1 minute read

Online: Michelangelo 103

Online: Michelangelo 103

Each closed off space, each covered place, and every canopy that circumscribes preserves the nighttime, while the day survives, from the sun and the sport of his beaming rays. And, as she can be conquered by a fire or a flame, her subtler hallowed features could be scattered and defiled by sunlight – or some light – or even something vile. So very much broken by the glowing of a worm. Whatever gets seeded for a thousand plants and left under sunshine to sprout in the heat, the forceful ploughman will harrow and chop. But only the dark can plant a man. So the night is more sacred than the day, it seams, for man’s more valuable than other crops.


Online: Michelangelo 151

Non ha l’ottimo artista alcun concetto c’un marmo solo in sé non circonscriva col suo superchio, e solo a quello arriva la man che ubbidisce all’intelletto. Il mal ch’io fuggo, e ‘l ben ch’io mi prometto, in te, donna leggiadra, altera e diva, tal si nasconde; e perch’io più non viva, contraria ho l’arte al disïato effetto. Amor dunque non ha, né tua beltate o durezza o fortuna o gran disdegno del mio mal colpa, o mio destino o sorte; se dentro del tuo cor morte e pietate porti in un tempo, e che ‘l mio basso ingegno non sappia, ardendo, trarne altro che morte.

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