March issue of Tidings 2017

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TIDINGS Trinity’s Mission: Acting in God’s love, Trinity Episcopal Church welcomes everyone to enthusiastically live the Christian faith. We call our members to worship and prayer, lifelong education, spiritual growth, cheerful giving, and active ministry with our community. All members serve as witnesses to Jesus Christ.

Vol. XXVI No. 3 March 2017

Inside this Issue Stewardship page 2 Lenten Offerings page 3 Christian Formation page 4 Children and Family Ministries page 5 Trinity Connections pages 6, 7

“I invite you, therefore, in the name of Christ, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word.” Book of Common Prayer, page 265

WORSHIP SCHEDULE ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES: 7:30 am, 12:05 pm, 6:00 pm (Simple supper to follow the 6:00 pm service) DURING LENT: Monday - Friday, 7:30 am Daily Eucharist, Chapel TUESDAY 8:30 am Morning Prayer, Chapel 12:15 pm Centering Prayer, Church 6:00 pm Organ and Labyrinth WEDNESDAY 5:30 pm Holy Eucharist, Chapel (simple supper to follow service) 6:30 pm The Five Marks of Love, Bishop Polk Hall THURSDAY 10:30 am Eucharist and Healing Service, Chapel SUNDAY 7:30 am Morning Prayer, Chapel 8:00 am Eucharist, Chapel 10:30 am Eucharist, Church 5:00 pm Trinity Artist Series in the church 6:00 pm Eucharist, Chapel 8:00 pm Jazz Vespers, Church


by Raina O’Neil Director of Development and Communications

Living With Hope – a Daily Meditation by Henri Nouwen

Optimism and hope are radically different attitudes. Optimism is the expectation that things-the weather, human relationships, the economy, the political situation, and so on-will get better. Hope is the trust that God will fulfill God’s promises to us in a way that leads us to true freedom. The optimist speaks about concrete changes in the future. The person of hope lives in the moment with the knowledge and trust that all of life is in good hands. All the great spiritual leaders in history were people of hope. Abraham, Moses, Ruth, Mary, Jesus, Rumi, Gandhi, and Dorothy Day all lived with a promise in their hearts that guided them toward the future without the need to know exactly what it would look like. Let’s live with hope.

2017 Stewardship Update

Our 2017 Stewardship Efforts have yielded a record number of pledges – THANK YOU to all pledging members! As of February 13, 2017, we have 477 pledges totaling $1,398,587. The tables below compare pledges over the years and by age group. 2012






# of Households Pledging







Amount Pledged







Pledge Comparison by Age Group Age Group Age 18 - 24 Age 25 - 34 Age 35 - 49 Age 50 - 69 Age 70 - 87 Age 88 + Unknown Age TOTAL

# of pledges 2016 1 5 64 164 149 25 20 428

# of Pledges Total Pledged Total Pledged 2017 2016 2017 1 $52 $52 7 $3,381 $9,900 76 $108,265 $193,000 166 $455,799 $517,345 164 $420,944 $518,701 28 $62,549 $115,364 35 $39,130 $44,225 477 $1,090,120 $1,398,587

Easter Memorial Flowers

If you would like a loved one honored in the Easter bulletin, the last day for listing names will be Friday, March 31. Please send the names and your donation to the church office, attention: Kriste Buck or ( Any money received after March 31 will be used for flowers, but we will be unable to list the names in the bulletin. (Please do not mail in church reply envelopes as those are delayed in getting back to us.) Please print. Name: ____________________________________

Phone Number: ____________________________

1. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________

2. _______________________________________

4. _______________________________________


“I invite you, therefore , in the name of the Church , to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial ; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word .” - Book of Common Prayer, p. 265

Trinity’s Lenten Offerings 2017 To register for any of the below offerings, visit: or call 504-522-0276

Adult Godly Play Sundays, March 5 - April 9 9:15am -10:15am GP2 Room, upstairs @ Trinity Contact:

Godly Play is a Montessori approach to spiritual formation using parables, sacred stories and liturgical lessons about religious traditions. Using tangible materials to represent stories and teachings, you will be encouraged to wonder about your connection to Christian faith and human values. Come play with us every Sunday in Lent! Bible Study For All Mondays, 8:05am - 9:00am Moore Library @ Trinity Contact:

The Five Marks of Love Wednesdays, March 8 - April 5 6:30pm -7:30pm Bishop Polk Hall @ Trinity Contact:

TELL. TEACH. TEND. TRANSFORM. TREASURE. This six-week study invites us to observe and engage withthe marks of love in our own lives, through short videos, thought provoking questions and prayerful discussion, facilitated by the Reverend Kit McLean and Maria Elliott. If your schedule permits, come for the 5:30pm Holy Eucharist in the Chapel and a simple supper before class. Please reserve your space so that we will know how many materials to order.

