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President' s Note
The close of 2022 is upon us. The principals at TRINITY wish everyone a very Safe and Happy Holiday season, and a very Merry Christmas! We arrive at year-end 2022 with a mix of emotions; we’ ve won some nice projects, we’ ve lost some projects; we’ ve added some GREAT team members, and we’ ve lost a few; we’ ve delivered some key projects with a high level of success, and we’ ve completed others is a less stellar manner. We celebrated TRINITY’s 20-year anniversary, the event was well attended, and received rave reviews. We also celebrated the accomplishments of many team members, promoting Jeff O’Donnell, Gabe Sortzi, PJ Magellan, Crystal Robinson, and Steve Galles. In summary, 2022 is pretty much where we thought it would be – on the precipice of great transformation. We’ ve made investments in TRINITY’s future, and we are confident they will pay dividends.
What the future holds, no one can know, but forward we look and forward we go into 2023 with high hopes. We are VERY close to landing several key projects in Multi-family, Industrial, and Mission Critical. Stay tuned – we hope to announce some big wins in the coming weeks! As we continue to grow the business, we are actively recruiting new talent. Tell your friends! Spread the word! TRINITY offers a $2,500 referral bonus to team members who successfully recruit new folks! Please coordinate any referrals with Maureen and Steve.
SAFETY will remain our top component of project execution. We have done very well in updating our program this year, and fully intend to continue our focus on SAFETY at EVERY project. TRINITY is looking to bring on a full-time Director of Safety in 2023, and we will continue updating our Corporate Safety Manual as well as our Site-Specific Safety Plans. We take this very seriously; our goal is ZERO recordable/reportable incidents in 2023, and we ALL play a role in making this happen. Total Recordable Incident Rating (TRIR) has become a very big metric in how prospective clients determine who will do their work. If we don’t operate in a safe environment, we risk not winning new projects. SAFETY. FIRST.
Finally, we bid farewell to our friend Quentin Keefe. We lost Quentin earlier in December after a brief illness. He was a strong leader in the field, and a dedicated family man. We pray for eternal rest for Quentin, and for his family in their time of loss. Quentin served our country in the US Army; we salute him with a Hooah.