Trinity Church April 411

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dates to remember Deuteronomy 30:11 (NIV)

BEyond PRayER Walk Sunday, aPRil 11 • 4:00 - 6:00 Pm • See projected new plans for Trinity on a self-paced tour • Pray over specific ministry needs for each area • Strengthen the walls with “building blocks” including your favorite scriptures • Include your whole family as together we build for the next generation

CongREgaTional mEETingS Sunday, aPRil 18 or WEdnESday, aPRil 21 • 7:00 Pm

in ThE SanCTuaRy This will be a great time of insightful information and inspiration concerning our Beyond project to renovate and expand our church campus.

CommiTmEnT WEEkEnd SaTuRday, may 1 - Sunday, may 2

Bring your completed commitment card with you to be collected at the weekend worship services

CElEBRaTion WEEkEnd SaTuRday, may 15 - Sunday, may 16

The initial offering and a celebration together for the work God has begun

TriniTy WomEn (blog) | (websiTe) If you aren’t keeping up with the blog, please visit Women’s ministry is on the move, and we are inviting you to visit to see the latest on the new website design.

simply you - SHare - inveSt - experienCe Join us as we go deeper in relationship with God and each other. Classes run June 6 - August 18

Wednesdays @ 10am in Ed 1 Room 209 (Tea Room) & Sundays @ 10am in Ed 1 Room 208

perks - tHurSday nigHt @ 9pm | J&b coffee | 26th & broadwaY Come and grow deeper in authentic relationship with God and other girls in your age group. Are you taking advantage of the ‘perks’ that are part of your ‘prize’ package? We would love for you to join us. This group is for girls 18-30. For more information please call Mrs. Winkler @ 792-3363 ext 300.

hEarTlinE WomEn’s CliniC abortion recoverY bible studY beginS wedneSday april 7 Heartline Women’s Clinic is now offering an abortion recovery Bible Study. If you or someone you know has experienced the pain of an abortion and needs healing please call 788.0500

heartline’s needs Heartline Women’s Clinic is in need of new Spring & Summer clothes, all sizes of diapers, and other baby items

disCovEry ClassEs chrisTian foundaTions sunday mornings 11:30 am • room 206

A class for new believers to learn fundamental building blocks of the Christian faith.

TriniTy 101 (mEmbErship class) wednesday, april 14 • 7 pm • CHapel – or – sunday, april 18 • 10:00 am • room 206

This lighthearted and informative class provides great detail about the history of Trinity Church and our beliefs. This class is a discussion setting and questions are highly encouraged. All those who complete the class are invited to a graduation meal.

TriniTy 201 (spiritUal gift assEssmENt) sunday, april 25 • 10:00 am • room 206

This class is designed to help followers discover their spiritual gifts and passions the Lord has instilled within them. Each individual also has the opportunity to discover the different ministry opportunities available at Trinity Church and what ministry will fit best with their spiritual gifts and passions. For information email or call 792.3363 x266

TriniTy ouTrEaCh CEnTEr Thank you! for your supporT lasT monTh! | nearly 200 bagS of groCerieS were reCeived.

God is awesome! Thank you for helping us to serve over 271 families so far this year. Questions call Outreach Center office at 788.0501

nexT food drive april 17 & 18 TriniTy ChrisTian sChool Tcs 1sT annual heriTage gala and aucTion – Satin and SpurS friday, april 30 | 6:00 pm | great room (6701 UniverSity) tiCketS on Sale rigHt now!

individual tickets available for $40 each. This is one event that you don’t want to miss! If you would like to donate an item for the auction, purchase a table for the event, or be one of our sponsors please contact Mrs. Cox at

parenTing classes As parents, we are called to “train up our children in the way that they should go”. Come and join us on April 8 as we grow together in this calling. All classes will be held on the church campus from 7:15-8:00 PM.

ChildrEn & youTh CamP sCholarshiPs – If you would like to invest into the life of a young person to help them attend summer camp, we are now accepting Camp Scholarships. Please bring to church office.


“Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach.”


Call mrS. SummerS to order form ( 792.3363 x283 )



little kidsplace storY hour

or download an order form at

we aCCept food StampS: for Complete detailS ContaCt mrS. SummerS for detailS (792.3363 ext 283) order piCkup: piCk-up : loCation: (6701 univerSity) time: 10-10:30 am order deadline: april 9 by noon


no life groupS

morning services 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 am

april 24


Jubilee choir 6 pm • chapel


college ministrY 8 pm • tac - stage 2

eaSter weekend ServiCeS


8:30, 10:00, 11:30 am beyond prayer walk 4:00 to 6:00 pm 4:1 SanCtuary


Jubilee choir 6 pm • chapel


college ministrY 8 pm • tac - stage 2


food drive

morning services 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 am beyond Congregational meeting •7:00 pm SanCtuary


life groupS & tHe SourCe

main campus (choir room) • 7 pm TriniTy 101 (membership) 7:00pm • ChapeL


6 pm • chapel


college ministrY 8 pm • tac - stage 2

(6701 universitY) ages: 15+

8 primetimers banquet lower floor • 6 pm


beyond Congregational meeting •7:00 pm SanCtuary

life groupS & tHe SourCe

evening service

chapel 6:15 - 7:30 am

6:30 pm

good friday 12 noon ServiCe

eaSter weekend ServiCeS

9 chapel 6:15 - 7:30 am

morning services 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 am


evening service

6:30 pm

special guests: pastor carl & gloria toti

SpeCial beyond preSentation

15 men’S baSketball 7pm @ tCS - praCtiCe gym


mens fraternitY chapel 6:15 - 7:30 am

(6701 universitY) ages: 15+


tac • 7 - 8:15 pm


mens fraternitY chapel 6:15 - 7:30 am

no CHoir praCtiCe


evening service 6:30 pm trinitY outreach center

food drive


evening service 6:30 pm

aNgEl food pickUp

TriniTy 101 (membership) 10:00am • rm. 206 ChrisTian FoundaTions 11:30 am • ed.1 room 206



mens fraternitY

mens fraternitY

tac • 7 - 8:15 pm

CHoir praCtiCe

Jubilee choir

men’S baSketball 7pm @ tCS - praCtiCe gym

tac • 7 - 8:15 pm

no CHoir praCtiCe ed.1 • 7pm (main campus) rm 209 • foundations of freedom rm 207 • boundaries

ChrisTian FoundaTions 11:30 am • ed.1 room 206

trinitY outreach center

tHe SourCe

freedom miniStrieS

ChrisTian FoundaTions 11:30 am • ed.1 room 206

morning services


chapel • 10:30 - 11:30 am


Deut. 30:11 (NIV)


Jubilee choir 6 pm • chapel

men’S football men’Sflag flag football 2pm @ kaStman park 2pm • kastman park


college ministrY 8 pm • tac - stage 2


life groupS & tHe SourCe tac • 7 - 8:15 pm

CHoir praCtiCe

main campus (choir room) • 7 pm



mens fraternitY chapel 6:15 - 7:30 am

ChrisTian FoundaTions 11:30 am • ed.1 room 206

employment opportunities – FT = Full-Time pT= part-Time openings | FT - Graphics designer | FT - information Technology Technician | pT - nursery assistant pT - Worship Leader | FT- early Childhood Coordinator

VisiT TriniTyToday.Com To appLy and VieW job duTies, responsibiLiTies and quaLiFiCaTions.

online giving iS now available via oUr webSite @ trinitytoday.CoM

youTh minisTry Jr/Sr HigH

college-age (18-25) evoke Tuesdays • 8 pm • Stage 2 taC (6701 univerSity)

aeffecT worship experience - jh wednesdays • 7 – 8:45 pm • praCtiCe gym (6701 UniverSity) • doorS open @ 6:30 pm aeffecT life groups - jh sundays @ 10:00 & 11:30 am • ed 3 (Main C aMpUS) youTh for The naTions summer camp - jh july 5-9 • regular rate $275 • non-refundable $75 deposit & forms due maY 17

