Tidings February March 2019 Issue

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Tidings February/ March 2019


30 Years Trinity Artist Series

CONTENTS Lent: Feast on the Holy Season Celebrating 30 years of the Trinity Artist Series Celebrating 20 years of Bach Around the Clock Celebrating 10 years of Organ and Labyrinth “The Heart is an Organ” Special Screening Honoring Black History Month February/March Calendar Choral Evensong Happening #82 Trinity Mardi Gras Tailgate Out and About Lenten Offerings Confirmation Walking the Mourner’s Path Bach Around the Clock Planning for a Graceful Exit The Parish Register - Births, Baptisms, Deaths


The Rev. Andrew R. Thayer, Rector (670-2524) The Rev. Katherine S. McLean, Associate Rector (670-2584) The Rev. John M. Pitzer, Associate Rector (670-2527) The Rev. Jane-Allison Wiggin-Nettles, Associate Rector (670-2516) The Rev. Robert Hadzor, Trinity School Chaplain/Assisting Priest The Rev. E. Gary Taylor, Head of School The Rev. Alyce Jefferson, Deacon The Rev. Jay Albert, Deacon


Barbara Waller, Senior Warden Gordon Kolb, Junior Warden Chris Martin, Clerk of Vestry Keith Crawford, Treasurer Michelle Cox, John Fay, Cres Gardner, Philip Gordillo, Elaine Haney, Ellinor Howard, Heather Lonian, Marky Murphy, Alice Parkerson, Marguerite Redwine, Jim Theis, Carrie Wright, George Young John Wogan, Chancellor Bo Farrell, WOTC President Jill Pipes, Trinity School Board Chair

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CONTACT NUMBERS Main Number Pastoral Care


Ashley Bond Kriste Buck Ashley Eastham Maria Elliott Tina Grant Corrinne Mestayer Raina O’Neil Paul Weber

522-0276 670-2535

670-2519 670-2513 670-2526 670-2535 522-0276 670-2546 670-2537 522-0276

For pastoral care emergencies after hours or on holidays you may dial the church number 522-0276 and press #. You will be transferred directly to the clergy on call at that time.

The Tidings Newsletter is published bi-monthly by Trinity Episcopal Church. 1329 Jackson Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 504-522-0276 • www.trinitynola.com

Lent: Feast on the Holy Season For centuries, Lent has been a time in the Church for repentance, fasting, and preparation for the coming of Easter. It has been a time of self-examination and reflection. In the early church, Lent was a time to prepare new converts for baptism. It is still common today for Christians to focus on their relationship with God, and make the decision to give up something, and deny oneself the pleasures of things that are typically enjoyed. As the Church has evolved with time, changes have occurred within and about Church teaching. In addition, many in the Church have begun to shift the focus of Lent from a season of denial and fasting, to a season of reaching out to others and feasting. In other words, if one makes the decision to “give something up for Lent”, then it would seem appropriate to “do something for Lent” as a way to complete the spiritual circle. This would allow us to reach the conclusion of Lent, and arrive at Easter, with a new focus that carries us through the Easter season and beyond. How wonderful it would be if things we “fasted on” and then began to “feast on” would become daily practices for us, not just in Lent, but everyday! Challenge yourself with the following list. Choose just a handful of things to “fast from” and then begin “feasting.” So the invitation has been set. “Feast” on the holy season of Lent. FAST FROM

Darkness Prejudice Dishonesty Resentment Gossip Violence Making excuses Being discouraged Always saying no Being lazy Exclusivity Being critical Being negative Fear Hate


Light Acceptance Truth Forgiveness Building others up Peace Being responsible Hope Volunteering Being a self-starter Inclusivity Complimenting Being positive Confidence Love

Trinity Episcopal Church • Tidings




1988 - 2018


In 2018 the city of New Orleans celebrated a significant anniversary, and much pomp and circumstance abounded. 2018 marked several other important anniversaries for Trinity Church and the greater New Orleans music scene. The multi-award winning Trinity Artist Series, Bach Around the Clock, and the Organ and Labyrinth music ministries all celebrated historic birthdays in 2018. These always free music events have entertained with a range of musical genre - from jazz, rhythm & blues, classical and more. The longevity of these three programs is remarkable and speaks to the culture and the community that has been created at Trinity under tireless direction of Albinas and Manon. We asked several artists and musicians to share their thoughts on the impact of these three important ministries and their thoughtful tributes are included on the next few pages. Enjoy!

