Trinity Perpetual Memorial Endowment Fund Booklet 2016

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The Trinity Church Perpetual Memorial & Endowment Fund Estab l i she d S e p t e m be r 8 , 1 9 7 5


The Trinity Church Perpetual Memorial & Endowment Fund

Forty second Annual Report December 31, 2016

The Minister of the Congregation is directed to instruct the people, from time to time, about the duty of Christian parents to make prudent provision for the well-being of their families, and of all persons to make wills, while they are in health, arranging for the disposal of their temporal goods, not neglecting, if they are able, to leave bequests for religious and charitable uses. Page 445, Book of Common Prayer

Where There’s a Will, There’s a Future

To be a philanthropist, you don’t need to have a building named after you. You don’t have to own a Rolls Royce, your own private jet, or a pull cord for the butler. All you have to do is care about the world around you. You have to care about what’s going to happen to that world after you’re gone.

Do I need to have an estate in order to leave a gift?

Everyone can leave a gift. “Estate” is simply a word used to describe any money, property or personal belongings that you may have at the time of your death. Most people leave an estate when they die, even though few of us are Rockefellers.

Do I have to include my wish to leave a gift to a specific organization? A charitable bequest will not take effect unless you state your intention in your will or living trust. Without a will, your property and finances are settled according to state laws, whether or not they coincide with your wishes. Despite this, seven out of ten individuals die without a will.

Who can help me arrange a gift?

If you have an accountant, lawyer, insurance agent or financial planner, please talk with them about leaving a gift. A professional can tell you about the tax benefits of planned gifts.

Do I tell the Church that I left a gift?

That’s up to you. Trinity likes to know in advance so your generosity can be recognized. If you wish to leave a bequest, you may direct your gift to the Trinity Church Perpetual Memorial & Endowment Fund. This will help ensure a continuation of Trinity’s ministry far into the future.

How do I leave a gift in memory or in honor of a person?

A contribution to Trinity is a wonderful way to recognize someone who has made a difference in your life. This kind of gift can honor someone important to you in the form of a living endowment or someone you wish to remember in the form of a memorial endowment. You just need to make it clear that the gift is given in honor or memory of a particular person.

TPM&EF: HOW IT WORKS An initial gift or bequest of $100 or more will enroll the donor, or the honored person named, in the records of the Trinity Church Perpetual Memorial & Endowment Fund. Several individuals may pool their gifts to achieve the Fund’s initial gift minimum. Subsequent to the initial enrollment, additional gifts of any amount may be given in honor of the same person.


Trinity Legacy Society Mimi D. Abbott Hirschel T. Abbott, Jr. Josephine Amiewalan Stephen I. Amiewalan F. Macnaughton Ball, Jr. Ellen S. Ball Stuart S. Bamforth Nancy C. Barrett Adelaide W. Benjamin Ann V. Bennett John G. Boyd Emay B. Boyd Shirley H. Burns Raymond N. Calvert Mary H. Christie Aphra J. Claverie Peter Claverie Sarah S. Cockerham Marcia B. Cooke Ann A. Crane Lori D. Dowden John M. Eastman Kathleen B. Eastman Louise N. Ewin Lori G. Gordillo Philip E. Gordillo Julia P. Grehan Dana S. Hansel Stephen A. Hansel C. Peck Hayne, Jr. Vivienne M. Hayne Anne F. Heard Isabelle S. Henderson Claire C. Hesse Gregor J. Hoffman Karyn J. Hoffman Helen B. Howcott Patricia A. Jackson Claudia F. Kelleher Helen H. Kitzman Kate Kolb Beverly R. Lamb Martha E. Leake Robert E. Leake, Jr. Gladys G. LeBreton Carrie F. Lewis Jeffrey D. Lewis Eugenia N. Lind

Thomas O. Lind Donald A. Magee, Jr. Jennifer K. Magee Regina O. Matthews Helen H. McLellan Ellen C. Merrill Lucy H. Miller Elizabeth P. Moran Margaret C. Murphy Sally B. O’Meallie Judith Oudt Joan S. Parkerson Andrew D. Pilant Sabrina F. Pilant Catherine M. Posey Donna T. Rayson Marguerite Redwine Hill C. Riddle Craig M. Ripley Louise S. Ripley Elizabeth W. Ryan Leila F. Schumacher Cynthia N. Schupp William H. Sewell, Jr. Elizabeth L. Sewell Jonathan D. Shaver Mary Wallace Shaver Howard Kent Soper H. Paul St. Martin Dottie B. Stephenson Linda S. Stone Scott Sullivan Julie Tauzin James O. Theis Timothy J. Trapolin Christopher R. Turgeon Virginia M. Walker Barbara B. Waller David L. Waller Warren K. Watters Chastine H. Watters Virginia E. Weinmann Noel B. Williams Harold L. Williamson

Legacy Gifts We have enjoyed many years of worship in this peaceful chapel. Our long history of communion with family and friends inspired me to make this gift to maintain its beauty. -Joan “Pie-Z” Parkerson

It is with great pleasure we are able to announce The Joan and Godfrey Parkerson Family Fund which was established by Joan Parkerson in December of 2016. The fund is expressly for capital reserve in the event that major repairs to the Trinity Chapel are needed. The Chapel had always been a special space for Godfrey who along with his friend Walter Chappell built the flower stands on either side of the altar. As a lover of fine woodwork and a craftsman himself, Godfrey became concerned with the obvious termite damage occurring in the Chapel at the turn of the 21st century. The Parkersons gave the initial gift for the restoration and additional funds were raised in Godfrey’s memory to restore the lustrous beauty to the Chapel woodwork. Today, four generations of the Parkerson family worship at Trinity and continue to love the quiet and intimate worship space of the Chapel.

Dane Edward Evans (1943-2015) Dane Edward

Evans served the Church his whole life, offering his impressive musical skills from the age of 12 years old in his family’s Presbyterian church in Texas. After his retirement from an illustrious musical career, he came to Trinity to worship and rest. Because Dane was so passionate about life he did not rest for long! Dane soon got drawn into ministry by playing for Wednesday night services and serving on the committee to find and welcome an Interim Organist. Most dear to his heart, though, was his work on the Loaves and Fishes Ministry team where he faithfully served our neighbors who are hungry, not only for food, but also for human contact. The stories he told, the music he played, and the kindness he offered to all was a testimony to his life of faith and his love for humankind. Dane’s careful planning has resulted in a generous legacy of over $50,000 from a life insurance policy. This bequest will be added to the Trinity Loaves and Fishes Designated Fund with the blessing of Dane’s family.

2016 Donors Mr. and Mrs. Hirschel T. Abbott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen I. Amiewalan Mr. Dunbar Argote Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand F. Artigues Mrs. Nancy B. Aschaffenburg Mrs. Ann H. Babington Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Bagot, Jr. Mrs. Joan G. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. David G. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Ballard III Ms. Amy Bartow-Melia Mrs. Beauregard L. Bassich Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bean Mr. and Mrs. John D. Becker Mrs. Adelaide W. Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel V. Benjamin III Ms. Ann V. Bennett Ms. Virginia F. Bernard Dr. and Mrs. Morrison C. Bethea Mr. Scott Bickford Ms. Brook Bissinger Mr. James Blacksher Ms. Madeleine Blessey Ms. Elizabeth Boh Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boh Mr. Jerry T. Boyce Mr. and Mrs. Creed W. Brierre Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Brown III Mr. and Mrs. Christian T. Brown Mrs. Louisette T. Brown The Reverend and Mrs. Julian P. Bull Dr. and Mrs. Aden A. Burka Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Butcher II Mr. and Mrs. C. Williams Butler III Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Butler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Cain Ms. Suzanne Cangelosi Mr. and Mrs. George R. Cary III Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Casbarian Mrs. Jane M. Casbarian Mr. and Mrs. David B. H. Chaffe III Mrs. Jane Charbonnet Mr. and Mrs. J. Storey Charbonnet Dr. Jennifer D. Charpentier and Mr. John J. Charpentier Mrs. Carol Chenault Ms. Brandy Christian Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Clark Mrs. Gordon E. Clay, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Miles P. Clements Mr. Richard H. Clements Mr. and Mrs. Dan M. Cliffe Coldwell Banker TEC Realtors Mr. Allan B. Colley Mr. William P. Conery III Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Connick Con-Tech International, Inc. Mrs. Florance S. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Lynton G. Cook, Jr. Ms. Asta Cotonio

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Couch III Mr. and Mrs. James G. Coulter Mrs. Dorothy L. Counce Mr. and Mrs. E. Howell Crosby Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cunningham Ms. Janet L. Daley and Judge Standwood R. Duval, Jr. Mr. Oliver Delery Mrs. Suellen H. DeRussy Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dicharry Dock Board Employees Benevolant Association Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Dodge Mr. and Mrs. George Douglass, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Downing Mrs. Peggy H. Duman Mr. and Mrs. Brooke H. Duncan III Mr. Brooke H. Duncan, Jr. Dr. Valentine A. Earhart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Perry Eastman IV Mr. and Mrs. John M. Eastman Mrs. Marilee E. Eaves Ms. Molly H. Edison Dr. Gayle W. and Dr. Rudolph H. Ehrensing Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Elkins Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Ellington, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Eshleman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis D. Eustis Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Evans, Jr. Mr. Ron Evans Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fabacher Mr. and Mrs. John T. Fanning Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Fant Mr. and Mrs. Norris L. Fant Mr. and Mrs. D. Blair Favrot Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Flower III Mr. and Mrs. Hardy B. Fowler, Jr. Mrs. Jane S. Fox Mr. Donald Frampton Ms. Pam Friedler Mrs. Lorraine C. Friedrichs Ms. Betty C. Fuselier Mr. and Mrs. John Gable Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Gaines Mr. and Mrs. Rick Gaines Galatoire’s Restaurant Ms. Anita M. Galloway Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ganon Mrs. Patricia H. Gay The Reverend and Mrs. W. Gedge Gayle, Jr. Mr. William L. Geary, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. G. Anthony Gelderman III Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gessner, Jr. Mrs. Alice Glenn Mr. William Goldring Mr. and Mrs. William M. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Green Mr. and Mrs. George Griswold II Mr. and Mrs. John W. Groome Mr. and Mrs. James O. Gundlach Mr. and Mrs. John C. Haddow The Honorable and Mrs. John H. Hager Mr. Jeffrey Haigler Mr. and Mrs. James B. Halliday, Esq. Mrs. Ellen W. Harrell Mrs. Joan E. Hartson


Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hassinger Ms. Patricia Haver Mr. and Mrs. C. Peck Hayne Dr. and Mrs. Edmund R. Henry Mr. and Mrs. George Hill Ms. Ayanna Hill-Gill Mrs. Brenda E. Hillyer Ms. Beverly Himel Mr. and Mrs. James F. Holmes Mrs. Gloria H. Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Nathan P. Horner, Jr. Mrs. Helen B. Howcott Income Research + Management Mrs. Dorothy E. Isacks Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jack Dr. Sarah C. Jackson and Mr. J. Konrad Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. E. Douglas Johnson, Jr. Mrs. Lawrence N. Johnson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jonassen Dr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Joseph, Jr. Mrs. Mary L. Kearney Mr. William J. Kearney III Ms. Christine Keating Mr. and Mrs. James H. Keeper III Mrs. Claudia F. Kelleher Mr. and Mrs. W. Patrick Kelleher Mrs. Margaret S. Kessels Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. King Mrs. Andre Koester Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Kolb The Reverend Michael C. Kuhn and Ms. Maria Elliott Mr. Gary P. Lagrance Mrs. Eugenia K. Lamar Mrs. Beverly R. Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lanaux Mr. and Mrs. James C. Landis Miss Caroline E. Lane Mr. and Mrs. H. Merritt Lane, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Merritt Lane III Miss Isabel S. Lane Miss Sarah E. Lane Mrs. E. Sorrell Lanier Latter & Blum Inc. Realtors Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Lawder Dr. and Mrs. E. Hugh Lawson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Lebourgeois Mrs. Gladys G. LeBreton Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. LeBreton Mr. and Mrs. Wendell B. LeGardeur Ms. Patricia Lester and Ms. Jean Laughlin Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lewis Mrs. H. Dorothy Lill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Lind Mr. Graham Little Mrs. Virginia M. Loomis Louisiana Children’s Museum Mrs. Marjory M. Lyman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Madigan II Mr. and Mrs. Jim Magee Mr. and Mrs. B. Lee Mallory Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Malone Mrs. Ethel D. Manard Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Marsiglia Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Martin

