Seek Justice
“The lord has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to comfort the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom to the captives, and release to the prisoners...�
Seek Justice Argue for truth. Advocate for just policies. Defend your beliefs in the marketplace of ideas. Speak for those without a voice. Fight injustice. Help the oppressed. At Trinity, as a Christian Law School, we believe that a legal career is more than a profession. It is a Calling. Take the next step. Gain an education that will prepare you to answer that call with excellence.
Who We Are PAGE
Trinity Law School is a Christian Law School
that is dedicated to providing an exceptional education from a biblical perspective. We strive to equip our students with the knowledge and desire to pursue meaningful lives of service. Trinity International University consists of four schools: Trinity College, Trinity Graduate School, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and Trinity Law School. Together, the schools have nearly 100 faculty and more than 3,100 students. Whether
attorney, teacher, business leader, pastor or missionary, Trinity Law School provides a rigorous academic environment where you not only learn the law, but also receive
We believe that a legal career is more than a profession. It is a Calling. PAGE
practical opportunities to put your education into practice.
What We Do PAGE
Trinity Law School’s academic program fulfills all of the requirements for admission to the practice of law in the state of California and prepares graduates to take the California Bar Examination.
Academic Support
Although final responsibility for meeting degree requirements rests with each student, academic support and assistance is available to all students. The Academic Support Program advises students of law school expectations, motivates students in the pursuit of their legal studies, assists students in their development of effective study strategies, time management skills, and examination techniques, and is a useful resource for educational and bar review programs. New students will enjoy the benefits of a highly coordinated program of legal research and writing, designed to make sure that all students are fully prepared for their law school exams. Continuing students will improve their ability to study and prepare for class, take exams, and prepare for the bar exam.
A biblically based legal education. A rigorous academic environment. A legal community where students and professors engage in the learning process together. An environment where students are encouraged to use their skills and faith in the service of others.
What We Do
Legal Clinics, Internships & Clerkships
Special Programs
It is difficult to fully understand your beliefs, values, and ethics until you step into
The Center for Human Rights // The Center for Human Rights is a premier
the world and live them out. Therefore, we believe that it is important to provide
research and educational facility for the promotion and protection of international human
students with opportunities to put their education and faith into action.
rights and religious freedom. The Center provides research and educational facilities, classroom instruction in human rights, and opportunities for students to participate in
Trinity Law School currently offers clinical opportunities in three local organizations, the
international human rights conferences and educational seminars around the world. The
Pacific Justice Institute, the Orange County Rescue Mission, and the Christian Legal Aid
Center has access to the law school’s robust and growing collection of human rights
Office of Orange County. We are proud of our ability to offer these legal clinics and are
books, periodicals, and international documents.
excited about the opportunities they provide for our students. EUROPEAN SUMMER STUDY PROGRAM IN STRASBOURG, FRANCE // A special PACIFIC JUSTICE INSTITUTE // The Pacific Justice Institute is a nonprofit legal
benefit of study at Trinity Law School is the opportunity to participate in the International
defense organization that specializes in defending religious freedom. The law school
Human Rights Institute, the Programme Européen d’ Été Études des Droits d’ Homme in
hosts one of PJI’s Southern California offices on our campus. Trinity law students have
Strasbourg, France.
the rare opportunity to participate in cutting edge Constitutional law litigation by serving as interns for PJI. The students are able to support ongoing cases that address some of the
The Institute was founded in 1969 to teach lawyers, judges, law professors, students and
most significant issues in religious liberty today.
government officials the importance of international human rights. Students learn how countries address some of the world’s greatest human rights abuses such as religious
ORANGE COUNTY RESCUE MISSION // The law school operates a legal clinic at
persecution, racial discrimination, human trafficking, slavery, torture, and genocide.
the Orange County Rescue Mission, where Trinity students provide legal services for the residents under the supervision of a licensed attorney. Through this clinical program,
Each summer, this program gathers more than 400 students from 100 countries to
students address many of the biggest legal issues faced by the homeless. The
teach and study international human rights. Program participants spend the month of July
program includes classroom instruction on the provision of legal services, as well as
studying current human rights issues. Law students may earn 4 to 6 units of credit upon
hands-on training on client interviews, assessing legal needs, and providing answers to
difficult legal issues. CHRISTIAN LEGAL AID OFFICE OF Orange County // The Christian Legal Aid Office of Orange County resides on the campus of Trinity Law School. It provides free legal advice and representation to those that cannot otherwise afford legal services. Trinity Law students provide legal services under the supervision of a licensed attorney. Students will address a wide variety of legal issues and challenges.
