May 2010 411

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May VOL . 5 ISSUE 5

PrizE WomEn summEr sChEdulE June 6th through august 18th

Deuteronomy 30:11 (NIV)

commitment weekend

Simply You… declares the potential to birth a variety of desirable outcomes.

Saturday, may 1 - Sunday, may 2

Bring your completed commitment card with you to be collected at the weekend worship services

celebration weekend

Sundays • Room 208 • 10:00 am

Saturday, may 15 - Sunday, may 16

Wednesdays • Room 209 (Tea Room) • 10:00 am

The initial offering and a celebration together for the work God has begun


naTional day of PrayEr thursday, may 6 | 12 - 1:00 pm Court house gazebo @ broadway & main trinity ChurCh sanCtuary

Prayers will be offered for National, State & Local issues Prayers will also be said for spiritual, social & moral issues: such as abortion, right to life & same sex marriages At Trinity, prayer stations for each prayer subject will be available

disCovEry ClassEs Christian foundations sunday mornings 11:30 am • room 206

A class for new believers to learn fundamental building blocks of the Christian faith

trinity 101 (mEmbErship class) sunday, may 16 • 10:00 am • ed 1 room 201 – or – Wednesday, may 19 • 7 pm • Chapel

This lighthearted and informative class provides great detail about the history of Trinity Church and our beliefs. This class is a discussion setting and questions are highly encouraged All those who complete the class are invited to a graduation meal

trinity 201 (spiritUal gift assEssmENt) sunday, may 23 • 10:00 am • ed 1 room 206

This class is designed to help followers discover their spiritual gifts and passions the Lord has instilled within them. Each individual also has the opportunity to discover the different ministry opportunities available at Trinity Church and what ministry will fit best with their spiritual gifts and passions. For information email or call 792.3363 x266

hEarTlinE WomEn’s CliniC heartline’s needs Heartline Women’s Clinic is in need of new or gently used baby clothes for the Spring/Summer in newborn/toddler sizes for both boys and girls. Please contact Mrs. Little at 788-0500

TriniTy ouTrEaCh CEnTEr thanK you! for supporting trinity outreaCh Center

Our last food drive was a tremendous success. The turnout was awesome! Please lift each person who comes through our doors in prayer. Pray that Christ will continue to use Trinity staff and volunteers as His hands and feet.

TriniTy ChrisTian sChool Kid’s fair – sCienCe speCtrum saturday, may 1 | 10:00 am - 3:00 pm tCs all sChool open house thursday, may 6 parenting Classes As parents, we are called to “train up our children in the way that they should go.” Come and join us on May 6 as we grow together in this calling. All classes will be held on the church campus from 7:15-8:00 PM. Thursday Morning classes 8:30- 9:30 am

Registration for TLC for summer and 2010/2011 school year is still open – a few spaces are left.


Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord Col 3:16 . -


Call mrs. summers for order form ( 792.3363 x283 ) or download an order form at


online giving is now available via our website @


evening service

6:30 pm

we aCCept food stamps: for Complete details ContaCt mrs. summers for details (792.3363 ext 283) order piCkup: piCk-up : loCation: (6701 university) time: 10-10:30 am order deadline:



8:30, 10:00, 11:30 am

6 pm • chapel

morning services


college ministrY

Jubilee choir


tac • 7 - 8:15 pm

8 pm • tac - stage 2

ChrisTian FoundaTions 11:30 am • ed.1 room 206

morning services 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 am



college ministrY

Jubilee choir

8 pm • tac - stage 2

6 pm • chapel

morning services 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 am



college ministrY

Jubilee choir

8 pm • tac - stage 2

6 pm • chapel

celebration weekend


no life groups

the sourCe

tac • 7 - 8:15 pm

freedom ministries

angel food deadline


evening service 6:30 pm

mens fraternitY

men’s basketball 7pm @ tCs - praCtiCe gym

chapel 6:15 - 7:30 am



ed.1 • 7pm (main campus) rm 209 • foundations of freedom rm 207 • co-dependancY

primetimers banquet

Choir praCtiCe

lower floor • 6 pm


the sourCe

tac • 7 - 8:15 pm

freedom ministries



college ministrY 8 pm • tac - stage 2

6 pm • chapel


ChrisTian FoundaTions 11:30 am • ed.1 room 206

employment opportunities –


mens fraternitY chapel 6:15 - 7:30 am



the sourCe

tac • 7 - 8:15 pm

freedom ministries


evening service

celebration weekend


evening service 6:30 pm

men’s basketball 7pm @ tCs - praCtiCe gym

mens fraternitY

(6701 universitY) ages: 15+

chapel 6:15 - 7:30 am



ed.1 • 7pm (main campus) rm 209 • foundations of freedom rm 207 • idolatrY part 2

adult game night

Choir praCtiCe

mens fraternitY

main campus (choir room) • 7 pm

6:30 pm

chapel 6:15 - 7:30 am

FT = Full-Time pT= part-Time openings | FT - Graphics designer | FT - information Technology Technician |

pT - nursery assistant | pT - Worship Leader | FT- Custodian | FT- administrative assistant to Children’s pastor | (2) seasonal pT - TCs summer Camp employee

Visit to apply and View job duties, responsibilities and qualifications.

