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Annual Giving Appeal

Brothers Jun (on left) and Andy Kim with Jeremy Duffield

For almost 30 years now, Trinity Grammar School, Kew has reached out to the community to seek donations as part of our Annual Giving Appeal.

Over the years, the scholarships program at Trinity has changed the lives of many young men, giving them the benefit of an outstanding education. This year, through the Appeal, we are again proud to focus our attention on scholarships.

Scholarship recipient and Trinity Annual Giving Patron Jeremy Duffield (OTG 1972) attests: ‘Trinity made a real difference in my life and I want others – whose families may not be able to afford it – to have that same life-changing experience. Scholarship support is a way to make that happen.’ The 2021 Annual Giving brochure, which would have landed in your mailboxes in June, highlighted the stories of two of our outstanding Old Trinity Grammarians, Jun Kim (OTG 2016) and Andy Kim (OTG 2019), who both received scholarships to attend Trinity.

Now in his final year of Medicine at Monash University, Jun says, ’Without receiving a scholarship, neither my brother Andy nor I would have been able to attend Trinity. My parents had already sacrificed plenty when they immigrated to Australia from South Korea. They wanted us both to receive an excellent, well-rounded education – there’s no doubt that Trinity provided this.’ Demonstrating true Trinity spirit, Andy, a second-year Biomedicine student, reflects on how his Trinity experience influences his desire to pay it forward: ‘I understand how privileged and fortunate I was to receive this scholarship…and the significance of six years of such an empowering education. I hope to be able to use this for the benefit of the wider community in the years ahead.’

For the donor community, a gift towards a scholarship is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

We hope that you will take the opportunity to support one of the scholarships offered and make a positive difference to the Trinity community and beyond.

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