2016 Donors Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Massett, Jr. Ms. Regina O. Matthews Mr. Jonathan C. McCall Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan C. McCall, Jr. Mr. Patrick M. McCausland Ms. Sherrill S. McCausland Mrs. Blanche E. McCloskey Ms. Marilyn C. McConnell and Dr. A. J. Gates Mr. and Mrs. Denis McDonald Mr. and Mrs. James M. McKinnie, Jr. The Reverend Katherine S. McLean and Mr. William S. McLean Mr. and Mrs. L. Rick McMillan II Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Meckstroth Mr. and Mrs. William W. Messersmith III Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. W. Porcher Miles Mr. Clifford Miller Mr. Watts Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robin R. Mingo Mrs. Isabel Minor Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Monroe Mr. and Ms. Robert M. Monsted, Jr. Mr. William B. Montelius Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Moorer Mrs. Elizabeth P. Moran Mr. and Mrs. Marsden L. Moran Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Morris, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Morrissey Mrs. C. Roy Mundee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. D. Denis Murrell Mrs. Patricia D. Murrell Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ness New Orleans Country Club Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. O’Connor, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. O’Meallie Mr. Joseph M. Orlesh, Jr. Mr. Patrick Page Ms. Sarah Pailet Ms. Mignon F. Parker Ms. Alice B. Parkerson Mrs. Joan S. Parkerson Mr. David Peacock Mr. and Mrs. W. Claiborne Perrilliat II Ms. Susan S. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Pettit, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Phelps, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Esmond Phelps II Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Philipson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. A. Pilant Ms. Murray Pitts and Mr. Harry J. Blumenthal, Jr. Ms. Mary E. Pitz Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pizzella Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Poerschke Mr. and Mrs. Eads Poitevent III

Mr. and Mrs. Otis M. Pollard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall L. Posey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michel O. Provosty Ms. Phyllis H. Raabe Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Rabin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rapier Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Read Mr. Jonathan Reily Ms. Karen B. Reily Mr. Patrick Reily Mr. Timothy S. Reily Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Renneker III Mrs. Ann M. Riess Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Robertson Dr. and Mrs. Richard R. Roniger Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Roubion, Jr. Ms. Virginia D. Rufin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rutledge Mr. William J. Ryan III Mr. and Mrs. William R. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. L. Moye Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Schmidt III Ms. Leila F. Schumacher Mrs. Etheldra S. Scoggin Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. Selman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lester B. Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Shaver Mr. and Mrs. George Sherling Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Sherrill Mr. and Mrs. E. Lynn Singleton Mr. and Mrs. Lynes R. Sloss Mrs. Mary B. Smart Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Smith III Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood H. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Snow Mr. and Mrs. Howard K. Soper Mrs. Lynne R. Stern Mr. Gregory Stewart Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stewart, Jr. Mrs. Leona Stich Mrs. Camille J. Strachan Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strong Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Stutts, Sr. Mrs. Anne R. Sutherlin Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B. Sutter Ms. Fran A. Swan Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Swayze


Ms. Kathleen S. Theriot Mr. and Mrs. E. Perry Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Horace A. Thompson III Mr. William H. Thompson Dr. and Mrs. Henry K. Threefoot Dr. Lydia H. Toso Mrs. Joann B. Tournillon Ms. Catherine B. Tremaine Dr. and Mrs. William R. Turner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott S. Vega Ms. Donna K. Vogel Mr. and Mrs. R. Preston Wailes, Jr. Waldemar S. Nelson and Company Inc. Mrs. Virginia M. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Dick P. Wall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David L. Waller Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester P. Walmsley IV Mr. and Mrs. Doug Walner Ms. Leslie Ward Ms. Barbara B. Waters Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Waters Mr. and Mrs. Warren K. Watters Mrs. Jennifer C. Weatherall Mr. and Mrs. John G. Weatherford III Mrs. Virginia E. Weinmann Mrs. Eva-Lou Wellborn Dr. and Mrs. William L. Wells Mr. Ronald Wendel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Whelan Mr. and Mrs. H. Hunter White, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Whitfield Mr. and Mrs. David Willem Mrs. Noel B. Williams Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Windham Mr. J. Barbee Winston Dr. and Mrs. Jack C. Winters Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wogan Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Woods Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Worley Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wright, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Yancey IV Dr. and Mrs. Steven D. Yellin Dr. Lindsay York Ms. Ashley L. Zarr Mr. and Mrs. Lee Zurik

2016 Roster of Living and Memorial Endowments (through December 31, 2016)

Living Endowments will be automatically transferred to Memorial Endowments upon the death of the honoree.

New Living Endowments

Existing Memorial Endowments

Heidi F. Hayne Michael and Susu Kearney Patrick M. McCausland Robert and Anne Swayze

Idiahi A. Amiewalan Albert L. Aschaffenburg Cintra Shober Austin John Carter Bailey Morrison C. Bethea, Jr. Lorraine Gordon Caffrey Kenny M. Charbonnet William B. Conway Gregory C. Counce Oliver J. Counce Madeline Rose Cox Berenice Steele Duncan Brooke H. Duncan Katherine “Kitty” Foster Duncan Stephen Norris Fant Richard B. Fox Joseph Maybin Gore Friedrichs Guy C. Lyman, Jr. Charles William Mackie III Helen LeJeune Mackie Joseph Madigan Edgar Moulton Jane Herendon Moulton C. Roy Mundee, Jr. Godfrey Ross Parkerson Charles Stone Reily, Jr. Mary Ferrell “Molly” Reily Robert H. Sarpy, Jr. Alta Mae Williams Sharp Beatrice Elizabeth Shober Beatrice Moulton Shober John Bedford Shober John Bedford Shober, Jr. Phyllis Meredith Howard Thompson F. Winter Trapolin Thelma Mae Moulédoux Trapolin Arthur C. Waters III

New Memorial Endowments Rubie Crosby Bell Mr. Gordon Edward Clay, Jr. Elaine Leverich Mears Collenberg Clara Frances Drake Diana S. Earhart Philip Gensler, Jr. Leonard Riley Harrington William “Wilkins” Kearney Mary Pugh Matthews Willaim McCollam, Jr. D. Stuart McLellan, Jr. Harriet Hall Murrell Margaret H. Randolph Howard “Nep” John Smith, Jr. Henry H. St. Paul, III John Giffen Weinmann William A. Wilkins, Jr. Alma P. Wirth

Existing Living Endowments Brooke Helm Duncan, Jr. R. Foster Duncan J. Kelly Duncan W. Gedge Gayle, Jr. Regina O. Matthews Joan S. Parkerson Hill C. Riddle Virginia Dare Rufin Howard Kent Soper Timothy J. Trapolin


New Living Endowments (through December 31, 2016)

Living Endowments will be automatically transferred to Memorial Endowments upon the death of the honoree.

Stuart Shoosmith Bamforth Darling husband of Olivia Mary Bamforth Adelaide Wisdom Benjamin Vestry member 1976-80; compiler of original Trinity Songbook; original DOCC leader; EFM mentor; choir member for 40 years; Trio member since 1973; lifetime Trinity member


Sarah S. “Sally” Cockerham


Walter D. Cockerham, M. D. In honor of our friendship

$500 $100


Alesandra “Sandy” Vesper Courvoisier For her many talents. Assistant to the Rector $1,000 for 24 years Jata Munro Craighill

Brooke H. Duncan, Jr. In honor of his birthday

$100 $100

John P. Courvoisier, Jr. In thanksgiving for a wonderful husband and friend


Ann “Dittie” Bennett In thanksgiving for her life


Allan B. Corderman $100 Patricia E. Corderman $400 Dorothy L. “Dottie” Counce

Anonymous Josephine and Stephen A. Amiewalen Mr. and Mrs. F. MacNaughton Ball, Jr.

Martha J. Cockerham Beloved child of Walter and Sally Cockerham

$100 $100



Brooke H. Duncan III Dedicated member of Trinity’s Vestry $100 and Finance Committees


J. Kelly Duncan $100 In honor of his birthday

$250 $250

Claudia Haik Caffery In honor of her baptism, March 15, 1993

$550 R. Foster Duncan In honor of his birthday $150 Elizabeth “Betsy” Wilkinson Elliott

Lorraine Gordon Caffery In honor of her baptism, March 15, 1993

$100 Maria Elliott In gratitude for her life and leadership


Tyrone Chambers In thanksgiving for his life and his song

$100 June Friend Evins and Samuel N. Evins VI In honor of their baptism, June 4, 2006


Jean Zachry Chappell

$500 Louise N. Ewin In thanksgiving for her life! $100 Martha Mackie Flanders In thanksgiving for her life as a devoted member of $100 Trinity Church and a gentle and generous teacher at Trinity School

Martha Jane Collins Borgman In thanksgiving for her life Bettie Jo Boswell

Joan Blakemore Browne

Laura Tomskey Charbonnet In honor of a dedicated teacher and loving friend John Church and John Hall In honor of their marriage Caroline S. Cockerham Beloved child of Walter and Sally Cockerham

$100 The Reverend W. Gedge Gayle, Jr. Interim Rector of Trinity Church 2007



$3,335 $100


Edward and Julie George To dear friends

Bemis Godfrey In honor of her generosity Brooke Y. and Jennifer G. Grehan In honor of their 10th wedding anniversary Brooke Yates Grehan, Jr. On the occasion of his birth, June 6, 2000 H. Hughes and Susan Grehan In honor of their 10th wedding anniversary Julia “Happy” P. Grehan

Julia Murphy Grehan On the occasion of her birth, December 1, 1996 Meredith Hughes Grehan On the occasion of her birth, June 10, 1999

$800 Michael and Susu Kearney For all your everpresent love and devotion


$100 Claudia T. Kelleher The Reverend Dr. Michael C. Kuhn $200 Chaplain and Headmaster 1994-2014


Eugenia N. Lind $100 Trinity School Teacher, Church School Teacher and Organizer, Member of Vestry and Choir



$100 Nancy Haslett & Irene Love In honor of their marriage on September 7, 2013, Long Beach, CA. $100 The Reverend Frieda Malcolm $100 The Reverend Kent Marcoux In appreciation of Trinity’s support and encouragement $100 along his path to the priesthood Regina Odette Matthews In honor of her birthday and in thanksgiving for her life.


$100 $200


Sarah Elizabeth Grehan In honor of her birth, August 15, 1997


Barbara “Babs” Beth Bartlett Haddad In thanksgiving for a wonderful mom

$100 E. Stewart Maunsell II


Elizabeth Bronson “Liz” McCarthy $100 In Thanksgiviing for her life and service to Trinity Church


$100 Patrick M. McCausland In celebrating his birthday and his very grateful life Mary Barnhill McConnell $500 Upon retirement from the Little School, St. Martin’s Episcopal Church; beloved teacher for 40 years.


$500 Samuel Parke McEnery


Mr. and Mrs. James M. McKinnie, Jr.


The Reverend Mary Hardy In thanksgiving for her ministry at Trinity Heidi Hayne For her graduation from High School and her service to Trinity as an acolyte Pam Hayne In gratitude for a generous heart C. Peck Hayne For brotherly love

Robert L. Hewitt, M.D.

Ellinor G. Howard In gratitude for a generous heart


Shirley and Edgar Messerschmidt $500 In honor of their marriage

The Reverend Henry L. Hudson A man of wisdom, love, and courage


Alyce Lee Jefferson, Deacon The Reverend John Stone Jenkins Rector of Trinity Church (1971-1983)


Margaret Milling

Elizabeth Pharr Moran (Betty) In celebration of her life

The Reverend James Morrison $300 In honour of being received into the priesthood.



$100 $100 $1085 $100

Margaret Coate Murphy

$100 Brennan Wallace Scott In honor of his baptism, November 4, 2001


$300 Georgia Kate Scott In honor of her baptism, April 19, 2003 $120 Grayson Elizabeth Scott In honor of her baptism, April 19, 2003 $200 Dale E. Shatzer, USMC (Retired) $200 Business Director, Trinity Church and Trinity School, 1982-1986 $100 Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. (Carol) Smith In Celebration of their Wedding Anniversary



Donna T. Rayson In celebration of her life.