15 6:30 pm

ed.1 • 7pm (main campus) rm 209 • foundations of freedom rm 207 • idolatrY part 1 main campus (choir room) • 7 pm

morning services 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 am


Choir praCtiCe

Jubilee choir

men’s flag football 2pm @ kastman park

chapel • 10:30 - 11:30 am

TriniTy 101 (membership) 7:00pm • ChapeL

TriniTy 101 (membership) 10:00am • rm. 206 ChrisTian FoundaTions 11:30 am • ed.1 room 206

spiriTuaL GiFT assessmenT 10:00 am • ed.1 room 206

little Kidsplace storY hour

main campus (choir room) • 7 pm

ChrisTian FoundaTions 11:30 am • ed.1 room 206



(6701 universitY) ages: 15+

mOthEr’s DaY

no life groups

12- 1 pm • courthouse & trinitY sanctuarY

main campus (choir room) • 7 pm

commitment weekend

no life groups


national day of prayer

life groups & the sourCe

Choir praCtiCe


commitment weekend

may 22

may 7 by noon

angel food piCKup


evening service 6:30 pm

youTh minisTry Jr/Sr HigH

College-age (18-25) evoKe tuesdays • 8 pm • stage 2

aeffeCt Worship experienCe - jh Wednesdays • 7 – 8:45 pm • praCtiCe gym (6701 UniverSity) • doors open @ 6:30 pm aeffeCt life groups - jh sundays @ 10:00 & 11:30 am • ed 3 (Main C aMpUS) youth for the nations summer Camp - jh july 5-9 • regular rate $275 • non-refundable $75 deposit & forms due maY 17 final payment due June 7

Visit to download forms.

aeffeCt serviCe opportunity - jh

host primetimers banquet

thursday, may 13 | 5:30 pm | lower floor meet us @ the edge for lunCh - jh free lunCh sunday, may 23 | 1 - 2:00 pm | 6701 UniverSity this is a family event. parents are welCome to Join us. jh/sh end of sChool Bash free Wednesday, may 26 | 7:00 pm | praCtiCe gym / the edge (6701 UniverSity) End your school year with a bang! Don’t miss out on this amazing night of fun.true Beauty Attention parents and students: Multiple small group outings are available throughout the month at various locations across the city. Contact your small group leader for more details. For more info on these events please visit our website

the edge Worship experience Wednesdays • 7 – 9 pm • the edge (6701 UniverSity) • doors open @ 6:30 pm sundays @ 11:30 am • Chapel (Main C aMpUS) the edge life groups - sh wired bible studies for more information please visit Bling - mother / daughter tea - sh (girls onlY) sunday, may 16 • 1-3:00 pm • the edge (6801 UniverSity)

The afternoon tea will feature mother/daughter pictures, games and a devotional. Please RSVP to the student ministry office by May 12.

jh/sh end of sChool Bash free Wednesday, may 26 | 7:00 pm | praCtiCe gym / the edge (6701 UniverSity) End your school year with a bang! Don’t miss out on this amazing night of fun.

2010 summer Camp - sh youth for the nations Camp | dallas, tx | JUNE 14 - 18

regular rate $275 • non-refundable $75 deposit & forms due maY 17 final payment due June 7 Forms and more information can be found @ theedgeonline.

TriniTy Early Childhood Center stage jr. saturday nights • 6:30 pm sunday mornings • 10:00 & 11:30 am

Hop on board the tour bus for Center Stage Jr.! Your children will join lead singer Pearl, her band, and their bus driver Enzo as they discover what it means to worship God. As the band prepares for each concert, Enzo teaches them about worship from eight different Biblical examples. Your children will participate in learning from these examples, as well as see how they can worship God every day in their own lives For more information call the Children’s Ministry office at 792.3363 x300

be on the look out for our summer Calendar!

ends may 18 University campUs (6701 university)

$2 espresso, good fellowship and awesome worship @ our Evoke service

living rooms

Need a place to build authentic relationships? Our Living Rooms are just what you need. Check them out and sign up for one today @

perKs - ladies only (ages 18-30)

Come and grow deeper in authentic relationship with God and other girls in your age group. Are you taking advantage of the ‘perks’ that are part of your ‘prize’ package? We would love for you to join us For more information call Mrs. Winkler @ 792.3363 x300

20somethings (25-30) Coffee ConneCtion sundays • 10 am • stage 2

University campUs (6701 university) Come enjoy a cup of coffee and great discussion about pursuing an untamable, loving God. For more information call 792.3363 x281

PrimE TimErs

Banquet spring love thursday, may 13

tiCkets $8 per plate

6:00 pm • lower floor • Catered meal

Tickets sold before and after Prime Timer’s Life Group in the Chapel - Sundays at 10:00 AM Entertainment: Pastor Stacy Ward For information call the Prime Timers Office at 792.3363 x266

CamP dry gulCh spots still availaBle, But they’re going fast! $290 per Child •EARLY BIRD PRICE EXTENDED THROUGH MAY • june 21 - 25 Visit for more information, or pick up your parent pack in the Lower Floor every weekend

TriniTy KidsPlaCE Big saturday nights @ 6:30 pm sunday mornings @ 10:00 & 11:30 am

We want children to lead BIG expansive lives, grow up to be BIG people that lead and influence in every area of their BIG lives. Believing in a BIG God and making a BIG difference. Don’t miss our special Kidsplace Summer Experience every weekend, as we explore the BIG role we play in God’s plan for the world!

it’s a KidsplaCe summer! Visit to keep up with all the summer events happening in Kidsplace! It’s going to be an awesome time to make plans to participate in our Summer of Fun! For more information call the Children’s Ministry office at 792.3363 x300

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