Manon and Albinas are shining beacons of grass roots musical efforts in the city of New Orleans. Their passion and outright enthusiasm is undeniable and effects all who come in contact with them. My first performance at Trinity Church was during the early years of Bach Around the Clock. I was inspired to present a jazz version of the famous Minuet in G which fit right into the diverse programming. Manon and Albinas have embraced the varying cultures that make our great city unique and incorporated them in their very popular music programs. I look forward to playing at Trinity Episcopal Church every year, and in fact have stained glass embedded into my trombone as a tribute to the church’s majesty! Delfeayo Marsalis Internationally-acclaimed trombonist, educator and Founder of The Uptown Jazz Orchestra The Artist Series and offerings such as Organ and Labyrinth and Bach Around the Clock at Trinity Episcopal Church under the caring and nurturing hands of Maestro Albinas and Manon are unique and have had a profound impact on me and on my students for many years... Trinity provides a spiritual oasis for beautiful and meaningful music to foster and prosper... One feels embraced, welcomed and propelled to reach for the stars at Bach Around the Clock... We are truly blessed to be surrounded and guided by such angels, Albinas and Manon are precious and simply a gift to our community. May God bless and preserve them. Dr. Jean Montès, DMA Director of Orchestral Studies at Loyola and Conductor of The Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestra

Congratulations and thank you to Albinas and Manon Prizgintas and the Trinity Church family for 30 precious years of service to the New Orleans community! I am so honored and grateful to be a part of this wonderful history. I can truly say that my relationship with Trinity has been life changing. My first Trinity Artist Series experience was in 1989 in a collaborative recital with my Voice teacher Dr. Rachel Cortina (Voice Professor, UNO) and Ms. Mary Ann Bulla, (former UNO music Department chair/Professor of Music and LPO pianist). I remember being so nervous before the recital and then I met the dynamic duo, Albinas and Manon, both of whom immediately made me feel welcome and secure. I am so grateful for the genuine and continuous efforts of this dynamic duo and for their unselfish dedication to our New Orleans community! Words cannot express the incredible magnitude these programs in the immaculate Trinity Episcopal Church setting have contributed to my life, my family, international, national and local artist community, and friends. Congratulations for the 10th, the 20th and the 30th Anniversaries! Thank you for allowing me the freedom to share and for surrounding all of us with artists from all walks of life and experience levels to share the special gifts that only God can give. Thank you for your peace, your vision, and your undying dedication to the arts and the artist community! God bless! Valerie Anne Jones Francis, D.M.A. Associate Professor of Music Nicholls State University


All responses can be accessed on our website https://www.trinitynola.com/ trinity-artist-series-30-years

The Trinity Artist Series, Bach Around the Clock, and the Organ and Labyrinth are the reasons that I have called Trinity Church home for musicians who live and work in New Orleans, as well as many visiting musicians. I state the obvious when I say the Trinity Artist Series, Bach Around the Clock, and the Organ and Labyrinth have been performance venues for hundreds of musicians. However, I am forever impressed and thankful that the music events at Trinity Church have been more than performances--they have captured the essence of Christian hospitality as well as the spirit of music and the spirit of Christ. This may not be so obvious. I am forever grateful to Albinas, Manon, and the lay and clerical leaders of Trinity for making “Music at Trinity� an integral part of my professional and spiritual growth for the past 30 years. John E. Ware, D.M.A. Professor of Music Xavier University Conductor/Music Director of the New Orleans Black Chorale


CELEBRATING YEARS 1998 - 2018 Bach Around the Clock




Y EARS 2008 - 2018 Organ & Labyrinth

Beethoven is said to have called the trombone “The Voice of God,” and the sound of harmonizing trombones has resonated through Trinity in both Bach Around the Clock and the Trinity Artist Series for nearly 30 years. The New Orleans Trombone Choir is truly grateful to Manon & Albinas for allowing us to share “The Voice of God” in God’s New Orleans House of Music with NOLA musiclovers. John Risey, Director New Orleans Trombone Choir