Trinity law students also have the opportunity to participate in many other clinical programs, internships, clerkships, and fellowships. During their legal education, our students have worked for judges, lawyers, government agencies, legislators, Christian legal organizations, etc. We encourage this type of experience and are happy to work with you to try to help you find an opportunity that best serves your interests.
What We Do
Student Organizations PAGE
Spiritual Life at Trinity
TRINITY LAW REVIEW // Founded in 1980 as the Simon Greenleaf Law Review, the
As a Christian Law School, Trinity opens classes with a prayer or short devotional, has
Trinity Law Review has been a source of scholarship regarding law and the Christian
an on-campus chaplain, holds voluntary Bible studies, and makes Biblical truth a part
faith, as well as a broad range of other legal issues. Select students may participate
of the academic curriculum. All students must enroll in a number of required courses
in the production of the Trinity Law Review. Students invited to join the editorial board
that allow students to learn and discuss how Biblical principles guide and affect the
participate in all aspects of publishing the Law Review. In addition, all students are
development of the law. Trinity also offers special lectures by visiting Christian scholars,
encouraged to write student notes on topical issues for inclusion in the Review.
professionals, and pastors.
Therefore, students are afforded an excellent opportunity to develop scholarship skills. We seek to preserve a caring and nurturing atmosphere where students and faculty MOOT COURT // Students may compete for a position on the Trinity Law School Moot
members pray together and encourage one another in faith and good works.
Court team. Moot court competitions develop students’ research and brief-writing skills, as well as their oral advocacy. Students find it an outstanding opportunity to
CHURCH COMMUNITY // Trinity students are blessed to live in a thriving spiritual
measure their skills against those of law students statewide.
community. Students have a host of church choices including such well-known congregations as Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, Saddleback Valley Community Church,
STUDENT BAR ASSOCIATION (SBA) // All students are automatically members of
Mariners Church, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian, Rock Harbor, and several excellent local
the Student Bar Association. The SBA sponsors student organizations, educational
Evangelical Free churches.
seminars, and social functions, including the annual Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas banquet, graduation celebration, and other events. CHRISTIAN LEGAL SOCIETY // Trinity Law School has a student chapter of the Christian Legal Society, a national association of Christian lawyers, judges, law professors and law students committed to living their faith in their legal career. Students may also participate in the events and conference of the local and national Attorney chapters. FEDERALIST SOCIETY // Trinity Law School has an active chapter of the Federalist Society, a national organization of conservatives and liberals dedicated to reforming the current legal system.
...blessed to live in a thriving spiritual community.
What You Need to Know PAGE
Degree Requirements
11 11
To graduate with a Juris Doctor degree, students must successfully complete the prescribed program of 90 units of study within 5 years. A cumulative grade point average of 70 or above is required for the degree.
Academic Year The academic calendar consists of fifteen week semesters each fall and spring with the option of taking additional courses during the summer session. Courses are offered throughout the day and evening to facilitate full and part-time programs of study. Please see for the specific dates of future semesters and summer sessions. Saturday Classes // Trinity Law School is one of the few schools to offer classes on Saturdays. Qualified students have the option to earn their entire JD degree by attending class on Saturdays only. Please visit our website or contact our admissions office for more information.
What You Need to Know
Courses PAGE
Students must successfully complete a curriculum of core required courses. Therefore, students fulfill their degree requirements with elective courses that address their specific interests.
