Trinity Church March 411

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init y LIFE






disCovEry ClassEs - no (trinity 101 or trinity 201) ClassEs in marCh chrisTian FoundaTions sunday mornings 11:30 am • room 206

A class for new believers to learn fundamental building blocks of the Christian faith.

TriniTy 101 (mEmbErship class) wednesday, april 14 • 7 pm • Chapel – or – sunday, april 18 • 10:00 am • room 206

This lighthearted and informative class provides great detail about the history of Trinity Church and our beliefs. This class is a discussion setting and questions are highly encouraged. All those who complete the class are invited to a graduation meal.

TriniTy WomEn If you aren’t keeping up with the blog, please visit Ladies, we are in the process of redesigning the women’s website and trinityprize will be the new domain name - be on the lookout for these fabulous changes.

Permission grated - pink impaCt ConferenCe 2010 - april 12-14 | gateway chUrch in dallas, tX A group of girls are getting together to attend this conference. We would love for you to join us. For more information contact Mrs. Mitchell at 792-3363 x312

perks - thurSday night @ 9pm | J&b coffee | 26th & broadway Come and grow deeper in authentic relationship with God and other girls in your age group. Are you taking advantage of the ‘perks’ that are part of your ‘prize’ package? We would love for you to join us. This group is for girls 18-30. For more information please call Mrs. Winkler @ 792-3363 ext 300.

TriniTy 201 (spiritUal gift assEssmENt) sunday, april 25 • 10:00 am • room 206

perks evenT - chocolaTe & chaT

hEarTlinE WomEn’s CliniC

TriniTy ChrisTian sChool

come hang ouT wiTh The girls! There will be lots of chocolate & conversation. Thursday, March 25th 7-9pm The Commons (TAC - 6701 University) For girls ages 18-30. Contact Ms Winkler @ 792-3363 ext 300.

This class is designed to help followers discover their spiritual gifts and passions the Lord has instilled within them. Each individual also has the opportunity to discover the different ministry opportunities available at Trinity Church and what ministry will fit best with their spiritual gifts and passions. For information email or call 792.3363 x266

abortion recovery bible stUdy Heartline Women’s Clinic is now offering an abortion recovery Bible Study. If you or someone you know has experienced the pain of an abortion and needs healing please call 788.0500

TriniTy ouTrEaCh CEnTEr Food drive saTurday & sunday, march 6 - 7 | piCkup your bagS in the weSt foyer

Items needed include: cereals, canned meats, chunky soups, boxed dinners, cake and frosting mixes. Questions call Outreach Center office at 788.0501

sTorehouse in need hotel SampleS - Soap, Shampoo, Conditioner, lotionS, etC. Bring to Trinity Outreach Center - 3027 34th Street. For more information call the Outreach Center office at 788.0501

Tcs 1sT annual heriTage gala and aucTion – Satin and SpurS Friday, april 30 | 6:00 pm | great room (6701 UniverSity)

Come join us for a night filled with multiple great food venues which include Italian and Mexican cuisine, beef tenderloin, delectable homemade desserts, a chocolate fountain, and a coffee bar. There will also be live entertainment and over 150 silent and live auction items. Some of the auction items include a trip to Vail, Colorado, a trip to South Padre Island, 4 Fabulous Dallas Cowboy Tickets, a hunting excursion, and many other amazing items. This is one event that you don’t want to miss! If you would like to donate an item for the auction, purchase a table for the event, or be one of our sponsors please contact Mrs. Cox at individUal tickets available. | tickets go on sale march 29 for $40 each.

TriniTy chrisTian school regisTraTion – 2010-2011 SChool year begins march 8

For more information, or to schedule a tour, please call: Lower School - 791-6581 or Upper School - 791-6583

mission week | march 8 - 12 | jr high and high school | week of prayer for stUdents on missions trips Five groups of High School students will be on mission trips along with other students who will be serving our local community for the week. Please pray for our students and staff to have a clear path for ministry and safe travel.

