Sept tidings

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TIDINGS Trinity’s Mission: Acting in God’s love, Trinity Episcopal Church welcomes everyone to enthusiastically live the Christian faith. We call our members to worship and prayer, lifelong education, spiritual growth, cheerful giving, and active ministry with our community. All members serve as witnesses to Jesus Christ.

Vol. XXV No. 9 September 2016

Visioning, Re-Visioning and Variety by The Reverend Kit McLean, Associate Rector

Inside this Issue Stewardship page 2 Christian Formation page 3 Children, Youth and Family Ministries page 4 Young Adults page 5 Mission and Outreach page 5 Trinity Connections pages 6, 7

Visioning, re-visioning (otherwise known as change!) and variety will characterize our Christian Formation opportunities for 2016-2017. As we experience this liminal time as a parish family, our formation priorities are going to center around worship, prayer and listening. Listening to and for God and to and with each other is a vital part of any transition but particularly a transition as significant as a search for a new rector. Our hope is to provide time and space for this to occur alongside more strictly informational sessions. The Reverend Michael Carlisle will be teaching a class entitled, “What We Do and Why We Do It,” on three Sundays in September and October to help us understand more about how our search process is structured, how our church polity functions and why we do what we do in worship. Some changes are being made to our Wednesday night offerings. Beginning on Wednesday, September 14, our celebration of Holy Eucharist will resume at 5:30 pm. However, the liturgy will take place in the chapel and will include the liturgy known as “A Public Service of Healing.” Much of Jesus’ ministry and the ministry he passed on to his disciples involved healing of all kinds. With so much divisiveness and polarity in our world, hope and healing can seem very distant. As followers of Jesus, we are all called to work toward reconciliation and wholeness everywhere, but particularly within the Body of Christ. The sacrament of anointing and prayers for healing is available to anyone who desires healing support for themselves or for others for physical, emotional and spiritual needs, including healing of relationships and memories and freedom from addictions. Confidentiality is strictly observed, and participants may come forward in silence or with a specific request or not at all. If you have never participated in a healing service, I think you will be surprised at how powerful and peaceful it can be. Please note that the 10:30 am Thursday healing service will continue as usual. There will be no dinner or program on Wednesday evenings until October. During October, the Search Committee will hold several “Listening Sessions” on Sundays and Wednesdays (see box on page 2). Please make every effort to attend one of these. An online survey will be sent out as well, and your thoughtful and prayerful response and participation both online and in person is appreciated and needed. These meetings and the survey will provide valuable feedback that the Search Committee will use to create our parish profile. Our profile will outline Trinity’s history, mission, goals, hopes and dreams and the qualities we seek in our next rector. Discipleship, stewardship, Anglican identity and what the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, the Most Reverend Michael Curry, speaks of as the “Jesus Movement” will be topics of programming and classes later in the year.


Raina O’Neil, Director of Development and Communications

Stewardship flies in the face of every message we receive from our culture. Instead of gathering in, we let go. Instead of feeling inadequate we feel fulfilled. Instead of suspicion, trust and hope prevail. Stewardship is about how we spend the gifts God has given us – how we spend our lives and our money to do God’s will. It means living in the full knowledge that he who dies with the most toys may win the world’s game, but he still dies. And none of those toys will take us one step closer to eternal life. Ultimately, this knowledge makes us different. As one young vestry member exclaimed, “What you’re talking about, stewardship, is more than just giving money to the church. You’re saying people have to change the way they live!” Stewardship is about changing the way we live. Trade a ski vacation, country club membership, or trip to the mall for feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, caring for “the least of these”-and proclaiming to the world that Christ is risen, indeed! What a concept! Give a percentage of your money in order to empower ministry. Sample the benefits of bringing the full tithe into the storehouse as God asks in Malachi (3:8-12). Put God to the test and see if God will not “open the windows of heaven and pour down for you an overflowing blessing.” It is a revolutionary notion, and perhaps, the ultimate challenge for that rugged individualist we claim as our national icon. But it is also the role we choose with the words of the Baptismal Covenant, claiming, at the same time, the only support we require to be successful: “We will, with God’s help.”

When you shop with AmazonSmile, 0.5% of your purchase is donated back to Trinity Church. Simply go to, choose “Trinity Episcopal Church New Orleans” and every time you shop on the site Trinity Church will receive 0.5% of our purchase.


