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“Trinity Hall truly gave me the power to think for myself and to take my learning and apply it to the real world in a very multifaceted, holistic way. Trinity taught me how to tactfully solve problems and approach the unknown in ways that I don’t think I would have been able to had I not attended The Hall. When I look back at my friends now…we met when we were quirky fourteen-year-olds and now when I look at them I see these sophisticated, driven, well-spoken, ambitious women and I can directly see the transformation that occurred at Trinity Hall.”
Jacqueline Fletcher ’18 University of Notre Dame ‘22

“My ‘Beyond the Hall’ externship has been such a successful experience. As a rising senior in college, I am wrapping up my third summer as an Intern at Fullscreen, a branch of Warner Media Group. Because I got my foot in the door early, I have been able to work as a strategist for HBO and Netflix, and worked on projects such as Tiger King, Becoming, and new projects for HBO Max - all thanks to Trinity Hall!”
Sarah Frankel ‘17 Lafayette College ‘21