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Psalm 136. Super flumina Babylonis

Trinity Journal of Literary Translation | 73

Psalm 136. Super flumina Babylonis


trans. Bernard Mackey

1A Psalm of David, in Jeremiah’s time. Over the flowing waters of Babylon, there we have sat down and we have wept, when we used to call Sion to mind. 2On the willows at interval there we have suspended our musical instruments: 3they have enquired of us there, who brought us into captivity, for words of songs; and they who have led us away: produce for us a psalm of praise from the hymns of Sion. 4In what manner can we produce monody of the Lord within a land not our own?

5If living I having forgotten you, Jerusalem, may my right hand be delivered to oblivion. 6May my speech cleave in my throat, if I am not mindful of you; if I do not set Jerusalem in the origin of my delight.

7Be mindful, Lord, of the sons of Edom, in the day of Jerusalem: they who declare: desolate, desolate take it to its foundation. 8Wretched daughter of Babylon! fortunate be the one who shall give back recompense to you in what manner you have given to us. 9Fortunate be the one who shall hold fast and strike your little ones against a rock.

74 | Spanish

Online: La Invención de los Amigos

Los extraños que conocemos son cada vez más jóvenes

Es igual para todos, una calle lateral batiendo los brazos a distintas velocidades pero siempre cuesta abajo Afluentes de una misma inundación. Víctor Hugo Díaz

El mendigo se sienta al lado y hace picar el cuerpo Interrumpe el viaje con sólo tocar sus cabellos

La ciudad se muestra teñida al forastero pero oculta su negra vellosidad Siempre es mejor una vida larga llena de suturas de espacios en blanco – cuando todo lo hecho es un error pero un error bien hecho –Porque nunca dejas esa casa…la casa te deja.

Durante la noche ensancharon la calle En el paradero reseco bajo el sol la sombra del camión se detiene, se orina y deja su huella

Víctor Hugo Díaz was born in Santiago de Chile in 1965. Publications include: “La comarca de senos caídos” in 1987, “Doble vida” in 1989, “Lugares de uso” in 2000, “No tocar” in 2003, “Segundas intensiones” in 2007, “falta” in 2007 Antología de baja pureza in 2013. In 1988 he was awarded the Pablo Neruda Creative Writing Grant; in 2002 the National Book & Reading Council’s Creative Writing Grant and in 2011, 2012 and 2013 the South to North Writing Project’s Grant; Chilean Poetry in Mexico, supported by the Book & Reading Fund. In 2004 he won the Pablo Neruda Prize in its centenary year. Víctor Hugo Díaz is recognised as one of Chile’s most important living poetic voices. First published: Lugares de Uso, Cuarto Propio, Santiago, Chile, 2000.

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