Come to this lectionary based Bible study, looking at the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday (and the surrounding scripture) to discuss the reading in context, with community.

Lenten Youth Choir Wednesdays, March 8 - April 12, 6:00pm - 7:30pm Performance: Maundy Thursday (April 13) 6:30pm Contact:

Young Adults Lenten Study: Gratitude & Alleluia Tuesdays, March 7 - April 11, 7:30pm - 9:00pm @ The Easthams’ - 4628 Mandeville St, NoLA 70122 Contact:

This weekly discussion-based group will meet throughout Lent, based on selected readings from Uncommon Gratitude: Alleluia for All That Is by Joan Chittister & Rowan Williams. Come to consider tough questions and prepare to unearth your Alleluia.

Men’s Bible Study Wednesdays, 12:00pm - 1:00pm Moore Library @ Trinity Contact:

Come to this lectionary based Bible study, looking at the New Testament reading for the upcoming Sunday (and the surrounding scripture) to discuss the reading in context, in a men’s group.

Calling all young vocalists (grades 6-12)! Youth will meet on Wednesdays during Lent and sing with the full choir at the Maundy Thursday 6:30pm service. This is an incredible opportunity to learn about sacred music from Paul Weber, our very own talented sacred music musician, and for youth to participate in the worship life of our community in a new way!

The Gift of Imperfect Parenting: A Wholehearted Revolution Fridays, March 10 - March 31 9:30am - 10:30am Molly’s House @ Trinity Contact:

What would it mean for our families, our community, and even the world if a critical mass of parents raised children who knew their worth and connected with others from a place of empathy and respect? Gather for this four lesson course as we explore what it means to raise children with courage, compassion, and connection. Developed and facilitated online by Brené Brown. Parents of children ages 4 - 44 are welcome.


Christian Formation Centering Prayer in the Church

Come and (re-) Center! On Tuesdays we will gather in the chancel at 12:15 pm and center for 20 minutes. No previous experience is necessary, only a desire to rest in God beyond thoughts, words and emotions. For general information about this type of prayer, see this link: http://www.contemplativeoutreach. org/category/category/centering-prayer. For specifics about the method, see this one: method-centering-prayer-brochure. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Kit at

Anglican Heritage Lenten Pilgrimage

On Sunday, March 26, twenty-four pilgrims will depart for England where we will spend 10 days exploring the roots of our denominational branch of the Christian faith and experiencing its practice in the present day. We return on Thursday, April 6. Our pilgrims will be blessed at the 10:30 am service on Sunday, March 19. We will be holding the Trinity community in prayer as we travel, and we ask that you do the same for us. If you have any special prayer requests, please contact the Reverend Kit McLean at Whether we travel physically or not, we are all pilgrims. Pilgrimage is a state of mind in which we journey with God and toward an increasing awareness of God’s presence in our lives. Every day on the website of Canterbury Cathedral, a prayer is posted. Following is an example of the prayer from Monday, February 13, 2017: Loving God, we bring you our thanks for all that has been. We pray for open hearts to receive today as a gift, a new page, a new chapter in the journey of our lives. Fill us with your wonder and your love your gentleness and peace. Help us to use each moment for your glory and show us how we might be a blessing to others. In Jesus’ name. Amen. May God hold you in his love and fill you with his peace today and everyday. Amen. As a way of praying with our pilgrims and for them, please consider joining them in saying the daily prayer from Canterbury. The link for the prayer of the day is daily-prayer/ Your prayerful support is greatly appreciated! 4

Children & Family Ministries



Family Retreat

Solomon Episcopal Conference Center

March 25 - 26, 2017

“REjOIcE ALWAYs, PRAY WItHOUt cEAsIng, gIvE tHAnks In ALL cIRcUmstAncEs; fOR tHIs Is tHE WILL Of gOd In cHRIst jEsUs fOR YOU.” - tHEssALOnIAns 5:16-18 Prayer doesn’t just happen in a quiet church. It can also be active and fun! On this overnight retreat, we will spend time connecting with our own families and our larger church family, while exploring the role of prayer in our private and public worship. “What is prayer? Why should I pray? Why is prayer important to me? To my kids? Our weekend together begins with an opening worship celebration on Saturday morning and ends with lunch on Sunday. You can look forward to unstructured play time for your family, small group dialogue, peer-led worship and discussion, group games, and of course a bonfire!

Family Room Rate: $75.00

(includes two twin beds and one sofa sleeper)

Meal Rate: $30 per person (6 and up) Children 6 and under eat free.

