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From the Parents’ Association

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OTG Clubs

OTG Clubs

As all students have returned to school after the June lockdown, I would like to thank and congratulate Adrian Farrer and his team on the school’s response, which ensured our students continued learning online. All households navigated lockdown in their unique way; however, all parents and guardians should congratulate themselves on supporting the transition to Distance Learning.

In May, the Junior School and Year 7 Mother’s Day traditional breakfasts were beautifully delivered by a wonderful committee of parent volunteers. The two Mother’s Day Breakfasts enabled the students to celebrate their mothers and female guardians. The Junior School breakfast had record numbers and was a fantastic morning with roving performers and a speech from Mr Nalder. Thank you to the JS Committee of Melissa Gallace, Desiree Sutrisno and Kelly Tomietto. The attendees at the breakfast for the Year 7 cohort were privileged to have Trinity School Captain, Will Toner, and his mother, Tracey Toner, speak to them in an intimate setting about their journey at Trinity. Thank you to Maria Butler, Lisa Williams, Cecilia Wu and Rachelle Liosatos, the Year 7 Mother’s Day Committee. Throughout the first semester, the Class Reps from the Junior and Senior Schools organised over 20 events for our parents and guardians. These provided opportunities to participate and connect within the Trinity community. I would like to thank all the Class Reps for their dedication and for giving their precious volunteer time to plan, arrange and host events in 2021.

The Secondhand Uniform Shop has moved to the newly refreshed 64 Charles Street. These lovely new premises will also be used by the other sub-committees for storage. Kylie Oliver, Annette Dal Sasso and Renata Jenkins (Co-convenors) along with the maintenance team, Community Engagement office and a tireless parent volunteer group packed up and unpacked the uniforms in the new location. An enormous thank you to all involved who, at short notice, ensured the new shop was open on time for our Trinity families.

The Junior School Mother’s Day Committee, Desiree Sutrisno, Kelly Tomietto, Heidi Pfeffer and Melissa Gallace, with their sons

The new Secondhand Uniform Shop

All mothers received gorgeous plants at the Year 7 Mother’s Day Breakfast

The Parents’ Association Committee with Adrian Farrer and Lucy Cohen

Back row (l-r): David Palfreeman, Peter Dokolas (Secretary), Ash Sachdev Middle row (l-r): Edward Griffiths (Vice-President), Kylie Oliver, Diana Nelson (School Council Nominee), Deborah Griffiths, Johanna (Boe) Dale, Alice Wong, Josephine Lee Front row (l-r): Luis Silva (Treasurer), Hasanga Hendehewa, Heidi Pfeffer (President), Lisa Williams, Angela Gill, Catherine Mann, Lucy Cohen (ex officio Director of Community Engagement), Lynette Hall, Adrian Farrer (ex officio Principal) (Absent: Jie (Zoe) Zhou and Gregory Lovrich)

In August, the Trinity Kayaking Supporters group is celebrating 50 years of kayaking at the school. OTGs, special guests and current families will celebrate at Studley Park Boathouse. Contact the Parents’ Association for more details.

The Cowey Club hosted the End of 2019/2020/2021 Rowing Season event at Green Acres Golf Club in Kew. Parents, staff and 170 rowers attended the evening which was a great celebration of the past two seasons. The OTG rowers, who are now coaches, attended to receive their Jack Adams Rowing Medals. The events also included an auction of the boats for the Cowey Cup parents’ rowing event to be held in October this year. In March at our AGM, the Parents’ Association (PA) voted in an energised committee for 2021. Trinity is incredibly fortunate to have a committee of dedicated parents working behind the scenes for the benefit of the Trinity community. The PA meeting details are included in the Trinity newsletter, email notifications and on the desk calendars. I warmly invite you to join us either online or in person as the current environment allows. Our meetings always include an update from the Principal and information about the events at the school. The volunteer opportunities at Trinity are as diverse as the community, so please contact us to learn more. Recently, the new Parents Resource Hub, located on MyTGS, was launched. Put together by the school, the information covers relevant topics to equip and empower parents and guardians. The PA has dedicated funds to the Parents Resource Hub and I encourage all in the Trinity community to utilise this fantastic parenting resource.

I look forward to your participation at the events organised for Semester Two, 2021, and hope that you and your loved ones stay well at this time.

Heidi Pfeffer

President of the Parents’ Association

Ethan Westerman, Hugo Thatcher and Harry Osmond (from the Class of 2020) received their Jack Adams Rowing Medals at the Cowey Club event

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