TriniTy lEarning CEnTEr – Full-time childcare will be provided for the 2010 - 2011 school year.

Open registration for the public will begin on March 22nd.

March online giving iS now available via oUr webSite @ trinitytoday.CoM




JUbilee choir


life groupS & the SourCe

college ministry

6 pm • chapel

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us Eph 3:20

tac • 7 - 8:15 pm

8 pm • the edge

Choir praCtiCe

main campUs (choir room) • 7 pm




chapel 6:15 - 7:30 am

6:30 pm

chapel • 10:30 - 11:30 am

freedom miniStrieS

ed.1 • 7pm (main campUs) rm 209 • foUndations of freedom rm 207 • overcoming life patterns


morning services


8:30, 10:00, 11:30 am

6 pm • chapel


JUbilee choir


college ministry

life groupS & the SourCe




Choir praCtiCe

primetimers banqUet

chapel 6:15 - 7:30 am

6:30 pm



chapel 6:15 - 7:30 am

6:30 pm

main campUs (choir room) • 7 pm

evening service

mens fraternity

lower floor • 6 pm

freedom miniStrieS

oUtreaCh Center food drive

ed.1 • 7pm (main campUs) rm 209 • foUndations of freedom rm 207 • mother woUnds

Christian Foundations 11:30 am • Ed.1 room 206


oUtreaCh Center food drive


tac • 7 - 8:15 pm

8 pm • the edge

evening service

mens fraternity

little kidsplace story hoUr

morning services


8:30, 10:00, 11:30 am

6 pm • chapel


JUbilee choir


the SourCe


evening service

mens fraternity

tac • 7 - 8:15 pm

Choir praCtiCe

main campUs (choir room) • 7 pm

freedom miniStrieS Christian Foundations 11:30 am • Ed.1 room 206



morning services


8:30, 10:00, 11:30 am

6 pm • chapel



JUbilee choir




college ministry 8 pm • the edge


ed.1 • 7pm (main campUs) rm 209 • foUndations of freedom rm 207 • father woUnds


life groupS & the SourCe




tac • 7 - 8:15 pm

Choir praCtiCe

main campUs (choir room) • 7 pm Christian Foundations 11:30 am • Ed.1 room 206




chapel 6:15 - 7:30 am

6:30 pm

mens fraternity

evening service

ed.1 • 7pm (main campUs) rm 209 • foUndations of freedom rm 207 • overcoming anger

6 Pm • main Sanctuary

morning services


freedom miniStrieS

EncountEr SErvicE




8:30, 10:00, 11:30 am

men’S flag football 2pm • kastman park Christian Foundations 11:30 am • Ed.1 room 206


college ministry 8 pm • the edge


Call mrS. SummerS for order form ( 792.3363 x283 ) or ( download an order form at trinitytoday.Com/angelfood )

life groupS & the SourCe tac • 7 - 8:15 pm

Choir praCtiCe

main campUs (choir room) • 7 pm

freedom miniStrieS

ed.1 • 7pm (main campUs) rm 209 • foUndations of freedom rm 207 • dying to self

order deadline: marCh 12 noon

order piCkup: marCh 27

piCk-up : loCation: (6701 univerSity) time: 10-10:30 am

Employment opportunities – Ft = Full-time Pt= Part-time openings | Ft - Graphics designer | Ft - information technology technician Pt - Worship Leader | Ft- Early Childhood Coordinator

Visit trinitytoday.Com to aPPLy and ViEW job dutiEs, rEsPonsibiLitiEs and quaLiFiCations.

youTh minisTry Jr/Sr high

college-age (18-25)

youTh For The naTions summer camp - jh july 5-9 • early bird rate $225 • non-refUndable $75 deposit & forms dUe march 29

We are all about authenticity re:invented

aeFFecT worship experience - jh wednesday’s • 7 – 8:45 pm • praCtiCe gym (6701 UniverSity) • doorS open @ 6:30 pm