Cost includes 1 night lodging, 4 meals and retreat materials. See reverse for sample retreat schedule.

Register early and save! $50.00 deposit required at registration.

bY fEbRUARY 10 sAvE $30

bY fEbRUARY 28 sAvE $15

REgIstRAtIOn dEAdLInE: mARcH 10

cOntAct: AEAstHAm@tRInItYnOLA.cOm OR 504-670-2526


Trinity Connections

Out and About

Come walk through the New Orleans Botanical Gardens with a group of Trinity friends on Friday, March 17 at 10:30. We will be guided by education director, Susan Capley, as we seek out Hidden Ginger, Pink Jasmine, and Louisiana Iris sure to be in bloom! Open to all! The price will depend on the size of our group, so please come and bring a friend, (maybe even plan to go to lunch)! Cost is $12 for groups larger than ten. Carpool will leave Trinity at 10:00a.m. To reserve a spot, please call Maria at 670-2535 or email

It’s WOTC Rummage Sale Time! March 9, 10, 11 Volunteer help is needed for our semi-annual sale. You can join us for an hour or two or all day -- anytime that works for you is a great help to us! Times: Wednesday, March 8 – 10:00 – 3:00 pm (merchandise set up); Thursday, March 9 - 9:00 am - 2:00 pm (set up and sales); Friday, March 10 - 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (sales); and Saturday, March 11- 9:00 am to 12:00 noon (sales). Please contact Julie Mabus 559-9904 or if you can volunteer.

Lip Reading and Auditory Training

A lip reading and auditory training course will be offered at Trinity. All who are interested in learning more about hearing loss and helping strategies are invited to a meeting on Sunday after the 10:30 am service on March 5 in the board room. If interested, call Virginia Dare Rufin, CCCSLP, CCC-A Certified Audiologist and SpeechLanguage Pathologist at 833-2027 or 452-0059.

Our Annual Gift To Women of the Church

Trinity Treasures is delighted to share the good news about our little shop. Although retail sales were down in 2016, especially for brick and mortar stores, sales in Trinity Treasures were only slightly less than in previous years. For this reason, it gives us great pleasure to let you know that we are gifting $15,000 to WOTC for our an­nual grant. WOTC will in turn use this money to fund important church ministries and community projects. As always, we are dedicating this donation to our wonderful, committed volunteers without whom there would be no Trinity Treasures. In particular, Melissa Dovie has made a significant contribution to Trinity Treasures. She and our assistant manager, Tina Grant, worked throughout the summer of 2016 to handle our fall and holiday merchandise as it arrived. In addition to her role regarding inventory, Tina has continued to be invalu­able in coordinating and assisting Trinity Treasures volunteers, in perking up displays, and in helping to decide on new merchandise at market. Also, Kathy Swartwood has done a remarkable job as our volunteer in charge of finances. An Advisory Board has been formed to help determine the future of Trinity Treasures. After eleven years, Linda Stone will be stepping down as Manager in January, 2018. We would love to have some Trinity members consider taking over one or more of the positions of buying, marketing, handling special events, or volunteer coordination. Trinity Treasures is such a vital ministry of our church. Thank you for your support. It is a joy to be a part of it all.

With much love and deepest gratitude, Linda and Tina

A Review of the Clare Fergusson/Russ Van Alstyne Series by Julia Spencer-Fleming What could a newly-ordained, female, Episcopal priest who was also a former army pilot possibly have in common with the Chief of Police of the small, upstate New York town of Millers Kill? Initially, it’s a newborn left on the steps of the church. This discovery draws them together in the first book (“In the Bleak Midwinter”) in a series of eight highly enjoyable reads! Each book features a mystery to be solved and an evolution of the relationship between the two lead characters. By the last book, you will find you feel almost like a resident of Millers Kill, familiar with its townsfolk and hoping there is going to be a Book Nine!! (This series is best read in order of publication.) - Sally Cockerham 6

Trinity Connections

New Book Group Coming

For some time we have talked about forming a weekday book group at Trinity and now we begin! The first proposed meeting is Monday, April 3 at noon and we invite you to start reading Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult. Many of you are familiar with her novels of which this is the latest. “With incredible empathy, intelligence and candor, Jodi Picoult tackles race, privilege, prejudice, justice and compassion-and doesn’t offer any easy answers.” To claim this is a thought-provoking book is an understatement. The group will be facilitated by Diannne Schlosser, retired long time librarian at McGehee’s and several other schools. If this time doesn’t work for you, consider hosting your own book group to discuss this provocative book. Please contact Maria Elliott at 670-2535 or Cathy Posey at 376-5284 with questions and for more information.

