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Congratulations to the Class of 2021

Trinity’s 2021 VCE High Achievers pictured with Principal Adrian Farrer. From left to right: (back row) James Liu, Samarth Goel, Dihan

Wiggett, Kevin Nimalraj, Will Toner, Alex Paysen, Cinque Howells, (front row) James Carlyon, Laurence Armstrong, Larry Pang, James Greenwood and Hadyn Tang

The 2021 cohort, despite experiencing two years of challenges due to the pandemic, achieved a set of outstanding results in the VCE. The median ATAR score of 86.65, median Study Score of 34 and eight perfect Study Scores (including from one Ruyton student in our Coordinate Program) are testament to their resilience and perseverance. The results show that 76% of Trinity students scored in the top 25% of the state, 40.1% received an ATAR of 90 or above, and 22% achieved 95 or above.

Principal Adrian Farrer extended his congratulations and noted that the results of every student in the Class of 2021 are worthy of acknowledgement and celebration. He also recognised ‘the many people who supported and encouraged our students throughout their education – the parent community, the teachers and support staff here at Trinity, and the wider TGS family. We are proud of this cohort, not just for their academic performance and co-curricular achievements, but for their courage, compassion and contribution to the community throughout their time with us.’

The School Council Prize for the 2021 Dux of the School was awarded to Larry Pang

Throughout his time at Trinity, Larry was involved in many different aspects of school life, including the House program, as a Vice-Captain of Hindley House; the cross-age mentoring programs, leading Year 7 students during their Outdoor Education camps; the Mitre Editorial Committee, which produces the school’s annual magazine; sport, as co-captain of Firsts Badminton and a member of the First Table Tennis team. Larry also established the Physics Society, a student-led cocurricular club for all year levels.

A keen scholar, Larry represented the school in a number of academic competitions, receiving many awards and honours over the years. In 2021, Larry was a member of the Trinity team awarded a silver medal in the University of Melbourne School Maths Olympics. In 2020, Larry received the Trinity Grammar School, Kew H G L Palmer Prize for Mathematical Methods.

Larry achieved an ATAR of 99.95.

Trinity’s Head of Careers, Katherine Ward, notes that the tertiary destinations of the Class of 2021 reflect the diversity of skills, interests, passions and aspirations of these students.

Here Katherine also offers an insight into the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) and why the ATAR required for entry to particular courses can change from year to year:

‘The ATAR is an overall percentile rank reflecting a student’s Year 12 achievement compared to the age group in a given year. The ATAR allows tertiary institutions to competitively rank students who have completed different combinations of VCE studies. It is calculated by VTAC solely for use by institutions for admission into some tertiary courses.

The ATAR can be used with a combination of other factors to determine the selection rank that is used in a particular year. It does not indicate anything about the course but rather the number of places available, the ATARs of the students who applied and the demand for a course.

The pandemic has certainly resulted in an increased level of interest in courses in health, resulting in the selection rank used for those courses to increase. The courses haven’t become easier or harder. It suggests that students who achieved high ATARs are choosing to apply for different types of courses than they have in previous selection cycles. At an individual level, students should be aware of previous years’ selection ranks but should also be mindful that they are subject to change, some modest and some more substantial.’

The graph below, showing the selection rank used in three courses, illustrates this point:

Information here is based on data taken from vtac.edu.au/reports in February 2022


Median ATAR score


Median Study Score


Dux ATAR score Eight* students achieved a perfect score of 50 across a range of subjects.


James Carlyon Ruyton Student

(Coordinate Program)


Alexander Paysen Dihan Wiggett

Specialist Mathematics

Larry Pang


Hadyn Tang

History Revolutions

Olek Beavis


Larry Pang

*Including one Ruyton Student from the Coordinate Program

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