$2050 The Reverend Dr. Dabney T. Smith In thanksgiving for his ministry $2000 Janet Elizabeth Barnwell and $1500 Guerry Michael Smith In honor of their marriage $10,304 Howard Kent Soper Lay reader, usher, and devoted participant in the Men’s Bible Study $200 Patricia Forsyth Strachan $100 Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Ann) Swayze In Celebration of the Marriage of Anne and Bob Swayze $100 Katherine Larson Thompson In honor of her baptism November 25, 1993 $100 Timothy J. Trapolin A dear friend who does so much for Trinity

The Reverend Hill Carter Riddle Rector of Trinity Church from 1984 to 2003

$25,225 R. Preston Wailes, Jr. In celebration of his 80th birthday

Harriet Hall Murrell In celebration of her life and service John H. Musser IV Senior warden from 1995 to 1999 Isabel Rose Neill John Henry Neill

Rick Charles Normand In thanksgiving for his reception into the Episcopal Church, May 25, 1995, at Trinity Church Alice B. Parkerson G. Bruce Parkerson

Jennifer M. Parkerson Joan Schwing Parkerson In gratitude for her cheerful and generous love for her family and church. Margot and Shep Pleasants Manon and Albinas Prizgintas In grateful thanks for the joy and spiritual refreshment they give to so many people Zelma Randle Beloved staff member and friend of Trinity Church for 40 Years

The Reverend and Mrs. Hill C. Riddle In celebration of their Golden Wedding Anniversary Virginia Dare Rufin In honor of a loving God and one another. Carol Taylor Scherer Leila Schumacher In celebration of her life. Devoted church member, caring friend, graceful butterfly

$625 Virginia McConnell Walker In thanksgiving for her life

$100 $100




$100 $2000

$100 $5,325 $200


$1,525 Chastine and Warren K. Watters



Robert J. “Sandy” Whann IV Chair of Trinity School Board 2007-2009


$535 Frances and Frank Whiteley $20,000 In memory of our parents, Alene and Colquitt Russell and Aglae and Frank Whiteley, Sr. and to the glory of God and in thanksgiving for our children and grandchildren.


Gloria Gardner Wilkinson


Betty Elizardi Williams Beloved wife of Frank A. M. Williams


Gay Moore Wirth A wonderful mother and friend


Barbara Wisnewski In Thanksgiving for her Life


George Villere Young A true friend - a gentleman of highest integrity and kindness


Memorial Endowments

(through December 31, 2016)

Jane Ayerst (1932-2008) Longtime member of Trinity Church


Robert I. Ayerst, M.D. (1926-1998) Longtime member of Trinity Church




Marie Woodward Abbott (1886-1973) A longtime member of Trinity Church


Marie Moore Bacot (1905-1980) A longtime member of Trinity Church

Virginia Williams Alexander (1918-2009) Devoted wife and mother


Estelle Carter Bailey (1898-1971) Lifetime member of Trinity Church


John Carter Bailey (1929-1999)


William M. Alexander $1,000 (1914-2001) In loving memory and grateful Thanksgiving for his life.


Pearl Pool Amoss (1897-2001)


Bruce Baird, Jr. (1921-1999)

Daisy Weinberg Anderson


Emay “Muz” Baird (1921-2004)


Mr. and Mrs. Tobin (Anne Legendre) Armstrong Remembered by a grateful Godchild


Adele Story Arthur (1917-1996)



Moss L. “Buddy” Antony (1937-2004)


John Davidson Bailey, Jr. (1898-1970) Longtime member of Trinity Church

Idiahi Augustine Amiewalan (1969-2003) May his Soul rest in peace

Thomas J. Baker, Jr. Beloved brother of Dottie B. Stephenson and Friend to many

$2,000 $1,000

Albert Baldwin, Sr. (1898-1989)



Eleanor Emory Terhune Ballard (1915-1980)


Stephanie Story Arthur (1952-1993) Trinity Episcopal School, Class of 1964


Noel Halsey Barnes (1907-1950)

Albert L. Aschaffenburg (1920-2007)

$300 $300


Walter J. Barnes (1904-1987)


Cintra Shober Austin (1935-2014) A longtime member of Trinity Church


Mr. William W. Baltar (1916-2006)

The Reverend John B. Austin


Olivia Mary Bamforth (1928-2013)



Ferne H. Barr (1893-1990)


Rosemary Watkin Barrick Sister-in-law of Henry W. Hoagland


Alma Loescher Bartlett (1899-1992) Beloved mother of Barbara Bartlett Haddad


Roy Robbins Bartlett (1893-1950) Beloved father of Barbara Bartlett Haddad


M. Cook Barwick (1915-1981) Godfather of Alexander F. Comfort


Charles Cassedy Bass, M.D. (1875-1975)


Charles Cassedy Bass, Jr. (1908-1970)


Coraline Howell Bass (1876-1972) A longtime member of Trinity Church


Helen Corinne Bass (1906-1997)


Dr. Ernest D. Bateman, Jr. (1931-2008)


Louis Nicholas Bayer (1885-1936) Beloved father of Lucille Bayer Vella


William Alexander Clark Beachy (1991-1992)


Monte E. Beal (1938-2013)


Adelaide B. Beattie (1904-1987)


Robert Hezekiah Beattie (1900-1969)


John Erwin Beaumont (1910-2002)


Laura Fenner Beaumont (1912-1983)


Rubie Crosby Bell (1925-2016)


Bryan Bell $905 (1919-2009) Active Church Member and Senior Counselor, Co- founder and first Chairman of Trinity Episcopal School Edward B. Benjamin, Jr. $3,365 Chancellor of Trinity Church for 19 years and a former vestryman, Chancellor of the Diocese 20 yrs. Margaret Logan Pratt Bennett (1900-1992) Winchester Hooper Bennett (1894-1980)



Charles Crisp Benton, M.D (1919-1959) In memory of a loving father who deserves to be honored and remembered.


Morrison Curtis Bethea, Jr. (1979-2002) Olivier A. Billion Sadie Downman Billion (1891-1983) Clement Burke Binnings

$9,000 $2,500



Lyla Lyon Binnings $250 (1919-1994) Beloved mother of Marjorie Binnings Roniger, Lettice Binnings Stuart, Clement B. Binnings, M.D. and Thomas L. Binnings; a longtime member of Trinity Church Harry Birdsell (1881-1967) Beloved father of Olivia Mary Bamforth


Marjory Cookson Birdsell (1886-1972) Beloved mother of Olivia Mary Bamforth


The Reverend Thom Williamson Blair (1920-2004) Beloved interim priest-in-charge of Trinity Church from 1983 to 1984


Sophia Leach Blanks (1935-2007) She loved and was loved



Ethel Halsey Blum (1900-1991)

Eugenie SarrĂŠ Bollier (1924-2010)


Henry Benjamin Bradford (1849-1908)



Henry B. Bradford II (1921-1987)


Maria Ann Folds Heaton Bradford (1859-1928)


Eugenie Wickham Boisfontaine $300 (1963-1997) Lifetime member of Trinity Episcopal Church; beloved daughter and stepdaughter of Joan Capdevielle Geagan and William J. Geagan, Jr.; beloved sister of Suzanne B. Boisfontaine and Curtis Rich Boisfontaine, Jr. Judge Wayne G. Borah (1891-1966) Bernard S. Borie (1887-1957)

$100 $225

Virginia Martin Breit (1917-2004)


H. Frank Boswell, Jr. (1926-2012)


Sylvia Bridgewater $100 (1943-2005) Beloved wife of Harry Holland, sexton of Trinity Church


Eugene Donnaud Brierre (1924-2002)

$265 $300

Hildreth Templeman Bouden (1910-1961) Beloved mother of Margot Bouden Pleasants


Edgar Henry Bright (1856-1921) A longtime member of Trinity Church

William Wallace Bouden, Jr. (1900-1957) Beloved father of Margot Bouden Pleasants


Ella Mehle Bright (1864-1943) A longtime member of Trinity Church

Katherine Ford Braselman Boylan (1920-1982)


Robert Ambrose Boylan (1911-1979)





Dorothy Maltby Brandon (1917-1967)

Ruth Lastrapes Borie (1900-1985)

Dr. Richard Boswell (1965-2005) In loving memory

Thelma Hourbeigt Bradford (1893-1958) A member of Trinity Church

Alfred Whitney Brown, Jr. (1930-1977) Benjamin Temple Brown, Sr. (1900-1963)

Alfred Thomas Bradford $350 (1876-1972) Member of St. George-the-Martyr, Southwark Parish Church, Tobard Gardens, London, S.E.I., England



Clarkson Armfield Brown, Sr. (1911-1992)


Rufus McIlhenny Brown (1957-2013)

$100 $100 $100

Audio Thomas Harry Bradford (1888-1943)


Marie Louise McCall Brown (1905-1996)

Audio Thomas Harry Bradford, Jr. (1920-1987)


Bland Cox Bruns (1901-1985)



James Bryan III (1989-2002)


Alice Wright Capdevielle (1904-1990)


Huldah Lang Buck (1913-1989)


Walter Wright Capdevielle (1937-1983)


Christie Buckner (1970-2009) Beloved Niece of Mary H. Christie


Dorothy Rainold Graner Carroll (1900-2005) and Walter Carroll (1898-1981) Beloved parents of Walter Carroll, Jr. and Deborah Carroll Conery


Patricia Lynch Carter (1943-2005)


Archie Casbarian (1936-2009)


Clarence Henry Buhler, Sr. (1907-1983)


Clarence Henry Buhler, Jr. (1931-1980) Lifelong member of Trinity Church


Kaul J. M. Buhler (1941-1980) Lifelong member of Trinity Church


Henry Harper Bush (1912-1982) In loving memory, an active member and vestryman of Trinity Church


Shiela Sprague Bush (1927-1994) Beloved wife, mother, grandmother and friend, an active and devoted member of Trinity Church


Lucie Wallace Butler (1899-1970) Pierce Butler (1873-1954) Dean, Newcomb College, Tulane University

John Francis Coleman Chaffe (1938-1997)


John Taylor Chambers, Jr. (1923-2002)


Stuart D. Chappell (1956-1987)


Walter Franklin Chappell, III (1923-2014)



Kenny M. Charbonnet (1949-2015)



Katherine Richardson Chenowith


Lorraine Gordon Caffery $1100 (1920-1988) Member of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Franklin, Louisiana; beloved wife of Donelson T. Caffery, Sr. and beloved mother of Tink Friedrichs, Sally Caffery, Don T. Caffery, Gordon Caffery and Caroline Gilly


Peggy Chopitan (1933-1998) Beloved member of the Trinity Church family


Anthony Bernard Cius, Jr. (1938-1986) Beloved brother of Mrs. Andrew T. Whitley


Mary Elizabeth Devall Clark (1847-1912)

$1,000 $1,000 $2,500

Barbara Fritchey Campbell (1907-1997) Devoted member of Trinity Church


William Lobdell Clark, Sr. (1846-1906)

Philip Hope Campbell (1906-1983) Devoted member of Trinity Church


Dorothea L. Claverie (1910-1999) Mother of Peter Claverie - in loving memory


Maumus F. Claverie (1908- 1995) Father of Peter Claverie - in loving memory


Gordon Edward Clay, Jr. (1929-2016)


Viola Schlegel Claverie


The Reverend John R. Claypool IV (1930-2005) In grateful appreciation


Laura Buckner Kearny Colcock (1898-1981) A lifelong member of Trinity Church; active in Women of Trinity Church


W. Ferguson Colcock $3,200 (1897-1985) An active member and senior warden of Trinity Church

Leonard Connett (1901-1995)


William Barret Conway (1931-2015) Longtime Tresurer of the Vestry and member of the Trinity School Board of Trustees E. Virgil Conway Beloved brother of William Barret Conway


Gertrude Jahncke Cooper (1911-1965)


Eleanor Nicholson Corbin (1919-1995)



Pierre (Peter) Francis Meisner Cordell-Reeh $1,080 (1920-2001) Sunday school teacher and active church member.