Calling all Photographers!

Do you enjoy a photo opportunity? Would you be willing to take pictures on Sunday morning once or twice a month? We are looking for photos for our publications, website, and social media outlets. If you are handy with a camera, please volunteer to be our photographer of the week! Contact Kriste Buck with your availability. Thank you.

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)

An advocate is the heart of CASA’s mission. CASA welcomes advocates from all walks of life. You do not need any special background, education, or experience working with children to become an advocate. CASA will provide all training and supervision needed to gather information for recommendations to judges to decide the best possible outcome for the children in foster care. CASA Jefferson has a Flex training (half online and half in-person) starting on March 3. An all in-person training is scheduled to start April 3. Go to to apply. For information on CASA Orleans, contact Gabriel Harvey at 522-1962 or Any questions, contact Deacon Alyce at 909-1326 or

Trinity Artist Series Sundays at 5 pm March 5

Dr. Valerie Francis, (soprano) with

Bartnik (clarinet), Dr. Matthew Swihart (trumpet), Dr. Jason Ladd (tuba) and Mr. Dieter Schodde (percussion) performing the World Premiere of the Cantata ‘Sojourner Truth’ by renowned composer Stanley Friedman who will attend the performance!

March 12

Rocky’s Hot Fox Trot Orchestra, Big Band era and more modern vocal and instrumental selections performed by a traditional swing band ensemble.

March 19

Alessandra Belloni, singer, percussionist, director, joined by organist Albinas Prizgintas, present a Musical Journey featuring music, myths and legends from “The Voyage of The Black Madonna.” Please visit:

March 26

McGehee Choirs Spring Concert

Dr. Shane Anderson (piano), Dr. Michael

The XIX Bach Around The Clock FESTIVAL starts March 24 at 7:00 pm NON-STOP through March 25 midnight celebrating Johann Sebastian Bach’s 331th Birthday! A Festival of Music from Early Baroque to the 20th Century, including Classical, Jazz, Blues, R & B, Folk, Opera, and more, with Dance, Acro-Yoga, Drama, Silent Movies and much more. 300 performers eager to offer their talents to the community of New Orleans. FREE of Charge - Coffee, Refreshments, and Security will be provided! Come and go as you wish. Sleeping bags are welcomed on the night of the 24th to the 25th.

6th Annual Lenten Jazz Vespers A short late night meditation featuring New Orleans top jazz musicians from 8 to 8:30 pm, the spiritual nature of jazz blends with Bible readings and Prayer in a spirited Lenten Offering. March 5 The Kick-off of Jazz Vespers with Ellis Marsalis, the Jazz piano patriarch. March 12 Charmaine Neville, Jazz vocalist, and Amasa Miller, piano. March 19 Renowned trumpeter/vocalist James Andrew. March 26 Louisiana Music Hall of Fame David Batiste Sr, keyboard and The Young Voices of New Orleans.



1329 Jackson Avenue New Orleans, Louisiana 70130-5198 504-522-0276 Fax 504-522-9960

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Please remember Trinity Church in your will.


Worship Schedule

The Right Reverend Morris K. Thompson, Bishop The Reverend Michael E. Carlisle, Interim Rector The Reverend Mitchell T. Smith, Associate Rector The Reverend Katherine S. McLean, Associate Rector The Reverend Alyce Jefferson, Deacon The Reverend Jay Albert, Deacon The Reverend E. Gary Taylor, Head of Trinity School The Reverend Dr. Hill C. Riddle, Rector Emeritus

SUNDAY 7:30 AM: Morning Prayer in the chapel 8:00 AM: Eucharist in the chapel 10:30 AM: Eucharist in the church 5:00 PM: Trinity Artist Series in the church 6:00 PM: Eucharist in the chapel 8:00 PM: Jazz Vespers in the church

Vestry John Fay, Jr., Senior Warden Barbara Waller, Junior Warden Kelly Duncan, Clerk of Vestry Keith Crawford, Treasurer Dawn Buckley, Elaine Haney, John Hevron, Ellinor Howard, Susu Kearney, Gordon Kolb, King Logan, Chris Martin, Margaret Murphy, Marguerite Redwine, Jonathan Shaver, Jim Theis John Wogan, Chancellor Karyn Kearney, WOTC President Sandy Villere, Trinity School Board Chair

MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:30 AM: Eucharist in the chapel TUESDAY 7:30 AM: Eucharist in the chapel 8:30 AM: Morning Prayer in the chapel 12:15 PM: Centering Prayer in the church WEDNESDAY 5:30 PM: Eucharist in the chapel THURSDAY 10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist and Healing Service in the chapel

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