$2 espresso, good fellowship and awesome worship @ our Evoke service

Visit to download forms.

aeFFecT liFe groups - jh for more information please visit sunday’s @ 10:00 & 11:30 am • ed 3 (Main C aMpUS) spring break bash - jh Free wednesday, march 17 | 7 - 8:30 pm | praCtiCe gym (6701 UniverSity) amazing race : digiTal scavenger hunT – jh Free Friday, march 26 | 7 – 8:30 pm | texaS teCh CampuS

We will meet at Memorial Circle (Broadway & University entrance) Attention parents and students: Multiple small group outings are available throughout the month in various locations across the city. Contact your small group leader for more details. For more info on these events please visit

The edge worship experience wednesday’s • 7 – 9 pm • the edge (6701 UniverSity) • doorS open @ 6:30 pm sunday’s @ 11:30 am • Chapel (Main C aMpUS) The edge liFe groups - sh wired bible StudieS for more information please visit march madness @ The edge (6701 UniverSity) - sh

evoke Tuesday’s • 8 pm • Stage 2 taC (6701 univerSity) living rooms

Need a place to build authentic relationships? Our Living Rooms are just what you need. Check them out and sign up for one today @

perks - ladies only (ages 18-30)

Come and grow deeper in authentic relationship with God and other girls in your age group. Are you taking advantage of the ‘perks’ that are part of your ‘prize’ package? We would love for you to join us.

perks - chocolaTe & chaT Thursday • 7 - 9 pm • the CommonS - taC (6701 univerSity) 20someThings (25-30) “We strive to collide with God and change our world.”

coFFee connecTion sunday’s • 10 am • Stage 2 taC (6701 univerSity)

Come enjoy a cup of coffee and great discussion about pursuing an untamable, loving God. For more information visit or call 792.3363 x281

PrimE TimErs banqueT Thursday, march 11

tiCketS $7 per plate

6:00 pm • lower floor • Catered meal (hill billy night)

Each Wednesday in March students will participate in team competitions. At the end of the month the winning team will receive a free mini lock-in at Bodyworks.

Tickets sold before and after Prime Timer’s Life Group in the Chapel - Sundays at 10:00 AM

2010 summer camp - sh youTh For The naTions camp | dallaS, tx | JUNE 14 - 18

For information call the Prime Timers Office at 792.3363 x266

Sign up with a $75 deposit before the end of March to lock in the early rate of $225 After March the price is $275 Forms and more information can be found @

coming soon: mini-loCk-in @ bodyworkS | april 2nd

TriniTy Early Childhood The greaT sky bridge showdown jr. saTurday nighTs • 6:30 pm sunday mornings • 10:00 am & 11:30 am

Grab your tool belt and join Newton, Dot and Spike at the construction yard! The Great Sky Bridge Showdown is not just about building a bridge, you’ll also use the stories of Exodus to build trust for God. For more information call the Children’s Ministry office at 792.3363 x300

entertainment: StaCy ward

TriniTy KidsPlaCE The greaT sky bridge showdown saTurday nighTs @ 6:30 pm & sunday mornings • 10:00 am & 11:30 am

Whether it’s huge towers, strong walls or even gigantic boats, the Bible is full of incredible stories about construction projects. In this new series, The Great Sky Bridge Showdown, we will learn about some of those projects. So, put on your hard hat and tool belt and let’s get ready to build a life that is pleasing to God!

spring break kids nighT ouT (1sT-5Th grade) Tac (6701 University) | Friday, march 12 | 6:00 – 10:00 pm | $5 per child

Come hang out and enjoy dinner, activities, games and a late night movie. For more information contact Children’s Ministry at 806-792-3363 ext 300.

TriniTy kidsplace blog

Hey Parents, did you know Kidsplace has a blog? Take time to check it out! You can find updated information on events and resources for you and your kids just by visiting

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