Required Courses
Electives & Special Offerings (3 Units)
(3 Units)
LA675i Alternative Dispute Resolution
Contracts I
(3 Units)
Appellate Advocacy
(3 Units)
Contracts II
(3 Units)
Trial Practice
Criminal Law
(3 Units)
Torts I
(3 Units)
Jurisprudence of the Family
Torts II
(3 Units)
LA862 Introductory Taxation
(3 Units)
Legal Research & Writing I
(3 Units)
Civil Litigations Skills
Legal Research & Writing II
(3 Units)
Legal Research & Writing III
(3 Units)
LA501 Legal Studies & the Profession
(3 Units)
LA505 Legal Institutions & Values LA521
Legal Internship
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)
(2 Units)
(3 Units)
Law Practice Management
(2 Units)
(3 Units)
Nonprofit Clinic
Bankruptcy & Creditor Law
(3 Units)
(2 Units)
Administrative Law
(3 Units)
Advanced Criminal Law
(3 Units)
Intellectual Law
(3 Units)
Juvenile Law
(3 Units)
Family Law
(3 Units)
(2 Units)
Independent Study
(1-3 Units)
(1-3 Units)
(1-3 Units)
Legal Research & Writing IV
(3 Units)
Securities Regulations
Constitutional Law I
(3 Units)
The Theory & Law Of War (3 Units)
Environmental Law
(3 Units)
Constitutional Law II
(3 Units)
(3 Units)
Media & the Law
(2 Units)
Property Law I
(3 Units)
The Right To Life & The Law
Religion & The Law
(3 Units)
Property Law II
(3 Units)
(3 Units)
Moot Court
(Cr / Nc)
Evidence I
(2 Units)
The Rights of Women, Children, & Families
Law Review
(Cr / Nc)*
(3 Units)
Seminar: Special Topics In Law
LA671B Evidence II LA673 Civil Procedure I
(2 Units) (3 Units)
Tribal Law & Indigenous People
Civil Procedure II
(3 Units)
Int’l Disputes Resolution (3 Units)
LA995bb Labor Law
(2 Units)
Business Organizations
(3 Units)
Int’l Forum on Human Rights
(2 Units)
Banking Law
(2 Units)
Int’l Seminar on Human Rights
(4 Units)
Environment & Human Rights
(3 Units)
Employment Discrimination (2 Units)
Religious Liberties & Int’l Rights
(2 Units)
Public International Law
(3 Units)
LA995ma Mergers and Acquisitions (3 Units)
Int’l Criminal Law
(3 Units)
LA995np Nonprofit Law
(3 Units)
Immigration & Nationality Law
(2 Units)
(2 Units)
LA783i Criminal Procedure
(3 Units)
Professional Responsibility & Ethics
(3 Units)
Community Property
(2 Units)
(3 Units)
Will, Trusts, & Estates
(3 Units)
(3 Units)
One of the following three courses: LA793
Jurisprudence of the Family
(3 Units)
Intro to International Human Rights
(3 Units)
Bioethics & Law
(3 Units)
Philosophy & The (3 Units) Theology Of Human Rights
(1-3 Units)
LA995dp Death Penalty
(3 Units)
(2 Units)
Exempt Organizations
Churches, Religous Organizations, & Foreign Charities
78 UNITS * No course credit commencing fall 2012 // Not all electives are offered in each academic year.
13 13
What You Need to Know
Typical Schedule
Full-Time 1
2 3
First Year Legal Research & Writing I & II Contracts I & II Torts I & II Criminal Law Criminal Procedure Legal Studies & the Profession Legal Institutions & Values
Second Year Legal Research & Writing III & IV Civil Procedures I & II Property I & II Constitutional Law I & II Evidence I & II Electives
Third Year Business Organizations Community Property Professional Responsibility & Ethics Jurisprudence One of the following three: Jurisprudence of the Family or Intro to International Human Rights or Bioethics & Law
Wills, Trusts, & Estates Remedies Electives
1 2 3 4
First Year Legal Resarch & Writing I & II Contracts I & II Torts I & II Criminal Law Legal Studies & the Profession
Second Year Legal Research & Writing III & IV Legal Institutions & Values Criminal Procedure Civil Procedures I & II Property I & II
Third Year Constitutional Law I & II Evidence I & II Business Organizations Community Property Professional Responsibility & Ethics Electives
FOURTH Year Jurisprudence One of the following three: Jurisprudence of the Family or Intro to International Human Rights or Bioethics & Law Wills, Trusts, & Estates Remedies Electives Students starting in the spring semester will follow a modified schedule.