Visit to download forms.

meeT us @ The edge for lunch - jh free lunch sunday, april 11 | 1 - 2:30 pm | 6701 UniverSity tHiS iS a family event. parentS are welCome to Join uS. aeffecT game nighT – jh free friday, april 16 | 7 – 9 pm | praCtiCe gym / tHe edge (6701 UniverSity)

Free food & games

True beauTy experience – jh (girls onlY) friday & saTurday, april 16 & 17 | CoSt $10

For more information please contact the Student Ministries office @ 806-792-3363 Attention parents and students: Multiple small group outings are available throughout the month in various locations across the city. Contact your small group leader for more details.

The edge worship experience wednesdays • 7 – 9 pm • tHe edge (6701 UniverSity) • doorS open @ 6:30 pm sundays @ 11:30 am • CHapel (Main C aMpUS) The edge life groups - sh wired bible StudieS for more information please visit mini-lock in @ bodyworks - sh friday, april 2 • 10pm – 2am • bodyworkS (5105 82nd)

Basketball, rock climbing wall, swimming, movie by the pool, weight machines, spider climb and more. The cost is $5 or free for the high school team that won March Madness.

bling - sh (girls onlY) sunday, april 11 • 5pm • applebeeS (4025 S . loop 289)

$2 espresso, good fellowship and awesome worship @ our Evoke service

living rooms

Need a place to build authentic relationships? Our Living Rooms are just what you need. Check them out and sign up for one today @

perks - ladies only (ages 18-30)

Come and grow deeper in authentic relationship with God and other girls in your age group. Are you taking advantage of the ‘perks’ that are part of your ‘prize’ package? We would love for you to join us. For more information call Mrs. Winkler @ 792.3363 x300

20someThings (25-30) coffee connecTion sundays • 10 am • Stage 2 taC (6701 univerSity)

Come enjoy a cup of coffee and great discussion about pursuing an untamable, loving God. For more information call 792.3363 x281

PrimE TimErs banqueT Thursday, april 8

tiCketS $8 per plate

6:00 pm • lower floor • Catered meal

Tickets sold before and after Prime Timer’s Life Group in the Chapel - Sundays at 10:00 AM Tickets will also be sold Easter Weekend in West & North foyers. Also available at the main office in Chapel.

SpeCial Speaker: paStor Carl toti SpeCial preSentationS by paStor Carl & gloria toti entertainment: StaCy ward For information call the Prime Timers Office at 792.3363 x266

Senior high girls only dinner @ Applebee’s. Bring enough money to cover your own food.

2010 summer camp - sh youTh for The naTions camp | dallaS, tx | JUNE 14 - 18

regular rate $275 • non-refundable $75 deposit & forms due maY 17

Forms and more information can be found @

TriniTy Early Childhood The greaT sky bridge showdown jr. saTurday nighTs • 6:30 pm sunday mornings • 10:00 am & 11:30 am

Grab your tool belt and join Newton, Dot and Spike at the construction yard! The Great Sky Bridge Showdown is not just about building a bridge, you’ll also use the stories of Exodus to build trust for God. For more information call the Children’s Ministry office at 792.3363 x300

TriniTy KidsPlaCE The greaT sky bridge showdown saTurday nighTs @ 6:30 pm sunday mornings @ 10:00 am & 11:30 am

Whether it’s huge towers, strong walls or even gigantic boats, the Bible is full of incredible stories about construction projects. In this new series, The Great Sky Bridge Showdown, we will learn about some of those projects. So, put on your hard hat and tool belt and let’s get ready to build a life that is pleasing to God!

TriniTy kidsplace blog

Hey Parents, did you know Kidsplace has a blog? Take time to check it out! You can find updated information on events and resources for you and your kids just by visiting For more information call the Children’s Ministry office at 792.3363 x300

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