Melissa Richardson Coleman (1947-1981)


Oliver J. Counce (1917-2004)

Stewart Neale Collenberg (1914-1998)


Gregory Charles Counce (1959-1988)

Elaine Leverich Mears Collenberg (1921-2016) An active member of Trinity Episcopal Church


Stewart “Skip� Collenberg, Jr. (1945-2011)


Dorothy Spencer Collins (1895-1980)


Forres McGraw Collins (1926-1983)

$3,925 $900

The Reverend Robert S. Coupland, D.D (1870-1962) Rector of Trinity Church for 34 years, 1911-1945


Madeline Rose Cox (2005-2006)


John Craft Crane (1978-1994) Beloved son and brother



Leila Palfrey Crozat (1901-1966)


Mrs. Henry Holland Collins (1920-1977) A longtime member of the Trinity Altar Guild


Edmund J. Crump (1906-1981) Vestryman, longtime member of Trinity Church


Marcia Monroe Conery (1938-1993)


Flora Stratton Crump (1901-1986)



Nancy Morris Crumpler (1914-1978)


Corene Jones Conner (1945-1986) A member of Trinity Church Elizabeth Priest Connett (1910-1996)


Marilee T. Crutcher (1919--2006)



Helion Dickson, Sr. (1872-1941) A longtime member of Trinity Church; in loving memory


Jean I. Cullen (1919-1991)


Lucille Morrison Currence (1913-1997)


Oliver Hippolyte Dabezies, M.D. (1930-2001)


Charles R. Dalton, Jr. (1924-2008)


Julia Eloise Douglass (1892-1975) A longtime member of Trinity Church



Anne Cameron Downman (1868-1942)


Mrs. Helion Dickson, Sr. $250 (1879-1969) A longtime member of Trinity Church; in loving memory


Barbara Farrar Davies Sylvia Saunders Davis (1926-2004)



Robert Henry Downman (1861-1928)


Roger Hart Doyle (1919-1983)


Frank Edward Demarest (1889-1963) Treasurer of Trinity Church for 16 years, senior warden, 1951-1955


Clara Frances Drake (1947-2015) Beloved Sister of Carl Eugene Drake



Gladys Lee Denet


Theodore Drapanas, M.D. (1930-1975) A member of Trinity Church Helen Dunbar (1907-1977)


Cora Spearing Demarest (1909-1988)

Alphonse Derbigny Denis, Jr. (1891-1982)


Virginia Hardin Derby (1915-2008)


John George DeRussy (1936-2008)


Sean Marcelle Dessomes (1977-2007) Beloved son and loving father, devoted nephew


Frederick DuMontier Devall III (1938-1992) Virginia Dodd Devall (1908-1996)

Wilbur Charles Dick (1927-1996) Dorothy Ewin Dickinson (1895-1965)

Berenice Steele Duncan (1894-1960)

Brooke H. Duncan (1887-1950)



Katherine “Kitty� Foster Duncan (1927-2005)



Edward Easterling Dupont (1969-1998)



Charles W. Dupre

$150 $100


Scott Fraser Durant (1960-1982)



Georgia Gillean Duvoisin ( -1976) English teacher at Newman School

Corinne Carter Thomas Dyer (1910-1994)

Diana S. Earhart (1942-2016)


Tatham Robson Eskrigge (1906-1978) Lifelong member of Trinity Church



Sara Webster Estes (1931-2003)


E $1715

Gladys Bush Eustis (1919-1971) A member of Trinity Church




John C. East (1917-2007)


Henry Chotard Eustis (1887-1950) Vestryman of Trinity Church

George Perry Eastman, Jr. (1909-1985)


Laura Buckner Eustis (1847-1924)


Mary “Molly� Cox Minor Eustis (1912-1993)



Richmond M. Eustis (1945-2009)



Ethelyn S. Ewin


Brother James Eddy ( -1998)


Gordon Overton Ewin (1923-2012) Vestryman and Devoted member of Trinity Church


Mrs. Richard Quin Edmonson (1908-1976) A longtime devoted member of Trinity Church


James P. Ewin (1891-1948)


Alice B. Eisenhauer (1921-2008)



Caswell P. Ellis III (1917-1971)


Ida Ruth Denis Ellis (1892-1987)


Jinnette Hood Ellis (1922 - 2012) Grandmother of Holt Ellis Kolb In Glory to God and in Loving Memory


Louis Towson Ellis (1886-1956) Member of Trinity Church


Louis Towson Ellis, Jr. (1924-2008)


Louise Menge Eastman (1913-1997)

Margaret Anne Eastman Norman Eustis Eaves (1917-1995)

James Perkins Ewin, Jr. (1918-1991)

Katharine Keller Ewin (1924-1988) A longtime member of Trinity Church; for two years a teacher in the Trinity Nursery School


Lucy Herndon Ewin (1889-1995)


Marilyn Allison Ewin (1934-2013)


Walton Ewin


F Arlington Pope Fant, Sr. (1889-1981)



Donald Fitz-Gibbon Fant, Ensign, USN $100 (1929-1952) Beloved brother of Arlington, Jr., Norris, and William Ruth Fitz-Gibbon Fant (1894-1990) Longtime member of Trinity Church

Stephen Norris Fant (1950-2015)



William Foster Fant $100 (1925-2003) Beloved son and brother, longtime member of Trinity Church Frank Evans Farwell (1906-1995)


Lynne Paxton Hecht Farwell (1914-2007) Thanksgiving for a gracious life well lived


Geraldine Runyan Faulkner (1920-1981)

Judge Charles Erasmus Fenner (1834-1911) Junior warden, 1905-1909; senior warden, 1910-1911; lifetime member of Trinity Church


Charles Erasmus Fenner (1876-1963)


Darwin Schriever Fenner (1908-1979)


Erasmus Darwin Fenner, M.D. (1869-1944)


Sadie Cameron Fenner (1866-1954)


Virginia Schriever Fenner (1880-1946)


Gloria Knight Lee Ferrera (1922 - 2012)



Thomas Norling Fiddler (1947-1980)

David Laurence Faust, Jr. (1981-2002)


Ashton J. Fischer (1923-1987)

Dorothy Gamble Favrot (1906-1996) Longtime member of Trinity Church



H. Richmond Favrot (1903-1975) Active member of Trinity Church and Trinity vestryman


Elizabeth Nicholson Fischer (1927-2015) A lifelong and dedicated member of Trinity Church John R. Fitz-Hugh (1912-1987)


Richmond Gerard “Gerry” Favrot (1937-2012)


Mary S. Fitzpatrick


Dorion “Tad” Fleming III (1955-1993) Beloved Son of Margot Bouden Pleasants


Anne Lusk Flower (1914-1950)

$100 $100


Helen May Flower (1914-1981) An active worker on both the Altar Guild and Wedding Committee


Walter C. Flower II (1912-2004)


Annie Seabury Fell (1871-1962) A longtime member of Trinity Church

Kerry E. Fellman (1951- 2010) I miss you


Carolyn “Carrie” Payne Fenner (1846-1942) Flora Hardie Fenner (1908-2006) Wife of Darwin S. Fenner





Virginia Chapman Flower (1912-1987)


Richard W. Gamble (1904-1980)


Evangeline Magruder Folse (1898-2000)



McLain Jay Forman (1928-2008)


Prince Albert “PA” and Leah Nette Ledbetter Gardner Beloved parents of Gloria Gardner Wilkinson


Katherine Simmons Foster (1895-1992)


Holland Fitts Garner (1895-1982)

Lynn Ann Viosca Foster (1939-2008)


Martha Adams Foster (1924-2000)


Richard Rushton Foster $425 (1889-1966) A longtime member of Trinity and a former vestryman Elizabeth “Betty” Woolf Fowler (1924-2015) Devoted member of Trinity Church


Hardy Booth Fowler (1920-1980)


Richard B. Fox (1926-2011)


Ruth Jahncke Freret (1908-1986)


G. Shelby Friedrichs, Sr. (1911-1991)


Joseph Maybin Gore Friedrichs (1941-2000) Beloved husband and father

Marguerite Shelby Friedrichs (1888-1943) A lifetime member of Trinity Church


Katherine Thomas Saunders Gaiennie (1902-1969)




Thomas Johnston Garner (1888-1974)

Charles Erasmus Fenner Gay (1912-1999) Edward J. Gay (1910-2008)


$100 $100

Gladys Fenner Gay (1883-1970)


William J. Geagan, Jr. (1929-2001) Paul William Geddes, Jr. (1913-1976) Beloved brother of Margaret Geddes Morgan

$275 $500

Mrs. John Morris (Coralie Pierson) Gehl, Sr. $100 (1881-1961) A member of Trinity Church and its choir from 1895 to 1920 Marjorie M. Gehl (1940 - 2014) In loving memory from John P. Palmer


Colonel Philip Gensler, Jr. (1936-2016)


William Joseph Gibbens, Jr. (1896-1976)


Marcel Alfred Gillis, Colonel, USA (1892-1971) Beloved father of Martha Gillis Restarick


Marcie Caffery Gillis (1893-1991) Born Franklin, Louisiana; beloved mother of Martha Gillis Restarick



Nellie Barrow Gore (1862-1946) Longtime member Section B Women’s Auxiliary Paul V. Godfrey (1922-2001)



Mary P. Goldman (1921-2014)


Moylan Field Gomila (1938 - 2014)


Andrew T. Goodyear (1939-2001)


Donna Gould (1913-2007) Mother-in-law and dear friend of Sandy Courvoisier Lewis Rossner Graham (1882-1965) A longtime member of Trinity Church, former Sunday School superintendent and vestryman Nellie P. Graham (1893-1988)

Harold S. Grehan, Jr. (1927-2011)


Edwin Jackson Graner, M.D. and (1863-1921) $1,000 Rosa Deborah Rainold Graner (1867-1951) Beloved parents of Eva Amelia Graner Huff, Gertrude Rainold Graner Munson, Dorothy Rainold Graner Carroll, and Rosa Rainold Graner Murray

Dorothea Rosenberg Griffen (1906-1974) Ward Orin Griffen (1892-1979)

Edwina Bramhall Griswold (1914-1980) Beloved mother of Mrs. William B. Reily III and George Griswold II; longtime member of Trinity Church


Gertrude R. Gurley (1902-1984)


Sarah Ann Bush Guiterman (1949-2006)


Diane O. Haag (1940-1984) $100


H $400

Lena Esther Keene Habeeb (1894-1981) $200 Member, Christ Episcopal Church, Vicksburg, Mississippi and beloved grandmother of Danica Ann (Boopie) Cordell-Reeh and great grandmother of Camille Cordell-Reeh and Cordell Dane Anderson Owsley Geoffrey Hackett (1959-2001)


Ray J. Haddad, M.D. (1931-1990) $100 Chairman, Board of Trustees for Trinity Episcopal School and vestry member for Trinity Church Anne M. Haddow (1921-2013) A devoted member of Trinity Church Douglas A. Haddow, M.D. (1925-2001)



Jean Provosty Griswold Godmother of Shepard Pleasants, Jr.



J. Randolph Gregson (1918-2010) Faithful member of the Men’s Bible Breakfast

George J. L. Griswold (1910-1984) Beloved father of Mrs. William B. Reily III and George Griswold II; longtime member of Trinity Church


Calvert Royal Hall (1899-1998) Father of Harriet H. Murrell; he personified the legacy of influence


F. Compton Hall (1903-1987)



$325 $150


Edwin Packard Halsey (1902-1941)

John Taylor Halsey (1870-1951) Beloved father of Ethel Halsey Blum, the late Edwin Halsey, the late Noel Halsey Barnes and Donald H. Halsey Mildred Packard Halsey (1870-1938) Beloved mother of Ethel Halsey Blum, the late Edwin Halsey, the late Noel Halsey Barnes and Donald H. Halsey


Franklin B. Hayne (1939-2013)



Helen Peck Hayne (1907-1976)


Sarah Foster Hayne (1903-1992)


Ethel Y. Haynie (1916-2008) Beloved aunt who always had a smile, kind words, and a loving heart for her nieces and nephews.


