gifts On Sunday, November 12, 2017 from 9:15-10:15 am, David Billings will discuss the issue of the persistence of white supremacy in the history of our country and in life. This informative and thought provoking talk will take place in the chapel and we invite you all to join us. Billings, an historian and organizer with The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, has worked for half a century in the struggle for racial justice. Deep Denial - part popular history, part personal memoir- documents the 400 year racialization of the U.S. and explains why we remain “a nation hard-wired by race.” The book has won a 2017 Next Generation Indie Book Award.

Trinity Artist Series Sundays at 5 pm October 1

“Take Me Home Country Roads,” John

Denver Tribute, performed by Nashville

Recording Artist/Singer/Guitarist Cathy Gianfala. October 8

North Indian Classical Music with Atish Mukhopadhyay, “SARODE” virtuoso and guest musicians.

October 15

A GALA CONCERT- featuring The New Orleans Black Chorale, St, Augustine Soulful Voices, Valerie Francis & The Patriotic Project Youth Chorus, Albinas Prizgintas, organist/pianist, and more! 100,000 voices world-wide celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Fourth World Movement (ATD), and the 100th anniversary of its founder, Joseph Wresinski.

October 22

Ruby & The Rogues and LPO guest Cellist Kent Jensen, with singer/guitarist Ruby Rendrag, cellist Uki Kuehn, and percussionist Michael Ennis. A unique instrumentation offering a refreshing musical experience.

October 29

From France: French Nola Brass Band six performers with trumpet/vocals, trombone, sax, sousaphone, banjo, and snare.

Every Tuesday at 6 pm Organ and Labyrinth

Book Drive for CASA Jefferson (Court Appointed Special Advocates for children) There are 150 abused/neglected children in the Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court System. CASA recruits and trains volunteers to work one-on-one with these children, advocating for their best interests. By donating new or gently used books for these children, you will be helping CASA advocates provide opportunities for intellectual growth and development that the child might not have otherwise. Look for the CASA book collection box in the undercroft late September through October. Peyton Toups, a Jesuit High School student, is working with CASA on this book drive. Church contact: Deacon Alyce at ajefferson@trinitynola.com. 7


1329 Jackson Avenue New Orleans, Louisiana 70130-5198 504-522-0276 Fax 504-522-9960 www.trinitynola.com

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Worship Schedule

The Right Reverend Morris K. Thompson, Bishop The Reverend Andrew R. Thayer, Rector The Reverend Katherine S. McLean, Associate Rector The Reverend Alyce Jefferson, Deacon The Reverend Jay Albert, Deacon The Reverend E. Gary Taylor, Head of Trinity School The Reverend Dr. Hill C. Riddle, Rector Emeritus

SUNDAY 7:30 AM: Morning Prayer in the chapel 8:00 AM: Eucharist in the chapel 10:30 AM: Eucharist in the church 5:00 PM: Trinity Artist Series in the church 6:00 PM: Eucharist in the chapel

Vestry John Fay, Jr., Senior Warden Barbara Waller, Junior Warden Kelly Duncan, Clerk of Vestry Keith Crawford, Treasurer Phillip Gordillo, Elaine Haney, John Hevron, Ellinor Howard, Susu Kearney, Gordon Kolb, Heather Lonian, Chris Martin, Margaret Murphy, Alice Parkerson, Marguerite Redwine, Jim Theis, Carrie Wright John Wogan, Chancellor Mary Sutton, WOTC President Jill Pipes, Trinity School Board Chair

TUESDAY 7:30 AM: Eucharist in the chapel 8:30 AM: Morning Prayer in the chapel 6:00 PM: Organ and Labyrinth in the church WEDNESDAY 5:30 PM: Holy Eucharist in the chapel THURSDAY 10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist and Healing Service in the chapel

The Church Office will be closed on Monday, October 9.

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