PROTECTING THE VULNERABLE 2019 Human Rights Conference April 5-6 | Trinity Law School
FRIDAY, APRIL 5 4 – 5:15 pm Check-in and Registration Refreshments 5:00 pm Welcome, Invocation, and Opening Remarks 5:15 pm Main Session I — Reggie Littlejohn
SATURDAY, APRIL 6 8:30 – 9:00 am
Check-in and Registration Refreshments
9:00 am
Main Session II — Lorcán Price
10:15 am
10:30 am
Main Session III — Greg Stanton
11:45 pm
1:00 pm
Main Session IV — Katy Faust
2:15 pm
2:30 pm
Main Session V — Jacqueline Isaac
3:45 pm
4:00 pm
Main Session VI — Paul Marshall
5:15 pm
Closing Remarks
MAIN SESSION I Giving Voice to the Voiceless: Combating Forced Abortion, Gendercide, and the Abandonment of Widows in China
REGGIE LITTLEJOHN FOUNDER & PRESIDENT WOMEN’S RIGHTS WITHOUT FRONTIERS Reggie Littlejohn is the Founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers. A graduate of Yale Law School, she is an acclaimed international expert on China’s One Child Policy. Her organization has been called the “leading voice” in the battle to expose and oppose forced abortion and gendercide (the sex-selective abortion of baby girls) in China. Their “Save a Girl” campaign finds women who are about to abort or abandon their babies because they are girls and enables them to keep their daughters by providing the family with financial support. The organization has begun to save abandoned widows in China as well. Reggie has testified eight times at the U.S. Congress, three times at the European Parliament, twice at the British, and has spoken at the Irish and Canadian Parliaments, The Hague, United Nations, State Department, White House, and the Vatican. Women’s Rights Without Frontiers has been selected twice to present an event at the UN Commission on the Status of Women. Along with Congressman Chris Smith and blind activist Chen Guangcheng, Reggie was a featured speaker in 2014 at an event commemorating the International Day of the Girl Child, and in 2015 at the Victims of Communism Memorial Conference. In January 2014, Reggie was honored as one of the “Top Ten people of 2013” by Inside the Vatican Magazine. She has met Pope Francis and had the privilege of working with Mother Teresa in Calcutta. Reggie was given the National Pro-Life Recognition award by Priests for Life at the 40th March for Life in 2013. That same year she was the keynote speaker for the Canadian March for Life and for the National Right to Life Convention in Dallas. She received the Cardinal O’Connor Pro-Life Award at the National Summit of Legatus in 2014. In 2016 she was the keynote speaker at the Yale Vita et Veritas Culture of Life Conference. In 2017, she was a keynote speaker at the Walk for Life in San Francisco and at Georgetown’s Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life. She has been named a Public Policy Fellow at Notre Dame’s Center for Ethics and Culture.
MAIN SESSION II Overlooked or Ignored? The Situation of Vulnerable Groups in Current Human Rights Discourse
LORCÁN PRICE LEGAL COUNSEL ADF INTERNATIONAL Lorcán Price is a Barrister at Law at the Bar of Ireland, and Legal Counsel for ADF International practicing before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France. He is a graduate of the National University of Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, and the Honorable Society of the Kings Inns. Lorcán serves on the board of the Irish Prolife Campaign and was the legal advisor to the campaign during the recent Irish referendum on abortion. He is a regular contributor in the Irish media on various legal subjects. Lorcán has been invited to speak at the Irish Parliament, the European Parliament in Brussels, and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on a range of human rights issues. He has also appeared as an expert before the United Nations Human Rights Committee, and the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Geneva. As ADF International Legal Counsel in Europe, Lorcán and the ADF European legal team have been granted leave by the European Court of Human Rights to intervene in over 30 matters before the Court. The ADF International legal team is also involved in the appeal to the Grand Chamber by the Wunderlich family (Wunderlich v. Germany) the challenge to Belgium’s Euthanasia Laws (Mortier v. Belgium) and the Protocol 16 referral to the Grand Chamber by the French Cour de Cassation on surrogacy. He is currently completing further studies in International Law at the University of Oxford. Lorcán is married to Aoife and they divide their time between Strasbourg, France and Dublin, Ireland.
MAIN SESSION III I Was a Stranger, and You Welcomed Me
DR. GREGORY STANTON PROFESSOR, GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY FOUNDER, GENOCIDE WATCH Dr. Gregory Stanton is Research Professor in Genocide Studies and Prevention at the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University, Arlington, Virginia. He was the President and First Vice President of the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS). Dr. Stanton is the Founder and President of Genocide Watch, the Founder and Director of the Cambodian Genocide Project, and is the Founder of the Alliance Against Genocide, which has 70 member organizations in 24 countries. Dr. Stanton served in the State Department from 1992–1999, where he drafted the United Nations Security Council resolutions that created the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. In 1994, Stanton won the American Foreign Service Association’s prestigious W. Averell Harriman award for “extraordinary contributions to the practice of diplomacy exemplifying intellectual courage,” based on his dissent from U.S. policy on the Rwandan genocide. He also wrote the State Department options paper on ways to bring the Khmer Rouge to justice in Cambodia, and drafted the rules of procedure for the Khmer Rouge tribunal. He holds a BA from Oberlin College, MTS from Harvard Divinity School, MA and Ph.D. in Anthropology from University of Chicago, and JD from Yale Law School.