In 1995 I moved back to New Orleans to take care of my mother. I had been in Houston for ten years. When I tried to find my way get back into performing, someone recommended I contact Albinas to see if he might be interested in my one woman show called “WomanSong.” Well, little did I know that would be the beginning of a long and creative friendship. Not only did they present my show in the Trinity Artist Series in 1998, but included me in the first Bach Around the Clock. Albinas and Manon have been the pillars of many a creative endeavor of mine, including OperaCreole’s first production in 2012: Scenes from Samuel Coleridge Taylor’s lost opera “Thelma.” They have supported us since. My love for them is eternal! My daughter Aria Mason, co-founder of OperaCréole, would agree as I dare say there is probably no serious performing artist in New Orleans that Manon and Albinas have not supported in some way through Trinity. We have all been blessed to have Trinity as a home. Happy Anniversaries! Givonna Joseph, mezzo-soprano Founder and Artistic Director, OperaCréole

On the first Sunday of each month, Trinity will host a hot breakfast and program feature on a specific theme, with opportunities to further explore that theme throughout the month. HOT BREAKFAST Bishop Polk Hall, 8:30am - 9:15am DOCUMENTARY SHORT SCREENING 9:15am -‘THE HEART IS AN ORGAN’ DIRECTED BY : DAVID S. WHITE The story of a great love triangle between Manon and Albinas Prizgintas and the church organ that binds them to the community.




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‘TRINITY TALK’ on theme of


CHILDCARE available for all ages with RSVP Trinity Episcopal Church • Tidings

The Eucharist, tour, and fellowship shared by over 50 people at the Whitney Plantation in October reminded me of the life-changing power of our Baptismal Covenant. “Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?” That Sunday answered with a resounding, yes! Being a part of Trinity “on the road” also allowed me to hear stories spanning decades of parishioners standing up for the Gospel and standing up against the destructive sin of racism in New Orleans. Black History Month is important to me because stories of courage in the face of injustice, dehumanization, and racial based violence draw me closer to Jesus as defender of the poor, the persecuted, and the imprisoned. As a child, Jesus fled his native country, occupied by the Romans, and was taken to Egypt to escape mass infanticide. As a young man, he welcomed the day laborer and the tax collector, Jew and Gentile, male and female alike. “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 He dared to speak the truth to power when he quoted from Isaiah, “He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free.” Luke 4:18b-19a Following the Way of Jesus led Teresa of Avila in the 16th century to say, “Christ has no body but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks Compassion on this world, Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good, Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, Yours are the eyes, you are his body.” Her words remind us that we look for the face of Jesus when we look at the faces of those who marched and those who continue to march and work for the dignity and livelihood of African Americans in this country today. The Rev. Jane-Allison Wiggin-Nettles Calendar of Events Throughout the month of February, there will be an art exhibit in the Bishop Polk Hall foyer. Visuals will combine photographs, newspaper clippings, and interviews from the Civil Rights era. For three Wednesdays, these events will begin at 6 pm. February 6, come for dinner, and stay to hear about the Children’s March in the Civil Right Movement from the source. The panelists, who participated in civil rights campaigns in the 1960s and 1970s, will provide their personal reflections on social activism in the past and its relevance to student activists today. February 13, we will lift our voices to celebrate The Rev. Richard Allen and The Rev. Absalom Jones during Eucharist. Absalom Jones was the first black Episcopal priest, and the pastor of the first black Episcopal congregation, the African Church of St. Thomas. Absalom Jones met Richard Allen at the Methodist religious services in Philadelphia. In November 1786 they led the famous walkout by free blacks at St. George’s Church. In 1816, Richard Allen became the first bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. February 20, the church and school will share in a movie night in honor of Black History Month complete with supper and popcorn treats. Be a part of the conversations it will spark. My prayer is for these events to inspire us to strive for justice and peace in every way that we can. Trinity Episcopal Church • Tidings





7:30 am: Morning Prayer in the Chapel 8:00 am: Eucharist in the Chapel 10:30 am: Eucharist in the Church 6:00 pm: Eucharist in the Chapel 7:30 am: Eucharist in the Chapel 6:00 pm: Organ and Labyrinth in the Church


Choral Evensong 4:00 pm in the Church


First Sunday #Heart 8:30 am with breakfast followed by the documentary, “The Heart is an Organ” at 9:15 am (see page 4)


Children’s March in the Civil Rights panel discussion and dinner in Bishop Polk Hall (see page 5)


Happening retreat for grades 9-12 at the Solomon Center (see page 8)