Listening Sessions Your voice is important and the Search Committee needs to hear from you. Please plan to attend one of these sessions: Sundays 9-10 am on October 9, 23 and 30 Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 pm on October 12 and 19 2

Save the date - September 11 Please join us for a welcome coffee hour honoring The Reverend Michael Carlisle, Interim Rector, and his wife, Doris, hosted by the Women of Trinity Church (WOTC) on Sunday, September 11 after the 10:30 am service!

Christian Formation by The Reverend Kit McLean, Associate Rector

Lenten Pilgrimage 2017 Exploring Our Anglican Heritage: Ever Ancient, Ever New March 26, 2017 to April 6, 2017 Led by The Rev. Kit and Mr. Bill McLean “Stand at the crossroads, and look. Ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies; walk in it, and find rest for your souls.” —Jeremiah 6:16 The Episcopal Church, as part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, is connected to an immensely rich faith tradition that began in England centuries ago. This pilgrimage will include stays in Canterbury, Norwich and London. We will participate in the worship life of several cathedrals and learn about Christian art and architecture as well as Anglican history, theology and spirituality. Our overall focus will be to understand the impact of our Anglican heritage on the Episcopal Church of today and to discover and appreciate the diverse cultural and liturgical life we share with others around the globe who also seek to follow Jesus Christ and build up God’s kingdom. Limited to 18 pilgrims. Cost estimate: $3300+/- including airfare. For more information please email or call Kit at 504-670-2584.

Children & Family Ministries

by Ashley Bond, ( Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries

Godly Play (3 yrs - Grade 5) Godly Play is a Montessori-approach to the spiritual formation of children and youth. We have three designated classrooms (GP1 for PK, GP2 for K-2nd and GP3 for 3rd-5th). Through the generosity of the WOTC, we will purchase new enrichment stories for our classrooms. We are working directly with the GP3 (3rd5th) teachers to develop a special enrichment curriculum that will engage, surprise and delight this older group using new stories and advanced Godly Play teaching techniques.

Godly Play Sunday Formation We have fielded many questions and concerns both by parents and Godly Play volunteers about the current Sunday school time slot of 9:15-11am. Logistically, this time has been very taxing on everyone for a number of reasons. There is consensus that a 10am-11am time slot makes more sense, and we will move to this new time. Children whose parents opt to attend a 9:15am formation class will be welcomed and cared for in the library with activities, books and/or opportunities to help children’s ministries get ready for the day.


Children & Family Ministries

by Ashley Bond, ( Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries

Godly Play Team We have an incredible group of faithful Godly Play practitioners and will be training more teachers in the Spring using grant funds from the WOTC. We will host our second community-wide Godly Play Core Training at Trinity, which is tentatively set for Feb. 10-12. We are always looking to add new folks to join our team and there are a variety of ways you can be involved! Our current teachers are: Allison Steinfeld, Brianne Rome, Dana Summerour, Katye Irwin, Kirsten Brekinridge, Liz Roussel, Melissa Fuselier, Michelle Cox, and Aliaya Johnson. Acolyte Ministry (Grades 4 -12) Our Acolyte Ministry of approximately 50 youth is the strongest part of Trinity’s youth ministry and there is tremendous opportunity to engage a large number of youth via this vibrant and established ministry. Moving forward we will have four teams of 10 acolytes, which not only gives everyone more opportunities to serve throughout the year but also gives us all a little more wiggle room to accommodate multiple absences on any given Sunday. Our Acolyte Captains are Charlottte Freeman, Owen Hoffman, Tanner Tresca and Wicker Perlis. NEW Acolyte Monthly Breakfasts! Thanks to our wonderful Acolyte Captain Parents, we are working toward hosting a monthly Sunday “Acolyte Breakfast” from 9-10am at Molly’s House for all those who serve in this ministry. The goal is to create opportunities for the youth to get to know each other and for the captains to build stronger relationships with their teams. This is also part of a larger strategy to galvanize youth within our church and become more involved in other areas of youth ministry (formation, retreats, service opportunities, training, mission trips, pilgrimage, youth group, etc.). Middle School Formation As your child grows in middle school it is important to offer consistent spiritual formation. We are excited to offer a tried and true Episcopal curriculum called Journey to Adulthood (J2A). There are three components to this curriculum: Rite 13 (Grades 6-8), J2A (Grades 9-10) and Young Adults in the Church (YAC) (Grades 11-12). Using a phased-in approach, we will begin offering the Rite 13 curriculum to our middle school youth during normal Sunday morning formation times. Not only does J2A dovetail nicely with Godly Play, it also serves as a Confirmation curriculum. Mark your calendars! Youth Formation Sneak Peek: Friday, September 16, 2017 Parents, Clergy & Mentors (current and potential) are invited to a short, intimate “fireside chat” with our Journey to Adulthood curriculum trainer, Heidi Carter Clark, from LeaderResources, starting at 6pm. Location TBD. We will discuss expectations of congregations, families, and the current culture of adolescence, plus get a preview of Saturday’s training. 4

Young Adults

by Ashley Eastham, Young Adults Minister (

Mission and Outreach

Young Adults - NOLA Brewery Private Tour & Tasting On Thursday, September 8 at 6:00 pm we’ll have a private tour of NOLA Brewery, with a 2-hour beer tasting to follow in the tasting room ($10 per person). Please RSVP to Scott Webster at by Tuesday, September 6. Please bring your payment to the event.