George W. “Bunky� Healy (1930-2012)


Alice Baker Heaslip (1873-1959) Longtime member of Trinity Church



Virginia Logan Halsey (1911-1993) $770 The late wife of Donald H. Halsey; sister of Alice Howcott and Peggy Howcott, mother of Kate Adair Marsh, Elizabeth Halsey Register and John T. Halsey III Patrick S. Hambrick (1949-2007) Alma S. Hammond (1896-1979) Morris E. Hansell (1871-1970) A longtime member of Trinity Church Ethel Cuyler Harding (1891-1980)

Thomas W. Hardison (1931-1989) A child of Trinity Church Robyn Hardy, M.D. Bobbye Roberts Harkins (1913-2011)


Mildred Ellis Herron (1969-1989)



Rudolf Hertzberg (1906-1982)


Winifried E. Hertzberg (1911)


Alice Trawick Hevron (1910-1996)


John E. Hevron (1906-2004)


Patricia Stewart Hewitt (1942-2006)


$100 $10,814

$500 $600

Leonard Riley Harrington (1939-2016)


Judith A. Harris, M.D. (1939-2008) Dedicated, compassionate healer and beloved wife of Regina Matthews Parker Mortimer Harris (1890-1965)


Amelia Mildred Hegeman $100 (1894-1967) Beloved great aunt and godmother to Joseph Bayer Vella


David Gatlin Hill (1906-1964) Beloved father of Gloria Hill Hopkins and longtime member of Trinity Church; beloved grandfather of George Denegre Hopkins, Judith Hopkins Seago, and Suzanne Hopkins Sura




Judith E. Red Hill (1890-1974) Beloved mother of Gloria Hill Hopkins and longtime member of Trinity Church; beloved grandmother of George Denegre Hopkins, Judith Hopkins Seago, and Suzanne Hopkins Sura


Henry Williamson Hoagland, Jr. (1912-1995)


John Barnfather Hobson, Jr. (1900-1971) A lifetime member of Trinity Church, vestryman, and treasurer of the Vestry


John Barnfather Hobson III (1928-1971) A lifetime member of Trinity Church


Ernestine Bass Hopkins (1904-2002)


George Denegre Hopkins (1917-2002)


James Wallace Hopkins (1893-1967)


The Reverend Hunter Hudson Horgan III $700 (1945-1992)

Beau Huber (1961-1995)

Murray Pearce Hurley (1913-1998) Loving mother of Harriet Hurley Nelson and Jery Pearce Hurley, MD

$200 $1,185

I Adair Ewin Ingram (1900-1999)


Olivia Bartlett Irwin (1911-1994)


Leonard Scott Isacks (1939-2001)


Ann Rainey and Harold Jewell Ivens Lifelong members of Trinity Church


J The Right Reverend John Long Jackson (1884-1948) Bishop of the Diocese of Louisiana, 1940-1948



Gayle Allison Houston (1940-2008)


Davis Lee Jahncke, Sr. (1913-2003)


Carolyn Schwing Howard (1926-2010) Lifelong and active member of Trinity Church


Edward Benjamin Jahncke (1907-1981) Elizabeth Carter Cutting Jahncke (1915-2006)


Harry Turner Howard, III (1930-2011)


Mary Evelyn Jahncke (1906-1990)


Robert Pike Howard (1922-2000) A longtime and active member of Trinity Church Alice Blanc Logan Howcott (1910-1977)




Paul Frederick Jahncke (1879-1965) Married at Trinity Church October 20, 1903; beloved father of Davis Lee Jahncke


Harley B. Howcott, Jr. (1938-2013)


Paul Frederick Jahncke, Jr. (1904-1965)


Harley B. Howcott, Sr. (1908-1992)


Paul Frederick Jahncke III (1932-1979)


Pearl Davis Jahncke (1882-1954) Married at Trinity Church October 20, 1903; beloved mother of Davis Lee Jahncke


Zidé Benedict Jahncke (1913-1994)


Martha Mitchel Jones $2,130 (1926-2010) Loving wife, mother and grandmother, gracious lady and member of the WOTC, Trinity School Parents Group President and Intercessory Prayer Group In Loving Memory: Intercessory Prayer Partners Nelson Buckner Jones $1,525 (1919-2013) Loving husband of Martha, father of Mary, Allyson, Brad, Andrew, and Malcolm, grandfather of 14 and great grandfather of two. Lifelong and active member of Trinity.

Carmelite Janvier (1890-1977)


Celeste Janvier (1885-1974)


Charles Janvier II (1917-1990)


Cornelia Ingersoll Jordan (1906-1969)

Katharine Janvier (1893-1969)


Gay Jordan (1944-1976)



Thomas L. Jordan (1903-1993)


Stockton B. Jefferson and (1915-1992) Vilma M. Jefferson (1926-2005) Loving parents and members of Trinity Church Mary Jones Jenkins (1926-1981) Alice Watson Jeppe (1905-1998) Dedicated member of Trinity Church Edward Jocis (1901-1986) Dolly Ann Johnsen (1928-2003) In loving memory: wife, mother and friend Julia Anita Winchester Johnsen (1894-1976)

Mildred Mary Suffield Johnson (1914-1988) Beloved wife of Max E. Johnson, M.D. Mrs. Hugh McCain Johnson (1883-1976) Beloved aunt of the Weinmanns

The Right Reverend Girault M. Jones (1904-1998) Bishop of the Diocese of Louisiana, 1949-1969


K $100

Marie Karnit ( -1997)



Julia Armstrong Kaufmann (1889-1991)



Marie Esther “Mamie” Shibley Kearney (1913-2006)



Beverly Quick Kearney (1939-2010)


William “Wilkins” Kearney (1975 - 2016)

$31,395 $200


Edward Newton Kearny (1872-1950) Lifetime member of Trinity Church



Laura Buckner Kearny (1871-1943) A lifetime member of Trinity Church



Ellen Lee Sloo Johnson Kearny $100 (1871-1926) Wife of Warren Kearny; mother of Warren Watts Kearny and Ellen Lee Sloo Kearny Watters


Warren Kearny, D.C.L. (1870-1947) Lifetime member of Trinity Church, senior warden, 1920-1947


Elizabeth Strachan Keenan (1941-2002)


Mary Lee Baker Keenan (1914-1984)


Walter Cook Keenan, Jr. (1911-1979)


Walter Cook Keenan III (1937-1998)

Frederic D. King, Jr. (1889-1963)


Grace Elizabeth King $3,333 (1851-1932) Longtime member of Trinity Church; noted author of New Orleans: The Place and the People and other works; founder and past president of Le Petit Salon Henry Carlton Miller King (1893-1971)


Katherine Richardson King (1897-1957)


Nina Ansley King (1861-1942) Longtime member of Trinity Church


Susan Kirby (1945-1998) Daughter of Verne Oliver Kirby and Gwendolyn W. Kirby and mother of Maxwell Gantt Kees, Jr.




Valee J. Kehoe (1943-2003)


Butter Kellermann (1919-1986)


George Harvey Kellermann (1917-1992)


Elizabeth Duffy Kennard (1900-1986)


Verne Oliver Kirby (1910-1990) A longtime member of Trinity Church

Esther Kent (1898-1996) Dedicated member and organizer of chapel services at St. Anna’s


Richard Koch (1889-1971)


Edouard James Kock (1899-1965)


George Kent


Lois Elaine Kent


Claudia Kern (1957-1978)


Rosamond Kohn (1899-1979)

Catherine Gomila Kerrigan (1913-1980)


Guy Carlton Kolb (1899-1983)


Annie Ragan King (1856-1933) Longtime member of Trinity Church


Hazel Hardin Kolb (1910-1988)


Elizabeth Boisfontaine King (1933-1997) Longtime member of Trinity Church



Eola Fell King (1890-1989)

Virginia Downman Kock (1903-1978)



Charlotte McArthur Kornman (1998-1998) James Hiram Kostmayer (1922-2002) In loving memory

Esther Cory Kranz (1896-1974)


$200 $1,368


Catherine Kranz (1868-1961)

Louise Somerville Krotzer (1937-2008) Julia Hardin Kuntz (1912-2002)


Cindy Lautenschlaeger



Irving H. LaValle (1939-2000)



Buxton Lawn Layton, Jr. (1916-1992)

Ruth Ellis Layton (1921-2009)


$300 $100

Alice Monroe Labouisse (1883-1965) Longtime member of Trinity Church


Alfred LeBlanc (1919-2001)


Carolyn Gay “Blondie” Labouisse (1914-1998) Community activist and recipient of the Times-Picayune Loving Cup


Doris Kent LeBlanc (1896- 1975) Longtime member of Trinity Church Joan Denis Ellis LeBreton (1927-1977)


Frank Monroe Labouisse (1911-1998)


Maurice M. LeBreton, Jr. (1955-1979)


F. Monroe Labouisse, Jr. $300 (1939-1986) A lifetime member of Trinity Church and a valued member of the Choir, Vestry, and Trinity School Board John Peter Labouisse III (1942-2015)


Meredith “Muzzy” Janvier Labouisse (1946-2008) A dear friend


Helen Palfrey Lafonta ( -1945)


Timothy J. Lamb $100 (1945-1990) Active parishioner and dedicated Trinity School Board member and treasurer; devoted husband and father Bonnie Jean Lambert $1,000 (1933-2008) Mother of Vanessa Lambert Nussel and someone who enjoyed Trinity’s Music Ministry


Francis Rivers Lelong (1926-2011)


Horace George Leman (1886-1973) Beloved father of Richard Douglas Leman


Sarah Sewell Leman (1883-1969) Beloved mother of Richard Douglas Leman


Paul Bernard Lemann (1908-1975)



Mary Campbell Leverich (1888-1976) A lifetime member of Trinity Church




Amelia L. Lemle (1902-1993)

Laura Saunders Landry (1896-1992) A devoted and beloved member of Trinity Church


Watts Kearny Leverich (1880-1955) A longtime member of Trinity Church, junior warden, senior warden, and chancellor of the Diocese of Louisiana

Arlene Thrun Lautenschlaeger (1931-1998)


John Alfred Levert III (1968-1996) In loving memory of my best friend


Julia Rawle Buckner Levert (1882-1958)


Leah Whann Luther (1937-2012)


Elizabeth D. Liebkemann (1906-1977)


Guy C. Lyman, Jr. (1932-2009)


George F. Liebkemann, Jr. (1903-1973)


Dorothy Walker Lyman (1910-1987)


Barbara A. Lill (1928-2009)


Carolyn Stubbs Lynch (1916-1980)


Frederick E. Lind (1905-1983) Treasurer of Trinity Church for 27 years; vestryman for 8 years


Robert Clyde Lynch, M.D. (1914-1983)

Richard Godwin Livingston Eleanor Rogers Logan (1921-2006)

Ellen Rogers Logan (1883-1984) George King Logan, M.D. (1873-1942) George King Logan, Jr. (1915-1992) A devoted and lifetime member of Trinity Church Gertrude Monroe Logan (1885-1968) Beloved mother of Peggy Logan Simpson Howcott, the late Virginia Logan Halsey and the late Alice Logan Howcott Margot Bennett Logan (1926-2014) Wife of Dr. Samuel Logan and devoted member of Trinity Episcopal Church Samuel Logan, M.D. (1922-2010) Thomas Muldrup Logan (1879-1928) Beloved father of Peggy Logan Simpson Howcott, the late Virginia Logan Halsey,, and the late Alice Logan Howcott Evelyn Shields Lusk (1889-1979)





George Francis Macdiarmid (1911-1975)



Lorraine Whiteman Macdiarmid (1913-1984)



Charles William Mackie III (1914-1984)



Elton Thomas Mackie, Jr. (1929-1998) Beloved father of Elizabeth Mackie Pinney and Thomas Sutherland Mackie


Helen LeJeune Mackie (1914-2002)



Joseph Madigan


Helen Wilson “Taffy� Maginnis


Alice Harrison Maley (1903-2007)



John Poston Manard (1916-1971)



John Pelham Mann (1919-2002)


Theodore Nussbaum Marks Beloved father of Theresa Voorhies




David Margeson $100 (1941-1988) Former organist and choir director of Trinity Church


Edward Marquez (1917-1990) A kind, gentle and witty soul


Jean Hudson Marquez (1918-2005) Full of grace and beauty


Madeline Frost Fleming Martin $100 (1909-1999) Beloved grandmother of Christopher Randolph Turgeon and longtime member of Trinity Church

William McCandless, Jr. (1916 - 2006)


William McCollam, Jr. (1925 - 2016)


Charles Fenner McConnell (1934-1998) Richard Bland McConnell, Sr. (1902-1985)

$100 $130

Virginia Fenner McConnell (1905-2002) Well done, good and faithful servant!