15 15
What You Need to Know
Faculty PAGE
Adeline Allen
Craig Hawkins
Andrew McCarron
R. Neil Rodgers
BA, University of California, Los Angeles JD, Regent Law School Torts; Contracts
BA, University of California, Irvine MA, Simon Greenleaf University MA, Trinity Graduate School Jurisprudence; Legal Institutions & Values
BA, California State University, Long Beach JD, Western State University Contracts; Property Law
BA, University of California, Los Angeles JD, Western State University Legal Writing, Community Property, Family Law, Business Organizations; Bankruptcy & Creditor Law
Kenneth M. McDonald
Alan L. Armstrong BA, University of California, Riverside JD, Western State University Wills,Trusts & Estates
David Heirsekorn JD, Trinity Law School Will, Trusts, & Estates
BA, California State University, Long Beach JD, Western State University Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure
Kenneth O. Chinn
Christopher A. Kall
Brooke Miller
BA, Whittier College JD, Loyola University Evidence
BA, San Diego State University MA, University of Southern California JD, University of San Diego Civil Procedure; Civil Litigation Skills
AA, The Master’s College JD, Trinity Law School Legal Research & Writing I & II
Andrew Deloach BA, University of California, San Diego JD, California Western School of Law Legal Research & Writing I & II
Daniel Dewit BA, California State University, Fullerton JD, Western State University Legal Research & Writing I
Stephen Paul Kennedy BA, University of Southern California MDIV, Talbot Theological Seminary PhD, University of Southern California Jurisprudence; International Human Rights
Ronald V. Larson BA, California State University, Fullerton JD University of California, Davis Business Organizations and Professional Professional Responsibility & Ethics
Peter Lee
BA, California State University, Fullerton JD, Western State University Criminal Law
BA, University of California, Los Angeles JD, University of the Pacific Torts; Remedies; Immigration Law
BA University of California, Los Angeles JD, Western State University Legal Research & Writing I & II
Myron Steeves BA, Biola University JD, Georgetown University Constitutional Law & Jurisprudence
Lisa Stribling AA, Cerritos College JD, Trinity Law School Family Law
Michael Peffer AA, Orange Coast College JD, Simon Greenleaf Law School Legal Research & Writing I & II
BA, Hampton University JD, College of William and Mary Torts; Civil Procedure; Civil Litigation Skills
Sara Hakami
Hon. Daniel S. Lopez
Richard Radcliffe
BA, University of California, Irvine JD, Chapman University Legal Research & Writing I & II
BA, Claremont McKenna College MA, Claremont Graduate School JD, Loyola Law School of Los Angeles Trial Practice; Appellate Advocacy
BS, Biola University, JD, Loyola Law School, LL.M, University of San Diego M.A., Fuller Theological Seminary Civil Procedure
Stephen Shepard
Michael Parker
AB, University of Michigan JD, Boston University MBA, Loyola College in Maryland Int’l Criminal Law; Administrative Law; Immigration & Nationality Law
Loyst Fletcher
BA, University of California, Irvine JD, Whittier Law School Legal Research & Writing I; Property Law
William Overtoom
Dana C. Clark BA, Point Loma College JD, Western State University Torts; Professional Responsibility & Ethics
Antonia Scolaro
Lloyd E. Tooks BA, Whittier College JD, Howard University Employment Discrimination
Valentin Rada BA University of Southern California JD, Simon Greenleaf School of Law Criminal Law
Mark Ziebold BA, Baylor University JD, Chapman University Wills, Trusts, & Estates
1717 17
What You Need to Know
Accreditation PAGE
18 18
ACCREDITATION // Trinity Law School is accredited by the Committee
Out-of-state Students // Students coming to Trinity Law School
of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California. Trinity Law School is a
from out-of-state should make sure that they have secured suitable
school of Trinity International University, which is accredited by the Higher
housing and transportation to ensure that these issues do not become
Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and
an impediment to academic success. Trinity does not provide on-campus
housing. However, there are several apartment complexes with one, two,
19 19
or three-bedroom units located near campus offering a range of rental ADMISSION TO PRACTICE LAW IN CALIFORNIA // Accredited
rates, leasing and amenities options.
by the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California, the law program fulfills the requirements pertaining to admission to the practice
Please contact the Admissions office for information on housing and
of law in the state of California. Graduates are qualified to take the
essential services.