10 12

Trinity’s 20s and 30s Wine, Cheese & Chocolate Tasting at St. James Cheese Company 7:00 pm, $15 per person


Trinity Episcopal School’s Diversity Chapel with Leona Tate at 8:10 am in the Church Feast of Richard Allen and Absalom Jones Eucharist in the Church at 6:00 pm (see page 5)


12 Steps for Everyone 9:15 am in the Board Room


Enneagram Group 4:15-5:30 pm Board Room


Soul Collage Retreat 12:45-5:00 pm Molly’s House (see page 9) Godly Play Training in Fairhope, AL from March 15 - 17


Church and School Movie Night in Bishop Polk Hall at 6:00 pm


Church Parade Tailgate on St. Charles Avenue (see page 9) (We will only have morning services this day). No Trinity Artist Series


Enneagram Group 4:15-5:30 pm Board Room

Faith and Fiction 9:15 am in the Parish House Trinity Artist Series 5:00 pm in the Church


ALANON 6:00 pm in the Board Room Recovery Meeting 6:30 pm in the Moore Library


Intercessory Prayer Group 1:30 pm in the Moore Library Men’s Prayer Breakfast 6:45 am in the Parish House


Trinity Episcopal School’s Mardi Gras Guitar Chapel at 8:10 am

Lenten Weekly Offerings •Join us in the Chapel for Holy Eucharist at 7:30 am Monday - Friday during Lent. •Jazz Vespers during Lent every Sunday at 8:00 pm

Trinity Episcopal Church • Tidings


Join us for the 8:00 am service (no other services or Trinity Artist Series due to Mardi Gras Parades). No Godly Play


Church office closed


Church office closed


Ash Wednesday Services (7:30 am, 12:15 pm and 6:00 pm) Simple Supper following the 6:00 pm service. Nursery available (6:00 pm service only)

08 to 10

Solomon Episcopal Conference Center Silent Retreat (see page 11)


Community Sunday 8:30 am with breakfast followed by Trinity Talk at 9:15 am Jazz Vespers with Ellis Marsalis, piano. Continues during Lent every Sunday Night at 8:00 pm (sharp!) Ends at 8:30 pm. It will end with Delfeayo Marsalis, trombone on Sunday, April 14.


Walking the Mourner’s Path begins for 8 weeks at 4:30-6:00 pm in the Board Room (see page 11)


Wednesdays in Lent 6:00 pm - Worship 6:15 pm - Dinner 6:45 - 7:30 pm The Jewishness of Jesus


Out and About to Eden House 9:30 am

Jazz Vespers with Calvin Johnson, saxophone. Continues during Lent every Sunday Night at 8:00 pm (sharp!) Ends at 8:30 pm.

BLUE - Music Events RED - Children, Youth and Family Events Staff Contacts located in front cover


Confirmation meeting at 9:15 am in Bishop Polk Hall (see page 11) Final Affairs Fair following the 10:30 am service in Bishop Polk Hall Jazz Vespers with Charmaine Neville, vocals & Amasa Miller, piano. Continues during Lent every Sunday Night at 8:00 pm (sharp!) Ends at 8:30 pm.


Wednesdays in Lent 6:00 pm - Worship 6:15 pm - Dinner 6:45 - 7:30 pm The Jewishness of Jesus


Enneagram Group at 4:15-5:30 pm in the Board Room

29 to 30

Bach Around the Clock beginning at 7:00 pm Non-Stop through Midnight (see page 12)


Confirmation meeting at 9:15 am in Bishop Polk Hall (see page 11)

Save the date!

Confirmation meeting at 9:15 am in Bishop Polk Hall (see page 11)

Color Key Code

Wednesdays in Lent 6:00 pm - Worship 6:15 pm - Dinner 6:45 - 7:30 pm The Jewishness of Jesus

Jazz Jazz Vespers with Albinas Prizgintas Alone with The Blues, vocals/piano. Continues during Lent every Sunday Night at 8 pm (sharp!) Ends at 8:30 pm.

