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Michelangelo 95

Michelangelo 95

Fountain— river, give back to my eyes those endless breakers, never yours, that surge you further than your natural course, from a vein that swells beneath you as you rise. O humid air, so heavy with my sighs— shielding the brightness from these mournful orbs, return them to my tired heart and clear, once more, your darkened features for my sharpened sight. Let the soil give back my footsteps to my soles so the grass they trampled might sprout anew, and from Echo, deaf, return my pleas, and to my eyes the glances from your hallowed glow –that I, now you no longer feel for me, might love some other beauty after you.


Online: Michelangelo 101

Perché Febo non torce e non distende d’intorn’ a questo globo freddo e molle le braccia sua lucenti, el vulgo volle notte chiamar quel sol che non comprende. E tant’è debol, che s’alcun accende un picciol torchio, in quella parte tolle la vita dalla notte, e tant’è folle che l’esca col fucil la squarcia e fende. E s’egli è pur che qualche cosa sia, cert’è figlia del sol e della terra; ché l’un tien l’ombra, e l’altro sol la cria. Ma sia che vuol, che pur chi la loda erra, vedova, scura, in tanta gelosia, c’una lucciola sol gli può far guerra.

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