California Bar Examination. Students with disabilities // Students with disabilities requiring ADMISSION TO PRACTICE LAW OUTSIDE OF CALIFORNIA //
special arrangements will be accommodated upon petition, with supporting
Applicants intending to practice law in states other than California are
documentation of the disability and upon approval of the Registrar. Special
encouraged to investigate the educational requirements, as well as the
accommodations will be carefully tailored to meet the documented need
rules and regulations, governing admission to practice in those jurisdictions.
in accordance with the Trinity Law School disability policy.
Study at, or graduation from, this law school may not qualify a student to take the bar examination or be admitted to practice law in jurisdictions
Student handbook // Academic policies and standards in addition
other than California. A student who intends to seek admission to
to those in this viewbook are contained in the Student Handbook, which
practice law outside of California should contact the admitting authority
is issued to each student at the beginning of every academic year. In case
in that jurisdiction for information regarding its education and admission
of any conflict, the standards contained in the viewbook are controlling.
Students are responsible for knowing and complying with the policies and standards for the law school and the Rules Regulating Admission to Practice Law in California, a publication of the State Bar of California.
Trinity Law School’s bar results can be found at
What You Need to Know
Mission State ment PAGE
20 20
Trinity Law School exists to serve Christ by championing a biblical view of human law and government through our students, graduates, faculty, and staff.
In application of this mission, Trinity Law School commits to: Uphold
2121 21
Trinity International University’s commitment to biblical, historic,
evangelical Christianity Integrate
law and theology throughout our curriculum, scholarship,
cocurricular activities and overall strategy Acquaint
students with a classic Christian natural law theory of
jurisprudence Promote
engagement in and support of public service and pro-bono
legal work Enable
our students to evaluate law and public policy from a Christian
perspective Develop
in our students a deep sense of commitment to ethical legal
practice and public service Equip
students to critically analyze and constructively engage
contemporary culture Provide
students with a thorough understanding of law and the skills
necessary for a life of service Give
an opportunity for legal education (to students from diverse
backgrounds) Create
opportunities for students from economically challenged
circumstances to attend law school Produce
scholarly and popular literature and broadcast media which
embody a biblical Christian perspective on law and public policy
Trinity International University holds to the statement of faith of the Evangelical Free Church of America (as adopted on June 26, 2008). The Evangelical Free Church of America is an association of autonomous churches united around these theological convictions.
How to Apply PAGE
TRANSFER STUDENTS // Applicants enrolled in legal study elsewhere
23 23
may be considered for transfer status. The Admissions Committee evaluates transfer applicants on a case-by-case basis, but usually requires transfer
Trinity is committed to the concept that a legal career is a calling and
students to complete their last four semesters in residence at Trinity Law
that students of all ages, backgrounds and occupations may sense the
School. Applicants who have completed some law school credits at
call to enter law school. As such, the Admissions Committee selects
their original school may be eligible for advanced standing. Grades at
its law students upon consideration of the “whole person.” While Law
or above the good standing level (good standing level is determined by the
School Admission Test (LSAT) scores and past academic experience are
school where the classes were taken) may be accepted for transfer credit
important, the Committee also considers the prospective student’s goals,
subject to similarity to Trinity Law course contents.
achievements, work experiences, life circumstances and other criteria that indicate an applicant’s character and potential for academic success.
Applicants who have been previously dismissed by another law school at the end of their first year of study may transfer certain units if they
All prospective students, regardless of race, national origin, or religion,
take and pass the First Year Law Students Exam.
are welcome at Trinity Law School. Admission of transfer students and transfer of units are determined by
Categories of Admission
the Admissions Committee and in accordance with the rules of the Bar Examiners of California. Trinity Law School does not award credit for prior experiential learning. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS // Trinity welcomes foreign-educated
applicants. However, there are special admission requirements pertaining
previously awarded a Bachelor’s degree from a qualified institution of
to the evaluation of foreign credentials. Foreign applicants must request
higher learning are considered for regular admission.
a detailed report evaluating their transcripts from Credentials Evaluation Services (CES). Trinity can issue student visas to those who are not
residents of the U.S. Please contact the Admissions Office for additional
offers law school candidates without a Bachelor’s degree an exceptional
information concerning student visas.
opportunity to enter law school before completing their undergraduate study. Applicants may be admitted upon completion of an associate’s degree from a qualified institution or upon earning at least 60 transferable units of undergraduate study.