Enneagram Group at 4:15-5:30 pm in the Board Room



Rummage Sale! Come and Shop With Us! Thursday, April 4 - 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Friday, April 5 - 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Saturday, April 6 - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Open on Wednesday, April 3 from 2:00 to 5:00 pm for Parishioners, Teachers and Trinity Staff. WOTC Spring Tea - May 16 from 4:00-6:00 pm at the home of Kathy and John Eastman. Women’s Creative Process Retreat - Please mark your calendars for the 24th annual Women’s Creative Process Retreat, which will be held at the Solomon Center October 17-19. More info to follow. Questions? Lisa Holden 296-7234.

Trinity Episcopal Church • Tidings


Happening #82 is Coming Up Hello Trinity, I’m Wicker Perlis and I’m writing to you about how Happening, the diocese-wide formative retreat for high school aged youth, is quickly approaching. On February 8-10 young people from across Louisiana will gather at the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center in Loranger. This event planned by the Diocesan Youth Leadership Committee (DYLC) is the 82nd Happening in Louisiana. As a former DYLC member who Happened at #74 and was Rector of #78 I cannot encourage young people to attend this event enough. I made some of my closest friends there and I truly think that the spiritual side of the event changed my life. The Rector of this Happening is Gifford Courtney, the daughter of St. Paul’s of Lakeview Rector, The Rev. Robert Courtney. Along with Mtr. Jane-Allison and the rest of the DYLC, I am certain that you or your children can expect just as life changing and uplifting of an experience as I had. If you have any questions, please contact Jane-Allison at jwigginnettles@trinitynola.com. Fly High! 8

Trinity Episcopal Church • Tidings

Second Annual Trinity Mardi Gras Tailgate! Throw me something!!!

Mark your calendars for Sunday, February 24!!! After the 10:30 am service, we will “parade” to watch the parades on St. Charles Avenue. The Trinity tailgate will be set-up on the neutral ground side between Jackson Avenue and Philip Street. Please BYOB and snacks to share! Molly’s House will serve as a home base for hot food and use of restrooms WITH WRISTBAND RESTRICTED ACCESS. Please pick up your wristband on Sunday at church (all services on February 10 and 17) or from Tina Grant in reception beginning the week of February 11. Questions? Contact abond@trinitynola.com.

Out and About SoulCollage®

SoulCollage® is a two part intuitive art process in which you make individual 5x8” collage cards and then reflect on the wisdom inherent in the images you’ve created. This engaging process allows entry into the rich world of image and metaphor, a realm beyond words from which we can draw nourishment. Through learning to catch the meaning of the cards you make, you will gain access to a place of inner knowing and kindness. It’s fun, relaxing and surprisingly deep. Catherine Williams MA, has been a SoulCollage® Facilitator since 2011. Friday, February 15 at 12:45-5:00 pm in Molly’s House. $20 donation requested. RSVP to melliott@trinitynola.com

Eden House

On Thursday, March 14 at 9:30 am we will have a guided tour of Eden House. Eden House is part of a movement to eradicate the trafficking and selling of human beings. They create systemic change through: youth prevention, education and legislative advocacy, and recovery and reentry services for victims, including long-term shelter. Our tour will be led by Executive Director, Susanne B. Dietzel, Phd., an advocate and expert on issues related to women, gender, equity, gender-based violence, and feminism. Please reserve your space by March 7 at melliott@trinitynola.com. Trinity Episcopal Church • Tidings


s s e n r e d l i w # FA S T A N D F E A S T MARCH 6 - ASH WEDNESDAY Imposition of Ashes, 7:30am, 12:15pm and 6:00pm (followed by simple supper) Nursery available during 6:00pm service only

MARCH 10 - COMMUNITY SUNDAY HOT BREAKFAST Bishop Polk Hall, 8:30am - 9:15am

‘TRINITY TALK’ on the theme of wilderness

Childcare available for all ages with RSVP

MARCH 13 - APRIL 3, WEDNESDAYS 6:00pm - Worship, 6:15pm - Dinner, 6:45 - 7:30pm Program ‘The Jewishness of Jesus,’ presented by The Reverend Andrew Thayer APRIL 10 - TRINITY’S SEDER DINNER with Rabbi Edward Cohn, Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Sinai, New Orleans


Questions? jpitzer@trinitynola.com or 504-522-0276

Confirmation is the sacramental rite where individuals stand before the congregation to “express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.” (Book of Common Prayer, p. 860) These discovery classes are intentionally intergenerational. Weekly lectures and discussions focus on seeking a more Christ-centered life. One does not need to seek Confirmation in order to attend this formation opportunity. Newcomers to the Episcopal Church and to Trinity Church are especially encouraged to attend and share their questions. Youth and adults wanting to recommit themselves to their baptismal promises and who wish to be prepared for the sacrament of Confirmation must attend all classes in order to be confirmed. Confirmation meeting dates will be Sundays at 9:15 am in Bishop Polk Hall: March 17, March 24, March 31, April 7, April 28, and May 5. Confirmands are also expected to attend and serve during Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter. Confirmation is Mother’s Day, May 12 at the 10:30 am service.