Young Adults September Potluck &; Bible Study at the Lombardos’ Please join us Monday, September 19 from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm hosted by Rachel Lombardo (5917 Constance Street, NOLA 70115). Please bring a dish to pass, dessert and/or beverage to share! Please RSVP to Rachel at and let her know what you plan to bring!

Mission and Outreach

Your Help Needed for Louisiana Flood Victims!

Our brothers and sisters in Baton Rouge have suffered severe losses due to the flood conditions caused by recent and ongoing rains. Trinity Church and School are coordinating a series of outreach efforts and would like to invite you and your family to participate however you feel called so to do. Here are some the steps we will be taking in the next week.

School Supply Drive A new school year is on the horizons and I for one am excited. I’m excited for my kids to learn, excited for them to be back on a schedule, and excited for the energy of the children to refill the halls of Trinity Church and School on a daily basis. While I am excited about this new year I am also aware that for many families the beginning of a new school year is met with dread. Questions like “How will I afford tuition or mandatory uniforms?” or “Where will I find the money to get school supplies?” serve to temper what should be an exciting time. The average total cost for a 4th grade school supply list in most Orleans Parish schools is $85. When this cost is combined with the cost of school uniforms the cost only goes up. Please help families in need by donating to the school supply drive. If you see school supplies on sale please purchase them. If you can’t purchase something or shop please consider a donation. Make a check out to Trinity Church and in the memo line write “school supply drive.” Every child deserves a chance to learn, please help by making a donation. A collection box is located outside of Fr. Mitch’s office.

1) The following items are requested: bottled water , towels, soap, tooth brush & paste, shower shoes, deodorant, women’s personal hygiene items, NEW underwear in the package, baby food and formula, diapers in all sizes, baby wipes, blankets, bedding-new (preferably packaged), phone chargers-all types, first aid supplies, breakfast food, plates & utensils, air mattresses. Note that clothes are not being collected as storage and sizing make distribution very difficult. 2) GIFT CARDS are also extremely useful, particularly from Walmart, Target, or Visa. Please drop off gift card donations in the Church office. They will be taken up by volunteers who are working directly with people in Baton Rouge. 3) Donate to the Episcopal Relief and Development ( or by visiting the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana’s website ( pastoral-letter-on-the-flooding-in-the-diocese/) for ways to help. 5

Trinity Connections

Out and About Quiet Day: The Grace of Gratitude Solomon Episcopal Conference Center Friday, September 23, 2016 10 am-3 pm During periods of tension and conflict, we often voice a longing for a “simpler” time. When we say this, we are usually looking backward toward a past that seemed, even if only for a moment, somehow clearer and less fraught. But what if we turned that longing for a simpler time around and put it in front of us as an achievable aim for both the present and the future? The Reverend Kit McLean will lead a series of short meditations reflecting on how living in and with and from a place of gratitude moves us toward greater clarity, peace and simplicity. There will be free time for enjoying the grounds and silence as well as for fellowship and discussion. Carpools will leave from Trinity at 8:30 am. Lunch will be provided. We will close with a Eucharist. As always this event is open to all. Cost is $15 and reservations are requsted by Sept. 20. For more information, please contact Maria at or 670-2535.

Resolve Resentment and Grow in Forgiveness Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for your enemy to die. - Nelson Mandela Saturday, October 1, 9:15 am - 3:30 pm Trinity Church, New Orleans EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION IS $75 BEFORE SEPTEMBER 1 SAVE $15 if you register with a friend! Click here to register or call Maria at 670-2535. *Are you tired of living with resentment? *Is there someone in your life you just can’t forgive? *Do you need to find self-forgiveness? *Do you need resources to deal with bullies? *Do you want a more compassionate way of being present? The Reverend Dr. Rob Voyle teaches us the art of releasing resentments and learning to forgive in a way that is helpful and humorous. Rob is an Episcopal priest, psychologist and executive coach and the director of the Clergy Leadership Institute. He will also offer a workshop through the Diocese of Louisiana for clergy, clinical counselors and pastoral caregivers on Friday, September 30. Please go to for more information.