How to Apply
Admissions Process PAGE
25 25
THE LAW SCHOOL ADMISSION TEST (LSAT) // Applicants are required to take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), an examination designed to assess law school candidates’ potential for success in legal study. The LSAT is one of many factors considered for acceptance. Prospective students who have not yet taken the LSAT are encouraged to apply and indicate their registered test date.
1 2
FILL OUT AN APPLICATION // Please complete your application in a timely manner and forward it to the Admissions Office. Incomplete applications will not be considered. In addition to your application, you are advised to promptly complete a FAFSA Financial Aid Application.
professors, instructors or professional associates who can comment on the candidate’s character and potential for success in legal study. Candidates
TRANSCRIPTS // An applicant must provide official transcripts from
submit recommendations from employers or professional associates.
all colleges and universities attended. The applicant must contact each
Recommendations must be sent directly to Trinity Law School from the
college or university attended and request that official transcripts be sent
recommenders or provided through LSAC’s Credential Assembly Service.
directly to Trinity Law School or provide them through LSAC’s Credential certification of the issuing school. PERSONAL STATEMENT // All applicants are required to submit a personal statement with their law school application. The personal statement should address why the applicant desires to study law, particularly at Trinity Law School. In addition, the applicant should address all professional and personal goals for the future, as well as any factors that may have affected academic success in the past.
of the application for admission. These recommendations may be from
who cannot obtain a faculty recommendation due to lapse of time may
Assembly Service. All transcripts must be sealed and bear the official
RECOMMENDATIONS // Two recommendations are required in support
5 6
INTERVIEWS // Most applicants will be required to interview with the Admissions Office prior to an admission decision. The Admissions Office will contact the applicant to schedule the interview.
ACCEPTANCE AND NOTIFICATION // As soon as the decision is made, you will be promptly notified by the Admissions Office concerning your application to study law at Trinity Law School. If you are accepted to the law school, you will also be advised of all the future dates and requirements for your matriculation.
How to Apply
Tuition PAGE
26 26
Tuition for the 20122013 academic year is $795 per unit.
Financial Aid Trinity Law School offers Federal Stafford Loans to its law students
27 27
Among the many scholarships and grants offered by Trinity Law School, are the following:
throughout their academic career. The
Full Tuition Merit-Based Scholarships
Financial Aid Office assists students
Partial Merit-Based Scholarships
in applying for and securing financial
Christian College Scholarship
assistance when family resources are
Evangelical Free Church Scholarship
insufficient to meet educational expenses.
President’s Scholarship
Students are encouraged to complete the
Dean’s Scholarship
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Simon Greenleaf Scholarship
(FAFSA) using school code E00961 on the
Public Service Grants
web concurrently with their application for
Community College Grants
admission to law school.
Veterans’ Educational Benefits (Including the Yellow Ribbon Scholarship)
Trinity Law School also offers many
For a detailed description of each scholarship please visit:
generous scholarships and grants to
its law students. Prospective students are strongly encouraged to complete a
Admissions counselors are available to discuss financial aid options and
scholarship application with their admission
to assist prospective students in planning a realistic budget for attending
application as scholarships and grants are
law school.
awarded upon acceptance to Trinity Law School. Scholarship applications can be found online.
Requests for scholarships will not be considered if you have not first completed a FAFSA Application (whether or not you intend to actually accept financial aid).
Contact PAGE
Trinity Law School
Phone: 800.922.4748
2200 North Grand Avenue
Fax: 714.796.7190
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Admissions: 714.796.7100 Financial Aid: 714.796.7122
“The roots of law are more perfectly presented in the word of God than in any other book.” J. Budziszewski
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22 22 E Fairhaven Ave
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