Walking the Mourner’s Path is a Christ-centered, non-denominational grief support program. We believe grieving is not lack of faith but a natural part of living. Walking the Mourner’s Path is: •Eight spiritually directed small group workshops •Led by trained facilitators and a member of the clergy Walking the Mourner’s Path Workshop participants find: •That while their pain is unique they are not alone on their journey •The need to allow Christ to be a part of both the pain and the healing •Tools for moving forward with their life •A way to their honor loved one Workshops begin Tuesdays at 4:30 pm, March 12, 2019 To reserve your place or for more information contact melliott@trinitynola.com or 504-670-2535

God is Love The Solomon Episcopal Conference Center is hosting a Silent Retreat on the first weekend of Lent, Friday March 8 at 5:00 pm-Sunday, March 10 lunch. Presentations will be provided by international speaker, Abby Shields. The cost is $310 for two nights, single occupancy, event materials and meals. For double occupancy the cost is $280 per person. Registration is directly to the conference center at https://seccla.org and is due by February 23. Trinity Episcopal Church • Tidings


The XXI Bach Around The Clock Festival

March 29 at 7:00 pm NON-STOP through March 30 Midnight Celebrating Johann Sebastien Bach’s 361st Birthday!

A Festival of Music from Early Baroque to the 20th Century, including Classical, Jazz, Blues, R & B, Folk, Opera, Dance, Acro-Yoga, Drama And New Orleans Tricentennial Award winning Offerings: The Documentary “The Heart is an Organ” and original music by Albinas. The 21st Bach Around the Clock features 300 performers eager to offer their talents to the community of New Orleans.

Children’s Christmas Eve Liturgy


The Parish Register (as of January 22 printing)


Davis Lanier Jahncke


Russell Hayward Gardner, son of Michelle T. Gardner and William G.Gardner

Planning for a Graceful Exit

Calvin Pike Glass, son of Jennifer H. Glass and Jon R. Glass

Let’s face it, planning for the end-of-life is not easy. It can seem depressing, morose, and even a little scary. If you don’t have a will, you’re not alone more than half of American adults don’t have one. However, having a will is one of the greatest gifts we can give our loved ones.

William “Wills” Werner Robinson, son of Werner V. Robinson and Charles W. Robibnson IV

Michael Henry Meade, son of Joy C. Meade and Michael G. Meade

A will allows you to decide who gets your things (beneficiaries), who handles the distribution of your things (executor), and who will take care of your children (guardians). Many people associate estate planning strictly with death, but this is really about making sure that what you want happens. If you already have a will it’s important to update it periodically, especially when you’ve had a major life change such as the birth of a child, a marriage, a death of a loved one, or a divorce.

Gus Rabalais Rojas, son of Paige L. Rabalais and Rodrigo G. Rojas


Kathryn Buckner Griffin and Ray Gordon Terry III

In Memoriam

Clyde “Rocky” Sorrell, Jr. Hallam Lanyon Ruark Gloria Gardner Wilkinson Karen Cooney Duncan Nancy Jean Miller Mary Ziegler Norris

Having a will is especially important if you are a parent of a young child. Basic parental instinct is to protect your child, and the thought of not being around to care for your child can be almost too much to bear. But, establishing an estate plan can give you peace of mind to know that your child will be cared for. An estate plan is also a way of extending your values beyond your life and creating a legacy. You can stipulate where you want your money to go, leaving money or assets to an organization that reflects your values. Trinity Church will host a Final Affairs Fair on Sunday, March 24 to help begin to think about the importance of planning for your will and other end-of-life issues. Similar to a ministry fair, we’ll have resource people available to share information and expertise, as well as information to take home. Be on the lookout for more details!

Trinity Episcopal Church • Tidings



1329 Jackson Avenue New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 504-522-0276 www.trinitynola.com

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