Marcelle Vallon Martin (1930-1995)


Marjorie Midelton Martin ( -1983)


Birch P. McDonough (1937-2008)

Matthew Scovell Martin, Jr. (1927-1975) A member of Trinity Church; beloved husband of Marcelle Vallon Martin and father of Matthew Scovell Martin III and Peter Raoul Vallon Martin


Kevin James McDonough $1,260 (1965-1983) Master acolyte and lifelong member of Trinity Church

Mary Pugh Matthews (1924-2016)


Elizabeth Pearce Maught (1912-1990) An active member of Trinity Church


Jane Dart Maunsell (1922-2013)


Douglas Westfeldt McIlhenny (1919-2009)


Margaret Hartwell Maute (1929-2007)


Mary Alpaugh McIlhenny (1921-1998)


William Curphey Maute (1928-2002)


Lilly Weeks McLean (1916-1980)



Charles McLellan (1886-1961)


Ann Devall Mays (1906-1984) Past president of WOTC.; devoted member of Trinity Church


Donald Stuart McLellan (1918-1996) Past Vestry member and active longtime parishioner


Carolyn Schwab McCabe (1938-1995)


D. Stuart McLellan, Jr.

$100 $545


John Allan McLellan (1923-2013) A Lifelong Member of Trinity Church


Earl Mason McGowin, Sr. (1901-1992)


Edmund McIlhenny, Sr. (1921-1991)

Joan Underhill May (1923-2006)

Evelyn “Honey� McCall (1922-2008)

Claudia Pipes Milling McGowin (1914-2001)



Marie Ernestine Bres McLellan (1886-1961)


Maria Springer Meriwether (1941-2005) A wonderful wife and mother Susan Seibert Meriwether (1938-1992) A wonderful wife and mother


Jane Hine Merrick (1917-2013)

$1,585 $150


Louise Avery McLoughlin (1904-1979) A dedicated member of Trinity Church


Ray McManis (1922-2007) Father of Deacon Dennis McManis, Archdeacon of this parish church


Vera L. Meade (1923-1982)


Bonnibel Doan Miller (1893-1991) Mrs. Warren V. Miller, member of Trinity Church

John Savier Mears (1915-1961)


Marion Leverich Miller (1915-2006)

Nicee “Brownie� Talbot Melancon (1919-2002) Beloved mother of Jacqueline Melancon Schoen


Robert Edward Milling, Jr. (1898-1960)

$200 $100

Lane N. Melzer (1922-2013) Quiet birdman and Friend of Trinity Church


W. J. Mitchell (1928-1958) Mrs. W. J. Mitchell (1915-1954)


Francis Dodd Menge (1915-1974) Lifetime member of Trinity Church


Louise Erlich Menge (1919-1978)


Sue Rothrock Menge (1925-2012)


William C. Menge (1920-2011) Life-long member of Trinity Church


Charlotte Hardie Smither Menville (1917-2006) Loving mother of Charles Hardie Smither, Louise S. McDonald and Charlotte S. Haygood


Charles Edward Meriwether, Jr. (1900-1992)


Helen Palfrey Kearny Meriwether (1905-2004)


Lucye Rainold Meriwether (1905-1990) A longtime member of Trinity Church



Francis L. Monachino $500 (1922-2003) Husband of Vita Viola Monachino; father of Vivienne M. Hayne and Francesca Monachino; father-in-law of Peck Hayne Jr. and grandfather of Heidi Frances Hayne and Anna Sophia Hayne Vita Viola Monachino (1921-2002) Wife of Francis L. Monachino, mother of Vivienne Hayne and Francesca Monachino, mother-in-law of C. Peck Hayne, Jr., and grandmother of Heidi Frances Hayne and Anna Sophia Hayne


Francis Lloyd Monroe (1902-1980)


Helen Phillips Monroe (1911-1987)


Jules Raburn Monroe (1909-1961)


Malcom Logan Monroe (1911-2001)


Dorothy Henriette Vallon Bland Monrose (1925-2013)



Mary Margaret Todd Monrose


Peter R. Monrose, Jr. (1917-2011)


Ella S. Montgomery (1930-2012)


Robert Downman Montgomery (1957-1981)


Margaret Geddes Morgan (1905-1992)


Mary Erskine Kock Morgan (1875-1966)


George William Moring (1912-1997)


Maud Butterworth Morris (1908-1981)


Stanley S. Morris (1893-1988)

$5,000 $100


A. Brown “Brownie” Moore (1912-1987) Senior warden, senior counsellor, active in Church and School affairs


Daniel Decatur Moore (1869-1938) A member of Trinity Church


Katherine Roussel Moss (1903-1985) Devoted mother and grandmother

Louise Seguin Moore (1877-1944) A longtime member of Trinity Church


Olin Winn Moss, M.D. (1892-1953) Devoted father

Marie Louise “Weezie” Tobin Moore (1912-1982) An active member of most Trinity activities


Ann Ogletree Mossy (1924-1994)

$350 $3,761

Sylvia D. Moore (1899-1949) A longtime member of Trinity Church


Edgar Moulton (1865-1935) A lifetime and dedicated member of Trinity Church


Sylvia Sharp Moore (1868-1906)


Jane Herndon Moulton (1870-1964) A lifetime and dedicated member of Trinity Church

Alfred Jay Moran (1914-1984) Lifetime member of Trinity Church, vestryman and junior warden, 1951-1960


Mary Colwell Jennings Mullin (1946-1977)

$100 $1,400

Minter Jay Moran (1891-1979)


C. Roy Mundee, Jr. (1932-2007) In loving memory


Cecil Morgan (1898-1999)


Gertrude Graner Munson (1894-1979)


Helen Elizabeth Meriwether Morgan (1925-1976) An active and dedicated member for many years


Carlos Murdock (1972-2001)

James Edouard Morgan (1910-1972)


Lee F. “Scutter” Murphy (1925- 2014) Senior warden from 1975 to 1977


Paula Parker Murphy (1926-2012)



Stenning Coate Murphy (1918-1980)


Leonard Somers Murray (1900-1995)


Rai Graner Murray (1904-1962)


George Michael Murrell (1928-2008)


Berta “B” Norris (1890-1984) Beloved aunt of Phyllis Howard Thompson


Susan B. Norwood (1897-2000) A longtime member of Trinity Church


Virginia Buckholtz Norwood (1897-1985) A longtime member of Trinity Church



Grace Denis Murrell (1895-1993)


Helen A. Nugent (1896-1982)

Harriet Hall Murrell (1931-2016) In celebration of her life and service


The Reverend Leighton Howard Nugent, LLB $151 (1894-1975) Associate rector of Trinity Church, 1955-1964


Nancy Van Hook Nunez (1903-1979)

Emile Fidel Naef, M.D. (1892-1979) Longtime communicant of Trinity Church


Elizabeth Kennard Neal (1926 - 2014)


Vincent Wagner Nunez (1890-1968)


$1,000 $100


Mary Kay Downs Oakley (1914-1986)


Howard A. Nelson, Sr., M.D. (1911-1984)


Nancy O’Connell (1941-2008)


Mary Elmer Draughon Nelson (1911-1994)


Amie Boyd Nicholson (1917-1919)


Virginia Schwartz O’Connor Alice Moulton O’Kelley (1894-1989) A longtime member of Trinity Church

Julian Fort Neill (1927-1994)



Amie Dove Boyd Nicholson (1890-1982)


James Kimmel Oehlschlaeger (1965-1965) Infant son/brother

Leonard Kimball Nicholson (1881-1952)


Elizabeth “Bettie” Boatner Olivier (1919-2006)


Leonard Kimball Nicholson, Jr. (1958-2012)


Edward Meriwether Ordemann (1949-2010)


Yorke Poitevent Nicholson (1883-1948)


Marshall F. Ordemann, Sr. (1918-2010) An active member of Trinity Church


Yorke Poitevent Nicholson, Jr. (1922-1929)




Carl Robert Orr (1954-2015) Judith Elizabeth Oudt (1968-1991)

George W. Owen, Sr. (1894-1976)



John R. Peters (1935-2008)


Carole Crowell Pettit (1944-2010)



Euphemie “Boutine” Tobin Phelps (1918-2008)


Josephine Bowles Paddison (1920-1981) A member of Trinity Church


John Marshall Page, Jr. (1935-2012) Diane Mitchell Parker (1939-1971)

Mary Jo Holland Phillips (1930-1993)



Elizabeth King Pipes (1892-1971)



Fort Pipes (1890-1968)



Edith Henderson Parkerson (1896-1980) Longtime member of Trinity Church


Minnie Woodville Pleasants $125 (1898-1986) A longtime and devoted member of Trinity Church, active in many programs; past chair of the Altar Guild $125

Godfrey Ross Parkerson (1923-2002) Lifelong member of Trinity, Vestry member and Trinity School Board member


William Shepard Pleasants (1898-1975) Best friend of Shep Pleasants, Jr. Mary Elizabeth Polchow


Marye Hodge (Mrs. Sam H.) Parkerson (1922-1981)


Sam Henderson Parkerson (1921-1983) Lifetime member of Trinity, business director of Trinity Church and School


Stirling Parkerson (1887-1944) Lifelong member of Trinity Church


Howard Bell Peabody (1919-2003)


Billups Phinizy Percy (1922-2013) Longtime member of Trinity Church and Tulane Law Professor


Jaye Dobbs Percy (1925-2004)


Evelyn Loescher Pesce (1902-1978) Beloved aunt of Barbara Bartlett Haddad

Robert William Polchow

William A. Porteous III (1937-2006)


Rosa Parsons Little Porter (1929-2005) Devoted member of Trinity and loving wife of Robert E. “Pat” Porter (1922-2002) Vestry member and assistant treasurer, St. Thomas Society member, and Carolina gentleman



Marshall Lyne Posey III (1967-1984) A very special and most beloved son


Julia Yates Wynkoop Potts (1897-1940) Beloved mother of Julia Brooke Potts Grehan; longtime member of Trinity Episcopal Church, Shepherdstown,West Virginia




Llewellyn Powell Potts (1895-1989) Beloved father of Julia Brooke Potts Grehan; longtime member and vestryman of Trinity Episcopal Church, Shepherdstown,West Virginia


Marshall Cleland Powell (1909-2002)


Gorham Joseph Putnam (1929-1993) In proud memory


Robert Reinfort Rainold (1909-1996) Beloved father of Catherine Rainold Brewster


Sarah Baldwin West Rainold (1918 - 2014)


Haughton Fitz Randolph (1911-2003) Margaret H. Randolph (1923-2016)


Portia Randolph (1925-1977)

Q Leslie Burnet Quick (1909-1992) Father of Beverly Quick Kearney and longtime member of Trinity Church




Leclare Bush Ratterree (1923-1976)


Jack Henry Rayson, D.D.S. (1931-1995) A devoted member of Trinity Church; beloved husband of Donna T. Rayson


Robert A. Redwine (1942 - 2014) In loving memory


Bruce Witherspoon Rafferty (1928-2011) An active and devoted member of Trinity Church


Nigel Ewing Rafferty (1923-1984) Beloved husband of Bruce and father of Shaun, Kevin and Brian


C. Espy Reed, Jr. (1916-2010)

$200,100 $125

Mary L. Railey (1888-1991)


Gwen Hall Reedy (1949-1995) A loving mother, daughter, sister, grandmother and wife.


