Trinity Lutheran Church July 27/30/31, 2011
The Flowers in the chancel are given Leon and Betty Wallwey in memory of Lester Wallwey.
We Welcome to the Lord’s Table for the first time Sunday, Hunter Alan Swincicki. May God bless him on this special day. Each week throughout the summer our coffee hour on Sunday’s will be hosted by those serving on our church council. Take this opportunity to introduce yourself and to ask them any questions regarding our vision and mission of Trinity. Trinity Camp Update Camp is open but with no drinking water. We are still waiting on approval from Gladwin County Health Department for drinking water. You may bring your own water with you. Restroom facilities are available. The cost of the new well was $15,320 for 2 new tanks that were put in to hold twice as much water.
TRINITY’S SUMMER SCHEDULE Sunday Worship starting June 5 until August 31 Traditional Worship 8:45 am Contemporary Worship 10:15 am Saturday Worship 5:00 pm Wednesday Worship in the Chapel starting June 8 at 6:30 pm Chicago Folk Mass Worship at Trinity’s Camp on Wixom Lake 10:15 a.m Sunday July, 24 Sunday, August, 28 (Church Picnic)
Neighborhood Revitalization Project We need your help for the Habitat for Humanity Revitalization Project. Trinity has a rich tradition of reaching out to help people in need through our youth and adult mission trips. We now have the opportunity to extend our assistance to those in our own community. Trinity, along with other Midland churches, businesses and foundations, is partnering with Midland County Habitat for a neighborhood revitalization project that will take place the week of August 1-6. Trinity has pledged both funding and volunteers for the project. If you could volunteer some of your time please sign up at the Habitat table in the lobby. There are projects for people of ALL capabilities and skill levels. If you shy away from construction, you could help with gardening, landscaping, distributing water or making treats for the workers. You can volunteer for the whole week or just a few hours. Each day’s work will start at 8 am, at Fournie Park. Lunch will be served at noon (Trinity is providing lunch on Friday) and new work crews will be assigned each day after lunch. Sign up at the table today or just show up at Fournie Park at 8 or 12:30 any day of the project.