Youth Mission Trip to Mission, South Dakota (Rosebud Reservation)


Trinity Connections Save the Date November 2

Parish-Wide Gala Dinner (Invitations to follow)

Wit & Wisdom from the WOTC by Karyn Kearney, Women of Trinity Church President

WOTC RUMMAGE SALE is September 30 and October 1, 2016

As we look forward to Fall and cooler weather, what a good time to organize your home, de-clutter your space, and donate items to WOTC’s fabulous and most successful fundraiser – the Rummage Sale! Bring items to the church office any weekday. Volunteer help is needed during the sale week to unpack boxes, display merchandise, greet our customers, help with check out, and supply snacks and meals for the volunteers. It is a joyful and enriching ministry! Volunteer help is needed on the following dates and times: Wednesday, September 28 - 9 am to 3 pm for set up Thursday, September 29 - 9 am -2pm for set up and church/school pre-sale Open to public: Friday, September 30 - 9am – 2pm Saturday, October 1 - 9 am to 12 noon If you can volunteer, please contact Elaine Haney ( 909-1858 Money raised from this all-volunteer effort is donated to church ministries and community projects. Thanks for supporting this great WOTC ministry!

Trinity Artist Series Sundays at 5 pm September 4 The legendary New Orleans Trombone September 11

Choir, directed by John Risey, celebrates Labor Day. The Asylum Chorus, a super hip New Orleans group of singers/dancers original, trendy and fun to see and hear.

September 18 Richard Rowley, guitarist performing favorites, from the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s with a variety of pop, country, Dixieland, and some Irish, Italian, Blues and Bluegrass songs. . September 25

Flutist Laura Patterson, percussionist Brittany Piatz, pianist Albinas Prizgintas in a program of Tangos, Irish traditionals and contemporary works

Every Tuesday at 6 pm Organ and Labyrinth with Albinas on the 5000 pipe tracker organ. From classical baroque to vintage rock and popular tunes.


Prison ministry needs you! There are many ways to support the Kairos #43 team being called to serve the residents at the Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women in St. Gabriel, LA from October 2730, 2016. Prayers are needed throughout the entire weekend, dozens of homemade cookies are baked for distribution to the women participating in the program, and financial support helps with the expenses of the week-end. Should you want to attend the closing ceremony on Sunday October 30 (early commitment is needed for facility clearance) or support the team in any way, contact Deacon Alyce at 909-1326 or

NAMI Bake Sale

Calling all bakers and foodies! The third annual Trinity Bake Sale to benefit the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) will be held on Sunday, September 25 in Bishop Polk Hall after the 8:00 and 10:30 services. Bakers willing to donate homemade goodies, please call or text Eileen Gleason at (504) 417-1404 to coordinate. 7


1329 Jackson Avenue New Orleans, Louisiana 70130-5198 504-522-0276 Fax 504-522-9960

Return Service Requested

Please remember Trinity Church in your will.


Worship Schedule

The Right Reverend Morris K. Thompson, Bishop The Reverend Michael E. Carlisle, Interim Rector The Reverend Mitchell T. Smith, Associate Rector The Reverend Katherine S. McLean, Associate Rector The Reverend Alyce Jefferson, Deacon The Reverend Jay Albert, Deacon The Reverend E. Gary Taylor, Head of Trinity School The Reverend Dr. Hill C. Riddle, Rector Emeritus

SUNDAY 7:30 AM: Morning Prayer in the chapel 8:00 AM: Eucharist in the chapel 10:30 AM: Eucharist in the church 5:00 PM: Trinity Artist Series in the church 6:00 PM: Eucharist in the chapel TUESDAY 7:30 AM: Eucharist in the chapel 8:30 AM: Morning Prayer in the chapel

Vestry John Fay, Jr., Senior Warden Barbara Waller, Junior Warden Kelly Duncan, Clerk of Vestry Keith Crawford, Treasurer Dawn Buckley, Elaine Haney, John Hevron, Ellinor Howard, Susu Kearney, Gordon Kolb, King Logan, Chris Martin, Margaret Murphy, Marguerite Redwine, Jonathan Shaver, Jim Theis John Wogan, Chancellor Karyn Kearney, WOTC President Sandy Villere, Trinity School Board Chair

THURSDAY 10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist and Healing Service in the chapel

The Church Office will be closed on September 5.

Follow us on facebook at Trinity Episcopal Church New Orleans.

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