Woodward Heard Register (1943 - 2014)


Alexander E. Rainold (1902-1970) Lifelong member of Trinity Church and a vestryman


Charles Stone Reily, Jr. (1921-2010)


Harry Buddig Rainold (1900-1981)


Mrs. William M. Railey (1860-1944)

Margretta Lay Rainold (1904-1994)

Miriam Black Rainold (1912-1984) Beloved mother of Catherine Rainold Brewster

$1,000 $350

Gladys Eustis Reily (1893-1983) James Weaks Reily, Jr. (1918-1988)



James “Jimbo” Weaks Reily II (1979-1998)


John Wharburton “Jack” Reily (1992 - 2014)



Mary Ferrell (Molly) Reily (1930 - 2012)


Lady Greenslit Reiss (1941-1985)


Marie Benedic Renaud (1876-1968) A longtime member of Trinity Church


Ruth Renaud (1909-2004)


Martha Gillis Restarick (1921-2000) Beloved mother of Henry L. Restarick, Jr., David G.Restarick and Katherine Restarick Pou


Guthans A. Reynoir (1929-2005)


Atwood L. Rice, Jr. (1919-2004)


Nancy Stubblefield Rice (1924-2012)


Edmund Ernest Richardson, Jr. $400 (1891-1962) A longtime member of Trinity Church, and vestryman Elinor Bright Richardson (1898-1998)


Iona Dowden Richardson (1892-1990)


Julius Gray Richardson (1888-1975) A longtime member of Trinity Church


Dell de Montfort Foscue Ripley (1919-2004)


Andree Layton Roaf (1941-2009) Mother of the Reverend Phoebe Roaf and lifelong Episcopalian


Ethel M. Roane (1895-1987) Loving mother, grandmother and great grandmother


Anne Ivens Robinson (1923-2015)


Brent Sydnor Robertson (1912-1979)


Henry Moreland Robinson (1904-1974) Longtime member of Trinity Church; vestryman and organizer of “Sunday Sermons� radio broadcasts circa 1940-1945


Lesley Anne Robinson (1928-1995) Beloved sister of Olivia Bamforth


Martha Baine Courtney Robinson (1925-2012)


Mary Hayne Robinson (1902-1961)


Florence Ozier Roddy (1933-1979)


James Edward Roddy $100 (1905-1965) Active member of Trinity Church and former Trinity vestryman for 16 years; beloved husband of Louise Roddy Louise Adams Roddy $2,070 (1903-2002) Beloved wife of James Edward Roddy; devoted member of Trinity Church for 70 years and president of W.O.T.C Rose Mary H. Rose (1948-2011)


Emma Elizabeth Roussel ( -1968)


Meriel Traylor Rucker (1902-1962) Beloved mother of Traylor Rucker


Ruth E. Rueff (1894-1997) Dear friend


George Robert Runyan (1887-1949)

Irene Rutherford Runyan (1899-1970)


$150 $150

Alice Bland Ryan (1937-2005)


John Charles Saunders (1908-1984)

Isabel (Belle) Turner Janin Ryniker (1899-1980) A longtime member of Trinity Church


Mae East Saunders (1901-1979)


Gordon A. Saussy (1931-2009)


Nell Winston Saussy (1927-2011)


Carroll Smithers Schanzer (1908-1986)


Raymond Emil Schanzer (1899-1955) A member of Trinity Church


S Mildred Reynolds Saffold (1871-1961) Mother of Mildred Vincent Seta Alexander Sancton (1915-2007) One of our devoted Rummage Ladies


Samuel Sanders III (1927-2011)






Havard Ewin Schmidt (1920-1975) A longtime member of Trinity Church

Robert Henry Sarpy, Jr. (1940-2015)


Hope E. Schulze (1918-1989)


Carmen Graves SarrĂŠ (1895-1982)


Elizabeth Copper Kerr Saunders (1909-1988)


Garvin Shands Saunders (1902-1936)


Frances Sarpy (1947-2003)

Lucy Lesesne Schwab (1913-2015) A tireless worker for Rummage and beloved by everybody Mary Alice Blakemore Schwing (1906-1966)




Samuel Poynter Schwing, Jr. (1899-1959) Samuel P. “Bud” Schwing III (1927-2007)

Lucille H. Scott (1890-1969) A longtime member of Trinity Church Virginia Lee Scruggs (1890-1991) Estelle J. Sears (1896-1987)


John W. Sharp (1926-2001)


Roger Post Sharp II (1929-2009)


Roger Post Sharp III (1962-1969)


Sarah Heath Malone Sharp (1903-1994)


Thomas N. F. Shaw (1925-2007) First headmaster of Trinity Episcopal School


Hugh Virgil Sherrill Remembered by a grateful Godchild


Beatrice Elizabeth Shober (1921-1983) A longtime member of Trinity Church


Beatrice Moulton Shober (1896-1972) A lifetime and dedicated member of Trinity Church; president of W.O.T.C.


John Bedford Shober (1893-1959) A lifetime and dedicated member of Trinity Church; vestryman and senior warden


John Bedford Shober, Jr. (1926-1993) A longtime member of Trinity Church


Edward McIlhenny Simmons (1928-2012)


Lanier Allingham Simmons (1929 -1990)


Sarah Elizabeth M. Simpson (1937-2004) Beloved mother of Jennifer Simpson Grehan


Frederick Walker Sinclair (1916-2005)


Mary Hill Sinclair (1921-2002)


Ila H. Slater (1904-1987) Active member of Trinity Church



George Arthur Seaver, Jr. (1923-1967) In loving memory


Alva See, Jr. (1931-2012) Beloved husband and of Nancy Dicks Gay, father and outdoorsman


André William Seguin (1866-1932) A longtime member of Trinity Church


Joseph Brown Seguin (1858-1926) A longtime member of Trinity Church


Alma A. Seixas $100 (1882-1961) Active member of Trinity Church; acted as caterer for many years; started Sunday Night Suppers during World War II Sudie Senter (1956-1978) Beloved sister of Caroline Senter


Frances Hemenway Shannon (1928-2001)


Alta Mae Williams Sharp (1935-2002)


Caroline Trueman Sharp (1931-2005)


Christopher James Williams Sharp (1971-1971)



$1,340 $2,195


Barbara S. Smith (1939-2008) Longtime devoted member of Trinity Church


Ellen Devall Smith (1905-1988) Longtime devoted member of Trinity Church


Elsie Vernice Wilson Smith $800 (1907-1982) Beloved mother of Charles Rodney Smith, M.D. and Grandmother of Rodney Wilson Smith, M.D. and Helen Kara Smith Guidry Florence Ambrose Smith (1910-1986)


Hedwig Helen Schwartz Smith $100 (1900-1993) Beloved grandmother of Norris Smith Lupo Williams

Lynn Steele (1912-1992)


Allen Matthew Steiner, Jr. (1948-1977) A member of Trinity Church


Peter Allen Steiner (1950-1976)


McDonald Lee Stephens (1926-1984) Member of the Vestry for many years; Trinity School Board


Jared Whitfield Sternbergh (1994-1997)


Katherine Eustis Stewart (1879-1969)


Howard “Nep� John Smith, Jr. (1943-2016)


William H. Stewart, M.D. (1921-2008)


Mary Curtis Cutting Smith (1921-1984) Beloved sister of Mrs. Davis Lee Jahncke



Mary Ellen Smith (1955-2012) Beloved Wife and Best Friend


Doris Zemurray Stone James H. Stone (1925-2008) Lawrence A. Stone II (1921-1996) A lifetime member of Trinity Church


Mary Price Stone (1924-2001)


Robert E. Smith $100 (1898-1962) Beloved grandfather of Norris Smith Lupo Williams Eleanor Lee Potts Snodgrass (1926-2004) Beloved sister of Julia Brooke Potts Grehan


Lauren Claire Soper (1961-1989)


Annie Clark Spencer (1870-1955)


Henry H. St. Paul, III (1952-2016) Loving husband and father


Ann Dowdell Stauss (1923-2003) A longtime member of Trinity Church; beloved wife, mother and grandmother



Michael Scott Stone (1981-2004)


F. Duncan M. Strachan III (1943-2007)


Frank G. Strachan (1906-1987) Senior warden and a longtime active member of Trinity Church


Rose Forsyth Strachan (1915-2000)


Dorothy Stuart (1890-1980) Lifelong member of Trinity Church



Maude Flower Stubbs (1890-1976) Lifelong member of Trinity Church


Anita Keenan Sullivan (1911-2002)


Joseph Walker Sullivan, Jr. (1934- 2014)


Mr. and Mrs. Tom Summerour Flores Howard Sussdorff (1893-1984)

Unpublished $950

W. Hayne Suthon (1957 - 2014) Beloved daughter of Warrene and Walter Suthon


Walter Joseph Suthon III (1926 - 2014) A lifelong and active member of Trinity Church


Warrene Hayne Suthon (1932-2006)


Katherine Eustis Sutter (1920-2002)



Dr. Harold Granberry Tabb (1919-2004)


Molly Crosby Taggart (1924-1995)


Ralph Scott Taggart, Jr. (1948-1973)


Camille Moss Tebo (1929-1998)


George Watson Tebo (1924-1982) Loving father, loving husband, and longtime member of Trinity Church


Elise Emory Terhune (1892-1981)


Sara M. Thomason (1978-2003)


Phyllis Meredith Howard Thompson (1911-2008)


William Norton Thompson, Jr. (1907-1994)


Sallie Dickson Titche (1907-1985)


Mary Lea Tobin (1906-1975)


James Mulherrin Todd, Sr. (1896-1971) A longtime member of Trinity Church, vestryman and church treasurer of many years; beloved husband of Margaret T. Todd


Gilbert Charles Tomskey, M.D. (1911-1993) Kitty Minor Logan Tomskey (1913-2006)


Laurette B. Toye


F. Winter Trapolin (1913-2005) Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me


Thelma Mae MoulĂŠdoux Trapolin Our beloved Mother, who loved and welcomed all.


Leon Miller Trice, Jr. (1920-1999) In memory of a loving husband and father




Adam Short Trowbridge (1908-1989)


Mary Augusta Randolph Upton (1846-1937)


William Von Phul Trufant (1922-1997)


Mary Rhett Upton (1916-1994)


Deborah Beaird Tullis (1944-2015) A loving wife of 48 years


Darryl Randolph Turgeon (1933-2001) Beloved father of Christopher Randolf Turgeon and David Fleming Turgeon


Heather Adams Turgeon (1962-2007) Wife of Christopher R. Turgeon, mother of Bryce E. Turgeon and Charlotte M. Turgeon


Helen M. Turner (1859-1958) Noted artist; cousin of Mrs. James Todd, Sr.


William Emerson Turner and (1879-1971) Alice Stockmeyer Keighley Turner (1884-1970) Parents of Helen (Mrs. Charles Leverich Eshleman, Jr.)


The Reverend Canon William S. Turner, Jr. (1904-1984) Rector of Trinity Church for 23 years, 1945-1968

Alliene May Underhill (1893-1968)


V Frances T. Vaccaro (1901-1979) A beloved friend of Edith and Bob Keyes


Mr. and Mrs. Raoul J. Vallon (Dorothy) Lifetime members of Trinity Church; beloved parents of Henriette V. Monrose and Marcelle V. Martin


Virginia Knox Polk Van Zandt (1918-1996)


Augusta Pipes Vaughey (1919-2003)

$8,400 $200


Joseph Aloysius Vella, M.D. (1909-1983) Beloved father, grandfather, and physician



Lucille Bayer Vella (1913-1963) Beloved mother of Lucille Vella Simpson and Joseph Bayer Vella Daniel Vesper (1954-2013) Beloved brother of Alesandra Vesper Courvoisier


Edward F. Vesper, Jr. (1926-1992) Father of Alesandra Vesper Courvoisier



Saidee Parker Unglaub (1923-2015)


Olivia M. Victor (1910-2000)


Meryl Kathleen Marshall UnKauf ( -1985)


Walter Peter Villere, Jr. (1945-1964)


Emma Pringle Rhett Upton (1880-1963)



Horace Edward Upton, Jr. (1876-1948)


Hugh deLacy Vincent (1867-1916) Father of Hugh E. Vincent

Katherine Richardson Upton (1909-1983)



Hugh Evelyn Vincent $250 (1889-1951) Longtime member of Trinity Church, vestryman and senior warden; donor of the Vincent Memorial Legacy (VML) Mildred Saffold Vincent (1894-1977)


Nannie McCutchen Vincent (1874-1961) Mother of Hugh E. Vincent


Margaret K. Groome Virden (1916-2008) Beloved Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother


Creighton Marsh von der Heiden (1904-1991) “Mr. Von;” longtime business manager and member of Trinity Church


Michael Quirk Walshe (1944-1989)


Stella Hands Walshe $200 (1882-1943) A lifetime member of Trinity Church, active member of the Trinity Altar Guild, originator of the Trinity Soup Kitchen, diocesan treasurer of the Women’s Auxiliary William Thompson Walshe (1912-1988) Lifelong member of Trinity Church; member of the Vestry, 1951-1955


Ewell Philip Walther, Jr. (1932-1990) Active member of Trinity Church and chairman, Trinity Episcopal School Board of Trustees, 1973-1978


Roger L. Ward (1935-2009) Teacher, Faithful servant of Christ, Advocate for the Poor




Beverly E. Warner, D.D. (1855-1910) Rector of Trinity Church, 1893-1910

Emily Hayne Walker (1904-1986) A beloved lifetime member of Trinity Church


Edgarda Waterman (1922-2002)

$53,906 $9,075

Raymond Bond Walker (1921-2010) A man who appreciated and enjoyed God’s creation


Arthur Carroll Waters (1982-2007) Beloved son of Bonnie and Peter, brother to Natalie and a friend to all

Lucinda G. Walmsley (1887-1978)


Patricia G. Waguespack (1924-2003)


Virginia J. Walmsley (1916-2009)


Frank Seymour Walshe $200 (1870-1960) A lifetime member of Trinity Church, junior warden, 1920-1947, treasurer over 20 years; beloved husband of Stella Hands Walshe Katherine McCall Walshe (1917-1994)