MAIN SESSION IV Babies or Commodities? Protecting Children’s Rights to Their Mother and Father
KATY FAUST FOUNDER, THEM BEFORE US Katy Faust is the Founder of Them Before Us, the only organization solely devoted to defending children’s rights in family structure. She did her undergraduate degree in Political Science and Asian Studies at St. Olaf College and then received a Fulbright scholarship to Taiwan. Her fluency in Mandarin assisted her when she worked with the largest Chinese adoption agency in the world. In 2012 Katy began blogging about why marriage is a matter of social justice for kids. Her articles have appeared in USA Today, Public Discourse, LifeSite News, and The Federalist and she has filed two amicus briefs supporting traditional marriage. She has advocated for the rights of children with lawmakers in the U.S. and abroad as well as at the United Nations. She currently appears in a video series called Dear Katy which offers advice on how to live sexual integrity in the midst of morally permissive cultures. She is married and the mother of four children, the youngest of whom is adopted from China.
MAIN SESSION V Rise Up for Justice: Advocating for Middle-Eastern Women and Persecuted Communities
JACQUELINE ISAAC VICE PRESIDENT, ROADS OF SUCCESS Jacqueline Isaac is a lawyer, motivational public speaker, and Vice President of Roads of Success, a humanitarian NGO. As an American of Egyptian descent, Isaac has spent over a decade advocating for and empowering women and persecuted minorities across the Middle East. She has spoken before the United Nations, UK Parliament, U.S. Congress, and European Union as to her experiences in war zones and with survivors of sexual violence in conflict from Iraq and Syria. Isaac founded the Tech Over Trauma online mentorship program. As part of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s PSVI initiative, Isaac has been appointed to be on the drafting committee of a declaration, to be signed by religious and faith leaders worldwide, to end stigma for survivors of sexual violence in conflict.
MAIN SESSION VI The Contemporary Church: Persecution and Growth
PAUL MARSHALL PROFESSOR, BAYLOR UNIVERSITY SENIOR FELLOW, THE HUDSON INSTITUTE’S CENTER FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM Paul Marshall is the Wilson Distinguished Professor of Religious Freedom at Baylor University, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom, Senior Fellow at the Leimena Institute, Jakarta, and Visiting Professor at the Christian University of Indonesia. He is the author and editor of more than twenty books on religion and politics, especially religious freedom, including recently Persecuted (Thomas Nelson, 2013), Silenced: How Apostasy and Blasphemy Codes Are Choking Freedom Worldwide (Oxford University Press, 2011), Blind Spot: When Journalists Don’t Get Religion (Oxford University Press, 2009), and Religious Freedom in the World (Rowman and Littlefield, 2008). He is the author of several hundred articles, and his writings have been translated into over twenty languages. He is in frequent demand for lectures and media appearances, including interviews on ABC Evening News; CNN; PBS; Fox; the British, Australian, Canadian, South African, and Japanese Broadcasting Corporations; and Al Jazeera, among many other outlets. His work has been published in, or the subject of articles in, the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Economist, Times, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Boston Globe, New Republic, Weekly Standard, Reader’s Digest, and many other newspapers and magazines.
The Center for Human Rights is a research, education, and advocacy center for the promotion and protection of international human rights. It is the Center’s mission to defend the Christian basis for human rights and make justice the prevailing condition in our world through research and educational facilities, classroom instruction, career development, and opportunities for participation in lectures, conferences, and seminars. Along with several human rights courses at Trinity Law School in Santa Ana, the Center sponsors international courses in Europe and Cambodia. EUROPE Offered each July in The Hague, Netherlands and Strasbourg, France, the Summer Human Rights Institute is an advanced course in international and comparative human rights law taught by leading academics and practitioners from around the world. Students learn about international and regional human rights systems, and examine the most important human rights issues from a Christian perspective. Students also visit human rights courts and other sites that contribute to the modern view of human rights law. CAMBODIA The Winter Human Rights Program is offered each winter in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, Cambodia. Through this course, students learn about the fight against human trafficking through economic development during a time of government evolution. Additionally, students learn about the Cambodian genocide through visits to the S-21 Prison, the Killing Fields, and the Cambodian Tribunal, where they watch the prosecution of Khmer Rouge perpetrators. Students also have the opportunity to return in the summer to intern with an NGO.
2200 NORTH GRAND AVE. SANTA ANA, CA 92705 800.922.4748 | TLS.EDU/CHR