Henry Harcourt Waters $22, 870 (1925-1995) Patricia Brown Waters (1928-2010) Beloved parents of Carroll, Whitney, Julie and Katherine Alfred Adair Watters, Colonel, USMC (1898-1960)


A. Adair “Bob” Watters (1924-2008) Longtime member of Trinity Church


Ellen Lee Sloo Kearny Watters (1901-1942) Lifelong member of Trinity Church Claudia Cross Weaver (1958-2008)




Diana Dove Weaver (1956) A little child shall lead them Edna Gueringer Weaver (1893-1966) Beloved grandmother



Walter Albert Weaver (1891-1974) Beloved grandfather


Martha Chaffe Weese (1932-1986)


Winston Holbrook Weese, Jr. (1957-2000)

Ambassador John Giffen Weinmann (1928 - 2016) A lifelong and devoted member of Trinity Church

$200 $2,818

Mary Victoria Mills Weinmann $500 (1902-1990) Devoted member of Trinity Church for over 60 years; president of the W.O.T.C. and chairman of the Wedding Committee; beloved wife of Rudolph Weinmann Rudolph John Weinmann (1893-1974) A lifetime member of Trinity Church and chancellor for 25 years


Josephine Templeman Weir Beloved aunt of Margot Bouden Pleasants Amelia Baldwin West (1890-1983) Longtime member of Trinity Church Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith West


William Tompkins West (1873-1965) Lifetime member of Trinity Church Mrs. Gustaf R. Westfeldt, Jr. (1883-1977)

Mary Coyle Wharton (1855-1946) An active and dedicated member for many years

Nancy Deane Windes (1926-2010)


Elizabeth Maught “Betsy� White (1936-2014) Beloved wife of Burton White and active member of Trinty Church


Dr. Ernest Burton White, Jr. (1925-2005)


Elaine Finley White $1,090 (1958-1996) Beloved wife of Leonhard W. White, daughter of Mrs. John N. Stewart III and the late Edward D.Finley, Jr., stepmother of Christine White Katherine Emily White


Merida Caston Whitmire (1913-1980)


Amy Ursula Chappell Whitney (1912-1961) A longtime member of Trinity Church, president of W.O.T.C., 1955-1956


Morgan L. Whitney (1910-1989) Lorraine Lacour Wilkins (1912-1970)




William Archibald Wilkins (1912-1976)



William A. Wilkins, Jr. (1943-2016)


Hugh Miller Wilkinson, Jr. (1918-1995)



Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Miller Wilkinson, Sr. Beloved parents of Hugh Miller Wilkinson, Jr.

$200 $350


Jesse Penrose Wilkinson (1878-1946) A member of Trinity Church


Joel M. Wilkinson (1935-2010)


Joseph Biddle Wilkinson, Jr., M.D. (1817-1902) A vestryman of Trinity Church



Josephine Osborne Stark Wilkinson (1823-1908)


Grace Moore Willard (1895-1979) A member of Grace Church, Monroe, Louisiana


Howard Symonds Willard (1897-1954) A member of Grace Church, Monroe, Louisiana


Philo L. Willey (1888-1980) Active member of Trinity Church


Adele “Sister” Williams (1919-1979)


Robert O. Winkler, Jr. (1918-1985) Longtime member of Trinity Church; vestryman, secretary and junior warden


J. Barbee Winston (1925-2011)


Alma P. Wirth (1915-2015) Loving Aunt of Claudia Wirth Dinwiddie and Sybil Wirth Lawson


Charles Wirth, Jr. (1875-1981) Father of F. Harold Wirth, a member and vestryman of Trinity Church


Adele Monroe Williams (1888-1982) An active lifetime member of Trinity Church


Charles Forsyth Wirth (1974-1995) Grandson of Dr. and Mrs. F. Harold Wirth

George Elliot Williams, Sr. (1885-1947)


Charles Wirth III (1904-1984) Brother of F. Harold Wirth, a member and vestryman of Trinity Church

George Elliot Williams, Jr. $100 (1917-1985) A longtime member of Trinity Church and a vestryman J. Herbert Williams (1925-2005) Lifelong member of Trinity Church, served in many capacities, including senior warden


Jane Axtell Williams (1919-2006)


Joan Mortimer Williams (1934-1995)

F. Harold Wirth, D.D.S. (1907-1987) A vestryman of Trinity Church




Frederick Harold Wirth, Jr. M.D. (1941-2009)

$1,000 $100


Ophelia Bohne Wirth (1875-1940) Mother of F. Harold Wirth, a member and vestryman of Trinity Church

June Malcolm Williamson (1927-2003)


Sybil S. Wirth (1909-2005)


Clayton Kellis Winfiele (1981-1985) Beloved son of Cindy and Jim Winfiele


Edmund Duane Wingfield (1903-1976) Born Lynchburg,Virginia; died New Orleans, Louisiana


Elizabeth “Leba” Pipes Borah Wingfield (1915-2003)


Warren K. Wirth $1,010 (1943-2000) A witty gentleman with limitless love and understanding Willard R. Wirth, M.D. (1901-1982) Brother of F. Harold Wirth, a member and vestryman of Trinity Church


Adelaide Labatt Wisdom (1867-1943) Beloved wife of Mortimer Norton Wisdom and a lifetime member of Trinity Church



Bonnie Mathews Wisdom (1907-2002)


Mary Elizabeth “Betty” Wisdom (1930-2007) Tireless worker for the community, winner of the Times-Picayune Loving Cup


Judge John Minor Wisdom (1906-1999)

Maude W. Woodward (1883-1977) A member of Trinity Church


Ellen Flowerree Woods (1918-2007)



Ella L. Woolf (1902-2002)


John Minor Wisdom, Jr. (1935-1985) Beloved only son


Alice H. Baker Wright (1873-1964)


Mary Freeman Wisdom (1906-1986) Beloved wife of William Bell Wisdom; active member of Trinity Church; chair of the Altar Guild, president of W.O.T.C. and member of the Trinity School Board


Mary Mims Wright (1900-1978) An active and dedicated member


Walter C. Wright (1859-1937)


Mary Louise “Peggy” McGehee Wisdom (1914-2002)


Mortimer Norton Wisdom (1854-1919) A lifetime member of Trinity Church and a member of the vestry


Norton Labatt Wisdom (1907-1981) An active lifetime member of Trinity Church and a member of the Junior Vestry


Nell Ison Young $500 (1916-2008) Beloved grandmother who delighted in her grandchildren’s every achievement from the day they were born.

William Bell Wisdom (1900-1977) A lifetime member of Trinity Church and a member of the Vestry


Madeleine Pearson Zachry (1895-1980)

$100 $275

William B. Wisdom, Jr. (1936-1981) A lifetime member of Trinity Church and a member of the Vestry


Elizabeth Baldwin Zibilich (1926-1992) Robert Zibilich (1930-1986)


René Steven Wogan (1903-1989)


Sharon Rose Zielinski (1949-1999) Sister of Alesandra Vesper Courvoisier


Edith Brierre Wooddy (1895-1985)


Nelson Stuart Wooddy (1888-1957) A longtime member of Trinity Church and secretary of the Vestry for many years

Lee Stribling Wynne (1978-1984)


X Y Z Dr. Robert D. Yates (1931-2015)




Did You Know? • Using appreciated securities to make your gift delivers more tax benefits to you than using ash? • You can help guarantee the church’s future financial strength - help ensure that its work will endure and flourish - without affecting your assets or your financial security during your lifetime? • You can turn surplus life insurance coverage into a charitable gift, or create an endowment from your income rather than principal? • Life-income gifts offer one of the most signfiicant tax benefits that the IRS still provides to individuals? • Other planned giving strategies include outright bequests, donations of residence or farm while reserving usufruct, creation of a lifetime trust, and transfer of assets of small family foundations. For more information on planned giving, log on to The Episcopal Church Foundation website at:


About the Fund Fund Highlights Excerpts from the original letter announcing the formation of the Trinity Church Perpetual Memorial & Endowment Fund Purpose

2. Once a year thereafter, the honored person’s name will be published in a special Annual Report of the Trinity Church Perpetual Memorial & Endowment Fund. This Report, in addition to listing the names of all honored members, will also cover activities of the past year: receipts, disbursements, financial position, current programs, a separate list of that year’s donors, and the like. It will be mailed to each member of Trinity Church, and to contributors outside the Parish.

1. To provide the ideal means of perpetuating the 3. Each year on Trinity Sunday, an Annual memory of loved ones in a most significant Memorial Service will be observed in honor manner; of all those enrolled in the Fund. The names of those enrolled during the preceding twelve 2. To provide a most appropriate means to pay months will be listed in that day’s church living tribute to loved ones on occasions of bulletin. importance, or simply to make an “extra” gift of thanksgiving or celebration; 4. For all gifts, notification will be sent to the next-of-kin (or, the honored person in the case 3. To provide a most meaningful means by which of living tributes) indicating the donor but not the Church may receive bequests; and specifiying the amount contributed. 4. To establish a perpetual, vital, and ever-growing 5. Anonymous gifts may be made, such as endowment fund to preserve and strengthen insurance policies on a donor’s life, during the Trinity Church. donor’s lifetime.


Tax Advantages

Flexibility and discretionary use of the income are the keys to the success of the Memorial & Endowment Fund. By contrast, however, the prinicpal amount of the Fund cannot be spent, pledged, or otherwise committed without prior approval of both Vestry and Congregation.

The Trinity Church Perpetual Memorial & Endowment Fund is structured so that it affords the fullest tax advantage to donors provided by law.

In case of major tax consideration, and concerning bequests, prospective donors are urged to conUpon receipt of an initial, or additional, gift, the sult their own counsel. Trinity will cooperate with following memorial procedure will be followed: those professionals, but can, of course, render no legal advice. By contributing securities which have 1. The honored person’s name will be published in significantly appreciated in value, it may be to a the next Church newsletter. donor’s advantage to establish at this time a major endowment which can be added to periodically thereafter.


2016 Financial Report (for twelve months ended December 31, 2016) RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Direct Contributions and legacies Interest and Dividend Income Realized Net Capital Gain (Loss) Unrealized Net Capital Gain (Loss) Total Investment Income Total Income ( Less: Administrative Expenses Net Receipts

$124,888 ($8,331) $265,518

Transfer to Church Operating Account


$382,075 $447,458 ($35,059) $412,399 $292,418

Trinity Church Perpetual Memorial & Endowment Fund net assets December 31, 2016


The Endowment Committee engaged Monroe Vos as investment consultant on May 31, 2009 and with their help we are currently invested in approximately eight mutual funds. As of December 31, 2016, the Trinity Perpetual Memorial and Endowment Fund was invested with an asset allocation of approximately 50% fixed income and 50% equities. Since inception of May 31, 2009, the return has been 7.25% annually versus our target index return of 6.72% annually. In 2016 the return was 6.86% versus the target index return of 6.94%.

Special Endowments Trinity Music Endowment Fund $47,962 The Joan and Godfrey Parkerson Family Fund $101,103 Trinity Loaves and Fishes Endowment $102,966 Vincent Memorial Legacy $6,109,640

Endowment Committee George Young Warren Watters, Senior Advisor Corrinne Mestayer, CFO Michael E. Carlisle, Interim Rector

Regina Matthews, Chair Martin De Laureal Wilmer “Bill� Freiberg Marky Murphy Marguerite Redwine



Moved, seconded and approved by the Vestry, January 19, 1998 IT IS RESOLVED that the Trinity Church Perpetual Memorial & Endowment Fund (TPM&EF) be administered and managed so that income consisting of capital gain, interest and dividends in an amount up to five percent (5%) of the fair market value of the assets of the TPM&EF at year-end, December 31, be distributed to Trinity Church (Episcopal) in the succeeding year to be used first for preservation of the Church’s physical plant (maintenance) and secondly for clergy expenses provided, however, the amount distributed to the Church shall not exceed the total of capital gain, interest, dividends and other income accrued by TPM&EF for the year ended December 31 for which the five percent (5%) distribution is calculated; IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Vestry shall request distribution of an actual amount, following recommendation by the Finance Committee, of up to five percent (5%) of the fair market of the TPM&EF value at the preceding December 31 and that the Vestry shall determine the allocation of the distribution in the Church budget, first to preservation of the Church’s physical plant (maintenance) and secondly for clergy expenses; IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Annual Report of the TPM&EF include the foregoing policy and management procedures and that these resolutions are effective for the TPM&EF year-end, December 31, 1997.


1329 Jackson Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130

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